Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation |
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No. 1960
(March 19th Issue)
Stop the enactment of a national referendum
law - The Abe-led government desperately dashing for revision of the Constitution - Stop neo-fascist reactions! No Constitutional revision! Fight against the war and the military alliance! [2] Iraqi people, band together and advance towards the final victory in the struggle against the US aggressor and its occupation! We appeal on the 4th anniversary of the military aggression against Iraq by US imperialism! See the JRCL Statement [4] Roh Moo-Hyun's attempt to break through his crisis under the new confrontation between the US and China - Promotion of the 'prosperity policy' under the banner of the 'six-party agreement' - Power strife with the opposition Grand National Party for next presidency - An attempt to leap into a big power in alliance with Hu Jintao's China [5] An attempt to reorganize the Chukakuha remnants into a 'parasite' on the official labour movement The poorest cosmetic on fake syndicalism (1) Self-revelation as 'surrenderers to the state power' - A Spy revealing another spy - After the 'revolution of the party': Dispersed and loosened - Declaration of the liquidation of their 'fronts' (To continue) [3] US Forces in Japan Okinawa: a front of the militarist empire for its aggressive wars [6] Topics Abe's plans for 'supporting rechallenge' Denounce the leadership in the federation of basic industrial workers unions forcing services to the industry and companies! [7] Denounce the leadership of the NTT workers' union crying out for devotion to 'business development'! [8] Determinations expressed to the Feb. 4th meeting for spring labour offensive - For education workers - For postal workers TOP |
No. 1959
(March 12th Issue)
Advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle
- Putin's counteroffensive and the strengthened tie between China and Rusia - The 'dependent state' of Japan wavering under the new confrontation between the US and China-Russia - Reveal the criminal role and degeneration of the official leadership! Build a battlefront against neo-fascism! [4-5] Break through the ruinous crisis of the Japanese labour movement! Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2007 spring labour offensive! Keynote report to the Feb. 4th meeting for spring labour offensive (for private industries) - The Japanese working class in crisis just before the spring offensive - Overcome the today's Industrial Patriotic movement! Build a militant battlefront! [2] Struggles against US nuclear carrier Reagan entering Sasebo Port (Feb. 24th) (Pics right) Angry fists against US Aegis-equipped warship Stethem calling at Ishikari Bay New Port (Feb 5th) (Pic right) [3] Join the 122nd meeting of the Zengakuren Central Committee! Build up a battle formation by overcoming the official 'pro-Constitutional' movement! Denounce the reactionary Supreme Court judge for the forced piano accompaniment to the Reign-of-the-Emperor anthem! US warplanes training at SDF bases nationwide: US and Japanese forces increasingly unified [6] Labour Front Reports - JRCL propaganda at a Zenroren action against Toyota capital - Miseries of taxi driving workers in Okinawa Topics Abusive languages from monopoly capitalist Mitarai and Okutani: Vampire! [7] Iraq verging on a crisis of civil war Muslim people, band together to strengthen anti-American struggles! [8] Czech rulers attempting to eradicate the left organizations Kaleidoscope 2007 - A 'classroom disorder' at a cabinet room - Putin and his Arabian nights TOP |
No. 1958
(March 5th Issue)
Stop the Constitutional revision!
- Russia and China counteracting the 'eastward expansion' of NATO and the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance - Reactionary Neofascist offensive by the shaky Abe government - Stop the Constitutional revision! Build a battlefront against neo-fascism! [4] Realization of a 'better capitalism': fallacious Deceptions with the Zenroren tactics for 'correcting the disparity society' (Continued from the previous issue) - Empty cries for 'counteroffensive' - Lack of the sense of crisis towards the neofascist reaction - Plea for 'correcting disparity' in the name of 'corporate social responsibility' (Previously published) - 'Rules for work' 'on a European level': fallaciously dreamt of [5] Stop the Constitutional revision! Smash the neo-fascist offensive! Keynote report to the Feb. 4th meeting for spring labour offensive (for public workers) [2] A counterblow against a US parachutes drill in Okinawa (Feb. 13th) - Antiwar boats closing on US troops to stop the drill Stop the deployment of air-to-air refuelling planes to Komaki Base! [6] Build a bridgehead against the neo-fascist reform of education! JRCL Education Workers Committee Part-time workers: intensification of their labour The increase of 'personal contracts' [7] Okinawa parents: can hardly pay school lunch fees for their kids Postal workplaces: Confusions caused by the reorganization of delivery stations Topics The Electric Workers' Union's 'job-based system of wage claim [8] Steel-making workplaces: successive accidents and deaths - 'Action-based accidents' (?): Monopoly capitalists justifying themselves by shifting the responsibility onto workers - Japanese-made auto sheets overwhelming the rest of the world - Expanded production by a high-speed operation of outdated machines: intensified crisis of industrial accidents [3] Kaleidoscope 2007 - A new 'Berlin Wall' - Silence is not golden. - Grudge from hunger - A main melody line (?): No 'harmonious' TOP |
No. 1957
(February 26th Issue)
Smash the neofascist reaction! - The Abe-led 'education reform' to institutionalize a patriotic education - Offensives to destroy trade unions for building 'a nation that can engage in war' - Fight against the Constitutional revision and the enactment of a national referendum law! Stop the revisions in the labour legislation! JRCL slogans for the 2007 spring offensive (See below) [4-5] Realization of a 'better capitalism': fallacious Deceptions with the Zenroren tactics for 'correcting the disparity society' - Empty cries for 'counteroffensive' - Lack of the sense of crisis towards the neofascist reaction - Plea for 'correcting disparity' in the name of 'corporate social responsibility' (Continued) - 'Rules for work' 'on a European level': fallaciously dreamt of [2] Fight to stop the deployment of PAC3 missiles at the ASDF Iruma base! Stop a US-Japan joint military drill! - Zengakuren march on the GSDF Itami base (Feb. 4th) Struggles at a mass rally against a joint military drill (Jan. 21st) [6] Fight back against the offensives to destroy Hokkaido Teachers' Union by the government and the ruling LDP! Contracted workers in postal service: death from overwork Topics Rapid expansion of regional disparities [7] China's challenge to the US imperialist control of space The Georgian government and its surrender before aggressive pressures by Putin [8] In commemoration of comrade Kuroda Advance by making his 'supreme product' our bridgehead Memorial messages of from Russia [3] Kaleidoscope 2007 - Before Allah: against that who slaughtered Mesopotamia - Tragedy at Zarka Village - An 'agrarian collectivisation' in Japan - A trip to Africa by a yellow Cecil Rhodes - Anonymized statements by police JRCL slogans for the 2007 spring labour offensive Fight to uplift the spring offensive by denouncing the Rengo leadership assisting the Constitutional revision and revisions in the labour legislation! Smash the neofascist reaction! Break through the ruinous crisis of the Japanese labour movement!I. Oppose the 'Labour Big-bang aimed at depriving workers of rights and destroying trade unions! Fight against the grave revision in the labour legislation taking on Constitutional revisions! - Stop the enactment of a labour contract law! - Fight against deprivation of the three labour rights! Don't deprive minor unions of rights to a collective bargaining! - Fight against the planned introduction of a Japanese system of the white-collar exemption! - Smash the offensives to destroy trade unions by the Abe government! Denounce the Takagi-led Rengo leadership collaborating with the government and the ruling LDP in the bashing offensive to destroy the public workers' unions! II. Denounce the deceptive demands for 'wage improvement' by the Rengo leadership! Win a uniform and big raise! - No introduction of the 'performance/merit-based pay' or a 'job pay of a Japanese type'! - Win a big wage raise for casual workers and a drastic improvement of their treatment! III. Fight back against monopolies victimizing workers in the name of 'an aggressive management'! - No sacking, nor casualization! Oppose the expansion of subcontracted/dispatched labour! No false subcontract or fake dispatch! - Oppose the extreme intensification of labour under the reduction in personnel! Don't impose overtime work with no pay! IV. Oppose the neo-liberalist 'structural reform' deserting the 'socially disadvantaged' people! - Oppose the drastic, negative reform in the civil service attempted by bashing public workers as 'the root of all evil'! - Oppose the offensives of 'privatization' as a total dismantlement of the public service! - Fight against the planned tax raise against the toiling masses and a drastic hike in the consumption tax rate! Oppose a comprehensive reduction of the corporation tax! - Fight back against the historic negative reform of the social security system! V. Stop the Constitutional revision! Stop the enactment of a national referendum law for the revision! Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance as an offensive and defensive alliance against China and Russia! Oppose the intensification of the neofascist ruling order for promoting Japan to 'a nation that can engage in war'! Denounce the Rengo leadership positively responding from below to the strengthening of the Japanese neofascist ruling order! Denounce the JCP-affiliated leadership in Zenroren reducing the fights back into a policy advertising campaign based on the party's strategy for 'reform into a capitalism with rules'! Fight for a 'destructive reconstruction' of Rengo degraded as a today's Industrial Patriotic association! - Fight for a militant strengthening of trade unions! A militant trade union at every workplace! Build a class-based battlefront to break through the neofascist rule aiming at the overthrow of the Abe-led Japanese neo-con government! With a burning indignation against the 'absolute impoverishment', the working class, unite! TOP |
No. 1956
(February 19th Issue)
A battlefront built 1500 workers at the Feb. 4th meeting - 'Smash the historic revision of the labour legislation! Win a uniform, big wage raise!' Keynote report for the private sector - 'No revision of the Constitution! Shatter the neo-fascistic reactionary attacks!' Keynote report for the public sector - 'Strengthen the battlefront against neo-fascism!' Appeal from the JRCL - Determinations expressed from industries, full of fighting spirit - Win a militant upsurge in the spring labour offensive 2007! [4-5] Labour aristocrats of the IMF-JC in the forefront of today's Industrial Patriotic movement Metal Workers Unions' tactics for the spring no 'offensive' but 'offer' (1) Service to the metal industry's survival (2) Ignoring the 'absolute impoverishment' of the toiling masses under grave neo-fascist reactions (3) Supplement for intensifying the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system - Accepting the policy to revise the labour legislation and the Constitution - Full cooperation with the managerial measures for business and labour control - Supporting the neo-liberalist policy of 'structural reform' [2] ![]() - Militant students win in elections for chairmen of the students' associations Waseda University - Authorities' plan withdrawn to close rooms for students' circles [3] Stop the enactment of the National Referendum Law to revise the Constitution! Zengakuren Kyushu fight to stop a US-Japan joint military drill - Ohyanohara in Kumamoto (Jan. 27th), Kokubu in Kagoshima (Jan. 17th) (Pic) [6] Increasing number of suicides and mental illness - What are happening to public workers in Naha City, Okinawa Postal service - A grand administrative failure in New Year Topics Deception with the planned introduction of 'higher rates for overtime work' [7] The central government's plans for 'reconstructing' financially bankrupt Yubari City, Hokkaido - To desert the locality, to burden the residents Medical service in the US - 'Discarding' patients [8] Kaleidoscope 2007 - An FSB method to change regimes: Dioxins, polonium, and what's next? - The heated planet - What happened in the US and UK education: Examples for Abe's 'educational reconstruction' - Achilles' heal of the giant elephant: 'Special economic zones' expelling peasants TOP |
No. 1955
(February 12th Issue)
[1] No revision of the Constitution! Advance the struggle against the war and the US-Japan military alliance! Build an anti-neofascist battlefront to overthrow the ultra-reactionary Abe government! - The shaky government rushing to revise the Constitution and to strengthen the military alliance - Power struggles intensified as Abe's leadership seen short-lived - A crisis of war mounting under the new confrontation between the US and China - Fight to uplift the struggle against attempts to revise the Constitution and to strengthen the US-Japan military alliance! [4-5] A cooperative response from below to the rulers denying workers rights and trade unions Denounce the labour aristocrats in Rengo leading the Japanese labour movement to ruin! - Empty cries of 'counteroffensive' to evade all responsibilities - Disregard of today's 'absolute impoverishment' - Surrender to the neo-fascistic attack to destroy trade unions Denounce the central Jichiro leadership accepting the mass reduction in personnel! - Towards the 133th central committee meeting of the prefectural/municipal workers' union ![]() 'Stop the Constitutional revision! No strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!' - Zengakuren marches on the Diet (Jan. 27th) (Pic) 7000 workers rally nearby an SDF manoeuvring field at Hijudai (Jan. 21st, Kyushu) [6] Ishikawa prefecturral board of education attacking to destroy trade unions Postal service during New Year's busy period: Failures also in parcel stations Topics Successive reductions, suspensions and closures of hospitals or medical departments [7] NTT West: accidents frequent with the optical fiber-based telecommunication service [8] Electric monopoly Sharp Corp.: a slave factory in Kameyama (Continued from the previous issue) [3] Kaleidoscope 2007 - Monologue of the Russian tsar: Hurrah for an OGEC! But... - Water pollution in China Denounce the military aggression against Somalia by US imperialism and Ethiopia! TOP |
No. 1954
(February 5th Issue)
Build a class-based battlefront to smash
the revision of the Constitution and - Reactionary attacks by the Japanese government obedient to the Bush Empire - Fight to advance struggles against war, against the military alliance, against the Constitutional revision! [4-5] Under the cover 'a country of hope': attempts 'to revive a strong Japan' the Nihon-Keidanren driving workers into hopelessness - The Japanese employers' federation confessing a sense of crisis towards the losing struggle for the Asian economic sphere - Empty cries for 'innovation' - Neo-fascistic destruction of the postwar labour legislation - Thorough oppression of wages by controlling the labour aristocrats [2] ![]() 'Stop the Constitutional revision! No more US military base! - Okinawa workers and students stage a militant demonstration (Jan. 21st) No resumption of the Monju operation! - Workers and students fight against the dangerous nuclear facilities planned to resume operation (Dec. 9th, Tsuruga) (Pic) [6] Topics The Education Resuscitation Commission report: its reactionary nature We halted the introduction of 'a regional pay system' 'Regularization of casual workers' stressed by Toyota labour aristocrats: deception [7] JRCL public political meeting in Okinawa (Dec. 17th) - For another progress of the anti-Stalinist revolutionary communist movement Student Festivals - Kagoshima Univ., Kokugakuin Univ., Aichi Univ. [8] Electric monopoly Sharp Corp.: a slave factory in Kameyama City [3] Kaleidoscope 2007 - Another 'Born Again' of Bush? No. After mongering wars, famines - What Putin calls 'teamwork': links of 'friendship' connected with gas - Blacked out sentences in New York Times - 'Remember Pearl Harbor!': At the Hormuz Strait - The expelled US-obedient economic minister and his complaints TOP |
No. 1953
(January 29th Issue)
To the Feb. 4th Meeting for the Spring Labour
Offensive 2007! Build a bridgehead for revival of the labour movement despite the storm of neo-fascist reaction! - Reactionary attacks by the Abe government obedient to Bush the lame duck - The 'Labour Big-bang' attempted for intensification of the exploitation, destruction of trade unions - Oppression of wages and intensification of labour forced in the name of 'aggressive management' - Bottomless degeneration of official leaderships - Lift up the spring offensive 2007 by breaking through the 'Industrial Patriotic' campaign led by the Rengo central! - Break through the ruinous crisis of the Japanese labour movement! [4-5] Break through the ruinous crisis of the labour movement Fight against revisions of the labour codes and the Constitution! Win a big, uniform wage increase! Open up a militant upsurge of the 2007 spring labour offensive by organizing indignant working people suffering hardships! Central Workers' Orgburo (Continued from the previous issue) (1) The annual spring labour offensive in 2007 under grave neofascist reactions (2) Build ranks to break through a Industrial Patriotic Movement under neo-fascism A. Fight in opposition to the Rengo leadership distorting the spring offensive into a ceremony to accept managerial measures B. Denounce the JCP-affiliated leaders in Zenroren following the Rengo leadership C. Win the 2007 spring labour offensive! Let us fight for a militant revival of the Japanese labour movement! [2] Fight to stop the planned exercise for a US-Japan joint commanding centre! Stand up for a fight at the SDF Itami base! JRCL Kansai Regional Committee [3]
Zengakuren fighting in regions against a revised Fundamental Law of Education - Sapporo (Pic. upper right), Osaka, Kanazawa [6] Fights to stop the FLE revision - Rengo Hokkaido rally (Dec. 14th), Ishikawa Prefectural rally (Dec. 14th), Okinawa Prefectural rally (Dec. 10th) (Pic. lower right), Fukuoka City Teachers' Union action (Dec. 13th-15th) Topics 'White-collar exemption is needed to boost up the birth rate' (Abe)?!?! [7] Miseries of workers at 'call centres' in Okinawa Track driving labour and its harsh realities [8] I determine 'here and now' to truly grow into a revolutionary communist workers Harsh Learning Kuroda's 'The Hungarian incident and me' TOP |
No. 1952
(January 22nd Issue)
Break through the ruinous crisis of the labour
movement Fight against revisions of the labour codes and the Constitution! Win a big, uniform wage increase! Open up a militant upsurge of the 2007 spring labour offensive by organizing indignant working people suffering hardships! Central Workers' Orgburo (1) The annual spring labour offensive in 2007 under grave neofascist reactions A. The Abe-led neo-con government attempting the final destruction of the 'postwar regime' - The strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance and the revision of the Constitution - A grave revision in the legislative system of labour in the name of 'labour big bang' - Completion in the neoliberalist 'structural reform' B. The monopoly bourgeoisie implementing new measures for wage cuts, sackings and changes in the form of employment - Rejection of wage increase under the pretext 'to strengthen the international competitiveness' - Patches on the 'performance pay' system and another changes in the form of employment - Supports for building 'a state that can engage in war' C. A ruinous crisis of the Japanese labour movement (2) Build ranks to break through a Industrial Patriotic Movement under neo-fascism A. Fight in opposition to the Rengo leadership distorting the spring offensive into a ceremony to accept managerial measures - An effective agreement to the 'labour big bang' - Positive responses to monopolies attempting wage cuts and changes in the form of payment - Deceptive demands for 'better treatments of part-time workers' - Tricks with the slogan 'for correction of a social gap' - Cooperation with the Abe government bent on the Constitutional revision (The following parts to appear in next issue) B. Denounce the JCP-affiliated leaders in Zenroren following the Rengo leadership C. Win the 2007 spring labour offensive! Let us fight for a militant revival of the Japanese labour movement! [4-5] Special illustration: Stalinism and its grave historical crimes [6-7] Fuwa's idea of 'post capitalism' and its illusion Window-dressing on the JCP strategy of revised capitalism (1) What is called 'theoretical exchanges between the Japanese and Chinese CPs' under an authoritative promotion by the senile leader (2) Revival of the 'co-existence and competition theory of the two systems' and its deceptions (3) A fallacious 'road to socialism through market economy' (4) Kneeling down before Keynesianism [8] Determinations for 2007 - Chugoku regional committee - Social welfare service workers committee - Minor enterprise workers committee - East Kanagawa district antiwar workers conference TOP |
No. 1951
(January 15th Issue)
Build an antiwar struggle to break through
the crisis of global warfare! Organize a battle line to fight against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance and the revision of the Constitution despite the reactionary neofascist rule! Central Students' Orgburo 1. A crisis of war intensified under the new confrontation between the US and China 2. Reactionary attacks by the Japanese neo-con government and a critical situation of opposition movement 3. Win an upsurge in the struggle against war, the military alliance and neofascist reactions! [4-5] The Japanese economy subsiding under the new US-Chinese confrontation 1. Political and economic conflicts with China and the US 2. Monopoly bourgeois attempts to break through the deterioration in productive, technical foundations 3. 'Ultra-disparity society' and the increasing 'working poor' [6-7] Determinations for 2007 - Education workers committee - Chemical industrial workers committee - Telecommunication industrial workers committee - Metal industrial workers committee - Mass communication workers committee - Traffic and transport workers committee - Electric industrial workers committee - Tokyo district workers conference Postal service: the unprecedented disorder in delivering the season's gifts and greeting cards [8] Determinations for 2007 - Kansai regional committee - Hokkaido regional committee - Tokai regional committee TOP |