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No. 2380
(August 10th 2015 Issue)
The 53rd International Antiwar Assembly on August 2nd, a great success
- Crash the build-up of 'global war alliance': A keynote report --- Lead the struggle under the banner 'against the US military alliance', overcoming its distortion by the JCP leaders! - Denounce French nuclear tests! For the independence of Maohi Nui!: -Speeches by the delegates of Tavini Huiraatira-F.L.P. -Resolves for fight expressed by the Zengakuren chairman and a worker comrade in the publication industry
Outcries widespread against the enactment of the War Bill -Twenty-five thousands of workers, students and citizens besieged the Diet: July 26th --- Militant students raised their fist with anger toward the Diet! (pic 1) -Fifteen thousand people rallied in a protest action: July 28th -The JRCL gave public speeches from a car at Tokyo's busiest station: August 1st (pic 2, 3)
"Stop the landing exercise!" A protest action in Hokkaido Hamataiki beach: July 8th (pic 3) Workers and Zengakuren students raised their voices with anger toward a landing craft (pic 4) Protesters raised their fist toward a huge helicoptor loading an armoured car Students of Kagoshima University fought together with workers and citizens against the War Bill: July 12th (pic 5, 6) 'Condemn the passage of the War Bill for aggression through the House of Representatives!' A rally called by the bar association in Fukuoka prefecture was held: July 22nd (pic 7) [4] Definitely no to Abe's statement, to be issued towards the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII, for the restoration of 'militarist Japan'! - For emphasizing 'proactive contribution to peace' - Justification for building Japan into a 'state capable of waging war' - The JCP Chairman Shii criticizes Abe merely as 'anachronistic' Competition being intensified between the US and Russia in building up nuclear capability - Putin-led Russia's nuclear intimidation - NATO reinforces its readiness for action against Russia - Military exercises conducted by Russian and US/NATO forces in rivalry with each other [5] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly (1) - Revolutionary Marxists in Britain, Britain - Russian Communist Workers Party, Russia - SPARK - Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea, South Korea - A World to Win, Britain [6] Topics The 2015 standards for regional minimum wages presented by a Labour Ministry council: extremely low figures, with regional gaps widened Win a big increase in minimum wages in every region! The Abe government is scheming to polarize national universities into 'elite' ones ('global' types) and the rest ('local' types) - 'Scrap the humanities and social sciences courses!' - 'Local types must be entirely reorganized for vocational education' A cry of the soul of a would-be artist -- On reading handwritten notes by Shigeru Mizuki (renowned cartoonist) --- before going to the war front at the age of 20 Tanka poems Elegies on the students fallen in the war 70 years ago (Continued from the last issue) [7] Stop the massive deployment of Japanese troops on the Southwest Islands! -- A rapid step-up in preparedness for a war of aggression against China I. The Self-Defense Forces' new bases are being constructed at a very quick pace: on Yonaguni, Ishigaki, Miyako and Amami II. Deployment of military capability based on the US-Japanese war plans against China III. Stop the Abe government from taking steps on a US-Japan joint war footing! [8] Kaleidoscope - Abe wants to wipe out his predecessors' 'apology' for Japan's erstwhile colonial rule and aggression from his statement due next week - Another '21st century Silk Road' plan: India is scheming to make inroads into Central Asia - The Darpa method: The Japanese Defense Ministry finances universities in the development of military technology TOP |
No. 2379
(August 3rd 2015 Issue)
Block the enactment of the War Bill for aggression!
Besiege the Abe government by angry voices of workers, students and citizens! 25000 protesters were besieging the Diet building, July 26th The JRCL members appealed for the participants to oppose the US-Japan military alliance (picturs above) Militant students fought in the forefront of the struggle besieging the Diet building (pic right) Workers, students and citizens packed the environs of the Diet building [2] Condemn the passage of the War Bill for aggression through the House of Representatives! Voices of the condemnation against the War Bill for aggression echoed through the street of Naha City
A protest action was held in front of the LDP office (Osaka, July 15th-16th)
Zengakuren Hokkaido rose up in emergency actions (Sapporo and Obihiro, July 16th)
[3] Enthusiastic responses to the demonstration of students of Kagoshima University (Hakata, July 15th / Kagoshima, July 18th)
The cancellation of the construction project for the main stadium of Tokyo Olympic Games Decreasing of the approval rating of the Abe cabinet [4] Stop the enactment of the War Bill for aggression Let us create a militant upsurge of the struggle under the banner 'against the US-Japan military alliance, the revision of the Constitution and fascism'! - The Abe government besieged by angry voices of workers, students and citizens - An impending crisis of world war under the rivalry between the US / Japan and China / Russia - Rise up, overcoming the JCP-led movement without opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! [5] Exercise Talisman Sabre 2015: US, Japanese and Australian forces carried out the first joint amphibious assault exercise Crush the Abe government's plot to send Japanese troops to the South China Sea and the Middle East! Create a militant upsurge of struggle against the introduction of 'moral education' into a school curriculum! Denounce the Japan Teachers' Union leadership's incapacity to put up a resolute struggle against the Abe government's promotion of ultra-reactionary 'patriotic education'! [6] Topics Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] held its first emergency rally against the 'security bills' Don't allow the leadership to divert the struggle into a mere criticism of the Government's procedure for enacting the 'war bill'! Japan's first arms fair held in Yokohama: Japanese munitions monopolies plan to embark on full-scale entry into the international arms market The Abe government is promoting the use of generic drugs, with evil aims Part of the 'reform' in the health insurance system Tanka poems Elegies on the students fallen in the war 70 years ago [7] A plan for reorganizing the post office business management system having been presented as 'management attaching importance to functionality' Oppose the intensification of labour compelled by the management! [8] Reading the first volume of Fifty Years of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL I myself will re-create all our predecessors' efforts in the initial stage of building the JRCL TOP |
No. 2378
(July 27th 2015 Issue)
Condemn the passage of the War Bill for aggression through the House of Representatives!
Tens of thousands protesters besieged the Diet building: the revolutionary Left was in their forefront -The Abe government dashing toward 'war and fascism' -No to the build-up of the global war alliance! Fight against the US-Japan military alliance, fascism and the revision of the Constitution!
[2] A charged atmosphere filled the Hibiya Park in Tokyo Militant students called: "Down with the Abe government!": July 14th -Tens of thousands protesters rallied (pic 1) -The established leadership advocates 'defence of constitutionalism and democracy' -Voices against fascism echoed in front of the main gate of the Diet building and the Prime Minister's Official Residence Workers, students and citizens rallied with anger against the passage of the bill through the House of Representations! Tens of thousands besieged the Diet building Zengakuren fought, raising the banner against the US-Japan military alliance! "Stop the passage of the War Bill for aggression through the special committee!" Militant students fiercely protested in the forefront In the gathering dusk, protesters with anger stayed around the Diet building (In front of the Diet members' office building: July 15th (pic 2) "Prevent the passage through the full session! Down with the Abe government!" Militant workers and students fought in solidarity -"Fight against the build-up of the global war alliance!" Militant students were raising their fist toward the Diet building where the ruling coalition rammed the bill through the full session (In front of the Diet building: July 16th (pic 3)
Angry voices echoed against the passage through the House of Representatives 800 protesters marched against the War Bill for aggressive war: Osaka, July 10th (pic 4) "Prevent the loading of nuclear fuels into the Sendai Nuclear Plant Reactor No.1!" Workers, students and residents held a protest action in front of the gate of the Plant: Kagoshima, July 7th (pic 5) Japan's historic structures of factories and coal mines in the 19th century Japan were inscribed on the world heritage list The neo-fascist Abe government covered up the forced labour of drafted Korean workers 'The miraculous history of the industrial revolution in Japan' written in letters of blood and fire [4-5] Shatter the Abe government's offensives aimed to build Japan into a 'state capable of waging wars of aggression'! Smash the local government authorities' offensive of reducing wages and tightening labour management! The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee 1. The Abe government's major reactionary attack and the struggle of prefectural and municipal workers I. Abe's rushing attempt to build a 'state capable of waging wars of aggression' II. The Abe government passing the state deficits on to local governments and increasing pressure on local government authorities III. Wage cuts and the drastic tightening of labour management by local government authorities under the pressure of the Abe government IV. Revolutionary and militant workers fighting in opposition to the parliamentarianist distortion of struggles by the leaderships of Jichiro [All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union] and Jichiroren [Japan Federation of Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Unions] 2. Absolutely NO to the Abe government enacting the law for aggressive war! I. Denounce the leadership of Jichiro for seeking to 'rally moderates and liberals'! II. Condemn the Jichiroren leadership's distortion of struggles by seeking for 'cooperation with conscientious conservatives'! III. Block the enactment of the aggressive war law! Create a militant upsurge of the fighting to crush the reactionary offensives by the Abe government! [6] Liberal Democratic Party members attacked a school lesson on the 'security bills', saying it was 'ideologically prejudiced' -- The case of a Yamaguchi Prefectural high school Crush the strengthening of control over teachers! No to the fascistic attack aimed at destroying teachers unions in the name of the 'neutrality of education' -- The LDP's 'opinions' offered to the Prime Minister concerning 'political activities of teachers' Topics Abe promised Official Development Assistance of 750 billion yen to Mekong region leaders in a bid to counter China's planned economic bloc: a scheme of Japanese imperialism to make further neo-colonialist inroads into the region [7] 'Senior citizens should get out of the Tokyo area' An advisory committee recommends elderly people to move to rural areas in the name of the 'resuscitation of the provinces' backed by the Abe government The Abe government bent on drastically cutting down livelihood assistance benefits [8] Tremendous reinforcement of the US Forces in Japan and the building of a 'US-Japanese integrated army' (1) Deployment of top-of-the-line Aegis cruisers in the US Seventh Fleet (in Yokosuka) (2) Reinforcement of the US Marine Corps: Henoko, Iwakuni, Sasebo and Saga (3) Shared use of all the US bases and the Self-Defence Force bases in Japan: a scheme to turn the whole land of Japan into a forward base The US Seventh Fleet to be dramatically reinforced More Aegis cruisers (including the latest model) are to be deployed to cope with China's and Russia's deployment of ballistic missiles The 'general headquarters of the whole Ground SDF' to be newly established: the 'incorporation of the Japanese SDF into the US Forces' is going on at a high speed TOP |
No. 2377
(July 20th 2015 Issue)
Prevent the enactment of the War Bill for aggression! --- The build-up of the globalized alliance for aggressive war and the reinforcement of the neo-fascist ruling system ---- Protest actions surging and spreading - Advance the struggle against the US-Japan military alliance, Japanese neo-fascism and the revision of the Constitution! --- Smash the new US-Japan military alliance! ---- Stop the revision of the Constitution! ---- Create a united front against fascism! - Strengthen the battle-line against the Abe government!
Sendai Nuclear Plant Reactor No.1 Condemn the loading of nuclear fuels! Prevent the restart of the nuclear plant in this August! -The scheme to restart the nuclear plant: ignoring lessons from the Fukushima nuclear disaster -The Abe government is bent on promoting nuclear development and enacting the War Bill for aggression at the same time
[2-3] Protest actions against the War Bill for aggression held in various regions Students' and Workers' United Action of June 21st in Sapporo, Hokkaido (pic 1, 2) Thousands of workers, students and citizens rose up in a rally: Sapporo, June 20th (pic 3) "Stop the War Bill for aggression!" Students of Kanazawa University were marching: Kanazawa, June 26th (pic 4) Thousands of demonstrators were marching: Nara, June 20th (pic 5) "Prevent the passage of the War Bill for aggression!" Voices of workers, students and citizens echoed through the streets: Nagoya, June 14th (pic 6) "Prevent the passage of the War Bill for aggression! Stop the revision of the Constitution!" 900 students adopted a resolution against the revision of the Constitution at a general assembly: Aichi University, June 11th (pic 7) A letter from a reader No to Abe! [4-5] Denounce the labour aristocrats of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] for waving the banner of today's version of the Industrial Patriotic movement! -- The 2015 spring labour offensive fought amid a major reactionary offensive A. Extremely low compromise figures: forced on the working class due to the betrayal by the labour aristocrats - Accepting the decline in real wages and the widening of pay differentials B. Militant workers strived hard despite the labour aristocrats' suppression of struggles - Organizing counterattacks against neo-fascist offensives C. The Rengo labour aristocrats carried the labour offensive to a defeat through consultations with the government and management D. Build up a fight on the basis of struggles in each workplace against legislation for wars of aggression and against the revision of labour laws! [6] Topics The LDP yells for the restriction of school teachers' political activities and the imposition of penalties: taking advantage of the recent decision to lower the voting age to 18 The Hokkaido board of education presses education workers to work hard for improving school children's results of the Education Ministry-sponsored achievement tests The Welfare Ministry schemes to expand the unduly harsh Technical Internship Program for foreigners into the field of nursing care [7] My study note What underlies Kan'ichi Kuroda's subjective grasp of Marx's theory of alienation [8] Greek workers and toiling people fighting in the depth of poverty against the imposition of austerity measures - The 'overwhelming victory' in the referendum and the treachery of the Tsipras government - The German government has redirected its course towards the abandonment of Greece defiant of austerity - Approaching China and Russia: Tsipras' manoeuvre - Advance struggles against austerity across national borders! JCP Chairman Shii's talk in the Foreign Correspondents' Club: echoing of what a former Defense Ministry bureaucrat says TOP |
No. 2376
(July 13th 2015 Issue)
Prevent the passage of the War Bill for aggression -An impending crisis of a worldwide warfare: an all-out confrontation between the US and China / Russia ---The Obama government is frantic to build up a war system against China / Russia ---The rulers of China and Russia are intensifying challenges to the US based on their alliance-like ties -Overcome the JCP-led peace movement without opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! -Advance toward the overthrow of the Abe government bent on enacting the War Bill for aggression!
[3] Workers' and Students' United Action on June 21st in Kansai Militant demonstrators raised their fist against the US-Japan military alliance toward the Osaka prefectural office of the LDP (pic 1, 2) Workers' and Students' United Action on June 21st in Tokai "Down with the Abe government!" Voices of militant workers and students echoed through the streets of Nagoya (pic 3,4) [2] Militant students protested against Prime Minister Abe's participation in the memorial service for the victims who were killed in land battles in wartime in Okinawa: June 23rd (pic 5) Workers, students and residents occupied the gate of Camp Schwab to block lorries bringing in materials through it: Henoko, June 23rd (pic 6) An emergency rally against the legislation for aggressive war was held: Naha, June 25th Workers, students and residents with anger raised their fist (pic 7) [4] To crash the build-up of the globalized US-Japan alliance for aggressive war -The major revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty without the revision of the text -The build-up of the new US-Japan military alliance in the 'dark 21 century' ---The accomplishment of the strategy of US imperialism for making Japan to servile -Create a strong battle line against the US-Japan military alliance! [5] Rulers of the US and Japan bent on taking intimidating military actions against China (1) Frequent reconnaissance operations conducted jointly by the US and Japan in the South China Sea (2) A plot to use Philippine facilities as bases of the Japanese military (3) Repeated operation of US-led multinational military exercises [6] 'Action for Peace in Okinawa' sponsored by Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation]: June 23rd - 24th Militant workers strived hard, accusing the labour aristocrats of abandoning struggles against the 'War Bill' Topics The Abe government's 'outlines for economic and fiscal policies' of the latest version: a plan to victimize the working people [7] The reactionary nature of the Transport Ministry's 'basic plan' for its traffic policy: the bolstering of transport infrastructure designed to 'improve international competitiveness' (1) The outline of the 'basic plan' (2) Measures to 'strengthen international competitiveness' focussed on improvements in the functions of airports and ports - Deception in combining 'compactness and the formation of networks' (3) Denounce the private railway union leadership for being immersed in election campaigns [8] Overseas Appeal for the 53rd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Oppose the nuclear armament race between the US and China / Russia! Working people all over the world, rise in an international antiwar struggle! Oppose the build-up of the globalized US-Japan alliance for aggressive war! Oppose China's counter military build-up! Oppose US imperialism deploying Missile Defence systems throughout Europe and reinforcing the NATO forces! Denounce Russia's nuclear intimidation! Condemn the US-led allied forces bombing in Iraq and Syria! Stop the Abe government enacting the law enabling aggressive war! See the full text TOP |
No. 2375
(July 6th 2015 Issue)
Workers' and Students' United Action on June 21st
- "Down with the Abe government!" Militant demonstrators wearing white helmets raised their fist with anger - "No to the build-up of the US-Japan global war alliance!"- the solidarity rally - Prevent the passage of the bill for aggressive war through the House of Representatives! Rise up now!
[2] "Stop the legislation for aggressive war! Down with the Abe government!" Tens of thousands of protesters surrounded the Diet building: June 24th Militant students fought the action besieging the Diet building, raising the banner "Abandon the US-Japan Security Treaty!" (pic 1, 2)
[3] Workers' and Students' United Action on June 21st in Okinawa "Block the construction of the new US base in Henoko! Fight against the legislation for aggressive war!" Demonstrators with anger marched on the Okinawa prefectural office of the LDP: (pic 4, 5) Stop the legislation for aggressive war and the revision of the Constitution! Workers, students and citizens raised their antiwar voices: Kanazawa, June 10th (pic 6) [4-5] The new US-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines Declaration of the building of a 'global alliance for aggressive war' - An 'alliance on a global scale': the building of a new US-Japan military alliance - Formulation of an aggressive war manual on a global scale -- War plans stated clearly in the name of 'cross-domain operations' -- The establishment of permanent military headquarters and the formation of an integrated US-Japanese army -- The creation and build-up of a national mobilization system to wage war - The building of a multilateral military alliance against China [6] Denounce the JEC leadership for virtually accepting the ultra-reactionary revision of the Labour Standards Law! (JEC: Japanese Federation of Energy and Chemistry Workers' Unions) Stop the legislation for 'liberalization of dismissals'! Topics The third 'growth strategy' of the Abe government: Japan's loss of international competitiveness makes the government cry out for a 'revolution in productivity' [7] My study note I will be a 'Kuroda in 1956': Learning about Kuroda's realization of his subjectivity as communist towards the Hungarian issue (Continued from the last issue) [8] We denounce the Abe-led ruling party and Abe's 'pet' author Naoki Hyakuta for suppressing free speech and using abusive language against Okinawan people! Kalaidscope - Japan's going to secure a forward base to attack China in the Philippines that facilitates SDF missions in the South China Sea - 'Don't underestimate an insulted country!' (Tsipras): Greece in an impasse - Education Minister Shimomura's fictitious monologue: 'Reform national universities for a stronger Japan!' - The Group of Seven summit: no use, no meaning TOP |
No. 2374
(June 29th 2015 Issue)
June 14th ![]() - Tens of thousands of people rose up in the protest action! - Let us create a militant upsurge of the struggle, overcoming the parliamentarianist distortion by the JCP central leadership! (pic right) Zengakuren and Antiwar Youth Committee were marching on the Diet building (The United Action of Workers and Students, Tokyo, June 21st) (To be reported in the next issue) [4] Henoko, June 2nd- 6th Protesters with anger rose up in actions against the resumption of the drilling survey Battles against the construction of the US marine base on both sea and land Zengakuren Okinawa fought, raising a banner against the US-Japan military alliance!
Protesters were closing in on a drilling barge (June 2nd) (pic 1) Protesters in canoes and a boat were closing in on a drilling barge that moved for the preparation for research (June 1st) (pic 2) Having broken through barrier floats, Militant canoeists were swimming out towards a drilling barge (June 2nd) Hundreds of protesters waged to block lorries bringing in materials at a Camp Schwab gate (June 3rd) (pic 3) At the gate in the early morning on June 3rd. (pic 4) After the protest action on the sea, militant canoeists yelled, joining with protesters at the beach Canoeists fought against the offshore construction work for the US base despite the violent oppression by the Coast Guard (June 6th) (pic 5) On the nearest beach, protesters were condemning the oppression [2]
A Rengo rally against the revision of labour laws (Tokyo, June 12th) 'Condemn the government ramming the bill for the revision of the Worker Dispatching Law through the House of Representatives!" Workers raised their fist, with burning indignation (Pics right 6 and 7) [3] ![]() Thousands of workers, students and residents voiced in protest (Fukuoka Prefecture, June 7th) Lies, sophistries and defiant attitudes Arrogant responses by the Abe government in Diet talks [5] ![]() Condemn the Air-Self Defence Force chopper ignoring air traffic control! Military choppers are taking off and landing freely at the busiest civilian airport Protesters raised their fist with anger toward Camp Naha of the Air-Self Defence Force (June 9th) [6] Definitely 'No!' to the destruction of the 'eight-hour working day system'! Stop the revision of the Labour Standards Law! Topics Education Minister Shimomura coerces national universities to raise the 'Rising Sun flag' and sing the national anthem [7] My study note I will be a 'Kuroda in 1956'. Learning about Kuroda's realization of his subjectivity as communist towards the Hungarian issue [8] Kaleidoscope - Fascistic sophistry to justify the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense' with totally irrelevant precedents - Taiwan is trying to secure its administration of a fortified island in the middle of the Spratly Islands by asking for help from the US - 'I'm different from my brother' vs. 'I'm different from the incumbent president': the US presidential election - A monologue of Putin the Terrible: 'I'll get through the trouble with the same old bluff, "Russia is a nuclear power, remember?"' TOP |
No. 2373
(June 22nd 2015 Issue)
Take action to stop the legislation for aggressive war!
The neo-fascist Abe government justifying the bills by using sophistry - The build-up of a new military alliance with no explicit revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty - The wicked scheme for the revision of the Constitution Xi Jin-ping government declaring a maritime military struggle and the US and Japanese governments strengthening the encirclement against China Overcome the JCP-led movement 'against the legislation for aggressive war' without opposition to the US-Japan military alliance - Fight together under the banner 'Against the US-Japan military alliance, the revision of the Constitution and fascism!'
[2] Stop the passage of the bill for aggressive war! Workers, students and citizens raised their fist with anger: Osaka, June 7th (pic 1) "Absolutely No to the bill for the aggressive war and to the construction of the new US base in Hinoko!" Students of Kagoshima University held a rally on the campus, braving the fierce rain: June 3rd (pic 2) [3] "Stop the restart of nuclear plants!" Voice of protest echoed: Osaka, May 31st (pic 3) [4] Smash the management's offensive of restructuring and rationalization --- that sacrifices postal workers for increasing the 'company's value'! The Postal Workers Committee Overcome the leadership's attempt to change the union into one that complements the company's business operations and contributes to the state! Stop the Abe government's rush to enact legislation for wars of aggression! Denounce the JP union leadership for accepting the reactionary, neo-fascist offensive of the government! Topics The JC Metal union leadership advocates full cooperation in the Economy Ministry's productivity campaign [5] No to the legalization of extremely long working hours! Oppose the extension of coverage of the imputed working-hour system! Stop the Abe government's scheme to destroy the eight-hour working day system! - The number of workers subject to the revised system amounts to several millions - The revision is aimed to complement the planned introduction of the system of exemption from working hours regulation - 'Death from overwork' will be imposed on workers in the name of 'workers' own discretion' - Block the revision of labour laws! The voting age is to be dropped from 20 to 18 The Abe government is scheming to win over the young to revise the Constitution of Japan [6] Municipal authorities have enforced outsourcing of family registration services to private companies: the case of Ginowan, Okinawa Following the Abe government's policy of promoting the outsourcing of local government services [7] My study note Learning from Marx's Critique of the Gotha Programme [8] I'll continue my efforts to make Marx's philosophy my own -- What I learned from Kuroda's inquiry in a study meeting 'Working hours regulation is the fruit of the "wisdom of capitalism"'!? -- Former JCP Chairman Fuwa's forgery of Marx's Das Kapital [3] Kaleidoscope - The Obama administration killed the final document in the NPT review conference - The Abe government has decided on the establishment of a new intelligence organization under the direct control of the National Security Council TOP |
No. 2372
(June 15th 2015 Issue)
Prevent the passage of the bills for aggressive war! -'Servile to the US, Japan is committed to the formation of the US-led encirclement against China -Expose the reactionary nature of the Abe government bent on the legislation for aggressive war -Overcome the JCP-led movement demanding 'the abandonment of the bills for aggressive war' without opposition to the US-Japan military alliance!
[2] Sapporo, May 23rd Hundreds of workers, students and citizens marched against the legislation for aggressive war (pic 1, 2) Kagoshima, May 21st "Stop the enactment of laws for aggressive war! No to the revision of the Constitution!" Workers, students and citizens rose up in an urgent rally and a demonstration (pic 3,4) [3] Kaleidoscope No to the promotion of military researches at universities! A war of words between the US and China over the South China Sea A political bargaining power between the US and the South Korea over the agreement of atomic energy The military top brass of the North Korean are purged one after another [4-5] Former JCP Chairman Fuwa heaps abuses on Marx's Critique of the Gotha Programme A. The motive for obliterating the Critique of the Gotha Programme - Rejection of Marx's theory of communist society - Praise for the Chinese-style 'socialist market economy' B. Criticizing Marx's theory by reducing it to a 'distribution-centred vision of the future' C. What does Fuwa mean by 'future society full of dreams'? - Future society will be opened up through the 'reduction of the working day'? - Marx's 'future society' is not much different from today's? - 'Distribution according to labour' is like 'wages'! - 'Distribution according to the need' is like a social security system! [6] No to the restructuring and rationalization that make great sacrifices of postal workers! The Postal Workers Committee - Say 'No!' to the distortion of the postal labour movement - -- into one that supports the company and the government! - Fight resolutely against rationalization by denouncing the union leadership ----- for treacherously calling on union members to 'work hard for the company's business plan'! - Condemn the union leadership for accepting the management offer - - - of a extremely low wage-hike as 'an excellent decision'! - Shatter the enactment of the new laws for wars of aggression, worst-ever legislation after WWII, - - - with all the might of the working class! Topics Overtime hours imposed on workers go beyond the 'limit stipulated by a Labour Ministry order to prevent death from overwork' -- A fact disclosed by a survey of labour contracts concluded in the top-100 companies Denounce the labour aristocrats for fully cooperating with monopoly capitalists! [7] The LDP announced the plan for the government to issue teaching certificates: The Abe government's scheme to produce obedient teachers Fight against the neo-fascist reorganisation of education! A politician of the LDP engineered the adoption of an ultra nationalist textbook (Ishikawa prefecture) A sports Agency to be set up, for producing gold medallists, for boosting nationalism: Abe is learning from Goebbels of Nazi Germany [8] The Beijing bureaucrats are desperate in taking countermeasures to get through environmental pollution: amid the growing anger of the working people Patient deaths occur frequently in an 'advanced medical' hospital in Kobe: Medical tourism - liver transplantation from living donors -- The criminal nature of 'profitable advanced medical treatment', the main focus of the 'third arrow' of Abenomics, revealed TOP |
No. 2371
(June 8th 2015 Issue)
Workers' and Students' United Actions on June 21st
A military rivalry between the US / Japan and China is intensifying for the naval and air supremacy over the South China Sea An intensification of a rivalry in a build-up Competition in nuclear military build-up between the US and China / Russia is escalating The Abe government is bent on the legislation for aggressive war and the revision of the Constitution Let us fight under the banner: Against the build-up of the US-Japan global war alliance! -Stop the legislation for aggressive war! Against the new Guidelines for US-Japan Defence Cooperation! -Stop the revision of the Constitution! Fight against the reinforcement of the neo fascist ruling system!
[2] Stop the construction of the new US base in Henoko! 15 thousand people surrounded the Diet building (May 24th, Tokyo) [3] "Remove US Marine tilt-rotor Ospreys!" Demonstrators marched on the US Force headquarters in Okinawa (May 25th) (pic 1) Militant students rose up in protest actions against the decision by the Cabinet for the bills for aggressive war! (pic) (In front of the Osaka prefectural office of the LDP, May 15th) (pic 2) (pic) (In front of the Aichi prefectural office of the LDP in Nagoya, May 14th) (pic 3) "Atomic power is the cheapest source of electricity" - a deceptive calculation by the Ministry of Economy [4] The criminal nature of the JCP's policy against 'the legislation for war' without any opposition to the US-Japan military alliance I. The JCP bureaucrats-led campaign against the 'destruction of the Constitution of Japan' II. Arbitrary interpretation of the world situation completely out of touch with the danger of war III. The fallacy of begging the government not to 'lift the brakes based on the war-renouncing Constitution' [5] The Crisis in the South China Sea: a tense confrontation between the US-Japan and China 1. A hair-trigger situation: US and Chinese forces escalating provocative military actions against each other 2. The Xi Jinping government pressing for 'maritime preparation for military struggle' 3. The Obama administration hell-bent on strengthening the military encircling net against China 4. Intense rivalry over China's deployment of its strategic nuclear submarines [6] Topics 'The bill to revise the Labour Standards Law is one for preventing death from overwork'!?: a criminal sophistry of a neo-liberal scholar A new subject 'Japanese' was introduced into all the elementary and junior high schools in Tosu, Saga Prefecture Aimed to implant in school children's mind the spirit of 'selfless devotion to the nation' by means of Japanese mythologies, Confucian teachings and the way of the samurai Deceptions in the Abe government's scheme to reveal the names of so-called 'dirty enterprises': a smoke screen for the planned revision of labour laws [7] Some considerations on Kuroda's article 'Marxist Philosophy Facing an Ordeal' [8] Kaleidoscope - The Cabinet meeting having changed into an organ of merely approving the decisions of the National Security Council - A competition between Chinese and US rulers in developing dreamy hypersonic missiles - The exposure of the FIFA bribery scandal and what lies behind it TOP |