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No. 1820 (May 24th Issue)
Rise in struggles against the US occupation
of Iraq! - Bankruptcy in the 'iraqification of the Iraqi war' - The 'Coalition of the Willing' breaking up - The Koizumi government accompanying Bush to hell - Let us fight by transcending the JCP central leadership spreading illusions of the UN No to the occupation of Iraq by the US-UK occupation forces! No to the incorporation of the Japanese Army into the US forces! Stop the enactment of the Seven Emrgency-Related Bills! Stop the revision of the pention law! [2] Stop the second batch of the SDF contingent to Iraq! - Zengakuren Hokkaido denouncing the ceremony of departure (8 Mar. Sapporo) - Closing in on another ceremony attended by Koizumi (Chitose) May Day in Tokyo - JCP-led trade unions: repellence spreading against the central leadership of the Party - Zenrokyo: high-spirited rank-and-files against degenerate leaders [3] Kaleidoscope 2004 - Yomiuri newspaper criticized by Powel for bashing the Japanese hostages returning from Iraq: about-turning but still justifying the deed - A 'controversy' among national papers over Tokyo teachers punished for their rejection of the national flag and anthem: the poorest debate of the century - No WMD but Zarqawi: A 'chemical terror planned to kill 80000' in Jordan, really? New laws 'to oppress the organized gangsters' - To target more [4-5] For another upsurge of antiwar struggle The Japanese Army in Iraq: incorporated into the US-UK occupation forces - Sadr followers in Samawah rising up against the US occupation - A Dutch soldier killed in Samawah: guerrilla attacks intensified against the 'Coalition' forces - Japanese troops in Samawah: turned a hateful target for Muslims - A party to massacres by the Anglo-American forces - The gilt of 'reconstruction assistance' rubbing off MOAB: the weapon of mass destruction indiscriminate - People and fighters in Fallujah indiscriminately killed Dien Bien Phu in Iraq - Soda sellers turning guerrillas at night 'Powerful' low-tech weapons - Threatening the 'world's powerful' troops armed with high-tech weapons [6] Labour Front Series Postal workers in hell: We fight back! No.3 Again killed a colleague - Seven postal workers killed from overwork after the introduction of the new system of midnight duty (8 Feb.): in Tokyo alone Successive mergers of municipalities in Fukuoka prefecture - Fight back against the mass sackings! Topics The 'same wages to the same work'? The case boasted by trade union leaders in a cosmetic company [7] The revised Police Law: schemes to build a coercive apparatus for security and intelligence in the name of 'eradication of terror' - Japanese police mobilized to 'rescue the hostages' in close coordination with the CIA - The declaration of Japan's participation in the Echelon system - Reactionary aims with the revised Police Law - Smash the offensive to eradicate the organizations of active workers and students [8] Reading Kuroda's books - K. Kuroda's Life and His Works My study notebook - What is 'a commodity whose use-value possesses the peculiar property of being a source of value'? TOP |
No. 1819 (May 17th Issue)
JRCL appeals to the working people all over
the world Build a battlefront against the war and Constitutional revisions in solidarity with rising Iraqi people! Smash the desperate offensives by the Bush administration mired in the total collapse of the occupation! - The Bush administration in the flames of a popular uprising: going to its fate - Abuses for tortures - A 'UN trusteeship under US military presence' for a makeshift - The Koizumi government showing the flag of 'humanitarian assistance' - The central leadership of the Democratic Party of Japan: accepting the troop dispatch and advocating a 'Constitutional creation' for a Constitutional revision - The central JCP leadership spreading the illusion of a 'UN-based settlement' [3] 'For a battlefront against the war and Constitutional revisions!' Militant workers and students struggling in the forefront - 5000 people rallied against offensives to revise the Constitution (3 May, Tokyo) Stop the second dispatch! - Students from the Hokkaido region marching against the war (25 April, Sapporo) Denounce the murders of Iraqi people by US imperialism! - Students from the Kansai region gathering (24 April, Osaka) [4-5] On the Bush-Sharon agreement: A devilish pledge between the neo-Hitler and the mini-Hitler 1. A scheme to annihilate Hamas 2. Total rejection of an 'independent Palestine' - Attempts for a ghetto-like Gaza strip - Yankee imperialism's change in policies towards Palestine 3. Seething condemnations across the world 4. Sharon on the edge of a precipice - Revolts by ultra-right Zionists - Failed attempts to evade the bribery scandals - Bankruptcy of the wartime economy [5] US Army First Corps' Command planned to move from Fort Lewis to Zama base in Kanagawa - An attempt to build a network of 'antiterrorism' frontline bases [6] Labour Front Series Postal workers in hell: We fight back! No.2 Application of the Toyota system for intensified exploitation - Harsh realities during the period for New Year's service Rengo's May Day rally - Militant workers struggling from workplaces Topics A 'labour prison': part-time and dispatched workers with no rights [7] JCP-led teachers' unions: a 'school making' policy based on 'participation by kids and cooperation with parents' just to complement the government-led neo-fascist reorganization of national education 'from communities' (Continued from the previous issue) 2. A complement to the government-led neo-fascist reorganization of education 'from communities' 3. Conservative liberal changes in their theory of 'people's education movement' - Changed interpretation of the theory of 'people's rights in education' - A paradigmatic change in the idea of 'public education' [8] Bonds of human trust: Reading Kuroda's article 'Ethics and logics for cooperation' (included in the Selected Early Writings by Kan'ichi Kuroda) - 'Human basis for cooperation' - Humanism of young Kuroda TOP |
No. 1818 (May 10th Issue)
Militant workers and students demonstrate - Marching on the US embassy and the Diet Building under the banner against the US-Japan military alliance - 'Smash the incorporation of the Japanese Army with the US occupation forces!' - Fight by transcending a UN-dependent distortion of the antiwar movement by the JCP central leadership! [2]
(24 Apr, Tokyo) (Pic. top left) - 'Smash the mass punishment against teachers by the Tokyo prefectural authority!': Vivid responses to JRCL leaflets - The newly elected chairman of the JTU heckled Okinawa: Stop building of the new US base! - Militant students and workers fighting together with local residents (19-22 Apr, Nago City) (Pic. middle left) No to the US occupation! - Students from the Kansai region marching (17 Apr) (Pic. bottom left) A mass upsurge of anti-American struggle - Now in Iraq [3] Kaleidoscope 2004 - 'Bulgaria's battalion has been involved in a real war, which it was not prepared for': while wanting for dollars - Geisha, Harakiri and Jiko-sekinin [self-responsibility]: After the release, a gag in the month - Denounce the US tortures against Iraqi prisoners! Democratic Party of Japan revealing its nature of supporters to the troop dispatch - 'The Party does not demand the retreat' in support of the government: a critical decision amid the hostage incident - Former SPJ members submissive to ultra-nationalist Ozawa [4] Stop the Constitutional revision absolutely! Build a broad battlefront against the Iraqi occupation and the Constitutional revision! 1. A reactionary tide for revision - A drastically encouraged impetus for a reactionary revision - 'A government of national unity' schemed for the revision - Shouting 'for a third enactment of the Constitution beyond revisions' 2. The LDP's first draft for 'a new Constitution' - Demolishing the preamble of the current Constitution - Annulment of the war-renouncing Article 9 and revival of the 'right of belligerency' - Tricks for negating 'basic human rights' - Regulations to be eased for the Constitutional revision - Attempts to stipulate the Emperor as the head of the nation in a statutory form 3. Fight to smash revisions by transcending the bankruptcy of the 'pro-Constitutional' parties! [5] JCP bureaucrats hoping for a 'UN governing of Iraq' 1. Alternations given to its notorious condemnation against the 'hostage-taking' as 'a barbaric act' 2. A makeshift change pressed from below in its evaluation of Muslim people's struggles 3. Makeshifts for repairing its policy of 'UN-based reconstruction assistance' - Shifting the stress to 'supporting Iraqi people building an independent nation' - A 'non-military contribution' policy for the 'national interests' [6] Labour Front Series Postal workers in a hell: We fight back! No.1 The killing 'mid-night duty' forcibly introduced - 'Forced labour, every day!' - Another hell after the work - The Postal Agency victimizing the employees Osaka prefectural board of education - Full introduction of a discrimination system of pupils based on their degrees of progress Topics A newly introduced 'commission for judging individual labour disputes': For dividing workers' struggles under the pretext of 'swift settlement' [7] JCP-led teachers' unions: a 'school making' policy based on 'participation by kids and cooperation with parents' just to complement the government-led neo-fascist reorganization of national education 'from communities' 1. Submission to the offensive to revise the Fundamental Law of Education 2. A complement to the government-led neo-fascist reorganization of education 'from communities' - Nonsensical argument about 'basic contradictions in the planned revision' - Deceptive 'efforts to expose the contradictions' (Continued to next issue) [8] Reading Kuroda's books - K. Kuroda's Life and His Works - Selected Early Writings by Kan'ichi Kuroda An impressive article in The Communist No. 209 TOP |
No. 1817 (May 3rd Issue)
Break the occupation! - The Bush administration imploring the UN - Oppositions over the transfer of sovereignty between the US (plus UK) vs France and Germany (plus Russia) - The death agony of the Bush administration - Advance the Iraqi antiwar struggle in opposition to the distortion to the UN-dependence! [2] A trade-union-based antiwar rally in Okinawa (12 April) - Blows of anger to the Koizumi government continuing the troop dispatch Hokkaido police's Illegal building of secret funds disclosed Denounce the National Police Agency covering up the scandal! - Dirty money accumulated by the prefectural police as a whole - An intrigue behind the disclosure: the US CIA finishing the reorganization of Japanese police [3] Kaleidoscope 2004 - Illogical bashings against Japanese hostages home: What is 'self-responsibility'? Who were 'troubled'? - 'I never want to go to the city again': a focus of the resistance - 'Revival of the made-in-Japan' really?: A true reason Japanese monopolies return their factories home Inauguration of the SDF 'special operation forces' - Directly led by the Chief of the Defence Agency - Modelled after US special forces [4] Rengo's alternative for 'pension reform': for 'securing' the mass expropriation 1. A complement to the government-sponsored legislation - 'Conversion of the basic part to taxes' - Higher rates of the consumer tax proposed in the name of a 'new tax exclusively used for pension' - Measures for intensifying the mass expropriation 2. Falsehood in what is called 'a safe and reliable system' - Submission to neo-liberalism [5] American PMCs: units of 'professional killers' engaging in secret manoeuvres under the Bush administration - Parts played by PMCs - In various areas around the world - Instructors for using high-tech weapons - PMCs gaining increasingly [6] Labour Front Tokyo prefectural traffic bureau tightening its management of the personnel and its control of trade unions: Denounce the leadership of the Tokyo Traffic Workers Union submissive to the authority! - Ignoring even the customary agreements of 'joint consultation' - Abusive applications of disciplinary actions and 'advisory measures' with delayed pay raise - Trade union leaders ordering a 'campaign for a better public service' A postal worker killed from overwork: four straight days of '10-hour-long midnight work' - Only 3 hours for sleep with breaks losing - Organize angers of workers to improve the conditions Groans of part-time working students - Almost full-time with no rights Topics 'Eliminate the 50-year-old cancer!': Tokyo prefectural board of education tanking mass disciplinary actions against teachers rejecting their allegiance to the national flag and anthem [7] The Kobe incident - The disclosed diary: A message to society from the parents believing the innocence of their son [8] What I felt and thought, reading an impressive article in The Communist No. 209 Reading an article included in K. Kuroda's Life and His Works TOP |
No. 1816 (April 26th Issue)
25 April United Actions of Workers and Students - The Bush administration driven into a corner - The Koizumi government incorporating the Japanese army in the US-led occupation forces: as intimidating 'hostages' and their families - Denounce the official leadership joining in the 'anti-terrorism' chorus - Fight in solidarity with Iraqi people rising up against US imperialism! Denounce the murder of Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi by the Sharon government backed by the Bush administration! No to the military occupation of Palestine! [2] Antiwar struggles nationwide ![]() - 4000 people rallied in Tokyo against the Koizumi government justifying and continuing the troop dispatch: in response to a call from trasport-related trade unions (9 April) (Pic. Left) - Zangakuren Kansai protesting against the US consulate in Osaka for US forces murdering Iraqi people (10 April) - A JCP-initiated rally in Nagoya, filled with calls 'against the occupation' (20 March) [3] Kaleidoscope 2004 - A popular uprising: 'I came here only to find all residents hostile.' - A Big Voyeurs: against surveillance cameras, wear a flu mask! - 'Long Ears': Japanese intelligence to be a CIA - 'Virtual worlds' of 'cellular addicts': failing in mental cultivation - A trio for cover-up: an irrelevant piece of the internal organs presented for evidence by police to cover up their failure [4] Terrible damages from depleted uranium munitions: Denounce the US occupation army plunging Iraq into a radioactive disaster! - The whole of Iraq contaminated - 'Silver bullets' praised by the US military - The Pentagon concealing the danger [5] Secret units of CIA for conspiracy under the cover of 'private military companies': true faces of American PMC - Deaths of four members from a PMC and shockwaves - 'Civilians' but the former officers of special SEAL units - Professional terrorists carrying out plots by the state [6] Labour Front Hokkaido prefectural authority planning to reorganize its local administrative system - Fight back against the offensive for massive reduction of the personnel Aged patients to be 'traded' with other hospitals under the latest 'reform' - Nursing workers worn out both physically and mentally Topics Democratic Party's 'alternative' for 'pension reform' against the people [7] Entrustment of public services to private companies: planned drastically under the latest system Oppose the introduction of the 'appointed administrator' system! Fight back against the massive job cuts! 1. Attempts to transfer the administrative authority of 'public facilities' to joint-stock companies 2. Denounce the betrayal by the central leadership of Jichiro accepting the system! 3. Fight in opposition to JCP-affiliated trade union leaders ordering workers to 'review their job' [8] Thinking over and creation: Over the definition of 'production of relative surplus labour' TOP |
No. 1815 (April 19th Issue)
Denounce the incorporation of the Japanese
army - Poodle Koizumi pressed by the master over the 'hostage' issue - The Bush administration in its last days - Denounce the JCP central leadership joining in the chorus for the 'eradication of terror'! Statement of the JRCL-RMF (13 April) Denounce the insidious frame-up to fabricate JRCL's commitment in the 'Mujahideen's statement of hostage release'! Let us fight to smash the US-led occupation in solidarity with rising people in Iraq! - A nonsensical article appeared in Sankei Shinbun newspaper on 13 April. As to the April 10th statement of the 'Saraya Mujahideen' to announce its decision to release Japanese hostages, the nation-wide daily reported that 'the sentences are quite similar to those of the JRCL-RMF' or 'there are indications of some commitment by Japanese', as quoting remarks from police officers. Other papers also reported remarks from 'a high-ranking officer of the government' that 'as if it were written by some Japanese' or 'there can be a connection with some people in Japan'. We strongly denounce this frame-up against the JRCL-RMF! The Koizumi government launched the insidious offensive by using the mass media to get out of a tight corner after it revealed the inability amid the hostage crisis.(From the leading part.) [2] Denounce the armed repression on Sadr -led Muslims by US forces! Stop the massacre in Fallujah! - Zengakuren protesting against the US embassy (8 April) (Pic. above) From media reports 1 2 - Okinawa students protesting against the US consulate (8 April) A historic judgment: a lawsuit for the state compensation for damage in a raid on the JRCL Hokuriku office - 'The raid was a political retaliation' [3] Chukakuha remnants - Attempts to cover up the US-plotted nature of the March 2nd blasts in Iraq A JCP-led peace meeting in Okinawa - A central leader apologizing before mounting criticisms from below [4] Formation of a legal system for war of aggression under the pretext of 'against terror': the coercive nature of the Emergency-Related Bills 1. A scheme to join in actual battles in Iraq 2. Subordinate to the Bush doctrine - Realistic rules for applying the Armed Attack Law - Bills to legalize Japanese army's incorporation into the US force - Attempts to build a global system of armed search on ships - Today's version of the National Mobilization Law [5] Denounce the NTT labour aristocrats helping the lower wages and restructuring! - Completely abandoning demands for higher wages - Ordering for a 'more profitable structure for job security' - Denounce the degenerate labour aristocrats in the NTT Workers Union! [6] Labour Front JR Kyushu Shinkansen Line started - Huge burdens upon workers and local residents Regional Rengo rallies for the spring offensive - JRCL propaganda receiving good responses Topics TOYOTA: a Just-In-Time system of human parts [7] JTU National Meeting for Education Research - Active discussions against the leadership spineless before the social propaganda accusing the declined levels of kids' academic ability Leaders in JCP-led teachers unions ordering to 'make schools through participation of pupils and cooperation with parents' - Disagreements erupted at its education research meeting [8] Fight back against offensives against workers in the private media industry for introducing the digital broadcasting! - Producing 200 trillion effective demands - A terrible network of national surveillance - Fight back against the restructuring by private media capital TOP |
No. 1814 (April 12th Issue)
Smash the US-led occupation of Iraq - The Koizumi government running towards Hell together with Bush - Stop Japan's leap to be a nation that can wage war! [2] March 20th actions nationwide - Okinawa: hundreds of workers and students denouncing the Iraqi occupation in front of a US Force base - Fukuoka: Struggles for a militant realization of joint actions His mother believes him to be innocent: Plotted nature of the Kobe incident revealed again - The arrested boy released on parole [3] Kaleidoscope 2004 - Privatization of war: dark businesses rampant for taking profits from plots and murders - Yesterday's heroes, today's nuisances: a pressed rotation of US trops - Relatives of distant countries no better than neighbours: the Polish president [4-5] Oppose the Iraqi occupation by US imperialism! Smash the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Rise in united actions of workers and students on 25 April! JRCL Central Students' Orgburo - Complete bankruptcy in the military occupation of Iraq - Advance antiwar struggles in solidarity with Muslim people! - Denounce Sharon's Israeli government murdering Yassin! No to the military occupation of Palestine! - Block the enactment of the emergency-related seven bills! Smash the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Smash attempts to revise the Constitution! Fight together aiming to overthrow the Koizumi-led neo-fascist government! [6] Smash the disciplinary punishments on 176 teachers! Fight back against the neo-fascistic compulsion of 'national flag and anthem' by the Ishihara-led Tokyo prefectural authority! JRCL Education Workers Committee - Graduation ceremonies under a control by the 'Ishihara Gestapo' - Smash the offensive to destroy teachers unions! - Denounce part of Democratic Party members of the prefectural council as assault units for destroying the teachers unions! - Smash Ishihara's 'education reform'! [6] Labour Front - Seven teachers killed in Hokkaido for a forced school work under a blizzard - 'Be relaxed after death!': Extremely intensified labour imposed on education workers - Taxi drivers used once and then thrown away: long-time drives and extremely low wages Topics 'Collapse' of education in school: teachings ordered to be separated by degree in progress of kids [7] Chukakuha remnants - Ridiculous stresses on 'solidarity with SDF officers' [8] What I think of as preparing for employment: Progress together with comrades! - Finding myself 'starved' - As studying for qualifications for a job - Seeing inner contradictions of myself, and philosophizing them After my participation in an antiwar demonstration in Asahikawa TOP |
No. 1813 (April 5th Issue)
Denounce the murder of Sheikh Ahmad Yassin - Bankruptcy in the occupation of Iraq - Koizumi as a faithful dog to Bush April 9th Rally sponsored by transport related trade unions - No dispatch of SDF troops to Iraq! Stop the emergency related bills! [2] Antiwar struggles nationwide - Stop the third batch of the GSDF contingent to Iraq! Zengakuren Hokkaido fighting in Chitose (21 Mar) - March 20th in Sapporo: Hokkaido University students encouraging 5500 workers and citizens - March 20th in Osaka: 10000 people rallied with trade unions at the centre The 117th general meeting of the Zengakuren Central Committee - No to the US occupation of Iraq! Block the emergency-related seven bills! A battle front built for spring [3] Smash the coercive repression by police in the name of 'anti-terror security' - Be alert to a CIA plot! - The most tightened security order under the pretext of the 'train blasts' in Madrid - Intensification of the police repression on people's struggles against the troop dispatch - Arrests just for distributing leaflets! Smash the wartime repression! A recent ordinance of Okinawa prefecture: part of the attempt to build a national surveillance system - The new ordinance enacted by taking advantage of the 'deteriorated public security' - A grass-root campaign organized by police: neighbourhood units, surveillance cameras and police interference in schools [4] JCP leaders demanding 'better measures against terror': criminal tactics adopted by the JCP 'against the emergency-related bills' 1. Struggles reduced into an election campaign for more votes 2. An 'analysis' deduced from the thesis regarding the 'LDP politics as subjugation to the US' - 'The Law for an Emergency Surrounding Japan and the Emergency Related Laws working in connection': just an interpretation of legal texts - Failure to understand the class meaning of the 'supreme power given to a Prime Minister' 3. Degeneration or evaporation of the opposition to the US-Japan Security Treaty - 'Anti-Security Treaty' position left on the shelf for 'cooperation with conservative voters' - Joining in the 'anti-terrorism' chorus [5] Rengo labour aristocrats in minor trade unions degenerating the 'spring labour offensives' according to their 'defend the company' policy - Giving acquittals to banks and major companies expropriating minor companies - Empty cries for a 'spring offensive by minor and local trade unions' - Only a 'spring talk' for 'building foundations needed for the company' - Acceptance of lower wages - Cooperation in offensives for restructuring - A criminal election campaign for a DP candidate - For a militant upsurge of the spring offensive 2004 [6] Labour Front Fight back against the attempt to shift the burdens onto workers and people in the name of 'administrative and financial reform'! Win a militant upsurge of the spring offensive! JRCL Okinawa Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Committee - Stormy offensives of wage cuts and sacking in Okinawa municipalities - Reactionary nature of the 'three-way reform in taxation and finance' - Denounce central leaders in the Jichiro joining in the campaign for 'new public management'! Workplace Report: Never be killed by the company! -A redeployment plan smashed [7] A nuclear plant building plan cancelled in Hokuriku region: a positive result of the strenuous opposition movement - Three electric power companies pressed to give up the plan - The electric power capital starting to hesitate to build a new plant owing to the 'deregulation in the electric power industry' - Smash the nuclear development policy by the Koizumi government! Upsurging struggles by Iraqi people - No to the US-made provisional constitution! [8] Kaleidoscope 2004 - An American captured by residents for attempting to bomb a mosque: US forces responding with besiege of the town - Threat of terrors as the last hope: the declining authority - The 'nuclear fallouts' 50 years on: the opportunity to imagine those anguishes of the young philosopher TOP |
No. 1812 (March 29th Issue)
- No to the military occupation of Iraq! No to the dispatch of Japanese troops! Win a great upsurge of struggles! - Reveal Bush's plots! Denounce the Israeli government for the murder of Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin! [2] Antiwar struggles nationwide - Stop the second main contingent of GSDF units to Iraq! Zengakuren Hokkaido fighting in front of Chitose Base (13 March) - Stop a US Aegis-equipped warship entering an Osaka civilian port! Zengakuren Kansai protesting at the wharf (6 March) - Stop the flagship of the US Seventh Fleet entering a Nagoya civilian port for a military drill! Zengakuren Tokai protesting together with dock workers (12 March) Spring Offensive 2004: Denounce the agreements in major industries symbolizing the degeneration of the 'spring offensive' as 'spring talks'! - Full cooperation in no raise in the basic pay for three consecutive years - Abandonment of the annual pay raise system and the introduction of thoroughly performance-based pay: Smash offensives to worsen a form of payment! [3] The plotted blast in Madrid - The so-called al-Qaeda statement: a transparent fake! Iraq: Body bags floating down the stream - Rolling over and over as they came andc The Koizumi government covering up the US-plotted murder of Japanese diplomats - The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs shaken to silence by a MP [4] 'Terrors' plotted in succession: the US militarist empire in desperation - Plotted blasts in Madrid followed by a regime change - The 'coalition of the willing' verging on a collapse - A grand failure of the military occupation in Iraq - The Bush administration going to its fate [5] Labour aristocrats helping monopoly capitalists in the electric industry impose offensives for restructuring - Inauguration of the 'job academy for the electric industry' - Priority to 'mental reform' - The leadership in the electric unions rushing on a road of a 'industrial patriotic movement' - Fight back against sackings by strengthening workers' unity [6] Labour Front At a public job centre in mid-winter - The first hurdle: searching few pieces of job information - After enduring severe labour for fear of losing the job - 'Bring customers if you get the job!' - An immediate refusal just for 'distance from the workplace' [7] CIA attempts to reorganize violent apparatuses of the Japanese state - Scandals revealed against Ozawa and Kamei - Reorganization through revealing police scandals - Hunts of Japanese nationalists 'dislike or distancing from' the US A 'seamless' super surveillance society - An IC tag to every commodity [8] Reading Kuroda's books: Praxiology - 'To study' - 'An activist has yet to be a revolutionary' - 'The contemporary revolution is also a process of human self-revolutionalization' TOP |
No. 1811 (March 22nd Issue)
March 20th - Surging waves of anti-US anti-occupation struggles by Muslim people and the current opposition movement in Japan - The DPJ central leadership: 'retreat' to the approval of the dispatch - The JCP central leadership proposing 'better contributions for eradication of terrorism' - Freeze the blood of Bush and Koizumi in dead impasse! Denounce the plotted massacres of Shia Muslims on March 2nd! Denounce the plotted bombs on trains in Spain on March 11th! [2] Denounce the plotted massacres of Shia Muslaims! - Zengakuren Hokkaido protesting against the US consulate in Sapporo (6 Feb) No to the dispatch! - 1000 workers demonstrating in Kanawaza (20 Feb) What SDF troops are actually doing in Iraq as calling it 'humanitarian reconstruction assistance' - 'Water supplying activities': poorly carried out by troops staying inside the base - 'Medical aids': by 'unwelcome quests' - Troops dispatched, in fact, to aim their guns at Muslim people [3] Kaleidoscope 2004 - The Chinese Enclosure: Who to be protected under the revised constitution - Darkness behind the sweeping victory of Putin: after wiping out all political foes - Japanese troops secured with a Japanese satellite - Who's behind the bird flu fuss [4-5] The 'strategy of partnership' like a castle in the air: Powell's repair of unilateralism 1 Criticism of neo-cons at the boiling point 2 A revised interpretation of the Bush doctrine 3 Smuggling of the 'soft power' from Joseph Nye's theorization - A way of appealing to the United Nations - Quotation from Joseph Nye with no indication 4. Inevitable failure of the policy of 'multilateral cooperation' [6] Labour Front Rengo regional rallies for the spring offensive - Tokyo: Booing with anger levelled against President Sasamori showing a 'fighting' pose only in appearance (6 Mar) - Osaka: Criticisms against the labour aristocrats accepting lower wages (5 Mar) Neo-liberalist reorganization of education for handicapped children in the name of 'aid for independence' - A 'change' from the 'special education' to the 'special aid education' - Reduction in the number of teachers and a drastic intensification of labour Topics Labour aristocrats in the metal industry saying 'the spring offensive is for making bases necessary for enterprises' [7] Discussions over the analysis of the recent recommendation by the national Personnel Authority - Over the analysis of the system itself of the recommendation - Over the concept of 'difference between the government and private sector' Spread of BSE in the US - The Bush administration desperate to cover up - Records falsified by the Department of Agriculture - Grounds for the BSE spread [8] Prayers to the 'appeasing deities': On short poems by Okano Hirohiko - Cherry blossoms scattering - Nothing to rely on - In the century when gods have revived TOP |