Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation
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No. 2000
(New Year's Issue 2008)

Win a greater leap forward
to a genuine vanguard party!

Strive to strengthen the revolutionary fortress to break through 'the century of war and darkness'!
Chairman of the JRCL National Committee Takuma Ueda

(1) Make strenuous efforts based on the inheritance of comrade Kuroda's ideological and organizational work!
(2) For a radical overcoming of bankrupt Stalinism!
- The 'negative legacy' of Stalinism
- Clarify the root cause of the self-destruction of Stalinism!
(3) Smash the storm of neo-fascist reaction!

Photo: 'Denounce the government building a quasi-war footing all over the country!' Zengakuren protesting against the Defense Ministry (Nov. 5th, 2007)

Advance further by inheriting the revolutionary traditions of our anti-Stalinist communist movement!
(1) the turbulent world of today in the 21st century
- Intensified struggles between the US and China/Russia
- The Fukuda-led Japanese government rushing to be 'a country that can engage in war'
(2) Missions of the JRCL amid the neo-fascist reaction
- Build a battle front against war, against the US-Japan military alliance and against neo-fascism!
- Win a de-construction of Rengo, today's industrial patriotic association!
(3) Let us learn from the bitter struggles of the anti-Stalinist communist movement in its initial phase
- Assimilating the outcries of Hungarian workers
- Lessons of the Hungarian revolution
- Struggle on two fronts
- Struggle against Stalinism
- Struggle against a dogmatic Trotskyism
- Creation of the 'anti-imperialist, anti-Stalinist' strategy for world revolution
(4) Let us build a stronger vanguard party by inheriting the revolutionary traditions of our anti-Stalinist communist movement!

New Year's Cartoon

Swords to defeat the monsters

Bankruptcy of the US financial system and the final collapse of the 'dollar order'

(1) Multiplied aggravation by subprime loan failures and a dollar crunch
- The rapid expansion of uncollectible loans causing shock waves
- Dollar in free fall
(2) American 'casino capitalism' and its revealed limitation
- Bankruptcy of today's financial alchemy
- The politico-economic structure of US imperialism increasingly deformed
(3) Confrontation between the US and China/Russia over the 'dollar order'

Resolves for New Year
- Kansai Regional Committee
- Tokai Regional Committee
- Kyushu Regional Committee
- Postal Workers Committee
- Traffic and Transport Workers Committee
- Antiwar Workers Conference in Tokyo

Issuing Kaihoh No. 2000
Editorial Bureau
- Beaconing the darkness of today's world
- Based on the revolutionary traditions from the start
- Let us advance by inheriting the revolutionary will of comrade Kuroda!

Photo special

Antiwar flames in 2007

'Stop the deployment of PAC-3 missiles!'
Workers and students demonstrating on SDF Tsuiki Base (Oct. 14th, Kyushu)

110000 people at a rally in Okinawa against the government decision
to erase the military order for the mass suicides in wartime Okinawa from history textbook.
Militant workers and students in its forefront. (Sept. 29th)

'Stop the legislation to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission!'
Workers and students marching on the Diet Building (Oct. 21st, Tokyo)


No. 1999
(December 24th Issue)

Oppose a forceful vote for the MSDF anti-terror mission bill!
Under the banner against the US-Japan military alliance,
fight to stop redeployment exercises of PAC-3 missiles in Tokyo and Okinawa

- Steamrolling schemed by the Fukuda government for the legislation to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission
- Fukuda desperate to smother the CX scandal
- A total failure of the Bush Empire in its attempted containment against Iran and the collapse of the US dominance over the world as the 'sole superpower'
- Fight by overcoming the official opposition movement abandoning the banner against the US-Japan military alliance!

Intensified conflicts over nuclear plant exports and uranium resources
- A rush for nuclear plant construction and an international regroupment of monopolies in the nuclear equipment industry
- Confrontation between the US and China/Russia for dominance over atomic energy
- Intensified dangers of war and nuclear disasters

All Japan Garrison Forces Labor Union: the second strike (Nov. 30th)

'No cuts in wages!' A picket at a gate of a US military base in Okinawa

No to the planned 24000 job cuts in Japan Post Network Co. and Japan Post Service Co.!

'No deployment of US jet fighters! No cuts in subsidies!

- 10,000 workers, students and citizens rallying in Iwakuni (Dec. 1st)

Campus report: students festivals in Kagoshima Univ. (Nov. 9th-13th) and Aichi Univ. (Nov. 2nd-5th)

Forcible consolidation of high schools in Ishikawa Prefecture: Fight back against the plan!

A trade union based peace rally against the legislation to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission in Tokyo: angers for leaders' dependence on the DPJ (Dec. 4th)

Topics Bribery and corruption at the first PFI-based hospital

USS Kitty Hawk: barred from entering Hong Kong for a port call, and sailing through the Taiwan Strait

A new phase towards a Korean unification
- A 'war of nerves' between the US and the DPRK manoeuvring each other
- ROK Presidential election: hopeful Lee Myung Bak of the conservative Grand National Party
- The Kim Jong Il government stressing a '21st century type of self-reliance'
- The working people in North and South Koreas, fight for a proletarian unification of Koreas!

Articles published in Kaihoh in 2007


No. 1998
(December 17th Issue)

Dec. 2nd JRCL public political meeting
50 years after the JRCL foundation
90 years after the Russian revolution
1200 workers and students rallying,
resolute for another leap forward of the anti-Stalinist communist movement

- Win a leap forward by assimilating comrade Kuroda's revolutionary passion and spirit! (Chairman's speech)
- Let us advance by developing the heritage of the anti-Stalinist communist movement! (Keynote report)
- Enthusiastic resolves expressed from the workers and student fronts
- Build a stronger revolutionary vanguard party on the basis of our achievements

Chukakuha remnants: dividing, dispersing and quarrelling

Smash the postal version of industrial patriotic movement!
Annexation of the JPU by Zenyusei: the founding convention of the Japan Post Workers Union

Voices growing to demand the withdrawal of the education ministry's decision on history textbooks on Okinawa (Dec. 3, Tokyo)

War for rare metals intensifying

Antiwar Student Walk (Nov. 17th, Aichi University)

Fight back against the offensive to place the country on a quasi war footing!
Stop the planned bilateral missile defense exercise!
- A firing exercise for SM3 missiles and a redeployment exercise of PAC3 missiles for upgrading the MD system
- The bilateral joint field-training exercise (Keen Sword 2008): marking the start of a quasi war footing against China and Russia
- MD systems built up through the linkage between the bases of US and Japanese troops
- A nuclear arms race newly started between the US and China/Russia
- Fight by overcoming the JCP-led movement to protest damages from bases with no opposition to the US-Japan military alliance
- Oppose the new US-Japan military alliance! Adavance struggles against war and the military alliance!

Smash the planned wage cuts by the Okinawa prefectural authority!

Angers growing against the worst revision of the medical system
(Oct. 18th)

Topics 'Remove the regulations for overcoming the gap widening society!' A government-patronized professor babbling

Fight back against the worst revision of the criminal judgment system!

Security systems tightened for a G8 summit meeting in Hokkaido

[8] Kaleidoscope 2007
- The latest US intelligence report on Iran: the liar digging his own grave
- Kosovo: Pandora's box
- 'Raincoats for protection from the radioactive fallout'???: No to the 'exercises to protect the nation'!
- A spiral system to develop MD systems: a firing exercise planned for SM3 missile


No. 1997
(December 10th Issue)

Stop a quasi war footing built throughout Japan!
Stop the legislation to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission!
Oppose missile defense exercises!
Advance struggles against war and the US-Japan military alliance!

- The arrest of the former vice defense minister for bribery, intensifying political battles between the LDP and the DPJ
- The US and Japanese governments placing the whole land on a quasi war footing against China and Russia
- The Bush Empire in death agony and challenges by China and Russia
- Let us fight by overcoming the official opposition movement dependent on the DPJ!

Ozawa's argument on 'international contribution': thoroughly against the working masses
- Emphasizing the need to change from the blind obedience to the Bush Empire
- An evil attempt to constitutionalize the use abroad of force and to make it permanent

Central Europe drifting No. 5
Bulgaria desperate to wriggle out of the 'poorest nation' status

- Measures for survival under the triangular confrontation between the US, Russia and the EU
- The affiliation to the EU causing serious social, economic contradictions
- Untouched 'leftovers' of the Stalinist regime

Students from Aichi and Nagoya Universities denouncing a military exercise at a local residential district (Nov. 20th, Nagoya) (Pic. right)

Protests against a 'prefectural mobilization exercise to protect the nation' (Nov. 11th, Nanao, Ishikawa Prefecture)

The Fukuda government hurrying to resume the operation of high-speed breeder reactor Monju

Denounce the enactment of the Labour Contract Law!

Angers for an ultranationalist group suing for erasing the military order from the history of mass suicides in Okinawa (Nov. 9)

15% over the capacity: prisons crowded

'No cuts in wages and allowance!'
All Japan Garrison Forces Labor Union
16000 base workers striking throughout Japan,
for the first time in 16 years
(Pic. right: Nov. 21st, at the first gate of the US Air Kadena Base)

JAM national convention: the leadership of the metal workers' union declaring the abandonment of wage struggle

New Fukuoka Post Office: a model for reorganization of the collection and delivery system

[8] Kaleidoscope 2007
- A new Prime Minister of Australia: loving a Chinese violin
- Georgia: 'A Russian intervention'?
- Kurdish communists
- A letter from a JCP cadet to the Chairman


No. 1996
(December 3rd Issue)

Japan under a quasi-war state -
Denounce the bilateral joint military exercise!

Stop the legislation to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission!

Oppose the redeployment exercise of PAC-3 missiles!

Fight it by overcoming the official opposition movement
abandoning struggle against the US-Japan military alliance!

Stop the largest bilateral joint FTX!
1200 protesters marching on the base
- Power struggles in the Japanese ruling class and its government under the new confrontation between the US and China/Russia
- A grand failure of the 'war on terror' and the collapse of the US domination over the world as the 'sole superpower'
- Opposition between the US and Russia over the deployment of MD systems: causing a new crisis of war
- The US and Japanese governments bent on deploying MD systems throughout Japan
- Advance antiwar struggle in connection with struggles to denounce the CX bribery!

Rengo leadership helping the current towards a two conservative parties system
Denounce the attempt to spread illusions about the Ozawa-led DPJ proposing Japan's reform as 'a normal state'!

- The Takagi leadership killing voices against the bill for the MSDF mission
- Hypocritical agenda 'for 'supporting casual employees'
(included in the previous issue)
- The deceptive agenda 'to correct the gap-widening society'
- The course and its ideology for 'today's industrial patriotic association'

Labour aristocrats in Toyota and their positive response to the managerial measures to control the employees

Struggles against the bilateral joint field-training exercise (Nov. 10th, SDF Nihonbara Base) (Pics)

A trade union based rally in Kanazawa (Oct.23rd)

Angers against the House of Representatives voting for the bill to continue the MSDF mission (November 13th)
- Osaka, Sapporo and Fukuoka

Okinawa Kengakuren marching through Naha City (Oct. 21st)

Students from the metropolitan area meeting and marching against war and the military alliance (Nov. 16th-17th, Waseda)

Don't desert the disabled people!: reporting from Sapporo

Militant propaganda at a JCP-led rally in Osaka (Oct. 30)

Topics A central Rengo discussion meeting for a 2008 spring offensive

Electric monopoly capital SHARP: building a plant for winning a new market

Kaleidoscope 2007
- JCP Chair Shii complaining about Ozawa
- British withdrawal: The collapsed Hakencreuz alliance today
- The Armenian 'holocaust'
- Flying military tankers for 'decreasing noise'?
- A new mobile phone system: everything told to the state


No. 1995
(November 26th Issue)

Stop the enactment of the MSDF mission law!
Denounce the CX bribery!
Denounce the Ozawa-led DPJ
proposing a permanent legislation for overseas dispatches!

Fight by overcoming the official opposition movement dependent on the DPJ!

- The Fukuda government desperate to enact the law to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission on the Indian Ocean
- Corruptions over the SDF procurement revealed by the US Eastern establishment
- The Ozawa-led DPJ stressing the need for 'Japan's independence from America'
- Advance antiwar struggles by overcoming the official opposition movement spreading illusions about the DPJ!

(Photo) Zengakuren students protesting by the Diet Building (November 13th)

Rengo leadership helping the current towards a two conservative parties system
Denounce the attempt to spread illusions about the Ozawa-led DPJ proposing Japan's reform as 'a normal state'!

(A) The Takagi leadership killing voices against the bill for the MSDF mission
- The latest Rengo convention: the leadership desperate to oppress criticisms and oppositions
- Supporting Ozawa's vision for a 'nation that can engage in war'
(B) Hypocritical agenda 'for 'supporting casual employees'
- Haphazard measures for the declining rate of unionization
- Cooperation with monopoly capitalists wanting 'more usable labour power'

'Stop the bill passing the House of Representatives!'
- Zengakuren struggling by the Diet Building (November 12th, 13th)

'Stop the bilateral joint military exercise!'
- Trade unions and students demonstrating on the ASDF Komatsu base (November 5th)

'Denounce the F2 jet fighter accident!'
- Zengakuren Tokai protesting the ASDF command at Komatsu Base (November 1st) (Photo)

Stop the enactment of the 'Labour Contract Law' for destroying trade unions!

'No legislation to continue the MSDF mission!' : A peace rally in Osaka (Oct. 24th)

Smash the major offensive by the Hokkaido prefectural authorities for restructuring the civil service!

Militant workers struggling at a JCP-led mass rally (Oct. 28th)

Topics The final report on 'labour rights of civil servants' from a government-appointed commission

After the mass rally in Okinawa on Sept. 29th:
Fight to reverse the government's decision to erase the military-ordered mass suicides in Okinawa from history textbook!
Fight for it by overcoming the official movement to request 'recovery of the description'! Oppose the institutionalization of 'patriot education'!

- The education ministry attempting a hypocritical settlement with 'corrections'
- The Fukuda government pressing the construction of a new US Marine base
- Crisis of the official opposition movement dependent on the DPJ
- Fight for it in connection with struggles against the MSDF anti-terror mission bill and a new Marine base!

Japanese-Brazilian workers forming the lowest layer of labour market in Japan

Jiro Yamaguchi, an 'impure pro-Constitution' advocate


No. 1994
(November 19th Issue)

Dec. 2nd JRCL Public Political Meeting
50 years after the JRCL foundation, 90 years after the Russian revolution
Win a great leap forward of
the Japanese anti-Stalinist communist movement!

Zengakuren Hokkaido protesting
the US carrier entering Muroran port
Workers protesting near the port
in spite of leaders' distortion of struggles
Workers and students marching
on the LDP Aichi prefectural office
- A crisis of warfare caused by the 'new confrontation between the US and China/Russia'
- Legislation to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission attempted by the Fukuda government obedient to the Bush administration
- Fight to stop the enactment of the new MSDF law by overcoming the official opposition movement dependent on the Ozawa-led DPJ!

Denounce the forcible passage of the MSDF bill through the House of Commons!

Japanese electric industrial monopolies desperate to attempt regroupments for survival

Electric monopolies revealing their 'loss of active competence'

Stop the MSDF bill! Militant workers struggling
- Angers for Ozawa revealing his reactionary nature (Nov. 3rd, Tokyo)
- Denouncing leaders distorting the struggle (Oct.25, Tokyo)

Struggles to stop US aircraft carrier Kittyhawk from calling at Muroran port (Oct. 26th) (Pics right)

'Stop the US-Japan bilateral joint mobilization exercise! Denounce the CX scandal!'
- Zengakuren protesting against the defense ministry (Nov. 5th)

Oct. 21st regional antiwar demonstrations
- A militant demonstration in Nagoya by workers and students from the Tokai region (Pic right)

Kanazawa Univ. students protesting the prefectural LDP office (Oct. 19)

Stop the Hokkaido prefectural board of education introducing the systems of a performance appraisal and a performance-based raise!

A nonsensical babble by a former Rengo leader accepting the revision of the workers dispatch law

Topics Oil prices soaring: hitting the toiling masses

Starting off as a wage worker

Reading Kuroda's posthumous work Bush's War

[8] Kaleidoscope 2007
- Rice grumbling about her staff
- Another Evita?
- War on the supreme court
- Cyber attacks on a self-styled electronized country: from Russia with ... threat


No. 1993
(November 12th Issue)

Stop the legislation to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission!
Denounce DPJ President Ozawa revealing his nature against the people!

Advance the struggle by overcoming
the bankruptcy of the official opposition movement dependent on the DPJ!

Denounce the CX scandal! Oppose the bilateral joint military exercise!

- 'A grand coalition' offered to the DPJ by the Fukuda government to wriggle out of the impasse
- Shock waves from the CX scandal
- The world of today under the confrontation between the US and China/Russia
- Advance the struggle by overcoming the official leadership dependent on the DPJ!

Pic right: Zengakuren in front of the Defense Ministry, protesting the military exercise, denouncing the CX scandal (Nov. 5th)

A supplementation to the neo-fascistic reform of education in the name of 'building social confidence in public education'
New agenda of the JTU central leadership and its nature against the working class
- The Morikoshi leadership reliant on the education ministry
- 'Education reform from below' for 'building social confidence in public education'
- Fight for a militant strengthening of the JTU!

No strengthening of the US Zama Camp! (Oct. 20)

Denounce the attempt to falsify the history about the forced mass suicides in Okinawa!

Under the banner against the US-Japan military alliance: Oct. 21st regional antiwar demonstrations
- Osaka: workers and students protesting in front of the prefectural LDP office (Left pic above)
- Sapporo: Zengakuren, Antiwar Youth marching towards the LDP Hokkaido office (Right pic above)

Struggles for a militant uplift of a trade union-based antiwar rally in Fukuoka (Oct. 19th)

In depth: A stillbirth in Nara
- 'Medical reform' to kill toiling masses

Angers of farmers for the 'agricultural reform'

Topics A grand realignment promoted in the electric industry

What I learned from Comrade Kuroda (3)
- Overcome your objectivism!

[7]Kaleidoscope 2007
- US and Chinese beauties rival on the moon
- Indian Prime Minister: 'friendly' in all direction
- 'Court-martial the administration!' (Sanchez): and you!
- Putin: Someone to poison me.


No. 1992
(November 5th Issue)

Oct. 21st Antiwar flames against the continued MSDF mission
'Withdraw Japanese troops from the Indian Ocean and Iraq!
Zengakuren, Antiwar Youth march on the Diet, Prime Minister's Office

- In solidarity with regional actions in Hokkaido, Tokai, Kansai and Okinawa
- A militant demonstration, beating off a rightist attack
- 'Denounce the official leaders dependent on the Ozawa-led DPJ!'
- Opening a new horizon for struggle against war, against the US-Japan military alliance
- Stop the enactment of the new law to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission! Smash the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance!

Scandals revealed over the procurement of US-made engines of the next-generation CX airplane of the ASDF: What's in depth

- Behind the media exposure: the strings pulled from the US Democratic Party
- Dirty connections revealed in the new US-Japan military alliance
- The truth of the 'scandal' with former Vice Defense Minister Takemasa Moriya
- A new 'bribery connection' under Bush and Koizumi

JTAGS: the 'nerve system' of the missile defense front


Chukakuha remnants dispersing away

Damages found with the reactor: earthquake-hit Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant

Zengakuren denounces the start of the Diet session for the bill to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission (Oct. 24th) (Pic. left)
Ex-Chief of the Defense Agency Gen Nakatani apologizes to Zengakuren for his controversial 'terrorist' remark on oppositions (Pic. right)

'Stop the deployment of PAC3 missiles!'
- Militant workers and students demonstrate on SDF Tsuiki Base (Oct. 14th) (Pic right)

JRCL propaganda denouncing the JCP central dependent on the Ozawa-led DPJ at mass rallies (Oct. 14th Komaki, Oct. 16 Nagoya)

2007 recommendation by National Personnel Authority: stronger emphasis on performance and merit

Topics Rengo leaders on financial funds: 'Unite the labour and managerial against the takeover!'

No to the planned revision of the organ transplant law!
- A blind dash to an advanced country in 'highly technicalized medical treatment'
- Equation of brain death with human death: justification for legalizing the extirpation of living organs

Miseries at brickyards in China

What I learned from Comrade Kuroda (2)
On his For Advancing Labour Movement

Touched with Kuroda's poetic works


No. 1991
(October 29th Issue)

Now is the time to strengthen the struggle
against war, against the US-Japan military alliance!
Stop the enactment of the new law to continue the MSDF anti-terror mission!
Fight against the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance!
Overcome the official opposition movement
increasingly dependent on the Ozawa-led DPJ!

- The Bush Empire agonized by its bankruptcies in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Denounce the Rengo leadership and the JCP central oppressing and distorting the fightback!

Central Europe drifting No. 4
Poland leant to a chauvinistic nationalism against Russia, against Germany
Political and economic confusions under the the Kaczynski-led Bonapartist government
- Acceptance of the deployment of MD systems as a 'vassal state' to the Bush Empire
- Political and economic confusion aggravated multiply
- The root cause of the crisis in 'capitalist' Poland

Osaka streets resounding with voices against the US-Japan military alliance

- The Kansai Antiwar Student Walk (Oct. 6th)

A bridgehead for struggle against the continued MSDF mission
- Zengakuren Tokai regional convention (Sept. 24th)

Medical workers ordered to work for 32 hours running at Okinawa prefectural hospitals

Kanazawa City government prolongs the workday

Topics The Rengo leadership complementing the planned revision of labour codes

National universities leaning to commercialism for their survival

Prisons filled with aged and handicapped people

What I learned from Comrade Kuroda (1)
'We base ourselves on the praxical standpoint'

Kaleidoscope 2007
- Sarkozy: It's a chance for...
- The last poodle
- A Japanese satellite
- 'A possible terrorist plan to explode Tokyo'?

* Weekly Kaihoh is edited only in Japanese.
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2002 No. 1701-1710 No. 1711-1720 No. 1721-1730 No. 1731-1740 No. 1741-1749
2001 No. 1651-1660 No. 1661-1670 No. 1671-1680 No. 1681-1690 No. 1691-1700
2000 No. 1600-1610 No. 1611-1620 No. 1621-1630 No. 1631-1640 No. 1641-1650
1999 - No. 1563-1570 No. 1571-1580 No. 1581-1599

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