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No. 2340
(October 20th 2014 Issue)
Fight to stop the formulation of new US-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines!
- The 'interim report' declares a limitless execution of US-Japan joint military operations - US and Japanese imperialists are drastically strengthening their military encirclement of China - The Abe government is supporting and assisting US imperialists' military intervention in Eastern Europe and the Middle East - Stop the Abe government from building Japan into a 'state capable of waging war' with all the power of workers and students!
[2] Stop the deployment of a US X-band radar! Workers, students and people rose in protest. (September 28th, Kyotango) (pic 1) Demonstrators marched along the coast upon the SDF base at Kyogamisaki. (pic 2) Protesters raised their voices burning with anger toward the construction site for a new US base (beside the SDF base). People voiced in chorus, 'No to the setting up of new Guidelines for US-Japan Defence Cooperation!' (October 1st, Sapporo) (pic 3) Militant students were calling out, 'Stop the construction of the new base in Henoko!' 'Fight against fascism! Down with the Abe government!' Workers, students and citizens rallied in solidarity with the Diet building besieging action in Tokyo. (September 29th, Osaka) (pic 4) Militant students were marching through the main street of Osaka. [4] Blame the Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp management for the tremendous explosion at the Nagoya steel plant! - The blast occurred when workers were under the command of the managerial staff - The management ascribed the cause of the disaster to low quality material while concealing its neglect of safety measures - Denounce the labour aristocrats for cooperating with the management in a major attack of restructuring in utter disregard of safety! [5] «Wage-hike demands are needed for 'investment in man'» The anti-working class nature of the JAM labour aristocrats' argument [JAM: Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery and Manufacturing Workers] [3] Stop the secrecy law from taking effect! Denounce the Cabinet decision to approve guidelines on the handling of state secrets and set Dec. 10th for the law to take effect! - The government is to 'designate' information about the new US-Japan military alliance as 'special secrets' - Information will be kept under the integrated control of the National Security Council - No to the forcible conduct of thought inquiry and background checks! - Shatter all the government attempts to strengthen the repressive 'public order maintenance system' for the sake of waging a war! [6] The 36th annual convention of Jichiroren [Japan Federation of Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Unions]: The union leadership urges its members to 'cooperate with conscientious conservatives' out of a desire to collect votes for the JCP Topics Deception seen through in Abe's wording 'a society in which women shine' [7] Hitachi is soon to introduce a system of 'compensation for roles', imposing dreadful wage cuts on workers NRA [Nuclear Regulation Authority] has decided on the effective disuse of SPEEDI (an emergency system for predicting the spread of radioactive fallout) [8] Kaleidoscope - Japan Self-Defense Forces took part in a US-Philippine military exercise for the first time in September - 'NRA's safety review must be invalidated! Start all over from the beginning!': an angry cry of a seismologist - The miserable state of North Korea's economy Stop the legislation for special measures to procure designated defense equipment by securing funds for huge military expansion from the budget! TOP |
No. 2339
(October 13th 2014 Issue)
Workers' and Students' United Actions on Oct.19
1. The Abe government is hurrying with war preparations against China. 2. An impending crisis of a world war: rivalry is intensifying between the US-Japan and China/ Russia. - Political and military confrontation in East Asia : between the imperialist powers of the US/Japan and China/Russia. - A clash between US/European imperialist powers and Russia. - US imperialism is escalating the bombings of Iraq and Syria. 3. Degeneration of the established opposition movement and the struggle of the revolutionary left. 4. The JCP has abandoned opposition to the US-Japan Security alliance and fascism. 5. Down with the Abe government ambitious to restore militarist Japan. - Fight against the strengthening of the US-Japan military allianace as a full-scale offensive and defensive alliance against China. - Denounce the US bombing of Iraq and Syria! Oppose Japan's cooperation with US imperialism! - No to the Abe government's glorification of militarist Japan's war of aggression! Fight against the reinforcement of the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system! - Block the restart of the Sendai nuclear plant! No to Japan's nuclear development! - No to the reincrease of the consumption tax! Crush Abenomics!
[4] Against the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! 2000 workers, students and citizens besieged the Diet building (September 29th) (pic 1,2) No to the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense! No to the secrecy law! 1500 people rose in a mass rally (Nagoya, on September 23rd.) Militant students were marching with workers and people. (pic 3) Workers were marching as raising their trade union flags.(pic 4) [5] The truth about bitcoin: Is it a 'new type of currency independent of the state and the central bank'? - A 'currency' dealt with in cyberspace - All in the palm of NSA's hand Robot development being advanced for military use on the US initiative Stop the promotion of military-industry-university cooperation! - Japanese universities and civilian institutions are taking part in a Pentagon-sponsored robot contest - The Abe government is imitating Pentagon's system of development [6] Hokkaido board of education compels all schools to impose rigid 'school life discipline' on pupils in the name of improving their 'academic standards' Extremely intensified labour is forced on education workers The number of work-related accidents is increasing rapidly in construction sites Abenomics has brought forth a serious labour shortage Topics The Abe government declared 'reconsideration of seniority-based wage systems' in the tripartite conference between government, labour, and management [8] My study note 'I was overwhelmed by the impact of the young Kuroda's decision and praxis!' Impressions on Fifty Years of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL [7] Kaleidoscope - Rampancy of chauvinistic nationalism: The election campaign has started in Ukraine - Asahi Shinbun bashing is being escalated: Stop the fascist movement organized by the Abe government! - The Abe government decided to designate expansive areas as Japan's 'continental shelf zone' out of a desire for seabed resources - The Police Agency sharpens its fangs: Security crackdowns are to be tightened on the pretext of guarding the 2020 Tokyo Olympics TOP |
No. 2338
(October 6th 2014 Issue)
Workers' and Students' United Actions on Oct. 19
- The new US/Japan military alliance is now strengthened in full swing as an offensive and defensive alliance against China - US imperialist state is expanding its air strikes on Iraq and Syria - Block the construction of a new US base in Henoko! No to the re-formulation of US-Japan Defence Corporation Guidelines! - Denounce the aerial bombardment of Iraq and Syria by the US-led 'coalition of the willing'! - No to the re-increase of the consumption tax! Crush the 'Abenomics', a policy that imposes poverty on workers and toiling masses! - Stop the restart of nuclear plants! No to nuclear plant exports! - Shatter the reinforcement of the authoritative ruling system!
[2] 16000 people rallied against the restart of the Sendai nuclear plant! (A national 'Sayonara Nuke' rally, September 23rd, Tokyo) (pic 1-3) 'No to Japan's nuclear development!' Militant students fought together with workers and people.
[3] Block the new US Marine base construction! Over 6000 people rallied on Henoko beach. (September 23rd) Wide-spread sympathy with militant students of Kengakuren and Zengakuren, fighting in the forefront of the anti-base struggle. On the beach and the sea: protesters were burning with ardour. - Protesters on the beach exchanged fervid yells with students in canoes on the sea. (pic. 4) Workers and residents raised their fists in response to the yells of militant students. - Students of Zengakuren held an independent rally on the beach after the mass rally. (pic. 5) Down with the Abe government by a powerful surge of "struggle against the US-Japan Security Alliance!" - Militant students fought arm in arm with workers and residents. (pic. 6) 'Prevent the construction of a new base in Henoko' A rally was held in solidarity with the struggle in Okinawa. (September 20th Tokyo) - Militant students were marching with workers and people through shopping streets. (pic. 7) - Students called on the participants: 'No to the reinforcement of the US-Japan new military alliance! Down with the Abe government!' (pic. 8) [4] Denounce the US and European imperialists' bombardment of Syria and Iraq! Now is the time to stir up an international antiwar struggle! - Air strikes on Syria: a rapid escalation of the US-led mopping-up operation targeting on IS - The Yankee imperialist state is in frantic efforts to recover its influence - People all over Middle East, unite and arise to oppose the air-raid! [5] The annual recommendation on civil service workers' wages has been made by a government institution: Denounce the recommendation that imposes massive wage cuts on workers! - The recommendation states the revision of monthly wages and bonuses in combination with a 'reworking' of the wage system - Massive and permanent cuts in wages of civil service workers both in local and national governments - The Abe government makes civil service workers pay for the so-called state's financial crisis with the aim of securing a financial basis for a 'militarily strong country' - Do not let the leadership of Jichiro (All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union) bow to the authority's decision and fight against the massive wage cuts! A blatant lie: the boss of the Japan Association of Corporate Executive related the possibility of wage increase for 'maintaining employers' descent life'. However, his real aim is to create a mood favourable for the government to re-increase the consumption tax. [6] The 64th Regular Convention of National Federation of Printing and Publishing Industry Workers' Unions: revealed a crisis in its trade union movement and organization due to the JCP-led executive's misdirection Topics 'Standards for demanding pay rise should not be based on the inflation rate': As prices are said to rise by over 3% this year, the labour aristocrats are frantically seeking reasons for not demanding wage rise [7] The JCP leadership remains silent: A scholar favoured by the JCP has openly stated 'China will collapse before 2017' (?!) [8] A referendum on independent Scotland has shaken Europe 'Radiation causes no harm', the government publicity is a pack of lies TOP |
No. 2337
(September 29th 2014 Issue)
Stop the ultra-reactionary revision of labour laws! - At the request of monopoly capitalists desperate to survive by sacrificing workers - To legalize free dismissals, long working hours and 'zero overtime pay' - Strike back at the offensive! Denounce the degenerate leaderships of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] and the JCP!
[2] 'Prevent the drilling survey into the seabed!' Battles to block the construction of a new US base in Henoko flared up on September 9th - Militant students and people reached and climbed a jack-up barge for the drilling survey (pic 1) Protesters are closing in on the drilling barge; the Coast Guard is trying to suppress their direct action (pic 2) Angry workers and people on the beach are raising their fists towards the barge in solidarity with the protesters on the sea (pic 3) The US army threatened the protesters with a tank near the fence The 137th meeting of the Zengakuren Central Committee held: Sep. 15th - 16th (pic 4) Resolved to crush the ultra-reactionary offensive of the Abe government [3] Stop the deployment of a US X-band radar! No to the construction of a new US base on the headland of Kyogamisaki! Rise in a rally on September 28th! The Marxist Student League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) - the Kansai Regional Committee - The US-Japan governments are frantic to construct a base for an X-band radar. - A rivalry between the US-Japan and China-Russia over hegemony is intensifying in East Asia. - A crisis of the established anti-base movement and a struggle of Zengakuren. - Overcome the JCP-led movement 'against a US X-band radar base' without opposition to the US-Japan Security Alliance [4-5] The JCP leadership approaching 'liberal conservatives' under the banner 'cooperation against Abe's politics ruinous to the nation' The criminal nature of its tactics for 'overthrowing the Abe government' I. Arithmetically combining 'single-issue campaigns' in the name of a 'broad-based cooperation' II. An arbitrary 'analysis of the situation' for attributing Abe's offensives to his 'ambition to restore militarism' III. A hollow cry for the 'overthrow of the government': lacking in working class-based organizing of the Subject of the overthrow - A faint hope of a 'revolt' of liberal conservatives against the 'ultra-right government' - Intentional abandonment of 'opposition to the US-Japan security alliance' - Make no ideological efforts to arm the masses against fascism IV. A further right-wing elaboration on the JCP policy of 'united front' with 'conscientious conservatives' - The utmost degeneration into revised capitalism Tepco [Tokyo Electric Power Co.] shifts responsibility for repeatedly leaking contaminated water onto workers (Part 2) [6] Topics The government plans to help construction companies use cheap, foreign trainees for offsetting labour shortage Denounce the Rengo leadership for supporting another consumption tax hike and corporate tax cuts! The number of deaths and suicides triggered by overwork increasing Definitely no to the lifting of regulations of working hours! [7] Say no to the government's scheme to set up 'special state strategic zones' aimed at harmfully revising labour laws! The reactionary nature of the 'Fukuoka City special zone' plan - A measure to invite overseas venture companies - Intending to cause a breach in the 'bedrock' regulations - 'Start up businesses and create jobs': sophistries to justify the destruction of the worker protection laws - Denounce the Rengo leadership for accepting the 'special strategic zones'! [8] Kaleidoscope - Abe and his ring directing a state-sponsored hate speech against Asahi Shinbun's report on wartime sex slaves - Toshiba's exportation of a nuclear reactor to Bulgaria backed by the US and the Japanese governments - The Abe government employing popular TV drama actors to propagandize the need for patriotic moral education in schools - Shatter the neo-fascist Abe's obscurantist policy!: using entertainment talent for recruiting SDF personnel TOP |
No. 2336
(September 22nd 2014 Issue)
Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!
- Military rivalry intensifying in East Asia between the US-Japan and China-Russia - US and Japanese rulers frantic to build a full-scale offensive and defensive alliance against China - New US-Japan defense cooperation guidelines: aimed to accelerate US and Japanese army integration - Denounce the JCP leadership's total immersion in 'cooperation with conservatives'! - Create a huge current of anti-war, anti-Ampo [US-Japan security alliance] struggle!
(pic 1) Canoeists crossing the cordon with militant students taking the lead (Sep. 9th, Henoko) (pic 2) Dauntlessly fighting to stop the drilling survey; an Osprey hovering in a bid to threaten the canoe flotilla (pic 3) Militant students and citizens closing in on the jack-up barge [4] Denounce the forcible launch of a drilling survey! Block the landfill work for building the new base! Stop the US Marine base construction in Henoko by the power of workers, students and the toiling masses! The JRCL Okinawa Prefectural Committee - 'Block the drilling survey!' A brilliant new chapter being opened by the struggle of the revolutionary left wing - US and Japanese rulers forcibly start new base construction work - The Abe government bent on war preparations jointly with the US against China - Denounce the JCP leadership for abandoning opposition to Ampo [US-Japan security alliance]! Fight the struggle aiming at the removal of all the US bases and the repeal of Ampo treaty! - Create a gigantic swell of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle to overthrow the Abe government! [2] Block the reactivation of the Sendai nuclear plant! Denounce the government's decision to restart the plant! No to the Nuclear Regulation Authority's 'safety approval'! 'Stop the planned deployment of Ospreys in Saga Airport!' Workers, students and residents rise in counterattack: August 30th, Saga, Kyushu (pic 4) Zengakuren Kyushu and antiwar youths appealing to the rally participants to fight against Ampo [5] Tepco [Tokyo Electric Power Co.] shifts responsibility for repeatedly leaking contaminated water onto workers (Part 1) No to the introduction of a 'nuclear version' of theFIT [Feed-in Tariff] system! Shatter a scheme to maintain costly nuclear power generation after the scheduled liberalization of power rates! [6] Topics The Abe government plans to introduce today's version of 'Japanese militarist moral education' Public medical service being destroyed in Osaka by fascist mayor Hashimoto What I felt and realized amidst the March 9th 'Nuclear Zero' action [7] More and more underprivileged people victimized across the country Prior to the reactionary revision of the Livelihood Protection Law [8] My study note 'I felt the young Kuroda's passion for learning!' Impressions on Letters Exchanged between Kan'ichi Kuroda and Tetsuo Tsuji [3] Kaleidoscope - Create a big wave of demonstration against fascism amid the 'sound of the jackboot' approaching! - The spread of dengue fever in 'subtropical' Tokyo: a result of monopoly capitalist destruction of nature rather than the act of Asian tiger mosquitoes - 'Here's a chance for human testing!' Pentagon smiles up its sleeve about Ebola hemorrhagic fever TOP |
No. 2335
(September 15th 2014 Issue)
Advance to the overthrow of the Abe government!
- The launch of Abe's reshuffled Cabinet engulfed in a blaze of anger of workers and the toiling masses - An all-out offensive of the Abe government with an ambition to restore 'militarist Japan' - The danger of a world war amid rivalry between the US-Japan and China-Russia - Denounce the JCP leadership for being immersed in 'cooperation with conservatives'! [2-3] The roar of 'Down with the Abe government' reverberates through the capital An 'Action in Full Force' rally, September 4th, Hibiya Park Tokyo (pic above) Waseda, Kokugakuin and other university students fighting in the forefront of the protesters (in the Ginza district)(pic right) 'Occupy the Jack-up barge!' Sea battles fought to stop the US base construction in Henoko breaking away from the Coast Guard's obstruction : Aug. 26-30th, Okinawa
For the 137th meeting of the Zengakuren Central Committee Fortify the ranks to topple down the Abe government intensifying war preparations! [4] No to the introduction of a 'station district' system planned by the Metropolitan Transport Bureau! - More train station work to be outsourced, big personnel cuts to be carried out - Workers forced to master skills, periodic personnel relocations systemized: with the aim of the destruction of the metropolitan transport trade union - The offensive launched in concert with the Abe government's attack on Jichiro [All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union] - Denounce the degenerate union leadership for yielding to the offensive! [5] A power struggle intensifying within the Beijing bureaucracy: the nature of the Xi Jinping-led 'anti-corruption' campaign - The purge of a 'senior tiger' Zhou Yongkang: Xi's feud with Jiang Zemin's bunch - The dissolution of the 'oil clique', now a huge concession group - Xi's seizure of security organs - Promotion of the 'reform in the military' by means of expelling Xu Caihou from the CPC [6] Keidanren [Japan Business Federation] decides to restart its donations to the LDP Self-Defense Forces in Hokkaido Inviting school children to hands-on experiences of throwing grenades Pressing high schools to help recruitment Topics Zen-Roren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] in confusion over the slogan 'Overthrow the Ave government!' Shaken by the struggle of militant workers and students [8] My study note Stalinist Shigeru Iwasa's 'void' in the review of the post-war controversy over materialist Subjectivity Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly (5) - Tendance CLAIRE du NPA, France - Russian Communist Workers Party - Tyumen Regional Committee, Russia [7] Kaleidoscope - Xi wants the Nanjing Massacre documents on the World Heritage list: Reveal the bureaucratic intentions in fanning anti-Japanese nationalism! - Journalists must conclude 'nondisclosure agreement': restrictions on speech further strengthened in China - Immigration control with a face recognition system now being experimented in airports: No to the strengthening of oppression in the name of public security! Destruction of Japan's agriculture: the Abe government's 'agricultural reform' TOP |
No. 2334
(September 8th 2014 Issue)
No to the setting up of new Guidelines
- Russia's invasion of Ukraine: rivalry intensifying between the US and China-Russia - Denounce the JCP bureaucrats' total immersion in 'cooperation with normal conservatives'! (pic above left) 4,000 workers, students and citizens rallying in Henoko for Okinawa People's Action (Aug. 23rd, in front of the first gate of US Marine Corps Camp Schwab) (pic above right) Militant students striving in the forefront of 4,000 people (pic 1) An urgent protest action held in Tokyo in solidarity with Okinawa People's Action (Aug. 23rd, in front of the PM's Official Residence) [4] Okinawan people's anger explodes August 23rd Block the new US base construction in Henoko! A battle flares up against the US-Japan military alliance with the revolutionary left in the forefront - 'To the Camp Schwab gate!' 4,000 rally for Okinawa People's Action from all over the prefecture - 'Stop the drilling survey!' A huge rally blocks the gate to the construction site - 'Topple down the Abe government!' The distributed leaflet of the JRCL encourages the protesters - Fight to remove all the bases, to renounce the US-Japan Security Treaty! (pic 2) 'Crush the US-Japan military alliance! Remove the US bases!' Thunderous voices resounding throughout the venue (in front of the first gate of Camp Schwab) (pic 3) The rally extending along the road (pic 4) Workers, students and residents cheering for the militants' canoes putting out to sea to check the construction work (in the morning of Aug. 23rd) [2] 'Stop the new US base construction!' 450 workers, students and citizens raise angry fists at the PM's Official Residence: August 23rd, Tokyo (pic 5) Rising up simultaneously with the battle of Henoko The 52nd International Antiwar Assembly Aug. 3rd Regional meetings in Tokai and Hokuriku ![]() 'Now is the time to rise up!' Workers and students of the Tokai Region ardently shouting slogans (Nagoya, Aichi Pref.) ![]() All resolute to spread revolutionary antiwar struggle worldwide (Kanazawa, Ishikawa Pref.) [5] 'Today's version of the past LDP's exclusively defensive security policy' advocated by an ex-JCP bureaucrat Expanding its influence over the JCP organization - 'Society for Effective Use of the Self-Defense Forces': set up to emasculate the conventional 'movement to defend the Constitution' - Quite a number of JCP activists under the influence - 'Japan should cooperate with multinational forces of the Gulf War type': a loud cry of an ex-JCP bureaucrat, Nobuyuki Matsutake - 'A national element within the current Constitution' emphasized by the JCP leadership as 'grounds' for opposing Abe What happens behind the scenes of the JCP's invention of 'a broad-based movement to overthrow the Abe government' [6] Denounce the leadership of Jichiro [All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union] for creating illusions about 'rallying centrists and liberals'! The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee 'Those in arrears with student loans should be sent to the SDF': a business organization leader's outrageous proposal Topics The Abe government attempts to remove restrictions on one-sided dismissals convenient for companies [7] My study note On the 'labour process' in Das Kapital [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly (4) - News and Letters Committees, USA - A World to Win, Britain - Vladimir Pronin, Ukraine [3] Kaleidoscope - The Xi Jinping government bent on getting the Thai military regime on its side in rivalry with Obama's attempt to contain China - The Japanese government plans to establish a space force: designed to build Japan into a 'state capable of waging war with the US' even in space - Fascist Abe desperate to hush up the truth about 'sex slaves' - The consequences of the government's public works projects beneficial for monopoly capitalists: skilled labour shortage - A state project aimed to spread surveillance systems: planned to be introduced in a Fukushima city in the name of postdisaster reconstruction work TOP |
No. 2333
(September 1st 2014 Issue)
Stop another consumption tax increase! - Deindustrialization deepens in the domestic manufacturing industry - 'The Japanese economy is in recovery and on a virtuous cycle': a downright fiction, contrary to people's interest - Smash the 'growth strategy' that demands of workers greater sacrifices! 'Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!'
[2] Denounce the start of the drilling survey of the seabed! Battles to stop the US base construction explode on land and sea: August 17th - 18th August 17th: A fierce battle fought to block the placement of a jack-up barge for the drilling survey (pic 1) Resentful workers and students raising their fists to stop the base construction (in front of the first gate of Camp Schwab) (pic 2) Militants in canoes carrying out direct actions to stop the construction work despite suppression by the Coast Guard August 18th: 400 angry workers, students and residents rise up in action (pic 3) 'Stop the drilling survey!' The canoe flotilla taking to the sea while militant students raising a chorus of yells on the beach (pic 4) Resentful workers and residents assembled at the Camp Schwab gate with Zengakuren in the forefront [3] 'Remove the Futenma Base immediately!' August 13th: ten years after the US helicopter crash on the Okinawa International University campus, right next to US Marine Corps Air Station Futenma (pic 5) Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa International Univ. students, together with militant workers striving in trade unions, fighting for an upsurge of the protest demonstration to the headquarters of the US Forces (in front of the city hall of Ginowan, Okinawa) Zengakuren in the Tokai Region fights against the planned Osprey landing and takeoff training drills near Mt. Fuji: August 18th, Gotenba, Shizuoka Prefecture (pic 6) 'No to the Osprey drills at East-Fuji and North-Fuji training areas!' Zengakuren staging an angry protest with local residents' groups 'Denounce the air strikes on Iraq by US imperialism!' The JRCL propaganda unit evokes a highly favourable response from workers and citizens in front of a busy railway station: Aug. 11th, Hakata, Kyushu [4-5] Rightish repair work given on the 'course of action' under the cover of the slogan 'Stop Abe's reckless politics' The anti-proletarian nature of the new line adopted by Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] I. An unprecedented 'rebellion' raised by the Kanagawa branch: throwing the regular convention into utter confusion - Voices of dissatisfaction burst out: rank-and-file members moved by the recent fights of the revolutionary left - 'Achieve the goal of expanding the organization!': an empty cry of the leadership II. A desire to expand 'collaboration with conscientious conservative forces': a mere daydream - The policy of the leadership to 'overthrow the Abe government': in disregard for organizing the class Subject of the overthrow - Lacking in the working class sense of crisis about neo-fascism - 'Struggle against revision of the Constitution': with no opposition to the US-Japan military alliance - The alternative proposal of a 'sound development of the Japanese economy': incompatible with the working people's interests [6] No to the massive personnel cut accompanying the integration of two types of post office windows! Decontamination workers' health certificates conveniently forged for employers: an unpardonable reality of a Fukushima nuclear disaster-stricken area Topics Real wages drop sharply: a 3.8 % decrease from a year earlier Absolutely no to another consumption tax hike that drives workers and people into increased poverty!
[7] The 52nd International Antiwar Assembly, Aug. 3rd Regional Meetings in Kansai and Hokkaido (pic 7) Workers and students in Kansai, full of fighting spirit, establish a foothold for revolutionary antiwar struggle (pic 8) A declaration of a battle to overthrow the Abe government made: Hokkaido [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly (3) - Russian Party of Communists, Russia - DIE LINKE , Germany - Lewisham People Before Profit, Britain - Union Pacifiste de France, France - Larisa Babienko, Russia TOP |
No. 2332
(August 25th 2014 Issue)
Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!
- The Abe government frightened by the dauntless people's struggles in Okinawa: now frantic to suppress the protests by force - New US-Japan Defense Guidelines: for the full-scale building of an offensive and defensive alliance against China - New rivalry between the US-Japan and China-Russia intensifying - Denounce the JCP leadership for abandoning opposition to the US-Japan military alliance!
Denounce the air strikes on Iraq by US imperialism! [4] We denounce the mass murder of Palestinians by the Israeli government! No to the US bombing of Iraq! All the Muslims of the world! Now is the time to rise up in a united fight against US imperialism, against Zionism, going beyond borders and sectarian antagonism! - Don't let the Netanyahu government continue the massacre of Hamas and Gazans! - Rulers of Egypt and Saudi Arabia lend a helping hand to Zionists - Let us stand up in solidarity with fighting Palestinians! Zengakuren rise up in action to denounce the US bombing of Iraq (pic 1) Zengakuren balling up their angry fists at the US Embassy (Aug. 11th, in front of the US Embassy building, Tokyo) (pic 2) Militant students fighting despite the rain against the US air attacks on Iraq (Aug. 10th, in front of the US Consulate in Nagoya) [2-3] Actions on land and sea to stop the Henoko base construction 'Don't let them anchor buoys for suppressing protests!' Workers and people of Okinawa rise up in protest action with Zengakuren at the forefront: August 14th - 16th
August 14th: The canoe unit drives the defense authorities to suspend the setting of buoys (pic 3) Workers, students and residents blocking the vehicles to stop them from carrying in construction materials (Aug. 14th, at the main gate of Camp Schwab) August 15th: The canoe unit fights on, despite outrageous detentions by the Coast Guard August 16th: Indignation spreads all over the islands of Okinawa against the Abe government's outrage (pic 4) Angry workers, students and citizens descending on Camp Schwab (Aug. 16th, at Camp Schwab) (pic 5) Militant students in canoes confronting Coast Guards to protest against the resetting of a floating pier by the defense authorities (Aug. 11th, off the coast of Henoko) 'Stop the construction vehicles carrying in equipment!' Workers, students and residents of Okinawa form a scrum at a gate of Camp Schwab:July 28th - 30th - Zengakuren Okinawa, together with delegates from all over Japan, takes the lead in the struggle - Protest boats and canoes courageously strive amid severe suppression by the Coast Guard - Let us spread the struggle against the US-Japan military alliance throughout the country! Overthrow the Abe government! (pic 6) Fighting to stop the construction vehicles (July 29th) (pic 7) 'Remove the fence!' Raging voices resounding at the erecting of a temporary fence to hinder protests (July 29th, at the main gate of Camp Schwab) (pic 8) Students and workers sitting down in the road to block lorries (July 28th, in front of the US base) 'No to the port call of the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George Washington!' Zengakuren Kyushu fights with local trade union members on the site of the port call: August 1st - 2nd, Sasebo, Kyushu (pic 9) 'No to the port call of the USS George Washington!' (Aug. 1st, near Sasebo Port) (pic 10) 'Down with the US-Japan military alliance!' 1,000 students and workers in a rally (Aug. 2nd, in the city centre of Sasebo)
[7] The 52nd International Antiwar Assembly, Aug. 3rd Regional meetings in Okinawa and Kyushu (pic 11) Workers and students of Okinawa declaring resolves to stop the boring survey for the US base construction (pic 12) 'Stop the deployment of the Osprey in Saga Airport!' 'For a further upsurge of revolutionary antiwar struggle!' Militant workers and students of Kyushu expressing their determination [5] Stop the Abe government's neo-fascist plot to introduce today's version of the 'government-approved textbook system'! I. The Education Ministry forces textbook publishing companies to adopt the government's view of the Senkaku [Diaoyu] Islands and Takeshima [Dokdo Island] II. Textbooks to be decided ineligible if carrying descriptions that run counter to 'patriotism' III. All the four companies adopt the government's view in their social studies textbooks for use in elementary schools - 'No territorial issue exists over the Senkakus': identical descriptions taken by the textbook companies - Covering up the massacre of Chinese people by the Japanese military IV. A reactionary revision in the school textbook adoption system - Stop the strengthening of 'patriotic education' by the Abe government! [6] For a creative achievement of the 2014 Zenkyo [All-Japan Council of Teachers' and Staffs' Unions] Education Research Meeting! Say 'No' to the Abe government's scheme to promote 'patriotic education'! Education Workers Committee Topics The draft criteria for minimum wage increases fall far short of price hikes: the recent report from the government's Minimum Wage Council [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly (2) - FLTI (Fraccion Leninista Trotskysta Internacional - Collective for the Fourth International), with a salute from the WIL (Workers International League) of Zimbabwe - EEK (Workers Revolutionary Party), Greece - United Progressive Party, South Korea - Russian Communist Workers Party - Sverdlovsk Regional Committee, Russia TOP |
No. 2331
(August 11th 2014 Issue)
The 52nd International Antiwar Assembly: a big success
- Voices of denunciation raised against the Israeli invasion of Gaza - Stand together to stop a world war breaking out! Fight against warmongering between the US-Japan and China-Russia!: the keynote address - 'Disclose the falsity of nationalism fanned by rulers!' - International solidarity developing worldwide: messages from abroad - 'We've been blocking the buoys put down, forestalling the boring survey in Henoko' (the Zengakuren Secretary): firm resolves expressed from both the student and labour fronts for advancing antiwar struggles - Stop the new US base construction in Henoko! Let us advance antiwar struggles!
Zengakuren calls workers and citizens to participate in the Antiwar Assembly: August 1st, Tokyo (pic 1) Militant students calling people to denounce the Israeli aggression against Gaza and take part in the Antiwar Assembly (in front of Takada-no-baba Station, Tokyo) [2] Denounce the Israeli invasion of Gaza! Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students fight with workers and citizens in urgent actions called by peace organizations: July 20th, Kobe and Osaka (pic 2) 'Denounce the massacre of Palestinians by the Netanyahu government!' Demonstrators' voices resound through the shopping arcade (in Kobe) (pic 3) Making a storm of protest in front of the Israeli consulate general (in Kobe) (pic 4) Militant students in the forefront of the public relations activity despite the heavy rain (in Osaka) No to the introduction of F-35 stealth fighter jets into the Air Self-Defense Force! [4-5] Chukakuha remnants' attempt to stay in existence based on what they call 'district-based unions' Expose its nature against the working class! [6] The Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] leadership appeals to the neo-fascist government for its participation in the planning process of the 'Japan Revitalization Strategy' A reactionary revision of the board of education system: approved by the Diet Stop the strengthening of state control over education! Topics Japan's poverty rate turns out the worst ever for four consecutive years [7] 'I won't blame the company for my possible death...': workers from the Philippines coerced into giving written promises to the company Absolutely no to the 'using up' of migrant workers by unscrupulous companies! The Abe government bent on joint developments and worldwide exports of weapons Exportation of Patriot anti-aircraft missile parts to the US decided in the Japanese NSC Tanka poems On notes left behind by Hisao Kimura, a conscripted student of philosophy, who was executed as a war criminal after WWII [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly (1) - Revolutionary Marxists in Britain - Russian Communist Workers Party, Russia - Faridabad Workers Newspaper, India - Workers World Party, USA - David McReynolds, USA [3] Kaleidoscope - Argentine's 'default': another trouble for US imperialism - Uighurs' resentful revolts against the Xi-led Chinese government - Another crime of the Abe government: covering up radioactive contamination caused by the removal work of nuclear plant demolition debris - The Defense Ministry seeking to promote the development of military robots under the pretext of 'Reconstruction of Fukushima' Notice: There will be no issue next week. No. 2332 will appear on August 25th. TOP |