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No. 2240
(October 22nd 2012 Issue)
Crush the deployment of Ospreys! Stop the nationwide flight drills! ![]() - Confrontation between the US-Japan and China-Russia in the arena of East Asia and the western Pacific - Stir up the flames of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle and the struggle against nuclear development! A 'Good-by Nukes' rally: Zengakuren fighting for its militant upsurge (Oct. 13, Hibiya, Tokyo) (Pic right) [2]
330 workers, students and residents marched through Hakodate City Hokkaido Univ. students and other members of Students' Solidarity making an appeal to the participants in the rally (Sep. 30th, Hakodate, Hokkaido) (Pic right top) [3] 'Stop the reopening of the Tomari nuclear plant!' 600 protesters' rage exploded in front of the nuclear plant gate, lodging a note against HEPCO [Hokkaido Electric Power Co.]. Students' Solidarity fought in their forefront (Sep. 22nd, Hokkaido) (Pic right middle) Storms of protests against the deployment of the Osprey to Okinawa - Nagoya Univ. and Aichi Univ. students staging a vehement protest against the Obama administration (Oct. 1st, in front of the US Consulate, Nagoya) (Pic right bottom) - Militant Hokkaido Univ. students holding a campus meeting against the deployment of the Osprey (Oct. 1st, Sapporo) The JRCL delivering a harsh criticism of the Communist Party's 'peaceful use of atomic energy' argument In a JCP-led meeting in Sapporo (Sept. 8th, Hokkaido) [4] Fight back against the new offensive planned by the education ministry and the Hokkaido education board against the Hokkaido Teachers Union with punitive orders for its members to 'return salaries'! The Hokkaido Regional Committee of Education Workers [5] Lessons from our struggle in Aichi University against the campus relocation Marxist Students' League Tokai Regional Committee 1. An all-students' assembly achieved with the attendance of 650 students 2. Reviewing the struggle that we won 3. Lessons from the struggle against the relocation [6] The 34th Regular Convention of Jichiroren, a JCP-led local government workers' union The leadership hell-bent on digging up votes for the party Topics The world's unemployed population reached two hundred million: US imperialism and the World Bank shaken by the growing 'political unrest' [7] Many thyroid abnormalities detected in Fukushima children Denounce government-patronized academicians for insisting the cases have nothing to do with the nuclear disaster! Sheer nonsense of Toru Takeda, an apple-polishing mouthpiece for the government and TEPCO [8] Kaleidoscope - A fictitious interview on the Hebrew New Year's Day: with unrepentant Netanyahu and boastful Khamenei - 'Construct amusement parks!': Kim Jong Un's new order, leaving the impoverished masses dying of starvation - 25 suicides reported among SDF returnees from the Iraq War: US and Japanese governments desperate to cover up facts about PTSD victims - Fukushima villagers obliged to cut down ancestral windbreak trees contaminated with radioactive substances: The government rejecting to pay costs for disaster victims, but generously spending money for the nuclear industry and the US Forces TOP |
No. 2239
(October 15th 2012 Issue)
Down with the Noda government, the servile follower of US imperialists!
- The Noda government rushing headlong towards the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance and the nuclear development - A confrontation intensifying in Asia between US/Japan and China/Russia - Zengakuren fighting in the forefront of the struggles against the deployment of the Osprey and against the nuclear development - Stir up flames of the struggle against the nuclear development! Explode the antiwar/anti-Ampo struggle and the struggle against a massive tax increase! Inexcusably, the Obama US administration enforced the deployment of the Marine's MV-22 Osprey at the Futenma base in Okinawa on Oct. 1st with the full support of its servile follower, the Noda government. The US and Japanese imperialist rulers have arrogantly ridden roughshod over the protests of workers and people. Students and workers! Denounce the imperialist rulers with our vehement indignation! On Sep. 26th, hundreds of workers and students in Okinawa rose in a blockade-action on the US base gates with an inflexible determination burning in their bosom. To stop the disposition of Ospreys to US Marine Air Station Futenma, they started to carry out sit-ins at the gates of the base, blocking Marines from entering. A mass of people joined the struggle with flags and banners in their hands. Faced with the dauntless protest, the US administration and the US Force authority requested the Japanese government to suppress it and Japanese police units were mobilized to the gates. They tried to forcibly pull out the protesters one by one. Yet the protesters held their ground with Zengakuren students at the forefront, continuing their blockade-action day and night. Finally they completely blocked the Nodake Gate of the Futenma base on 27th, the Ohyama Gate on 28th and then all of the gates on 29th. Through this epoch-making struggle they waged, the US Futenma base, which was to receive the Osprey, became paralysed. Look at US Marines hell-bent on holding back workers and students from rushing into the base! Armed with guns, they even brought up bulldozers to rout the protesters. The blockade-action of workers, students and people in Okinawa has stunned and shaken the US and Japanese rulers. And it was the Zengakuren students who carried out this heroic action in its forefront. Truly by their struggle, all the gates of the Futenma base were blocked for the first time after the Okinawa reversion to Japan in 1972. Unforgivably, degenerate leaders of the Japanese Communist Party, who once came to a gathering in front of a gate, fled away after the blockade-action started. Denouncing their desertion from the struggle, Zengakuren students led the struggle under the revolutionary banner of 'Remove the bases! Smash the Ampo!' This historic struggle led by Zengakuren and militant workers must be advanced furthermore. The Obama US administration, which barely disposed Ospreys to Okinawa, is now starting to operate them intimidatingly over densely populated areas of the island and preparing low-altitude flying drills in other regions in Japan extensively. Against such offensives, Zengakuren students are resolutely promoting the struggle all over the country. [4-5] A vehement struggle in Okinawa to stop the deployment of the Osprey (Sep. 26th-Oct. 2nd) Indignant workers and people blocked the gates of the US Futenma base with dauntless fights
![]() - The fists held up: in the face of Ospreys flying over - The revolutionary left fights for the upsurge of the antiwar/anti-Ampo struggle - Stop the flight drills of Ospreys! Smash the drastic strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! Zengakuren and Okinawa Kengakuren students who carried out the blockade-action together with workers of the Okinawa Peace Movement Centre, rose in an independent demonstration on Oct. 1st and 2nd, when the Obama administration had Ospreys fly into the Futenma base. (pic right) Okinawa Kengakuren and Zengakuren students marching on the headquarters of the US Forces in Okinawa (Oct. 2nd) [6] ![]() Zengakuren rise in a protest in front of the US embassy in Tokyo (Oct. 1st) (pic right) Kyushu Kagoshima Univ. students appealing in the street to workers and people to fight against the deployment of the Osprey (Sep. 28th, Kagoshima City) A steel frame dropped: The Fukushima No.1 nuclear plant on the verge of another disaster The JCP Chair well known for his word 'it's irresponsible to say about immediately scrapping all the nuclear plants' Attempting an opportunistic change to a policy of 'immediate zero nuclear plants' [7] The 84th Regular Convention of the All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union Denounce the leadership maintaining its support for the Noda government! A Rengo Hokkaido meeting against the deployment of the Osprey Workers gather in opposition to degenerate leaders (Sapporo, Sep. 5th) Topics Renesas Electronics Co. to be purchased under a government-led reconstruction plan, with a massive dismissal of workers Denounce the labour aristocrats accepting restructuring plans of monopoly capitalists in the electric industry! [8] Confrontation with mass-movementism Learning from the struggle of revolutionary worker comrades and comrade Kuroda 50 years ago TOP |
No. 2238
(October 8th 2012 Issue)
Absolutely no to the deployment of MV-22 Osprey to Okinawa!
- A alash between US/Japan imperialists and Chinese/Russian rulers: a growing danger of war - The Noda government, a servile follower of US imperialism: hell-bent on intensifying reactionary offensives - Now is the time to create an upsurge of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles under the banner of 'Repeal the US-Japan Security Treaty'! Stop the deployment of the Osprey to Okinawa! Workers and students raising angry fists at a gate of the Futenma Base (Oct. 1st, Okinawa) (Pic above) (Workers and students in Okinawa occupied all the gates of the base to stop the deployment. To be detailed in the next issue.) [2-3] Anger flared up all over Japan against the deployment of Ospreys Iwakuni: Stop the test flight of Ospreys! Militant students of the Kansai region fighting in unity with workers and residents against the test flight of Ospreys from the US Marine Iwakuni base where the tilt-rotors were temporary disposed (Iwakuni City, Sep. 21st) (Pic right top) Tokyo In front of the US Embassy Zengakuren students protesting against the test flights (Sept. 21st) (Pic right middle) In front of the PM's Official Residence Zengakuren fighting in the van of protesters under the banner 'Repeal the Security Treaty!' (Sept. 24th) Nagoya In front of the US Consulate 'Stop test flights! No to the strengthening of new US-Japan military alliance!' Aichi and Nagoya Univ. Students protesting (Sep. 21st) (Pic right bottom) Tokyo, at the main gate of the Diet Building (Sep. 21st): Zengakuren raising thundering voices against the restart of nuclear reactors ![]() Oppose the reopening of nuclear plants! Definitely no to the deployment of the Osprey! The bridgehead for struggle solidified (Tokyo, Sep. 19th- 20th) [4] Denounce the Noda government funnelling reconstruction budget funds into support for big businesses and nuclear development! 1. The reconstruction fund, amounting to 19 trillion yen, 'misappropriated' or spent for other purposes 2. Pouring taxes paid by the sweat of toiling people's brow into support measures to big businesses 3. Don't allow the Noda government deserting disaster victims! [5] The government setting forth for a reorganization of the medical service supply system sacrificing the elderly and the underprivileged 1. 'More efficient and functional' diversification of acute hospital beds 2. Reorganization of small and medium-sized hospitals: a plot to create 'receptacles' for post-acute patients 3. Promotion of home medical care and visiting care: a compulsion to attend patients' deathbed at home 4. Intensification of labour in the name of 'teamwork in medical treatment' and 'reducing hospital doctors' workload' [6] The Rengo Leadership 'welcoming' the government's decision to shelve 'zero nuclear power' Hokkaido workers forced to receive low wages less than 'welfare benefits' Topics Nihon-Keizai Shinbun hiding the murky aspects of the restoration of Japan Airlines [7] A joint drill held by US and Japanese forces on Guam to 'retake islands' in the heat of the fierce confrontation between Japanese and Chinese governments over the Senkaku Islands Defense Ministry planning to newly organize a 'cyber-defense corps' A remnant of the Chukaku faction giving a review on the Chernobyl disaster: from the point of view of 'radioactivity vs. humanity' [8] Kaleidoscope - Spanish 'third crisis', or financial crisis of local governments: Workers and toiling masses of Spain, unite beyond province borders and fight back against the ruthless offensive of the Rajoy government! - 'Lights and Shadows of the Dutch model': The Netherlands' erstwhile tolerant welfare and employment policies deteriorating into exclusionist ones amid the EU economic crisis - Crush the fascistic LDP hawks' unscrupulous campaign against welfare recipients, victims of monopoly capitalists' mass sackings! TOP |
No. 2237
(October 1st 2012 Issue)
No to the reopening of nuclear power plants! ![]() - The Japanese government rushing towards the restart of nuclear reactors and the development of nuclear weapons in obedience to the Obama government and Japanese monopoly capitalists - Denounce the degenerate Rengo trade union leadership supporting the reactionary Noda government! - Fight by overcoming the JCP's petition movement for the eimmediate achievement of zero nuclear plants'! The US Forces start Osprey's test flights from the Iwakuni base (Pic) Zengakuren rise in an emergency protest in front of the US embassy in Tokyo (Sept. 21st) Stop the test flights! Stop the deployment to the Futenma base! [2-3]
Stop it by decisive mass action! Fight under the banner of 'Against the military alliance'! Okinawa Prefectural Committee - Oppose the drastic strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! - Develop the anger of 100,000 people into a decisive fight to remove US bases and repeal Ampo! - Besiege the Futenma base! Block its gates with people's action! US Marines' rape in Okinawa: Ryukyu Univ. & Okinawa Int'l Univ. Students raising the banner of 'Remove US bases! Smash Ampo!' in an emergency mobilization against the crime (Aug. 20th, Okinawa) (Pic left upper) Zengakuren Hokkaido rise against a Japan-US joint military exercise together with trade union members (Sep. 2nd, Chitose) (Pic left lower)
'Stop the reopening of nuclear plants!' 1,100 workers and students demonstrating in Kyushu (Sep.9th, Satsuma-Sendai) (Pic right lower) [4] South Korean Lee Myung-bak government hell-bent on building and expanding nuclear power plant exports [5] Japan Airlines relisted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange: an outcome of casting workers into hell for the corporate restructuring Smash the offensive of mass dismissals, mass wage cuts and the intensification of labour! [6] The government scheming to launch a harmful revision of the social security system: a major reduction planned in the budget for welfare recipients' medical care Ito-yoka-do, a major supermarket chain: Full-time employees halved, part-timers accounting for 90 percent A colossal sum of the budget for 'post-quake reconstruction' revealed to be used for nuclear promoters' research and military purpose Topics 'Get out of irresolute politics!' An unpardonable statement issued by Rengo labour aristocrat Koga and monopoly capitalists under joint signature [7] Study notes Lessons from the past struggle against elements flowing into our League from the CL [Communist League] (Continued from the previous issue) Learnig from Kuroda's 'Foundation of the Criticism of Stalinism' [8] Kaleidoscope - China's ambition to construct 230 nuclear plants: 15 plants already at work, 26 under construction, and another 40 plants to be constructed by 2020, at the pace of one in every two month - Afghanistan: Taliban's launch of 'insider attacks', driving defeated US troops to rush to the 'exit' - US Forces joining in Japan's disaster drills under the pretense of 'humanitarian support': in fact for jointly safeguarding US bases with Japanese troops Confusion in the JCP-led Japan Congress against A- and H-Bombs: disputes spreading over the party's thesis of 'peaceful use of atomic energy' TOP |
No. 2236
(September 24th 2012 Issue)
Oppose offensives against workers for the major restructuring!
- Reactionary offensives launched by the Noda government servile to US imperialism - Let us fight against the major offensives against workers for restructuring corporate organizations! Fight back against sacking and wage cuts! - Denounce the corruption of the official opposition leaderships and advance to overturn the Noda government! [2-3] The Okinawa People's Rally: 'No to the deployment of MV-22 Osprey!' 103,000 people's anger exploded (Sep. 9th, Ginowan City) - The huge banner of the JRCL flying high at the site of the rally, denouncing the degenerate leadership for oppressing opposition to the US-Japan military alliance (pic 1) - Zengakuren raising the placards, 'Down with the Noda government!' (pic 2) - Students starting an independent demonstration towards the US Futenma base (pic 3) - Students staging a protest action in front of the base gate, together with workers and other local residents (pic 4) 10,000 demonstrators besieging the Diet Building in solidarity with the rally in Okinawa (Sep. 9th, Tokyo) (pic 5) [4-5] Fight for a great upsurge of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle in solidarity with Chinese and Korean workers and people! Oppose the intensified struggle for the disputed islands and territorial waters between the Japanese and Chinese states and between the Japanese and the South Korean states ! - Japanese and Chinese rulers scrambling for territories amid the confrontation between the US-Japan and China-Russia - A dispute between the Japanese and South Korean states for forcibly promoting their own 'national interests' - The JCP joining in Japanese rulers' propaganda of nationalism for promoting 'Japan's national interests' under the banner of 'Defend the integrity of Japan's territory' Opposition intensified among members of the JCP-led national council of scientists 'We must reflect on having advocated the "peaceful use of atomic energy"' : a national symposium of the council on nuclear plant issues (Aug. 25th, Tsuruga, Fukui Pref.) [6] The regular convention of a JCP-led federation of printing workers' unions An organizational crisis of the federation exposed No to the drastic reduction in government workers' retirement payment! Topics The Noda government's 'strategy for life growth'' in fact, measures to support monopoly capitalists [7] Study notes Lessons from the past struggle against elements flowing into our League from the CL [Communist League] KEPCO [Kansai Electric Power Co.] desperate to cover up evidence of a massive earthquake and tsunami in the 16th century [8] Kaleidoscope - A lesson from the Fukushima disaster is 'internationalization of the nuclear fuel cycle'?: pure sophistry of the Noda government's new energy policy to continue nuclear fuel reprocessing - The attack on the US consulate in Libya on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attack for jihad: destroyed the illusion of US imperialists that 'we freed the country' - A manoeuvre behind the massacre: a 'meeting for dialogue' planned in Damascus, with the approval of the Assad regime and in response to Russia's suggestion - A catastrophic 'natural' disaster in China: Many drowned in cars and killed by landslides, the death toll concealed, disclosing the anti-proletarian nature of the Beijing government TOP |
No. 2235
(September 17th 2012 Issue)
Stir up flames of the struggle against nuclear development! ![]() - Official opposition movement leaderships thrown into disarray and the advancement of our militant workers' and students' struggles - Promote the struggle against nuclear development concurrently with the antiwar struggle! The Sep. 9th Okinawa People's Rally Militant workers and students fighting in its forefront under the banner of 'Crush the US-Japan military alliance!' (Pic right) 'Stop the deployment of the Osprey!', the anger of 100 thousand people surged up. (Ginowan Marine Park in Okinawa, Sep. 9th) (Details will be reported in the next issue) [2]
Urgent actions against the visit of the Minister of Defence to Okinawa (Okinawa, Aug. 29th) - Workers and students raising their angry fists against the Minister who just stepped into the Okinawa prefectural office. (pic 1) In front of the prefectural office gate. - 'Remove the Futenma base! Smash US-Japan military alliance!' Militant students and workers surrounding the Ginowan City hall when the Minister met the mayor. (pic 2) In front of the Ginowan City hall. Hokkaido Zengakuren students in Hokkaido staged a protest against the Ground SDF emergency exercise in outlying islands (Sapporo, Aug. 29th) (Pic 3) Students marching on the front gate of the GSDF military base [3] For the 133rd meeting of the Zengakuren Central Committee, Sep. 19th-20th! Surge up flames of the struggle in the coming period! Establish a revolutionary policy for promoting the struggle and strengthen the battle front! - The Noda government rushing headlong towards the reopening and the export of nuclear plants - US and Japanese imperialist rulers scheming to enforce the deployment of the Osprey - With the concerted efforts, advance for the overthrow of the Noda government! The Obama US administration scheming to deploy the X-band Radar in 'southern islands of Japan' [6] A scheme to make all the workers become temporaries Opinions to 'set a retirement age of forty' offered by the government-led national strategy meeting A 'negative interest rate' that shows the seriousness of the EU financial crisis Fight against the greedy bourgeois governments forcing workers pay for their crisis! Topics Deception of a 'law for the stabilization in elderly-person employment' which leaves many workers with no pensions and no jobs [7] Scrap the Shika nuclear plant built right above the active fault! Chinese workers suffering from the 'ouch-ouch disease' caused by a serious cadmium pollution Furious workers protesting against the government, local governments and greedy company owners [8] International news ![]() A statement of the Worker Internationalist League (WIL) of Zimbabwe and the other FLTI affiliated organizations (pic) Democracia Obrera (an Argentine organization of the FLTI) and the Committee to support the Syrian masses in Argentina militantly march on the South African Embassy and Syrian Embassy in Buenos Aires (Aug. 24th) Kaleidoscope - The newly-started 'Nuclear Regulatory Commission' consists of pro-government scholars, advocators of the nuclear development [4] My study notebook The essence theory and the reality theory Learning Kuroda's essay 'The Theory of Commodity and the Theory of Human Being' - 'The Theory of Commodity and the Theory of Human Being' and 'Political economy and Dialectic' - A confrontation with the theory of defending a dogma advocated by the 'orthodox' current - Kuroda learned Marx and made a step forward [5] My study notebook Some notes on an essay 'On Human Trust' written by a progressive literary critic Hideo Odagiri and the 'Ethic and Logic for cooperation' written by Kan'ichi Kuroda TOP |
No. 2234
(September 10th 2012 Issue)
Absolutely no to the deployment of the Osprey to Okinawa!
- Fight by overcoming the movement under the official leadership with no opposition to the US-Japan Security Treaty! - Turn Okinawans' anger into a nationwide groundswell of opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! [3] 'Oppose the deployment of the Osprey!' 'No to the US-Japan joint exercise at Hijudai!' 2000 trade union workers and students standing against Ampo in a trade union-based rally (Aug. 18th, Kyusu) (pics right) 'Denounce the reopening of nuclear plants!' 'Overthrow the Noda government!' Militant students in the Kansai region fighting in a mass protest in front of the KEPCO building (Aug. 24th, Osaka) Deceptions of the Diet report on the nuclear accident
Okinawa Regional Assembly 'Fight under the banner of repelling the US-Japan Treaty!' A loud chorus of opposition tot Ampo resounding in the hall (Aug. 12th, Naha) (Pic right upper) Tokai Regional Assembly A firm resolve fortified to create another upsurge in 'autumn offensives' (Aug. 5th, Nagoya) (pic right lower) [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assemblies (4) - Russian Party of Communists (Russia) - Tencency CLAIRE of NPA (France) - All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions (APFUTU) (Pakistan) * The full texts of the messages will soon appear in another page. [4] Denounce the enactment of three ordinances designed to destroy city government workers' unions by the Hashimoto-led Osaka City authorities! - An employees' political activity regulation ordinance that includes 'disciplinary dismissals' - Targeting the destruction of city government workers' trade unions - Laying the groundwork for ultra-reactionary offensives based on Hashimoto's 'Osaka Metropolis Plan' - Crush city authorities' repression and win the retraction of the three ordinances! [5] The Noda government's 'medical restoration' plan for three disaster-stricken prefectures: to abandon disaster victims! I. Collapsed health care systems in the Tohoku Region due to the great earthquake and nuclear disaster II. Reorganization of systems for providing medical services in the name of the 'restoration of regional medical treatment' III. Ambitions staked by the government and monopoly capitalists on their 'Tohoku medical reconstruction project [6] Topics An array of deregulation: the Noda government's 'strategy for the rebirth of Japan' Monopoly capitalists profiteering from the consumption tax hike [7] Kaleidoscope - Armitage & Nye's new report on the US-Japan alliance: meditating an attempt to intervene complecated Japan-ROK relations - Half the effort of Japan and the effect doubled: China considering a way to the globalization of its currency - Agflation: the spread of famine accelerated by Obama's policy to increase bioethanol production - Fields dried up, prices goes up, people starved: a divine punishment for capitalists' wrongdoings? TOP |
No. 2233
(September 3rd 2012 Issue)
Fight for a militant upsurge of the Sep. 9th Okinawa People's Rally
- The Noda government hell-bent on the reopening of nuclear plants and the development of the nuclear fuel cycle - More burdends schemed to be imposed on the toiling masses - Down with the Noda government subservient to the US imperialist rulers! [2] A storm of protest against the entry of the Maritime SDF warships into Naha New Port - Workers and students raise their angry fists against incoming MSDF warships at the port (Naha, Okinawa Aug. 4th) (Pic right upper) Kokugakuin University The annual Students Assembly votes against the reopening of nuclear plants (Tokyo Jul. 14th) (pic right lower) Fight against the Ground SDF exercise 'for responding to attacks on offshore islands' in Hokkaido! [3] International Antiwar Assemblies
A bridgehead laid for further advance in promoting the antiwar/anti-Ampo struggle (Aug. 5th) (Pic right upper) Hokuriku Regional Assembly 'Stop the deployment of the Osprey! No to the nuclear development! Down with the Noda government!' A rousing cry of militant workers and students resounded (Aug.5th) (Pic right lower) [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assemblies (3) - ANTARSYA (Greece) - Committee to support the Syrian masses in Argentina (Argentina) - The Democratic Socialist Alliance (Britain) - A World To Win (Britain) - L. Babienko (Russia) - N. Morgunova (Russia) - V. Isaichikov (Russia) - Finland's communist workers' party for peace and socialism (Finland) * The full texts of the messages will soon appear in another page. [4-5] Russia: Putin's command to accelerate the attempts for 'restoration as a superpower' - Patching up the authoritarian, military ruling system - Schemes to establish a 'new international order' under the initiative of China and Russia - Putin-style policies for building up 'a rich country with a strong army' are complete fabrication - Strengthen the proletarian ranks for overthrowing the Putin government! [6] SHARP: Fight against the 8000 reduction in workforce! Stop the 'social security reform' to sacrifice local residents schemed by the Osaka City authority! Topics A fallacious 'raise' in the minimum wage being practically nothing [7] Scrap right now the Shika nuclear plant built right above the active fault! Cornered Putin received a painful bite from pussycats The DARPA Robotics Challenge: A US imperialists' scheme for the technological development of a military humanoid robot TOP |
No. 2232
(August 27th 2012 Issue)
Stop the deployment of the Osprey! - The drastic strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance in the name of 'dynamic defense cooperation' - Down with the Noda government servile to US imperialism! [2] ![]() (Aug. 10th, in front of the Diet Building) (pics above and right) A grand chorus echoed denouncing the reopening of nuclear plants and calling for the overthrow of the government (Aug. 10th, at the main entrance of the Diet Building) Angry roars of Hokkaido Univ. students reverberating against the restart of nuclear reactors (Jul. 20th-27th, in front of the Hokkaido local government building) Hokkaido Univ. students rising up against the reopening of nuclear plants in solidarity with the metropolitan mass rally (Jul. 16th, Sapporo)
[3] International Antiwar Assemblies Kansai Regional Assembly 'Denounce the restart of nuclear reactors! Crush the military alliance!' Solid anti-Ampo ranks formed (Aug. 5th, Osaka) (pic 1) Kyushu Regional Assembly 'Oppose the deployment of the Osprey!' Bridgehead fortified for farther advance of antiwar struggle (Aug. 5th, Fukuoka) (pic 2) Angry voices of protest raised in Kagoshima University against the unloading of Ospreys at US Iwakuni base (Jul. 23rd, Kagoshima) [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assemblies (2) - International revolutionary Nucleus (Argentina) - David McReynolds, Former Chair of War Resisters International, USA - Northstar Compass, Canada - Russian Communist Workers Party (RCWP-CPSU), Russia - Russian Communist Workers Party (RCWP-CPSU), Tyumen Regional Committee, Russia - Vladimir Pronin, member of the presidium of the Committee against Fascism in Ukraine, Ukraine [4-5] Smash the introduction of a new personnel and wage system by the Japan Post management! - Setting up of a new 'general clerical job': defined as 'full-time employment' but in name alone - Management discretion on wages strengthened by increasing the part to be raised or reduced according merit rating - A wage system most favourable for capitalists - Imposition of impoverishment and intensified labour on workers The Japanese government and monopoly capitalists hell-bent on nuclear plant export to recover from their halt [6] 12 workers having been reported dead from bile duct cancer in an Osaka printing house 1,000 city government workers rallied against wage cuts and the reduction of blue-collar work (Jul. 26th, Nagoya) [7] Kaleidoscope - A retired JCP leader making a rebellion against the Chairman: disagreements also spreading in trade union activists - Concealing radiation exposure rampant: TEPCO's act of virtually forcing death on nuclear power workers should never be allowed! - The truth coming out eight years later: Arafat's departed soul haunting the criminal - An economic plight of a rich Chinese city: Land doesn't sell, only debts weighing upon the local government TOP |
No. 2231
(August 14th 2012 Issue)
The central meeting of the 50th International Antiwar Assembly, Aug. 5th - The revolutionary antiwar struggle spreading through the whole world - Fight against the deployment of Ospreys! Stop the reopening of nuclear plants! Oppose the consumption tax increase! [5] International Antiwar Assembly A speech from the International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction [FLTI]: Comrades Carlos Munzer and Noelia Lopez Long live the revolutionary international unity of the world working class! To end all the wars, fascism and the counter-revolution for good: the international socialist revolution must be succeeded! Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly (1) - Revolutionary Marxists in Britain - Tavini Huiraatira No Te Ao Maohi (FLP), French Polynesia [2] With the Zengakuren in the forefront, more than a hundred thousand people shake the Diet Building ![]() - Revolutionary criticism against the JCP theory of 'atoms for peace' moves the protesters Zengakuren students leading the struggle with the slogan raised aloft: 'Stop all the nuclear plants right now!' (in front of the Diet Building, Aug. 3rd) The Zengakuren gains supports through a propaganda in central Tokyo (Shinjuku, Aug. 4th) [3]
Workers and students raise their angry fists, 'Fight against the deployment of Ospreys!' (Naha, Jul. 22nd) (pic right upper) Zengakuren Hokkaido denounces the landing of Ospreys, in front of the US Consulate General in Hokkaido (Sapporo, Jul. 23rd) Rise in protest on Aug. 18th against the US-Japan joint military exercise in Hijudai, Kyushu! JRCL Kyushu Regional Committee - An all-round military exercise aiming at establishing a 'US-Japan united force' - A scheme to link the exercise to the US-South Korea joint military exercise - Fight against the exercise by overcoming the official opposition campaign with no opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! [4] Syria: battles intensified, connected with a religious sectarian strife Workers and people in Syria, move forward and topple down the Assad government by overcoming the religious division! - The Assad government driven to the last extremity - A confrontation between Russia and the US, which are intensifying their intervention in the Syrian conflict for competing interests - Denounce the massacre launched by the Assad government! Let us fight in solidarity with the fighting Syrian people! [6] The 15th Convention of the All NTT Workers Union of Japan: Fight against the cut in wage planned under the pretext of 'employment up to the age of 65' Topics Denounce the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations proclaiming the additional building of the nuclear plant and the acceleration in its export! [7] The Miyagi case of a system of 'special economic zone for reconstruction' deserting small businesses An illegal operation of LIBOR: a backstage of money-game frenzy is revealed [8] Fight against the deployment of Ospreys! Promote the struggle aiming at a denunciation of the Security Treaty! Kaleidoscope - The JCP leadership embracing a boundless affection toward Obama - A scheme of the US government to fly drones over its own country TOP |