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No. 2300
(January 1st 2014 Issue)
Build a battle front against the all-out neo-fascist offensive!
I Denounce the forcible enactment of the secrecy protection and other reactionary laws by the Abe-government! II An all-out attack launched to restore militarist Japan amid rivalry between the US and China III The intensifying confrontation between the US and China/Russia and the convulsion of the contemporary world IV Overcome the degenerate leaderships of the official opposition movement! Fight for the building of an anti-fascist united battle front! V Let us make a great leap forward as a genuine vanguard party! [4] ‘I myself must build a new party right from the outset’, I resolved: A message from Comrade Yoshikawa to the Dec. 8th JRCL public political meeting [5] A special report to the JRCL political meeting: Lessons from the 1961-62 struggle against US and USSR nuclear testing Hajime Domon - Overcoming mass-movementism - Our struggle to develop a mass movement against USSR nuclear testing - Intensive internal theoretical struggles to overcome the ‘two deviations’ - The epochal significance of Comrade Kuroda’s article carried in The Student Front, No. 2 [6-7]
[8-9] Down with the Abe government bent on strengthening the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system! I The revolutionary left opens up a new chapter in the class struggle in Japan II The Abe government rapidly strengthening the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system A. Rivalry between the US and China, both suffering wounds from head to foot B. Abe’s coercive enforcement of his strategy for restoring militarist Japan III Build up an anti-fascist battle front! A. The official leaderships blocking the working class from arming itself against fascism B. What must we do as a revolutionary vanguard? [10-11] New Year’s resolutions - The Okinawa Prefectural Committee - The Tokai Regional Committee - The Hokuriku Regional Committee - The Education Workers Committee - The Postal Workers Committee - The Chemical Industrial Workers Committee - The Electric Industrial Workers Committee [12] Battles in 2013
Okinawa people’s anger explodes at the forced deployment of Ospreys Aug. 3rd, Nodake, Okinawa Indignant fighters raising their fists as an Osprey comes flying to the Futenma Base Aug. 5th, Nodake Gate, Futenma, Okinawa ‘Block the US Futenma Base!’ Zengakuren fighting fiercely Apr. 28th, Ginowan Marine Park, Okinawa JRCL’s revolutionary appeal inspires more than ten thousand workers, students and residents rallying against the ‘Sovereignty Restoration Day’ ceremony Stop the secrecy protection bill! Red-hot battles fought in front of the Diet Building Dec. 5th Zengakuren fighting in the forefront to denounce the railroading of the legislation in the Upper House Special Committee Dec. 6th, around 10 pm ‘Stop the vote!’ ‘Down with the Abe government!’ Workers, students and citizens’ indignant voices resound before the Upper House plenary session The JRCL public political meeting achieves great success The 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction Feb. 10th, Tokyo Revolutionary workers and students rally to pledge another huge leap forward in the anti-Stalinist revolutionary movement No to the restart of nuclear plants! No to nuclear development! A storm of protest blows up all over the country March 23rd, Fukushima ‘Decommission all nuclear plants!’ 7,000 workers, students and residents gather two years after the disaster Jun. 2nd, Shiba Park, Tokyo Militant students uplifting the ‘Sayonara to the Nuke’ rally Oct. 13th, in front of the Diet Building Students hoisting banners ‘Denounce contaminated water leaks from Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant!’ ‘No to nuclear development!’ Apr. 28th, Harajuku, Tokyo Zengakuren helmeted fighters marching in high spirits TOP |
No. 2299
(December 23rd 2013 Issue)
- The meeting filled with the excitement of the five-day battle against the state secrets bill - Build a battle front against the all-out neo-fascist offensive of the Abe government!: the keynote address - A moving message from Comrade Yoshikawa: Having met Comrade Kuroda, I resolved that I myself would build a revolutionary organization, not simply participate in it - The great significance of the 1961-62 struggle against US and USSR nuclear testing: special report by Comrade Domon - High-spirited resolves expressed by a worker comrade and the chairman of Zengakuren
[2-3] 'Down with the Abe government!' Fiery battles fought across the country to stop the secrets bill: Nov. 30th - Dec. 7th Nagoya, Tokai Region Dec. 6th Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. students fighting in the van of 4,000 workers and citizens' demonstration (pic 1) Dec. 5th Raising angry fists in front of the local LDP Office (pic 2) Dec. 6th Nagoya Univ. students holding a campus march (pic 3) Kanazawa, Hokuriku Region Dec. 5th Kanazawa Univ. students alerting their schoolmates on campus (pic 4) Kagoshima, Kyushu Region Dec. 4th Kagoshima Univ. students raising a chorus of protest against the bill in front of Kagoshima Station (pic 5) Osaka, Kansai Region Dec. 4th-6th Militant students rising in successive actions together with workers and citizens Dec. 6th 'Stop the forcible bill passage!' Protesters in front of the local LDP Office (pic 6) Naha, Okinawa Dec. 2nd Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students inspiring the participants in a mass meeting (pic 7) Dec. 7th 'Denounce the railroading of the secrecy bill!' Zengakuren Okinawa calling to fight on in front of the prefectural office (pic 8) Sapporo, Hokkaido Dec. 6th Hokkaido Univ. students fighting in a mass rally under the banner 'No to fascism!' (pic 9) Nov. 30th Militant students' voices resounding through the streets (pic 10) Fukuoka, Kyushu Dec. 7th 'Denounce the forcible passage of the bill!' The JRCL propaganda unit calling for an anti-fascist battle front (pic 11) [7] Kokugakuin University's 131st Wakagi Students' Festival achieves success: for creating a cultural movement to resist neo-fascism (Nov. 2nd-4th) Kagoshima University's 53rd Kadai Students' Festival uplifted: many events sounding an alarm bell to the reactionary move of the Abe government (Nov. 14th-18th) [4] Hokkaido Japan Railway Company: No to the strengthening of labour control on the pretext of 'preventing accidents'! Fight against the offensive on workers by the management bowing to the pressure from the Abe government! - The freight train derailment induced by '267 track abnormalities', which were reported but neglected - Abandonment of safety control: JR Hokkaido suffering from mounting railway business deficits - Create a powerful driving safety struggle in work places! [5] Abe pressures NHK [Japan Broadcasting Corporation] President into resignation Crush the neo-fascist plot to create today's version of wartime Imperial Headquarters broadcaster! The Obama administration intent on protecting US agribusiness: a double standard Zionist irritation with the US-Iran nuclear agreement [6] 'No to the reactionary revision of labour laws!' Over 2,000 workers joined in a rally (Dec. 13th, Hibiya, Tokyo) A JCP-introduced 'black business control bill': backing a 'healthy development of commercial enterprises' Topics Shatter an anti-worker attempt to liberalize dismissal and imposition of long working hours by making use of the legislated 'special zone' systems! [7] 'Stop the construction of a high-level nuclear waste disposal plant!' Militant students in Hokkaido rise in protest with 800 workers, farmers and residents (Nov. 23rd, Horonobe, Hokkaido) (pic 12) Smash the Abe government's plan to choose Horonobe for a final nuclear waste disposal site! 'Nuclear power is a base-load power source': Crush the new energy plan drafted by the industry ministry in total disregard of workers and people's protest! [8] A list of main articles in Kaihoh in 2013 TOP |
No. 2298
(December 16th 2013 Issue)
Rise now to overthrow the Abe government! - The JRCL leads the fight: smashing the JCP-led 'single issue politics for democracy' - Scrap the state secrecy protection law! Crush all the reactionary offensives for strengthening the neo-fascist ruling system! (pic above) Militant students holding up placards 'NO FASCISM' for a militant upsurge of the mass rally (Dec. 6th, Hibiya Park, Tokyo) [2-3] Stop the secrets bill passing the Upper House!' Tens of thousands of protesters besiege the Diet December 2nd-6th Zengakuren heads the fight under the banner of 'anti-fascism'
Dec. 5th Anger explodes at the steamrollering of the legislation in the Upper House Special Committee on National Security (pic 2) 'We oppose fascism!' 'Down with the Abe government!' Demonstrators joining the call of Zengakuren (in front of the Upper House office building) Dec. 6th 'Stop the bill passing the plenary session of the Upper House!' 3,000 protestors vehemently fight on the street in front of the Diet Building More than ten thousand protesters join in the fight after the mass rally at the Hibiya Park
(pic 4) Marching workers join in Zengakuren's call Dec. 6th, Hibiya Park Over 15,000 indignant protesters declared the resolution to topple down the Abe government 'NO FASCISM' Militant students raise big placards Fierce heckling at the JCP chairman's speech with no mention of 'anti-Ampo' or 'the overthrow of the government' Protestors from across the country express their resolves filled with a sense of crisis
(pic 6) 'Down with the Abe government!' The declaration adopted with a storm of applause Dec. 2nd-4th Thousands of workers, students and citizens gather days and nights in front of the Diet Building to block the bill
(pic 8) A Zengakuren representative calling on demonstrators to 'fight against fascism' (ditto) (pic 9) 'We oppose fascism!' 'Down with the Abe government!' Workers and citizens clenching their fists together with Zengakuren students (Dec. 2nd, in the 'candle action') (pic 10) 'Denounce the railroading of the bill!' (Dec. 6th, in front of the Upper House office building) [7] A 'stop the secrets bill' rally held in Osaka (pic 11) Militant students marching together with 1,000 workers, citizens and lawyers (Dec. 2nd) The 67th Aichi Univ. Festival (Nov. 2nd-4th) Against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Against the reactionary revision of the Constitution! The theoretical bridgehead fortified [4] Shipbuilding monopolies accelerating overseas expansion - Japan's shipbuilding industry in a predicament - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Heavy Industries and IHI Corporation making inroads into Brazil - Reorganization of the shipbuilding / marine business at home - Denounce the labour aristocrats of key industry unions for fully cooperating with capitalists in the restructuring! [5] Stop Osaka prefectural authorities' legislation of the three destructive ordinances against trade unions! - The aim of Governor Matsui and the Japan Restoration Party: to destroy civil service workers' unions - Crush the machination of the Restoration Party led by Osaka Mayor Hashimoto, a detached force of the neo-fascist Abe government! - Shatter the neo-fascist plan to sacrifice workers and the toiling masses by the integration of Osaka prefecture and Osaka City! - Fight resolutely denouncing the betrayals by the degenerate union leaderships! [6] Topics The leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions]: glorifying the deceitful 'wage hike mood' fomented by the Abe government 'No to the liberalization of sacking!' Angry voices of workers resound: the emergency Rengo rally (December 5th, Hibiya, Tokyo) The Abe government scheming for a one-year earlier abolition of extra corporate tax for rebuilding disaster-stricken areas 3,000 workers assembled in a Rengo rally for the autumn / year-end labour offensive (November 12th, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Pref.) [7] Chukakuha remnants: 'spy purges', mass desertions and disorganization [8] Kaleidoscope - Obama's emphasis on his 'return' to Asia cannot conceal the decline of US imperialism - The anger of Afghans: Obama faced with the disobedience of the puppet, Karzai - Dirty agreement in the COP 19: neglecting the masses suffering from climate change - The Fukushima Prefecture health care committee's criminal 'mission': to conceal residents' exposure to radiation TOP |
No. 2297
(December 9th 2013 Issue)
Besiege the Diet with a massive demonstration! - People's anger explodes at Abe railroading the secrecy bill through the Lower House - Voices of denunciation raised against the government in a 'Sayonara to the Nuke' rally - Stop the passage of the secrecy bill through the Upper House!
(pic ablve right) Militant students holding up the banner 'No to the secrecy protection bill!' at a 'Sayonara to the Nuke' rally [2-3] Protests erupt all over the country Shatter the enactment of the secrecy law! 'Stop the passage of the bill through the Lower House!' Nov. 26th, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Pref. An emergency protest rally: Kanazawa Univ. students raise their fists together with workers and citizens (pic 1) Nov. 26th, Osaka Zengakuren Kansai makes an emergency protest to the local LDP office (pic 2) Nov. 23rd, Kanazawa Kanazawa Univ. students march through the city's main street (pic 3) Nov. 21st, Naha, Okinawa Protest voices echo around the 'islands of US nuclear bases' (in front of the local government office, pic 4) Nov. 21st, Nagoya, Aichi Pref. 2,000 indignant workers, students and residents hold a 'STOP the secrecy bill' rally (pic 5) Nov. 10th, Nagoya 'No to the restart of Hamaoka nuclear power plant!' 1,000 workers and residents rise up in 'Zero Nuclear Plant for good!' action (pic 6) [4] Reactor 4 pool fuel removal in Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant: safety measures set aside, workers used and then discarded - The Abe government choreographs a 'new stage in the plant decommissioning process' - The Nuclear Regulation Authority conceals the danger of Reactor 4 cooling pool's collapse - A serious risk in retrieving the fuel under manual operation [5] Advance a powerful struggle to stop Japan's participation in the TPP! Marxist Student League - Hokkaido Regional Committee [6] 'Absolutely no to drastic wage cuts!' Local public sector workers hold a solidarity rally prior to wage talks (Nov. 11th, Fukuoka) No to the Abe government's legislation to change for the worse in the livelihood protection system! Topics Stop the extremely harmful revision of the temporary worker dispatching system! [7] An ultranationalist school textbook imposed on a local town in Okinawa: Smash the Education Ministry's pressure to reverse the town's decision! A large-scale SDF joint military exercise conducted: Crush the Abe government's preparation for war with China! [8] Reactor 1 proved damaged by the seismic vibrations before tsunami! New facts disclosed by a former Fukushima No. 1 plant engineer Data from the transient phenomenon recorder analyzed at long last The base of the US-Japan-Korea triangle is broken...: US Secretary of Defense Hegel's irritation with the Korean president Putin's darkish ambition and the Sochi Olympics TOP |
No. 2296
(December 2nd 2013 Issue)
Dec. 8th: Rally in the JRCL public political meeting! - Let us go ahead with the building of a strong united front against fascism! [2] An immense mass demonstration marched on the Diet building 'Stop a vote on the secrecy bill at the Lower House!': A yell of indignation echoed throughout the central Tokyo on Nov. 21st
(pic above right) Fighting students march on the Diet building in a militant spirit
[3] 'Sayonara Nuke Rally of Kyushu and Okinawa on Oct. 10th' More than a ten thousand workers, students and residents of Okinawa and all over the Kyushu region gathered for the rally (Fukuoka City in Kyushu) - Fighting students of Kagoshima Univ. march on together with the workers and residents - A militant appeal conveyed with a special edition of 'Kaihoh' (Pic right upper) 'Stop the enactment of a Japanese NSC law and a secrecy law!' Fighting students of Nara Women's College and Kobe Univ. raise their fists against the LDP's Osaka office, with burning indignation (Nov. 15th) (Pic right lower) Greece: the murder of an anti-racist singer by extreme rights [4] No to a new Marine base construction in Henoko! Promote the struggle by overcoming the JCP-led campaign begging the government to 'reduce and remove US bases' and omitting anti-Ampo! Don't let the Abe government force the Okinawa Prefectural authority to accept the application for landfill work in Henoko! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee - A government's venomous attack on workers and people, for the purpose of strengthening the US bases in Okinawa as the front line against China - The Abe government and the LDP hell-bent on securing the authorization for the landfill work - A confrontation between the US/Japan and China over the dominance of East Asia - Okinawa Kengakuren students as well as revolutionary and militant workers in the forefront of the struggle - Advance the struggle towards a 'complete removal of the US bases' and the 'repeal of the Ampo'! [5] Denounce the 2013 'Recommendation by the National Personal Authority' scheming massive wage cuts of public sector workers! [6] A greedy taxi company argues that 'taxi drivers' waiting time for customers is their break time' Taxi driving workers being forced massive wage cuts and long working hours under the dirty trick No to the dismissal of public sector workers!' 'Stop cuts on social security services!' Workers in Europe rise in protests - Italy: 'No to the austerity!' yelled workers in strikes, demonstrations and rallies - France: A burning indignation erupted against the socialist, Holland government Topics The Rengo's discussion meeting for the coming spring offensive: An inexcusable remark of labour aristocrats representing the Japanese automobile workers' federation 'A 1% wage increase is too high to demand... ' [7] A fire broke out at a clinic in financial trouble Elderly inpatients became victims of the government's measure to cut expenses for health care services A complete defeat of the neo-fascist, Restoration Party in the latest mayoral election of Sakai City in Osaka [8] Kaleidoscope - Former Prime Minister Koizumi's performance as a political chameleon which deceitfully started to insist 'No nuke' - Greek workers in militant struggles - The bureaucracy of Beijing driven into frenzy by the Uighrs' desperate protest TOP |
No. 2295
(November 25th 2013 Issue)
Smash the all-out offensive by the Abe government - Declining US imperialism suffers from the loss of international prestige - The Xi Jinping government rushes headlong to hold command of the western Pacific - The Putin government launches 'eastward expansion' aiming to restore the status of a 'world power' - Shatter the ultra-reactionary offensive of the Abe government hell-bent on promoting Japan into a military power!
[2] No to the massive SDF exercise in and around Okinawa! Workers, students and residents rise in protest against the landing of missiles (Nov. 7th-8th, Naha Port, Okinawa) (pic 1) Militant students aiming angry blows at SDF vehicles carrying surface-to-surface missiles (at the gate of Naha Port, Nov. 7th) (pic 2) Workers and students vehemently protesting against the landing of SDF vehicles (at the new port of Naha, Nov. 8th) (pic 3) Staging sit-ins in front of the landed vehicles (at the front gate of the port, Nov. 8th)
Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students at the forefront of the preceding rallies: October 28th and 31st Making a protest in front of the Air SDF base (Oct. 28th) (pic 4) Marching through the main street of the city (Oct. 31st, Naha) (pic 5) Kagoshima Univ. students hold a campus rally against 'war and poverty': October 30th (pic 6) [4] Crush the ultra-reactionary revision of the social security system by the Abe government! I. The 'programme bill' thoroughly undermines the present system - Emphasizing 'self-help/self-support' and 'benefits on a priority basis' - A 'programme' for deteriorating all the systems of medical care, nursing care, pension and childcare - Setting up a 'control tower' for forcibly implementing 'reforms' according to PM's sole decisions II. Cutdown enforced in social security with the mass consumption tax increase -Deregulation in the medical field promoted by setting up 'strategic special zones' - Rehabilitation of the financial basis for building Japan into a military power - Degeneration of the official opposition movement and the struggle of the revolutionary left III. Denounce the JCP leadership steeped in propagandizing 'better alternatives' for 'breaking through the financial crisis'! Fight to smash the reactionary offensive! [5] The Japan Post management pushes ahead with a plan to list two affiliated financial companies on the stock exchange Block the railroading of the bill to strengthen 'industrial competitiveness' prompting capitalists to sack more workers! [6] Stop wage cuts and the bad revision of the public employee reappointment system! The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee Topics The Abe government's dash towards the upgrading of 'ethics for the public good' to part of the official curriculum [7] Xi Jinping choreographing a 'rectification campaign' to divert people's anger against bureaucrats' corruptions in today's China Lead pollution gnaws Chinese people Hokkaido workers under severe attack of low wages and personnel cuts [8] Learning from Comrade Kuroda's bitter struggle in creating the anti-Stalinist movement [3] A Letter from Peruvian FLTI comrades leading medical workers' fight: 'We are fighting arm in arm with you!' Kaleidoscope - The 'merchant of death and atomic dust': Abe's second sales trip to Turkey - A bill presented by the LDP to accelerate the 'reconstruction of Fukushima Prefecture': indeed a bill to accelerate the restart of nuclear plants - A 'Yakuza-related' bank bashing: the police's aim is to put workers and citizens under surveillance TOP |
No. 2294
(November 18th 2013 Issue)
Stop the enactment of a law to establish a Japanese version of the National Security Council and a law to protect state secrecy!
- A rush towards the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance and the military build-up of Japanese forces - Rise up in action by breaking through the suppression of struggle by the Rengo leadership! - Fight strenuously by denouncing the central leadership of the JCP for abandoning struggles against the US-Japan military alliance!
[2] Stop the passage of the security council bill and the state secrecy bill! Zengakuren fight spiritedly in front of the Diet Building: November 7th (pic 1) Zengakuren denouncing the railroading of the security council bill through the Lower House (pic 2) Militant students fighting energetically with union members and citizens' groups (pic 3) 250 workers, students and citizens raising angry voices at the Lower House The 'Block the Road to War' rally held in Osaka: October 27th (pic 4) 'Stop Mayor Hashimoto's outrageous acts of destroying trade unions!' Students making a protest with workers (in front of the Osaka City Hall) [3] Oct. 20th workers and students' united actions fought in the Kyushu and Tokai Regions Kyushu: 'Fight resolutely facing the rage of neo-fascism!' 'Stop the reactionary revision of the Constitution! Crush Ampo!' Zengakuren and Anti-war Youths holding a militant demonstration in Fukuoka (pic 5) Tokai: 'No to the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' Marching on the local LDP office in Nagoya, crushing repression by the state power (pic 6) 'Definitely no to the construction of a full-MOX nuclear plant!' 600 workers and residents hold an angry protest rally on the venue: October 19th, Ohma, Aomori Prefecture (pic 7) [4] Denounce the JEIU [Japan Electrical, Electronic and Information Unions] leadership for accepting an unprecedented scale of dismissals! (1) Assistance to capitalists in sacking workers in the name of the 'development of the electrical/electronic industry and companies' (2) Frantic to protect themselves by covering up their betrayals in the past spring labour offensives (3) Denounce the labour aristocrats for actively supporting nuclear development! The truth behind TPP talks over the 'protection of intellectual property right': pharmaceutical and medical monopolies of US and Japanese imperialism waiting for a chance to make money [5] Showing the immediate future of the JCP idea of 'protection of the Constitution' The 'military strategy for Article 9' advocated by an ex-JCP bureaucrat 1. Once forced into resignation, now 're-used' by the central leadership 2. 'Security designed exclusively for defense' advocated in perfect unison with liberal conservatives - 'Interceptors are indispensable': recommending Japan's possession of military power - Glorifying the 'right of collective self-defense in the proper sense of the word' - Expose the limitless degeneration of the JCP line for peace movement! [6] Topics Denounce the Rengo leadership for effectively accepting the secrecy protection law! Total permeation of meritocratic education schemed by the Hokkaido board of education: in the name of 'enhancing academic levels of schools' Stop forcing workers to retire under the pretext of 'relocation to another companies'! [7] The Rengo leadership taken into the framework of the 'promotion of a new employment system' The 3rd government-labour-management meeting, November 5th 'Stop the secrecy protection bill!' Protest rallies held in Okinawa and Kyushu: the October 21st International Antiwar Day Militant students fight in the forefront of workers and citizens (Naha, Okinawa) 'Fight for the denunciation of the US-Japan security treaty!' JRCL propaganda units and revolutionary workers fight for a militant upsurge of the rally (Fukuoka, Kyushu) [8] Kaleidoscope - 'Let's say "prices are rising" one hundred times, and it will come true'??: Abe's desperate, Goebbels-like attempt to stage an economic recovery - Japan's military industry participates in the US government-led production of F35 fighters - Peasants being forced to move into high-rise apartments as 'citizens' in Chongqing: deprived of land, they are propertyless proletarians - The change of government in Norway: a raging storm of neoliberalism and chauvinism TOP |
No. 2293
(Nobember 11th 2013 Issue)
Stop the enactment of a state secrecy protection law! - A hair-trigger tension increasing between Japanese and Chinese forces in the East China Sea and the western Pacific - The spread of protests against the secrecy protection bill and the fight of the revolutionary left - Overcome the distortion of struggles by the leadership of the JCP! Create an uplift in the antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle and the struggle against constitutional revision! - Let us strive for the building of an anti-fascist battle front!
[2-3] ‘No to the enactment of a state secrecy protection bill!’ 2,800 workers, students and citizens rally against the reactionary bill: (Oct. 29th, Hibiya, Tokyo) (pic 1) ‘Stop the revision of the Constitution!’ Zengakuren fighting with workers and citizens against the secrecy bill (pic 2) Resolved to fight against the passage of the secrecy bill
Workers and students rise in the Oct. 20th united actions across the country Anger explodes at the government’s reactionary offensives Hokkaido: Zengakuren and antiwar youths mounting a high-spirited demonstration in Sapporo (pic 3) Okinawa: Fighting under the banner ‘Remove Ospreys! Defeat Abe’s plot to build Japan into a military power!’ (pic 4) Osaka: Making a protest in front of the local LDP office (pic 5) Marching through the main street of Osaka under the banner ‘No to the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!’ (pic 6) [4] The 101st regular convention of the Japan Teachers’ Union Denounce the leadership’s submission to the patriotic ‘educational reform’ by the Abe government and the education ministry! [5] Abe’s ambition to create Japan’s version of the National Security Council and reorganize intelligence agencies Down with the strengthening of the authoritative ruling system with decisions taken solely by the PM and the Cabinet Secretariat! [6] Topics Deceptions in the decision of the ‘demand for higher wages’ by the central leadership of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] The ugly bankruptcy of Osaka Mayor Hashimoto’s system of ‘recruiting school principals from private companies’: scandals coming out one after another [8] My study note Marx’s clarification of the genesis of the money form in Das Kapital and its significance [7] ‘Nuclear plants awaiting decommission’ now regarded as ‘assets’! - The accounting system slyly changed by the economic ministry: another measure to rescue the criminal electric power companies - Oppose the government’s scheme to make the toiling masses pay the price for nuclear development! Kaleidoscope - The fall of the wiretapping superpower: and Putin’s manoeuvre behind the scenes for driving a wedge between the US and the EU - Another Japanese version of the US agency pursued?: Abe’s dark desire to develop Japan’s capability for eavesdropping - US and Japanese rulers agree on mutual access to fingerprint data TOP |
No. 2292
(November 4th 2013 Issue)
Stop the Abe government’s reactionary move to build Japan into a military power! - The solidarity rally filled with enthusiasm - ‘Single-issue cooperation’!?: the criminal nature of the JCP’s call disclosed by a leading JRCL comrade - Shatter the government’s all-out offensive for promoting Japan into a military power with the working people’s struggle!
(pic 1) Workers and students raising angry fists at the PM’s Official Residence (pic 2) Marching on the Diet Building in the face of repression by the riot police (pic 3) All resolved to fight forward crushing the Abe government’s neo-fascist offensives (at the closing rally) [2] ‘Stop the mobilization of Ospreys for US-Japan joint drills in Aibano!’ Militant students protest in front of the main gate of the Futenma Base October 15th, Okinawa (pic 4) Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int’l Univ. students rising in a protest against the participation of Ospreys in the joint exercise ‘No to the reopening of the Tomari nuclear power plant!’ 1,500 workers, students and residents make a protest: ‘Sayonara to the Nuke’ rally in Hokkaido, October 5th (pic 5) Militant students marching with placards against nuclear development (pic 6) The site was charged with the fervour of workers from all over Hokkaido [4-5] The Abe government’s new military strategy for the restoration of ‘militarist Japan’ The reactionary nature of the Defense of Japan 2013 I. Ambition to acquire ‘capabilities to attack enemy bases’ and ‘US Marine Corps-like functions’ II. Propaganda about ‘military threats from Xi Jinping-led China’ III. Presentation of ‘defense policies’ based on military power supremacism Political strife between the US government and the Republican Party using the threat of a government default [6] Topics Smash the ‘national strategic special zones’-related bill! The 121st regular convention of the publishing workers’ federation [Shuppan Roren] Win a militant revival of the publishing labour movement by overcoming the crisis under the JCP-led leadership! [7] The 63rd regular convention of the printing workers’ federation [Zen’in Soren] Fight resolutely by overcoming the JCP-led leadership’s distortion of struggles into a campaign to achieve policies for improving the industry’! [8] How did Kuroda overcome the setback in his confrontation with the Soviet Union’s thermonuclear testing in 1954? [3] Kaleidoscope - The Senkaku [Diaoyu] Islands issue: both Japanese and Chinese rulers are trampling over fishermen in Okinawa - ‘Tritium-polluted water leaks into the Pacific is not so crucial’!!: Don’t let government-patronized scientists utter criminal remarks! - Behind the US excitement over shale gas: serious environmental destruction, and now deprivation of poor people’s staple foods in India - The newly appointed US ambassador to Japan C. Kennedy’s task: to support that nasty hereditary right-wing militarist PM for the strengthening of the US-Japan alliance - A pre-war militarist slogan ‘selfless devotion to one’s country’ to reappear in a morals textbook TOP |
No. 2291
(October 28th 2013 Issue)
Stop the reactionary revision of labour laws!
- The Abe government watching for a chance to 'liberalize sacking' - A scheme for historic deterioration of labour laws - Abenomics imposing poverty on the toiling masses and depriving them of rights - Fight back to stop the worst revision of labour laws in opposition to the distortion of struggles by the official leadership! (pic above) Workers and students marching on the Diet Building (October 20th; details are to be carried in the next issue)
[2] Tens of thousands of protesters march on the Diet Building and Tepco: October 13th, Tokyo Militant workers and students fight resolutely in the 'No Nukes Day' rally (pic 1) 'Denounce contaminated water leaks from Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant!' Fighting students' banners encouraging protesters in front of the Diet Building (pic 2) 'No to the restart of nuclear reactors!' Militant students raising angry fists at the Tepco head office
[3] 'We oppose the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' Zengakuren resolutely fights despite the rain in front of the Diet Building: October 15th, Tokyo (pic 3) 'Stop the US-Japan joint Osprey drills! No to the Japanese version of the Marine Corps!' Zengakuren Kansai students protest at the SDF Aibano Base: October 10th, Shiga Prefecture (pic 4) Anger explodes at the US and Japanese governments bent on constructing a new US base in Henoko Emergency action held against the foreign and defense ministers' visit to Okinawa: October 8th, Okinawa (pics 5,6) 'Remove Ospreys!' 400 workers, students and residents rally for protest: October 1st, Okinawa (pic 7) [4] The deadlocked TPP talks and the intensified rivalry between the US-Japan and China Never let the Abe government victimize the farmers and the national health insurance system in the imperialist interest of free trade! (1) The Abe government starting to abandon the 'protection of agriculture' - Reneging on the election pledge to 'stubbornly save the most important 5 items' - Providing US capital with greater access to the Japanese market in the field of medical care and insurance (2) Frictions between the US (plus Japan) and rulers in Southeast Asian countries over the rules of trade and investment - Abe desperate to incorporate ASEAN countries into the US-Japan bloc - ASEAN rulers' strong opposition to the double standards of US imperialism (3) A clash between the US-Japan and China in trying to gain the 'growing market' of ASEAN - China hell-bent on building a 'yuan-based economic sphere' - Rivalry between the US-Japan and China over the creation of an 'ASEAN community' [5] Stop the enactment of a 'protection of state secrets law'! - Legislation for oppression schemed by the Abe government to promote Japan into a 'war-capable nation' 1) Facilitating rulers to arbitrarily designate any information as a 'specified secret' 2) Severely punished when regarded as a 'leakage' or an 'acquisition' of 'secrets' 3) Deceptiveness in 'considering the right to know and the freedom of the press' 4) An investigation into the ideas/thoughts of civil service and other workers in the name of 'proper evaluation' - 'Intelligence security' for the strengthening of the US-Japan new military alliance - Shatter the reactionary, neo-fascist offensives! The so-called Nishiyama's 'leakage case' in 1972: the state power's retaliatory repression against a journalist for revealing a secret agreement between the US and Japanese governments on the return of Okinawa [6] No to extremely intensified labour imposed on workers during the year-end and New Year period postal work! - The management yelling at workers to make full use of letter sorting machines and pressing cost reduction and quality control on them 1) Forcing workers to make exhaustive use of sorting machines 2) Seeking a cutback in labour costs at a ratio of 10 % to last year 3) Pursuing the 'securing and improvement of quality' through intensified personnel management 4) Assigning quotas to fulfil in sales work - Irrational imposition of increase in labour intensity - Fight indomitably by denouncing the union leadership's treacherous agreement with the management! [7] Fighting education workers call on the participants to fight against the Abe government's 'patriotic' educational reform in opposition to the oppressive regulation of the JCP-affiliated union leadership Reporting on the 2013 Education Research Meeting of Zenkyo [All-Japan Council of Teachers' and Staffs' Unions] Topics Keidanren president Yonekura's reference to the 'remuneration increase': 'But corporate tax cut and business performance first, of course'!! [8] Kaleidoscope - 'Japan has overcome the mercury damage': Abe lied again, ignoring Minamata poisoning victims who have been criticising the unpunished state crime - The dark side of the so-called community-based health care cooperation network: No to a state surveillance on personal medical data! - Stop the deployment of RQ-4B Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in Japan! A letter from the FLTI-CI: Peruvian health workers fighting a no-time-limit strike No to the government offensive of dividing the health workers! No to the mass sackings and privatization! TOP |