Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation |
Stop Imperialist America's Warmongering - The Afghan War protracted - The Bush administration rushing to aggression against Iraq - For international antiwar struggles! Solidarity with the people all over the world! [2] Zengakuren struggled against the dispatch of SDF troops to East Timor - Okinawa Kengakuren demonstrated at the GSDF Naha Base, 3 Mar. - Zengakuren Hokkaido protested against the advance dispatch from the ASDF Chitose Base, 2 Mar. Zengakuren extra national convention to be held in Tokyo - Under war: Now is the time to prove the worth of the revolutionary student movement! - Establish a guideline for struggles! Build a powerful leadership board! [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - Ex-Minister Tanaka should have worn wartime work pants before she felt anybody was stepping on her coattails: Koizumi. - The 'straight Japanese nationalist' vs. the 'US-patronized conservative': contradictions revealed within the ultra-nationalists over their responses to the September 11th. - The Chinese statistics with a raised bottom: realities behind the 'economic high growth' [4] Spring Offensive 2002 NTT Workers' Union: no demand nor struggle in the leading policy for spring offensives Denounce the central leadership helping the wage cuts and the '110,000 restructuring'! - Full co-operation with the managerial in restructuring 110,000 workers under the pretext of 'securing jobs' - Denounce their abandonment of wage hike demands for two consecutive years! - Expose deceptions in their policy for 'secured jobs'! - Never allow the NTT Workers' Union to be enmeshed into the corporate organization! [5] Confederation of Automobile Workers' Unions: the central leadership fully co-operative to survival plans for auto monopolies Expose deceptions with their 'demand for 1000-yen raise'! - Proposal of 'a spring offensive for lasting development of the company' - 'Job security' policies for supporting the major restructuring - Tricks with the 'wage hike demands under the adverse wind' - Deceptive 'demands for a suitable wage level to the highly value-added productivity' - Never allow them to victimize workers for 'securing the competitiveness'! [6] Stop the Tokyo Prefectural Board of Education from introducing a new hierarchical system! - Introduction of 'a position for leading and supervision' - Shatter the neo-fascistic reorganization of education! - Fight by transcending official leaders who accept the ministry's plan for 'education reform'! [7] The Feb. 22nd Railway accident in Kyushu The accident was caused by the congested train schedule and the intensified labour by the JR Kyushu management: Never allow them to shift the responsibility to the driver! - The deceptive announcement by the management - Denounce the management imposing a strict observation to the congested schedule! [8] Nachdenken and the praxical tachiba Letters on the Beginning of the End Letters from readers of K. Kuroda's Life and His Works TOP |
Stop Emergency Legislation! Overcome the SDPJ- / JCP-led peace movements degenerated into the 'defence of the fatherland' position!- The Koizumi government bent on emergency legislation 'against armed attacks' - US-Japan joint operating systems for aggressive war being strengthened - No emergency legislation! No revision of the Constitution! Stop expansion of the 'antiterrorism' war! Build a broad front of opposition! [2] ![]() - Students and workers demonstrate against drills in the snow under war 17 Feb. (Photo left). No subcritical nuclear test - Zengakuren Tokai protested on US / UK consulates in Nagoya 15 Feb. Okinawa: Massive waist oil found, dumped by US Forces - US Military disregards protests, using the SOFA for justification. A mysterious 'missile rocket' against a US base - A state conspiracy with 'leftist radicals' as tools for oppressing opposition movements [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - The 'Office of Strategic Influence' for lying. - More than Hitler: US patriotism in Salt Lake City. - The tango crisis: condor funds. [4-5] Chukakuha remnants dying - Mess over the September 11th - Confession of the bankruptcy - To the end [6] Labour Front National Meeting for Educational Research sponsored by JCP-led teachers unions: Stormy criticisms exploded against the central leadership stressing the need 'to cooperate with governmental editorial boards' - Central leaders trying to escape voices against the Afghan bombing - Yielding to government-sponsored educational trainings. - Stormy criticisms and disagreements against central leaders following the JCP central. Increasing number of pupils in arrears with their school meal charge. - Sacking and lower pay hit workers' families. Topics: 'Accept unemployment rate over 10 % and wage cuts by 25%', voiced the head of electric workers' unions. [7] Ikegai Corp. failed: a wily bankruptcy for sacking - All sacked, with only 10% redundancy pay - The Rengo-affiliated JAM leadership accepted the sacking. - Never allow leaders of the JCP-affiliated minor union to reduce the struggle into a campaign to collect supports from communities! A peace movement group led by Krushchevites: casts abusive words to the September 11th attacks - 'A challenge against anti-globalization movement'? - Depending on just 'humanity', instead of the socialist USSR. - Slanders with no consideration of terrorism. [8] Reading a book on the Kobe Incident - 'It's a state conspiracy of the century': simply copied from the conscientious civic group. - And, for leading to a different conclusion. Letters from readers of K. Kuroda's Life and His Works TOP |
Angry waves surged up ![]() - 19 Feb. Students' sit-in around the Diet Building against Bush's speech to MPs. (Photo below) - Expand international antiwar struggles over the world! Media reports aljazeera: 1 / AP: 1 Reuters: 1 2 3 / BBC: 1 Reuters: 1 2 ![]() [2] No Bush! Nation-wide calls. 17 Feb. - Okinawa: Kengakuren protested at a US Consulate, also expressing their resolution against a new US Marine base. - Osaka: Zengakuren Kansai demonstrated at a US Consulate, against Bush-Koizumi meeting. Protest against a US military plane using a civilian airport - Zengakuren Hokkaido picketed, together with workers from trade unions. 5 Feb. Waseda University: Break oppressions on student activities under the war! - Conferences of class representatives held by self-governing associations at faculties, as a regular convention held by the Waseda union of student circles. [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - Deideologization: dollars for US presence in the Central Asia. - Renewal of war beautification by ultranationalist narcissists - 25 drums of water leaked from nuclear facilities. [4-5] For an antiwar spring offensive in opposition to degeneration into a labour movement supporting the war order 1. Spring offensive 2002 under the war of aggression 2. Storms of restructuring 3. A drastic change in the civil service system planned under war 4. Fight against labour movement's degeneration into one supporting the war order! - JTU has scrapped its slogan "Never send our pupils again to war!" - Jichiro leaders are scheming to change the public workers' union into a body for community service. - Overcome Zentei leaders' 'policy proposing' campaign to mobilize postal workers for crisis control [6] An annual report on labour by the Federation of Employers' Associations: imposing lower wages and major restructurings in the name of 'work sharing' 1. Declaration for Japan's 'survival' through victimization of workers 2. Justification of lower wages named 'emergency evacuation' 3. Too Arrogant a proposal for 'job security' 4. Trends towards a military breakthrough of the crisis [7] Leaders of the Tokyo Prefectural Workers' Unions betrayed a strike for its annual autumn offensive! - Accepted the introduction of performance-based pay - The Unions' Chairman pledged 'cooperation' to Governor Ishihara - Our colleagues struggled for a militant upsurge of the offensive [8] Letters from readers: on The Beginning of the End - 'Realized the significance of the September 11th attacks' - 'The new century opened with the roaring flames' From a leader of K. Kuroda's Life and His Works - 'Touched with Kuroda's humanity welling up from the 'depth of darkness' TOP |
Zengakuren struggle ![]() - Zengakuren protested at both embassies in Tokyo (15 Feb) Fire at Onagawa Nuclear Plant: a dangerous accident - Zengakuren protested in front of the ministry (10 Feb) Kokugakuin University - Kokugakuin Union of Cultural Circles decided its protests against the arrests of students activists. (30 Jan) [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - Patriots: parasites on military-industrial complexes. - Tanaka vs. Suzuki - Sharon: 20 years after the massacres in Lebanon - Rogue's logic: detainees are not POWs. - IR systems: surveillance for political control [4] Win a militant upsurge of the Spring Offensive 2002! Denounce the Rengo leadership leading no struggles for 'either wages or job'! 1. Massive job cuts and stormy wage cuts 2. Rengo leaders are accepting wage cuts imposed on the pretext of 'job'. 3. They are just asking the government and capitalists to introduce 'work sharing'. Number of job cuts Toshiba: 20,000 (for reorganization of semiconductor factories) / Fujitsu: 22,000 (including factories abroad) / Hitachi: 16,350 (for 25% cut in stock) / NEC: 19,000 (for retreat from DRAM) / Fuji Electric: 1,500 / Kansai Electric Power: 3,000 (due to declining demand) [5] Reorganization of intelligence apparatuses over the US and Japan revealed: a plan 'to release Kobe Shonen A in spring' and its meaning - 'Should I leave my life as it is?' He seems to think. - Moves to his release and a drastic reorganization of the intelligence world over the US and Japan [6] JTU National Conference of Education Research 'No Revision of the Fundamental Law of Education! Stop Japan Joining the War!' Militant workers struggle to overcome the patriotic degeneration - 'You are sending your pupils to battle fields again!' Militant and conscientious workers denounced the leadership. - The central leaders met angry voices critical of their assistance to the planned revision of the Fundamental Law - Leaders yielding to the propaganda that attributes the declining ability of kids to the JTU - In opposition to the leaders' scheme to join the Union's movement of the Conference into government-sponsored training seminars - The leadership criticised for leaking materials to reactionary journalism [7] Smash the major restructuring through introduction of 'a new system for collection and delivery'! Denounce the leadership for co-operating with the Agency! Win a upsurge of the Spring Offensive 2002! JRCL Postal Workers' Committee - Demands for higher wages abandoned by leaders of Zentei [Postal Workers' Union]- Never let them introduce the 'work sharing' - Denounce the central leadership accepting 'a new system for collection and delivery'! - Criticize the leadership indulged in legislative work to keep the public status of postal service! - Create antiwar struggles in opposition to the leadership joining the chorus for 'antiterrorism'! Sanyo Electric - The trade union reorganized in accordance with the corporation's transformation into a holding company Topics Government's Monthly Economic Report: bankruptcies, unemployment, wage cuts ... [8] The Japanese imperialist economy in a deepening crisis 2. Contradictions caused by capitalist breakthroughs of the recession (continued from the previous issue) - Impeding bankruptcies threatening financial monopolies - Collapse of the Japanese economic system 3 Revealed limitations of fiscal / financial policies TOP |
Stop Warmonger Bush's Visit to Japan! - The Bush administration shouting for war on 'an axis of evil' - American rulers irritated at a backlash by China and Russia The Koizumi Government: Actively Responding to America's Extension of the War No to US Military Attacks on Iraq! Stop Bush Visiting Japan! Join a Fight against Bush in Tokyo! - 23 Jan. Students from Kagoshima Univ. fought at a local port to stop US forces from unloading munitions. - 27 Jan. A militant demonstration by the Zengakuren inspired a regional Rengo-sponsored rally of protest with 10000 workers. - 31 Jan. Militant students propagandized at a local trade union rally. - 1 Feb. Zengakuren students fought at the gate of the manoeuvring field. [3]
1200 workers gathered for a militant
of the Spring Offensive 2002 |
Stop Bush's Visit to Japan! The sole superpower of militarist America expanding its 'war on terrorism' and the danger of a Fifth Middle East War- Imperialist America rushing to the 'second phase of war on terrorism' - Iran and Iraq: seeking for an anti-American coalition - The 'international coalition against terrorism' getting out of step - Stop Bush's visit to Japan [2] Block the second dispatch of SDF troops! Stop imperialist America extending the war of aggression! Stop Japanese troops from joining the war! No to the emergency legislation! No to the Constitutional revision! - The Koizumi government showing positive responses to imperialist America extending the 'war on terrorism' - Stop the second dispatch of SDF troops! Stop Bush's visit to Japan! [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - Karzai: only a male geisha - The JCP statement on the 'suspicious vessel' issued for the first time a month after the incident - The key man erased: Enron. - Mt. Pinatubo to rage again [4] Smash the neo-fascistic reorganization of central / local systems of the civil service 1. A civil service system to support the 'wartime order' 2. 'Structural reform' for saving the state from a crisis 3. Denounce the central leadership of Jichiro union yielding to the scheme! - Overthrow the leadership stained with dirty money! - Fight against the reorganization of civil service systems! [5] JRCL slogans for the special convention of Juchiro union [All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union'] - Never allow the leaders to cover up the scandal with the 'Final Report' and the 'Revival Plan'! - Overthrow the central leadership trying a self-justification of the dirty money. - Advance antiwar struggles against the Afghan war and the emergency legislation! - Smash the civil service reform to produce servants for the state! - Build a fighting board of leadership! Win a militant revival of Jichiro! * Jichoro held a two-day special convention in January in the wake of a tax evasion scandal involving former executives and the revelation of massive off-the-book debts. [6] Denounce the frequent occurrence of railway sabotage in JR Hokkaido! - 90 stones put on the rails in broad daylight: showing a state conspiracy - Railway sabotage escalated under the 'war' - The JR Hokkaido Workers' Union leadership praising the company's safety measures: Organize a struggle against railway sabotage! Topics record worse rate of unemployment 5.6 % [7] American imperialism rushing to the development and increase of nuclear power plants - Bush's new program for national energy - A plan to mobilize Freanch, British, and Japanese nuclear technologies Usec followers in Japan: shuddered by the September 11 - 'The anti-globalization campaign was damaged'? A temper with no reason. - A criminal condemnation based on the criterion of 'democracy and human rights' - Degenerate Trotskyists taking up a violent aspect and hate it. [8] What I thought through reading Kuroda's 'Ethic and Logic for the Subject of Organizing (Continued) |
Zengakuren Demonstrated 20-21 Jan. in Tokyo Regional demonstrations against the Afghanistan Reconstruction Conference - 19 Jan., Osaka: Students' protests at the prefectural LDP office and the US Consulate - 21 Jan., Kanazawa: At the prefectural LDP office. Condemn the reactionary judge! - The Osaka High Court dismissed the damage suit against the government for the mistaken arrest of a Kobe Univ. student. Whither Shonen A?: reorganization of the CIA revealing - 'Something that disgusts' Shonen A (Youth A) of the Kobe incident. - 'No choice other than killing him', cried a commentator. - Discarding state tools as the user reorganized [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - Enron: What next? - China's new paper for 'class research': 5 classes and 10 strata, 'upper' from the 'lowest'. - Who is bugging the Chinese leadership? - A series of bomb incidents that was not reported before a homeless man was injured. [4] Stop the Media Control Bills! 1. The Koizumi government scheming three bills to control the media 2. A betty-bourgeois opposition proposing a 'third-party commission' - 'Independent citizens' or 'the nation subject to the state': a fallacious alternative - 'The state' vs. a 'citizen-based community': idealistic contraposition - A 'third-party commission' as a 'force of civil self-governance'? - Empty cries for 'independence of journalists' [5] For the Zenkyo National Conference for Educational Research Overcome the current movement for a 'school making based on participation and co-operation'! JRCL Education Workersf Committee - The Zenkyo leadership following the JCP central bureaucrats who help the war participation- Abandoning fights against the planned revision of the Fundamental Law of Education - A 'school making truly opened': yielding to the education ministry - Never allow the national conference for educational research to degenerate into one for the 'educational reform' JRCL propaganda in the Zenkyo conference - Supportive responses expanding among members of the union * Zenkyo: the JCP-led teachers' union as opposed to the social-democratic JTU. [6] Absorption of a union-sponsored conference of educational research into a government-sponsored conference in the name of 'open conference' This is the e'Kawasaki Conference for Educational Research' sponsored by the Kawasaki City Board of Education! - Kawasaki Teachers Union ends a union-sponsored conference for educational research - Never allow leaders to scrap JTU-sponsored conferences! Topics: JTU-patronized scholars developing an argument for 'reform in school management' [7] On the Islamic fundamentalist movement (Continued from the previous issue) 2. How we should point limitations of fundamentalist forces for Islam - Reasons why they do not seek to organize the poor, working people - On terrorism [8] From a reader of K. Kuroda's Life and His Works - I wish to have Kuroda's passion for revolutionizing praxis TOP |
Join Workers' Meeting of Anger on Feb 3rd ! - Never allow the Rengo leadership to help the major restructuring! - Fight back against the worst offensive of wage cuts! - Stop introduction of a 'Japanese-type work-sharing'! - Fight Spring Offensive 2002 under the 'antiwar' banner! [2] Waseda Univ. students won a historic case! The Tokyo High Court ordered Waseda University to pay for secretly handing the police a list of students who attended a 1998 lecture by Chinese President Jiang Zemin for 'security'. ![]() - Voices surging against the reactionary school authorities and police oppressing students' activities - A new horizon opened for students' fight against the reactionary reorganization of the University - No to the emergency legislation planned by the Koizumi government! Stop Monju from resuming operation! - 8 Dec., Tsuruga City, Militant students demonstrated against the dangerous nuclear reactor together with 700 workers and residents. (Photo right). An all-campus meeting against the war at Aichi Univ. 14 Dec - Attended by many students and teachers, leaving their lessons - With an antiwar student strike decided by a 500-attended general student convention [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - The truth of the 'pretzel scare' - A double-standard for POWs - Commentary on Enron's bankruptcy [4-5] The end of the Pax Americana and Islam's challenge (Continued from the previous issue) 5. The Islamic idea of 'holy war' - The meaning of the 'present-day jihad' - Islam and terrorism 6. Islam and Marxism: a key ideological issue in the 21st century Warmest greetings to the JRCL-RMF from an Argentine-based militant Trotskyist organization (COTP-CI) ... we knew about your revolutionary action together with the zengakuren, fighting to prevent the Japanese warships from sailing to attack the Afghan nation, and this filled us of joy. We particularly commend your internationalist struggle against your own imperialism, and the principled and revolutionary statement on the Stalinist traitors and the workersEaristocracy .... we will move for the urgent call for an International Conference of the principled Trotskysts and the internationalist revolutionaries, ... the Argentine proletariat and popular masses have been many times next to kick it down but for the treason of their leadership and the blind alleys .... [6] Stop introduction of a new hierarchical system in schools! - Teachers to be obliged to go 'training for voluntary social service' - 'Chief teachers' to be named directly by a prefectural board of education - A new post to build a hierarchical system - The JTU leadership assisting offensives for more intensified management of labour A regular convention of the Hokkaido Prefectural Office Workers Union: rank-and-file members exploding their angers against the corruption of the national Jichiro leadership - 'No to bombings of Afghanistan!' voiced one after another - A stormy denunciation to the revealed embezzlement by national Jichiro leaders - Angers exploded against the leadership accepting the Governor's plan of restructuring Topics: Rengo President Sasamori accepts the 7 % cuts in wages. [7] On the Islamic fundamentalist movement 1. How we felt the September 11th 2. How we should point limitations of fundamentalist forces for Islam - 'Bin Laden does not distinguish between the US government and the people'? - How we should take the fundamentalist political movement for Islam - Their 'jihad' theory: that against 'external enemies' and against 'internal enemies' (continued) [8] New Year greetings from the Tokyo District Workers Conference - For antiwar waves from local districts in spite of JCP central bureaucrats helping the war! Reading Kuroda's Topos and Praxis - I've heard outcries of his indomitable spirit From readers of K. Kuroda's Life and His Works TOP |
Spring Offensive 2002 under 'War and Recession' JRCL Central Workers Orgburo 1. The 21st century world under war clouds expanding and Spring Labour Offensive 20022. Drastic changes in the Japanese class situation - The government and ruling class intensifying reactionary offensives and the works exposed to a storm of restructuring - Degradation of labour movement to that supporting a 'wartime order' and revolutionary workers' struggles against it 3. In opposition to the war-assisting 'Industrial Patriotic' Movement! Advance an antiwar / spring offensives! - For regeneration of the selves as revolutionary workers! [3] No to the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan's Reconstruction! - The Koizumi government hosting the International Conference on Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan following its participation in the war: an attempt to display its 'political power' - The US and the UK: scheming to make a puppet government. [4-5] The end of the Pax Americana and Islam's challenge 1. The empire shot through the heart by the 'jihad' 2. The 'asymmetrical war' endless 3. The root cause of 'anti-American jihad' 4. A challenge to the civilization of Americanism - Falsehood of the 'civilized society' - An extremity of capital's civil-ization - the imposed 'civilization' and the revolt against it (Continued) [6] Resolutions for New Year expressed by JRCL constituents: No. 3 ![]() - Heavy Industrial Workers' Committee - Social Welfare Service Workers' Committee - Small Enterprise-Employed Workers' Committee From Antiwar Workers' Council in Eastern Kanagawa Interviewing the Zengakuren Chairman [7] 9 Dec. JRCL Public Political Meeting in Hokkaido Region - 400 workers and students came together. Nation-wide students' protests against the shooting of a 'suspected' vessel - 25 Dec. Osaka, against the LDP Osaka office.(Photo right) - 23 Dec. In front of the regional LDP office. From readers of K. Kuroda's Life and His Works * Touched with Kuroda's 'leap at the risk of life * Resolution coming out to build the future together with comrades TOP |
Stop American Imperialism Denounce the JCP leadership keeping silence at the incident! Fight in opposition to their degeneration to the position of 'defence of the fatherland'! JRCL Central Student Orgburo ![]() - A scramble was exercised against a 'suspected' vessel - A 'Basic Law of Security' is schemed for emergency legislation 2. The Bush administration preparing to extend the 'war on terrorism' and scheming to divide between Russia and China - Warmongering in the entire Islamic world, defining it as 'asymmetrical war' - 'Antiterrorist' co-operation with China and Russia along with conflicts behind the scene - Collapsed official peace movement and struggles of the revolutionary left ![]() - Denounce the JCP central bureaucrats degraded to a 'complement to the war of aggression' - Build an antiwar, anti-Security treaty, anti-neofascist reaction front [3] Nation-wide students' protests against the shooting of a 'suspected' vessel - 23 Dec., Tokyo, in front of the Prime Minister's Official Residence - 23 Dec., Nagoya, against the local coast guard office (Photo right, local students reading their statement before an officer). - 23 Dec., Kagoshima, local students in front of the very 10th Regional Maritime Safety Headquarters (Photo above) [4] Criticism of the Rengo vision of 'welfare-type society centred around labour': a proposal to go on sweating workers before their deaths 1. Assistance to the war of aggression - In opposition to the Rengo leadership shouting 'anti-terrorist' slogans, struggles from below exploding - Giving acquittal to monopoly capitalist restructuring and shifting the responsibility onto the 'terrorist attacks' - Pledging loyalty to the monopoly capitalists 2. Fallacy of the 'welfare-type society centred around labour' - What is the 'welfare-to-be' in the midst of financial crisis - Costly 'provision of the 'sense of safety' - neglect of sacked workers - Imposition of 'staged retirement' on workers and harsh treatments of aged people 3. Reasoning with west European-type social democracy - 'Workers' direct participation' following after the Japanese managerial model - Incorporation of trade unions into corporate organizations - Reinforcing the idea of class collaboration based on the negation of 'class contradiction' [6-7] Resolutions for New Year expressed by JRCL constituents: No. 2 - Tokai Regional Committee - Hokuriku Regional Committee - Kyushu Regional Committee - Education Workers Committee - Postal Workers Committee - Metal Workers Committee - Chemical Workers Committee [8] Condemn Kanagawa Prefectural Police arresting a student activist! - Denounce framing up a 'bodily injury' case! - Wide-ranging students, teachers, and intellectuals standing in protest Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Works - Taught 'We are with colleagues' TOP |