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No. 2180
(August 8th 2011 Issue)
Stop the nuclear plants right now! - Friction within the ruling class over the issue of 'reviewing of the energy strategy' - Confrontation between the US / Japan and China to hold command of the East and South China Seas - Stir up the flames of struggle against war and nuclear development! [2]
Angry voices of workers, students and residents resound throughout Kanazawa City (Jul. 24th) 'Denounce the F15 combat plane crash!' Fighting students hold a demonstration under the banner of 'anti-US / Japan new military alliance' at the front gate of ASDF Naha base (Okinawa, Jul. 8th) (Pic right upper) 'Fight to stop a restart of the Tomari nuclear plant!' 'Scrap all nuclear plants!' Fighting students demonstrate through Sapporo City (Hokkaido, Jul. 10th) (Pic right lower) Calls and leaflets on the streets in Osaka (Jul. 10th) Zengakuren students appeal to workers and residents, 'Fight to stop the restart of nuclear plants! Scrap all plants right now!' [4-5] Palestine amid an earthshaking turbulence of the Middle East' A 'reconciliation' between HAMAS and Fatah and a complete failure of the US imperialist initiated 'Peace Process' - An agreement for 'reconciliation' with the aim of winning the 'recognition of Palestine as an independent state and its UN membership' - Egypt, Turkey and Iran joining proceeding at a common pace under the banner of anti-Zionism - The Obama administration vacillating before the Israel's possible 'running out of US control' - Fight against the Zionist power triggering a war! [3] Cooling pips of the No.3 reactor of the Fukushima nuclear plant ruptured (by the earthquake) before the ensuing tsunami! Reveal the fabricated story of 'the nuclear plants withstood the earthquake', concocted by the government and TEPCO! Contribution Moved by disaster victims struggling in disaster stricken areas and saying 'I won't be overwhelmed by the tsunami' [6] Expose an illegal act of a taxi company charging its drivers 'fine penalties'! The collapse of the local industries that was dependent on Chinese immigrant workers recruited under the system of Technical Training Program Topics Denounce the decision of the extremely low amount of the minimum wages! [7] Decommission all nuclear plants on the bay of Wakasa in Fukui Prefecture! Reveal the concealed aspect of a project of recruiting Vietnamese workers as 'on-the-job trainees' for nuclear plants in Japan'! [8] - Prime Minister Kan sticking to his position and deserting disaster victims, while saying over and over again, 'I will never give up'! - A right wing, one-time pro-nuclear development scholar, shifts to 'anti-nuclear plant' by saying that is 'the way for Japan to be a nuclear-armed country'!? - The ex-vice president of TEPCO justifies his own crime by saying that some scholars insist that 'a low radiation dose is good for health' TOP |
No. 2179
(August 1st 2011 Issue)
Scrap all nuclear plants right now! - Labour aristocrats in Rengo demanding for the 'restart of suspended nuclear plants' - Overcome the JCP-led campaign begging the government to make a 'zero nuclear plant program'! - Fight against nuclear development! Stir up the flame of antiwar struggle! Fight against massive tax increase! [2]
Militant students of the Metropolitan Network marched on the MITI, the TEPCO headquarters and the Kyushu Electric Co. Tokyo office, under the slogans: Fight to stop the restart of suspended nuclear plants! Decommission all nuclear facilities! (Jul. 16th) (Pics above and right) Kagoshima University students call for struggles against war and nuclear development Militant students appealed to the local citizens. The banner reads: Oppose the plan to relocate US military drills to the Magejima Island! Stop the restarts of Genkai and Sendai nuclear plants! (Jul. 8th) (Pic right) Protest against Kan's presence at the annual memorial event in Okinawa Students of Zengakuren Okinawa rose up in protest against the attendance at the memorial event by the Prime Minister who was promoting the construction of a new US Marine base, while the official opposition leadership made no protests. (Naha, Jun. 23rd) (Pic right) [4-5] Fight against massive cuts in wages and consumption tax increase planned under the pretext of 'securing the resources for reconstruction'! Denounce the Jichiro leadership for supporting the Kan government! Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee (1) Offensives by the Kan government under the banner 'Break through the crisis of the nation', and fights back by prefectural and municipal workers - The government's plan for 'reconstruction' for supporting monopoly capitalists - Offensives for consumption tax increase and massive cuts in the wages of prefectural / municipal employees - The continued hardships of disaster victims and public workers - Acceptance by the Jichiro leadership of massive wage cuts, and confusion in the JCP-led Jichiroren leadership over the issue of nuclear power generation (2) Advance in opposition to degeneration and distortion of the struggle by Jichiro and Jichiroren leaderships! - Fight to stop massive cuts in wages! Advance the struggle together with the struggles against 'reconstruction' policies by the government for supporting monopoly capitalists and the planed increase of the consumption tax! - Stop all nuclear plants right now! Oppose the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! [6] The 4th National Convention of the Japan Post Workers' Union Denounce the leadership for pledging cooperation in a massive restructuring scheme! Topics Panasonic plans to sack more than ten thousand workers in the country [7] Fight back against Panasonic capitalists scheming to sack 40 thousand workers! [8] Studying Kuroda's Topos and Praxis What I have realized by walking with my eyes closed - Idealistic interpretation of 'information' - 'Facts without one's own praxis' - In stead of 'intellectual interests lacking in Eros' - What is meant by 'making ourselves immanent in the topos in which we exist' [3] Kaleidoscope - The 54th independent state in Africa: No to the planned dispatch of Japanese 'PKO' units for oil! - Atlantis, the last Space shuttle: the name implying a declining empire - Afghanistan: a dishonourable retreat - Kan's manoeuvre for clinging to the power: dependent on 'independence of nuclear power' - Greedy Japanese monopolies desperate to continue exporting nuclear plants TOP |
No. 2178
(July 25th 2011 Issue)
To the International Antiwar Assembly on August 7th - Increasing dangers of war in the east and the west of Asia - Advance anti-nuclear power development and antiwar struggles by overcoming the JCP-led campaign begging the government to abandon the 'country's dependence' on atomic energy! [2] 'Stop the restart of the Genkai plant!' 1000 workers, students and residents protest against a regular general meeting of KEPCo's stockholder (Fukuoka, Kyushu, Jun. 28th) - Workers and students demonstrate through Fukuoka City in Kyushu under the slogan 'Stop all nuclear plants right now!' [4-5] Create a further upsurge of our struggle against the government developing nuclear power generation! For the success of the Zengakuren 81st Regular Congress Central Students' Orgburo The Zengakuren fighting at the forefront of class struggle in Japan amid the earthquake and nuclear disaster - The Zengakuren Central Committee meeting held at the very moment when Fukushima reactors exploded one after another - Zengakuren students carrying out activities for supporting victims at universities all over the country - Creating the struggle under the slogan 'Stop and decommission all nuclear plants right now!' - Fighting back against university authorities' reactionary attempts to destroy the movements of Students Self-Governing Associations Lessons of the struggle in this spring term - On analysis of Fukushima nuclear plant accident - On criticism against the JCP policy on nuclear plant development - Lessons about the tactics that we clarified for the anti-nuclear power development struggle - The significance of the slogan: 'Denounce the Kan government deserting disaster victims!' - The significance of advancing the anti-nuclear power development struggle and the antiwar / anti-Ampo struggle simultaneously and in a unified form [6] The JCP-led campaign begging the government to adopt JCP's 'zero nuclear plant programme' is now in complete confusion Reveal the crime of JCP-led trade union officers blindly following the line of the JCP-led campaign! Topics JCP-led trade union leaders thrown into confusion: the central JCP leadership urges them to follow its campaign, but they don't The head of Keidanren [Japan Business Federation] Yonekura gets irritated at Kan declaring 'the abandonment of the dependence' on atomic energy [7] The Kan government revealed its subservient attitude towards US imperialists in their handling of the nuclear accident Denounce the incompetent, do-nothing Kan government and the executives of TEPCo! [8] Deceitful advertisements: The Kyushu Electric Power Company crying out 'We are short of electricity' School textbooks filled with fabricated stories: 'Atomic energy is clean and safe'!? [3] Kaleidoscope - JCP leaders feverishly and furtively trying to change an appearance of its policy on nuclear plant development - An Aleva-proposed 'new safety measure' paradoxically imply a nuclear plant meltdown can never be prevented - 'Nuclear plants in the US are safe, unlike those in Fukushima': The US NRC trying to cover up the fact nuclear reactors of Fukushima plant are made by General Electric 'Put an end to the Pinochet education system!' - Chilean students fighting on in the face of severe oppression by the Pinera government TOP |
No. 2177
(July 18th 2011 Issue)
Fight to stop the restart of the suspended nuclear plants!
- The confrontation between the US and China is intensifying over the command of the East and South China Seas - The rulers of Japan and US rushing headlong to strengthen their military alliance in reality - Fight to stop and scrap all the nuclear plants by overcoming the JCP-led campaign only begging the government to give up dependence on nuclear power generation! [8] Overseas Appeal for the 49th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan See the full text [2-3] Workers and students rise up in protest in various parts of the country on June 19th 'Decommission the Mihama, Oi and Takahama nuclear plants!' Powerful voices resound in Osaka (Jun. 19th) Workers and students marching on the Kepco and the US consulate under the slogan of 'Stop and scrap all the nuclear plants immediately!' 'Fight against the US-Japan military alliance!' 'Stop and scrap all the nuclear plants!' 'Overthrow the Kan government deserting disaster victims!' Workers and students raising their angry fists at the DPJ Aichi office and the Cepco (Nagoya) 'Stop the construction of a new US Marine base at Henoko!' 'No Ospreys to Okinawa!' -Workers and students demonstrate through Naha City in Okinawa Stop the construction of a new military base on Magejima, Kyushu and the planned relocation of a US bombers' training airfield! [4-5] Industrial 'supply chain cut off' in the earthquake disaster: reveal its realities and what they mean Denounce the monopoly capitalists coming through their crisis by victimizing numerous workers! Now at the Fukushima nuclear plant Denounce the government and the Tepco executives victimizing the workers of subcontractors! Radiation-exposed workers at the Fukushima site being deserted anonymously by Tepco [6] An appeal to education workers: on the 99th Regular Congress of Japan Teachers' Union 'Stop and scrap all the nuclear plants immediately!' 'Oppose every attempt to strengthen the nationalistic / meritocratic education!' Denounce monopoly capitalists for firing a large number of temp workers in Hokkaido under the pretext of 'deteriorated business activities'! Topics A Rengo's leaflet for employers: 'Our trade unions serve for company's development' [7] JRCL members actively develop discussions with JCP activists over the party's deceitful 'zero nuclear plants' policy in the venue of a JCP-led rally (Tokyo Jul. 2nd) The JCP activists thrown into confusion, faced with our theoretical struggle over the issue of nuclear plants, at a JCP-led Osaka meeting (Jun. 23rd) Obama in his death throes Let us fight to strike down the Obama administration, declining imperialist rulers! TOP |
No. 2176
(July 11th 2011 Issue)
Don't resume the operation of the suspended nuclear plants!
- An international chorus for 'promoting nuclear power generation' - Kan trying to stick to the post by stressing the need to enact the 'sustainable energy bill' - Seething anger of toiling masses against the government's scheme to resume presently suspended nuclear plants and the bottomless degeneration of the leaders of official mass movements [2] 'Let us fight to stop and scrap all the nuclear plants!' - Workers and students demonstrated through Sapporo City, Hokkaido (Jun. 19th) (Pic) 'No Ospreys to Okinawa!' - Workers and students in Okinawa held a protest rally against the planned deployment of US military helicopter Ospreys and the Defence Minister's visit for its notification (Jun. 13th) (Pic) [3] A mass protest rally against nuclear development in Tokyo - Trade union members, students and citizens rallied against the government's move to resume the operation of suspended nuclear plants (Jun. 24th) (Pic) 'No resumption of the operation of the Genkai plant!' - Trade unions in Saga Prefecture, Kyushu, held a rally of protest (Jun. 23rd) Aichi University: the annual Students Assembly with 1000 attendants vote against the resumption of local nuclear plant's operation (Jun. 9th) (Pic) [4] Fight to stop the operation of the nuclear fuel-recycling factory at Rokkasho! 'Plutonium recycling' with the danger of nuclear catastrophe (1) The government and a nuclear company planning to start operation for October, 2012 (2) The growing danger of nuclear catastrophe - A dangerous 'radiochemistric' process - The nuclear facility with the poorest earthquake resistance in Japan - The failed 'domestic technology' of vitrifying high-level radioactive waste - Serious exposure of workers to radiation (3) An attempt to gain and maintain the ability to develop technologies of producing nuclear weapons [5] The high-speed breeder reactor Monju, which can cause a catastrophe like a nuclear explosion - The government moving to resume its operation under the pretext of the introduction of 'safety measures' - Reactor's runaway can occur in several minutes, or seconds - The danger of another sodium explosion - The DPJ government intent on maintaining the ability to produce nuclear weapons [6] Topics The government and the DPJ decide a plan for 'a comprehensive reform of social welfare and taxation system' Sony sacks hundreds of temporary workers at a tsunami-hit area: the other side of its plan to rent out producing spaces to local companies reported as 'good contribution' A food poisoning accident in the school lunch service of Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido: Denounce the city authority shifting the responsibility to cooking workers! [7] Nursing care service devastated in tsunami-hit areas Disclose the brutality of ICRP's 'standards for protecting radiation' that justify exposing workers and residents to radiation! (Continued from the previous issue) [8] The Chinese government suppressing workers' revolts in the name of 'social management' A Russian-made aircraft carrier being remade by the Chinese government Reporting a miserable JCP-sponsored meeting in Osaka on nuclear power generation: the lecturer unable to answer the questions TOP |
No. 2175
(July 4th 2011 Issue)
'Stop and scrap all the nuclear plants!' ![]() The Zengakuren and the Antiwar Youth Committee rise in the united action
[2] |
No. 2174
(June 27th 2011 Issue)
Fight to stop and scrap all the nuclear plants immediately! ![]() - The Kan government giving an order to resume nuclear plant operations on the strength of 'an international commitment' - Overcome the JCP-led movement to beg the government for formulation of 'a zero nuclear plant programme'! Fight to scrap all the nuclear plants! (pic right) The Zengakuren and the Antiwar Youth Committee rising in the united action on June 19th: marching on the Parliament and the head office of Tepco (a detailed report on the next issue) [2] An angry demonstration against METI and Tepco (Tokyo, June 11th) 'Stop all the nuclear plants immediately!' 6000 of workers, students and people rise to protest (Pic right lower) 'Stop all the nuclear plants!' 'Fight against the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance!': students call out to workers and people in Ginza, Tokyo ![]() [4] Serious consequences of the neo-liberalistic structural reform causing terrible sufferings to disaster victims - 'The breakdown of the regional health care system' preventing the re-establishment of a medical system in disaster stricken areas - 'A loss of local government functions' hindering support efforts for livelihood reconstruction - A local administrative reforms resulting in the aggravation of damage and the serious delay of recovery in disaster stricken areas - Denounce the government's 'reconstruction' plan for monopoly capitalist business, deserting disaster victims! Declining imperialism in its death throes Obama's address on new Middle East policies [6] Topics Disaster victims oppressed by a double loan, deprivation of work places and livelihood assistance suspensions Down with the Kan government deserting disaster victims! Denounce the head of the Japan Post Workers' Union giving in to the JP authority forcing a drastic pay cut! The increasing number of people having no places nearby to go for buying daily living necessaries Denounce the Kan government throwing workers into poverty! [7] Electrical monopoly capitalists groan under the crisis caused by the gigantic quake and tsunami (Continued from the previous issue) Monopoly capitalists launching out on the reorganization of the distribution system to cope with the earthquake disaster Denounce the monopoly capitalists victimizing transport workers! [8] Denounce the Supreme Court decision to judge the administrative order for forced singing of the Reign-of-the-Emperor anthem as 'constitutional'! Assimilating the angers of farmers in evacuation areas for the nuclear disaster [3] Kaleidoscope - The JCP's pragmatic about-face in nuclear power policy: 'to ask the government to make a plan to retreat from nuclear power generation in 5 or 10 years' - The Kansai Electric Power Co. neglecting inconvenient historical facts: 'This area has no records of tsunami' - 'Post-disaster society': a blueprint presented by a 'political scientist' eager for pro-American politicians' favour - Ukraine: from a stone to a steel coffin, for escaping from another catastrophe, the economic crisis TOP |
No. 2173
(June 20th 2011 Issue)
Overthrow the Kan government - Monopoly capitalists demand a 'grand coalition' of the DP and the LDP - The enactment of the basic reconstruction bill and the consumption tax increase proposed in response to the monopoly capitalists' demands - The Kan government schemes to resume operation of the suspended nuclear plants in July - Advance the anti-nuclear development struggle, the antiwar struggle and the politico-economic struggle as one fight in form! [2] Students of Kagoshima Univ. Kyushu, hold a rally for anti-nuclear power plant protest Kan advocating 'to separate the generation and transmission of electricity' meets strong opposition from LDP menbers and monopoly capitalists [4] Oppose the Kyushu Electric Power Co.'s scheme to resume the operation of Genkai No.3 reactor and build a Sendai No.3 reactor! Stop the Tomari nuclear plant immediately! Reveal a deception of 'safety measures' taken by the Hokkaido Electric Power Co.! [5] Electrical monopoly capitalists groan under the crisis caused by the gigantic quake and tsunami [6] Oppose the Hokkaido education board strengthening the control over school staffs and enforcing pay cuts! Topics Denounce the cosmetic 'job seeker support and employment measures' conducted by the government! Tanka poems [7] Suppressed warnings: tsunami was predicted by scholars [8] Contribution: Fishermen in agony Serious internal exposure now in progress [3] Kaleidoscope - Not a lame-duck but a dead Cabinet: Prime Minister Kan still having a lingering desire for the position - The crew of the Lucky Dragon, exposed to radiation under the US nuclear test in 1954, denounce: we were victimized for nuclear power plant development' - A thorium nuclear reactor: 'accident-free' reactor advocated by a JCP-patronized scholar - The Asia Security Council turned to be the arena for the competition between the US and China over the 'command of the sea' TOP |
No. 2172
(June 13th 2011 Issue)
Rise in the workers' and students' united action on June 19th!
- The ruined Kan government sticks to the nuclear development and consumption tax increase - The 'reconstruction' plan for monopoly capitalist business - 'Japan's subservience to the US' grows even worse - The Rengo leadership shudders at the danger of the collapse of the DPJ government - The deception of the JCP coming out with 'a zero nuclear plant programme' - Down with the Kan government aggravating the disaster! [2] 1500 workers, students and people protest the Kan government continuing the nuclear development (Tokyo, May 27th) - 'Stop all the nuclear plants immediately!' the voices of fighting students resound in front of the Tepco head office - The rally brimming with fighting spirits: students of 'Metropolitan Network' struggle in the forefront Students hold a demonstration against Kansai Electric Power Co. and the DP Osaka office (Osaka, May 26th) - 'Down with the Kan government!' the students raise their angry fists [4] Oppose deserting the small-scale fisheries in the name of 'an aggressive reconstruction plan'! - Fisheries and marine product processing industries suffer from the devastating damages - The government's plan to 'consolidate' fishing ports tramples down the fishermen suffering from the disaster - The Kan government's slogan 'Strengthen the ability to compete in world markets': fallacious and deceptive Reveal the nuclear plant workers' falsified doses of radiation exposure! [5] The Kan government and Tepco disregard a warning from the JCO criticality accident at Tokai-mura in 1999 - The first criticality accident in the history of nuclear power development in Japan - The LDP government and the Science and Technology Agency exposed their do-nothingism 1/ Possibility of a criticality accident was voted down by a 'majority vote' 2/ The worst case was avoided by a 'death-defying corps' 3/ An evacuation order to residents were never in time Three years since the gigantic quake in China: the Chinese government deceptively insists 'the reconstruction accomplished' though the residents still remain in a disaster [6] Stop the 10% cut of public service workers' wages! Topics No to the government exposing the children to the radiation! The Japan Teachers' Union and the JCP-led Zenkyo teachers' union respond with silence to the government-announced high 'standard dose' of radiation Contribution The railways in Tohoku, rise from the disaster! [8] Contribution Keeping in my heart the anger of workers and people suffering from the nuclear disaster A word of the victims, 'We are guinea pigs' [3]Kaleidoscope - Reveal the reason why the president of JR Tokai Co. argues the need for nuclear plants eagerly: his business for a magnetic levitation train - Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: people burn with anger against the destructive development and forced poverty - The US Secretary of State being irritated with Pakistan fanning up the anti-US attitude - A way the victims are deserted shows do-nothingism of the Kan government - The United Stats: the SEALS set dogs up as 'sailors' and award a medal on the dogs! TOP |
Down with the Kan government deserting disaster victims!
- Over the 'Arab Spring', US and European rulers compete with each other, with naked imperialist ambitions - The Obama administration intends Japan to be more subservient - Denounce the Kan government and Tepco covering up inconvenient information on the Fukushima accident! - Reveal the deception by JCP leaders in switching their policy for nuclear plants - Advance the struggle against nuclear development, the antiwar struggle and the struggle over politico-economic issues in a united form! [3] 'Stop the nuclear plants! Oppose the new US Marine base construction in Henoko!' Fighting students march along the main street of Naha City (Okinawa, Apr. 30th) (Pic right middle) Campus News A surge of anti-nuclear plant protest in Kagoshima, Kyushu Kagoshima Univ. students gather in the campus square, waving placards (Apr. 27th) (Pic right lower) Criticize a JCP-patronized scholar still saying 'It's irresponsible to demand an immediate stop of nuclear plants'! JCP Chairman Shii thrown into confusion, faced with criticisms from below for his failure to say 'Stop all the nuclear plants immediately' [2] A court hearing on a libel case in Okinawa International University Fighting students accuse the university authorities and the dean of having committed libel against them (May 24th) [4-5] Reveal the crime of JCP bureaucrats who hastily started to call for the formulation of 'a zero nuclear plant program' Criticize the JCP leaders' cosmetic about-face in the name of 'a strategic decision'! (1) A suddenly issued statement for 'zero nuclear plants' - A self-protective response of the leadership to the growing criticisms from the rank and file (2) The formulation of 'a zero nuclear plant programme' is a deceptive alternative - Lacking in the analysis of the monopoly capitalist limitation of 'safety measures' - A one-sided analysis of the government's policy for nuclear development - A demand for the formulation of 'a zero nuclear plant program' with the highest propriety given to 'a stable supply of electricity' (3) Reveal the historical crimes of the JCP! - Repeated, continued hostilities to the struggles against nuclear power plants - Overcome the contemporary bourgeois technological civilization! [6] Oppose the 10% cut of public service workers' wages under the pretext of 'reconstruction after the quake' Intensification of labour: forms of work undergoing sudden changes for 'power saving' Topics Leaders of JCP-led trade unions thrown into confusion by the party's turnaround in nuclear plant policy [7] Contribution Two months since the disaster Standing by victims rising to their feet from the abyss [8] Kaleidoscope - The Beijing bureaucracy taking advantage of the friction between the US and Pakistan after the assassination - US-made military robots introduced into the Fukushima site - The former governor of Fukushima prefecture: arrested for 'bribery' after his resistance to the government's plan to use plutonium fuel in the Fukushima nuclear plant TOP |