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No. 2370
(June 1st 2015 Issue)
Fight against the build-up of the US-Japan global war alliance!
-The building of the US-Japan military alliance for global war' against China (against IS) -A critical situation -- a military rivalry between the US / Japan and China is intensifying for the command of the South China Sea -Strengthening authoritative ruling system under the command of National Security Council -Condemn the JCP leaders for flattering 'conscientious conservatives' and abandoning opposition to the US-Japan military alliance -Down with the Abe government by the united power of workers and people
Anger flaring up in Okinawa against the construction of the new US base in Henoko! The revolutionary left leads the struggle! 35 thousand people rallied with anger 'Okinawa People's Rally' at Naha City on May 17th -Students of the Okinawa Kengakuren called the participants : Fight against the US-Japan military alliance! (pic left) -"No to the construction of the new US base in Henoko!" A thunderous roar of protest rose from the participants (pic right) -The revolutionary left fought, calling the participants: "Remove all US bases! Abandon the US-Japan Security Treaty!"
Worker and student demonstrators surrounded US bases A protest march on May 15th -16th -Demonstrators raised their fist toward Camp Schwab in Henoko on May 15th (pic 1) Participants of the protest march yelled on May 16th "Remove the Futtenma base! Block the new US base construction!" (pic 2-3) [2] Workers, students and residents condemned the Minister of Defence who visited Okinawa (Naha City, May 9th) "Block the new US base construction!" Protesters raised their fist toward the Minister of Defence in a car (pic 4) "No to the legislation for aggressive wars!" A thousand of workers, students and citizens marched in Nagoya City (May 3rd) (pic 5)
[3-4] No to the destruction of the eight-hour working day system! Stop the legalization of the 'lifelong temp worker status'! Denounce the Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] leadership for distorting the struggle by presenting a reformist demand to 'restrain' long working hours! Central Workers' Orgburo I. The fascistic offensive of revising labour laws and the struggle of the revolutionary left A. The Abe government intending to deprive workers of all the legal rights, weapons for workers' struggle B. Monopoly capitalists imposing on workers long working hours and overtime work without pay in the name of a 'free lifestyle' C. The official union leaderships immersed in advertising their policy of 'correcting excessively long working hours' II. Join forces to shatter the ultra-reactionary offensive of revising the Labour Standards Law and the Worker Dispatching Law! A. The deceitful nature of Rengo's policy 'against the revision of the rules for protecting workers' B. The leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] replacing the struggle with a propaganda for 'establishing social rules' C. Block the destruction of the eight-hour working day system! No to the liberalization of temporary employment! [6] The spring labour offensive of the UA Zensen Denounce the union leadership for trying to end the struggle! Persistently fight out the spring labour offensive! UA Zensen: Japan's largest general trade union federation under the umbrella of Rengo Topics Stop the bad revision of the health insurance system! No to the rise in medical expenses borne by the patient! [7] The JRCL appeal brought a breath of militant air into regional May Day rallies Anger mounted against the US and the Japanese governments:Rengo Okinawa's rally, May 1st, Naha (pic 6) Voices were raised against the revision of labour laws: Rengo Hokkaido's rally, May 1st, Sapporo (pic 7,8) The venue resounded with the voices against war legislation: Ai-roren[National Confederation of Trade Unions - Aichi Prefecture]'s rally, May 1st, Nagoya (pic 9, 10) [8] Kaleidoscope - The danger exposed once again in the Osprey crash in Hawaii: Absolutely NO to the planned Osprey deployment in the US Yokota base in Tokyo! - 40 years after the end of the war: The Vietnam government is acting in concert with US imperialism despite people's unerased suffering from the war - The Abe government's scheme to produce obedient teachers: teaching certificates are to be issued by the state TOP |
No. 2369
(May 25th 2015 Issue)
Stop the legislation for aggressive wars!
-No to the war laws authorizing the new Guidelines for US-Japan Defence Cooperation! ---The Abe government dashing to the revision of the Constitution and the reinforcement of the neo-fascist ruling system -A military rivalry between the US / Japan and China is intensifying for the command of the South China Sea -Overcome the leaders of the established opposition movement who are immersed in discussions on 'the brakes' on war -Create a struggle against the build-up of <the US-Japan alliance for global war > [2] "Stop the decision by the Cabinet for the bills for aggressive war!"
Zengakuren rallied in a mass protest action in front of the Prime Minister's Official Residence (Tokyo, May 12th) "No to the war laws!" Thousands of people rose up in a rally at Hibiya (Tokyo, May 12th)
[3] "Condemn the setting up of the new Guidelines for US-Japan Defence Cooperation!" Demonstrators with anger marched on the Hokkaido prefectural office of the LDP: Sapporo, April 29th (pic 1) Hundreds of people rose in a rally against the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defence and laws for wars': Nagoya, April 28th (pic 2) Students of Kagoshima University held a protest meeting against the US-Japan summit on the campus: Kagoshima April 24th [5] Stop the restart of the Sendai nuclear plant! Fight against the Abe government bent on nuclear development, by overcoming the JCP-led campaign for an 'alternative energy policy'! No to the conversion to support for nuclear plants by the leadership of the JAM [Japanese Association of Metal, machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] [4] The Putin government bent on strengthening its ties with Xi Jinping-led China The meaning of the Sino-Russian summit meeting - The 70th anniversary celebrations of the victory over Nazi Germany: Putin showed off the 'Sino-Russian alliance' - A challenge to US imperialism in the name of 'preserving the post-World War II order' - Putin's measures for survival relying on China's economic power
[6] Topics A mass rally held against the bad revision of labour laws: May 14th, Tokyo The Abe government brought in a bill aimed to revise the skill training system for foreigners The Nikkei published embroidered articles in succession in praise of Abenomics [7] The JRCL appeal brought a breath of militant air into regional May Day rallies The May Day rally of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] Osaka: May 1st, Osaka (pic 3) Rengo Fukuoka's May Day rally: April 29th, Fukuoka (pic 4) The united May Day rally in Ishikawa Prefecture: May 1st, Kanazawa (pic 5) [8] Kaleidoscope - Abe's visit to the Holocaust museum in Washington D.C.: Militarist Japan's war crimes shall never ever be erased with such grandstanding - The assassination of Boris Nemtsov: an obvious premeditated murder committed by the Putin government A contribution from Britain The recent UK general election: Cameron-led Conservative Party's 'victory', which was helped by the right-wing opportunist character of the Miliband-led Labour Party TOP |
No. 2367-68
(May 11th-18th 2015 Double Issue)
Fight against the US-Japan global war alliance
-The US-Japan summit amid the confrontation between the US and China ------Its nature against the working people The neo-fascist Abe government bent on making Japan into a 'strong military power to wage wars jointly with the US' -Let us create a militant upsurge of anti-Ampo struggle, condemning the JCP leaders for flattering 'conscientious conservatives' who support Ampo (the US-Japan military alliance) [2] "No to the US-Japan summit!" Zengakuren marched at Shibuya (April 28th)
"No to the setting up of new Guidelines for US-Japan Defence Cooperation!" Workers, student and citizens held a protest action in front of the Prime Minister's Official Residence (April 27th)
[3] "Against the revision of the constitution!" Tens of thousands of workers and people rallied on May 3rd (Yokohama)
Militant workers and students fought in the forefront of the protest action for its militant upsurge. Militant students raised a banner; 'Fight against the US-Japan alliance for global war' Students in the Kansai Region marched in Kobe City (April 26th)
Militant students of Kobe University and Nara Women's University rose up in a demonstration against the US-Japan summit on April 26th. [8] "Stop the construction of the new US base in Henoko!" Mass protest actions and rallies on April 28th in Okinawa
Against the US-Japan summit in Washington, mass protest actions and rallies were waged in front of the Okinawa Prefectural Office and at Henoko . Militant students of Okinawa Kengakuren fought in the forefront of the actions, raising a banner: 'No to the US-Japan summit! Condemn the decision of the new Guidelines for US-Japan Defence Cooperation! '. They aimed at strengthening the struggle as the one against the US-Japan military alliance, overcoming the petition movement 'for the reduction of bases' by the established leaders abandoning opposition to the military alliance. Revolutionary and militant workers pressured the leaders of the 'Rengo Okinawa', participated in the rally as unions, and fought, for its militant upsurge. --Okinawa Kengakuren waged a protest action against the US-Japan summit in front of the US consulate general
Workers, students and residents protested against the Coast Guard on May 1st Workers, students and residents with anger raised their voices toward the Coast Guard Headquarters in Naha City, condemning the Coast Guard officers who capsized the protest boat to repress the struggle. [4] A headlong dash to build Japan into a military power ready to wage war on a global scale jointly with the US Block the legislation for a war of aggression! 1. War legislation for the US-Japan new defense cooperation guidelines 2. A declaration of the execution of 'seamless and global joint operations' - Legislation for Japan's 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense' - Giving the government a free hand to dispatch troops abroad - A scheme to set up a permanent US-Japan joint headquarters for waging war and mobilize workers and the toiling masses for war 3. Reactionary ideology justifying wars of aggression [5] Kaleidoscope - Fascist Abe's shameful, apple-polishing address at the US Congress - The first Japan Self-Defense Force official dispatched as commander of the multinational forces led by the US - The US and Japan rushing to the joint development of new early-warning aircraft to vie with China's new supersonic missiles - Abe scrapped 'civilian control' in the Diet by saying 'the supreme commander is the prime minister'
[6] 'No to the destruction of the eight-hour working day system!' The 86th May Day rallies held in Tokyo The central rally of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation]: April 29th Workers, struggling under labour aristocrats' oppression, raised their voices: 'Fight in unity!' (pic 1) A JRCL propaganda unit calling on participants to fight against war and fascism, as well as the revision of labour laws (pic 2) Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions]'s central rally: May 1st Workers rallied with indignation against the Abe government's reactionary offensives (pic 3) Zenrokyo [National Trade Union Council]'s rally: May 1st Workers fighting a tough struggle were encouraged by JRCL leaflets distributed in the rally (pic 4) [7] Denounce the Osaka high court for passing the judgment of acquittal on the three successive West Japan Railway Company presidents responsible for the Fukuchiyama Line derailment accident! Topics Lowest pay and long working hours are imposed on convenience store workers in the name of 'store owners' TOP |
No. 2366
(May 4th 2015 Issue)
Condemn the decision of the new Guidelines for the US-Japan Defence Cooperation!
-A declaration of the will of US and Japanese rulers to jointly wage war of aggression in the name of 'seamless response' -The neo-fascist Abe government bent on restoring of 'militarist Japan' -Let us create a militant upsurge of the struggle against the legislation for aggressive wars, overcoming JCP leaders abandoning opposition to the US-Japan Security Alliance! [2] The Fukui District Court issued a provisional disposition injunction of against the operation of the Takahama nuclear plant Stop the restart of Reactors No.3 and No.4 of the Takahama nuclear plant! [3] Fight against the Abe government strengthening the restriction on the press! -The Abe government intimidates TV broadcasters with a possible cancellation of licenses -The escalation of the control of mass media under the NSC (National Security Council) Crash the scheme to change the press into a tool for government propaganda An opposition MP's statement that criticized the security legislation as 'a law for wars' was depublished in the minutes [4] Block the construction of the new US base in Henoko! Fight together aiming at 'the removal of all US bases and the abandonment of the US-Japan Security Treaty'! - The JRCL Okinawa Prefectural Committee -Create a militant upsurge of the mass actions on May15th-17th -The governments of the US and Japan are bent on constructing the new base in Henoko, suppressing the voices of protest -Rivalry is intensifying between the US / Japan and China / Russia -The struggles of workers and students on the sea and at the gate of Camp Schwab -Let us create a militant upsurge of the struggle against war and the US-Japan military alliance, overcoming the JCP-led movement with no opposition to the alliance! [5] Learning from the historic struggles in the 1980s against the pro-imperialist reorganization of the Japanese labour front A. A great wave of 'unification of trade union centres' and the degeneration of the leadership of Sohyo [General Council of Trade Unions of Japan] B. The uplifted struggle of militant unions against the 'rightward reorganization' of the labour front (The above appeared in the last issue) C. Pro-imperialist reorganization of the Japanese labour movement completed; led to the formation of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation: JTUC], today's version of the Industrial Patriotic Association D. Lessons from the epoch-making struggle [6] Denounce the NTT labour aristocrats for accepting extremely low wage-hike responses presented by the management! Topics The 'highest wage-hike levels in 17 years': a demagogic report circulated by the Nikkei [7] The 32nd Zenkyo [All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union] convention held: The JCP-affiliated leadership abandons struggle against the Abe government's neo-fascist reorganization of education [8] Kaleidoscope - Fascist Abe's speech in the Bandung Conference - Neo-fascist education minister Shimomura has been funded by Yakuza money while bent on introducing moral education into the curriculum - All surveillance cameras installed in Tokyo Metro stations are connected to the Metropolitan Police Department TOP |
No. 2365
(April 27th 2015 Issue)
Stop the destruction of 'the eight-hour working day system'! - The 'de facto working hours' system to be applied more widely than ever before - Legalization of 'lifetime temporary employment' and a scheme for free di0smissals - The Abe government encouraging monopoly capitalists to intensify exploitation under the slogan 'Crush the bedrock regulations' - Rengo leaders won over to the government through the 'tripartite conference' - All our energies to the fight to crush the drastic revisions of labour laws, condemning the labour aristocrats eager to cease the struggle [2] The US Secretary of Defence visited Japan and South Korea The Obama government developing the newest high-tech weapons of mass destruction and scheming to deploy them in Asia Workers killed in successive incidents in the Fukushima No.1 and No.2 nuclear plants [4] Learning from the historic struggles in the 1980s against the pro-imperialist reorganization of the Japanese labour front
(1) The scheme of the labour aristocrats of Domei [Japanese Confederation of Labour] and the IMF-JC [International Metalworkers Federation - Japan Council] for 'unification with private sector unions taking precedence' (2) Submission and accommodation of the Sohyo leadership to the IMF-JC leaders (3) The JCP central's sectarian policy of creating a new national centre of trade unions B. The uplifted struggle of militant unions against the 'rightward reorganization' of the labour front (1) The landmark 'August 15th rally': the launch of militant counterattacks (2) Vehement protests against the retaliatory brutal assaults on militant workers plotted by the state power (3) The JCP's 'new centre' policy modified by pressure from below (To be continued) A report from workplaces of local government welfare service Part-time workers are subjected to unstable employment and low incomes [6] Topics A business organization demands extended coverage of exemption from working hour regulations Concealed tricks in the recent 'rise' in the Nikkei stock average The reactionary nature of paying a 'livelihood protection allowance' in the form of prepaid cards: the case of Osaka City [7] A spokesperson for the Abe government bent on the restoration of militarist Japan Terumasa Nakanishi a Japanese nationalist justifying the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance - Glorification of 'war against terror', by exploiting the IS murder of Japanese hostages - A Japanese nationalist interpretation of American globalisation - A desire to form the encirclement against China - Glorification of the past aggressive war in Asia by Japanese militarism [8] My consciousness is filled with volition and passion to live Learning from Kuroda's Topos and Praxis, volume III, Chapter A: 'Praxis and Cognition' [3] Kaleidoscope - Deceptions in the 'historic' meeting between Obama and Castro - A controversy arising over the removal of nuclear weapons in the midst of the British general election campaign - What would become of the world with the introduction of autonomous cars? Tanka poetry: The pitch-dark banner of retaliation TOP |
No. 2364
(April 20th 2015 Issue)
Rise up against the US-Japan summit!
Central Students' Orgburo ⅁@ An impending crisis of war: a global rivalry between the US and China / Russia - Military confrontation intensifying in East Asia between the US-Japan and China - China / Russia preparing ceremonies to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War ⅁Band the US / Japan intensifying political counterattacks against them - Confrontation intensified over of the economic blocs - The fires of war are spreading over the whole of the Middle East ⅁B The Abe government strengthening offensives for building Japan into 'a state capable of waging aggressive wars together with the US' - The Abe government is bent on the revision of the Constitution and the reinforcement of the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system ⅁u The deepening crisis of the established opposition movement and the struggle of the revolutionary left ⅁v Overcome the JCP-led movement without opposition to the US-Japan military alliance ⅁A Let us create a militant upsurge of the struggle against war, the US-Japan military alliance and the revision of the Constitution! - Fight against the setting up of new Guidelines for the US-Japan Defence Cooperation and the legislation for aggressive war! -- Stop the construction of the new US base in Henoko! - No to the revision of the Constitution! Fight against the reinforcement of the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system - Stop the restart of nuclear plants! Stop the revision of the labour laws! [4-5] 'Obama's war' that has fallen into self-contradiction The new National Security Strategy of the declining empire I. The new military strategy stressing 'reinforcement of global alliance' A. The Obama-style negation of Bush's unilateralism - The window dressing of US imperialist interests by universal 'values' B. Mobilization of US allies and the strengthening of the forward deployment of US forces - The newly introduced concept 'all domain access' II. Discord increasing among US power holders over military/foreign policies - A controversy over countermeasures against China's rise - A 'twist' in Obama's 'war on terrorism' - A rift between the US and Israel over the issue of Iran's nuclear development - Fomentation of the danger of a third world war [7] The national education research meeting of JTU (the Japan Teachers' Union): Militant workers fought to organise counterattacks against the government-led neo-fascist reorganization of education The JTU headquarters take no action against the introduction of 'moral curriculum' by the Abe government Militant workers led discussions in the subcommittee meetings Smash the subversive offensive on union organizations by the Abe government!
"Withdraw the construction plan of the new US base in Henoko!" Workers, students and residents condemned the Chief Cabinet Secretary, raising their fist (Okinawa, April 5th) (pic 1) In front of the prefectural government building (pic 2) Protesters surrounded the hotel where the Secretary was meeting the Okinawa governor (Naha City) [6] No to the imposition of long working hours and extremely intensified labour on medical and nursing care workers! A 'decline' in the official number of bankruptcies: a dirty trick to conceal the failure of Abenomics Topics A pretended 'appeal' from a government-labour-management consultation meeting for the pay increase of small enterprise workers: Abe's transparent subterfuge with business and degenerate labour leaders [8] Kaleidoscope - Denounce the Abe government for bulldozing the Henoko base construction - Abe extolled the past Japanese military's war of aggression in his address to the graduates of the National Defense Academy The introduction of the first aircraft carrier to the Maritime SDF under the name of 'helicopter destroyer' - Putin openly declared readiness to deliver a nuclear attack on NATO forces - The Metropolitan Police Department plans to introduce drone technology to strengthen the surveillance of people TOP |
No. 2363
(April 13th 2015 Issue)
Stop the setting up of new Guidelines for the US-Japan Defence Cooperation!
- The Abe government is gearing up for the setting up of new Defence Guidelines and the legislation for aggressive wars - The legislation is designed to enable the Japanese army to participate in wars - Intensifying rivalry between the US and China and the US-Japan joint preparation for war against China - The Abe government is bent on building a 'strong military power' and the revising the Constitution - Denounce the JCP leaders' abandonment of opposition to the US-Japan military alliance and parliamentarianist distortion of struggles!
[2] Protesters with anger rose up in revolt against the drilling survey of the seabed in Henoko (March 31st) Workers, students and residents occupied the gate of Camp Schwab - Anger flared up against the Abe government rejecting the Okinawa governor's order to suspend operations - Workers, students and residents surrounded the police station of Nago City, protesting against the arrest of a protester - Create a militant upsurge of the struggle against the US-Japan military alliance all over the country In front of the new gate of Camp Schwab (pic 1) In front of the police station of Nago City (pic 2) The national road in front of the gate of Camp Schwab, early morning (pic 3) The US naval strategy in the 21st century [3] No to the revision of the My Number Law and the Personal Information Protection Law! The Abe government aiming at strengthening the system designed to surveil and control the workers and people - A drastic expansion of the state control and use of personal identification data A national identification system for the strengthening of the coercive ruling system Advance towards the overthrow of the neo fascist Abe government! No to the revision of the criminal law designed to introduce 'plea bargaining' and to expand wiretaps The Abe government is frantic to strengthen the police system for oppression [4] Denounce the leading private railway companies' responses to the unions' wage-hike demands with extremely low figures! Condemn the leadership of Shitetsu-soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions] for accepting the figures! Overcome the degenerate leadership absorbed in local election campaigns! - The General Federation leadership vows to extend full cooperation with the management in 'raising productivity' - No to the central leadership's immersion in election campaigns to realize its 'demands in traffic policies'! - Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! Fight it out in the spring labour offensive of workers in smaller railway/bus companies! - Fight for the rebirth of the private railway/bus workers' movement! Denounce the agreement of the JEIU [Japanese Electrical, Electronic and Information Unions] leadership on the utmost low wage compromise figures! [5] The Abe government's attempt to 'revive Japan's ICT industry' using the Tokyo Olympics as a lever The Abe government's newly launched 'competition policy' - The easing of the 'dominant carrier regulation' - Monopoly capitalists of the US information and communications industry start crying for 'making effective use of NTT' - Surveillance camera networks to be set up wide for the Tokyo Olympics [6] Topics Exploiting workers 'free from working hour regulations, with no overtime pay': A neo-liberal tool of the Abe government praises it as an 'exit from time-wage systems' Shatter the revision of the labour standards law with the all-out offensive of the working class! Militant workers strove for a militant upsurge of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] rallies for the 2015 spring labour offensive March 27th, Naha, Okinawa / March 9th, Sapporo, Hokkaido [7] On reading Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century This cannot be a theoretical weapon for struggle: Learn from Marx's Capital! [8] AIIB(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) - A challenge of Xi-Jinping's China to the US for the supremacy of global finance The end of the US-led 'global standard' The 'effectiveness' and the revealed limitations of the Chinese way of overseas development - Xi-Jinping-led Chinese government is bent on realising the project of 'the belt and the road' - The scheme is designed to 'kill three birds with one stone' amid the increasing contradictions An ambition to promote the Chinese currency to an international key currency and to seize a financial hegemony TOP |
No. 2362
(April 6th 2015 Issue)
Block the enforcement of the construction of the US base in Henoko!
- The Abe government carrying on the drilling survey by force for reclamation - Reinforcement of the US-Japan new military alliance as a global offensive and defensive alliance - A surging struggle against the base construction - Create a militant upsurge of the struggle against war and the US-Japan military alliance, overcoming the JCP-led movement against the new US base without opposition to the US-Japan security alliance
[2] Anger flaring up against the resumption of the drilling survey A mass rally on land and a protest action on the sea (Okinawa, March 21st) - Thousands of workers, students and residents from all over the Okinawa Island rose up in a mass rally in Henoko (pic 1) -- Militant canoeists fought, riding over barrier floats despite the oppression by the Coast Guard - Militant students of Okinawa Kengakuren / Zengakuren and the canoe unit exchanged yells (pic 2) (pic 3) Protesters blocked the construction vehicle (In front of the first gate, March 21st) [3] Militant students fought, raising a banner against Ampo [the US-Japan military alliance] The "No to the Abe government!" rally (March 22nd) (pic 4-5)
Thousands of workers, students and residents rose up in a rally against the restart of Sendai nuclear plant (Kagoshima, March 15th) "No to Japan's nuclear development!" Students of Kagoshima University called (pic 6) Demonstrators marched with anger for the Abe government and the Kyusyu electric power company (pic 7) No to the introduction of 'moral education' in the school curriculum! Condemn the JTU [Japan Teachers' Union] leadership accepting the promotion of 'moral education' by the Abe government - Patriot education intensified by the neo-fascist Abe government - Reorganization of education for producing the leading 'militarist Japan' - Build up a united front against fascism! [4] No to the Japan Post management's response to the union's wage-hike demand with an extremely low figure! Denounce the union leadership for accepting it as a 'good result'! 1. Only a 0.33 percent increase! A 'zero increase' for contract employees 2. Condemn the union leadership for lauding the management and calling the agreement 'a success'! 3. Fight resolutely for rebuilding the postal workers' movement from below! Topics Stop the 'liberalization of sackings'! [5] A plan for 'reorganizing the postal/physical distribution network' Stop the full-scale rationalization of the postal work inside the office! 1. Gigantic distribution centres and regional headquarters about to be set up all over the country 2. What will become of the postal work inside the office if the management plan is carried out? 3. The management giving the order: 'Pull the red-ink postal/distribution business into the black!' [6] Militant workers strived for the militant upsurge of a Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] rally for the spring labour offensive: March 14th, Fukuoka The critical situation of the Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions]-led spring labour offensive Fight out the labour offensive by denouncing the distortion of struggles by the Zenroren leadership, blind followers of the JCP central! The number of work-related accidents is increasing markedly in the manufacturing and construction industries: Ishikawa Prefecture [7] Reactors No 3 and No 4 in the Takahama nuclear power plant Denounce the Nuclear Regulation Authority's decision to put a 'seal of approval' on the safety of the two reactors! - 'There's no need to make an examination as to the use of plutonium since plutonium burning has already been given permission' : NRA's utterly absurd remark - Numerical data manipulated to meet the regulatory standards - Total disregard for the danger of simultaneous accidents - The so-called evacuation plan which is impossible to carry out - 'Cautious examination' in name only - Stop the resumption of the Takahama nuclear reactor operation! No to the nuclear development! High-functioning electronic devices and systems are steadily introduced into supermarkets to drive supermarket workers harder [8] Kaleidoscope - An LDP lawmaker uttered an ultra-nationalist remark in a Diet committee meeting in praise of the past Japanese military's aggression in Asia - The Abe government's bogus monetary operation only causes a rise in stock prices - A plot to openly discharge huge amounts of radioactive water into the ocean from the Fukushima nuclear power plant TOP |
No. 2361
(March 30th 2015 Issue)
Denounce the labour aristocrats' agreement on unbearably low compromise figures!
- Definitely no to the low compromise figures agreed in collusion between the government, labour aristocrats and management in the name of 'beneficial results for realizing a virtuous cycle of the Japanese economy'! -- A fixed bargaining to create a 'mood of wage increase' in appearance - Stop the neo-fascistic revision of labour laws promoted by the Abe government! - Denounce the Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] leadership for requesting the 'regularization' of the government-labour-management consultation! - Win a militant upsurge of small enterprise workers' spring labour offensive!
[2] Block the live-fire exercise at Hijyudai! (February 26th, Oita prefecture) (pic 1) Workers and students protested against vehicles of the US Force transferring from Oita Port to the Hijyudai drilling ground (pic 2) A rally was held at a park neighbouring the quay The 138th meeting of the Zengakuren central committee was held (March 16th and 17th, Tokyo)
[3] Stop the restart the Takahama nuclear plant! 'Sayonara to the Nuke' rally in the Kansai region', (March 8th, Osaka) -Militant students of Kobe University and Nara Women's University marched together with workers and citizens (pic 3) No to the system of My Number designed to surveil and control the people! The Abe government is bent on putting it into practice on operation in 2016 -Fight against the reinforcement of the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system! [6] No to the revision of the Worker Dispatching Law keeping workers in temporary employment for life - The aim is to increase the number of temporary workers and to promote life-long temporary employment -"A break away from the post war regime" in the field of labour ---The liberalization of banned dispatch works -Fight against the revision of the labour laws, overcoming the distortion of the fight by the established leadership of the labour movement! Topics 1,000 workers were abruptly dismissed: the case of a Citizen Watch Co. subsidiary factory in China
[4] No to the leading private railway workers unions' agreement on low wage compromise figures! For the victorious 2015 spring labour offensive of Shitetsu-soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions]! Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! Fight out for railway/bus workers' labour offensive by denouncing the central union leadership's immersion in demanding 'traffic policies for the development of the industry'! 1. Capitalists' suppression of wage increase and strengthening of labour management A. Punitive measures imposed on dissident workers on a daily basis by capitalists B. The union leadership's distortion of the spring labour offensive into one for the 'development of the industry and companies' 2. A deceptive demand for 'correcting the imbalance with other industries' A. Extremely low-rate, low-figure wage hike demands B. Corrupt leaders of the General Federation press workers to contribute to increasing productivity C. Abandonment of unified strikes D. Absorption in local and national election campaigns 3. Fight for a big, across-the-board wage increase! No to fascism! [5] Denounce the leadership of Kikan-roren [Japan Federation of Basic Industry Workers' Unions] for deserting the front line of the 2015 spring labour offensive! The anti-working class nature of 'labour-management negotiations for solving problems' in the steel industry I. Basic Industry Federation's '2015 Spring Action Plan': abandonment of wage hike demands - Labour aristocrats desire expansion of munitions production and arms exports II. The criminal reality of 'labour-management negotiations designed to solve problems' promoted by the leadership of a major steel industry trade union [7] Militant workers fought in Rengo rallies for the spring labour offensive Rengo Aichi, March 1st / Rengo Osaka, March 6th / Rengo Ishikawa, March 12th [8] Kaleidoscope - Rengo's 'central solidarity rally' for the 2015 spring labour offensive - Abe's abnormal JTU [Japan Teachers Union] bashing - NSA and GCHQ stole tons of code keys from a Dutch SIM cards producing company - US and Japanese power holders are scheming to divert maglev technology to a military purpose TOP |