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No. 2030
(August 4th 2008 Issue)

Advance struggle against war and the US-Japan military alliance
together with struggle to stop a large increase in taxes!

Fight to stop the deployment of the nuclear-powered carrier George Washington!

Oppose a consumption tax hike!

Down with the ultra-reactionary Fukuda government

imposing war and impoverishment upon the working people!

- Intensification of a cold war-like hot war between the US and China-Russia
- The 'brain-dead' Fukuda government bent on ultra-reactionary offensives
- Down with the Fukuda government by an upsurge of antiwar struggle and politico-economic struggle!

(Pic Militant workers and students struggling to stop the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan entering Sasebo Port in Kyushu, July 28th)

The beginning of an environmental = economic war between the three poles
The G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit held amid the new confrontation between the US and China-Russia
- The end of the G8 Summit: a change in its nature
- Intensification of an economic war connected with conflicts over environmental issues between the US-Japan, the EU and rising economies led by China/Russia
- Tripartite acceleration of the destruction of global environment

No to the hypocritical G8 Summit!
- Kagoshima University students demonstrating (July 5th)

Militant workers and students struggling at a mass rally against the deployment of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to Yokosuka (July 19th)

The JCP praising an ex-UN officer for DDR in Afghanistan

Fight against the Hokkaido Prefectural authority's plan to close 16 prefectural high schools!

The central leaders in the Electric, Electronic and Information Workers' Union styling themselves 'guardians of temporary workers'

India struggling to be an 'economic big power'
(Continued from the previous issue)

Converted Trotskyists insulting the Russian revolution in 1917

The Communist No. 236

- Anger of the Maoi people
- US-dependent Japan turned an obstacle for the US
- The Olympic amid miseries of the Chinese people
- The Osaka governor
- A coercive immigration control for the G8 Summit


No. 2029
(July 28th 2008 Issue)

Fight for an international upsurge of antiwar struggle!
Fight in solidarity with workers and people all over the world
struggling against war and impoverishment!

- The beginning of a new environmental = economic war: The G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit
- Multiplier effects of the international financial turmoil and depression
- A crisis of warfare caused by the 'new confrontation between the US and China-Russia'
- Fight by overcoming the official peace movement abandoning opposition to the US-Japan military alliance!

Battle cries against the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit
- A militant demonstration by workers and students in Naha City (July 6th, Okinawa) (Pic right upper)
- Students in the Tokyo area marching from Waseda University (July 8th) (Pic right lower)

Militant workers and students struggling at a mass rally against the planned deployment of USS George Washington (July 13th, Yokosuka)

Join the 78th National Congress of Zengakuren!

Japan on a quasi-war footing
No. 8
- Missile defences expansively deployed in the Kyushu region

Series Fight against today's pauperization
No. 8 - 'Inheritance' of poverty: differences in education seriously widening

Steel making monopolies in Japan: trying to survive through oversea advancement

'Oppose the Osaka Prefectural authority curtailing personnel expenses!'
- 7000 workers at a rally of anger (June 20th)

Oppose the offensive to abolish the check-off system for destroying Osaka City workers' union!

Topics The central leadership of the Electric Electronic and Information Workers' Union offering a 'wage system according to different kinds of job'

India struggling to be an 'economic big power'

- Rights to development
- Caviare for G8 wives
- Clean energy?
- Playstation-3 for military use
- Pandemic


No. 2028
(July 21st 2008 Issue)

Resolute struggles against the hypocritical G8 Summit
July 5th-8th

Oppose the tripartite acceleration of environmental destruction
between the US-Japan, the EU and emerging economies led by China-Russia!

'Smash the G8 summit meeting!' Workers and students marching as crushing police repression and rightists' assaults (July 8th, Sapporo)
Demonstrators chanting passionate slogans (July 8th, Sapporo)
Students starting a demonstration from the Hokkaido University (July 7th)
A long banner showing our revolutionary tactics to thousands of workers
and people at the 'Peace Walk' (July 5th, Sapporo Odori Koen park)
Students with masks and placards exposing crimes of the G8 Summit
(July 5th, Sapporo)

Workers and students struggle
in Hokkaido

- The G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit marking a new phase in the environmental = economic war
- July 8th: 'Smash the G8 summit meeting!' A militant demonstration carried out by workers and students from all regions of the country
- July 7th: Oppose a new neo-colonialist invasion! National Students' Walk
- July 5th: Taking the militant lead in the 'Peace Walk' joined by 5000 people
- Revolutionary significance of our struggle

Nara Women's University

- Foiling the police flame-up of a 'fraud'

African leaders against another sanction on Zimbabwe

Okinawa: protests against Fukuda's attendance at the annual memorial event (June 23rd, Naha)

Series Japan on a quasi-war footing
No. 7
- A front base for the 'war on terror' and a war of aggression against China

On the brink of a nuclear disaster: a fire on the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington

Pakistan, turbulent amid the new confrontation between the US and China-Russia

The central leadership of Jichiro [prefectural/municipal workers' union] accepting wage cuts planned under the pretext of 'later retirement'

Kanazawa City: forcing the handicapped people to pay for medical treatments on their own accounts

Topics Day dispatch of workers: the deceptive plan by the ruling parties' 'to prohibit in principle'

Series Fight against today's pauperization
No. 7 - Overtime work: undermining workers

Global warming: 'rogue potatoes' troubling Hokkaido

[8] Kaleidoscope
- Nuclear plants: rapid proliferation
- Solar panels: a profitable venture
- Japanese monopoly capitalists split over net emissions reduction
- Bees in the US: Colony Collapse Disorder


No. 2027
(July 14th 2008 Issue)

The 46th International Antiwar Assembly, Aug. 3rd.
Advance antiwar struggles!
Fight against war, forced poverty and environmental destruction!

Overseas Appeal for the Assembly See

- The Fukuda government bent on raises in consumption tax and in the prices of daily necessaries
- A cold war-like hot war intensified by the new confrontation between the US and China/Russia
- Fight to advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle!

(Pic right: No to the hypocritical G8 Summit promoting the destruction of the global environment! Militant students struggling in the 'Peace Walk' in Sapporo, July 5th)

Two years after Comrade Kan'ichi Kuroda passed away
Fight for the renaissance of Marxism to break through the rotten 21st century world!

Chairman of the National Committee of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League Takuma Ueda
Politorgburo of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)
- Division of the present-day world into three blocs and the newly-intensified economic conflicts connected with environmental issues
- The collapse of American imperialism's dominance over the world as the 'sole superpower' and its historic, ideological meaning
- War, poverty and the destruction of Nature (human beings) exacerbated in a catastrophic form
- Fight for a greater advance in our anti-Stalinist revolutionary movement!

'Down with the Fukuda government!' June 15 struggles nationwide

- Kansai region: A militant demonstration on the prefectural LDP office (Osaka) (Pic right upper)
- Okinawa: Kengakuren protesting against the G8 Science and Technology Ministers' Meeting
- Tokai region: Stop the deployment of missile defences! (Nagoya) (Pic right lower)

Series Japan on a quasi-war footing
No. 6
US-Japan bilateral military exercises in Camp Nihonbara:
for 'assaulting and controlling an enemy land'

Series Fight against today's pauperization
No. 6 - No doctor for the poor

Topics Japanese corporations 'exporting' the so-called 'another division of labour management' (corporate unions)

- Africa: hell of hunger
- Sarkozy's reform of NATO

The Japanese military mobilized for the security of the G8 Summit


No. 2026
(July 7th 2008 Issue)

Rise in struggle in Hokkaido on July 7th-8th
Oppose the hypocritical G8 Summit

accelerating the destruction of the global environment!

- Conflicts over the 'reduction of CO2 emissions' between the US-Japan, the EU and the emerging states
- 'Emissions trading' and an economic war connected with conflicts over environmental issues between the three blocs
- Japanese imperialism driven into an impasse
- Denounce the official leadership supporting monopoly capitalist measures for 'environmental protection'

Newly intensifying conflicts over the development of ' environment-related technologies' and the embarkment on 'eco-business'
Struggles between US, Japanese and European imperialists intensified in a new phase

- The beginning of the 'environmental-qua-economic war' in a new phase between the three blocs
- Heated competition between the US, Japan and the EU over the technological development for 'environmental protection'
- Rushes for new 'eco-businesses'
- A new form of neo-colonialism

A signal gun for struggle against the hypocritical G8 summit
- United action of workers and students in Hokkaido (June 15th, Sapporo)
(Pic right top)

Voices for the overthrow of the Fukuda government
- Student March in Okinawa (June 8th, Naha)
(Pic right middle)

Aichi University: No to the planned relocation of the campus!
- 1000 students at a meeting (June 5th)
(Pic right bottom)

- Financial monopolies buying up all available farmlands in central/eastern Europe
- Revolts by fishermen

No to the plan for a coercive control system of schools

An explosion accident again: Nippon Steel co.

Topics 'Raise in minimum wages': full of lies

The Ozawa-led Democratic Party of Japan wearing the mask of 'people's life first: its nature against the working people
- Confusion over the 'censure motion on the Fukuda Cabinet'
- Deceptive alternatives stressing the need 'to save the unfortunate'
- Denounce the central leadership of Rengo pressing the ranks to support the DPJ

Overseas Appeal for the 46th International Antiwar Assembly
Fight against war, against forced poverty and against the destruction of the global environment! Create an international antiwar struggle!

Full Text


No. 2025
(June 30th 2008 Issue)

Oppose the hypocritical G-8 Summit held under the clothing of 'prevention of the global warming'!
Oppose interactive acceleration of environmental destruction by the rulers of
the US-Japan, the EU and rising economies!

- War over environmental issues entangled with economic conflicts intensified by the new confrontation between the US and China/Russia
- The official opposition movements in crisis and struggles by the revolutionary lefts
- Fight by overcoming the official opposition movement which is making a positive response to monopoly capitalist measures for the environmental protection

Series Environmental destruction of the earth accelerated by the triangular confrontation: No. 2
- The global warming and climate changes: aggravated destruction of the global environment


June 15th united action of workers and students to siege the Diet building in Tokyo

- Down with the Fukuda government!
(Pic right)


Series Fight against today's pauperization
No. 5 - Immigrant workers in hell - Intensified exploitation with no rights

Topics UI Zensen union leadership speaking for capitalists in the worker dispatching industry

Oppose the development of nuclear plants and nuclear arms under the cover of 'measures for the global warming'!
- Protests in front of the nuclear facility for Monju, a fast breeder (May 16th, Tsuruga in Fukui) (Pic right)

Angers against a plan for plutonium-mixed operation of Tomari Nuclear Plant (June 1st, Sapporo)

'Down with the Fukuda government!'
- Kanazawa University students demonstrating through their local city (June 1st, Kanazawa)

Students meeting in the Kansai region (May 15th)

Oppose the G-8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit!
We call on workers and all toiling masses in the world!

Full text

People who prefer radioactive fallouts to CO


No. 2024
(June 23rd 2008 Issue)

Rise in struggle
against the G-8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit
Oppose the rulers from the US-Japan, Europe and rising economies
mutually promoting the environmental destruction

The beginning of an environmental/economic war
- Clashes over the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- The Japanese government as the 'host' in a tight corner
A new form of neo-colonialism raising a flag of the 'protection of the global environment'
- 'Ecobusiness' : moneymaking ventures of financial monopoly capital
- Destruction of the global environment aggravated by the confrontation between the three blocks
Denounce the labour aristocrats in Rengo and the JCP leadership abandoning struggle! Create the working class strength for overthrowing the Fukuda government!

(Pic: workers and students in the June 15th demonstration in Tokyo)

Series Environmental destruction of the earth accelerated by the triangular confrontation:: No. 1

An environmental/economic war between the US-Japan, Europe and China/Russia

A new form of struggle for dominance over the world market through the 'emissions trading'

- Serious oppositions revealed in the Meeting of the Ministers of Environment
- An environmental/economic war: a 21st century form of the struggle between imperialist powers
- A new development of an environmental/economic war between the three blocks

'Antiwar Students' Walk' in Sapporo
- Under the banner of 'No G-8 Summit at Lake Toya!' (Pic right)

Series Japan on a quasi-war footing
No. 5
The Tenth Division of the Ground Self-Defense Force in Nagoya
: marching through downtowns with arms
The GSDF 33rd Regiment:
boastful of being 'the heir to the Imperial Army'

Oppressive security tightened for the G-8 Summit

The Basic Law for Civil Service Reform
- In disregard for basic rights of labour / the Secretary of the Cabinet given stronger authorities for personnel control

Critical voices against the leadership: May 15th meeting of Osaka prefectural workers unions

Topics Farcical arrests of bosses in a notorious company of workers dispatching business

Series Fight against today's pauperization
No. 4 - A livelihood (no)protection system for deserting the poor

[8] Kaleidoscope
- A fictitious monologue from Castro, after the Food Summit
- Food Crisis
- Privatization of commissariat
- The revealed dark side of China hit by the earthquake
- Military Facilities being erased from maps


No. 2023
(June 16th 2008 Issue)

Rise in the June 15th demonstrations!
Stop the deployment to Yokosuka

of the nuclear-powered carrier USS G. Washington!

Stop a consumption tax hike! Oppose the G-8 Summit!

- The new US-Japan military alliance strengthened in reality as an offensive and defensive alliance against China and Russia
- G.W. Bush faced with the total collapse of the US dominance over the world as the sole superpower
- Chinese/Russian rulers destroying the unipolar dominance of US imperialism
- Fight by overcoming the JCP-led 'anti-base' movement with no opposition to the military alliance

The autocratic Putin regime consolidated in the guise of 'a tandem'
- Medvedev's inauguration: a ceremony to continue the Putin line
- The Prime Minister's Office with stronger authority and the reorganization of the ruling apparatuses
- 'Leap to a world power': difficult to attain

'No to the MD deployments!' Kansai students marching through (May 25th)

A hundred students demonstrating against the planned relocation of the campus (Aichi University, April 11th) (Pic)

Series Japan on a quasi-war footing
No. 4 - Special units reinforced for guerrilla war

For US forces: excessively luxurious residences in Sasebo City

Japan's new law for a military use of space

Series Fight against today's impoverishment!
No. 3 - Workers with disguised managerial posts: no pay for overtime work

Postal workplaces: reorganization of collection/delivery centres

'Invalid dismissal' ruled by a High Court against Matsushita PDP

Topics Don't force overtime work upon nurses with no pay!

The new subway line in Tokyo: danger-ridden

Teachers increasingly replaced by temporary staff

[8] Kaleidoscope
- The JCP: immediate support for the SDF dispatch to China announced (and failed) by the Fukuda government
- Cluster-bomb ban: riddled with holes
- GM foods: dietary dependence
- The Osaka Governor: 'You are no responsible for the financial crisis, and yet must answer for it as public servants'??


No. 2022
(June 9th 2008 Issue)

Down with the Fukuda government!
Stop an increase in the consumption tax!
Fight against the worst change in the social security system!
Advance the antiwar struggle and the politico-economic struggle
by breaking through the Rengo's industrial patriotic movement!

June 15th - March on the Diet!
Oppose the deployment of missile defence systems! Fight to stop a consumption tax increase!
Throw over the ultra-reactionary Fukuda government
with the force of struggles by workers and students!
Central Students' Orgburo
(1) The Fukuda government bent on increasing the mass expropriation and strengthening the US-Japan military alliance
(2) A cold war-like hot war intensified between the US and China/Russia
- The lame-ducked Bush administration on its deathbed
- China and Russia launching an offensive to break the unilateral US domination of the world
(3) Opposition movement in crisis
(The above in the previous issue)
(4) Criminal alternatives by the JCP abandoning the principle against the US-Japan military alliance and against monopoly capital
(5) Down with the Fukuda government by a militant upsurge in the antiwar, anti-military alliance struggle and the politico-economic struggle!
- Advance the struggle against the deployment of MD systems under the banner against the US-Japan military alliance!
- Stop the consumption tax hike! Oppose the worst cuts in social security! Advance the politico-economic struggle!
- Rise in a struggle against the July G-8 summit in Hokkaido!

'Down with the Fukuda Cabinet!'

- Students marching through Nagoya city (April 27th)

Series Japan on a quasi-war footing
No. 3 - The Central Readiness Force set up in the Ground Self-Defense Force

Series Fight against today's impoverishment!
No. 2 - 'Personal subcontract': Labour that is forced upon workers with no right

Topics Deceptive 'self-regulations' by the national association of temporary staff agencies

Major newspaper companies launching a reorganization of the industry for survival

A stormy offensive of dismissal, wage cut and a union bashing: Privatization of the Himi City Hospital in Toyama Prefecture

Outcry of a life: Reading a book by a doctor under medical treatment, against the reform of social security

Poem: Eyes of the heaven

A JCP bureaucrat praising the education ministry's 'alteration' of the history textbook

- Medvedev's first errand
- The JCP Chairman on Das Kapital: bizarre!
- The presidential election in Paraguay
- ID cards in buying cigarettes


No. 2021
(June 2nd 2008 Issue)

June 15th
March on the Diet!

Oppose the deployment of missile defence systems!
Fight to stop the consumption tax increase!
Throw over the ultra-reactionary Fukuda government
with the power of struggles by workers and students!

Central Students' Orgburo
(1) The Fukuda government bent on increasing the mass expropriation and strengthening the US-Japan military alliance
(2) A cold war-like hot war intensified between the US and China/Russia
(3) Opposition movement in crisis

Okinawa, May 16th-18th: militant workers and students struggling in the annual peace march
- The Okinawa People's Rally with the voices against the US-Japan military alliance (May 18th) (Pic right upper)
- 'Remove US bases!' Okinawa Kengakuren in the forefront of peace marchers (May 18th, the headquarters of US Forces in Okinawa) (Pic right lower)

Series Japan on a quasi-war footing
No. 2 - US warships calling at civilian ports in Hokkaido in succession

New SDF units against 'cyberattacks'

Series Fight against today's impoverishment!
No. 1 - The Absolute poverty imposed upon workers amid the neoliberalist reaction

- Intensified burdens upon the working people
- Cruel restructuring and intensified exploitation by monopoly capitals
- Results of the neoliberalist 'structural reform' by the LDP government
- The forced poverty unified with the offensives to build 'a state that can engage in war'
- The impoverishment caused by the rot of the official leadership of labour movement

Temporary and subcontracted workers in hell
- Rampant acts effectively illegal

Militant workers struggling at May Day rallies
- Rengo Osaka
- Rengo Hokkaido
- Zenroren Aichi

Topics McDonald's Japan: a new, deceptive method for unpaid overtime work

[8] Kaleidoscope
- The natural and man-made disaster
- Soaring expenses for education: gaps succeeded
- Revolts of military robots


* Weekly Kaihoh is edited only in Japanese.
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