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No. 2270
(May 27th 2013 Issue)
Fight against the neo-fascist revision of the Constitution! - Friction developed between the US/South Korea and Japan in coping with North Korea - Xi Jinping-led China on the offensive in confrontation with Japan and the US - Fight by overcoming the JCP-led movement to eprotect the Constitutionf without opposing the US-Japan military alliance!
[pic 1] Workers and residents at the Okinawa Peoplefs Rally (May 19th, Ginowan Park in Okinawa; details will appear in the next issue) [2] eStop the revision of the Constitution! No to the glorification of Japanese militarismfs war of aggression!f Zengakuren fights in front of the Diet Building: May 16th [pics 2 & 3] Zengakuren raising angry fists at the Abe government (May 16th) eNo to the gSovereignty Restoration Dayh ceremony hosted by the government!f Fighting students in the Kansai region rise against the constitutional revision and the US-Japan military alliance (April 27th, Kobe) [pic 4] [4] No to the Abe government plunging disaster victims into a living hell! - Destruction in the name of estrengthening the land of Japanf: the abandonment of reconstruction measures for disaster-stricken areas - Imposition of poverty on disaster victims - The governmentfs policy of eabandoningf the people of Fukushima [5] The 30th regular convention of the JCP-led teachersf union Zenkyo The union leadership reduces struggles against constitutional revision to vote-gathering campaign for the JCP for the coming Upper House election [3] Militant workers strive in May Day rallies all over the country - The May Day Rally of Rengo (the Japanese Trade Union Confederation) Osaka (May 1st, Osaka) - The May Day Rallies of Rengo Ishikawa (May 1st, Kanazawa and other 6 cities in Ishikawa Pref.) - The May Day Rally of Rengo Hokkaido (May 1st, Sapporo) [6] Stop the bad revision of the livelihood protection law! Topics The government schemes to desert small and medium enterprises facing financial difficulties No to the massive dismissals of workers! [7] The Abe government hell-bent on exporting nuclear power plants with the epublic and private sector acting togetherf Japanese monopoly capitalists take advantage of Chinafs eanti-air pollution measuresf [8] Kaleidoscope - Osaka Mayor Hashimoto, an advocate of the wartime ecomfort womanf system, is emy comradef: Abefs remarks that cannot be erased - Therefs more to follow eAbeducationf: a plot to introduce a reactionary top-down approach in the neo-fascist eeducation reformf - Japanese IT industriesf attempts to tide over the crisis: the target is the R&D of ebig dataf in developing countries - Absolutely no to the law for the citizensf eID numbering systemf! Besiege fascists with demos of workers and the toiling masses! TOP |
No. 2269
(May 20th 2013 Issue)
Shatter the government-led liberalization of dismissals! - The government, together with monopoly bourgeois, bulldozes its way towards deregulation of dismissals and encourages a major restructuring - Shatter the offensives of imposing poverty, depriving workers' rights and destroying trade unions!
[3] Protest actions against the 'Sovereignty Restoration Day Ceremony' Kanazawa Univ: Students march through the campus, raising the banner 'Stop the revision of the Constitution! Fight against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!' (Kanazawa, Apr. 26th) (pic) University of Nagoya: Students launch a protest campaign, 'Against the government-organized ceremony for 'Sovereignty Restoration Day' aimed at the Constitutional revision and the strengthening of Ampo!' (Nagoya, Apr. 26th) [4-5] The euro-zone economy deepens its structural crisis - The number of the jobless endlessly increases under the enforced austerity policy: a crisis worsened in Southern European countries - The expansion of 'South-North' imbalance to cause the dissolution of the euro-zone [6] Denounce the leadership of All Japan Federation of Municipal Traffic Workers' Union making a frantic effort to integrate with All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union! Topics 'Abenomics-based special economic zones' planned to be established: in favour of greedy capitalists [7] Militant workers strive in May Day rallies all over the country - The May Day Rally of Rengo Okinawa (the Japanese Trade Union Confederation in Okinawa Prefecture) (Apr. 26th) - The May Day Rally of Rengo Fukuoka (the Japanese Trade Union Confederation in Fukuoka Prefecture) (Apr. 27th) - The May Day Rally of Airoren (the Zenroren affiliated confederation of trade unions in Aich Prefecture) (May 1st) [8] A letter from Britain (Part 2) The working class in Britain suffering under the government's austerity policies - Chauvinistic nationalism rising under the banner of 'anti-EU' Kaleidoscope - Abe appears at televised public events day after day with the aim at manipulating the masses towards chauvinistic Japanese nationalism - Abe labelled by the US Congress 'a strong nationalist' - 'China-type subprime loans': nightmarish TOP |
No. 2268
(May 13th 2013 Issue)
Against the revision of the Constitution!
- A militant demonstration staged in the central area of Tokyo - A high-spirited rally held prior to the demonstration - Denouncing the JCP bureaucrats for their counterproposal of a 'true sovereignty restoration' - Fight for the building of an anti-fascist united battle front!
[2] Over 10,000 workers and residents rise to action April 28th, Okinawa Anger explodes against the 'Sovereignty Restoration Day ceremony' The protest rally in Okinawa on the day of 'humiliation' against the government's celebration - 'We never consent to the ceremony!' Angry voices fill the park - 'No to the constitutional revision! Against the US-Japan military alliance!' JRCL appeal meets with an enthusiastic response - Workers and students unfold militant protests by overcoming the JCP's petition campaign for the cancellation of the ceremony (Pic 1) Workers and students fighting in the forefront of the rally on the day of 'humiliation' (April 28th, Ginowan Park in Okinawa)
Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students stage a demonstration in front of the Futenma Base after the rally (Pic 2) Militant Students marching on the US Futenma Base [3] Achieve a militant upsurge of the May 15th Struggle! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee - The strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance as an offensive and defensive alliance against China - The neo-fascist government rushing for the revision of the Constitution - A bitter confrontation escalated between the US-Japan vs China-Russia over East Asia - Fight for the removal of US bases and against the military alliance!
Workers and students fight against the deployment of Patriot advanced capability-3 (PAC-3) missiles April 18th, Okinawa (pic 3,4) 'No to the deployment of PAC-3!' Workers, students and residents closing in on SDF vehicles, chanting slogans [4-5] Smash the introduction of a 'performance-based allowance' schemed by the Japan Postal management! A letter from Britain (Part 1) The working class in Britain suffering under the government's austerity policies - Public sector workers fired on a mass scale, the social welfare system changed for the worse - The privatisation of the National Health Service (NHS) [6] Topics A major offensive of deregulating dismissals A report from the electric industry No to the disimprovement in the employees treatment system enforced by abusing the 'extension of employment' system! Mazda: An unpardonable sacking of temps after using them for a disguisedly extended period of time [7] The 84th May Day rallies: Militant workers strive in the forefront Resentful voices resounded against the constitutional revision and 'Abe-nomics' - April 27th Central Rally by Rengo (the Japanese Trade Union Confederation) - May 1st Rally by Zenroren (the National Confederation of Trade Unions) - May 1st Rally by Zenrokyo (the National Trade Union Council) [8] Kaleidoscope - 'Military strategy under the war-renouncing Article 9'!?: A softheaded JCP bureaucrat's absurd new book - Taking advantage of the Boston bomb case: a surveillance camera sales campaign by Japanese monopoly capitalists - Forgery of the 'fifty-year history': a secret desire of the running dogs of the state power to bury their bloody past Crush the plot to establish an antiespionage law! TOP |
No. 2267
(May 6th 2013 Issue)
Stop the Constitutional revision - A drastic strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance as an offensive and defensive military alliance against China - Neo-fascists scheming for a drastic conversion of the 'national character' - Oppose the Rengo leaders' decision to accept the Abe-led campaign for constitutional revision! The April 28th struggle to smash the 'Sovereignty Restoration Day Ceremony' Tens of thousands of workers, students and people rally in Okinawa and Tokyo
(Pic right) 'Smash the Ceremony!' 'No to the revision of the Constitution!': In Tokyo, Zengakuren students march through the central city, gaining supports from young people lining the street (Shibuya in Tokyo) (Details to come in the next issue) [4-5] Denounce the JCP leadership begging the government not to revise but to 'utilize' the Constitution for the sake of 'security for Japan'! I. The JCP's policy 'against the constitutional revision': to restrict its activities only to a vote collecting campaign for the coming election (1) A false show of 'promoting a national campaign' to stop the constitutional revision (2) A policy said to be a way to 'defend and realize pacifist Article 9' II. The JCP leadership to disarm workers before the neo-fascist revision of the Constitution (1) JCP leaders asleep with no sense of crisis over the neo-fascist reaction (2) Fallacies in its policy to propose 'security by peace diplomacy' - What do they mean by saying 'Save the brilliant position' of the sate of Japan? - The idealistic fallacy of proposing a 'peaceful security' - The JCP leadership's decision not to touch the issue of the US-Japan security alliance and the Self Defence Forces - The JCP leaders to kneel down before the bourgeois ideas - A 'united front' aimed only at collecting votes for the party's candidates A supplementary explanation: 'Dimitrov theses' and the JCP's theory on a 'united front' [2] ![]() - Workers and students aflame with indignation raise the slogan in chorus (Naha in Okinawa, Apr. 17th) (pic) The LDP to formulate a scheme for a new military strategy of 'dynamic and mobile defence' The Obama administration rushing headlong towards the reinforcement of Missile Defence System [6] UA Zensen [Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers Unions] Labour aristocrats singing their own praises, making a tiny humiliating bit of 'pay rise' look like a big success The TOYOTA workers' spring labour offensive Denounce the labour aristocrats, betrayers of workers, who have imposed a heavier burden on workers of car-parts companies! Topics A notorious company, UNIQLO, to introduce a 'worldwide equal payment' A scheme for wage cuts and intensification of labour under the pretext of advancing 'global deployment' [7] Measures of BOJ to enter 'a new phase of monetary easing': The BOJ authorities force even fiercer poverty onto workers and people My determination renewed at the JRCL Political Meeting on the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the RMF My determination to live as Kuroda-san did, to open up a new era of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction [8] To learn from the young Kuroda's struggle for 'Break and Leap' My study note on 'A Turning Point of My thought' written by Kuroda, included in Kuroda's Early Writings vol.7 [3] Kaleidoscope - The US-Japan Summit Meeting in February: Abe must have whispered in Obama's ear, 'I will accept all of your demands in the TPP negotiation... ' - Cyprus: Support measures by the EU breaking taboo of its own rule - PTSD and TBI... Returned US soldiers in misery - The Chinese government proclaims the safety of China-made milk powder but no one believes... TOP |
No. 2266
(April 29th 2013 Issue)
Rise in a fight against 'Abe-nomics'! - Monopoly capitalists' wage cut offensive and the government's scheme for a harmful revision of labour laws - The 2013 spring labour offensive suppressed with low wages - A new form of restructuring and sacking imposed on workers - The government's rush towards the deregulation of dismissals, a complete deprivation of workers' rights - 'Abe-nomics' throws workers and toiling masses into a living hell - JCP bureaucrats entreat capitalists to 'use internal reserves for employees' - Crush the new restructuring offensive! Stop the deregulation of sackings! Shatter 'Abe-nomics'! [4-5] Renesas Electronics' restructuring plan: stopgap measures for survival The downfall of Japan's semiconductor industry I. The government-led industrial organization's reconstruction plan to keep Renesas in existence II. A plan to 'concentrate on LSI for autos': only to hasten its bankruptcy III. Japan's electric industry defeated in the international competition in high tech semiconductor development IV. Sacrificing workers to get through difficulties resulting from management's failure V. Fight back against the offensive of plant closedown and massive dismissals! No to the deployment of more SDF troops in the Nansei Islands, the forefront of tense confrontation with China! [2] Denounce the leakage of highly contaminated water from storage tanks in the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant! [3] A stir created by Chavez's death Latin American-countries attempting to build a regional economic sphere 'independent' of the US 'This is not a natural disaster!': the FLTI issues an urgent statement on the record-breaking floods in Argentina [6] Denounce the Hokkaido education board's punishment imposed on education workers! Topics The settlement of this year's spring labour offensive, followed by a storm of wage cuts and job cuts [7] Stop the closure of all the municipal kindergartens schemed by the Fukuoka city authorities! My determination renewed at the Feb. 10th JRCL Political Meeting I shall strengthen myself as a communist and strengthen our vanguard organization [8] Kaleidoscope - 'Ding, dong! The Wicked Witch is dead!': Thatcher's death triggers British workers' protest against the Cameron government - 'Japan must defeat China's information warfare!': Right-wing cultural snobs let out screams as they met with a US criticism on the Japanese military's barbarism - A tie-up between regional 'traffic IC cards' started: Beware of information control and surveillance conducted by the police under cover of convenient nationwide e-money service! Stop the enactment of the law for the citizens' ID numbering system! TOP |
No. 2265
(April 22nd 2013 Issue)
Stir up flames of the antiwar struggle! - The Abe government to dash for the new Henoko base construction, wholly accepting the demand of the Obama administration - The Abe government hell bent on revising the war-renouncing Constitution - Stop the revision of the Constitution! Fight for a militant upsurge of antiwar/anti-base/ anti-Ampo struggles! - Denounce labour aristocrats swimming with the current discussion of the 'revision of the Constitution'! - Denounce the JCP involved in the chauvinistic nationalism!
[2] Okinawa: Denounce the Abe government's application for landfill work in Henoko! The People's Emergency Meeting in Nago, a city neighbouring Henoko - 'Stop now the new base construction in Henoko!' resounds throughout the City (Nago, Apr. 5th) [pic 1] The protest action against the Defense Minister's visit to Okinawa - Workers, students and people raise a chorus of slogans (Naha, Apr. 6th) [pic 2] A blockade action held at the front of Okinawa Defense Bureau - Fists of indignation denouncing the government's application for landfill work in Henoko (Kadena-cho, Mar. 25th) [pic 3] [3] Shatter the Apr. 28th 'Sovereignty Restoration Day Ceremony' designed by the Abe government! - The government to inspire Japanese nationalism under the name of 'celebrating the restoration of sovereignty' - A rush forward the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance and the revision of war-renouncing Constitution - A scheme to eradicate 'indignation of people in Okinawa' - Break through offensives designed for the strengthening of the Ampo and revision of the Constitution! [4] Japan's participation in TPP: Japanese agriculture-livestock industry and health care service driven to the destruction Fight against the sacrifice of people schemed by the Abe government, a servile follower of US imperialism! - The Abe government swallows whole of Obama's arrogant demands - The establishment of US-led 'free trade zone' in opposition to a 'Yuan economic bloc' built on the initiative of China - An economic confrontation intensifying among Japan, China and South Korea over the 'growing market' of ASEAN - A policy to sacrifice the small peasantry in the name of realizing 'an aggressive-style farming' [5] Denounce frequent on-the-job accidents in the steal industry! [6] The closure of the oil refinery in Muroran, Hokkaido: Oppose the enforcement of sackings and unachievable redeployment of workers! The Abe government rushing headlong towards setting a 'moral education' or a lesson to promote patriotism, as an official school subject Topics: Shameless neo-liberalists cry for 'deregulations in the field of labour' [7] My determination renewed at the Feb. 10th JRCL Political Meeting We shall develop our organizational strength, opening the future of working class Denounce the notorious scholar, a tool of the Abe government, crying for the re-opening of the Shiga nuclear plant! The Abe government busy in promoting the export of nuclear plans Stop the re-opening of nuclear plants! No to the nuclear plant export! Fight against the nuclear development! [8] Kaleidoscope - Obama's visit to Israel: Netanyahu, a descendant of Herod, promoting desperate measures to justify its occupation in Palestine - The cry of greedy Russian financial conglomerates resounds in Kypros 'I have my money confiscated!' - Okinawa: Oppose the US Forces' scheme to strengthen US bases in Japan under the name of implementation of a planed 'retrocession' of the base! - The US imperialist rulers justifies its cyber first-strike against China TOP |
No. 2264
(April 15th 2013 Issue)
Fight against the strengthening of the Ampo alliance! I. An impending danger of war breaking out in East Asia (1) A political and military confrontation intensifying between the US-Japan and China-Russia - The Obama administration hell-bent on establishing an anti-China military encirclement - A hard-line policy of China under the banner of 'a maritime power' - A confrontation over an East Asian economic sphere (2) The Abe government rushing headlong towards the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance and a neo-fascist revision of the Constitution - The Abe government to launch itself at a revision of the 'war-renouncing' constitution - A dash for the re-opening of nuclear plants - A forcible implementation of 'Abenomics' (3) The official opposition movement in a deepening crisis and the struggle of Zengakuren II. Shatter reactionary offensives designed by the Abe neo-fascist government! (1) Denounce the JCP leadership that renounces a protest against Ampo! (2) Stir up flames of antiwar / anti-Ampo struggle! Stop the revision of the Constitution! Fight against the nuclear development! - Rise up to stop the new US base construction in Henoko under the banner of antiwar / anti-Ampo struggle! Create an international proletarian solidarity among Japanese and Chinese toiling masses! - Stop the revision of the Constitution now! - Stop the re-opening of nuclear plants! Stir up flames of the struggle against nuclear development! - Oppose the 'Abenomics', a policy that pushes workers and people into the bottomless pit! No to the participation in the TPP! - Build an anti-fascist united front now! [6] A growing protest against the participation in the TPP negotiation 4300 of farmers, workers and students assemble for the Tokachi People's Rally on Mar. 10th (Hokkaido) - An emergency statement released by the student self-governing associations of Hokkaido Univ. and Obihiro Univ. of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Rengo regional rallies for the spring labour offensive - Mar. 12th in Kanazawa - Mar. 21st in Okinawa Topics The LDP government scheming for a split in the Rengo [4] Tzar Putin in a fret with a sigh - A shock caused by the 'shale gas revolution' - Enhancement of Russian patriotism: an ineffective attempt [5] The JRCL special appeal to the March 10th Workers' Meeting for the Spring Labour Offensive Strengthen the class unity of workers! Shatter neo-fascist, reactionary offensives now! - A tinderbox that could be touched off in the Korean Peninsula and the East China Sea - The Abe government hell-bent on strengthening the Japanese-type neo-fascist regime - Promote the spring offensive under the slogan 'Win a big and equal wage raise now!' [7] My determination renewed at the Feb. 10th JRCL Political Meeting We shall win a big step forward on the basis of the 'philosophy of the topos of praxis' [8] Tahiti: 5000 march through the islands to protest against the French colonial rule on Mar. 9th - A Zengakuren's solidarity message to the Tavini Huiraatira no te Ao Maohi Remember the 'Day of Humiliation' Fight against the Abe government's holding of the 'Apr. 28th Japan's Sovereignty Restoration Day Ceremony'! Russia: Gazprom in a terrible predicament A shadow falls on a restoration of 'the Great Russia' TOP |
No. 2263
(April 8th 2013 Issue)
Fight it out for a militant upsurge of the 2013 spring offensive!
- The Abe government rushing towards 'deregulations in the field of labour' and Japan's participation in TPP - Denounce the Rengo leadership's boosting of 'Abenomics' and its acceptance of the Abe-planned revision of the Constitution! - Deceitful words of metal union's labour aristocrats emphasizing that they 'oppose to the deregulation without much thought' [3] Decommission nuclear plants! For the indignation of Fukushima to spread over the country! Fukushima on Mar. 23rd: 7000 assembled in the People's Rally - Workers and people converged from all over the country and Fukushima raise the slogan 'Decommission all nuclear plants!' (Fukushima City, Mar. 23rd) [pic 1] - 'Fight agaisnt the governemnt's promotion of nuclear development!' Zengakuren students' rally: many workers join and raise the call in chorus (Fukushima City, Mar. 23rd) [pic 2] 'Goodbye Nuclear Rally in Aich' held on Mar. 3rd 2000 participants renew their resolution to stop the reopening of the nuclear plants (Nagoya City, Mar. 3rd) The rally to 'Remember Fukushima' held on Mar. 2nd in Kanazawa [2] ![]() 'No to the new base construction!' Fight against the holding of a 'Sovereignty Restoration Day Ceremony on Apr. 28th'! Workers and students with indignation rise in an emergency action 'Remember the day of humiliation when the continued US occupation of Okinawa was legalized! ' Workers and students in Okinawa converge, raising their fists, on the very next day of the government official announcement of holding a ceremony 'to commemorate the anniversary of the restoration of Japanese sovereignty'. (Okinawa, Naha city, Mar. 13th) [pic left] [4-5] Fight for a militant upsurge of postal workers' spring offensive! Denounce the postal union leadership's full cooperation in the restructuring! - Denounce the major wage cuts! - Win a big and equal wage raise now! - Fight against the postal restructuring designed by the Japan Post executive! - Fight resolutely for stopping a massive sacking! - Oppose the introduction of the new wage system! (1) The Japan Post executive hell bent on the restructuring with the aim of listing on the Stock Exchange (2) The leadership of the Japan Postal Group Workers Union fully cooperating with the executive for the 'development of the postal service' (3) Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2013 spring offensive! Strengthen the organizations of the postal workers' union! Mar. 10th, the Workers Meeting for the Spring Labour Offensive: A declaration of resolve made by a worker from the electric industry [6] The JRCL appeals to Rengo regional rallies for the spring labour offensive - Mar. 5th and Mar. 9th in Fukuoka - Mar. 2nd in Nagoya Topics Deceitful measures of the Ministry: the express bus service for tours is to be abolished with no mention of the tourist industry's violence to laws and the spread of its evil acts [8] The Havana bureaucracy following after China twenty years later A critical analysis of the 'economic reform' designed by Raul Castro The Abe government makes the 'Japan's three principles regarding arms exports' be a dead letter The Ground Self-Defense Force in Kanazawa enforces a military marching drill in an urban area [7] Kaleidoscope - Participation in the TPP to end up with a destruction of Japanese agricultural industry but the appetite of the rich safely guarded - Many of the JCP members lose their confidence in the 'Standpoint of the JCP program' advocated by the leadership - The trial of Bo Xilai postponed in fear of inflaming the people's indignation with more corruptions to be disclosed - A meteoritic bombardment to accuse the capitalist development of science and technology TOP |
No. 2262
(April 1st 2013 Issue)
Shatter the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!
- A scheme to prepare a war plan against China on the pretext of coping with an 'emergency situation involving the Senkaku islets' - US and Japanese rulers desperate for an early construction of a new military base in Henoko - The neo-fascist Abe government rushing towards the reactionary revision of the Constitution - Abe's decision to participate in the TPP negotiations: aiming to build an economic sphere in rivalry with China - Fight by overcoming JCP's distortion of struggles into a campaign for the upcoming Upper House election! 'Scrap nuclear plants!' 7,000 workers, students and residents' appeal resounds in Fukushima two years after the nuclear disaster (March 23rd, Fukushima; details are to be carried in the next issue)[pic left]
[2] 'Smash the Japan-US summit talks!' Zengakuren Okinawa chanting slogans in front of the US consulate general (Feb. 22nd, Urazoe, Okinawa) [pic 1] The Zengakuren 134th Central Committee meeting held A bridgehead fortified to shatter the Abe government's ultra-reactionary offensives (March 18th-19th, Tokyo) [pic 2] [3] Upsurges in 'Sayonara to the Nuke' rallies Osaka: Fighting students march in the forefront of 11,000 workers and citizens (March 10th) Fukuoka, Kita-Kyushu and Karatsu: The JRCL's appeal encouraging protesters (March 10th) Kagoshima: 'No to Japan's nuclear development! Scrap all the nuclear facilities immediately!' A chorus raised by fighting students, together with workers and residents (March, 10th) [4-8] For an upsurge of the 2013 spring labour offensive! [4] No to the Abe government's neo-fascist revision of the Constitution and destruction of trade unions! Crush the major offensives with a united power of workers! Build an anti-fascist battle front! The second keynote address presented at the March 10th Workers' Meeting for the Spring Labour Offensive By a public service worker comrade - Definitely no to the drastic wage cuts of local government workers! - Oppose reduction in livelihood protection and the bad revision of social security systems! - The Abe government dashing headlong towards the constitutional revision and thoroughgoing implementation of patriotic education - Fascistic offensives aimed at destroying public sector workers' trade unions - Denounce the degenerate Rengo leadership for moving to approve the constitutional revision! - Create an anti-fascist united front by accumulating joint actions of trade unions! [5] No to the mass dismissal of 150,000 workers! Shatter the wage cut offensive! Fight for a militant upsurge of electric industrial workers' spring offensive! Denounce the labour aristocrats for accepting capitalists' restructuring plan in the name of the 'revival of the electric industry'! Impeach the treacherous agreement between the management and the union leadership on 'maintaining regular pay raises' - The government and monopoly capitalists sacrificing workers - The policy of JEIU (the Japanese Electrical, Electronic and Information Unions): extolling a 'structural readjustment to new fields that promise growth' together with the management - Fight it out for the 2013 spring labour offensive! [8] Denounce JAM (Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing workers) labour aristocrats' acceptance of wage cuts and sackings! Spark an upsurge of the 2013 spring labour offensive! - Workers losing jobs and plunged into dire poverty due to capitalists' offensives of restructuring - The labour aristocrats' policy for this year's 'spring living conditions improvement offensive': emphasizing the 'escape from deflation' - Shatter wage cuts and sackings! No to the constitutional revision! Build an anti-fascist united front of workers! [6] Militant workers strive throughout the country to vitalize this year's spring labour offensive March 1st, Osaka: Rising in action together with 5,000 workers March 6th, Sapporo: A cry against TPP resounds in a Rengo rally February 11th, Toyota, Aichi Pref.: 'No to sackings! No to wage cuts!' The JRCL appeal permeates in a JCP-led rally Topics The Abe government hell-bent on the deregulation of dismissals of full employees [7] Denounce the private railway workers' union leadership making a compromise with management on a 'zero increase in basic wage rates' The decline of Japanese imperialism as an 'economic superpower' Oppose the shifting of oppressive burdens onto workers and the masses! (Part 3) I. 'Abe-nomics': supporting monopoly capitalists while sacrificing the underprivileged II. The deepening decay of the Japanese economy A. 'Technology-based national development' in decline [The above chapters appeared in No. 2260] B. The escalation of overseas production and business expansion C. Japan's politico-economic structure undergoing deformity under the long-term depression [The above chapters appeared in No. 2261] III. Abe's economic policies to plunge the toiling masses into acute poverty [Appearing in this issue] TOP |
No. 2261
(March 25th 2013 Issue)
Denounce the low-wage agreement between metal capitalists and labour aristocrats!
- Metal industry capitalists' responses to this year's labour offensive: restraining pay - Denounce the labour aristocrats' self-justification for abandoning higher wage demands! - The Abe government rushing towards the participation in the TPP and the deregulation of dismissals - Crush 'Abe-nomics'! Achieve a big wage increase across the board! [3] The March 10th Workers' Meeting for the 2013 Spring Labour Offensive: a big success On March 10th, 1300 militant workers successfully achieved their Workers' Meeting to fight for this year's spring labour offensive in all industries. Amid the anti-proletarian economic offensives launched by the neo-fascist Abe government, or so-called 'Abe-nomics', Japanese workers' 2013 labour offensive is reaching its 'climax'. Our comrade workers who made a big success of this meeting are now determined to create a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive by overcoming the degenerate Rengo leadership's and JCP-led Zenroren bureaucrats' distortion of the offensive into a one for 'escaping from deflation'. Militant workers rallied from various regions of the country make a firm resolution to strive for the upsurge of the 2013 labour offensive (March 10th, Tokyo) (pic above)
[2] 'Scrap all the nuclear reactors!' Resentful workers and students' voices resound in Tokyo two years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster The JRCL banner 'Stop the reactionary revision of the Constitution!' stands out amid anger prevailing among workers and people (March 9th, 'Sayonara to the Nuke' rally in Tokyo) (pic 1) 'Stop the restart of nuclear reactors!' Militant students march on in roaring spirits (March 9th) (pic 2) 'No to the nuclear development!' Zengakuren students chanting angry slogans at the Diet Building (March 10th, in the forefront of the demonstration of workers and people) (pic 3) [4] The keynote address presented at the March 10th Workers' Meeting for the 2013 Spring Labour Offensive Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2013 spring labour offensive! By a worker comrade striving in a private company [5] Achieve a growing swell of the spring labour offensive in the publishing industry! [6] Militant workers of the JTU fight creatively for the achievement of the education research conference Topics Stop the enactment of a law for the citizens' ID numbering system! [7] The decline of Japanese imperialism as an 'economic superpower' Oppose the shifting of oppressive burdens onto workers and the masses! (Part 2) I. 'Abe-nomics': supporting monopoly capitalists while sacrificing the underprivileged II. The deepening decay of the Japanese economy A. 'Technology-based national development' in decline [The above chapters appeared in No. 2260] B. The escalation of overseas production and business expansion C. Japan's politico-economic structure undergoing deformity under the long-term depression [8] Stop the new US military base construction in Henoko! Stop the Abe government's forcible application for land reclamation of the Henoko foreshore! No to the deployment of US X band radar in the Kyogamisaki Air SDF Base! TOP |