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No. 2190
(October 24th 2011 Issue)
Stop the restart of nuclear plants! Fight against massive tax increase! (1) The government and the ruling class victimizing workers and toiling masses under the banner of 'regenerating Japan' - The Noda government rushing headlong towards the restart of nuclear plants, massive tax increase and the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance - The monopoly capitalists forcing sacrifices on the workers by intimidating them with a danger of the hollowing out of industry - Struggles, led by revolutionary / militant workers, to break through the 'industrial patriotic' movement (2) Fight against the Noda government victimizing workers and toiling masses under the name of 'breaking through the national peril'! - Denounce the Rengo leadership supporting the restart of nuclear plants and the massive tax increase planned by the Noda government! - Smash the reactionary offensives launched by the Noda government! [4] Denounce the government and the TEPCO widely spreading the high-level radioactive contamination of the soil! - A massive amount of radioactive substances released - The radioactive substances causing various forms of environmental contamination - The soil contamination growing even worse - Denounce the Noda government and the municipal authorities abandoning countermeasures against the soil contamination! [5] Kyushu: KEPCO, municipal authorities and capitalists of the region swarming around the 'nuclear interests' Australia: indigenous people fighting against a uranium mine development Japanese monopoly capitalists desperate to export nuclear plants for their survival [6] The regular convention of UI Zensen: the leadership stressing the need of an 'industrial patriotic' movement for 'regenerating Japan' Topics The government planning to raise the pension eligibility age [7] Greece on the verge of default 'Occupy Wall Street' demonstrations - Seething angers against 'the 1%', greedy capitalists - Trade unions joining in the actions initiated by youth [8] Denounce the ASDF F15 plane accident in Komatsu! Kaleidoscope - Greedy capitalists scrambling for the Platinum bands for telecommunication - Myanmar: attempts to be 'independent' of China? - Obama: the declining presidency TOP |
No. 2189
(October 17th 2011 Issue)
Rise in the workers' and students' united action on Oct. 23rd! 1) The Noda government rushing headlong towards the restart of nuclear plants and the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance - A 'settlement' of the Fukushima nuclear accident staged for the further nuclear development - The Noda government showing its 'subservient' attitude towards US imperialism 2) A deepening crisis of warfare amid the confrontation between the US and China-Russia - US imperialism fearing for its downfall - The rulers of China and Russia rushing headlong to seize resources on the basis of strengthening the armaments 3) The revolutionary Left leading the fight against the nuclear development 4) Fight against the nuclear development by overcoming the JCP-led campaign begging the government 'to retreat from nuclear energy'! 5) Build up the forces of struggle against nuclear development and against the new US-Japan military alliance! - Stop the restart of nuclear plants! Scrap all the nuclear plants and nuclear fuel facilities right now! - Stop the new US base construction in Henoko, Okinawa! Fight against the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! - No to further mass expropriation! - Fight in solidarity with the toiling masses all over the world!
[7] 'SAYONARA Nuclear Plants Rally' in Hokkaido (Sep. 18th) 2000 workers, students and citizens rise in the rally, acting in unison with the nationwide rally held all over the country (pic) Workers and students marching through Sapporo City under the banner of 'Stop all nuclear plants right now!' 'Stop the restart of the Genkai nuclear plant!' angry voices resound in Saga (Sep. 28th) (pic) 12 years since the JCO criticality accident: workers and citizens rise in protest under the slogan of 'Decommission the Genkai plant reactor No.1!' 'Stop the restart of reactors No.2 and No.3 operation!' Kanazawa: Calls and leaflets of the JRCL delivered to workers in a JCP-led rally related to nuclear plants [4] Reveal the reactionary features of the new system for wages and personnel management launched by NTT Co. [5] Denounce the former Minister of Defence insisting on the nuclear development with the aim of maintaining Japan's 'potential nuclear power'! - The former Minister of Defence, together with right-wing-media Yomiuri Shinbun, longing for Japan's own nuclear armament - Hawkish politicians increasing their fear, faced with a surge of 'no nuclear plants' movements spreading all over the country A historical crime conducted by the government and HEPCO: their attempts to destroy anti-nuclear plant protests with 'money' France: Is the explosion in the nuclear facility really 'an industrial accident'? The Sorkozy government frantically covering up the serious accident [6] Renesas Electronics Co.: No to sackings and wage cuts under the pretext of 'the damages caused by the earthquake disaster'! Denounce the reactionary sentence made by the Osaka High Court on a suit seeking redress by the state for asbestos damage in the Sennan district, Osaka! Topics The Noda government scheming a massive increase of the consumption tax [8] Keleidoscope - Occupy Wall Street: protests surging against growing disparities - Putin's Russia: schemes for embellishing his own comeback - Noda's unattractive debut in the UN General Assembly - An air-traffic control officer blamed by the government for a leak of 'classified information' TOP |
No. 2188
(October 10th 2011 Issue)
Stop massive tax increase! Fight against the restart of nuclear plants! - Reactionary measures taken by monopoly capitalists faced with yen's soaring - The Noda government taking a series of backup schemes for monopoly capitalists - Denounce the Rengo leadership supporting the Noda government! [4-5] The leadership of the Transitional National Council usurping the uprising of the Libyan toiling masses Denounce US, UK and French imperialist rulers conducting air strikes on Libya! Fight against their neo-colonialist invasion! (1) Schemes of establishing a 'pro-US / pro-European imperialist' comprador government - The scheme of setting up a 'interim government' deadlocked - Increasing opposition of the Muslim toiling masses towards the TNC leadership (2) What is called the 'liberation of Tripoli': with the full support of NATO forces - US and European imperialist powers eager to seize oil resources (3) The toiling masses of Libya, overthrow the power of the TNC leadership patronized by US and European imperialists! - The rebellion usurped: the gains of the overthrow of the Kadhafi government seized by the TNC leadership - Reveal the deception of the so-called 'building of a democratic nation'! [2] 'SAYONARA Nuclear Plants' rallies held nationwide on Sep 19th ![]() The Nagoya rally militant workers and students marching in the forefront (pic right, JRCL leaflets massively distributed to demonstrators) The Fukuoka rally Zengakuren and the Antiwar Youth Committee marching on the KEPCO headquarters [3] Stop the restart of the Ikata nuclear plant reactor No.3! Stop all nuclear plants right now! - The executives of SEPCO scheming to restart the reactor No.3 within the year - Numerical data on the resistance to earthquakes conveniently rewritten many times - Nuclear plants in danger of sudden runaway accidents - Fight to stop the restart of the reactor by overcoming the JCP-led campaign begging the government 'to retreat from nuclear energy'! [6] Denounce the leadership of the Japan Postal Group Union assisting the management in a major restructuring under the pretext of 'postal service reconstruction'! Denounce the labour aristocrats in the Hokkaido federation of electric industry worker's unions leading a campaign for resuming the commercial operation of the No.3 reactor at the Tomari nuclear plant! Topics Unemployment measures for disaster-stricken areas launched by the Noda government: only cosmetic [7] Osaka: Stop the enactment of a reactionary prefectural regulation of education! [8] An empty dream: Obama's job speech A schemed nit-picking over a gaffe: a hidden background of the former METI minister's sudden resignation TOP |
No. 2187
(October 3rd 2011 Issue)
Workers and students, break through the reactionary offensives - The Japan-US summit: the Noda government showing its subservient attitude towards the Obama administration - Create antiwar, anti-Ampo and anti-nuclear development struggles! [2-3] 'No nuclear plants!' Angry voices resound Create a powerful struggle against nuclear development! ![]()
Trade union members rally from workplaces despite the oppression by the Rengo leadership stressing the need to maintain nuclear plants (Pic right upper) JRCL's leaflets delivered to the rallying workers at the park gate (Pic right middle) Fighting students all over the country rise in the rally, clearly showing the way of the struggle (Pic above left) 1300 workers rally in 'SAYONARA Nuclear Plants Rally in Kagoshima' on Sep. 11th 'No nuclear plants!' Voices of workers and students resound in Kagoshima City, Kyushu 'Denounce the successive adoptions of the ultra-nationalist-edited schoolbooks on civics!' Militant workers and fighting students raise their angry fists against the Okinawa prefectural government (Naha, Aug.25th) (Pic right lower) [4-5] Oppose to the Rengo labour aristocrats scheming to decide the agenda for supporting the restart of nuclear plants! - The Noda government rushing headlong towards restarting nuclear plants operation and increasing taxes - The right-wing labour aristocrats of the Rengo begin crying out for 'continuing nuclear power generation' - The criminal nature of the pro-nuclear development policy offered by the right-wing labour aristocrats - Advance the struggle against nuclear development! The JRCL appeals to the Rengo 12th Convention Oppose to the labour aristocrats rushing headlong towards an 'industrial patriotic' movement in support of the Noda government! - Fight against the offensive to establish a system of national unity 'for breaking the national crisis' - Denounce the labour aristocrats, the accomplice of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, crying for the restart of nuclear plants in chorus! - Oppose to the Noda government launching massive tax increases! Fight back against sackings and wage cuts! - Stir up the storms of criticism against the Rengo leadership! [6] The 33rd Jichiroren Convention A deceitful about-turn: the pro-JCP leadership start to stress the need for a 'zero nuclear plant' policy Topics Small and medium enterprises relocating their production sites out of the country [7] Smash the successive adoptions of the ultra-nationalist edited schoolbook on civics in Okinawa! Denounce the ministry of education oppressing the protest and intervening in the dispute! - Interventions by the education ministry and the Liberal Democratic Party with the aim of reversing the local education committees' decision to reject the ultra-nationalist schoolbook - The August decision craftily prepared to adopt the ultra-nationalist schoolbook - The schoolbook for producing 'Imperial citizens' - Fight against the offensive to intensify the 'patriot' education by overcoming the official campaign begging the government to improve the current adoption system! [8] The rising struggle against the Egyptian military administration and conflicts within the people - The military administration and the people fighting back and forth over the 'Mubarak trial' - Diverse youth activists strongly standing face to face with the ruling military (Continued from the previous issue) - Acrobatic responses by the military administration to the domestic and foreign situation under the pressure from the fight of the toiling masses - The Muslim Brotherhood leading the protest towards parliamentary and presidential elections The deepening financial crisis in Europe: rulers of the countries finding no way-out TOP |
No. 2186
(September 26th 2011 Issue)
Stop the restart of nuclear plants! ![]() - The intensifying military confrontation between the US-(Japan) and China-Russia in East Asia - Fight against the nuclear development by overcoming the JCP-led campaign begging the government for 'the country's retreat from nuclear energy'! [pic above] 'SAYONARA Nuclear Plants' Rally on Sep. 19th: 60 thousand workers, residents and students rallied with strong determination The JRCL appealed to the participants to fight together under the slogan of 'Stop the restart of nuclear plants!' (Tokyo Meiji Park) [2] The 131st Central Committee Meeting of the Zengakuren held in Tokyo (Sep. 12th-13th) The Zengakuren students are ready for anti-nuclear development struggle with all-out efforts Denounce the Air SDF dispatching F15 combat planes to join in US Air Force military exercises! [3] A complete lie invented by the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency The deceitful declaration of 'The Step 1 accomplished' towards resolution in the work schedule of the accident A trick for starting plutonium burning at a thermal reactor in the Tomari nuclear plant Denounce The HEPCO for directing the staff to make remarks of approval in the public symposium! [4] The rising struggle against the Egyptian military administration and conflicts within the people - The military administration and the people fighting back and forth over the 'Mubarak trial' - Diverse youth activists strongly standing face to face with the ruling military [5] The toiling masses in Egypt stirring up the flames of struggle against the Zionisnt state Japan Federation of Publishing Workers' Union: For the first time, the leadership holds the slogan of 'Stop nuclear plants' in the convention - Criticisms erupt against the leadership over the issue of nuclear plants - Slogans of anti-tax increase and the anti-Ampo thrown away by the leadership - The policy for 'the rebirth of industry' failed completely - The JCP-influenced leadership showing no leadership amid the organizational crisis [6] Denounce the labour aristocrats in the electric industry worker's unions advocating 'the resumption of nuclear plant operation'! - The president opened the general meeting with an advocate of 'Go for the restart of nuclear plant operation as the whole organization!' - The labour aristocrats switching over to an offensive gaining the newly formed Noda government as 'a backup' - Oppose to the labour aristocrats, the accomplice of the capitalists in the Fukushima nuclear disaster, turning defiant and crying for the advancement of nuclear development! Topics The Noda government declares a plan 'to increasing taxes for the reconstruction: a scheme friendly with large enterprises [7] Stop the restart of the Genkai nuclear plant! Denounce the executive of the KEPCO having turned to 'faking mails' and other illicit activities [8] - Noda's first policy speech: as another slavish US follower - 'Sovereign debt crises': the subsequent chapter to the Lehman shock - A worker in Fukushima No.1 nuclear plant died of an acute leukaemia! - 'No More Bikinis': the US government made a false declaration of 'the safety' in Bikini Atoll, a nuclear testing ground of the US TOP |
No. 2185
(September 19th 2011 Issue)
Now's the time to stir up the flames of struggle ![]() Advance the struggle by overcoming the JCP-led campaign begging the government for 'the country's retreat from nuclear energy'! - The Noda government declares the restart of nuclear plants - The government rushes toward a massive increase of the consumption tax and other tax increases 'for reconstruction' - Schemes carried out for strengthening the US-Japan new military alliance - Stir up the flames of struggle against nuclear development! [2] Okinawa: 7 years after the US Force helicopter crash into Okinawa International Univ. - Workers and students marching on the US Futenma base under the banner 'Remove the Futenma base!' 'Stop the new base construction at Henoko!' on the day of the US helicopter crash (Aug. 13th) (Pic. right) - Fighting students, together with workers and residents, hold a rally against the US base construction for military helicopter Ospreys (Jul. 31st) Calls and leaflets at the Okinawa assembly of the Japan Congress against A- and H-bombs JRCL appeals to workers and residents, 'Fight to stop all nuclear plants right now!' 'Create antiwar struggle to oppose the US and China-Russia strengthening their nuclear capabilities!' [4-5] An illogical argument presented by a neo-liberal economist Emphasis on 'reforming the labour market', for encouraging the monopoly capitalists - A vociferous objection to a move towards tightened regulations on temporary employments and dismissals - An arbitrary analysis as to the massive increase of temporary workers - Attempts to lift the legal four required conditions for dismissals due to economic condition - 'The same wages for the same labour' emphasized for 'more efficient labour market' - His counterproposal, a law for 'temporary workers protection', for flourishing the temporary staffing business - The neo-liberal nature of his ideology: 'for the formation of a highly liquid labour market' The number of temporary workers rising up to 40% of all workers [6] Topics Monopoly capitalists triumphantly welcome the Noda government, hoping the new government will restart nuclear plants and increase the taxation The president of Rengo greets the new Prime Minister with a firm handshake Denounce the Rengo leadership assisting the Noda government! The transport industry in Fukuoka prefecture: the number of on-the-job deaths is increasing Denounce the Ishikawa prefectural government authority declaring a plan to reduce its workforce! Fight against lay-offs and wretched working conditions! [7] Denounce the IAEA declaring its intention to continue nuclear development under the pretext of applying 'lessons from Fukushima'! Reveal the cause of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster concealed by the IAEA! [8] Chernobyl nuclear plant accident Denounce the Japanese government, which learned nothing from the catastrophe of the century [3] Kaleidoscope - Japanese bourgeois never pay anything out of its own pockets but greedily requires the government to increase the taxation - A historical analysis: 'Atoms for Peace', a fabricated symbol - The Kim-led North Korean government is hell-bent on gaining supports from not only China but also Russia - Prime Minister Noda ignores how disaster victims are suffering in evacuation areas out of Fukushima TOP |
No. 2184
(September 12th 2011 Issue)
Smash the reactionary offensives by the Noda-led new government! - The Noda government imposing heavier burdens on the toiling masses in the interests of the monopoly capitalists - The new government faced with difficulties - The unsolvable nuclear disaster: radioactive contamination spreading more seriously - Japanese monopoly capitalists screaming out faced with the extremely high value of the yen - Confrontation between US imperialism and China in East Asia - No nuclear development! Fight antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles! Fight back against politico-economic offensives! Advance the struggles in a unified form! [2] For the 131st meeting of the Zengakuren Central Committee [3] Denounce the restart of the commercial operation of Tomari Nuclear Plant Reactor No. 3! Stop plu-thermal operation! Fight to stop the restart of Reactor No.1! Stop all nuclear plants right now! Scrap them! Marxist Students' League Hokkaido Regional Committee Concealed records of internal exposure to radiation: after Hiroshima [4-5] The Great East Japan Earthquake and today's seismology - A quake-caused nuclear disaster turned into reality - The trembles exceeded the official quakeproofing standards - Deceptions in the 2006 'revision' of the quakeproofing standards - A seismological analysis of the earthquake off the Tohoku coast - The earth trembling [6] A new regulation drafted to sack workers for three disobediences to an order Denounce the Osaka Governor intent to tighten the control over teachers and other prefectural workers! An evil intention of the Osaka Governor posing as an opponent to 'dependence on nuclear power generation' JRCL leaflets and discussions shaking a JCP-led meeting on nuclear plants in Osaka Topics The Rengo leadership praising the revisions to the Renewable Energy Bill for monopoly capitalists [7] Denounce the successive adoptions of the ultra-nationalist edited schoolbooks on history and civics! Growing angers of fishing people in the Tohoku region against the government's plan for 'reorganizing the fishing industry' [8] Kaleidoscope - A fictitious monologue by the Social democratic Party Chairwoman against the JCP Chairman on nuclear plants - A fictitious querulous monologue by the JCP Chairman - Chinese coast guard ships off the Japanese southernmost islands TOP |
No. 2183
(September 5th 2011 Issue)
Oppose the restart of nuclear plants, the tax increase and - The deepening difficulties from within and without troubling Japanese imperialism - Yen's increased value and the sovereign credit crisis of Japan - Hu Jintao's China rushing headlong to strengthen its nuclear capability against the US (Japan) - The DPJ government and the TEPCO running out of measures to solve the critical situation of the Fukushima No.1 nuclear plant - Oppose the restart of nuclear plants and the increase of taxation! [2-3]
Kansai: Filled with fighting spirits and firm resolution, workers and students won the assembly (Osaka City, Aug 7th) Okinawa: Workers and students won the assembly, creating a base for advancing the anti-Ampo struggle in Okinawa, 'the island of military bases' (Urasoe City, Aug 7th) Hokkaido: 'Oppose the restart of the Tomari reactor's commercial operation!' Workers and students chanted the slogan with a firm determination to advance their struggles (Sapporo City, Aug 7th) Germany: a mass campaign rising under the slogan 'Abandon the dependency on atomic energy' [4] A farcical chat between the President of 'Rengo' and its patronized scholars The leadership of Rengo urging trade unions 'to work for the public benefit' beyond workers' interests - The scholars say, 'Trade unions, be the main bearers of the "new public sphere"!' - 'That is the key to the overcoming of 'dissociated society', said the scholars - A deceitful concept of 'social movement' for making workers accept the unemployment and poverty [5] Stop the building of a new nuclear plant in Ohma, Aomori Prefecture! Denounce TEPCO executives making the exposure doses less serious as to workers in the nuclear plant accident field! [6] Topics The JCP-led trade union federation 'Zenroren' decides to participate in the 'Sayonara nuclear plants' rally on Sep. 19th but are slow to act Oppose the Hokkaido board of education scheming to adopt the academic achievement plan based on a meritocracy! Layoffs and wage cuts under the pretext of the earthquake disaster Capitalists in the Kansai region troubled with damages to their supply chains by the earthquake disaster: [7] Denounce the leadership of the All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union for assisting the DPJ government deserting disaster victims! The deceitful policy of the 'abandonment of the dependency on atomic energy' presented by the leadership of the All Japan Prefectural Municipal Workers' Union [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly - Party of Russian Communists (Russia) - Communists of the CPSU in Nizhnyaya-Tura (Russia) - News & Letters Committees (USA) - A World to Win (Britain) - Communist Workers' Party for Peace and Socialism (Finland) TOP |
No. 2182
(August 29th 2011 Issue)
Denounce the restart of Tomari reactor's commercial operation! - Confrontation between the US and China over East Asia, and the strengthening of the US-Japan new military alliance - Overthrow the Kan-led DPJ government in the throes of death! [2-3]
Hokuriku 'Advance our revolutionary antiwar struggle by showing its true worth!' (Kanazawa, Aug. 7th) Tokai 'The International' in unison with a firm resolution to spread the fight throughout the world (Nagoya, Aug. 7th) Kyushu Workers and students are fully resolute for further advancement of their fights in workplaces and universities (Fukuoka, Aug. 7th)
Denounce the restart of the Tomari nuclear plant No.3 reactor for business operation! - Fighting students raising their angry fists in front of the HEPCO headquarters (Sapporo, Aug. 11th) (Pic right upper) 'Overthrow the Kan government!' Students of Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa International Univ. demonstrate through the main street in Naha City (Okinawa, Aug. 7th) (Pic right lower) [4] Denounce the leadership of the Japan Postal Group Union [JPGU] assisting the company's authorities in cutting jobs and wages! - 'The unity between labour and management' emphasized for getting through the financial difficulty - A major offensive for capitalist restructuring against postal workers under the pretext of 'postal service reconstruction' - The JPGU leadership pledging its full cooperation to the company's authorities under the slogan 'no-holds-barred reform' [5] The Three Mile Island nuclear plant accident How was the meltdown accident brought about? [6] Creatively win the 'National Meeting for Education Research 2011'! Education Workers Committee Topics The 'Rengo' leadership manoeuvres for readopting a policy of 'the approval of nuclear plant operation' and 'the advancement of building nuclear plant' [7] British youth 'riots' - Immigrant workers and jobless young people suffering from desperate poverty - Denounce the suppression by the Cameron government! Kaleidoscope - China: Workers and residents in Dalian rise up in protest calling for 'immediate removal' of a local chemical factory under the slogan 'No more Fukushima' - Ambition of Areva: Seizing the Fukushima nuclear disaster as an opportunity to develop its nuclear technology and to stand at advantage in the nuclear power market - Oppose Japan's exportation of nuclear plant to Thailand! [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly The International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction [FLTI] - Facing the catastrophe, an emergency workers' plan is needed - The most powerful weapon to defeat the attack of the capitalists and stop the war machine is the expropriation of the expropriators - Down with the treacherous leaderships! Alliance-Philippines (USA) Larisa Trofimovna Babienko, general editor of "The USSR" (Russia) Communist Net (Italy) TOP |
No. 2181
(August 15th 2011 Issue)
The 49th International Antiwar Assemblies,
Aug. 7th
- Totally criticizes the new policy of the JCP which requires the government 'to withdraw from nuclear power generation' - Let us advance by applying the lessons we learned from the 1986 struggle in response to the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident! - Ardent resolves expressed by a militant worker and the new chairman of Zengakuren - Spread antiwar struggle and the struggle against nuclear development all over the world!
[2] 'Scrap all the nuclear plants right now!' Zengakuren sweep the central Tokyo (Pic right upper) Flags and banners held up by fighting students at Sukiyabashi crossroads in Tokyo (Pic right middle) 'Denounce the executives of TEPCO covering up the exposure of workers to radiation!' In front of the TEPCO headquarters 'Stop the restart of Tomari nuclear plant reactor No.3!' Angry voices resound - Workers, students and residents demonstrate through Sapporo City (Jul. 24th) Our criticism against the central JCP leadership evokes favourable responses in a meeting in Shizuoka 'to demand the permanent suspension and decommission of Hamaoka nuclear plant' held by JCP-led organizations (Jul. 23rd) [3] The Zengakuren 81st Regular National Congress held in Tokyo Preparations for the coming struggles completed with renewed resolves under the new leadership (Jul. 27th-29th) (Pic right lower) Kokugakuin University: the General Assembly of the Students successfully held with 300 attendants(July 9th) [4] The 99th Regular Convention of the Japan Teachers' Union The leadership is deserting school children while adopting the slogan of 'abandonment of the country's dependence on atomic energy' Denounce the historic crime of the JTU leadership! - The leadership referred to the need 'to abandon the dependence on atomic energy', faced with the pressure from below - Suppressing the demand for 'withdrawal of the maximum permissible amount of 20 mSv radioactive doses per year for school children' - Reveal the actuality of what the leadership calls 'the reconstruction of education' in response to the Kan government's 'reconstruction' plan - The leadership is supporting the 'educational reform' by the government on the basis of the idea of 'educational welfare' [5] The accident of the Chinese rapid railway Denounce the Beijing bureaucrats trying to tide over the crisis by information control and the destruction of evidence The annual 'Peace Action' in Okinawa: angers growing against the Rengo leadership [6] The 78th convention of the Federation of Private Railway Workers Unions: a policy presented to accept 'the nuclear plants currently operated' The 59th Convention of the Union of electric and electronic workers unions: leaders started to stress again 'the promotion of nuclear power generation' Topics The Japan Business Federation furiously reacts against Kan's policy 'to abandon the dependence on nuclear power' for prolonging his political life [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly - Revolutionary Marxists in Britain - Tavini Huiraatira No Te Ao Maohi (FLP), French Polynesia - Vladimir Pronin (Ukraine) - Union Pacifiste (France) - Afghanistan Socialist Association [7] Kaleidoscope - Kan's decline: Who's next? - The Turkish government's 'zero problem diplomacy': For another Ottoman Empire - Falsification of the party's history: to cover up the past support for nuclear development TOP |