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No. 2120
(May 24th 2010 Issue)
Overthrow the Hatoyama government ![]() - The Hatoyama government desperate to bail monopoly capitalists out of the economic crisis - Advance antiwar struggle and politico-economic struggle in opposition to Rengo leaders' oppression! Struggles in Okinawa, May 15th-16th Workers, students and residents braving the pouring rain to rise in protests with their growing anger (See details in the coming issues) (Pic above) Okinawa People's Rally in May 15th (Ginowan City) (Pic right) The US Marine Futenma Air Station encircled by more than ten thousand workers, students and residents (May 16th) [2] Stop a new base construction! Students' demonstrations - Sapporo (April 24), Kanazawa (April 29) Denounce the resumed operation of the fast breeder reactor! Kanazawa university students demonstrating together with local trade unions and residents (May 6th) [4] Criticizing a Rengo ideologue's theory of 'welfare governance': the illusion of 'a new Japanese model' (1) A theoretical support for Rengo's 'policies for job and welfare' (2) Rejection of the idea of the 'welfare state' - A paradigm change in the idea of 'welfare' - 'From government to governance'? - Reform for a 'new Japanese model' (3) What he calls new welfare and employment policies 'for repairing strains imposed by structural reforms' [5] The central leadership of Jichiro [prefectural/municipal workers union] demanding a new 'wage determination system' after the abolition of the National Personnel Authority A consolidation plan of high schools in Ishikawa prefecture: increasing burdens on teachers and students [3] Three years after the railway accident in Amagasaki - Denounce the management of West Japan Railway Co. responsible for the calamity What is called '2010 strategy for growth' by the employers' federation [6] Hokkaido: Medical services collapsing in localities Kumamoto City Hospital: no payment for overtime work Topics Central leaders of the postal workers union: announcing their support for the postal reform bill [7] May Ray Rallies - Hokkaido, Osaka, Fukuoka [8] Kaleidoscope - The British elections: for the first time after Churchill - A victory day parade in the Red Square - US Forces against China's 'anti-access strategy' - An artificial 'volcanic winter' to combat global warming? TOP |
No. 2119
(May 17th 2010 Issue)
Down with the Hatoyama government!
- The nuclear arms race intensified between the US and China, and a new development of global conflicts between the three blocs - Japanese imperialism shaken in a political and economic impasse - Fight to overthrow the Hatoyama government imposing 'war and poverty' on the toiling masses! [3] Stop a new US Marine base construction in Henoko! A storm of protest against Hatoyama's first visit to Okinawa, May 4th Hatoyama visited Okinawa with the aim of imposing his US base relocation plan upon workers and people of the island Photos in the right (1) Workers and students protesting against Hatoyama announcing his plan to relocate the US Marine Futenma Air Station 'within the prefecture' (in front of the prefectural assembly) (2) Protesters against the deceptive 'town meeting' at a local elementary school (3) Militant workers and students thronging the Nago City Office during Hatoyama's meeting with the mayor (4) The meeting place besieged by protestors Students demonstrating against the military alliance - Nagoya (April 25th), Osaka (April 27th) [4-5] Build an unshakable fort to overcome the defeat of the 2010 spring labour offensive! Strengthen the labour movement to smash the new offensive to impose 'war and poverty'! Central Workers Orgburo (1) Distortion of the spring offensive into one 'to save the nation' - A deal to oppress the offensive in the interest of the capitalist 'inroads into Asian markets' and 'development of new technologies' - Labour aristocrats begging the Hatoyama government to make a policy for an 'economic growth' - Revealed deception of their 'demands' for 'improving the conditions of all workers' - Oppression and distortion of workers' struggle against a US base construction - Struggles by revolutionary workers to break the degeneration of the spring offensive into one 'for saving the nation' (2) Expose the ideological ground of the nationalist distortion of the offensive - Labour aristocrats enforcing their idea that labour, management and the government share the same destiny - The JCP-led Zenroren cadres lost in a reverie about 'an economy with rules' (3) Fight to smash the new offensive of dismissals and wage cuts! [6] Sapporo City: Smash the planned reduction of 60 workers for 'consolidation of tax administration'! Suicide of a Toyota temporary worker for protest Topics Labour aristocrats in the metal industry: calling for building 'a nation based on manufacturing' [7] May Day Rallies in Tokyo Militant workers struggling in opposition to the official leaderships leading the spring offensive to defeat Voices raised against a US base construction, against the military alliance - Rengo (April 29th) - Zenroren (May 1st) - Zenrokyo (May 1st) [8] Kaleidoscope - Prompt Global Strike: to any target on the planet in an hour - The Chiang Mai Initiative: a China money initiative? - A new mercantilism: desperate top sales by Japanese ministers - Government-led exports to developing countries: for monopoly capitalists in the manufacturing industry TOP |
No. 2118
(May 10th 2010 Issue)
Remove bases! Fight against the US-Japan
military alliance! - The new US-Japan military alliance strengthened against China and Russia - The Hatoyama government imposing poverty on the working people in a new form - Advance struggles against war, against the military alliance by overcoming the official movement to beg the government 'for reducing bases' [4] May 14th-16th Fight for a militant upsurge of the 'Okinawa Peace March' and the 'Enveloping Action against the Futenma Base' ! Fight to stop a new US Marine base construction! Immediately remove the Futenma Air Station! Okinawa Prefectural Committee - 90,000 people in the Okinawa People's Rally on April 25th: the revolutionary Left fighting in the forefront - Japanese and US rulers seeking to strengthen their new military alliance to contain China - Denounce the central JCP leadership for abandoning its opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! - Fight, aiming at the repeal of the US-Japan Security Treaty! [5] The April 25th Okinawa People's Rally
![]() (Above left) The Zengakuren-affiliated Students' Association in the University of the Ryukyus raised the 'Repeal the Security Treaty' banner in the middle of the rally (Above right) 'Fight for the repeal of the Security Treaty!' The huge banner of the JRCL encouraged the participants (Right) 'Smash the military alliance! Remove bases!' Students of the University of the Ryukyus and the Okinawa International University together with students from universities of the mainland including Waseda and Kokugakuin carried out a demonstration on the US Marine Futenma Air Station and the US Consulate hours before the rally. No to the Hatoyama plan to relocate the US
Marine base
(Above right) A protest rally in Kagoshima City (April 25th) [3] 'No to a new US Marine base construction!' Students' marches in various regions
![]() (Above right) Kansai (in Kobe City, April 24th) (Right) Kyushu (in the Kagoshima University campus, April 23rd) [2] At a JCP-led rally 'for removing the Futenma Air Station' in Tokyo Anger growing against the party's head Shii, who supports Hatoyama's 'serious negotiation with the US' [6] Oppose the Hokkaido prefectural board of education ordering an investigation into the Hokkaido Teachers' Union! Fight back against the massive punishments on trade union members in the Hokkaido Development Agency! Topics Against the Osaka City government plan to curtail the livelihood protection [7] At a telemarketing office in Okinawa: extremely low wages, long working hours and selective dismissals The former president of Rengo: now working for a temporary staffing agency [8] Kaleidoscope - Monju, a fast-breeder reactor: to operate again with no safety measures - To the plant Mars?: just to dazzle - A nuclear disarmament summit in Teheran - Sprawa Katynia: the cruel reality concealed by the monstrous lie TOP |
Create a nationwide struggle ![]() - Collusion and opposition between the US and Russia-China over 'nuclear arms reduction and control' - The Obama-led US government desperate to contain China - Fight, by overcoming the JCP-led campaign to beg Hatoyama for 'reduction of bases'! (Photo right) Under the banner of 'No US-Japan military alliance': Kagoshima University students fighting at a protest rally in Tokunoshima island, another relocation destination of US Marines in Kagoshima prefecture (April 18th) [4-5] Ukraine being brought over to the Russian sphere of influence The appearance of a 'pro-Russian' government led by Viktor Yanukovych - Ukraine's turn to a pro-Russian state in the name of 'a bridge between East and West' - Collusion between Russia and the EU for burying the 'Orange revolution' - Fall to a bankrupt nation due to the international financial turmoil and the global depression - Internal and external policies of the Yanukovych government and a crisis of the class struggle A change of government in Kyrgyz engineered by Russian rulers ![]() [2] Stop the resumption of operation of fast-breeder reactor Monju! A protest rally at the site in Tsuruga (Photo right) [6] 'A criminal punishment on the Hokkaido Teachers' Union can be justified': JTU leaders have divulged what they really think A letter from a reader: Fight back against the reactionary offensive to destroy the Hokkaido Teachers' Union! A prefectural Rengo rally for the spring labour offensive (Okinawa, April 7th) Topics New textbooks for elementary school children: filled with contents for patriotic education [7] Osaka: a campaign for an oppressive system of security under the banner 'Make our town safe and secure' What I thought after reading aloud Kan'ichi Kuroda's Teachings [8] A capitalist mega competition in Asia: Japanese steel monopolies vying with Chinese and Korean companies [8] Kaleidoscope - The JCP Chairman wishing to be the party's first leader to visit the US: praising Obama's 'efforts for peace' - Scramble for methane hydrate - A secret military base in Aomori prefecture - Monopoly capitalist sales of tuna meat TOP |
No. 2116
(April 26th 2010 Issue)
Fight for a militant upsurge of - Collusion between the US and Russia for 'nuclear arms reduction and control' - Hu Jintao-led China bent on strengthening its nuclear military capabilities to vie with US imperialism - Fight the struggle by overcoming the official movement to beg the Hatoyama government for 'reducing the bases' [4-5] The beginning of Toyota's decline as the top auto maker in the world An in-depth analysis of the Toyota recall scandal started in the US market (1) Successive recalls of defective vehicles: throwing Toyota executives into a panic (2) Problems arising from its global expansion of production - Failures in quality control due to its rapid expansion of production in the US - An exposure of the technical vulnerability of Toyota's hybrid car system (3) Toyota bashing launched by the Obama administration for GM's revival - Administrative measures to reduce the share of Toyota - Revisions in the plan to revive GM Corp. - An egoistic rollback operation in an international competition in eco-technology development No more burden upon workers! [2] Okinawa: protest against the formation of a new GSDF brigade (Naha, March 26th) [6] The postal minister's proposal for the 'regularization of 100 thousand non-regular employees': full of deceptions The Rengo Osaka leadership intoxicated with joy over the agreement for 'active cooperation' with the regional employers' federation My participation in the Feb. 7th Workers' Meeting for the Spring Labour Offensive: Here is a revolutionary power to carve out the future of the working class Topics The second official talk between Hatoyama and Rengo President Koga [7] Fight back against the wage cuts and massive dismissals by the Japan Post managerial! [8] Learning Comrade Tobiume's 'Introspection on the Topos of Life and Death' - I will make his fighting spirit my own - His determination to live as a materialist - For a synchronic attainment of 'revolution of ourselves' - The Chinese navy: in accordance with the will of a late general [3] Kaleidoscope - Two memorial services: Kaczynski's death in the Katyn forest - The upper and lower waters of the Mekong River: a growing wealth gap - 'Nuclear is clean, so is oil and coal energy': successive revisions in Obama's policy for 'clean energy' TOP |
No. 2115
(April 19th 2010 Issue)
Smash the newly started offensive for wage
cuts and dismissals! - The Hatoyama government is thrusting the working people into more acute poverty. - Denounce the Rengo labour aristocrats for promoting the today's version of the Industrial Patriotic movement! - Fight back against a new offensive for 'war and impoverishment'! [3] No more US marine base! Immediately remove the Futenma air station! Fight for a militant upsurge of the April 25th Okinawa People's Rally! Okinawa Prefectural Committee Overcome the official movement to beg the government to reduce bases! Fight, aiming for the repeal of the US-Japan Security Treaty! - The Hatoyama government is preparing to relocate the Futenma base within the Okinawa prefecture - The new US-Japan military alliance is being strengthened against China and Russia - Strong protests are arising with bitter anger growing among the toiling masses in Okinawa - Fight, by overcoming the official movement to beg the government 'to relocate the base out of the prefecture and the country'! [4-5] Advance antiwar, anti-military alliance struggles! Fight to stop another US Marine base construction! Immediately remove the Futenma air station! Overcome the JCP-led movement to beg the government for 'reduction of bases' with no opposition to the military alliance! Central Students' Orgbureau (1) A war crisis is brewing amid the intensified confrontation of the US and China (2) The Hatoyama-led Japanese government is preparing new aggressive measures with a sense of crisis against a possible rise of China as a strong military power (Above in the previous issue) (3) Overcome the official opposition movement that has abandoned opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! Advance antiwar, anti-military alliance struggles! [2] Reform for a 'regional sovereignty' stressed by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications: its nature against the working class [6] Ishikawa Prefecture: the tax authority has seized the salaries of people with a low income The JCP-influenced federation of commercial broadcast workers' unions: 'peace'-related issues have been deleted from the agenda Topics Denounce the central JCP leadership for propagandizing against the Hokkaido Teachers' Union, together with the LDP and right-wing papers! [7] The 27th regular convention of Zenkyo [the JCP-led national teachers' union] The leaders' agenda: to beg the Hatoyama government for 'a drastic change of education policies' [8] Emergency measures for employment released by the Hatoyama government: full of deceptions Major department stores: successive mergers and closures TOP |
No. 2114
(April 12th 2010 Issue)
Advance antiwar, anti-military alliance struggles! - A war crisis is brewing amid the intensified confrontation of the US and China - The Hatoyama-led Japanese government is taking new measures with a sense of crisis against a possible rise of China as a strong military power (To continue) [4] China: becoming a greatest environmental destroyer Fiction and fact with its slogan 'Construct an ecological civilization' - Justification of its crimes by the cause of 'rights of developing countries to development' - Attempts to 'contemporarize' the industrial structure in the name of 'environmental measures' (Above in the previous issue) - Severe deterioration in environmental, ecological destruction - 'Construct an ecological civilization': a deceptive and false slogan [3] The Rengo Ishikawa rally for the spring offensive (Mar. 10th) A Fukuoka Peace Forum rally (Mar. 20th) A 'consultation' between the Rengo leadership and the managers of staffing agencies: collusion for 'development of the temporary staffing service' [6] Fight against the extreme intensification of labour imposed on nursing workers! - Imposition of long working hours has brought successive deaths from overwork - Causes of constant overwork imposed on young nurses in large hospitals - 'Medical reconstruction' measures by the Hatoyama government are deceptive - Fight back by overcoming the campaign of the JCP-led medical workers' union leadership to beg the government for a legislation to increase the number of nursing staff! [7] Denounce labour aristocrats in the NTT workers' union for supporting the capitalist offensive for wage cuts! The latest revision of the Unemployment Insurance Law: to bill the workers for bailing out capitalist enterprises Topics Winter bonuses of this year: the lowest for the last 20 years [5] The shameful death of Nakano, the leader of the Chukakuha remnants - The Nakano-led self-destruction of the Chukakuha in the name of 'a revolution of the party' - Crimes in the midst of the state offensive to divide and privatize the Japan National Railways: Chukakuha's false claims of responsibility for murderous attacks on railway workers, conspiratorial attacks by state-organized squads, and open assistance in police frame-ups to charge the JRCL-RMF with railway sabotages - The Nakano-led split and defection from the former Doro [JNR Motive Power Union]: an attempt to destroy the trade union organization and its total bankruptcy [8] Kaleidoscope - The 'special relationship' is no more: the Anglo-American alliance in the twilight - Two years after the poisonous gyoza incident: a settlement attempted by the Chinese police - A shadow falling on Putin's ambition dependent on natural gas production TOP |
No. 2113
(April 5th 2010 Issue)
Now is the time to - The US-Japan military alliance strengthened amid the intensified confrontation between the US and China - Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Fight for a great upsurge of the anti-military alliance struggle! [2] Fight to stop the re-start of the fast-breeder reactor Monju! Oppose a 'basic bill to cope with global warming' stressing the need to promote nuclear power plants! [3] Fight against the fake amendments to the Worker Dispatching Law for retaining a temporary labour system! Smash the offensive to destroy the Hokkaido Teachers' Union! Denounce the unprecedented indictment against the Hokkaido Teachers' union! All workers, fight in solidarity with HTU members! Condemn the central leadership of the JCP for helping the HTU bashing! [6] Denounce the labour aristocrats in the electric industry for accepting major reductions in wages! Fight against monopoly capitalists' offensive to reduce the wages! Denounce monopoly capitalists of private railways for offering 'zero raise in wages'! Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive in minor railway and bus enterprises! Topics The retailing monopoly of AEON: planning a harsh revision in its pension system [7] Prefectural Rengo rallies for the spring offensive - Osaka (Mar. 5th), Aichi (Mar. 7th) An increasing number of education workers on leave of absence [4-5] China: becoming a greatest environmental destroyer Fiction and fact with its slogan 'Construct an ecological civilization' China intent on constructing a Southeast Asian pipeline Denounce the escalation of security alert on the pretext of APEC meetings! [8] Kaleidoscope - The bluefin tuna dispute - 'Japan is a banana republic.' - A DNA database to be increased: by taking advantage of the cleared false charge TOP |
No. 2112
(March 29th 2010 Issue)
Denounce the labour aristocrats in major
workers' unions - They have accepted worse wage systems, deserted non-regular workers. - The idea of labour aristocrats that 'the labour, the management and the government share the same destiny': reaching a peak - Let us fight on for the victory in the 2010 spring labour offensive! [3] Smash the offensive to destroy the Hokkaido Teachers' Union on the pretext of the suspicion of 'illegal political donation'! All HTU members, unite! Hokkaido Regional Committee Education Workers Committee - Denounce the Prosecution, the Liberal Democratic Party, the prefectural board of education and the mass media for working together to destroy the Hokkaido Teachers' Union! - Let us unite based on the confidence in the struggles of the HTU - Condemn the Liberal Democratic Party for taking the 'HTU scandal' for power strife! - Fight it out on the basis of our strengthened unity! - Denounce the central JCP leadership for helping the anti-HTU propaganda! - Oppose the forced respect for the Rising-Sun flag and the Reign-of-the-Emperor anthem! Oppose the intensification of 'patriot' teaching and ability-based education! Remove the Futenma Air Station! Stop the construction of another US base! ![]() [4-5] An attempt to cover over the cracks in the US-Japan alliance A 'deal' in a behind-the-scenes battle over the Ozawa fund scandal (1) A 'bargain' for fear of China's rise as a 'superpower' - A compromise towards a settlement of the US base relocation issue by the end of May - The Obama administration's halt in the 'Ozawa bashing' - Attempts by the Hatoyama-Ozawa government to repair the cracks (2) US threats to the Hatoyama-Ozawa-led Japanese government, which advocates 'independence from the US' - What lies at the bottom of the exposure of Ozawa's 'illegal political funds' - Ichiro Ozawa harbouring a bitter grudge (3) The US-Japan alliance adrift amid the intensified confrontation between the US and China [2] A Rengo Hokkaido rally for the spring labour offensive (Sapporo, Mar. 10th) A Rengo Okinawa rally for the spring labour offensive (Naha, Feb. 24th) [6] Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring offensive in the chemical industry! Fight in opposition to labour aristocrats who oppress the fight! - Monopoly capitalists in the chemical industry are forcing workers to accept sackings, wage cuts and lower wages. - The leadership's agenda for the 'offensive': stressing the need to save the company from the depression - Fight back against sackings and wage cuts! Fight to win improvements of labour conditions! [7] Yubari City, Hokkaido: the DPJ government is imposing austerity on workers and people. Osaka City: Fight back against the authority forcing schools to hoist the Rising-Sun flag! Topics Recommendations by a bourgeois media for reforming 'medical service systems' [8] A letter from Ukraine: the end of the orange era Kaleidoscope - A loss of influence: Hillary and Netanyahu - A means of regaining the momentum TOP |
No. 2111
(March 22nd 2010 Issue)
Oppose the strengthening of the new US-Japan
military alliance - 'The global trend towards peace': a fallacious thesis like a narcotic - 'Correction of the abnormal subordination to the US': a criminal alternative - Fight to stop the new US base construction! Remove the Futenma air station! Advance struggle against the US-Japan military alliance! [4] The annual report of the employers' federation An egoistic demand for 'mobilization of the whole country' to save monopoly capitals [5] Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive in the publication industry! Denounce the distortion of the struggle into 'talks' for reviving the industry! [2] The central Rengo rally for the spring labour offensive (Tokyo, Mar. 6th) Indignation broke out against the labour aristocrats [6] Denounce the labour aristocrats in Toyota for pledging their cooperation in saving the management from the crisis! Komatsu Ltd. desperate to advance into China and emerging economies Topics Monopolies in the manufacturing industry forced to reduce their production [7] The Hatoyama government drafted a bill for another postal reform Re-reorganization into a 'private company for a public service' 'Atomic energy to save the global environment'? Condemn the education minister for refusing to cancel the controversial decision to revise history textbook descriptions on the Okinawa war! [3] The JTU national education research meeting Militant workers struggled to lead the sessions in opposition to the central leadership who accept the new government's guidelines for school teaching [8] Kaleidoscope - The false 'drastic improvement' of the Worker Dispatching Law: What's behind the scenes? - The declining power in the winter games: 'Send criminals to a scaffold at the Red Square!' - An EMF to save the PIIGS? - In the name of 'ecological initiative': a new legislation to build more nuclear plants TOP |