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No. 2090
(October 19th 2009 Issue)
Smash reactionary offensives of neo-fascism! ![]() - Ambition to strengthen the neo-colonialist invasion in the name of 'formation of an East Asian Community' - Attempts to consolidate the authoritative regime under the banner 'End the bureaucrat-led politics' - Rengo revealing its nature as the today's version of the Industrial Patriotic Association - Fight for a militant upsurge of antiwar and politico-economic struggles! (Pic. right: Militant students in Okinawa protesting an SDF 'anti-piracy' unit leaving for Somalia and Djibouti.) [2]
The US and Japanese governments are preparing a bilateral military exercise at the GSDF Aibano Training Area. To stop this exercise, a trade union based rally was held in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture on September 19th. Militant students of the Kobe University and the Nara Women's University stood up together with 600 workers and citizens. (See pictures in the right) [4-5] Fight for a militant upsurge of the revolutionary antiwar struggle! Oppose the newly started nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia! Smash reactionary offensives launched by the Hatoyama-led neo-fascist government under the catchword 'Fraternity'! Central Students' Orgburo (1) Behind talks for 'nuclear arms reduction': competition intensified between the US and China-Russia for strengthening their nuclear military capabilities (2) The Hatoyama-led neo-fascist government launching reactionary offensives in a new form (Included in the previous issue) (3) Fight by overcoming the official opposition movement assisting the Hatoyama-led neo-fascist government! - Denounce the JCP central leadership spreading illusions about the DPJ government! - Fight for a militant upsurge of antiwar and politico-economic struggles! [6] Jichiroren's regular convention: JCP-affiliated leaders of public workers' unions spreading erroneous expectations for the DPJ government Leaders of the Peace Forum, a trade union-based organization, holding expectations for security and foreign policies of the Hatoyama government Topics The Rengo bosses ordering a campaign to collect signatures for 'a world without nuclear weapons': deception and hypocrisy [7] Denounce the Yokohama City board of education deciding to use the notorious textbook for history edited by ultra-nationalist demagogues! [8] The last essay written by Kozo Uno: its meaning [3] Kaleidoscope - A race for the Olympic Games: a fictitious monologue by Japan's new first lady - Another first lady crying sour grapes - The WHO, for Whom? Around the new flu Disclosure: Okinawa Police detectives trailing and monitoring a revolutionary worker TOP |
No. 2089
(October 12th 2009 Issue)
Fight for a militant upsurge of the revolutionary
antiwar struggle!
Central Students' Orgburo - Behind talks for 'nuclear arms reduction': competition intensified between the US and China-Russia for strengthening their nuclear military capabilities - The Hatoyama-led neo-fascist government launching reactionary offensives in a new form A trade-union based rally against a joint US-Japan exercise in Kansai (Sept. 19th, Aibano, Shiga Prefecture) (Pic right upper) 3500 workers, students and citizens at a rally against the US Yokosuka base for a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (Sept. 26th) (Pic. right lower) [4-5] South Korea: the Lee Myung-bak government shaken by a drastic change in the East Asian situation - A direct talk started between the US and North Korean government and the birth of the Hatoyama-led new government in Japan - An export-based nation: its light and shadow - The Lee Myung-bak government seeking a way of survival between China and Japan [6] The poverty business: private nursing companies prey aged people wanting care service Topics Rengo: rushing to a 'labour movement supporting the ruling party' [7] Fight back against the Nagoya City authority planning unheard-of cuts in wages! Fight against the planned resumption of operation of the Hamaoka nuclear plant! [8] - The new chief of the National Public Safety Commission: proposing conditions for 'visualization of police interrogation' - The SPD: after the grand coalition - A 'land rush' in Romania - For a world without nuclear weapons?: development of a CSM (Conventional Strike Missile) named 'Hell Storm' - Financial crises in universities: as a result of 'deregulation' TOP |
No. 2088
(October 5th 2009 Issue)
A new triangular confrontation started,
UN as an arena Obama's new attempt for restoring America's dominance over the world as the 'sole superpower' - Behind 'nuclear arms reduction' talks: Chinese and Russian rulers intent on strengthening their nuclear capabilities against the US Intensification of the newly-started economic struggles between the three poles - A 25% cut in CO2 emissions: the Hatoyama initiative causing shock waves - A trade war connected with a financial, currency war increasingly intensified Oppose the newly started race between the US and China-Russia for reinforcing their nuclear capabilities! Oppose Japanese imperialism strengthening its neo-colonialist inroads in the name of 'the construction of an East Asian Community' [4] A shift to the expansion of production for 'domestic demands' of China and other Asian countries A 'strategy for survival' adopted by Japanese manufacturing monopolies amid a desperate crisis (1) Development of eco-technologies and a new form of advance into East Asian markets (2) The revealed limitations of the 'dependency on exports to the US' (3) Obstacles to its imperialist ambition to build 'a East Asian Community'
- Conflicts intensified over the formation of an economic sphere in East Asia - Disagreements increased between the Hatoyama-led new government and Japanese monopoly capitalists [2] 'Stop the tanks!' Militant students of the Zengakuren Hokkaido waged a struggle before dawn to stop a GSDF unit running its tanks as an exercise on a public road in Obihiro City (Sept. 1st) (Photo right) Protest against a nuclear plant resuming operation: Chubu Electric Power Co. was to end 'checking' its Reactor No. 4 (suspended after an earthquake in August) to resume operation on Sept. 15th. On the day before, Zengakuren students staged their protest in front of the corporation's headquarters (Nagoya, Sept. 14th). [3] ![]() A bridgehead was built to fight 'neo-fascism with a friendly face'. (Photo right) The central JCP bureaucrats emphasizing their cooperation with the Hatoyama government [6] Medical workers forced to work for many hours, nearly to die from overwork A massive budgetary expense for 'School New Deal' Topics Labour aristocrats in the UI Zensen cooperating capitalists in sacking workers [7] The Hatoyama government preparing a legislation for 'a comprehensive review of the postal service' A restaurant company trying to escape a legal punishment by reforming its notorious 'nominal manager system' only nominally [8] Kaleidoscope - A car sales forecast in China surpassing the US - The JCP chairman's blind love for the DPJ TOP |
No. 2087
(September 28th 2009 Issue)
Build a battlefront - A 'crack' between the US and Japan, sending shock waves around the world - A crisis of the Japanese economy deteriorating with increasing speed - Japanese imperialism trying to find a way of survival in 'eco-technologies' - Advance struggle against war and the US-Japan military alliance! Promote politico-economic struggles! [4-5] A shift to the expansion of production for 'domestic demands' of China and other Asian countries A 'strategy for survival' adopted by Japanese manufacturing monopolies amid a desperate crisis - Development of eco-technologies and a new form of advance into East Asian markets - The revealed limitations of the 'dependency on exports to the US' An overheated race for exporting nuclear plants to India [2] The guise of 'an ecologically advanced nation' worn by the Hatoyama government 'Break illusions about the DPJ government!' A street propaganda in Nagoya (Sept. 5th) [3] Denounce the attempt to settle the dispute of Minamata disease, the original issue of pollution disease, through a division of the responsible company - Division of Chisso Co., an attempt by the government to save the responsible company - Liquidation of the 'negative legacy', a way to an 'ecologically advanced nation'? - The central JCP leadership virtually accepting the division [6] A JCP-led trade union federation in the publication industry: the national leadership revealing its competence to deal with an organizational crisis Topics Labour aristocrats in the Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers' Unions: busy making loopholes to continue the exploitation of temporary workers [7] The latest National Convention of Jichiro [Prefectural/Municipal Workers' Union] The national leadership pledging a full support for the DPJ government Denounce the local governments producing the 'public sector of the working poor' [8] Kaleidoscope - 60 years after the foundation of the People's Republic of China: celebrations and revolts - Ballistic missiles with 'Chinese characteristics' - 'Terminator genes': greed of the US agribusiness Reviewing a recent book on Africa: extreme poverty caused by economic growths dependent on natural resources TOP |
No. 2086
(September 21st 2009 Issue)
Smash reactionary offensives by Hatoyama's
new government! - The Hatoyama-led neo-fascist government launching offensives to impose war and poverty upon the working people - Fight together by denouncing the official leadership supporting from below the DPJ government [4-5] Criticizing an ambitious writing by a labour movement researcher and defiant member of the JCP An optimistic praise for 'individual-based unions' not based on enterprises (Continued from the previous issue) (1) What he calls a 'Renaissance of the Japanese labour movement' (2) 'Gap society's transformation into a stratum society': a strange perception (3) 'Break with the enterprise-based union system': recommendation without a struggle to change it from within (4) 'Spread individual-based unions': advocacy without 'how' (5) 'Unionism' as a simple reversal of the Stalinist theory of red unions [2] For the 127th meeting of the Zengakuren Central Committee Prepare to smash the offensives by the Hatoyama government to impose war and poverty! [3] A 'Do-Shu' system: a reactionary vision for reorganizing the local administration, an attempt to strengthen the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system (Continued from the previous issue) The education ministry introducing a new education system to bring up the super elite [6] 1000 sackings and a 10% cut in wages: capitalist offensives for restructuring at a major aluminium sash company Denounce capitalists' attempts to cover up industrial accidents! Topics The latest jobless rate in the US: 9.7% [7] The welfare ministry desperate to patch up the nursing care insurance system on the verge of bankruptcy Successive homicides: aged persons killing a partner whom they have devotedly nursed [8] Kaleidoscope - Afghanistan: Who won the elections? - The strengthening of US bases in Columbia: coincident with the coup in Honduras - Government debts over 10 trillion dollars weighing Hatoyama - 'A New Path of Japan': intentional excerpts of 'anti-American' sentences by the New York Times from Hatoyama's article 'My Philosophy of Politics' TOP |
No. 2085
(September 14th 2009 Issue)
Intensify the struggle against war and poverty! - The Obama-led US administration shaken by the landslide victory of the DPJ - Build a stronger battle front against the fascism with a new face! - Fight under the banner 'Oppose the nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia'! [4-5] Criticizing an ambitious writing by a labour movement researcher and defiant member of the JCP An optimistic praise for 'individual-based unions' not based on enterprises (1) What he calls a 'Renaissance of the Japanese labour movement' (2) 'Gap society's transformation into a stratum society': a strange perception (3) 'Break with the enterprise-based union system': recommendation without a struggle to change it from within (4) 'Spread individual-based unions': advocacy without 'how' (5) 'Unionism' as a simple reversal of the Stalinist theory of red unions [2] ![]() 'Remove the Air Station!' Workers and students staged a protest in front of the US military headquarters (Aug. 13th) Monopoly bourgeoisie's anxiety and complaints: with a DPJ government near at hand [6] JPEX, a Japan Post's new subsidiary for home delivery service, imposing the extreme intensification of labour and low wages on workers Overburdened! Schools for handicapped children Topics Rengo President Takagi's offer to give 'human resources' to a DPJ government [7] A 'Do-Shu' system: a reactionary vision for reorganizing the local administration, an attempt to strengthen the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system [8] What I learned from comrade Kuroda [3] Kaleidoscope - Putin on Poland: another justification, 70 years after the crime - Putin on Georgia: another justification one year after the invasion - A crack in the tie: China and Australia - Surveillance cameras on taxis: installed on the front TOP |
No. 2084
(September 7th 2009 Issue)
Break the new crisis of the class struggle
in Japan! - The neo-fascistic nature of the Democratic Party of Japan wearing a hypocritical veil - Create and strengthen a battle front against fascism with a new face [4-5] The Kim Jong Il government desperate to wriggle out of the crisis of its nepotistic autocracy! - A diplomatic offensive in the name of 'change to a phase of dialogue' - Power strife behind the scene over the heir's rule - Construction of 'a powerful and prosperous state': a dream amid the economic bankruptcy Denounce the National Personnel Authority's recommendation for a large reduction of the wages! ![]() [2] Kokugakuin University: The annual assembly of all students (July 11th) (Pic right) Osaka Governor Hashimoto, an advocator for a new administrative system of localities [6] '3.7% increase': tricks in the government's announcement of the GDP The chairman of the Electrical Electronic and Information Union calling for 'a labour movement as the ruling party' Temporary personnel service companies forcing their employees to endorse a petition against 'a revision of the Worker Dispatch Laws' Topics The worst rate of unemployment: 5.7% in July [7] Fight to smash the Okinawa governor's plan to change prefecture-run hospitals into independent agencies! [8] International Antiwar Assembly Messages from foreign friends (4) - The Russian Party of Communists - A World To Win (Britain) - Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - MST-New Left (Argentina) The 'Overseas Appeal for the Antiwar Assembly' broadcast at a Bolivian mine The new military pact between the US and Columbia [3] Kaleidoscope - A condolence caller from the North - The JCP Chair stressing 'trends towards nuclear disarmament' - Japan's 'basic plan for space development' - Vegetable producing factories - The registries of cigarette buyers, or smokers' ID: part of the state surveillance system TOP |
No. 2083
(August 31st 2009 Issue)
Break the illusions about a 'DPJ government'! - The Democratic Party of Japan, a party for a 'Japanese neo-fascism of a friendly type' - Denounce the Rengo labour aristocrats producing an Industrial Patriotic movement in the name of 'labour movement as the ruling party' - Create a militant fight in opposition to the fascism with a new face!
[4-5] A 'friendly neo-fascism' wearing the veil of 'fraternity' The 'new national strategy' of the Democratic Party of Japan led by Hatoyama and Ozawa - Hypocrisy and deceptions designed 'to unite the nation' - 'Independence from the US': the platform of the party - The class nature of the DPJ's 'strategy for breaking the crisis' - Denounce the Rengo labour aristocrats supporting a 'DPJ government' [3] The International Antiwar Assembly Regional Meetings (2) Hokkaido: The JRCL Hokkaido regional committee together with Zengakuren Hokkaido and the Antiwar Youth Committee held the regional meeting. All participants made up their resolve to go forward. (Sapporo, Aug. 2nd) Kansai: The JRCL Kansai regional committee won a great success of the regional assembly in cooperation with Zengakuren Kansai and the Antiwar Youth Committee. (Osaka, Aug. 2nd) Tokai: The JRCL Tokai regional committee together with Zengakuren Tokai and the Antiwar Youth Committee of Nagoya held the regional meeting. (Nagoya, Aug. 2nd) [2] Students of the Nagoya University and the Aichi University marched through Nagoya City, under the banner, 'Down with the Aso government!' (July 19th) 'Oppose the nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia!' Kagoshima University students carried out an antiwar demonstration at their campus (July 15th) [6] The JTU regular national convention degenerated as a place of the election campaign for a 'DPJ government' Toiling masses in Hokkaido: suffering from absolute poverty Topics The guidelines of the minimum wages issued by the labour ministry's panel: below the level of social security [7] American imperialism suffering agonies from an insurmountable bankruptcy of 'casino capitalism' (1) The continued depression and the breakdown of the financial system - No way out of the depression - The financial crisis aggravated under the depression (2) Negative legacies of casino capitalism - Unbreakable chain reactions of negative factors - The casino-like economy brought about by neo-liberalism - The root cause of the depression and the financial bankruptcy (3) The fundamental collapse of the US dollar system [8] International Antiwar Assembly Messages from foreign friends (3) - Russian Communist Workers Party - Bongani Mkhungo (South Africa) - Russian Communist Workers Party-Russian Party of Communists, Sverdlovsk Regional Organization - Non-Aligned Students and Youth Organization (NASYO) (Mauritius) Successive strikes of South African workers TOP |
No. 2082
(August 24th 2009 Issue)
Organize a struggle against the fascism with
a new face! - 'The death agony' of Japanese imperialism disarrayed by the drastic changes of the world situation - The 'tripartite consultation between the government, management and labour' to be institutionalized with the aim of promoting Rengo's degeneration - Fight to break the new crisis of the class struggle in Japan ![]() [2] Zengakuren: the 79th National Congress (July 26th-28th) Smash all illusions about a 'DPJ government'! Advance antiwar struggles and politic-economic struggles! (Pic right) [4] American imperialism suffering agonies from an insurmountable bankruptcy of 'casino capitalism' [3] The International Antiwar Assembly Regional Meetings (1)
Kyushu Resolute to stop the planned deployment of PAC-3 missiles in Fukuoka: militant workers and students in Kyushu held the regional meeting in Fukuoka City, Aug. 2nd. Hokuriku With a new resolve for revolutionary antiwar struggle: the JRCL Hokuriku regional committee, the antiwar workers conference in Ishikawa and Zengakuren Hokushinetsu cosponsored the regional rally, Aug. 2nd. [5] My review on the drama 'Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. 1' Appreciating senryu poems by Akira Tsuru [6] For a creative realization of the annual education research meeting of the JCP-led Zenkyo teachers' union Denounce the central leadership supplementing the implementation of the new national educational guideline The newly introduced curriculum, 'good manners and way of speaking': today's version of patriot education Topics Pension system: lower wages, higher premium rates and lower benefits [7] Dai Nippon Printing Co. scheming a drastic reorganization of the publication industry [8] The International Antiwar Assembly Messages from foreign friends (2) - Afghanistan Socialist Association - Workers Revolutionary Party (EEK) (Greece) - News and Letters Committees (USA) - David McReynolds (USA) - Union Pacifiste de France - Workers International League (USA) - Russian Communist Workers Party-Russian Party of Communists, Tyumen Regional Committee TOP |
No. 2081
(August 10th 2009 Issue)
The 47th International Antiwar Assembly
- The keynote report showed the way of struggle, exposing the deceptiveness of the US-Russia talks for 'nuclear arms reduction' - A JRCL representative spoke about the nature of an expected 'DPJ-led government', showing the way to overcome the crisis of the Japanese labour movement on the verge of extinction - International development of the revolutionary antiwar struggle - Stir up the flame of revolutionary antiwar struggle to break through the crisis of global warfare The delegation from the International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction (Gist of speech) - The FLTI congress voted to answer to your call - Denounce labour aristocrats, Stalinists and renegades of Trotskyism - Militant workers and students of Japan have the authority to make a call for an international fight Messages of solidarity from foreign friends (1) - Revolutionary Marxists in Britain - Vladimir Pronin (Ukraine) [4] Denounce the Hu Jintao-led Chinese government's repression of the Uighur people! - A violent repression in the name of 'preventing violence' - Revealed contradictions in its policies for 'transformation to capitalism' and 'assimilation of ethnic minorities' - Denounce the Chinese government's bloody repression of the Uighurian people [2] Students' demonstrations ![]() (Pic right) - 'Stop the dangerous pluthermal operation at the Genkai Nuclear Plant!' Zengakuren Kyushu (Saga, July 11th) - 'Oppose Aso's attendance at the annual memorial ceremony!' Okinawa Kengakuren (Naha, June 23rd) [6] Japan Post Workers' Union National Convention: declared a 'labour movement devoted to the business, society and the state' Topics Deceptiveness seen in the DPJ policies of education [7] Monopoly capitals encroaching upon agriculture 'The DPJ Manifest': attempts of 'smiling fascism' Poems: Three years on from comrade Kuroda's death [8] My notebooks on 'associated labour process': for a 'homework' given by comrade Kuroda (Continued from the previous issue) [3] Kaleidoscope - The ground, maritime and air forces of Japan around Somalia - A 'social democratic mind'? - The coup in Honduras and its latest developments - Putin's grandstand play: desperate to prevent workers' protests TOP |