Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation |
Break the War Clouds! 1. The Taliban's defeat followed by the crisis of a fifth Middle East War 2. Formation of the contemporary 'Crusade' and the intensification of the new 'Cold War' 3. Japanese imperialism: rushing on the road of war participation 4. The US and Japan entering a wartime economic system II. Overcome the bankruptcy of Stalinism! Pioneer a 'century of revolution'! 1. Historical significance of the September 11th event and its shock waves 2. Disband the JCP degraded to a complement to the war of aggression! 3. Win a 21st century re-creation of the anti-Stalinist communist movement! [4-5] On the side of the contemporary Crusade: the historic crime of Ruinous Russia and Dragon China I. Fishing in troubled warters: Russia's support to the Afghan invasion 1. Arrogant imperialist America extending the war after the 'defeat of the Taliban' 2. Russian and Chinese rulers joining the chorus against 'Islamic extremists' 3. Progressing 'US-Russian co-operation' and misgivings of the Chinese leadership II. Attempts to counter and check the US policy to divide between China and Russia 1. Orbital adjustments of unilateralism by the Bush administration 2. Under the banner of 'A Great Russia Again': a Machiavellian diplomacy 3. The WTC membership and attempts to leap into a 'rich and strong China' [5-6] Cartoon: Evilest Devils Declining See [8-9] Plunge into 'wartime economy' under the global recession: US, Japanese, and EU imperialism desperate to climb out of the depression with the help of militarization I. Shock waves of the Jihad attacks 1. A caldron of international financial confusion 2. Plunge into the global recession II. Revealed limitations of the globalization as Americanization 1. Exploded contradictions of the 'indebted economy' of the US 2. The international structure of monetary circulation going out of order [10-11] Resolutions for New Year expressed by JRCL constituents: No. 1 - Hokkaido Regional Committee - Kansai Regional Committee - Municipal Workers Committee - Traffic and Transport Workers Committee - Electric Industrial Workers Committee - Media Workers Committee - Telecommunication Industrial Workers Committee [12] Photo Special No. 1: Against the US / UK atrocities in Afghanistan TOP |
Stop the contemporary 'Crusade' extending
the aggression! - The 'asymmetrical war' expanded over the Middle East / Islamic world - Atrocities on Palestine - Bush's plot to split between China and Russia and the formation of an 'imperialism-Russian union' - Denounce the JCP central leadership degraded to a 'complement to the war of aggression'! Advance antiwar struggles! Denounce Israel's invasion upon Palestine and massacres! [2] Stop the new PKO bill! Zengakuren staged their protests near the Diet Building Dec. 7th. - Okinawa Kengakuren also protested against the prefectural LDP office for the bill to expand the scope of SDF participation in UN peacekeeping operations. At a JCP-led peace conference in Okinawa on Dec. 1st: critical views erupted against the 'anti-terrorist' tactics set up by the party's central leadership - "It's criminal to endorse 'military measures by the UN'," said a participant against a JCP leader. - A Ryukyu Univ. student receives warm applause after voicing that "the September 11th attack is not an indiscriminate terrorism." - JCP bureaucrats suppressed critical leaflets. [3] Photo special: Struggles in 2001 [4-5] Sweep the Chukaku faction away! - Their last decade infiltrated by CIA agents - The self-styled 'Leninist party' revealing anti-Leninism [6] Helping the negative reorganization of the social welfare system: Rengo's view of 'sustainable welfare society' - 'Generalization': acceptance of a strengthened expropriation from aged people - 'A productive aging': pressure to make people work hard by the age of 75 - Social welfare only for 'an unexpected trouble' - 'An effective government': following after the 'small government with a big state' The individual burden multiplied from 60 to 120 thousand yen - what is meant by the government's plan to build a new type of facilities for the aged Topics: 'Tactics for the coming spring offensive' set up by trade union leaders in auto, shipbuilding, and chemical industries: 'Overcoming the terrorism-caused recession' stressed instead of higher wages A letter from a postal worker - Please deliver more JRCL leaflets to my work place [7] How did our precursors try to overcome mass-movement-ism?: For mastering the 'dialectic between the organizing of mass movement and the building of vanguard organizations' - Failures in overcoming mass adulationist deviation - Mass-movement-ism and struggles to overcome it: 'two-stage tactics' proposed / causes for the proposal / dialectic between the organizing of mass movement and the building of vanguard organizations - For mastering the lessons - I win my break and advance. A letter from a member of the JCP - It is definitely a mistake for the party's central leaders to neglect opposing the US bombing. [8] - Season's gifts from Rumsfeld to Afghans - Who is afraid of the anthrax scare: likely to reveal the plot - A will of a diseased postal worker: I do not believe my bosses. TOP |
Denounce Israel's attacks on Palestine! Stop inflated American imperialism expanding its aggression over the Middle East and the Islamic world! - Escalation in the genocidal attack on Palestine - The Taliban's retreat from Kandahar and conflicts over a new administration - 'Fruits' of the Bush administration's policy to split the tie between China and Russia - For an international antiwar struggle to stop imperialist America expanding the war! Never allow Japanese troops join the war! [2] 'Denounce military attacks on Palestine!' Dec. 4th Zengakuren exploded their angers at the Israeli Embassy in Tokyo. - Stop the rightist Zionist Sharon government continuing its offensives for genocide! A trade-union based rally in Tokyo to reject the war November 27th - JRCL inspired 6000 workers against the war. - Leaders from the Democratic Party denounced. At a public hearing of the Diet's research panel on the Constitution in Nagoya - 'It's just a ceremony for revising the Constitution!' 'No to the dispatch abroad of Japanese troops!' Militant students struggled in spite of repression. - Supportive responses to the interventions by the students. Zengakuren Hokkaido fought. - 'Stop US Marines advancing to Kandahar!' Students voiced at the US Consulate in Sapporo Nov. 27th. - University of Hokkaido and other students waged protests at the regional LDP office against the second dispatch of SDF troops Nov. 25. [3] Denounce the nuclear accident in Hamaoka Plant! - Stop resuming the operation! - Oppose operation of the decrepit plants! - Advance struggles against the development of nuclear power generation and nuclear weapon! Militant workers and students heckled JCP Vice-Chairman Ueda at a JCP-led peace meeting. - 'It is necessary to resolve backgrounds for terrorism', nonchalantly said Ueda, contradictory with the official statement. - 'The September 11th is a fight-back against tyrannies of imperialist America', a militant worker criticized Ueda. - 'I pay back money. So will you leave here?' said a partcrat in charge, unable to conduct any counter-argument. [4] The late days of the Blanquist against the state power: Yoshimoto Taka'aki, revealing his death in response to the September 11th 1. 'They had to slam after letting the passengers off'!? 2. Return to his past of being a militarist boy 3. A senile fascist 'My ideal is American democracy.' 'The Greater East-Asian War was for liberating colonies.' [5] An illusion of the US Marine retreat from Okinawa produced from a misreading of the Armitage Report 1. The Okinawa issue as 'a chance for developing the relationship between Japan and the US'? 2. Accepting the strengthening of the Security Alliance with the 'reduction of Okinawa's burdens' as a smoke screen [6] Labour Front Mass sacking at Japan's last coal mine - Repeated surrenders by the leadership Social-welfare workers section of the Jichiro [Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union] - The central leaders shouting, 'Upgrade your service!' - Angry voices from the rank-and-file members against the corrupt leadership - Affiliate members in private sectors exploding casting criticisms and doubts [7] Kaleidoscope 2001 - An accusation from a film director: 'The statue of Buddha must have collapsed himself from humiliation.' - What can be get with 60000 sheep and 250 million pieces of bread: equivalent to bin Laden's head - General contractor Aoki Corp.'s bankrupt: 'shows that structural reform are proceeding smoothly', said Koizumi. [8] Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Works - What I thought of around the 'workers' school' sponsored by K. Kuroda. Reading Early Writings of Kan'ichi Kuroda: a beacon to the new century - Bitter struggles for self-regeneration - Epic poetry of the creation of the anti-Stalinist movement - Returning to the beginning TOP |
Stop the SDF Vessels Leaving for the War!
![]() - Nov. 30th Zengakuren staged protests at the front gate of the Diet Building. Denounce the US force launching ground campaign! - Nov. 27th Zengakuren protested against the US Embassy. (Photo left: Zengakuren at the SDF Sasebo base, Oct. 25th) Militant students fought against the planned nuclear facilities in Hokkaido Nov. 11th - Together with trade unions and residents. - Denouncing the Democratic Party central leadership accepting the plan. A JCP-led rally in Sapporo Nov. 21st - Never allow the central leadership to admit 'UN's military measures'! Zengakuren propaganda received supportive responses [3] Kaleidoscope 2001 - Arrogance of 'civilized nations': Condemn those atrocities, not the Korean tradition of 'eating canine meat' - A strange custom of Paparagies: No cover on a face but over a body. - Buddhist philosopher's comments on Bush's war: and Susan Sontag on the war. [4-5] Special: Afghanistan in full colour - Post Taliban: intensifying conflicts between Russia and the US - Next Iraq: Warmongering spread throughout the Middle East - War-torn Afghanistan: 20 yeas of aggression and internal conflicts - Ideas and movement for Islamic resurrection [6] Hokkaido Teachers' Union Education Research Meeting held in a militant mood Oct. 26-28: militant members of the trade union led discussions, under the banner 'No bombing! Stop the war participation!' - Corrupt cadres introduced police forces for 'security' - Resolutions adopted at commissions against the air raids and Japan's participation in the war - Against the HTU leadership scheming to degenerate the Education Research Meeting. TOPICS: Rengo's line for the labour offensive 2002 and President Sasamori pledging his loyalty to the government and employers [7] Corrupt leaders in medical workers' unions: helping closures of local hospitals - Accepting the so-called private finance initiative. - Is it truly the policy of our trade union? Angers emerged among the rank and file members Gorbachev: like a young girl dreaming - 'Globalization is neither good nor evil'? - Believing in the possibility of a world government - Favouring Rice in stead of Raisa. [8] Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Works - Touched with our seniors' fight, some power comes out. Expose the deception of the nationalist history textbook - 'Emperor Showa was pacifist' ???? A massacre in a prison - The truth of the Taliban captives' 'revolts' TOP |
Stop the US continuing the atrocious war!
Denounce the deployment of ground troops!
Fight to block the contemporary 'Crusade'
committing wars of aggression in Afghanistan
and the Middle East! - The Bush administration mad on hunting the Taliban - Afghanistan plunged into warfare of rivalries among local forces - Warmongering in the name of 'asymmetric war' - The Koizumi administration 'showing the flag' as 'an enemy to the Muslims' - Overcome the miserable deaths of the official 'left' parties! Win a great advance of international antiwar struggles! ![]() Nov. 25th Zengakuren protested against the dispatch of the SDF fleet to the Indian Ocean: carrying out militant struggles in the three port from which the war vessels were sailing. off. (Photo: students' boat trying to block the SDF vessl leaving Sasebo port) [2] 'No participation in the war!' voiced: a sharp blow to Koizumi at the 'Town Meeting in Tokyo' on Nov. 18th - Koizumi turned pale as the deception of his 'dialogues with the nation' revealed - Denounce the arrests of two students! Fukuoka prefectural police staged an 'anti-terrorist' drill: capturing a mock terrorist wearing a Zengakuren helmet and showing it off to the media - Zengakure Kyushu protested against the police and NHK for the vicious propaganda. 'Stop the joint military anti-guerrilla drill!' ZengakurenHokkaido fought. - Nov. 12th: protested at the SDF Eniwa base, - Nov. 11th: joined a trade-union based rally in the city. [3] Kaleidoscope 2001 - American vultures in Japan: the second front line of unilateralism - Rivalries among local war lords in Afghanistan - Bin Laden budges confiscated in China as 'culturally wicked goods' - What is behind the 'punishment' of police cadre men [4] Brightness and darkness of China, the 'factory of the world': consequences to be from the membership of the WTC 1. A 'clash' between EU and developing countries 2. Emergence of the Chinese problem as the Achilles' heel of the world economy in the 21st century 3. China's promotion to a 'superpower' and subordination to the imperialist financial domination [5] 'Creation of a recycler socio-economy' and its fallacy: criticism of the Environment Ministry's measures for the garbage problem 1. The garbage problem getting worse 2. Deceptive 'solutions through developing a venous industry 3. Overcome the submission to the ideology of 'recycling' [6] Labour Front Rengo rally for public workers on Nov. 5th - Leaders helping the governmental 'civil service reform' - Perfunctory demands for 'jobs' - Angers mounting against the labour aristocrats Osaka prefectural board of education: scheming to purge fighting workers - A 'manual' issued to exclude 'inappropriate teachers' Whither the JTU? - What is meant by the new slogan 'Learn together with kids' [7] The planned deregulation in taxi business - Stop changing the current wage system! From a meeting of public workers' unions - Leaders to abandon the anti-privatization line in the name of 'redefinition' [8] (Continued from the top page) TOP |
Stop the Second Dispatch of SDF Troops!
Stop the US / UN Aggression against
Afghanistan! Oppose the Stationing of Multinational Forces!
Advance Struggles against the War Participation! Denounce the JCP Central Helping the War of Aggression! - Taliban's retreat and intensifying conflicts over a 'new government' - Conflicts among ethnic groups assuming a 'north-south division' ![]() - The Koizumi government starting its participation in the war - Stop the dispatch of SDF troops! Never allow the JCP central to cover up their failure! Impeach the arrests of student protesters! - The Koizumi-attended 'Town Meeting in Tokyo' on Nov. 18th: two students with their official permit cards were arrested after voicing their opposition to Japan's participation in the war. (Photo left) [2] ![]() - Nov. 9th: 'Stop sending troops to the Indian Ocean!' Prefectural Kengakuren students waged protests at an SDF base. - Nov. 30th: 1000 people rallied against the war in a town nearest to the largest US base. (Photo right) Students marched through Kanazawa City on Oct. 29th. - No to the bill for war participation! [3] Kaleidoscope 2001 A war for woman liberation? An extreme example of Yankee sophistries A humanitarian killer? Wanting 'Ladin's head on a dish'. An orphan in Asia: although disregarded and neglected by others in ASEAN plus 3, Koizumi's official statement is 'having been understood'. China: going with the trend of the youth. Where are all mails sent to? America's Carnivore system for surveillance [4-5] The crisis of the globalized world economy under the 'war' Expanding economic effects of the suicide-bombing jihad 1. Aggravation of the simultaneous global recession starting from the US - International financial instability under the war of Afghan aggression - Badly damaged business in the US - The crisis of East-Asian economies dependent on exports to the US - Japan under the bottomless depression 2. Exposed contradictions of the American globalization - America's trend to an indebted economy - An abnormal tendency of the international monetary / capital circulation 3. Breakthroughs by means of 'wartime economy' - Turn to a 'wartime economic system' - Exposed limitations of the 'cyber capitalism' [6] Labour Front Remove the central leadership stained with dirty money! JRCL Prefectural and Municipal Workers Committee Win a militant rebirth of the Jichiro labour movement!- Denounce the central labour aristocrats who have traded on the Jichiro trade union! - Never allow them to change the Jichiro into a labour movement serving the state - Down with the central leadership! Smash the civil service reform! Postal budget for fiscal 2002: One-billion-yen black note planned through a mass reduction in personnel - Postal bureaucrats desperate to show a healthy account A JCP-led rally for 'eradicating terrorism' in Aichi Prefecture - My resolution to liberate trade union members from illusion for the party's central leadership made up after joining the rally under the signboard reading 'Condemn the terrorism' with no reference to Bush or Koizumi Topics: Monthly economic report from the government showing the bankruptcy of the Koizumi reform [7] Denounce the JTU leadership currying favour with the education ministry! - The notorious leader who praised the nationalist school textbook expressed his self-justification in a right-wing monthly magazine. The Chukakuha remnants silenced before criticisms of their spy connections - Final Blows to the state tools [8] Russian Stalinist parties: exposing their criminality and limitations through their responses to the Sept. 11th - CPRF helping Putin by joining the chorus for 'eradicating terrorism': 'Russia's national interests' as their only criteria - Richard Kosolapov's party voicing empty cries against the US and imperialism Responses to Kuroda's Topos and Praxis - Deadly silence and high appraisals Dr. Nakamura Yujiro's 'shutdown of thinking' before the suicide bombing for jihad - 'Scenery of the legendary world'? - Incurable TOP |
No Participation in the War! - Also marched on the MSDF District Headquarters and a US base. - Nov. 10th in Tokyo: 1000 workers and students demonstrated on the Diet and the US Embassy (Photo below). - Stop an Aegis destroyer fleet leaving for the war! [2-3] ![]() - Nov. 8th: Zengakuren waged an emergency struggle against the ministry. No to the bombing! No participation in the war! Oct. 29, Stop the Bill passing the House of Councillors: Zengakuren struggled in Kagoshima, Sapporo, and Okinawa. Oct. 21st: an antiwar joint action in Osaka waged, marching through the central Osaka. Oct. 22nd: JRCL propagandized at a JCP-led rally in Osaka. Never allow the JCP to join the 'anti-terrorist' chorus! Oct. 19th, Nagoya: Do you include W. Bush in your 'international coalition against terrorism'? JCP members silenced by our Open Letter: Oct. 24th, Kagoshima: Militant students joined a JCP-led rally and criticized them. [4] Yamauchi Masayuki: a red-helmeted radical turned professor praising the US war of revenge 1. Sept. 11th as a 'challenge against the whole civilization'? 2. 'Terrorism' viewed as 'barbarity' from absolutization of the western civilization 3. Self-righteousness in the 'conflicting civilizations' theory [5] Controversies over reaction to 'September 11th' among Trotskyists in the West - Controversies over the slogan 'Condemn the terrorist attacks': within the 'Socialist Alliance' and 'Stop the War Coalition' in Britain and meetings in the US - Denounce the US/UK air-raid terrorism! For an international antiwar struggles! Stop Tokyo Gov. Ishihara introducing the 'Chief' in the school management! - A new post introduced for reorganizing the current system of school management into a top-down pyramid - Criticize the JTU central leadership for degrading the union to today's version of the Educational Patriotic Association! Never allow the Tokyo leadership to follow the central! - Stop the introduction of 'Chief'! Fight against the war of aggression and Japan's participation! [6] Workers in small and medium companies: No to the major restructuring! No cut in bonuses! Oppose 'establishing rules for dismissals'! Let us fight for militant autumn struggles! Denounce the central Rengo leadership for their full co-operation with capitalists! - Capitalists roar: More sackings for more profit - Stopped finance brought successive bankruptcies - Labour aristocrats in Rengo intimidate affiliates: less efforts of trade unions for corporate management leads to restructuring - Oppose the central Rengo leadership co-operating in establishing 'rules for dismissals'! - Fight for substantially higher bonuses! Major private railway companies: outsourcing pushed on as to businesses in stations - Managers cry out for thorough reduction in personnel cost - Pressed by their own failure in multiple operation - Responsibilities shifted onto workers: transfers and loans [7] Central leaders of the Jichiro [Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union] Further right-wing revision of the line 'for revitalizing work places': their theory of 'labour for community' - Successive cuts in job and wages - Right-wing revision of the line on the basis of the 'community labour' theory - Their line against workers: forcing workers to serve for 'prefectural / municipal reform' Topos: For introducing the work sharing, a joint research commission started by Rengo leaders and the managers' federation [8] What is called the Revolution in Military Affairs. - America's information-based RMA Relations among ontology, theory of application, and epistemology: philosophizing the 'standpoint of revolutionary Marxism', No. 2 1. Questions I left before 2. Kuroda's recasting of Taketani's tri-stadial methodology 3. Description in Tops and Praxis 4. Step by step TOP |
Stop SDF Vessels Leaving For the Battle! - Tears of the 'international containment against terrorism' - The Koizumi administration rushing to build a wartime system for joining the battle - Denounce the aggression against Afghanistan! Stop SDF vessels leaving for the war! See reports Militant students protested against the bills for joining the war Oct. 29th [2] Oct. 24th Joint Rally against the War - 3300 workers gathered from airline, railway, sea and other industry-based trade unions. Oct. 21st International Antiwar Day nation-wide - Kyushu: Zengakuren and the antiwar youth inspiring a trade-union based rally with over 3000 workers. - Tokai: Zengakuren Tokai and the Nagoya antiwar workers committee marched on the US / UK consulates and the Prefectural LDP office. - Hokkaido: Zengakuren and antiwar youth demonstrated through the central of Sapporo. - Okinawa: Kengakuren and militant workers marched on the regional defence bureau. [3] Kaleidoscope 2001 - How did the Taliban get wind of America's secret operation? - Lenin and his revenge for the state execution of his terrorist brother - Some of the 'criminals' in the FBI list are alive - Wartime: mass mobilization of police forces [4] APEC Conference in Shanghai Behind the 'unity' against 'terrorism' shown off: intensifying conflicts between US-Japan and China-Russia 1. Opposition and disagreements over the bombing of Afghanistan - Mahathir and Megawarti condemn W. Bush 2. Economic talk: implacable enemies in the same boat - Revealed impossibility to break the globally simultaneous recession 3. Incompetence of the Koizumi government fully revealed [5] Chukakuha's self-acknowledgement of their spy connection - The man who has been working as tools of the CIA Controversies over reaction to 'September 11th' among Trotskyists in the West - 'No to the war of revenge': movements spreading under the US / UK rulers - Those who 'condemn' the anti-American suicide attack and those not (Continued) [6] Labour Front Japan Teachers' Union 89th Regular Convention Militant workers changed the mood, denouncing leaders who helped Japan's participation in the war. - The Convention closed with the unified calls against the bombing after surging claims from below. - The central leadership has allowed the government to join the war and schemed to turned the JTU today's version of the Educational Patriotic Association. - 'Left-wing' cadres have submitted to the central leadership: their withdrawal of the motions 'to denounce the bombing and to oppose the dispatch abroad of SDF troops'. - 'Concrete actions are needed against the SDF dispatch, war participation': voiced conscious delegates, leading JTU sit-ins around the Diet Building - 'Make schools through collaborated works based on social partnerships': Never allow the JTU leadership presenting a line of betrayal! Topics: 'Systems for losing jobs with sense of relief'? A trade union leader who demands neither higher wages nor jobs [7] On reactions to the jihad suicide bombing The fifth column of imperialism: Criticize the Japanese Usec blaming the September 11th Jihad as an 'indiscriminate terrorism'! - Slanders with 'human rights' as yardstick A message to the International Antiwar Assembly from Polynesian Liberation Front Damages suit against the wrongful police investigation: Kokugakuin University students marched against the reactionary judgement that cancelled the previous one supportive to the claim. [8] (Continuation from the top page) |
Stop Japan Joining the War! Stop SDF Vessels
Leaving for the Battle! Trade unions and civic / student groups waged a joint action surrounding the Diet Building on 26 Oct. (Photo below left) [2] Stop the Bill for the War!
- Militant workers and students led the rally. - Doubt and anger invoked: speeches from MPs 18-19 Oct. Kanazawa University students organized protests (Photo above right) 16-18 Oct. Students in Kansai region developed protests - From Osaka Univ. of Economics, Kobe Univ., Nara Women's Univ., etc. 16 Oct. Kagoshima University students appealed in the streets. 13 Oct. Workers and students over Kansai region waged an emergency action in Osaka against the bombing and the bill. 12 Oct. Okinawa: Local students carried out the 'Okinawa Students' Antiwar Action', marched through the capital city. [3] The 'Anthrax Terror': A CIA conspiracy! The JCP central leadership crying out for a 'military measure against terrorism': busy oppressing repulsion from within - Astounding remarks from Chairman T. Fuwa: 'Do not connect the issue of terrorism with that of the Middle East.' - Doubts, disagreements, discredits, repulsion, defections and revolts expanding against the central leadership - Appalling arguments on the 'Middle East issues' and insincere 'assessments on the (defeated)' election campaign' - Denounce the Fuwa-Shii leadership for degrading themselves to complementary forces to the war! Disband the JCP! [4-5] Rengo Leadership Rengo's 'guidance for strengthening trade unions in small and medium enterprises': for imposing more burdens upon workers -Denounce the Rengo leadership for producing a chorus for 'eliminating terrorism'!- 1. Covering up the responsibility for betrayals: makeshifts for the declining Rengo 2. Oppression of labour movement in small and medium enterprises 3. Acceptance of Koizumi's 'structural reform' 4. A fantastic 'organization of casual workers' [6] Labour Front 6 Sept. Hokkaido Teachers' Union's urgent rally against reactionary punishments - Supportive responses to the JRCL leaflets criticizing corrupt cadre who oppress the fight-back from below. Nagoya City Government scheming 2000 job cuts - Trade-union cadres pledging the co-operation Topics: New Rengo President Sasamori's first job: meeting with bosses of the Employers' Associations [7] JCP JCP's 'Open Letter to the Leaders of Nations' dated 11 Oct.: supporting 'UN sanctions on the Taliban including military measures' -- Impeach the central leadership for giving a pardon to the American imperialist air-raid terrorism! - The 'Letter' to help Bush and Koizumi - Hate for the 'suicide bombing jihad' and disappearance of the party's anti-American cause - The Fuwa-Shii leadership has degraded to complementary forces to the war of aggression. - Rise together in antiwar struggles in spite of the bureaucratic oppression! At a JCP-led rally in Tokyo - JRCL propagandized against the central leaders joining the chorus for 'eliminating terrorism' - Wavering of the rank-and-file members and supportive responses to the JRCL At a JCP-led regional trade union rally in Kanazawa - JRCL criticized bureaucrats: Why do you neglect the root cause, the American imperialist atrocities? - 'Your argument is accurate': many workers responded. [8] Reading the Preface to On Organizing Praxis (K. Kuroda) - Thinking over what underlies 'For a Renaissance of Marxism in the 21st Century' - Existential reflexion on Myself - Conclusion TOP |
Oct. 14th JRCL Public Political Meeting - 'Turn the war flames into a revolutionary hydra!' A passionate keynote report - 'For the end of the Chukaku faction as stools of the state' - Resolute speeches from workers and students [2] Denounce the Bombing! Stop the Legislation for Joining the War! 16-18 Oct. Angers exploded against the rubber-stamping Diet (Photo below left) 11 Oct. Students from the University of Hokkaido marched through the city 8 Oct. Obihiro in Hokkaido: Students from a local university carried out their antiwar propaganda 8 Oct. Students of Okinawa waged urgent protests in the island as a US base for the bombing (Photo below right). 6 Oct. Workers and students in Okinawa demonstrated against the US air base largest in Asia 5 Oct. Okinawa Kengakuren students fought to stop a USS leaving for the Indian Ocean 5 Oct. Students' March in Kansai: protests against the US Consulate and the Prefectural LDP Office in Osaka
- White powder: Who delivered it? - White powder: Onto whom the responsibility is to be shifted? - What is 'terrorism'? The UN meeting is dancing. - The self-proclaimed 'CNN in the Middle East' and US attempts of censorship [4] SDPJ's fallacious demands for 'humanitarian aid' without opposition to the war participation 1 The SDPJ central leadership immersed in chats over 'the safety of SDF soldiers' 2. Contents of their slogan, 'No terrorism, No retaliation' 3. Demands for 'non-military, humanitarian aid' and their powerlessness - Joining the chorus branding 'terrorism' as 'criminal and barbarous' - Resting easily on the illusory 'post cold-war current of peace' - Counterposing a 'cooperation within the framework of the Constitution' with no opposition to the 'war participation' 4. Acceptance of the imperialist military alliance in the name of 'human security' [5] Yamuchi Masayuki! When did you turn a supporter of W. Bush? - 'Eliminate Islamic terrorism!' shouts the researcher of Islam. - Disregard of America's major crimes - Absolutization of 'freedom and democracy' - A deliberate disregard of 'Islamic resurrectionism' [6] Labour Front The ultra-nationalist Japanese Society for New History Textbook and their new schems - New plans to compile a new history textbook for elementary schools, to publish a guidance book for teachers, and to hunt 'inappropriate teachers' - 'Is there any teacher who do not teach the national anthem?' Increasing number of accidents in the nursing care - Short-stay users increased, nursing personnel reduced Topics Central leaders of the Postal Worker's Union betrayed again. - Accepted the major job cuts. [7] Follow-up of the 'Nagoya garbage war' The forcible start of 'separated collection of 16 categories' causing a mess and imposing intensified labour and sackings on workers - City government's new measures to reduce the garbage - Mass reduction of personnel through restructuring - JCP-led leaders of the workers' union ordering the ranks to be 'a professional of the garbage collecting service' [8] Putin's pressure upon US-follower Koizumi: Russo-Japanese conflicts over Pacific sauries 1. Russia's issue of fishery rights to Koreas and Taiwan: disregard of Japan's claim for territory. 2. Kizumi booed by neighbours over 'Textbooks, Yasukuni, and Pacific sauries' 3. Putin's rejection of Japan's territorial claim and his scheme to isolate Japan TOP |