Japan Revolutionary Communist League
Revolutionary Marxist Faction

Updated: March 17th 2025

No. 2859
and back issues
No. 335, the latest
and back issues
Books in English edition
National and regional offices
61st International Antiwar Assembly (2023)
60th International Antiwar Assembly (2022)
No to aggression in Ukraine!
English text  Leaflet (pdf)
Russian text Leaflet (pdf)
59th International Antiwar Assembly (2021)
58th International Antiwar Assembly (2020)
57th International Antiwar Assembly (2019)
56th International Antiwar Assembly (2018)
On the 100th aniversary of the Russian Revolution (2017)
55th International Antiwar Assembly (2017)
 Stop a nuclear Korean war!
 54th International Antiwar Assembly (2016)
53rd International Antiwar Assembly (2015)
 52nd International Antiwar Assembly (2014)
51st International Antiwar Assembly (2013)
50th International Antiwar Assembly (2012)  
49th International Antiwar Assembly (2011)
48th International Antiwar Assembly (2010)
47th International Antiwar Assembly (2009)
Denounce Israel's savage aggression against Gaza (2009)
46th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan (2008)
Oppose the G8 Summit! (2008)
45th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan (2007)
Iraqi people, band together and advance towards the final victory!
JRCL statement on the 4th anniversary of the Iraq war (2007)
44th International Antiwar Assembly (2006)
43rd International Antiwar Assembly (2005)
Denounce the London Bombings Plotted by the Bush Empire!
(Translation modified)
JRCL International Appeal
Denounce the massacre in Fallujah by the US occupation forces! Nov. 16th 2004
42nd International Antiwar Assembly (2004)
including the Overseas Appeal for the Assembly and the messages of solidarity from foreign friends
Okinawa: Protests against the US helicopter crash (2004)
Fight now for an explosive worldwide struggle against the Iraq War!
Chairman of the JRCL
Denounce the March 2nd Massacres of Shiite Muslims Plotted by the Bush Administration! (2004)
JRCL statements on the Iraqi war
JRCL: a year on from the Afghan War
Zengakuren: against the UN resolution on Iraq
41st International Antiwar Assembly (2003)
-Overseas Appeal: Stop Bush's War!
-Messages from foreign friends
US imperialism .
The Beginning of the End
JRCL Documents on Afghanistan
The 40th International Antiwar Assembly (2002)
Militant workers and students protest against the Kyushu-Okinawa G8 Summit (July 2000)
"Agitation to Denounce the NATO Bombing"
Others on Yugoslavia (1999)
HOME (Japanese)

Three years since Russia's aggression against Ukraine

'Crush Putin's War!'
Workers and students marched on the Russian Embassy
arm in arm with people rising up across the world
Feb. 23rd, Tokyo

Militant demonstrations across the country, Feb. 23rd-24th
Sapporo Feb. 23rd
Nagoya Feb. 23rd
Osaka Feb. 23rd
Fukuoka Feb. 23rd
Naha Feb, 23rd
Kanazawa Feb. 24th