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No. 2260
(March 18th 2013 Issue)
Two years on from the March 11th disaster
- The Abe government clinging to the nuclear power / nuclear fuel cycle development - A dash for nuclear development with an ambition to build Japan into a military big power, to break out of the economic crisis - Fight by opposing the Rengo leadership's oppression of workers' fight and overcoming the JCP bureaucrats' campaign to beg the government for an 'alteration to the energy policy'! ![]() [2] Anger explodes against the Abe government's promotion of nuclear development - Zengakuren fighting in the forefront of workers and people in the 'Sayonara to the Nuke' rally, raising the slogan 'No to the nuclear development!' (March 9th, Tokyo; details are to be carried in the next issue) (pics above) - Students denouncing the Abe government in the 'Action for Zero Nuclear Plant' demonstration (March 10th, in front of the Diet Building) (pic right) For the Zengakuren 134th Central Committee meeting!
Zengakuren fights throughout the country against the Osprey low-altitude flight training March 6th, Tokyo: 'Remove Ospreys!' Metropolitan area students march on the US Embassy denouncing the Osprey flight training (pic 1) March 5th-6th, Yamaguchi: Angry fists raised at the US Iwakuni base (pic 2) March 6th, Okinawa: Zengakuren Okinawa fighting in front of the main gate of the US Futenma base (pic 3) March 6th, Fukuoka: Zengakuren Kyushu resolutely protests to the US Consulate against the first Osprey low-altitude flight training in the Japanese mainland [4] Two years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster Unmask deceptions in the 'plan for the decommission process'! - Decommission 'to be completed in 40 years'!?: a baseless vision - The nuclear fuel pool of Reactor No. 4: on the verge of collapse - A slipshod safety control for the 'decommission process' - Concealing the danger in retrieving deadly 'molten fuel debris' - Stop making a victim of workers in the decommission work! [5] Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2013 NTT spring labour offensive! Fight in opposition to the union leadership accepting wage cuts and sackings! - Denounce the labour aristocrats' acceptance of big wage cuts imposed on workers in the name of 'restructuring the employees treatment system'! - The management hell-bent on 'cost reduction' to launch new 'global business' - The degenerate union leadership's 'spring offensive' for 'strengthening the company's competitiveness in the global market' - Achieve an upsurge of the spring labour offensive by shattering the Abe government's reactionary attacks on workers! [6] Topics The rich are swarming on luxuries whereas workers are reducing living expenses Rengo Okinawa's spring labour offensive opening rally Militant workers strive for an upsurge of the offensive (February 18th, Naha) Explosion barely escaped! A big accident concealed in a nuclear-related underground facility in Hokkaido No to the plotted construction of a final high-level nuclear waste disposal site! [8] The decline of Japanese imperialism as an 'economic superpower' Oppose the shifting of oppressive burdens onto workers and the masses! (Part 1) (1) 'Abe-nomics': supporting monopoly capitalists while sacrificing the underprivileged (2) The deepening decay of the Japanese economy [7] Kaleidoscope - JCP's vote-gathering activities: an appeal to the Abe government to 'struggle jointly for higher wages'!? - A government scheme being drawn up to look into nuclear-plant workers' personal history in the name of 'anti-nuclear terrorism measures' - The FISH crisis on top of the PIIGS crisis: workers' anger against austerity measures builds up - Grexit avoided, and now comes Brexit? TOP |
No. 2259
(March 11th Issue)
Now is the time to win a big wage increase across the board! ![]() - Monopoly capitalists hell-bent on wage cuts and sackings - No to the Rengo [Japan Trade Union Confederation] leadership's assistance in wage cuts and a neo-fascist revision of the Constitution! - Fight for a great upsurge of the 2013 spring labour offensive to crush the coercion into poverty and fascism! [2] 'No to the military base construction in Henoko!' Angry fists of militant students and workers raised against Abe's visit to Okinawa 'Stop the administrative procedure for land reclamation of the Henoko foreshore!' Workers, Students and local residents rise in bitter protest (Feb. 2nd, in front of the prefectural office, Naha, Okinawa) (pic) 'Oppose the Japan-US summit talks! No to Japan's participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations!' Zengakuren Hokkaido appeal to the public to oppose the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance (Feb. 21st, Sapporo) [4-5] Denounce labour aristocrats' full cooperation with the neo-fascist Abe government and monopoly capitalists! The anti-proletarian nature of the Rengo leadership's policy for the 2013 Spring Labour Offensive 1. A shameful dependence upon the Abe government 2. Sharing a sense of crisis with the ruling class about Japanese imperialism's 'descent' - Joining capitalists' chorus in counting up a 'sixfold distress' for justifying their evil deeds 3. Glorifying and supporting 'Abe-nomics' on top of cooperating in wage cuts and major restructuring - Denounce labour aristocrats' support for government measures to impose heavier burdens on the masses! - Definitely no to the degenerate leadership's abandonment of demands for higher wages and submission to the management's offensive to revise the regular pay raise system! - Stop the degenerate leaders' full cooperation with capitalists in their newly schemed major restructuring and the acceleration of overseas expansion! - No to the Rengo leadership's shifting towards the approval of and support for the revision of the Constitution! [6] Impeach the JC Metal labour aristocrats of supporting 'Abe-nomics'! The criticism of the action plan for the 'spring living conditions improvement offensive' of the Japan Council of Metalworkers' Unions I. Spring labour-management negotiations for the 'survival of the industry and enterprises' II. A rush for a joint labour-management-government consultation designed 'for the Japanese economy to grow out of deflation' A. An arbitrary analysis of the economy for the sake of aiding the Abe government's policy for a cheap yen B. A sneaky trick of demanding 'wage improvements' in the name of 'correcting disparities and raising the salary level' C. The leadership's 'demands for industrial policies and systems' to rescue monopoly capitalists [7] Postal workers: No to the deprivation of 'rest periods'! Topics Big business labour aristocrats' hypocritical demands of 'correcting earning differentials': leaving small business trade unions in the lurch [8] Resolves presented at the JRCL political meeting On the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction (Feb. 10th) Part 2 We are determined to open up the 'age of the JRCL' through assiduous comradely struggles to reforge each other! By a student comrade on behalf of the Central Students' Orgburo Let us strive to strengthen our revolutionary workers' vanguard party! By a postal worker [3] Oppose Japan's joining in the TPP that will destroy Okinawa's agriculture! Kaleidoscope - 'The black rain didn't increase the risk of cancer'!? : another criminal lie of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation - 'Diplomatic solution'?: the declining empire hints at easing sanctions against Iran - JCP leaders, desperate for votes, spur party members to 'promote close ties with people' by taking every opportunity including hobbies TOP |
No. 2258
(March 4th 2013 Issue)
Oppose the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! - The Obama administration desperate to intensify its containment against China - The Abe government intent on promoting Japan to a 'first-rate military power' - Fight by denouncing the JCP leadership dissolving struggles into a vote-collecting campaign [4-5]
On the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction (Feb. 10th) Part 1 Propel our anti-Stalinist revolutionary movement forward in the arena of the labour front! By a worker comrade on behalf of all the industrial workers' committees Spread the raging flames of anti-Ampo struggle from Okinawa, from the islands faced squarely with the confrontation between the US and China! By a public service worker from Okinawa Let us take a further step by confirming the significance of our struggle against the educational authorities' oppression! By an education worker from Hokkaido Promote our party building resolutely by shattering the reactionary fascist offensive! By a worker from the chemical industry [2] No to the local government employees' drastic wage cuts! [6] Denounce the Japan Postal Union leadership's treacherous settlement with the management on a 'special allowance'! More and more temp workers 'take refuge' in all-night fast-food outlets Topics The Abe Government plotting to make an extensive bad revision of labour laws [7] Strive creatively for the achievement of the education research conference in opposition to the Abe government's neo-fascist 'educational reform' offensives! For the 62nd JTU [Japan Teachers' Union] national education research meeting Education Workers Committee - Denounce the JTU leadership for retreating before the government's reactionary offensives! - Smash the leadership's attempt to reorganize the JTU as an 'organization of educational specialists'! Now is the time to strive for a militant revival of the JTU as a trade union! [8] Japanese monopoly capitalists in manufacturing industry ruthlessly enforce a major restructuring Capitalist measures for survival under the global depression and the intensification of international competition (Part 2) I. Sackings now enforced on an unprecedented scale II. Manufacturing monopolies afflicted with decline in international competitiveness [The above chapters appeared in No. 2257] III. Monopoly capitalist measures to get through the crisis: undoubtedly necessitate deindustrialization [3] The North Korean Kim Jong Un government makes a dash for a new provocation to war Kaleidoscope - The Obama administration bent on securing footholds in Africa mobilizing the CIA and special military units - Pushing through China's 'core state interests': the basics underlying Xi Jinping's emphasis on the 'peaceful development' of the state TOP |
No. 2257
(February 25th 2013 Issue)
Rally in the Mar. 10th Workers' Meeting for the Spring Labour Offensive! - The Abe government's dash for the revision of the Constitution and the strengthening of the US-Japan new military alliance - Measures for so-called 'Abe-nomics' coerce workers and toiling masses into poverty - Greedy monopoly capitalists frantic to execute wage cuts and dismissals - Let us advance in opposition to the neo-Industrial Patriotic labour movement proceeded by the Rengo leadership! - Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2013 spring offensive! Main slogans of the JRCL for the 2013 spring labour offensive - Crush the revision of the Constitution and other reactionary offensives by the Abe government intent on restoring 'militarist Japan'! - Oppose wage cuts and sackings by monopoly capitalists! - Achieve a militant upsurge of the 2013 spring labour offensive by breaking through the neo-Industrial Patriotic labour movement! I. Smash the unprecedented offensive of wage cuts and dismissals! Win a big, across-the-board wage raise! Denounce labour aristocrats' full cooperation in capitalists' wage cuts and sackings! II. Oppose the fiscal and financial policies based on 'Abe-nomics'! No to the imposition of severe burden on workers and the toiling masses! III. No to the restart of nuclear reactors now suspending! No to the construction of new reactors! Decommission all the reactors and the nuclear fuel cycle facilities immediately! IV. Definitely no to the revision of the Constitution! Oppose the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! V. Crush the destructive offensive against trade unions by rallying the working class forces! -Build a united front against fascism by creating joint actions among trade unions to oppose the constitutional revision - Let us fight in solidarity with workers and the toiling masses of the world rising against oppression and expropriation!
[2] Angry fists raised against Defense Minister Onodera coming to Okinawa on Jan. 16th Workers and students protest against the construction of a new US base in Henoko, vehemently chanting their slogan 'No to the US-Japan military alliance!' (In front of the Okinawa Prefectural Office)(pic 1) 'Remove the Osprey!' Fighting students in Okinawa march on the US Force headquarters Students of Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa International Univ. hold a demonstration under the banner of 'anti-Ampo!' (Ginowan, Jan. 19th)(pic 2) Students of Kagoshima Univ. organize a protest meeting against the revision of the Constitution Students call out in their campus, 'No to the revision of the Constitution! Stop the participation in the TPP!' (Jan. 30th)(pic 3) [4-5] The keynote address delivered at the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction Break through the reactionary neo-fascist offensives! Make a huge leap forward for the anti-Stalinist revolutionary communist movement! Takuma Ueda, Chairman of the National Committee of the JRCL - Break through the reactionary offensives launched by the neo-fascist Abe government! - Historical lessons from the construction of our party for 50 years - Build a powerful vanguard party of the proletariat! - Make a huge leap forward for the revolutionary communist movement of anti-Stalinism in Japan! [3] Abusive words against welfare recipients raised by a scholar who behaves as a tool of the government [6] Voracious monopoly capitalists demand a reduction in regional minimum wages Topics Oppose the measures for 'Abe-nomics'! [7] Japanese monopoly capitalists in manufacturing industry ruthlessly enforce a major restructuring [8] Kaleidoscope - Labour aristocrats in the car industry scheme to liquidate the 2013 spring labour offensive into a supporting campaign for 'Abe-nomics' - The reactionary nature of a new education policy launched by the Abe government - The 'shale-gas revolution' in the US causes environmental destruction and stirs up a storm of indignation - The coming Sochi Olympic covered with corruption, embezzlement and environmental devastation A poem: Poet's heart on Fukushima TOP |
No. 2256
(February 18th 2013 Issue)
The 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction
- Keynote address powerfully presented by Chairman Ueda based on the horizon opened through 50 years of struggles - Let us assimilate the quintessence of our theory of organization and philosophy! - Firm resolutions declared by comrades from the labour front and the Central Students' Orgburo - High-spirited resolves expressed by worker comrades representing each industrial committee and region
[2] 'Decommission all the nuclear reactors immediately!' Zengakuren strives in the Friday protest action in front of the Diet Building (Feb. 1st, Tokyo) Zengakuren fighting by overcoming the JCP-led campaign to beg an 'alteration of the energy policy' (pic 1) 'No to the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!' Zengakuren Kansai stages protests in front of the ruling LDP building and the US consulate general in Osaka (Jan. 21st) 'Crush the Japan-US summit meeting!' Militant students clenching their angry fists at the US consulate (pic 2) [3] Zengakuren Hokkaido rises against the SDF paratroop exercise (Jan. 27th) Fighting students, together with workers, close in on the site of the military exercise (Memuro, Hokkaido) (pic 3) Kaleidoscope - Two fascists calling each other a high-handed fascist - Obama resorts to murderous drones after the scheduled retreat of US forces from Afghanistan - The revival of the city name 'Stalingrad' and Putin's ambition to revive Russia as a superpower [4-5] The hostage-taking in Algeria: what lies behind the incident? A. Political and economic conflicts shown in the Ain Amenas incident B. Neo-colonialist inroads into the Sahelian countries by European, US and Japanese imperialists C. What road should the Algerian working people take? Serious air pollution hitting workers and the toiling masses of China [6] Topics JCP-led Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions]'s action plan for this year's spring labour offensive: giving top priority to 'escaping from deflation' 'Financial discipline maintained'!?: a big lie about the budget for fiscal 2013 A striking increase in the number of young people going on welfare [7] No to the enactment of the 'three trade union-bashing regulations' proposed by the Osaka prefectural authorities! A letter from the workplace Fight against the city authorities' offensive to destroy trade unions based on the ultra-reactionary city ordinances! [8] My study notebook On the difference between Bewußtsein für es and Bewußtsein von Etwas in Wataru Hiromatsu's philosophy (Part 3) Main slogans of the JRCL for the 2013 spring labour offensive - Crush the revision of the Constitution and other reactionary offensives by the Abe government intent on restoring militarist Japan! - Oppose wage cuts and sackings by monopoly capitalists! - Achieve a militant upsurge of the 2013 spring labour offensive by breaking through the neo-Industrial Patriotic labour movement! I. Smash the unprecedented offensive of wage cuts and dismissals! Win a big, across-the-board wage raise! Denounce labour aristocrats' full cooperation in capitalists' wage cuts and sackings! II. Oppose the fiscal and financial policies based on 'Abe-nomics'! No to the shifting of the severe burden onto workers and the toiling masses! III. No to the restart of nuclear reactors now suspending! No to the construction of new reactors! Decommission all the reactors and the nuclear fuel cycle facilities immediately! IV. Definitely no to the revision of the Constitution! Oppose the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! V. Crush the destructive offensive against trade unions by rallying the working class forces! -Build a united front against fascism by creating joint actions among trade unions to oppose the constitutional revision! - Let us fight in solidarity with workers and the toiling masses of the world rising against oppression and expropriation! TOP |
No. 2255
(February 11th 2013 Issue)
Denounce the Rengo leadership's treacherous approval of the 'discussion about constitutional revision'!
- The Abe government's scheme to promote Japan into a 'first-rate military power' - Neo-fascists' headlong dash for the establishment of an ultra-reactionary Constitution - The JCP leadership intent on proposing their alternative of 'attaining national security by diplomacy' - Win an explosive surge of antiwar, anti-military base, anti-Ampo struggle! Stir up the flames of opposition to the ultra-reactionary revision of the Constitution! [2] 'Remove Ospreys! No to the new US military base construction in Henoko!' Jan. 27th 'No! Osprey!' Tokyo Rally 4,000 workers, students and citizens raise their voice against the US deployment of the Osprey in Okinawa (at Hibiya Band Shell, Tokyo) (pic above) Militant students call on participants to fight for the renunciation of the US-Japan Security Treaty (ditto) (pic right)
'No to the constitutional revision! No to the strengthening of the US-Japan security alliance!' Hokkaido Univ. students launch a heated fight against fascism [4] Crush the Abe government's plot to restore 'militarist Japan'! Shatter the neo-fascists' scheme to revise the Constitution and destroy trade unions! The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee [5] The realities of the 'nuclear village' (the ring of politicians, bureaucrats, business leaders, servile scholars, the media and labour aristocrats) (Part 2) The state-run 'decontamination' program conducted only to spread contamination [6] Resentful French Renault workers stand up against Ghosn's restructuring plan Misery reaches an extreme: the harsh realities of nursing care job sites Topics Rengo [Japan Trade Union Confederation] switched its policies: labour aristocrats approve of the 'discussion about constitutional amendment' (at the Rengo Central Executive Committee meeting on Jan. 24th) [7] The JR-West Japan's Fukuchiyama Line accident case on trial: Condemn former presidents' self-justifying attitudes on their profit-first policy in disregard of safety! Draconian cuts in social security costs planned by the Abe government and the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry [8] My study notebook On the difference between Bewußtsein für es and Bewußtsein von Etwas in Wataru Hiromatsu's philosophy (Part 2) [3] Kaleidoscope - Fascists' real intention revealed: 'Aged people, go ahead and die, quick!' (Finance Minister Aso) - Obama's miserable task of winding up the defeated war in Afghanistan - Obama indirectly says 'No!' to the nuclear armament of his vassal state, Japan -JCP bureaucrats' opportunist quotation TOP |
No. 2254
(February 4th 2013 Issue)
Zengakuren makes a counterattack against the fascist Abe government - 'Resolutely advance our antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle! Fight against the reactionary revision of the Constitution!': a solidarity rally achieved prior to the demonstration - Launching a struggle to break through the storm of neo-fascism: the revolutionary significance of Zengakuren's militant fight
Zengakuren advancing on the PM's Official Residence, repelling police repression (Jan. 19th, Akasaka, Tokyo)(pic above) The Diet Building and its environs resounding with chants of Zengakuren (Jan. 19th, Kasumigaseki, Tokyo)(pic right) [2] No to the cut in livelihood protection payment! [4-5] The Abe-led LDP government's draft of the revised Constitution: a canon of Japanese-type neo-fascism 1. A measure to tide over the crisis of Japanese imperialism 2. Today's version of the erstwhile militarist state vision based on Tennoism 3. Negation and deprivation of even bourgeois democratic rights 'Abe-nomics': an offensive to force a further burden of poverty on workers and the toiling masses [6] Crush the Fukuoka municipal authorities' plan to abolish all the blue-collar sectors! Topics Rengo [Japan Trade Union Confederation] proposes capitalists to withdraw from less competitive sectors [7] The realities of the 'nuclear village' (the ring of politicians, bureaucrats, business leaders, servile scholars, the media and labour aristocrats) (Part 1) Debasement of the standards for livelihood protection: forcing the weak in society to literally die [8] My study notebook On the difference between Bewußtsein für es and Bewußtsein von Etwas in Wataru Hiromatsu's philosophy (Part 1) [3] Kaleidoscope - Abe pretends to be cautious about TPP with the Upper House election coming up - Moribund monopoly Sharp may count on 'Abe-nomics', while 12,000 subcontractors are stricken by chain-reaction bankruptcies - The education budget goes to munitions monopoly for a transport helicopter to be used in Antarctic research TOP |
No. 2253
(January 28th 2013 Issue)
Fight to stop the country-wide flight training of Ospreys!
- The danger of war intensifying over the East China Sea - The Abe government launching ultra-reactionary offensives to build Japan into 'a war-capable nation'' - Organize antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles! [4-5] The Abe-led Liberal Democratic Party's vision for 'reorganizing the state' with an aggressive neo-fascist nature - An imperialist ambition to become a 'first-rate military power' - Naked hatred towards the 'war-renouncing' Constitution - An evil scheme to strengthen the 'US-vassal army' under the slogan of 'equal partnership'! - Malicious designs of fascists to eradicate trade unions - Reveal the falsehood of Japanese nationalism inspired under the slogan, 'Restore the Land of Vigorous Rice Plants (with the emperor over it)'! [2] Denounce the leadership of the Federation of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Workers Unions for yielding to the authorities forcing lower wages and intensified management of labour! [3] The Tomari nuclear plant in Hokkaido: The ' fallout forecast map' issued by the Nuclear Regulation Authority for covering up the danger of radioactive damages 'Radioactivity is not so dangerous': A unallowable remark I heard during my visit to the Radiation Effects Research Foundation in Hiroshima, a binational Japan-US research organization [6] Teachers dispatched from temporary staffing agencies increasing in private high schools: low wages, no rights and harsh labour No pay for overtime work: wide-spread illegal acts of temp staff agencies 'Rights to work': evil offensives spreading over the US designed to destroy trade unions [8] My study notebook For approaching Kuroda's leap in 1956 [7] Kaleidoscope - Abe-nomics: a pack of lies - An inheritance tax cut planned by the Abe government for the rich - 'A serious mistake' says New York Times: Abe's remarks justifies Japan's wartime crimes - The Chinese government controlling the social networking services TOP |
No. 2252
(January 21st 2013 Issue)
Rally in the JRCL public political meeting, Feb. 10th Build a bridgehead for a great leap forward in the anti-Stalinist communist movement! - Exert the indomitable energy of the revolutionary left and build a united front of the working class against fascism! - Strengthen and expand the revolutionary forces to overcome the crisis of the class struggle in Japan! - Let us strive for the building of the revolutionary vanguard party following the wishes of Comrade Kuroda! [2] ![]() Crush the reactionary storm of neo-fascism and advance! [pic left] Zengakuren against the reopening of nuclear plants (Jul. 6th, 2012, in front of the Prime Minister's Official Residence 'Create a far-reaching solidarity among workers and students against fascism!' Fighting students' firm declaration made to smash the schemes of neo-fascists (Dec. 23rd, Sapporo, Hokkaido) [3-5]
Rise in the January 19th action to besiege the parliament Building and the PM's Official Residence! Central Students' Orgburo I. The advent of the neo-fascist Abe government and the international situation in turmoil II. Smash the Abe government's reactionary, neo-fascist offensives! 'Oppose the night-time lockout against students in the Toyohashi Campus!' Aichi University: Hundreds of students rise in a fight to make demands on the authorities (Dec. 6th, Aichi pref.) [pics. right] [6-7] The military strategy of the second-term Obama administration The declining empire hell-bent on laying siege to China 1. Distinctive features of the US National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2013 2. A sense of crisis towards the rise of China 3. The guideline for 'rebalancing the US's posture in the Asia-Pacific region' 4. Emphasis on the strengthening of the US-Japan new military alliance as a 'cornerstone' Explanatory notes on the New Year's cartoon 'The Seven Seas and the Seven Deadly Sins' ![]() See the cartoon [8] New Year's resolutions - The Chugoku Regional Committee - The Metal Industrial Workers Committee - The Telecommunication Industrial Workers Committee - The Social Welfare Workers Committee - The Tokyo District Antiwar Workers Conference TOP |
No. 2251
(January 14th 2013 Issue)
Crush the Abe-led LDP government's neo-fascist attacks on the working class! 1. The Abe government's ultra-reactionary offensives and the Japanese labour movement in crisis
(1) The neo-fascist government shows its fangs for hawkish revision of the Constitution and destruction of trade unions - A dash for the constitutional revision in the name of 'breaking down the post-WWII regime' - A plot to strengthen the US-Japan new military alliance and build Japan into a military power - 'Abe-nomics' to force sacrifice on workers and the toiling masses - Support measures taken for big business while reductions posed in social security - A major attack plotted to annihilate trade unions (2) Sacking and wage cuts by monopoly capitalists (3) The crisis of the class struggle in Japan and the strenuous efforts of militant workers 2. Crush neo-fascist reactionary offensives and an unprecedented storm of sacking and wage cuts! (1) No to the Rengo leadership's support for the constitutional revision and acceptance of wage cuts and dismissals! - Rengo virtually supports the reactionary revision of the Constitution by silence - Demanding of the government more support for big business - Rengo's acceptance of wage cut offensives - Deceitful demands for 'correction of disparities'
(2) Block the reactionary offensive of neo-fascists! Win an explosive upsurge of wage struggles and politico-economic struggles! - Smash the scheme to revise the Constitution and strengthen the US-Japan new military alliance! - Stop nuclear development and the development of the nuclear fuel cycle! - Promote struggles to oppose the coercion of poverty! - Shatter the attacks of wage cuts and sacking! Smash the offensive of destroying trade unions! Build a united front of the working class against fascism! [5] 'Remove Ospreys!': Anger flares up against the construction of a new military base 3,000 workers, students and residents rise in protest in the 'Gigantic Action in Okinawa' (Dec. 23rd, Ginowan, Okinawa) [pic 1] 'We'll fight till they remove bases!': Workers, students and local residents marching in solidarity (near the Oyama Gate, Okinawa) [pic 2] The JRCL calls for counterattacks on the Abe government in Nagoya (Dec. 20th) [8] 'Stop Osprey low-altitude flight training!' 800 metropolitan area protesters demonstrate on the US Atsugi Base in solidarity with the 'Gigantic Action in Okinawa' (Dec. 23rd, Kanagawa pref.) [pic 3] 'Against the destruction of trade unions!' The Kanagawa Student Network also fight in solidarity with workers [pic 4] 'Decommission Monju, a fast-breeder reactor!' Angry voices of 800 workers and local residents resound through the beach (Dec. 8th, in front of the Monju Gate, Fukui) [pic 5] A 'Good-by Nuke' World Rally in Hibiya (Dec. 15, Tokyo) Members of the Metropolitan area Student Network demonstrate under the banner 'Scrap all the nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel institutions!' (Dec. 15, Tokyo) [pic 6] [6-7] New Year's resolutions - The Kansai Regional Committee - The Hokkaido Regional Committee - The Kyushu Regional Committee - The Electric Industrial Workers Committee - The Traffic and Transpport Workers Committee - The Masscommunication Industrial Workers Committee - The Small and Medium Enterprise Workers Committee - The Eastern Kanagawa District Antiwar Workers Conference TOP |