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No. 2410
(March 21st 2016 Issue)
Create a big surge of struggle against nuclear development! - Evacuation orders are being lifted with compensation payments to be called off soon: the Abe government is leaving disaster victims in predicaments - The government is accelerating nuclear development with an aim of building Japan into a strong military power - Stop and scrap all nuclear plants / nuclear fuel facilities immediately! [2] World news A letter from Britain A mass protest action against the Cameron government's plan to renew the Trident nuclear missiles The Abe government threatens broadcasters with the cancellation of licenses Shatter the evil plot to silence criticisms of the government in the name of 'fairness and neutrality'! No to the biggest-ever US-Korea combined field training exercises going on at the present moment! [3] The February 7th Workersf Solidarity Meeting: Deliver a crushing blow to the 'imposition of poverty' on workers by the neo-fascist Abe government! A JRCL comrade's speech - A chain reaction of poverty prevails not only in Japan but also in the rest of the world as the economy is becoming more and more borderless - Multi-national corporations are rampant everywhere in the world - Overcome the degenerate response of the official leaders of the labour movement! - Expose the degeneration of the JCP leaders who absolutize the 'dignity of the individual'! [4-5] A declaration of the capitalist resolve to increase productivity and suppress wage rises in the name of the 'global management' A criticism of Keidanren [Japan Business Federation] 2016 labour policy report A. The failure of Abenomics: Japanese monopoly capitalists are making workers pay the price for the economic crisis B. Monopoly capitalists actually declare their intention to 'exploit the whole nation thorough and thorough' C. Expose monopoly capitalist tricks to 'hold down labour costs'! D. Emphasis is placed on the need to 'boost labour productivity' E. Monopoly capitalists arrogantly exhibit their confidence in the Japanese-style 'good labour-management relations' [6-7] Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! Achieve an explosive upsurge of the postal workers' 2016 spring labour offensive! I. Confronted with the bankruptcy of Abenomics, the Japan Post management is intensifying its offensive to suppress wage hikes II. Denounce the labour aristocrats of the Postal Union for distorting the spring labour offensive into one for the 'development of the company'! III. Don't allow the leadership to immerse the union movement in an election campaign! Fight for a militant upliftment of the 2016 spring labour offensive! Topics Smash the education ministry's new plan for the neo-fascist reorganization of the school management system! No to the criminal reform of the nursing care insurance system! [8] Private railway workers' spring labour offensive Don't allow the corrupt union leadership's distortion of the labour offensive into a campaign to 'demand traffic policies from the government for the development of the industry'! 1. Railway monopoly capitalists are bent on making profits by taking advantage of the increase in the number of foreign visitors to Japan 2. The leadership of Shitetsu Soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions] is attempting to reduce railway workers' spring labour offensive to a mere campaign for 'achieving demands for traffic policies' 3. Strive for a militant upsurge of the 2016 spring labour offensive! TOP |
No. 2409
(March 14th 2016 Issue)
Stop the imposition of poverty on workers! - Crush the attempt to cover up the bankruptcy of Abenomics by the government and the Bank of Japan! - Don't allow the official labour movement leaderships' treacheries! Fight for the victory of the 2016 spring labour offensive with the united power of workers! - Stop the revision of the Constitution! Down with the Abe government! [2] Get together for the 85th Zengakuren Convention! Build up a strong bridgehead to stop the constitutional revision, to overthrow the Abe government!
'No base! Stop the landfill operation in Okinawa!' Workers and citizens staged an angry demonstration, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture (pic right) [3] Five years after the catastrophic earthquake in Eastern Japan and the Fukushima nuke plant disaster: Denounce the Abe government for forcing greater hardships on disaster victims! - The Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Station remains in a critical situation - The government is coercing nuclear disaster victims to return to their polluted hometowns - Abe is rushing to the restart of nuclear power plants and plant exports - Evacuees from Pacific coastal areas are compelled to live at evacuation sites for extended periods of time The outflow of the contaminated water is becoming more and more serious due to the government and Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s sloppy countermeasures Takahama nuclear plant in Fukui Prefecture: Denounce the serious accident that led to the emergency shutdown of the No. 4 reactor! Stop the extremely dangerous operation of plutonium burning in the thermal reactor! [4-5] Denounce the leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] for neglecting struggle for higher wages! Fight for the militant uplift of the 2016 spring labour offensive with all the power of the working class! I. The spring labour offensive is being fought now, when the failure of Abenomics is clear to everybody II. Zenroren's policy deals only with the House of Councillors election due in July III. Zenroren leaders abandon efforts to organize wage workers as a working class - -1. They neglect trade unions' wage struggle in the name of 'social wage struggle' --2. They highly evaluate Abe's stopgap measures to gloss over the bankruptcy of Abenomics --3. They have abandoned fighting against the US-Japan military alliance and for the 'protection of Article 9' of the Constitution --4. The leadership of Zenroren is blindly following the JCP central that subordinates the labour movement to citizens' campaigns [6] JC Metal's spring labour offensive: Denounce the labour aristocrats for restraining wage hike demands! -- Criticism of JC Metal's 'policy' for the 2016 spring labour offensive I. The union leadership is taking an accommodationist attitude to capitalists amid the offensive of suppressing wage rises II. Labour aristocrats are yelling for the 'optimum circulation of the value added' to press workers into productivity campaigns [7] Postal workers' spring labour offensive: Denounce the Japan Postal Union leadership for accepting an ultra low compromise figure for extra allowance (equivalent to only 0.2 month's salary)! Fight resolutely by overcoming the leadership who argues that wage hike requires 'improvements in productivity'! Topics The welfare ministry is scheming to deteriorate the nursing care insurance system by changing criteria for a care needs assessment [8] The spring labour offensive in the electricity industry: Don't allow the distortion of the spring labour offensive into one for the 'reconstruction of the Japanese electricity industry'! - Labour aristocrats are cooperating on management's restructuring programs, sharing a sense of crisis with monopoly capitalists - They are urging union members to improve productivity - Let us strive for an explosive upsurge of the 2016 spring labour offensive! TOP |
No. 2408
(March 7th 2016 Issue)
No to the buildup of the US-Japan global war alliance! - The US and China are clashing with each other over command of the sea and the air in the South China Sea - The Abe government is bent on revising the Constitution and building Japan into a strong military power - Let us advance international antiwar struggle by overcoming distortion of movements by official leaderships!
eBlock the landfill operation in Henoko!f 28,000 workers, students and citizens besieged the Diet Building, February 21st, Tokyo (pic1) eStop the new US base construction in Henoko!f eScrap the War Law!f Militant students fought in the forefront of the protest action (pic2) eNo new bases!f eStop the reclamation work!f Workers and toiling people assembled with anger against the Abe government (pic3) eDown with Ampo [US-Japan Security Treaty]!f Fighting students denounced the JCP bureaucrats for abandoning opposition to Ampo
Kagoshima Univ. students fought in the van of protesters rallied against the unloading of US military material, February 10th, Oita Prefecture (pic4) Young workers and students held a protest rally at the Ohzai Pier (pic5) Protesters raised angry chants at US military vehicles carrying material for the exercise to the firing range in Hijudai [3] The Nuclear Regulation Authority OKfd the use of two Takahama nuclear reactors that have operated for more than 40 years No to the resumption of decrepit reactors! The Sendai nuclear plant: Donft allow Kyushu Electric Power Co. to break its pledge to construct an anti-seismic building! Chinafs first enuclear white paperf: The Xi Jinping government is frantic to construct and export nuclear plants [4] NTT workersf 2016 spring labour offensive: Win a militant upsurge of the labour offensive! Denounce the degenerate union leadership for fully supporting capitalistsf ebusiness strategyf! 1. The management is hell-bent on ecost reductionf according to the new business strategy 2. The union leadershipfs plan of action for the 2016 spring labour offensive expresses labour aristocratsf full cooperation to the new business strategy 3. Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! Achieve radical improvements in working conditions! [5] Spring labour offensive of auto workers: Win a big, across-the-board increase in wages! Donft allow the treachery of the Confederation of Japan Automobile Workersf Union labour aristocrats servile to monopoly capitalists! 1. Auto monopoly capitalists are proceeding with the restructuring of business operations on a world scale 2. Labour aristocrats are trying to distort the spring labour offensive into etalks about the development of the car industryf 3. Denounce the union leadership for restraining wage-hike demands (only 3,000 yen)! 4. Stop the revision of the Constitution! Win a big, across-the-board wage hike! [6] Topics A pro-JCP scholar puts forward a new type of spring offensive, endorsing a citizensf campaign for utilizing companiesf einternal reservesf Hokkaido: No to the prefectural authoritiesf plan to introduce a new epersonnel evaluation systemf coupled with a reform in the wage system! Use of examination for moving to full-time employment eas a carrotf: Post-office management is exploiting temp workers through and through by applying strict screening standards [7] The February 7th Workersf Solidarity Meeting: Smash the Abe governmentfs reactionary reforms in the social security system! Declaration of resolve by a nursing care worker
Workers of Okinawa lifted their spirits at the beginning of the 2016 spring labour offensive: Rengo Okinawa-hosted rally, February 18th, Naha (pic 6)
[8] Kaleidoscope - The failure of Abenomics: Even BOJfs adoption of negative interest rate cannot make money flow (pic 7) - eWe donft care what happens afterwardf: The Abe government plots to construct a geological disposal of radioactive waste under the sea floor - FBIfs demand on Apple for cooperation in monitoring citizens: your personal data is among the massive amount of data stored by IT monopolies - A change of top leaders: The party of Doi Moi is wavering between the US and China TOP |
No. 2407
(February 29th 2016 Issue)
Win big, across-the-board wage increases! - Monopoly capitalists are assuming increasingly negative attitudes towards wage increases - Expose the deception in Rengo [Japan Trade Union Confederation]'s emphasis on the 'reduction of wage differentials'! - With the united power of the working class, overthrow the Abe government, raising the banner 'Stop constitutional revision! No to fascism!'
[2] All Toyota Workers' Action for the 2016 spring labour offensive, February 11th, Aichi Prefecture JRCL appealed to the participants to overcome the leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] who have abandoned the demand for 'big wage increases' Power companies are withdrawing previous plans to construct anti-seismic buildings Together with power companies, the Abe government is rushing to resume nuclear reactor operations, ignoring new regulation standards - Kyushu Electric Power Co. broke its 'promise' just as it restarted the Sendai nuclear plant - Tokyo Electric Power Co. breached standards for laying data cables [3] The second keynote address at the February 2nd Workers' Solidarity Meeting: Fight the 2016 spring labour offensive under the banner 'Against constitutional revision, against war, and against fascism'! 1. The Abe government is hell-bent on the revision of the Constitution and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance 2. The government is imposing poverty on workers and the toiling masses 3. The opposition movement is plunged into a critical situation; we are fighting to overcome its degeneration 4. Let us fight for a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive under the slogan 'Stop the constitutional revision'! [4-5] In the name of 'correcting wage differentials', the degenerate Rengo leadership urges affiliated unions to launch a 'productivity campaign' - The anti-proletarian nature of Rengo's report for the 2016 spring labour offensive A. Demands for higher wages are 'restrained' while the need to raise productivity is emphasized B. An arbitrary analysis of the present situation is set forth to justify extremely low wage demands C. Emphasis on the demand to 'correct wage differentials': a deception - On the pretext of correcting wage differentials, the leadership is pressing subcontracted workers to improve 'productivity' - A 'bottom-up approach to the labour offensive': to cover the leadership's criminality in demanding extremely low wages D. The Rengo leadership is putting forward a productivity campaign in full cooperation with the management and the government [6] The government-backed Innovation Network of Japan vs. Taiwan's Hon Hai: competition over the reconstruction of Sharp Corp. Don't allow the victimization of workers! Topics The sum of tax cuts for big business by government policies in 2014 amounted to 2.5 times as much as that in 2012 [7] A skiing tour bus accident in January: It was the government and capitalists ignoring safety that caused the terrible accident Win a radical improvement in bus workers' harsh working conditions with extremely low wages! - The bus company compelled the inexperienced driver to take a difficult route late at night - Bus workers are forced to work exceedingly long hours in violation of regulations Kaleidoscope - Abusive, fascistic remarks and base scandals pop up one after another in Abe's cabinet - Artificial intelligence technology: Computer development is running out of control [8] The 50th anniversary of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL A firm resolution is welling up inside me TOP |
No. 2406
(February 22nd 2016 Issue)
The February 7th Workers' Solidarity Meeting:
- Win big, across-the-board wage increases! Disclose the degeneration of the leadership of Rengo [Japan Trade Union Confederation]! - - The first keynote address by a postal worker - Advance our struggle against constitutional revision, against war and against fascism! - -The second keynote address by a local government worker - Make Marx's thought our own and solidify the unity of the working class! - - A speech by a comrade of the JRCL - Powerful reports on the advance of struggle in workplaces - - Declaration of resolves by workers fighting on labour fronts - Achieve a militant strengthening of trade unions in the middle of the 2016 spring labour offensive!
Trade union workers rose against the US Marine Corps' live ammunition exercise, January 30th, Hijudai, Kyushu 5,000 workers rallied against the US live firing exercise (pic1) JRCL made revolutionary appeals to the participants in the rally (pic2) 'Scrap the War Law!' 'No to the revision of the Constitution!' 1,000 workers, students and citizens assembled demanding the resignation of the Abe cabinet, January 19th, Nagoya Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. students strived in the forefront of the demonstration (pic3) [3] 'Down with the Abe government hell-bent on the revision of the Constitution!' Militant workers and students marched on the Liberal Democratic Party local office in Hokkaido, January 31st, Sapporo 'Stop the constitutional revision!' 'No to the aerial bombing of Syria!' Workers and students voiced their anger at the LDP local office (pic4) 'No to the Abe government's rush to the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance and fascism!' Protesters marched on the main street of Sapporo (pic5) The city streets of Nara resounded with the fighting students' protest voice against the constitutional revision: February 6th, Nara 'Scrap the War Law!' 'No to the overseas dispatch of Japanese troops!' Nara Women's Univ. and Kobe Univ. students demonstrated with workers and citizens rallied against the War Law (pic6) Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students rose in action against the resumption of the Takahama nuclear plant operation, January 29th, Kobe 'Stop the constitutional revision! No to the restart of the nuclear power plant!' Militant students appealed to workers and citizens of Kobe (pic7) [4] The first keynote address at the Workers' Solidarity Meeting: Win big, across-the-board wage increases! Disclose the degeneration of the Rengo leadership! 1. The Abe government and monopoly capitalists are scattering an illusion that wages will be raised this year 2. Monopoly capitalists are bent on restructuring on a gigantic scale 3. The leadership of Rengo is demanding wage increases at an extremely low rate of 'about 2 percent' 4. Expose the deceptions in labour aristocrats' policy that emphasizes a 'raise in minimum wage levels' and the 'correction of disparities in wages' 5. Achieve a militant uplift of the 2016 spring labour offensive! [5] For an explosive upsurge of the postal workers' 2016 spring labour offensive! Denounce the union leadership's cooperation to the Japan Post's business development! Fight for the victory of the spring labour offensive by overcoming the union leadership's distortion of struggles into an election campaign! Fight against neo-fascist Abe's offensive of revising the Constitution! [6] Topics Abe's 'equal pay for equal work': complete deception Many workers have contracted bladder cancer in a chemical plant We condemn the corporation and the Health/Labour Ministry for having exposed workers to carcinogenic chemicals Hokkaido: One big enterprise after another is entering the agricultural business, which is victimizing petty and medium-scale farmers [7] The 2015 defence white paper: The Abe government puts out Japan's new military strategy based on the newly revised US-Japan defense cooperation guidelines 1. The Japanese government declares its full cooperation to the US's buildup of a system for waging war against China and the Islamic State 2. The 'threats of China and the Islamic State' are incitefully emphasized 3. The paper states clearly that the Japanese government is steadily implementing concrete measures to buildup the 'US-Japan global war alliance' 4. Measures to thoroughly reinforce the Japanese army as a complement to the US forces are set out [8] My theoretical inquiry Lessons from the creation of the revolutionary communist movement - Investigating the 'struggle on two fronts' [written succinctly in K. Kuroda's What is Revolutionary Marxism?, 1969] (Part 2) TOP |
No. 2405
(February 15th 2016 Issue)
Stir up a gigantic struggle against the revision of the Constitution! - The danger of war is growing in the Korean Peninsula / East Asia - Down with the neo-fascist Abe government that is plotting the revision of the Constitution!
'Absolutely no to the resumption of the Takahama nuclear power plant operation!' Workers, students and residents besieged the KEPCO [Kansai Electric Power Co.] building, January 27th, Osaka Kagoshima Univ. students launched a militant struggle against the revision of the Constitution, January 26th, Kyushu [3] Denounce the nuclear testing and missile firing by the North Korean Kim Jong-un government! Don't allow the US-Japan-South Korea's military intimidation and imposition of sanctions on the North Korea! - The Kim government is pursuing a policy of brinkmanship to maintain its nepotist regime - The Obama administration is building up a system for waging war jointly with South Korea and Japan - The Park Geun-hye government has shifted towards the buildup of a triangular military alliance between the US, Japan and South Korea - The Xi Jinping government is annoyed by the 'reckless' acts of Kim Jong-un [4] Japan Post No to the intensification of labour in the name of 'controlling labour costs'! Expose the exploitative nature of 'labour cost management'! I. The postal management has introduced new measures to control labour costs 1. The management embarked on a major reform aimed at reducing the rate of labour costs (1) Specialist jobs are newly set up to control labour costs (2) The control system is strengthened to supervise the 'post offices of poor labour cost performance' (3) Labour cost reduction is emphasized in assessing the performance (4) A 'delivery operation support system (DOSS)' is introduced to monitor 'worker performance and labour cost performance' 2. The DOSS system and the labour cost control system are linked to reinforce the management system - Postal workers are compelled to constantly input their business operation data onto the DOSS 3. 'Labour cost management' in accordance with the amount of business operations is imposed on each post office 4. The 'CCC (cost, control and challenge) campaign' is promoted as a new form of productivity campaign II. Japan Post management puts a great strain on workers in the name of 'improvement in business management' III. Fight persistently by denouncing the JP Union leadership's full partnership with the JP management! [5] Peking was laden with the smog of highly concentrated 'PM [particulate matter] 2.5' Don't allow the Xi Jinping leadership to sacrifice Chinese people for the 'economic growth'! - A 'red alert' was issued for the first time in Peking - The Peking authorities were obliged to raise the alert from 'orange' to 'red' due to the growing anger of workers and toiling people - Chinese bureaucrats are tightening controls on the media and the Internet - China's air pollution is a product of the 'socialist market economy' advocated by the Peking bureaucrats [6] Stop the constitutional revision! No to the 'education aimed to create patriotic citizens'! We call on all the education workers attending the JTU [Japan Teachers Union] education research conference! JRCL Education Workers Committee Let us say 'no' to the revision of the Constitution! Let us stop the patriotic, meritocratic education! Let us make JTU a vanguard of the struggle against the constitutional revision! Let us build a unite battlefront against fascism! - Scrap the aggressive war law! No to the overseas dispatch of Japanese troops! Stop the new US base construction in Henoko! - Smash education aimed to create citizens supporting the 'warlike state'! Fight against Abe-led reorganization of education! - Don't allow the Abe government's policy of abandoning disaster victims! Stop the resumption of nuclear power plants! - Build a united battlefront against fascism and overthrow the neo-fascist Abe government! Topics The labour aristocracy of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] declares allegiance to capitalists No to the extremely low wage demands on the pretext of 'correcting disparities in wages'! [7] Kaleidoscope - Hellish repayment of student loans: Even if you get a job, you are hounded by debts all your life - Stupid measures: Abe simultaneously announced the graft-ridden Trade Minister's resignation and the Bank of Japan's adoption of negative interest rates - The Xi Jinping government is irritated by the tense situation in the Korean Peninsula caused by Kim Join-un - Utilization of waste material for the strengthening of the repressive security system: The sate power is using its running dogs, bankrupted Chukaku-ha faction, to the full [8] My theoretical inquiry Lessons from the creation of the revolutionary communist movement - Investigating the 'struggle on two fronts' [written succinctly in K. Kuroda's What is Revolutionary Marxism?, 1969] (Part 1) TOP |
No. 2404
(February 8th 2016 Issue)
Zengakuren and Antiwar Youths rose up in antiwar, anti-Ampo demonstration
Workers and students unfolded a gigantic street demonstration under the banner, 'Block the constitutional revision! Prevent the outbreak of a world war!' Fight dauntlessly, overcoming the JCP-led 'Defend Constitutionalism' campaign without opposition to Ampo!
[2] 'No to the US-Japan joint aerial battle exercise!' 500 angry workers gathered from all over Hokkaido to oppose the US-Japan joint military exercise, January 17th, Chitose, Hokkaido (pic left) The exercise was designed to improve the ground attacking capability of the US-Japan integrated military [3] The Trans-Pacific Partnership will come as a serious blow to the agricultural and livestock industry of Hokkaido Stop the Diet ratification of the TPP pact! The government is plotting to deregulate 'electronic receipts' in revising the tax system Don't allow the dismissal and redeployment of accounting workers! [4] Block the launching of the landfill work in Henoko! Fight resolutely by overcoming the JCP-led movement against the base without anti-Ampo! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee The Abe government / Defense Ministry is hell-bent on resuming the base construction as the pivot of the US-Japan global aggressive war alliance Military and political confrontation is intensifying in East Asia between the US-Japan and China Militant Okinawan workers and residents are fighting firmly despite official opposition leaders' immersion in election campaigns Uplift the struggle against the new base construction in Henoko! Realize it as a struggle against war, against the US-Japan military alliance! - Rally to the fight from all over Okinawa, from all over the country! For two consecutive days, workers, students and residents stopped construction vehicles from carrying in building materials: Henoko, January 20th - 21st
300 protesters started sit-ins with students of Zengakuren Okinawa taking the lead, Jan. 20th (pic 1) 420 workers and residents gathered early in the morning to block the gate, Jan. 21st (pic 2) Protesters' anger exploded at the appearance of Stryker armoured vehicles, Jan. 21st (pic 3) [6] 2.5 tons of steel materials fell onto the ground and directly hit a worker: NSSMC [Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp.] Kimitsu iron mill, Chiba Prefecture We denounce the fatal accident with indignation! 'A movement aimed at an optimum circulation of the value added'!? Expose the deception in laying the theoretical foundation for the 2016 spring labour offensive by JAW [Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers' Union]!
Topics Monopoly capitalists are treating Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] labour aristocrats as their henchmen A high-handed stance is fully exposed in their labour policy report, a countermeasure for the 2016 spring labour offensive [8] Kaleidoscope - In imitation of the method of Nazis: Abe is desperate to enact a provision for the PM to declare a state of emergency - Will this serve to salvage the declining empire?: The US Army completely lifts the ban on assigning women soldiers to combat units TOP |
No. 2403
(February 1st 2016 Issue)
For the victorious 2016 spring labour offensive!
Fight for big, across-the-board wage increases! Shatter every dismissal! Break the suppression of struggles by the leadership of Rengo [Japan Trade Union Confederation]! No to the consumption tax increase! Don't allow the revision of labour laws! Block the constitutional revision! Take a giant step forward towards the overthrow of the Abe government! [2] Stop the operation of plutonium burning! No to the restart of the Takahama nuclear reactors! The government and KEPCO [Kansai Electric Power Co.] is about to resume reactor No. 3 on January 29th Denounce the court for annulling the suspension of its resumption!
(pic1) Students of Zengakuren Okinawa strive in the forefront, Jan. 20th (pic2) Protesters fight against the violence of the riot police sent from Tokyo, Jan. 21st A 'Stop the arrogant Abe government!' meeting in Nagoya, December 19th (pic3) Nagaya Univ. and Aichi Univ. students joined the workers and citizens' demonstration, raising the banner 'Denounce the bombing of Syria! Don't send SDF troops to the South China Sea, the Middle East, and South Sudan!' [3] France under a state of emergency Workers and toiling people are resisting government repression and raging nationalism - Assemblies and demonstrations are banned; house searches are conducted without warrants - The influence of an 'anti-immigrant' far-right party is growing - The French Communist Party supports the state of emergency; it does not oppose French bombings of Syria - 'An immediate halt to the state of emergency!' French workers and toiling masses are standing up Australian and Japanese rulers agreed on the conclusion of a 'paramilitary alliance' in a '2+2' foreign and defence ministers meeting - Consultation is to be started for the conclusion of a SOFA (status of forces agreement) - Japan started to move towards the joint development of submarines with the US and Australia [4-5] The crisis of the world economy is deepening, enveloped by the dark clouds of war and money games 1. The structural crisis of the world economy is deepening A. A worldwide drop in stock prices was triggered off by China again B. A step towards an illusory 'exit': the Federal Reserve Board has embarked on a rise of the interest rate C. China's 'new normal' economy is shaken by excessive equipment and excessive debts - State-owned enterprises have a massive amount of excess production facilities 2. A clash between the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the 'one belt, one road' initiative: --The world economy is moving towards a structural reorganization - The UK, Germany, France and other EU states are hanging on China 3. The bankruptcy of the 'monetary easing in a different dimension' is plunging the Japanese economy further into crisis 4. The structural characteristics of contemporary capitalism in the global economy after the collapse of the Soviet Union [6] Topics Rengo's new chairman made a new-year speech full of flattering words about the bourgeoisie Absolutely no to the reactionary revision of labour laws! The Abe government is plunging workers into the condition of 'lifelong temps' With enthusiasm, I've strengthened my foothold as a revolutionary Marxist in the JRCL political meeting - A resolve of an education worker from Hokkaido [7] Kaleidoscope - 'Look out! Fraudulent BOJ Governor Kuroda is plotting additional monetary easing!' - 'Improvement in the employment situation' 'A major increase in the GDP' etc, etc.: a pack of lies of the Abe government - Japanese scientists are being sucked into the 'murky water' of arms development - No to the organization of the community residents into 'antiterrorism measures'! [8] Confrontation and deception of each other between the US, EU and China over the issue of reducing global warming - The meaning of the adoption of the COP 21 Paris Agreement (part 2) A. 'Keep temperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius': an indisputable 'empty promise' B. Developing countries are being divided by the US and China (The above chapters were carried in the last issue of Kaihoh) C. Condemn the environmental destruction of the globe by contemporary imperialism and neo-Stalinist China! (Carried in this issue) Slogans of the JRCL for the 2016 spring labour offensive For a victorious 2016 spring labour offensive! Crush the imposition of poverty on workers and the toiling masses! Fight against the constitutional revision, against war, and against fascism! I. Win big and across-the-board wage increases with the united power of workers! - Achieve a drastic improvement in temp workers' wages and working conditions! - No restructuring! No sacking! - No to the revision of personnel and wage systems based on 'jobs, roles and contribution to the company'! - No to the massive cuts in workforces and wages of public service workers! - Expose the bankruptcy of Abenomics to the full! Denounce the labour aristocrats of Rengo and the JC Metal for limiting the demands of wage increase to extremely low figures! Fight resolutely by overcoming the JCP-controlled leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] that abandons demand for 'big wage increase'! II. No to the reactionary revision of labour laws! Definitely no to another consumption tax increase! - Stop the actual abolition of the eight-hour working day system! Don't allow the liberalization of sackings! - No to the revision of the social security system that sacrifices underprivileged people! III. No to the strengthening of the US-Japan global war alliance! Block the new US base construction in Henoko! - Scrap the Aggressive War Law! - Denounce the indiscriminate bombardment of Muslim people by the US, France, UK and Russia! Stop the Abe government from participating in the 'war on terror'! - Fight indomitable struggles aiming at the abolition of the US-Japan Security Treaty! - No to the restart of nuclear power plants! No to arms exports! IV. Shatter the strengthening of the NSC-helmed Japanese type neo-fascist ruling system! - Stop the legislation of the 'crime of conspiracy'! - No to the neo-fascist reorganization of education! - Crush any attempt to destroy trade unions! Build a united battle front against fascism! Overthrow the neo-fascist Abe government that is hell-bent on revising the Constitution! Let us fight in solidarity with the working people of the world who are struggling against war, oppression and poverty! TOP |
No. 2402
(January 25th 2016 Issue)
Fight for an explosive upsurge of the spring labour offensive 1. The Abe government is launching a full-scale offensive to revise the Constitution - Fascistic manipulation of the masses: Abe is resorting to all kinds of dirty ways - The government is rushing to the buildup of the US-Japan global war alliance 2. Monopoly capitalists, together with the Abe government, are making workers pay the bill for the crisis of the Japanese economy - The Abe government is pumping out deceitful propaganda to cover up the bankruptcy of Abenomics - Monopoly capitalists are hell-bent on major restructuring and the reduction of funds for wages 3. For the overcoming of the crisis of the 2016 spring labour offensive 4. Shatter the imposition of poverty and war on workers by the Abe government and the monopoly bourgeoisie! Promote a militant 2016 spring labour offensive! A. Denounce the leaders of Rengo [Japan Trade Union Confederation] for submitting to capitalists on the pretext of 'correcting disparities in wages'! - They emphasize the 'raising of minimum wage levels' to justify their extremely low wage demands - They distort wage-hike demands by demanding 'fair trading' between monopolies and subcontractors - Reactionary argument for wage increases to 'get out of deflation' - Contribution and devotion to the 'improvement of productivity' B. Crush wage restraints! Create a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive under the banner 'Stop the constitutional revision'! - Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! - Build a united battle front against fascism! Overthrow the Abe government!
'Denounce the bombing of Syria!' Militant students fought in the van of 'Scrap the War Law' rallies: December 19th Nara: Nara Women's Univ. and Kobe Univ. students staged a dauntless protest march on the Liberal Democratic Party's local office (pic1) Sapporo: Fighting students of Hokkaido joined the workers and citizens' demonstration raising the placards, 'No to the bombing of Syria!' 'No to fascism!' 'Abolish the War Law!'(pic2) Students rose in the anti-Secrecy Law rally: Nagoya, December 6th Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. students fought together with workers and citizens, waving the big banner of 'Scrap the Secrecy Law and the War Law!' (pic3) The 133rd Wakagi Festival: November 1st-3rd Kokugakuin Univ. Students realized a 'festival of university autonomy and culture', sounding an alarm bell to the danger of fascism [4] The December 6th JRCL public political meeting Spread the fervent struggle from Henoko to the whole country against war, against the US-Japan military alliance! - A report by an education worker from Okinawa - Sit-in protests are continued every day to blockade the Camp Schwab gate, to completely block the construction vehicles from carrying in building materials - We are tenaciously striving to organize trade union members into protest actions at the site of the base construction - Take a giant step forward towards the overthrow of the Abe government! Don't allow the Abe government to impose war and poverty on workers and the toiling masses! - A declaration of resolve by a comrade on behalf of the labour front - Our comrade workers have been fighting to overcome the degeneration of union movements by the leadership - Our comrades have been making strenuous efforts to strengthen trade unions from within - I am resolved to do my best with a deceased comrade's words engraved on my heart [5] Confront and deception of each other between the US, EU and China over the issue of reducing global warming - The meaning of the adoption of the COP 21 Paris Agreement (part 1) A. 'Keep temperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius': an indisputable 'empty promise' B. Developing countries are being divided by the US and China - The Obama administration struggled desperately to regain its former prestige [6-7] New Year's resolutions The Metal Industrial Workers Committee The Small and Medium Enterprise Workers Committee The Tokyo District Antiwar Workers Committee The Eastern Kanagawa District Antiwar Workers Committee The Chugoku Regional Committee A New Year Interview with the Zengakuren Chairman and the Chief Secretary 'We will surely win an overwhelming upliftment of the antiwar struggle to break through the danger of a world war!' TOP |
No. 2401
(January 18th 2016 Issue)
We call on students, workers and toiling people in the world!
1. The Abe government is launching a full-scale offensive to revise the Constitution of Japan, desperate to strengthen the new US-Japan military alliance 2. The danger of a world war is growing in the present world A. War clouds are hanging over East Asia and the Middle East - North Korea conducted nuclear test; the US, Japan and South Korea are preparing for war against North Korea - Saudi Arabia and Iran are clashing over supremacy in the Middle East B. Rivalry between the declining US and China-Russia is intensifying - The Obama administration is bent on waging a 'war on terror', forming an anti-Chinese encircling net - Xi Jinping-led China is challenging the US with the aim of leaping into a superpower - The Putin government is strengthening its military intervention in Syria 3. Zengakuren is fighting in an effort to overcome the deepening crisis of the official peace movements 4. Create a tidal surge of struggles against war, against the revision of the Constitution, and against the US-Japan military alliance! A. Denounce the JCP leadership for totally abandoning struggles against the US-Japan military alliance! B. Flare up a gigantic struggle against war, against the US-Japan military alliance, against fascism! - Shatter every attempt to amend the Constitution designed for the restoration of 'militarist Japan'! - Block the new US base construction in Henoko! No to the buildup of the US-Japan global war alliance! - Denounce the bombing of Syria and Iraq! Stop the war in the Middle East! - Down with the Abe government with the immense power of workers and students! [4-5] The danger of a new world war is growing in the Middle East - The Syrian civil war has plunged into an increasingly dangerous situation A. Salman-led Saudi Arabian government has embarked on a 'warmongering act' against Iran B. Rulers of Western states and Russia are colluding to 'wipe out the Islamic State' C. The civil war in Syria is growing even fiercer D. Strengthen international antiwar struggle! Denounce the bombing of Syria! Block the outbreak of a world war!
[8] Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! No to the constitutional Revision! Down with the Abe government! Rally to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting for the victorious 2016 spring labour offensive!: February 7th Strengthen workers' unity and win a big, across-the-board wage hike! Stop the revision of the Constitution! Fight a resolute struggle despite suppression by the labour aristocrats fawning upon the government and monopoly capitalists! Overthrow the Abe government with the mighty power of workers! 'We'll stop the new US base construction in Henoko at any costs!' Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students staged a powerful demonstration in Naha, Okinawa, December 5th (pic1) 'Scrap the Monju fast-breeder reactor! Check the restart of the Takahama nuclear power plant!' Thousands of workers, students and citizens protested against the resumption of nuclear power plant operations, Fukui Prefecture, December 5th Militant students from the Hokuriku and Kansai regions fight in the forefront to block the restart of the Takahama nuclear reactors (pic2) Angry 1200 rallied under the slogan 'Decommission Monju!' (pic3) [6-7] New Year's resolutions The Kansai Regional Committee The Hokkaido Regional Committee The Tokai Regional Committee The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee The Telecommunication Industrial Workers Committee The Chemical Industrial Workers Committee The Social Welfare Workers Committee The Mass Communication Industrial Workers Committee TOP |