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No. 2470
(May 29th 2017 Issue)
Zengakuren and antiwar youths rose in
- Overthrow the neo-fascist Japanese government with the united power of the working class! (Pic above left: Demonstrators marching on the US Embassy and the PM Official Residence) 'Block the railroading of the conspiracy bill through the Lower House Committee!' Zengakuren bitterly fought in front of the Diet Building, May 19th (Pic above right) We denounce the forced passage of the conspiracy bill through the House of Representatives! May 23rd [2] 'Stop a nuclear Korean war with the strength of workers!' Militant workers and students demonstrated in the centre of Osaka city, May 14 - 'Workers and people, unite across borders!' A powerful appeal was presented by a Zengakuren member in a solidarity meeting prior to the demonstration (Pic upper in the right: Demonstrators besieged the US Consulate General with anger, hurling angry words against the warmongering Trump administration.) (Pic lower in the right: 'Down with the Abe government!' A militant demonstration.) [8] The Peace March and People's Rally in Okinawa uplifted May 12th-14th
'Never, ever allow the reclamation work for a new US base construction in Henoko!' 2,200 workers, students and citizens expressed their anger against the forcible construction of the new US base - Revolutionary workers and students endeavoured for a militant upsurge of the rally 'Stop a nuclear Korean war! Repeal the US-Japan Security Treaty!' Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students made an ardent appeal (Pic 1) After the rally, participants started a demonstration (pic 2), marching spiritedly near the construction site (pic 3). The Peace March: May 13th Militant students fought in the forefront of the peace march 'Stop the military operations against North Korea!' Demonstrators raised angry fists at the US headquarters in Ishinda (Pic 4) The JRCL made a revolutionary call in a rally against the conspiracy bill May 16th, Tokyo ![]() [3] Remove the US X-band radar base in Kyotango! Stop a nuclear Korean war! Shatter the US-Japan military alliance! Rise in action in Kyotango to remove the base on June 4th! The Japan Marxist Student League (RMF) Kansai Regional Committee 'Stop the outbreak of a nuclear Korean war!' Kanazawa Univ. students called on participants in an anti-constitutional revision rally held in Kanazawa, May 3rd (pic6) [4] Japan Post No to the rationalization of postal service and physical distribution! A. A mega postal and distribution centre was set up in Sapporo, Hokkaido, in April B. The management is plotting mass dismissals, forcible redeployment of workers and intensification of labour C. Mega distribution centres are being constructed one after another across the country, accompanied by the deployment of next-generation sorting machines [5] Teachers in Hokkaido Crush the introduction of an 'education workers' merit rating system' by the Hokkaido Education Board! - Don't allow the introduction designed to make 'obedient teachers' willing to support Abe's reactionary educational reform! - Condemn the leadership of the Hokkaido Teachers Union for accepting the system! Denounce the restart of the Takahama No. 4 nuclear reactor without taking a minimal safety measure after the serious crane accident! [6] 'Stop a nuclear Korean war!' The JRCL called on workers to rise in a fight, in May Day rallies Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation]-hosted rally in Osaka, May 1st The JRCL's ardent call evoked an enthusiastic response among workers Rengo Okinawa May Day rally, May 1st Topple down the Abe government! Revolutionary workers strived for a militant upsurge of the May Day 'ceremony' Topics No to the revision of the social security system by the Abe government! [7] Bring to light Abe's commitment to the Moritomo school scandal! (Part7) Overturn the Abe government desperate to hush up the scandal! Another 'Moritomo scandal': Abe's involvement in providing a special advantage to Kake Gakuen was revealed by an Education Ministry document TOP |
No. 2469
(May 22nd 2017 Issue)
Topple down the Abe government Stop the Trump administration preparing a military attack on North Korea! - Down with the neo-fascist government bent on restoring 'militarist Japan'! - Block the legislation against 'conspiracy crimes'! - Stop a nuclear Korean war! - Rise up against the Abe government, denouncing the existing leaderships of peace movements falling into a position of 'defending the homeland'! Stop the passage of the conspiracy bill through the Lower House! [2] ![]() 2,200 people rose against the base construction Militant students fought in the van, raising the slogan 'Stop a nuclear Korean war!' (Pic right) (details will appear in our next issue) Denounce the JCP leadership's policy on North Korea placing hope on Trump's 'diplomatic efforts'! - JCP bureaucrats are appealing to Trump to start a face-to-face talk with the North Korean regime - They harbour an illusion that Trump's reference to a 'summit talk' has created 'a trend towards a dialogue' - They are actually joining in the nationalist chorus against the 'threat of North Korea' 'Stop a nuclear Korean war!' 'Shatter the new US base construction in Henoko!' Angry Kagoshima Univ. students held a campus meeting, April 25th, Kagoshima [3] The US Forces in Okinawa have got ready for a military attack on North Korea Over a local government election, a ruling LDP member heaped another abuse on the people of Okinawa 'Their pledge is part of fraud-like tactics peculiar to Okinawans' [4] Create workers' offensives for higher wages in workplaces of small and medium-sized enterprises! (1) Workers' spring labour offensive in small enterprises is distorted and suppressed by labour aristocrats (2) Militant workers are struggling to create a fight-back in their workplaces (3) Don't allow the distortion of the spring labour offensive into one for 'delivering added value'! [5] Six years after the Fukushima nuclear power plant catastrophe - The Abe government is coercing evacuees to return to their hometowns still heavily contaminated with radioactivity - The government used every deceitful trick to cancel its evacuation order - Overturn the Abe government forcing poverty, predicaments and radiation exposure upon the people of Fukushima! Stop the restart of the Tomari No. 3 nuclear reactor built above active faults! [6] No to the privatization of the municipal subway and bus services planned by the local government of Osaka! Topics 'Japan's attack on a North Korean missile base should be counted as a self-defense action'?!: An ex-JCP bureaucrat put forward a shameless view on a daily newspaper [7] Revolutionary workers strived in the May Day rallies across Japan Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation]-hosted rally in Fukuoka, April 49th 'Stop a nuclear Korean war!' The JRCL ardently called on workers gathered in the rally May Day rallies in Ishikawa, April 49th - May 1st 'Down with the Abe government!' The JRCL issued a call in seven rallies held across the prefecture Aichi Roren rally in Nagoya, May1st Participants showed anger at JCP-affiliated leaders' sermons about the importance of 'appealing to the reason' of Trump and Abe [8] Kaleidoscope - The conspiracy bill, an unheard-of bad law: you will be executed if you gather together and gab a bit about anything - The JCP serves to help Abe's war on North Korea in the name of Japan's 'self defense' - Giving thought to the words of an old Korean poet living in Japan: Now is the time to overcome the tragedy of the Korean people divided into north and south - The Abe government is bent on arranging the contract for a huge investment of Japanese money to the French nuclear power industry TOP |
No. 2467-68
(May 15th 2017 Issue)
Stop a nuclear Korean war!
- Stop the warmongering of the US, Japanese and South Korean governments, as well as the North Korean government! - Rise up and topple your governments at home under the banner of proletarian internationalism! - Let us fight in solidarity with the people of North and South Koreas! [2] 'Rise to stop a nuclear Korean war!' The JRCL appealed to 55,000 workers and toiling people An anti-constitutional revision rally, May 3rd, Ariake, Tokyo 'Stop the revision of the Constitution! No to the 'legislation against conspiracy'!' 'Block the construction of a new US base in Henoko!' Angry voices of rally participants resounded throughout the venue
The ruling LDP has started emphasizing Japan's need to hold 'potential for pre-emptive strikes on enemy bases' [3] Solidarity messages from abroad in response to the call of the JRCL to stop a nuclear Korean war - Fraccion Leninista Trotskista Internacional - Colectivo por la IV Internacional (FLTI), Argentina - The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), Afghanistan - The Russian Party of Communists, Russia - The Organising Committee for the Reconstitution of the Fourth International (OCRFI), France - Workers Revolutionary Party (EEK), Greece [8] ![]() Zengakuren Okinawa staged an emergency protest: at the headquarters of the US Forces in Okinawa, April 26th (Pic left) Protesters' anger exploded at the Japanese government's forcible start of embankment work in Henoko Thousands rallied to the Okinawa People's Rally: in front of the Camp Schwab gate, April 29th 'Stop a nuclear Korean war!' The call of the JRCL evoked ardent responses among rally participants
(pic right ) Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students raised yells on the beach towards the construction site, after the rally. ![]() April 24th: Students blocked vehicles from carrying in construction materials April 25th: 'Stop the embankment work!' Together with workers and residents, they vehemently denounced the start of the cranes to throw rubble into the sea (Pic left) [4] Expose the Abe government's ultra-reactionary designs underlying the conspiracy bill! Shatter the legislation of today's version of the Maintenance of the Public Order Act! 1. The government is playing fascistic cheap tricks deceiving workers and the toiling masses 2. It is attempting to introduce an American-style repression in the name of public security [5] Stop the resumption of Genkai No.3 and No.4 nuclear reactor operations! The Takahama nuclear power plant accident: A giant crane fell amid the emergency work to reinforce the reactor vessel Expose the true cause of the accident! The Abe government accelerated the work to prepare for North Korea's missile attacks No to the restart of Takahama No.3 and No.4 nuclear reactors! [6] The fight of revolutionary workers in JEC [Japanese Federation of Energy and Chemistry Workers' Unions]: Denounce the treacheries of the labour aristocrats! Fight out for a militant upsurge of chemical industry workers' 2017 spring labour offensive! Topics 58 % of junior high and 34% of elementary school teachers have turned out to be working beyond the 'critical point' leading to death from overwork Teachers are plunged into murderous busyness caused by the Abe government's promotion of 'patriotic', meritocratic education [7] The JRCL called on workers to rise in a fight against a nuclear Korean war The 88th May Day rallies Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation]'s central rally, April 49th, Tokyo The JRCL called on 40,000 workers to overthrow the Abe government Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions]'s central rally, May 1st, Tokyo JCP-affiliated leaders' preaching about a 'joint struggle of constitutionalist opposition parties, citizens and trade unions' met a half-hearted applause Zenrokyo [National Trade Union Council]'s rally, May 1st, Hibiya, Tokyo Militant workers strived to overcome union leaders' distortion of struggles into a joint struggle with Zenroren for election campaigns TOP |
No. 2466
(May 1st 2017 Issue)
Stop a nuclear Korean war!
- Crush Abe's reactionary offensive aimed at building Japan into a strong military power! - Fight resolutely under the banner of 'anti-Fascism', denouncing the parliamentarianist distortion of struggles by the JCP leadership! [2] 'Block the new US base construction in Henoko!' 'No to the conspiracy bill!' 'Stave off the outbreak of a nuclear Korea war!' Thousands cried out against war: April 19th, Tokyo
[3] 'Stop the reclamation, embankment work!' 'No to a Korean war!' Protesters are staging a sit-in demonstration day and night in front of the US Camp Schwab gate: April 17th-19th, Henoko, Okinawa
'No to the building of Japan into a state capable of waging a war!' Thousands of workers, together with students and citizens, expressed their anger against the US and Japanese governments: April 15th, Osaka
'No to the restart of nuclear reactors!' Protesters demonstrated against the resumption of nuclear power plants 6 years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster: March 12th, Osaka (pic right) [4] Block the new US base construction in Henoko! Stop the reclamation work! Fight for a militant uplift of the May 15th All Okinawa Rally The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL I. We denounce the start of the landfill operation in Henoko! II. The US forces stationed in Okinawa is getting ready for attacking North Korea III. The Abe-led Japanese government is rushing headlong into participation in a Korean thermonuclear war IV. Rise against the US-Japan military alliance! Down with the Abe government! [5] Denounce the NTT management and the labour aristocrats for agreeing on only a tiny modicum of pay increase! 1. Denounce the suppression of wages due to the agreement on ultra-low figures! 2. Regular and non-regular workers! Unite and fight against the attacks under the pretext of the 'structural readjustment of business'! [6] Don't allow the union leadership to cooperate with capitalists in enhancing workers' productivity in the name of 'acquiring funds for wages'! -- A criticism of the action plan for the 2017 spring labour offensive of JAM [Japanese Associations of Metal, Machinery and Manufacturing Workers] [7] Condemn the labour aristocrats of Toyota for accepting the ultra-low wage hike offer! Topics No to the Abe government's revision of the nursing care insurance system! Disclose its deceptions in cutting services to the elderly and the disabled in the name of 'helping them to become self-supporting'! [8] Bring to light Abe's commitment to the Moritomo school scandal! (Part 6) The neo-fascist Abe government openly avows the use of the Imperial Rescript of Education for teaching in schools, aiming to instil in students the spirit of loyalty to the nation Nippon Kaigi: an ultra-nationalist, right-wing group supporting the Abe government White House spokesman Spicer's true fascistic colours: Hitler, who didn't use poison gas against his own people, is better than al-Assad TOP |
Stop a nuclear Korean war!
Protest voices resounded against the 'conspiracy bill' April 6th, at Hibiya Park, Tokyo Thousands of protesters denounced the start of the legislative process for the bill
(pic right) 'Stop the enactment of the bill! No to the constitutional revision!' Students shouted spiritedly in the demonstration An emergency action was held in Sapporo April 6th
(pic right) 'No to a surveillance society!' Workers, students and citizens took to the streets after a rally Shatter the legislation of the conspiracy bill, today's version of the wartime Act for the Maintenance of the Public Order! This is an attempt to introduce dirty 'American methods' of police investigations legalized by the USA Patriot Act [4] Japan Postal Union workers' 2017 spring labour offensive: Denounce the management for flatly turning down workers' wage hike demands! Condemn the labour aristocrats for agreeing on the pay figures lower than last year's! [5] Expose the anti-working class nature of the 'union members' opinion survey' conducted by the JP Union leadership with the aim of urging workers to increase productivity! [6] Denounce the labour aristocrats of the electricity industry for accepting ultra-low wage hikes and vowing to strive for boosting productivity! Bring to light all the deceptions in the 'work style reform' plan posed by the Yamato Transport management! Topics A horrible reality: Artificial intelligence is being introduced into labour control in the name of 'human resource technology' [7] China's 'new urbanization plan' forcing hardships on migrant workers and peasants (1) Migrant workers are being driven out of their dwelling places in urban areas (2) 'New cities' in the hinterlands, to which they are pressed to move have yet to be constructed (3) The bureaucratic plan of 'agricultural reform' is being justified by the deceitful separation of peasants' rights 'to use' lands from those 'to manage' them [8] Kaleidoscope - Trump 'decapitated' Stephen Bannon on the eve of the US's missile attacks on Syria - Trump issued a presidential order on trade with blatant state egoism - The government's plan to decommission Fukushima nuclear reactors within the next 40 years is like building castles in the air: the on-going probe into the melted cores inside reactors is forcing exposure to a high dose of radiation on plant workers - A fictitious monologue by the wife of the prime minister TOP |
Rise in an international antiwar struggle! No to the massacres of Syrian people by the al-Assad regime backed by the Putin-led Russian government! Stop the US administration preparing a war of aggression under the pretext of 'preventing North Korea's nuclear armament'! Oppose the US, Japanese and South Korean governments intensifying combat readiness! No to the Kim regime's anti-working class nuclear testing and missile launching! Oppose the strengthening of the globalized US-Japan alliance for aggressive war! Down with the Abe government! Workers and people all over the world, unite to fight against the nuclear arms race between the US and China /Russia! Shatter the legislation of the 'conspiracy bill'! No to the revision of the Constitution primarily targeted at the destruction of the war-renouncing Article 9! Overthrow the neo-fascist Abe government!
- Don't allow today's version of the Maintenance of the Public Order Act! - Smash every attempt to build Japan into a 'state capable of waging a war'! - Absolutely 'No!' to the promotion of ultra-rightist education by using the prewar Imperial Rescript on Education!
[2] Anger is flaring up all over Japan against the Abe government March 18th, Osaka 'Stop the constitutional revision! Topple the Abe government!' Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students fought in the van of the mass demonstration (pic1) March 19th, Fukuoka Militant workers strived for the upsurge of the rally against the constitutional revision, against the US-Japan security treaty (pic2) March 24th, Kanazawa The JRCL called on workers and citizens to accuse Abe of covering up the Moritomo scandal [3] Stop the reclamation work in Henoko! Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fought strenuously under the banner, 'Against the US-Japan security treaty!' April 1st, in front of the US Camp Schwab gate, Okinawa
Protesters stopped the crane on a construction barge dropping concrete blocks into the sea, March 30th, Henoko
'Halt the operation of the Sendai nuclear power plant immediately!'
Kagoshima Univ. students strived for a militant upsurge of the demonstration (pic right) [4] The first 'summit meeting' between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping [5] Expose the danger and reactionary nature of the 'conspiracy bill'! Stop the enactment of today's version of the notorious Maintenance of the Public Order Act! [6] Denounce the labour aristocrats of the Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions for agreeing on ultra-low compromise figures of pay increase! Definitely no to the legalization of long working hours that would lead to 'death from overwork'! Crush the government panel's 'action plan' for setting the 'upper limits' on overtime hours! Topics No to the outsourcing of public service work! Don't allow the dismissal of workers due to the restructuring of local governments! [7] A Rengo rally for the 2017 spring labour offensive in Okinawa, March 28th Militant workers strived to make a bridgehead for the upsurge of the spring offensive of SME and local industry workers A Rengo rally for the 2017 spring labour offensive in Aichi, March 5th Many workers raised angry voices against labour aristocrats restraining demands for higher wages Class struggle in Europe is on the verge of a crisis amid the rage of ultranationalism [8] Bring to light Abe's commitment to the Moritomo school scandal! (Part 5) The ultra-nationalistic right-wing Nippon Kaigi [Japan Conference] led Abe's stratagem to build a 'militarist elementary school' Sixteen out of the 20 cabinet members in Abe's government belong to Nippon Kaigi, whose tenet is the 'restoration of militarist Japan' Nationalist brainwashing education has been promoted in the Moritomo-run Tsukamoto kindergarten Abe once praised it as a 'model' for the 'recovery of education' The Abe government is plotting to restore a 'guideline for wartime home education' that whips up ultranationalism TOP |
No. 2463
(April 10th 2017 Issue)
Danger of war is mounting in the Korean Peninsula -- The Trump administration has set forth a hard-line policy against North Korea - Under the pretext of 'North Korean threat', the Japanese government is accelerating the military buildup - Let us advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle! [2] 'Block the construction of a new US military base in Henoko!' Thousands of people gathered in protest in front of the Camp Schwab gate, March 25th, Okinawa Let us create a surge of antiwar, anti-base struggle, denouncing the JCP's abandonment of struggles against the US-Japan Security Treaty!
Stop the restart of Tomari nuclear reactor No. 3 by the government and Hokkaido Electric Power Co.! 1. Unveil the deception of 'safety measures' and an 'agreement with local residents' 2. The government is clinging to the possession of potentials for manufacturing nuclear weapons 3. Fight for the immediate stop and scrap of nuclear plants, ----overcoming the JCP-led campaign to 'request a change for the better' of energy policies! Formidable difficulties in decommissioning Fukushima nuclear reactors - Robots to probe the reactor got stuck in nuclear debris one after another due to high-level radioactive contamination - Monopoly capitalists of Japan and the US see business opportunities in the state project ---and swarm around the development of new robots [4] The Leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] is attempting to subordinate the spring labour offensive to the JCP-led campaign for a 'coalition between non-government parties' A. JCP-obedient Zenroren leaders are manipulating trade unions for propagandizing policies to support the parliamentary coalition! B. By emphasizing 'social wage struggle', they are virtually abandoning the organizing of trade union-based struggles for higher wages C. Expose the fallacy of their argument, 'wage raise is needed to get out of the economic depression'! D. Their counterproposals only amount to complementing Abe's 'work style reform' E. Don't allow their parliamentarianist distortion of struggles! Let us fight out the 2017 spring labour offensive! [5] A late-night temporary worker died from overwork: a Panasonic factory in Fukui Prefecture Don't allow the planned closure of a Sharp Corporation factory in Hiroshima! [6] A Rengo rally for the 2017 spring labour offensive in Fukuoka, March 12th Militant workers strived for the upsurge of the spring labour offensive A Rengo rally for the 2017 spring labour offensive in Hokkaido, March 9th Militant workers raised their voices against the revision of labour laws Topics The Education Ministry ordered serious modifications in the screening of elementary school textbooks for nationalist 'moral education' [7] No to the conspiracy bill! Mass protests were staged
Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. students demonstrated with workers and citizens, showing directions for the struggle, March 19th, Nagoya (pic 1) 'Crush the Cabinet decision on the conspiracy bill!' Kanazawa Univ. students spiritedly fought with other protesters, March 19th, Kanazawa (pic 2) From a participant in the JRCL political meeting in last December: I'll be continuing our struggle in a spirit of 'Fight it out!' [8] Bring to light Abe's commitment to the Moritomo school scandal! (Part 4) The Abe government has just recently set a guideline for preschools: 'All children over 3 years of age should be familiar with the Rising-Sun flag and the 'Reign of the Emperor" anthem The Defense Minister Tomomi Inada also took an active role in the founding of ultra-rightist Moritomo school A second 'Moritomo scandal', a far more serious one machinated by Abe, is being disclosed: Massive financial support and extraordinary benefits were given to Kake Gakuen TOP |
No. 2462
(April 3rd 2017 Issue)
Condemn Shinzo Abe for providing 'special advantage' - Zengakuren denounced Abe, the main culprit of the scandal, now frantic to cover it up - The JRCL called on protesters to overthrow the Abe government (pic above) 'Don't allow Abe to hush up the scandal!' In front of the Diet Members' Office Building ![]() Let us fight for the removal of all US bases, for the repeal of the US-Japan Security Treaty! - Denounce the start of the reclamation work! - Oppose the strengthening of US bases as frontline bases for attacking China! - Create a big surge of antiwar, anti-Security Treaty struggle in opposition to the JCP's total abandonment of struggles against the Security Treaty! (pic left) Thousands of protesters gathered against reclamation, March 25th, at the Camp Schwab gate, Okinawa (details will appear in our next issue)
[2] The sixth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster Anger flamed out at the successive restarts of nuclear reactors 'Sayonara to nukes' national rally in Tokyo, March 20th Tens of thousands of protesters staged demonstrations in the busy streets of Tokyo (pic1) 'Thwart the resumption of operation of the Tomari nuclear power plant!' Militant students strived for the uplift of the 'Sayonara to nukes' rally in Hokkaido, March 11th (pic2) [3] 'Crush the conspiracy bill!' Voices of protesters reverberated through city streets, March 13th, Osaka Militant students in the Kansai region fought spiritedly with workers and citizens (pic3) The 139th meeting of the Zengakuren Central Committee ended in success March 14th-15th, Tokyo ![]() Smash the constitutional revision! Stop the new US base construction in Henoko! Foil the legislation against 'conspiracy'! [4] Shatter the deployment of CV22 Ospreys in Yokota for Air Force special operations! The realities of the strengthening of the US Yokota base in Tokyo - The Yokota base is being strengthened to facilitate special forces making sallies into enemy territory - It is strengthened as a relay and sortie base for fighter planes in attacking China - Its function as headquarters of the US-Japan integrated forces has been tremendously strengthened [5] Reports on the advance of struggles February 12th Workers' Solidarity Meeting I've decided to fight doggedly in opposition to the Zenroren leadership's distortion of struggles in a parliamentarianist manner! A welfare worker I express my determination to fight for the overthrow of the Abe government in firm solidarity with you workers striving for a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive A solidarity speech by the Zengakuren chairman [6] A Rengo rally for the 2017 spring labour offensive in Osaka, March 3rd Workers' angry voices were directed against the labour aristocrats who are abandoning wage struggles A Rengo rally for the 2017 spring labour offensive in Ishikawa, March 9th Denunciations were hurled at labour leaders' agreement with the government on long working hours Topics The 'urgent proposal' announced by the JCP to 'eradicate death from overwork' is against the working class interests 'The lofty ideal of a worker comrade as the subject of struggle came home to me' From a student who participated in the JRCL political meeting for the first time in last December [8] Bring to light Abe's commitment to the Moritomo school scandal! (Part 3) Shinzo Abe and his wife's direct initiative in advantaging 'special benefits' to Moritomo Gakuen is now as clear as day -- Moritomo head Yasunori Kagoike's sworn testimony in the Diet The ultranationalist school scandal was reported across the world The Moritomo-run kindergarten is instilling into the minds of its pupils hatred for Chinese and Korean people; Abe highly praised it [7] Kaleidoscope - Peter Navarro, Trump's economic advisor, is crying out for a hard-line policy against China - Japan's new helicopter carrier Kaga: commissioned to invade enemy territory and conducting amphibious operations - Japan's Coast Guard vessels are being sent to ASEAN countries: Abe the Trump-flatterer is bent on reorganizing the encircling net against China - Kim Jong Un vs. Trump: 'nuclear provocation' vs. 'assassination operation'? TOP |
No. 2461
(March 27th 2017 Issue)
Topple down the neo-fascist Abe government - Stop the legislation of a 'conspiracy bill'! ---Thwart the constitutional revision! ---Overthrow the ultra-reactionary Abe government! We denounce the extremely low wage hike agreed between monopoly capitalists and labour aristocrats! - The management is ruthlessly suppressing wage increase on the pretext of 'murky economic prospects' -- The stopgap measure to get through the bankruptcy of Abenomics has turned out a complete failure - Denounce the fake 'wage hikes' mocking workers! -- Smash the imposition of poverty on workers! - Oppose the intensification of labour imposed in the name of a 'work style reform'! - Win big, across-the-board wage hikes! [8]
Expose the collusive relationship of Ishin, another neo-fascist party, to the ringleader Abe over the founding of Moritomo's new school named 'Abe Shinzo Memorial Elementary School'! Never overlook the crucial role played by Ichiro Matsui, Osaka Prefectural Governor and leader of Ishin, who backed Moritomo Gakuen in cahoots with Abe! Moritomo Gakuen's ultranationalist education style is the very model for the Abe-promoted 'patriotic' education Iits curriculum is aimed to instil in its pupils 'the spirit of self-sacrifice for the nation' [2] Don't allow the legalization of murderous '100 hours of overtime a month'! Condemn the Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] leadership for endorsing the destruction of the eight-hour working day system! [3] Block the legislation of the 'conspiracy bill', today's version of the wartime Maintenance of the Public Order Act! - The bill to regulate 'terrorism preparation crimes' is full of lies and deceptions! - It is designed to grant tremendous investigative authority to the prosecution / police - Preventive suppression is aimed to nip protest movements in the bud - Smash the neo-fascist law! [4] Shatter the reactionary revision of the official guidelines for school teaching schemed by the Abe government and the Education Ministry! No to the full-scale introduction of 'moral education' as part of the curriculum! Oppose the promotion of a new form of meritocratic education! [5] Win big, across-the-board wage hikes! -- A criticism of the JAW [Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers' Unions]'s action plan for the 2017 spring labour offensive [6] Fight for the upsurge of the publishing industry workers' spring labour offensive breaking down the low wage increase offered by the companies! [7] Reports on the advance of struggles: February 12th Workers' Solidarity Meeting I'm determined to advance our fight in opposition to the official union leadership's acceptance of long working hours: A publishing industry worker 'Complete the same amount of work with less working time'!? Accuse the Rengo leadership of going along with capitalists who are crying for the increase in productivity! Topics A Labour Ministry panel made concrete proposals to introduce a 'severance pay' system aimed to liberalize dismissals and destroy trade unions TOP |