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Burn antiwar flames all over the world ![]() - The Bush administration intent on war - 'Iraqi antiwar protests' world wide - Storms of fights from workplaces and campuses! (Photo left 40000 people in a World Peace Now rally in Tokyo, 8 Mar.) [2] ![]() - Active exchanges with American students - 5 Mar.: with Berkley students in an antiwar demonstration (Photo right) - A letter of appeal from the Zengakuren delegate to workers and students in Japan 5 Mar.: student strikes world wide - Punching the war mongers [3] For the 116th Central Committee Meeting of the Zengakuren: Strengthen the antiwar front to stop the Iraqi invasion in solidarity with workers and students all over the world! - A red flag of the Zengakuren unfurling in the US. - The Bush administration fretted from a setback in its 'pre-emptive attack' strategy - Denounce the official leadership for helping a 'strengthened UN inspection' - Uplift an internationally united action against the war! Antiwar movements nationwide - 'Stop the joint military drill!' Zengakuren Hokkaido protests, 17 Feb. - Antiwar Gathering of Kansai Students against the Iraqi invasion held at Osaka University of Ecoomics, 8 Feb. - 'No to Powel's visit to Japan!' Students from Kanazawa Univ. appealing to local residents, 22 Feb. [4] For antiwar waves from workplaces! Fight it in spite of oppressions and distortions by the official leadership! 1. Organize 'Iraqi antiwar' struggles in spite of Chauvinistic nationalism raging! - Never let Bush invade Iraq! - Burn flames of international antiwar struggles in solidarity with the working people of the world! - Stop the Koizumi government entering the war through the mass propaganda of Chauvinistic nationalism! - Build workers' struggles against the war and the Security Treaty in opposition to the official leadership's oppression and distortion! - Carry out well-elaborated activities in workplaces! 2. No revision to the Fundamental Law of Education! Stop the Constitutional revision! Organize a mass protest! - Stop the revision of the Fundamental Law with the might of the workers! - Smash the attempts to codify a basic law of education for building a nation that can wage war! - Fight back against the neo-fascistic reorganizing of education! - Build a front to stop the neo-fascist reaction and the Constitutional revision! [5] The annual report from the Japan Federation of Employers' Associations - Recommending workers to accept the restructuring and lower wages 1 Mar. Rengo rally: voices raised against the war - Denunciations exploded to Rengo President Sasamori for accepting lower wages and restructuring - Raising revised official placards: Oppose an attack without or with UN resolution! [6] Electrical Electronic & Information Union - Labour aristocrats crying for 'structural reform' in unity with capitalists Hokkaido Prefectural Office Workers' Union - 29 Jan. strike in a militant mood: No to cuts in basic wages! No to the planned reduction in personnel! [7] Kaleidoscope 2003 - British pupils, Well done!: The Emperor's New Clothes for today. - The new President of the Bank of Japan: the mountains have brought forth a mouse. - Antiwar waves boosted and popularized like World Cup games: still most important is c - An apology from the justice minister for officials' tortures at the Nagoya Prison: not worthy for the name of 'apology'. [8] Reading Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts: philosophical pursuit by the young Marx - An existential turn of Marx throbbing - Critique of Hegel's philosophy absolutely necessary Reading an articled included in the 21st Education and the Japanese Management published by Kaihoh-sha - 'How We Confront the Reality in Which We live'. TOP |
No. 1759 (March 10th Issue)
The 40th anniversary of the JRCL-RMF foundation The 155th anniversary of the Manifesto of the Communist Party 16 March Public Political Meeting Reconfirming the origin of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction, advance the 21st Century Marxist movement! The historical mission of the anti-Stalinist left wing greatly important more than ever - The historical and ideological meaning of the bombardment of Yugoslavia Reconfirm the decisive significance of the Third Split in the JRCL - Praxical breakthrough of the mis-overcoming of Stalinism For a Nachdenken-based re-subjectivization of the struggles in creating / building the Revolutionary Marxist Faction - Like the Revolutionary Marxist Faction! 15 March United Antiwar Action of Workers and Students Block the US-UK aggression against Iraq! Stop Japan joining in the war! Smash the Emergency Legislation! Called by Zengakuren and Antiwar Youth Committee [2] No War on Iraq! 15 Feb. Regional demonstrations - Osaka: in front of the US Consulate - Nagoya: Students' International March - Fukuoka: Students protesting against the US Consulate - Kanazawa: International Solidarity Action in Kanazawa 5000 workers against the planned attack on Iraq and the emergency legislation - Kyushu regional trade unions rallied against the war - Indignations against the Rengo labour aristocrats and the SDPJ central [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - Zdganov in Iraq: human shields? No. A messenger from the Russian President. - JCP Chair Fuwa: at a press conference for retirement. - Plan Death Star: the case of Enron - Japanese COMSTAT: from America again. [4] Fight back against the wage-cut and sacking offensive! Burning flames of workers against war to warmonger Bush! Fight a militant spring offensive in opposition to the Rengo and the Zenroren central leadership! 1. Pre-war situations and the spring offensive 2003 - A deflationary depression and capitalist offensives for lower wages and sacking of workers - Promotion of 'diversification in employment' and transition to 'a multiple system of wages' - The Koizumi government attempting to change the labour codes to worse 2. Policies for 'spring offensive for life' set out by Rengo leaders helping lower wages - JCP-led Zenroren leadership reducing the offensive to an electoral vote-collecting campaign 3. Fight the spring offensive 2003 with all might! - Antiwar actions from workplaces! - Smash the zero base-up! Fight back against the lower wage offensive! - No sacking! Fight back against worsened labour conditions! - Stop the worse revision of labour codes! No expropriation from masses! [6] NTT Workers' Union leadership and its anti-working class nature in policies for the 'spring labour offensive for life' - Policies for the 'spring labour offensive' but for NTT capitalists - Labour aristocrats accepting the war on Iraq - The central leadership reducing the spring offensive into a campaign to help the restructuring - Full cooperation in the lower wage offensive - Break the industrial patriotic movement! [7] Reading Marx in the Jihad-Raging World [8] Wandering with no port: on Kumano's port-call at the young Hegel TOP |
No. 1758 (March 3rd Issue)
Antiwar fists to warmonger Bush! Short stories: Freeze warmonger Bush's blood!War-addicted Bush and his destiny - 'Game is over'? - America is an empire! - Mass booing to Bush The old Europe - The old is new! - Don't be obedient to the Yankees! - The true threat to the rulers The 40th anniversary of the JRCL-RMF foundation 16 March Public Political Meeting - For a great leap forward in the anti-Stalinist communist movement to break the crisis of the 21st world! [2] Students march on the US Embassy, 15 Feb. - In solidarity with workers and people all over the world Peace Action in Tokyo, 15 Feb. - JRCL-RMF propaganda inspiring the participants A trade union based 'Stop the War' rally in Tokyo, 19 Feb. - A Rengo representative heckled before the mass booing, 'Rengo organizes no antiwar rally, why!' Okinawa: a demonstration of anger on US Kadena Base, 26 Jan. - No genocide in the name of 'freedom'!
(2 photos above) [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - Which is older: powers' show-off in the UN Security Council - A trans-Atlantic debate - Witch-hunter's logic: No evidence is the evidence. [4] Chukakuha faction: metamorphosis to liquidation [5] Hokkaido police scandal: a dark shade of the 'Russian connection' [6] Labour Front Annual JTU national meeting for education research: storms of anger exploded against the national leadership for helping the neo-fascist education - Voices raised against revision of the Fundamental Law of Education, Criticisms erupted against leaders' oppression on oppositions - At the 'ability' commission: criticisms from the rank-and-files against the leadership supportive to the talent-first education Topics A 'new vision' of the employers' federation: Not only higher consumers' tax c [7] Why we call on 'Muslims of all countries' to rise in struggle 'based on Islamic inter-nationalism' - A dogmatic misjudgement of Islam as 'a pre-modern thought' - A negative legacy of Stalinism and its gravity Reading Kuroda's Beginning of the End - How Marxists should digest bitter struggles by Muslim militants [8] A poor thinking - On Kumano's 'fur ...' TOP |
No. 1757 (February 24th Issue)
Antiwar, spring offensive waves from workplaces! - 'Organize mass movements against the Iraqi invasion in spite of chauvinistic Japanese nationalism!' (The first report) - 'Smash capitalist offensives for lower wages and sacking!' (The second report) - Active resolutions expressed from various industries [2]In solidarity with 10 million people over the world!
14 Feb: a joint action uplifted, trade union based (Photo left) 4 Feb.: Stop a USS assault landing vessel leaving for Qatar (Kure) 23 Jan.: Kagoshima University students develop their local campaign against the Iraqi invasion Stop the reorganization of national universities into independent agencies! (1 Feb, Tokyo University) [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - Plagiarism: the fake 'proof' - At last: the last agony - A lightening war? [4] JCP leaders joining in the chorus of chauvinist Japanese nationalism against North Korea - 'We restrain ourselves from criticizing the Koizumi Givernemnt'!!!! - Resulted from JCP's 'suplementary diplomacy' taken in the name of 'national interest' - 'International out-law act': condemunation based on the party's abandonment of revolution [5] Japanese Mandelites shouting a hysteric anti-North Korea call - 'Progressive intellectuals are responsible for the North's crime and must support abductees' families!' [6] Fight back against Toyota capital imposing long-time overtime work with no pay! Denounce labour aristocrats for helping the cover-up! - Labour Standards Bureau urged the managerial again to improve the conditions - Overtime work with no pay continued in a form like a de facto working hours system - Trade union leaders busy covering up the pay-less overtime work in collusion with the managerial - 'Appeal to the public'?: Expose the JCP's powerless response! - No lower wage! For substantially higher wages! Smash the long over-time work with no pay! - Uplift the spring offensive 2003! Topics Stop legislation of 'rules foe dismissal' [7] Takenaka's wily 'plan for a financial reconstruction': under the bankruptcy of Japan's financial system with ever-increasing bad loans (Continued from the previous issue) [8] A desolate thinking - 'Distance' from Hiromatsu kept by a deciple of his TOP |
No. 1756 (February 17th Issue)
Stop US / UK aggression against Iraq! - Unilateralism patched up - International isolation and aggravation in the economic depression - Rush to the war on Iraq for a desperate breakthrough of the crisis [2] The historic victory in the Monju reactor suit: characteristics and the meaning of the High Court decision - The nuclear bureaucracy in a terrible upset - The Court confirm the need to review the current system for safety assessment - Now is the time to end the development of a fast-breeder nuclear reactor! [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - The Shuttle crash as foretold by the JRCL weekly: 'No indication of terrorism'? It might be a divine - The truth behind the state-of-art technology - 'It's the cost of freedom': another set of war heroes for USA nationalism. - The Venezuelan strike waning: US monopolies giving up for oil. [4-5] Takenaka's wily 'plan for a financial reconstruction': under the bankruptcy of Japan's financial system with ever-increasing bad loans 1. A critical power struggle over the bad loan disposal - The Koizumi government accelerating the disposal - The nose-diving stock prices and intensifying policy disagreements - Financial companies pressed for the bad loan disposal 2. The critical malfunction of the Japanese financial system - Depression and increasing bad loans: a spiral - Financial companies suffering triple difficulties - The Koizumi government in a trilemma (To continue) [6] Labour Front Annual JTU national meeting for education research, 25 Jan, Nara - Excited responses to JRCL bills Annual NTU national meeting for education research, 12 Jan., Gifu - JCP-affiliated leaders cancelled a general meeting before a rightist pressure No more intensified control by the postal agency - Successive punishments and intimidations Topics The so-called tripartite agreement of a 'diversified working form' type of work-sharing: for unstable and irregular labour with low pay [7] Smash the planned introduction of a new personnel and wage system in the postal service! - The appointed president of a Postal Agency: 'Take a way of management like private businesses!' - Introduction of 'performance-based' systems of personnel management and wages - Leaders of the Postal Workers' Union, stop cooperate with the postal agency! [8] Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Works TOP |
No. 1755 (February 10th Issue)
Stop US / UK aggression against Iraq! - Policies towards North Korea deadlocked - Intensifying power struggles within the US ruling class - Now is the time to beat the war addicts The Monju reactor program judged invalid! - Local residents, workers and students won a victory! - Denounce the government making a final appeal! [2] No aggression against Iraq! - Nagoya students took an International March, 19 Jan. - Hokkaido University Students' Self-Governing Association initiated an regional action for international solidarity against the war, 18 Jan. - A letter from Russia to Zengakuren: fight together against the common foe, imperialism! [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - Making of the stupid, by that stupid, for that stupid: from Stupid White Men - Battles go on in Afghanistan: Echelon cheated - Foreign young wrestlers leading the Japanese sumo: their efforts and endurance - Die Another Day provoking South Koreans: but in Japanc - Ultra-nationalist textbook writers invited parents of North-abducted Japanese citizens: unlike calls for 'human rights' [4-5] Interim Report from the Central Council for Education: emphasizing a nationalist and abilities-based education 1. Characteristics - Motive: 'rebirth of Japanese society' - Objectives and ideas: to bring up 'Japanese who challenge the age of turbulence' - Concrete policies 2. The Fundamental Law of Education to be revised for imbuing a new 'spirit of self-devotion to the state' - A decisive platform for establishing a nationalist education - Moral education stressed: to create a new 'public' - State control over education - The 'community for education' 3. Abilities-based education for the 'technology-producing nation' - What is called 'the maximum growth of individualities and abilities' - The complete reorganization of systems, contents and methods of education Topics Rengo leadership to support LDP candidates [6] Denounce the introduction of nuclear-plant maintenance standards! - For continuing the operation of overage and damaged nuclear facilities [7] What is 'the thought that life is precious' - A shallow argument by a JCP-affiliated writer - A symbol of the failure in the official peace movement - The need to criticize the primitiveness in the traditional pacifist thought of Okinawans - For the thought of revolutionary antiwar struggle On the difference between the politico-economic analysis of present situation and the analysis of the actual situation [8] Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Works Re-reading Kuroda's Beginning of the End TOP |
No. 1754 (February 3rd Issue)
![]() Fists of anger to the warmongers Zengakuren and Antiwar Youth demonstrated In solidarity with antiwar struggles all over the world - JRCL-RMF addressed (Photo right) Nagoya High Court nullified approval of Monju reactor program, 27 Jan - A landmark gain for residents against the dangerous fast-breeder nuclear reactor [2] World Peace Now rally in Tokyo, 18 Jan. - Supportive responses to the JRCL leaflets Denounce Defence Agency Chief Ishiba's remarks! - 'A pre-emptive strike against North Korea is self-defensive' and constitutional. Zengakuren fought to stop USS Kitty Hawk leaving Yokosuka for invasion, 23 Jan. - Protested against police for attempts to disturb antiwar rallies by means of rightists 18 Jan., Osaka, militant workers and students demonstrated against the Iraqi invasion - Angers on the prefectural LDP office and the US Consular Denounce the unjust prosecution of 5 comrades! - Denounce the successive police raids! [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - Affirmative Actions under attacks: unable to understand the equality among the unequal - You're a slave to the master: the singer of the banana boat song lambaste Powell - Death of an ultranationalist textbook writer: militant young forces shortened the professor's life - Mysterious bloody rightist attacks on Asahi Shinbun 15 years on: an intentional partial leak to a popular weekly [4-5] Putin's measures for economic boosting: an empty dream 1. Sales of oil - 'Pragmatist' diplomacy by means of oil resources 2. Is the economy recovering? - 'Economic growth': only temporary - Deformed and limping nature 3. A reproduction of the Gaidar-Chubais course of 'deregulation and privatization' - Regulation and utilization of the Oligarchs - 'A competitive market economy': a caricature [6] Hokkaido Teachers' Union: the annual meeting for teachers' research of education - Active discussions organized about antiwar issues and opposition to the revision of the Fundamental Law of Education Topics IMF-JC central discussion meeting: discussions by labour aristocrats for monopoly capitalists [7] Chukakuha faction attacked dropouts: in a course of its self-destruction - Helped by a state conspiratorial group Reading Crimes of Security Police Seen in So-Called Factional Infightings [8] Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Works On Kuroda's Marx Renaissance TOP |
No. 1753 (January 27th Issue)
9 Feb. Workers' Rally for the Offensive - Denounce the Rengo leadership cooperative in wage cuts and sacking - Build antiwar struggles and the spring offensive from workplaces [2] Burn a flame of struggle against an imperialist invasion against Iraq! Stop US Forces leaving their bases in Okinawa for the war! Marxist Students' League Okinawa Prefectural Committee - US Forces in Japan (in Okinawa) ready for war on Iraq - Overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime and the occupation aimed by the Bush government - The Koizumi government rushing to the war participation - Denounce the JCP central leadership joining in the chauvinist chorus! [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - Japan Pen Club's meeting 'War and Peace': reported by the JCP daily, with the President's meaningful criticism of the anti-North Korean propaganda omitted - An anti-JRCL copper nabbed for groper: habitual in his commuter train - Toby Keith's Courtesy of the Red White and Blue: war enthusiasts with no experience of war - Boraboo given to Koizumi in Moscow: hired shouters [4] The death agony of Japanese imperialism unable to climb out of the depression 1 The deflationary spiral: a doodlebug's pit 2 Causes for the deflationary spiral - 'Stagdeflation' - External conditions - Internal factors: the hell of restructuring - Dead storage of money and the crisis of bank capital 3 Don't let them shift burdens onto the working people - Power struggles intensifying over measures to accelerate 'bad loan disposals' - Stop the Koizumi government intensifying the state expropriation from the masses [5] Labour Front Reactionary plans by a municipal board of education in Hokkaido: education for selected elites - Fight back by overcoming the JTU / HTU leaders' distortion of struggle First experiences of antiwar demonstration Topics Trade union leaders revolting against the JCP central: 'The party's definition of municipal workers as servants to the whole is deviant,' 'Mistakes of the Rengo must be criticized accurately'. [6] No Emergency Laws! No attack on Iraq! 2000 people rallied in the Fukuoka People's Rally, 8 Dec. - Struggles from below organized by militant workers, breaking the Rengo leaders' rejection - Militant students encouraging the participants A military-academic joint research of emergencies smashed in Kobe University - The historic protest reported in a meeting, 11 Dec. eElectronization of local governments' - Deadlocked in itself - Intensifying struggles between monopolies - No reduction of office workers! [8] The forcible emigration of Koreans: militarist Japan's brutality - Don't erase the historic crime Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Works TOP |
No. 1752 (January 20th Issue)
Stop US military invasion against Iraq! JRCL Central Students' Orgburo 1. US imperialism rushing to a military attack on Iraq!(1) Outrageous brutalities of Yankee imperialism and burning revolts against them - Schemes for 'democratization of Iraq through military occupation' - America's pressure and North Korea's resistance - Complete submission to today's Hitler - Burning revolts in the Arab and the Middle East world (2) The war-crazy Koizumi government rushing to participation in the war 2. Advance mass struggles to stop aggression against the Iraq and to smash Japan's participation in the war! (1) The JCP dreaming of a 'peaceful solution within the UN's framework' (2) Advance antiwar struggles! Break the storm of chauvinistic nationalism! [3] Interviewing the Zengakuren chairman and the secretary general - Prove the real worth of the antiwar Zengakuren in solidarity with workers and people all over the world! [4-5] For a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive Denounce the Rengo leadership promoting the industrial patriotic movement in support of aggressive war! JRCL Central Workers' Orgburo (Continued from the previous issue)3. Show the true power of the working class! Advance antiwar struggles and the spring offensive! (1) Organize mass struggles against the aggression against Iraq and the Emergency laws - The Rengo leadership promoting an 'industrial patriotic' labour movement in support of aggressive war - The leadership of the JCP-led trade unions advocating an illusive 'peaceful solution within the UN's framework' (2) Fight back against wage cuts and restructuring! - The Rengo leadership helping wage cuts and restructuring, saying 'priority to job security' - JCP-led trade union leaders accepting the restructuring, saying 'for boosting the local economy' (3) For a radical breakthrough of the crisis of labour movement in Japan [6] Labour front Report Hokkaido Prefectural Office Workers' Union: a strike against wage cuts (22 Nov.) - A wage-cut by 150,000 yen a year - In spite of the betrayal by degenerate leaders - JRCL leaflets inspiring the rank-and-files More intensive labour imposed on municipal workers for the national ID system - In the case of a city in Okinawa [7] Antiwar reports No to the planned revision of the Fundamental Law of Education! Militant workers and students fighting against a regional public hearing by the Central Council of Education (7 Dec., Fukuoka) - 'No revision!' Angry voices echoing in the venue - Only 4 of 10 staters supportive to the revision - Fukuoka Teachers' Union meeting: degenerate leaders submissive to the education ministry and angers against them [8] Resolutions for New Year (3) - JRCL Traffic and Transportation Workers' Committee - JRCL Chugoku Regional Committee - JRCL Small and Medium Enterprise-Related Workers Committee - JRCL Media Industrial Workers' Committee - JRCL Telecommunication Workers' Committee TOP |
No. 1751 (January 13th Issue)
For a militant upsurge of the spring labour
offensive JRCL Central Workers' Orgburo 1. An impending aggression on Iraq and the 2003 spring offensive- Military neo-colonialism, and the strategy for world domination that determines it. - A neo-Nazism with the Echelon as its means - A crisis of the US politico-economic structure dependent on munitions production - The Koizumi government stirring up chauvinism 2. Aggravated difficulties of the economy and class struggles in Japan (1) The Japanese economy: a deflationary spiral and its grounds - Measures 'accelerating bad loan disposals' to distress workers - Schemes to drive the living standard of Japanese workers to that of Chinese - Results from the self-destruction of the Soviet sphere (2) Degeneration of the official Rengo labour movement and fights to beak it through - An all-out offensive from monopoly capitalists, and the Rengo leadership yielding to it - Revolutionary workers' struggles to break through the degeneration of labour movement (To continue) [3] Denounce the unjust arrests of five comrades! - A police repression against the JRCL-RMF for leading class struggles in Japan [4] A fictitious talk: Marx in the Jihad-Raging World (continued from the previous issue) - After us the deluge c - DNA Fetishism - The last moment of the fraud capitalism - A national brain-washing campaign in Japan - Shoot down the spying satellites! - Sasa, and to Zamani [5] 19 Jan. united antiwar action Stop US / UK aggression against Iraq! Stop Japan's participation in the war! - The Bush government has started a countdown for the war - The Koizumi government rushing towards a new legislation in support of Japan's participation in the war - World-wide waves against the war - Fight by overcoming the JCP-led movement for 'a UN-based solution'! [6-7] Resolutions for New Year (2) - JRCL Tokai Regional Committee - JRCL Kyushu Regional Committee - JRCL Hokuriku Regional Committee - JRCL Education Workers' Committee - JRCL Heavy Industrial Workers' Committee - JRCL Social Service Workers' Committee - JRCL Chemical Industrial Workers' Committee - East Kanagawa Antiwar Workers' Conference [8] Antiwar reports Protests against the dispatch of an Aegis destroyer, 16 Dec. - Osaka, Sapporo, Obihiro, Kanazawa, etc. Stop resuming the operation of the dangerous Monju reactor! - Hundreds of workers and students rallied at the site in Tsuruga, 7 Dec. A Diet-sponsored public hearing for revising the Constitution held in Fukuoka, 9 Dec. - No constitutional revision! Voices dominating the place - 5 of the 6 commentators against the revision - An LDP leader heckled down as chairman TOP |