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No. 2360
(March 23rd 2015 Issue)
Stop the legislation for aggressive war!
- Religious warfare raging in the Middle East and Africa - The civil war going on in Ukraine: bitter clashes between the US-EU and Russia - Acute rivalry between the US-Japan and China bent on building itself into a 'marine power' - Overthrow the Abe government furiously dashing into legislation for aggressive war and revision of the Constitution!
[2] Tens of thousands of workers, students and citizens besieged the Diet building (March 8th, Tokyo) A united action against nuclear development: "Remember Fukushima! Stop the restart of nuclear plants!" (pic 1) Militant students made a revolutionary appeal to the participants in the rally (pic 2) Demonstrators responded to the yells of militant students (near the Diet building) "Stop the restart of the Sendai nuclear plant!" (pic 3) A mass protest surrounding the head office of the Kyusyu electronic company (March 2nd, Fukuoka)
[3] "Block the resumption of the drilling survey off Henoko!" Workers, students and residents fighting resolutely (March 12th, Henoko) -A protesters' flotilla was closing in on the drilling barge despite the oppression by the Coast Guard -Hundreds of protesters waged sits-in in waves at the new gate of Camp Schwab -Condemn the drilling! - Burning with anger, protesters waged a rally in front of the third gate of Camp Schwab (pic 4) -Militant students called: "Remove all US bases! Abandon the US-Japan Security Treaty! " (pic 5) -Win a mass upsurge of the Okinawa people's rally on March 21st! A struggle against the construction of a landing facility for US Marine Ospreys (Takae, Okinawa Prefecture) The lame-duck president vs. the Zionist mad dog: a fictitious talk in a sushi bar in Washington, D. C. [4-5] Overcome the Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions]-style spring labour offensive begging monopoly capitalists to return part of internal reserves to society! 1. Totally immersed in propaganda activities in constituencies 2. A fallacious argument for the wage-hike demand: a big wage increase 'aimed for the recovery of the Japanese economy' 3. The leadership, blind followers of the JCP central, fans expectations for the 'prolongation of Japanese capitalism'
Fight for a militant upsurge of autoworkers' spring labour offensive! Denounce the labour aristocrats of the Automobile Workers' Unions for taking the lead in the Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation]-led spring labour offensive that backs Abenomics! - Monopoly capitalists scheme to reorganize their business, intensify labour, and revise the forms of wage payment - Labour aristocrats of the unions oppress workers' demands for higher wages - The scenario for a 'virtuous cycle of economic recovery' envisioned by the labour aristocrats: a vicious falsehood - Nonsensical talks to conceal extremely low wage demands - No to fascism! Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! [8] For an upsurge of the publishing workers' spring labour offensive! Fight against the union leadership's distortion of the labour offensive into efforts for a 'rebirth of the publishing industry'! I. Sackings and wage cuts raging in the publishing industry II. The leadership subordinates workers' struggles to the issue of 'building foundations for the industry' III. Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! Crush Abenomics! Build a united battlefront against fascism! [7] No to the revision of wage systems! Win a big, across-the-board wage hike! Fight for the spring labour offensive against fascism! For the upliftment of the spring labour offensive of the JAM [Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] - Monopoly capitalists of the machinery and metal industry assuming 'restructuring / structural reform' offensives - The union leadership's distortion of the labour offensive into one for 'realizing a virtuous cycle of the Japanese economy' - Deception in the JAM's demands for 'securing real wages' - An attempt to 'put an end' to the struggle against the revision of labour laws - No to wage cuts! Smash sackings! Stop the revision of the Constitution! Build a united battlefront against fascism! Topics A revision of the Technical Internship Program for foreigners placed on the agenda No to the government's further imposition of extremely low wages and bad working conditions on immigrant workers! TOP |
No. 2359
(March 16th 2015 Issue)
Let us create a militant upsurge of struggle against the US-Japan military alliance!
-The fourth anniversary of the March 11th disaster -Stop the restart of nuclear plants! -Block the construction of the new US Marine base in Henoko! Fight together aiming at the 'removal of all US bases! -An all-out reactionary offensive of the Abe government for building Japan into 'a state capable of waging aggressive wars together with the US' -Denounce the JCP leadership for abandoning opposition to the US-Japan alliance! -Stop the revision of the Constitution! Advance towards the overthrow of the Abe government! [2] For the 138th meeting of the Zengakuren Central Committee [3] The Abe government planning to export technology of submarines to Australia The Abe government has an evil ambition for joint development among Japan, US and Australia The almost failed 'joint development' of submarines between Japan and Australia
Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive in the electrical industry! No to the labour aristocrats' distortion of the struggle into a labour-management talk for 'realizing a virtuous cycle of the Japanese economy'! - Monopoly capitalists of the electrical industry desperate for restructuring and cuts in total labour costs - Expose the degeneration of labour aristocrats supporting Abenomics! [5] Win a big and across-the-board wage increase! For a victorious spring labour offensive of postal workers! Fight militantly by denouncing the Japan Postal Union leadership for demanding extremely low wage hikes! I. The management intent on simultaneously listing three Japan Post affiliated companies' shares on the stock exchange II. Denounce the union leadership for distorting the labour offensive into one for the 'development of the company'! III.Shatter restructuring and rationalization! Strengthen the postal workers' movement! [7] For a militant upliftment of the spring labour offensive in the chemical industry! No to the union leadership's distortion of the labour offensive into one for 'realizing a virtuous cycle of the Japanese economy'! I. Monopoly capitalists of the chemical industry acting in concert with the government's reactionary, neo-fascist offensives A. The Abe government choreographing a mood of 'wages on the rise' B. Monopoly capitalists hell-bent on wage cuts and restructuring C. Labour aristocrats accepting reactionary plans to reform wage systems II. Fight for the upsurge of the labour offensive with a denunciation of the union leadership serving the government and monopoly capital! [8] Win a major upsurge of telecommunications workers' spring offensive! Denounce the labour aristocrats for accepting the management's wage cut offensive! A. NTT management greedily pursuing an 'increase in corporate profits' B. Denounce the union leadership for assisting Abenomics! C. Win a big wage hike across the board! - Expose the deceit of the NTT version of a conditional 'full-time employment' system! - Crush Abenomics! [6] Shatter the government plot to enforce 'patriotic' education in all schools! The education ministry's Central Council for Education has launched deliberations aimed to revise the official guidelines for schoolteaching Topics The 'internet of things' accelerates rationalization in a production process TOP |
No. 2358
(March 9th 2015 Issue)
Let us create a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive against
The Abe government imposes 'war and poverty' on workers and people -Deprivation of workers' rights in the name of the 'destruction of outdated regulations' Monopoly capitalists are frantic to increase corporate profits and oppress a wage increase Condemn the Rengo leadership for assisting in the oppression of a wage increase and submitting to the revision of labour laws! Win a big and across-the-board increase in wages! Let us create a militant upsurge in the spring labour offensive 2015! [2] The Fukushima No.1 nuclear plant Condemn the cover-up of the outflows of contaminated water and the neglect of blocking! No to the government, TEPCO [Tokyo Electric Power Co.] the Nuclear Regulatory Commission arrogantly justifying the crime! -The scheme is going to intentionally flow a huge quantity of contaminated water into the sea US imperialism bent on developing new weapons The Obama government is frantic to maintain the military superiority to China
A mass rally held in Henoko, February 22nd Condemn the US Force detaining protesters! Stop the construction of the new US base! 5000 people raised their voices in anger Protesting against the suppression using the special criminal law for us bases, in front of the new gate of Camp Schwab "Condemn the US Force detaining protesters! Remove all US bases!" Peoples' voices with anger rose to roar Free the arrested protesters! Hundreds of workers, students and residents besieged the police station at Nago City Let us fight aiming at the 'removal of all US bases and the abandonment of the US-Japan security treaty'! (pic 1) Participants sitting side by side in front of the new gate (pic 2) People besieged the police station of Nago City and raised their voices with anger Kengakuren and Zengakuren waged a protest action-in the early morning, in front of a US powder magazine (pic 3) Militant students raising their fist, staring Oura Bay, part of the base construction site, over the gate [4-5] Denounce the leadership of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] for boosting Abenomics! On Rengo's annual report for the 2015 spring labour offensive 1. Labour aristocrats incorporated into the Abe-led framework of the 'tripartite consultation' between the government, labour and management - Snuggling up to Abe who cries for the 'Japanese-type capitalist economy' - Assisting the restoration of 'militarist Japan' 2. Rengo's 'demands on government policies and systems' complement the Abe government's 'strategy for Japan's resuscitation' - 'A society where everybody takes part in value creation': a new doctrine of Rengo as today's version of Industrial Patriotic Society 3. A fake 'wage-hike' demand based on the acceptance of a decrease in real wages - Boosting Abenomics designed to decrease real wages [6] Rengo Okinawa's rally for the 2015 spring labour offensive: February 18th Applause rose up from participants hearing Rengo Okinawa's decision to participate in the Feb. 22nd rally in Henoko Topics Toyota: Forcing low wages and 'victimizing subcontractors' again [7] Denounce the Japan Postal Union leadership for accepting an ultra low compromise figure for 2014 extra allowance! Extremely intensified labour was forced on postal workers in the busiest 'year-end and New Year' period [8] 'I'll do my best to build up the vanguard party' My resolution fortified after the participation in the December 7th JRCL political meeting Reading the first volume of Fifty Years of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL (Continued from the previous issue) TOP |
No. 2357
(March 2nd 2015 Issue)
No to the abolition of working hour regulations! - Reactionary revision of labour laws designed to support the 'strengthening of competitiveness' of big business - Denounce the treachery of the Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] leadership! - Fight for an upsurge of the spring labour offensive under the slogan 'Shatter Abenomics! Fight against fascism!'
[2] "Fight against military-build-up in Kyushu and the restart of nuclear plants!" Students of Kagoshima University held a campus rally (January 29th) (pic 1) "Fight against the legislation for aggressive wars!" Militant students appealed to workers at Sapporo Station (February 4th) (pic 2) A revision of the 'basic plan for space development' The Abe government declared to establish a 'space system for a state capable of waging aggressive wars' [3] Smash the fascist attack against Hokuseigakuen University and its lecturer! -The Abe government instigated rightists to blackmail, slanders and threat of bombs -The Abe government is targeting universities intent on 'peace education' -No to the Abe government's glorification of militarist Japan's war of aggression! The Abe government decided to use ODA (Official Development Assistance) for supporting s for military forces of other countries Fight against the Abe government expanding arms exports! The Abe government plans to mobilize private companies for the operation of a war prisoners' camp [4-5] The deception of the Japan Business Federation advertising 'wage hikes for a virtuous cycle of the economy' Criticizing the Federation's 2015 labour policy report I. Full support to the Abe government crying for the 'restoration of Japan' II. Deceitful propaganda about 'wage increase' and a plot to reduce total personnel expenses - A whole lot of quibbles for the sake of suppressing wage hikes - A drastic revision of wage systems III. Demands on the government with undisguised interests of monopoly capitalists - Reactionary revision of labour laws - Hypocritical encouragement of 'diverse ways of working' [6] Topics Cutbacks in care payments will give rise to a large number of 'deserted elders'
JRCL leaflets encouraged a militant upsurge of the rally by calling on participants to fight against fascism (pic 3) Inability to repay student loans leads to personal bankruptcy in succession Workers and the masses are sinking deeper into poverty under the Abe government [7] An impermissible plan to compel nuclear evacuees to return to their contaminated home towns The 'interim report' of the Environment Ministry's expert panel Reading the first volume of Fifty Years of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL (Continued from the previous issue) [8] Kaleidoscope - Quadripartite summit talks on Ukraine - The Greek crisis - Many elderly will be abandoned because of the planned cut in care payments Tanka poems In visiting a museum in memory of art students who died in the WWII TOP |
No. 2356
(February 23rd 2015 Issue)
No to the setting up of new Guidelines for US-Japan Defence Cooperation!
An impending crisis of a world war: rivalry is intensifying between the US / Japan and China / Russia - An 'agreement on a cease-fire' on Ukraine: Rivalry between the US and Russia is intensifying -A newly intensified crisis in the contemporary world The Abe government is bent on the legislation for aggressive war and a revision of the constitution Overcome the JCP-led peace movement without opposition to the US-Japan Security Treaty - Down with the neo fascist Abe government!
[2] "Stop the US military exercise !" The Hijyudai manoeuvring ground 5000 workers rose in a mass protest rally sponsured by the 'Rengo' Kyusyu (January 31st) (pic 1) Fight against the Abe government building Japan into a state capable of waging aggressive wars! Workers, students and citizens marched in Osaka (January 26th) (pic 2) [3] Block the offshore construction work for the US base! Protesters are going on fighting despite the oppression - People occupied the gate area of Camp Schwab, and blocked US Marine vehicles (February 3rd) -People drove back a crane ship: struggles were waged in unity on land and sea Protesters waged a sit-in in front of the new gate to block lorries from entering the Camp Schwab (pic 3) -Protesters interrupted the offshore construction work (February 5th) Militant students in canoes were closing in on the crane ship, riding over barrier floats, and raising their voices in protest (pic 4) -Canoeists surrounded a crane ship mobilized by the Abe government: Militant students in the forefront (February 6th) A canoe unit breaking through the oil fence toward the crane ship (pic 5) -Win a mass upsurge of the Okinawa people's rally on February 22nd! Stop the restart of the Takahama nuclear plant! [4] Denounce the degeneration of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] labour aristocrats and win a big, across-the-board wage increase! The second keynote speech in the Feb. 2nd workers' solidarity meeting 1. The Abe government intensifying attacks to impose 'fascism and poverty' (1) The government and the Japan Business Federation desperate to conceal the failure of Abenomics (2) Monopoly capitalists making a victim of workers and the toiling masses for their profits with the support of the government (3) Official leaderships' treacheries and militant workers' fight against them 2. For a militant upsurge of the 2015 spring labour offensive (1) Oppose the capitalist revision of wage systems! Win a big and across-the-board wage increase! (2) Shatter the offensive of restructuring and sacking! (3) Overturn the Abe government imposing 'fascism and poverty'! [5] The imperialist world of today intoxicated with a financial bubble: in the extremity of decay (Continued from the previous issue) I. The world-shaking impact of the 'oil shock in reverse' II. US, EU and Japanese imperialist economies fully 'addicted to' monetary easing - The 'financial bubble' swelling bigger and bigger - The real facts about the US economy in 'good shape' - The euro zone on the brink of deflation: now in danger of breaking up --------(Published in Kaihoh No.2355)----- - The deceptive propaganda about Abenomics 'realizing a virtuous cycle of the economy' III. Contemporary imperialism raving mad with 'feigned prosperity' through greedy exploitation [6] Topics No to the revision of labour laws allowing capitalists to exploit workers free from working hour regulations! Denounce the Rengo leadership for shifting the objective of the struggle from 'scrapping the bill' to 'amending the bill'! Minions of capitalists: labour aristocrats of the UA Zensen acting as destroyers of what they regard as a 'leftist union' [UA Zensen: Japan's largest general trade union federation under the umbrella of Rengo] A hell on earth: the job sites of Uniqlo's subcontract factories in China [7] 'Your criticism of Abe is inopportune': JCP Chairman Shii ordered a JCP member of the Diet to express an apology Hate speech in the name of 'freedom of expression': in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo incident Reading the first volume of Fifty Years of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL (To be continued) [8] An offensive designed to dissolve and reorganize Japanese agriculture in the name of 'conversion of agriculture into a growth industry' The reactionary nature of the Abe government's 'JA [Japan Agricultural Cooperatives] reform' plan - A monopoly capitalist program of agricultural reorganization under the name of a 'watershed reform' - An 'integrated reform' of JA and other agrarian organizations designed to encourage monopoly capitalists to enter agribusiness - Use of sophistry to pass over former LDP governments' failed agrarian policies - Destruction of small-scale farmers in the name of an 'aggressive style of agriculture' - Abolition of agrarian 'protection systems' intended to reach agreement in the TPP negotiations TOP |
No. 2355
(February 16th 2015 Issue)
The battle lines strengthened for a spring labour offensive against fascism
Fight against the Abe government imposing 'war, fascism and poverty'! - The first keynote report Fight against capitalist attacks for their business restructuring! Win a big and across-the-board increase in wages! - The second keynote report Fight against the Abe government participating in the 'war on terror'! - The JRCL appealed Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive from below! - Militant workers from various industries expressed their resolve
"Stop the restart of the Sendai nuclear plant!" Thousands of workers, students and residents marched together in protest (Kagoshima prefecture, January 25th) (pic 1) People voiced their protests, burning with anger toward the Abe government (pic 2) Militant students fought out, raising the banner "Down with the Abe government!"
"Stop the construction of a new US base in Henoko!" Militant students of Zengakuren Kansai raised their fists toward the Osaka prefectural office of the LDP (Osaka, January 31st) (pic 3) Students condemned the Abe government and the LDP, thrusting a written protest [3] Workers, students and residents burning with anger rose in successive protest actions against the Abe government mobilizing large-sized workboats for the base construction Canoeists surrounded a crane ship despite the oppression by the Coast Guard (January 27th) A battle on land: Protesters occupied the new gate of Camp Schwab (January 26th-27th) Canoeists fought against the installation of new anchor buoys, sailing over the floats (January 28th-February 2nd) The dauntless battle is shaking the US and Japanese rulers Canoeists were fighting to stop a crane ship from starting the work (January 31st)(pic 4) Militant students on the seashore were encouraging canoeists (February 2nd)(pic 5) Workers, students and residents blocked a US armoured vehicle (at the new gate of Camp Schwab, February 3rd)(pic 6) "Prevent them from dropping concrete blocks onto the seabed!" Canoeists were closing in on the large-sized workboat despite the oppression by the Coast Guard (Henoko, February 4th)(pic 7) [4-5] The imperialist world of today intoxicated with a financial bubble: in the extremity of decay (Part 1) I. The world-shaking impact of the 'oil shock in reverse' -- Russia and other oil exporting countries driven into tight corners due to a sharp decline in crude oil prices -- Saudi Arabia aims to stop the increase in shale oil production -- The drain of speculative funds accelerates the drop in oil prices II. US, EU and Japanese imperialist economies fully 'addicted to' monetary easing - The 'financial bubble' swelling bigger and bigger - The real facts about the US economy in 'good shape' ---- The bloated financial business and the 'brisk' munitions industry - The euro zone on the brink of deflation: now in danger of breaking up ---- German-style 'economic growth' plunges workers into a living hell [6] Topics Toyota plans to introduce a 'pay structure emphasizing roles and competence' targeting factory workers Removal of the designation of radioactively contaminated areas as 'evacuation zones' despite strong local residents' opposition Denounce the Abe government for propagandizing a 'smooth rehabilitation of Fukushima' at the cost of nuclear evacuees! [7] The US-Japan bilateral TPP talks for free trade: No to the Abe government sacrificing Japanese farmers to the interests of US imperialism! Kaleidoscope - Obama's 'dirty war': US drones are killing Muslims in the Middle East - Electricity rate hikes: The Abe government schemes to have people pay for the costs of decommissioning and replacing nuclear reactors - Alibaba's listing on the NY Stock Exchange: the launch of a hot competition for financial supremacy between the two big thieves, the US and China [8] For a victorious upsurge of the 2015 spring labour offensive! Fight against the Abe government imposing 'war, fascism and poverty'! The first keynote speech in the Feb. 2nd workers' solidarity meeting I. The Abe government rushing to the restoration of 'militarist Japan' A. An all-out attack designed to strengthen Ampo [US-Japan military alliance] and revise the Constitution of Japan B. The strengthening of the NSC-helmed authoritarian ruling system C. Abenomics supporting big business and forcing poverty on workers - Reactionary revision of labour laws D. Labour aristocrats yielding to the Abe government and the fight of militant workers against their surrender II. Overcome the Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation]-style labour offensive! Advance the 2015 spring labour offensive against fascism! A. Expose the deception of the 'trickle-down theory' and shatter Abenomics! B. Rise up in antiwar, anti-Ampo and anti-constitutional revision struggles! C. Build a united battle front against fascism! TOP |
No. 2354
(February 9th 2015 Issue)
Fight against the legislation for aggressive war!
-----(right) Canoeists were closing in on the large-sized workboat throwing down huge concrete blocks to the seabed The Abe government is giving full assistance to the US-led war against the 'Islamic State' An impending crisis of a world war: rivalry is intensifying between the US and China / Russia Russia is mounting a military offensive aiming at a division of Ukraine Strengthen the forces 'against Ampo [the US-Japan military alliance] and fascism'! [2] Denounce the killing of the two Japanese hostages by the 'Islamic State'! Stop the Abe-led Japanese government's participation in the 'war on terrorism'! [4] A rally against war and fascism was held (Tokyo January 24th) Zengakuren marched on the Prime Minister's Official Residence and the US Embassy - Demonstrators marched, raising their lively voices: "No to the setting up of new Guidelines for the US-Japan Defence Cooperation!" - Fight against the Abe government imposing 'war and poverty and neo fascist rule'! - Build up now a united front against fascism!
"Block the construction of the new US marine base in Henoko!" 7000 people burning with anger besieged the Diet building (January 25th) - Workers, students and citizens fought in solidarity with struggles in Okinawa - Militant students fought, denouncing the JCP leadership for abandoning 'anti-Ampo'!
- Keen sympathy is spreading wide with speeches from Zengakuren - Rank-and-file workers rallied, crossing over differences of affiliation to trade union centers
[3] The realities of the build-up of the Self-Defense Forces in Okinawa and other Southwest Islands No to the preparation for waging war against China jointly with US imperialism! [6] Topics The Japan Business Federation's 'labour-management forum' The government, labour and management conducted propaganda about 'wage increases' in collusion to cover up cuts in real wages The JCP-controlled leadership of the Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] begs capitalists to 'pass on their internal reserves to society' A description of the Japanese military's erstwhile transportation of Koreans to Japan for forced labour is now under a neo-fascist attack Denounce the Fukuoka City education board for coercing schools to dispose of all copies of the human rights reader! [7] No to US state governments' attacks on public service workers' unions designed to destroy them! [8] Kaleidoscope - Greek people revolted against the austerity policy to save imperialists from a financial panic: -----Break through the SYRIZA leadership's distortion of workers' struggles! - The neo-fascist Abe government's plot to set up a new overseas broadcasting channel for war propaganda - Abe schemes to erase Japan's wartime 'colonial rule and aggression' from history ---by issuing a new statement on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II TOP |
No. 2353
(February 2nd 2015 Issue)
Shatter Abenomics! Fight against fascism!
The Abe government is imposing 'war and further poverty' on workers and people Monopoly capitalists are frantic to oppress a wage increase Condemn the leadership of Rengo submitting to the Abe government and monopoly capitalists! Unite the working class forces to win a big and across-the-board increase in wages ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slogans of the JRCL for the 2015 spring labour offensive Shatter Abenomics that forces <war, fascism and poverty> on workers and the toiling masses! Stand up for the 2015 spring labour offensive against fascism! I. Win a big and across-the-board wage increase! - No to the revision of personnel and wage systems in the name of 'contribution to the company'! - Smash the major offensive of restructurings and sackings! - Fight for a drastic improvement in the working conditions of temp workers! - Fight against a mass reduction of public service personnel and their wage cuts! Denounce the Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] labour aristocrats for demanding limited wage increase lower than price increase! Fight resolutely by overcoming the JCP-controlled leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] who begs big companies to use 'part of internal reserves' for the people II. No to the reactionary revision of labour laws! No to another consumption tax increase! - Expose the falsehood of the 'trickle-down theory'! No to the preferential treatment of big business! - Smash the legislation allowing capitalists to exploit workers free from regulations of working hours and overtime pay! We oppose the harmful revision of the temporary worker dispatching law! No to the liberalization of sackings! - No to the revision of the social security system that sacrifices underprivileged people! III. No to the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense' and the enactment of the related laws! Stop the re-formulation of the US-Japan Defence Cooperation Guidelines! Absolutely no to the new US base construction in Henoko! - Fight the struggles aiming at the abolition of the US-Japan Security Treaty! - Fight against the restart of nuclear reactor operations! No to arms exports! IV. Stop the strengthening of the NSC-helmed authoritarian ruling system! - Block the revision of the Constitution of Japan! Abolish the state secrecy protection law! - No to the introduction of moral education to the school curriculum! No to the neo-fascist reorganization of education! - Crush any attempt to destroy trade unions! Build a united battle front against fascism and overthrow the neo-fascist Abe government that schemes to restore 'militarist Japan'! Let us fight in solidarity with the working people of the world suffering from oppression and poverty! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workers, students and citizens rallied against the Abe government bent on building 'militarist state'. (Nagoya City, January 17th) (pic 1) Thousands of people rose in a mass rally called by the local bar association The JRCL called on workers at a station "Fight against the Abe government making Japan a 'strong militarist state'! No to the revision of the Constitution!" (Nagoya City, December 25th)
Prevent the resumption of the offshore construction work for the US base in Henoko! Militant students in canoes fought despite the oppression by the Coast Guard Canoeists broke over the oil fence to block the installation of a floating pier (pic 2) Canoeists fought indomitably to block the installation of barrier floats (pic 3) Hundreds of workers, students and residents rallied to protest the Coast Guard against its violent oppression (pic 4) Block the construction of a landing facility for Ospreys! Hundreds of workers, students and residents rose in a protest (Takae District, Okinawa) (pic 5) [4-5] Putin-led Russia seeking to expand its sphere of influence, based on an alliance with China I. Military intervention in Ukraine aimed at expanding Russian territory II. A challenge to US imperialism based on the strengthening of alliance with China III. An economic crisis due to the US/EU-imposed sanctions and the oil price slump IV. Crush Great Russian nationalism! Build a working-class battle line to overthrow the Putin government! [6] Topics Japan Business Federation's Visions of the Future declares its intention to sacrifice workers for 'Japan brimming with vitality' No to the mass dismissal of fixed-term employees at pension offices! A new nurse's suicide from overwork Stop the neo-fascist revision of the Labour Standards Law! [7] Denounce local education boards for compelling high schools to exclude a Japanese history textbook that mentions Japan's past aggressive war and colonial rule! [8] The Japanese and the US governments have launched anuclear plant sales offensive to countries of the former USSR and East Europ Kaleidoscope - Tie-ups accelerated between military and academia: Tokyo University's robot laboratory was pressed into changing its 'guidelines' banning military researches - Promotion of atomic power generation in the guise of 'realizing a hydrogen-based society' - Fascistic oppression of entertainers by NHK [Japan Broadcasting Corporation] headed by Abe's underling Momii TOP |
No. 2352
(January 26th 2015 Issue)
Rise up for the 2015 spring labour offensive against fascism! 1. Imposition of «war, fascism and poverty» by the Abe government - Manoeuvres to build Japan into a 'state capable of waging war' and strengthen the neo-fascist rule - Imposition of poverty and deprivation of workers' rights - Attempts to get through the failure of Abenomics 2. Monopoly capitalists' rush to restructuring and wage cuts 3. Union leaders' submission to the neo-fascist Abe government and the struggle to oppose it - What the 'government-labour-management agreement' really means - Labour aristocrats suppressing wage hike demands - Revolutionary workers' struggle to break through the neo-Industrial Patriotic movement 4. Overcome the Rengo-type spring labour offensive! - 'Efforts to realize a virtuous cycle of the Japanese economy' emphasized in Rengo's policy for the spring labour offensive: meaning its support for Abenomics - Wage 'increase' demands based on the acceptance of decreases in real wages 5. Fight to smash Abenomics and overthrow the Abe government! - Now is the time to win a big wage hike across the board! - Create a torrent of struggles against Abenomics, against the revision of labour laws! - Rise up in antiwar, anti-Ampo [US-Japan military alliance] and anti-constitutional revision struggles! - Build a united battle front against fascism!
[4] Smash the construction of the new base in Henoko by working people's fight! Block the boring survey! Let us fight for a mass upsurge of the struggle against the US-Japan military alliance! The Okinawa Prefectural Comittee Forced with a resolute mass protest, the Abe government has started to takes a forceful action The neo fascist Abe government is bent on building a 'strong militarist state' A rivalry is intensifying in East Asia between the US / Japan and China / Russia The revolutionary left is leading the struggle against the new US base construction in Henoko Let us create a mass upsurge in the anti-war, anti-Ampo struggle by overcoming the JCP leadership abandoning opposition to Ampo (the US-Japan military alliance)! Fight together aiming at 'the removal of all US bases and the abandonment of the US-Japan military alliance'!
[5] The Abe government has resumed the construction work for the US base Protesters rose in a battle to block it (January 10th-15th) Block construction vehicles entering Camp Shwab! Protesters sat down on the road at midnight (January 10th) (pic 1) (around 2 a.m.on January 11th) Protesters occupied the gate way despite violent oppression by the riot police (January 11th-13th) (pic 2) (January 13th) Hundreds of people prevented lorries from bringing in barrier buoys (January 14th-15th) (pic 3) "Don't open the gate!" Protesters fought, holding on to the fence (At 11:40 p.m. on January 14th) (pic 4, 6) Protesters occupied the front of the new gate (In the early morning on January 15th) Canoe units prevented the installation of barrier floats on the sea (January 15th) (pic 5)"Block the float installation!" Canoeists fought despite the oppression by the Coast Guard on January 16th and 17th [6] Crush Abenomics! No to fascism! Win a big, across-the-board wage raise! For a victorious upsurge of the 2015 spring labour offensive! Rally to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on Feb. 1st! The Executive Committee for the Workers' Solidarity Meeting - Stop the Abe government's rush to build Japan into a 'state capable of waging war'! - Strengthen the unity of trade unions and fight against Abenomics and for a big, across-the-board wage hike! - Denounce the degeneration of labour aristocrats subjugated to the tripartite consultation between the government, labour and management! Now is the time for workers to topple down the Abe government! No to the metropolitan education board's imposition of 'trial experience of the Self-Defense Forces' upon senior high students!
[7] A protest rally against the construction of a radioactive waste disposal site in Hokkaido Denounce the start of a disposal test of radioactive waste matter! (November 23rd, Horonobe Town) (pic 6) Militant students fighting together with workers and farmers in the rally (pic 7) Demonstrators were marching, burning with fighting spirits A New Year Interview with the Zengakuren Chairman and the Chief Secretary 'We will lead the struggle to shatter the reactionary offensives of the Abe government!' [8] New Year's resolutions The Chugoku Regional Committee The Metal Industrial Workers Committee The Social Welfare Workers Committee The Small and Medium Enterprise Workers Committee The Eastern Kanagawa District Antiwar Workers Conference TOP |
No. 2351
(January 19th 2015 Issue)
Fight against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance
1. Zengakuren fought for a revolutionary development of the antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle. 2. Today's world situation with an impending crisis of a new world war A The all-out reactionary offensive of the Abe government ambitious to restore 'militarist Japan' B A tense confrontation between declining US imperialism and China/ Russia -Xi Jinping-led China dashing to become a advancing on the road to a 'superpower'. -Russia in a ruble crisis adopting a strong-arm policy against the US and Europe -US imperialism hells-bent on containing China militarily 3. Let us fight to advance the antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle and the struggle against constitutional revision! A Overcome the JCP-led peace movement without opposition to the US-Japan Security Alliance! B Smash the all-out reactionary attack by the Abe government! -No to the setting up of new Guidelines for US-Japan Defence Cooperation! Block the construction of the new US base in Henoko! -Fight against the revision of the constitution! No to the propaganda for glorifying the 'Greater East Asia War'! -Stop the restart of nuclear plants! Shatter 'Abenomics'! -Build a united front against fascism! Advance toward the overthrow of the Abe government! (pic above left) Zengakuren was fighting against the Cabinet decision to constitutionalize the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defence' in the forefront of a great mass of people. (July 1st in 2014, in front of the Prime Minister's Office) (pic above right) Workers, students and residents condemned the governor for approving additional construction works for the base (December 9th in 2014, at the Prefectural Office, Okinawa) [2] 'Block the resumption of the construction!' Workers, students and residents rose to action against the new base construction in Henoko: January 10th - 11th
(pic 1) Protesters standing in the way of a construction vehicle (January 11th, before dawn) (pic 2) Fighting people gathering in front of the main gate of Camp Schwab (January 10th) [8] ![]() (December 6th in 2014, Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture) (pic left) Militant students fought in the mass rally Photos: Struggles in 2014 (continued from the previous issue) [4-5] Obama's dilemma The declining US empire's wavering world domination strategy I. The 'rebalancing' strategy 'redefined' with priority given to US-Chinese relations (1) Flattery and intimidation: Obama's attitudes towards Xi Jinping (2) Acknowledgement of China as a 'joint administrator of the Pacific region' II. The declining empire shaken by China-Russia's challenge and the rise of the Islamic State (1) Xi Jinping-led China's challenge to the US (2) Putin-led Russia's confrontational posture towards the US (3) Spreading influence of the Islamic State (4) US imperialism declining as the 'sole superpower' III. Strife over military / diplomatic policies and the Obama administration's desperate measures for a breakthrough (1) Disagreements over Obama's policy towards China (2) Whether to regulate or praise the Abe-led Japanese government (3) Disputes over US Forces' reorganization and military strategy - An attempt to mobilize US allies in the 'war on terror' (4) Hard-line policies towards Russia and North Korea - Cyber attacks on North Korea and nuclear talks with Iran (5) Confrontation over the promotion of the TPP agreement and energy strategies IV. Mounting anger of workers and the toiling masses with poverty forced on them [6-7] New Year's resolutions The Kansai Regional Committee The Tokai Regional Committee The Hokuriku Regional Committee The Education Workers Committee The Traffic and Transport Workers Committee The Telecommunication Industrial Workers Committee The Mass Communication Industrial Workers Committee The Tokyo District Antiwar Workers Conference TOP |