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No. 2220
(May 28th 2012 Issue)
Advance the struggle against the US-Japan military alliance! An imperialist offensive for forming a US-Japan unified army and a deepening degeneration of the official opposition leadership - 'If the Security Treaty is abolished, a wonderful future will open up for Japan': a futile argument reiterated in the latest JCP statement - The JCP's argument about 'an aggressive change in the US-Japan military alliance' with no reference to China as its major target - The JCP's policy for 'abolition of the Security Treaty', now reduced to its 'conversion into a US-Japan friendship treaty' - Appealing to imperialist rulers' reason to take 'peaceful measures for security' - Fight against the newly launched offensive to drastically strengthen the new US-Japan military alliance! Strengthen the ranks of the anti-Ampo struggle! [2-3] May 15th, Okinawa: flames of anti-Ampo struggle surged up - The Okinawa Peoples' rally held in a militant spirit: 'Let us fight for removing military bases and repealing the Security Treaty!' 'Down with the Noda government!' Revolutionary calls by fighting students encourage 3000 workers, students and residents in the rally (pic top and 1) - A revolutionary significance of the Okinawa struggle waged on May 13th-15th (pic 2) 'Stop the deployment of Ospreys! Remove the US bases!' Workers and students raise their angry fists against the Futenma Base (May 13th) (pic 3) Zengakuren students march on the Okinawa Defense Bureau (May 14th) (pic 4) Fighting Okinawan workers and students accuse the government ceremony celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Okinawa Reversion (May 15th)
Students of the Kanazawa univ. rise in a demonstration under the banner 'Overthrow the reactionary Noda government!' through the central district of Kanazawa City (Apr. 30th)(pic 6) 'Fight against the US-Japan summit meeting for strengthening the new US-Japan military alliance!' Calls by Okinawa Kengakuren students resound the centre of Naha City (Apr. 29th) (pic 7) [7] May Day rallies Hokkaido: 80 thousand workers rise in Rengo rallies all over Hokkaido 5000 workers in the Rengo rally in Sapporo City Kanazawa: fierce hecklings directed by workers towards labour aristocrats of Rengo asserting 'to breakthrough the crisis of the nation' Nagoya: under the suppression by JCP-affiliated trade union bosses, workers struggle in the May Day rally [4] Denounce the deceitful 'revision of the privatization of postal services' promoted by the Noda government! Fight for a complete abolishment of the 'postal privatization law'! - Expose reactionary features of the government's scheme for the revision decorated with the motto of 'a universal service'! - Fight back against the major restructuring offensive launched by the company's executives! - Denounce the Japan Postal Group Union leadership immersed in 'labour-management consultation'! [5] Smash the harmful reform in the social security system sacrificing the 'socially disadvantaged' people! - Expose deceptions of the argument that 'the consumption tax is a stable financial basement for the social security system'! - Cuts in the social security services and a massive rise in the amount of personal payment - A major reorganization schemed in the medical and nursing care service system - Fight against the Noda government sacrificing disaster victims and the 'socially disadvantaged' people! [6] Labour aristocrats in the Rengo-affiliated UI Zensen union intent on forming a massive industrial union by merging a secondary union The DPJ government-promoted system for 'helping job seekers' revealed to be useless Topics The JCP leadership's way of argument 'If Japan abolishes the Security Treaty, it can do ...': for catering to 'progressive conservatives' [8] An ex-JCP central official advocating 'a military strategic use of the Article 9 of the pacifist Constitution of Japan' The mayor of Osaka City abandoning his claptrap opposition to the restart of nuclear plants What I thought about my past mistaken slogan 'No to any nuclear development by Western or Eastern rulers TOP |
No. 2219
(May 21st 2012 Issue)
Surge up a flame of the anti-Ampo struggle!
- The Noda government of Japanese imperialism deepening its US-servile nature - Intensifying confrontation between the US and China in the Asia-Pacific region - Go forward by overcoming the official opposition movement which has abandoned the 'anti-Ampo' banner! - Overthrow the Noda-led government servile to US imperialism! [2] 'Stop the restart of nuclear plants!' 5500 people rally in Tokyo (Shiba Park, May 5th) On the day when Japan's last working nuclear reactor was switched off (pic right) The Metropolitan Students Network emphatically march throughout the central Tokyo raising the banner 'Stop the restart of Oi nuclear plant!' 'Down with the Noda government!' Fighting students march on the head office of HEPCO (Sapporo, Hokkaido) (pic right) Demonstrators advance on the HEPCO head office building, in solidarity with students in Tokyo fighting against the Noda's departure for the US-Japan summit meeting (Apr. 29th) [3] Militant spirits brought in May Day rallies Workers raised their angry voices against labour aristocrats of 'Rengo Osaka' (May. 1st) (pic right) The JRCL's call for the 'realization of a militant May Day' evokes workers favourable responses (Osaka-Jo Park)
(pic right) Militant workers struggle to radicalize the official May Day ceremony, raising the slogan 'Fight against the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance!' (Naha City) Kyushu: Angers against corrupt trade union leaders grow through assiduous struggles of militant workers (Apr. 28th) - Propagandising units of the JRCL deliver its leaflets calling for 'Down with the Noda government!' (Maizuru Park, Fukuoka) [4-5] 'Anti-capitalism': the leading ideology of the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement and its fallacy - A 'movement without leaders' - Miscellaneous elements ranging from left Democrats to Trotskyists - the 'Occupy' current taking the lead - Its 'strategy' for 'anti-capitalism': creating 'a space of diversity and pure democracy' - A Proudhonism of the 21st century - 'Diversity' praised as an infallible idea - An illusion about democracy and the existing state - 'Be sociable beyond capitalism'? France: miserable presence of Mandelites in the NPA [6] Denounce the labour aristocrats of TOYOTA fully cooperating in 'strengthening the company's competitiveness'! The difficulty of finding jobs becoming severe: jobless victims of the earthquake disaster suffering dire poverty more than ever Topics Denounce the Rengo leadership singing a tune of the consumption tax increase and the sacking of public workers! [7] Fight back against the major restructuring in postal services! [8] Kaleidoscope - Obama meeting his fate in Afghanistan: a flame of peoples' anger surging up against US imperialism and 'war on terrorism' - A Marie-Antoinette in Syria: Denounce the Assad government massacring the rebel masses! - A new spy system set up inside the Pentagon: US imperialist rulers scheming to strengthen HUMINT - China: a wealth gap growing more than ever under the veil of 'realizing a harmonious society' TOP |
No. 2218
(May 14th 2012 Issue)
A counterattack launched against ![]() - A rally prior to the march, filled with determination to oppose Noda's visit to the US for a summit meeting with Obama - Launch a fight to overturn the Noda-led US-servile government on the basis of the militant unity solidified through the significant April struggle! [4-6] Overthrow the reactionary Noda government by a raging fight of the working class! Denounce the Rengo labour aristocrats for liquidating the spring labour offensive and devoting themselves to an Industrial Patriotic movement! Central Workers' Orgburo (1) The significance of our fight in this spring waged for overcoming the crisis of the class struggle in Japan - Various struggles created, breaking through the Industrial Patriotic movement for 'overcoming a crisis of the nation' - Subjective bases of our spring fight which opened up a new horizon (2) Organize a surge of struggle to smash the massive consumption tax increase, the restart of nuclear plants, and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! - New offensives lunched against workers by the Noda-led US-servile government and monopoly capitalists - Fight to break the Industrial Patriotic movement promoted by Rengo labour aristocrats! - Topple down the reactionary Noda government servile to US imperialism and giving priority to the interests of monopoly capitalists! [3] May Day
Voices of militant workers resounding Any of the central May Day rallies, be it of Rengo, Zenroren or Zenrokyo, was assuming a serious aspect due to its degenerate leadership. In order to change the situation, revolutionary and militant workers organized various struggles from within their trade unions in the three national centres. In response to them, propagandising units of the JRCL were massively delivered its leaflets calling for a fight to overcome the degenerate leadership. 'Unite and fight!' Workers chanting with anger in mind against the restart of nuclear plants and consumption tax increase (Apr. 28th) Grumbling spread among rallied workers against JCP Chairman Shii and trade union leaders (May, 1st) Zenrokyo rally: the venue filled with fury against the Noda government (May 1st) [7] Crush Osaka Mayor Hashimoto's plot to destroy trade union organizations based on fabricated 'evidence'! Garbage collecting workers of Sapporo City bearing hardship: public service workers plunged into a 'working poor' status Topics The tragic expressway tour bus accident: the main culprit is deregulation, which casts heavy burdens on driving workers [8] My theoretical notebook An inquiry into the 'quality of labour (and of labour-power)' [continued from the last issue] [2] Kaleidoscope - Measures against 'nuclear terrorists': the only lesson the Noda government drew from Fukushima is to strengthen the suppressive public security - Meetings to be prohibited and human rights restricted: a sanitary cordon by means of a special measures law for SARS, introduced according to US instructions - A frenzy of constitutional revisionists: the raison d'etre of the declining LDP TOP |
No. 2217
(May 7th 2012 Issue)
Do not allow the restart of any nuclear plant! - The US and Japanese governments forging ahead towards the strengthening of the new military alliance, holding up the banner of 'dynamic defense cooperation' - Denounce the JCP central maintaining conditional 'opposition' to the restart of nuclear plants (Pic above) 'No to the restart of nuclear plants! Smash the Japan-US summit meeting!' Zengakuren students raising their angry fists in front of the Prime Minister's Official Residence (Apr. 29th)
[2] 'Stop the resumption of the Oi reactors!' 'Topple the Noda government!' (Tokyo, Apr. 21st) - Streets resounded with the chorus of militant students (pic right upper) - Students marching upon the PM's official residence (pic right lower) The existence of an active fault right under Reactor 2 at Tsuruga Nuclear Plant grudgingly acknowledged by the government nuclear authorities The unforgivable forsaking of nuclear disaster victims in the name of 'decontamination and returning home' [3] 40 years after the 'reversion of Okinawa' Fight for a militant upsurge of the Okinawa antiwar march! Resolutely advance the struggle against the US-Japan military alliance! Remove the US Futenma base! No to the deployment of the MV-22 Osprey aircraft at the Futenma base! Stop the new US Marine base construction in Henoko! Oppose the deployment of Japanese SDF troops on the Southwest Islands! Okinawa Prefectural Committee - Preparation for military action made on the pretext of 'intercepting a North Korean ballistic missile' - Rivalry intensified in East Asia between the US and China and the reviewed 'realignment' of the US Forces in Japan - US military bases in Okinawa now strengthened as forward bases to attack China - Overcome the official peace movement petitioning the government 'to reduce and remove' US bases without opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! [4] The twilight of the Japanese semiconductor industry: what the bankruptcy of Elpida Memory tells us [5] The devastating state of the TV manufacturing industry in Japan [6] Crush the scheme of cuts in public expenditure and mass sackings of blue-collar workers by the Sapporo city authorities! Nissan to produce lower-priced models in developing nations: shifting the burden to workers and subcontractors Topics NTT's wage cut offensive launched in exchange for 'continued employment to the age of 65' [7] The 29th regular convention of the JCP-led teachers' union Zenkyo The leadership frantically calling on its members to 'exercise your right of suffrage', meaning to vote for the JCP The AIJ Investment Advisers case: health ministry bureaucrats making money hand over fist [8] My theoretical notebook An inquiry into the the question of the 'quality of labour (and of labour-power)' TOP |
No. 2216
(April 30th 2012 Issue)
Rise up against Noda's visit to the US and - Confrontation between US imperialism and China-Russia over East Asia and the Middle East - The Noda government fully bent on restarting the operation of the Oi nuclear plant - Denounce the degenerate leaderships of Rengo and the JCP central! Advance the struggle! - Overthrow the reactionary Noda government! Stop the restart of the Oi nuclear plant! Militant students demonstrating in front of the KEPCO office in Tokyo (Apr. 21st) (Pic above) [3] Denounce the Assad government of Syria massacring the rebel masses! - Don't tolerate the Assad regime continuing brutal suppression of the toiling masses - Russian/Chinese rulers and US/European imperialists intensifying their rivalries over Syria and the Middle East - Let us fight in solidarity with the Syrian people fighting on despite the brutalities! A letter from the FLTI youth organization to Zengakuren [2] ![]() Workers and students in Okinawa protest the so-called missile defence operation against North Korea's rocket launching (Naha City, Apr. 11th) (Pic right) Against the missile defence operation! Supportive responses to the JRCL appealing to the masses on the streets (Apr. 11th) Stop the introduction of a 'common identification number system'! [4-5] Fight for a militant upsurge of Japan Post workers' spring offensive! Denounce the treacherous 'settlement'! No to the introduction of a new 'wage and personnel system'! Fight against the major restructuring! Denounce the deceitful 'review of the postal privatization'! (1) The Japan Post management promoting a major restructuring - Attacks lunched under the banner 'Improve the business efficiency to revive the postal service' - The Japan Post management hoping for the DPJ government 'reviewing the privatisation of the postal service' (2) Fight against the major restructuring! No to the deceitful 'review' of the postal privatisation! - The leadership of the Japan Post workers union proposing an anti-working class line - Denounce the leadership accepting lower wages! Advance for a militant upsurge of the spring offensive! Employee's pension funds: a growing danger of bankruptcy [6] Monopoly capitalists shamelessly demanding more bailout measures from the government All fresh graduate, stir up your angers against the cruel 'job-seeking war' Topics Government's lies about the pension system: for raising consumption tax rates [7] A nuclear plant maintenance worker die at the Fukushima site Dangerous, cruel duties imposed on workers for 'settling the accident' Fight against the restart of the dangerous Oi nuclear plant! Toyota Motor Co. relocates its production lines of sport-utility vehicles from Kyushu to North America [8] - Sarkozy's propaganda against Islamic immigrants: what's behind the murder of Jewish schoolboys - A recent accord between Japanese and Ukrainian governments: for continuing nuclear power generation - A journalist justifying her support for nuclear power generation: her newspaper company, Asahi Shinbun, as well - The Zionist Israeli government intensifying a desire to attack Iranian facilities for 'Islamic nuke' TOP |
No. 2215
(April 23rd 2012 Issue)
Now is the time to advance the antiwar and anti-Ampo struggle! - US imperialism scheming to build up an Asia-Pacific version of NATO - Chinese and Russian rulers accelerating a competitive military buildup - Overthrow the Noda reactionary government deepening its subservient attitude towards US imperialism!
[2] 'Stop the restart of the Oi nuclear plant!' Angry voices of workers, students and citizens resound throughout Otsu city, Shiga prefecture (Apr. 7th) More than 600 people from the Kansai region rally in the Nagisa Park, with their indignation growing at the government-promoted restart 1500 workers and students rise in a protest to stop the restart of the Tomari nuclear plant (Iwanai Town, Hokkaido, Mar. 24th) Students of the 'Stop the nuclear plants association in Hokkaido' march together with workers [4] Japan Postal Group Union Denounce the JPGU leadership for liquidating the spring labour offensive into a labour-management consultation 'for the defence of the company'! - An extremely humiliating agreement coming out with no wage raise - The leadership advocating the anti-proletarian theorization of wages as 'investment in humans' - Rise in a fight and smash the introduction of the 'new personnel/wage system'! - No to the deceitful 'revision' of the Postal Privatization Law! Completely abolish the Law! [5] Denounce the reactionary punishment on 109 teachers launched by the Hokkaido Prefectural Board of Education! Hokkaido Education Workers Committee - The education board starting investigations on teachers' speeches and actions by brandishing mass punishments and official orders - Smash the offensive for destroying the Hokkaido Teachers' Union! - Fight against the neo-fascistic reorganization of the education system! - Fight back against the offensive by denouncing the JTU leadership betraying union workers! [6] Fight against the massive wage cuts launched on public service workers! Topics Denounce the reactionary judicial decision against fired workers of Japan Airlines Corporation JX Mizushima Oil Refinery: 5 workers killed in a cave-in accident at an undersea tunnel [7] Denounce the Noda government forcing residents to return to contaminated areas, by saying 'the decontamination accomplished'! Kyushu: IT factories and manufacturing plants closed down one after another Fight against the sacking and compulsory redeployment! [8] Contribution from Revolutionary Marxists in Britain South Korea: A flame of struggle surging against the construction of a naval base in Jeju-do Spain: a huge general strike of workers Tanka poems [3] Kaleidoscope - A neo-fascist agitator: the mayor of Osaka waving a 'anti-nuclear plant' flag, covering up his true face as an advocate of Japan's nuclear armament - The Noda government intentionally stages 'a shortage of electricity' with a tricky calculation - Hedge funds registered in tax-haven countries: Expose all of the frauds! - Only a justification for restarting nuclear plants: the Noda government adding empty 'new regulations' to the conventional standards for operation - The US-servile government's scheme for producing a Japan-made military satellite: with US-made machine parts and equipment TOP |
No. 2214
(April 16th 2012 Issue)
Overthrow the reactionary Noda government!
- The reactionary Noda government bulldozing to victimize workers and people - Clash between US imperialism and China over supremacy in East Asia - Degenerate official opposition movements and militant struggles of Zengakuren - Advance struggles against nuclear development, against war and the US-Japan security alliance, and against tax increase and welfare cuts! Denounce the Cabinet decision to present the consumption tax increase bill! Oppose the actual operation of the MD system on the pretext of intercepting North Korea's ballistic missile!' (pic. above) Zengakuren students resolutely appealing for the overthrow of the Noda government (March, 30th) A plot to permanently deploy SDF troops in Sakishima Islands, Okinawa [8] No to the deployment of PAC-3 interceptors in Okinawa! On the pretext of Intercepting North Korea's ballistic missile (pic. right) Militant workers and students making a protest against the landing of Patriot Advanced Capability-3 interceptor missiles on the heavily guarded Urasoe wharf (April 3rd, Naha Port) (pic.right) Angry workers and students raising fists against the PAC-3 deployment (March 30th, Naha City)
(pic.right) Voices of rallied workers, residents and students resounding against the government's move towards resuming the operation of two reactors at the Oi nuclear power plant (March 25th, Fukui) 'No to the restart of the Sendai and Genkai nuclear plants in Kyushu!' (pic.right) Kagoshima Univ. students fighting in the forefront of 2,000 demonstrators outside Kagoshima railway station (March, 11th) [4] A proposal to maintain and perpetuate fixed-term labour based on a corrupt agreement between the government, management and labour The reactionary nature of the government's labour policy panel report proposing a 'proper use of fixed-term labour contracts' A. Monopoly capitalists' assertions fully accepted in the report B. A loophole-ridden 'regulation' plan for fixed-term labour contracts C. Oppose the Noda government rushing towards the 'relaxation of labour regulations'! [5] Smash remnants of the Chukaku faction desperate to prolong their life by means of 'decisive battle against nuclear power'! (Continued from the last issue) [6] Fight against the education ministry and the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education demanding the 'return of salaries' from education workers on the pretext of 'inappropriate job performance'! A serious shortage of 'homes for elderly people requiring around-the-clock nursing care' (Hokkaido) Topics The Italian government's 'labour market reform' plan to ease restrictions on dismissals: harmful for workers [7] Crush the government's plan for pension system reform compelling less benefit and more costs upon workers and toiling masses! TOP |
No. 2213
(April 9th 2012 Issue)
Absolutely no to the large consumption tax increase! - Drastic intensification of expropriation from the masses in the name of the 'unified reform in tax and social security system' - Japanese imperialism desperate to wriggle out of its crisis amid the global turbulence (Pic above: Zengakuren students protesting the Cabinet decision of the bill for increasing the consumption tax rates, March 30th, in front of the Diet building.) Fight against the actual joint operation of the missile defence system by US and Japanese imperialism on the pretext of 'intercepting a North Korean ballistic missile'! - Stop the move for a drastic strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! - Against the Kim Jong Un government's planned test-fire of a missile for saving its authoritarian rule!
[2-3] Militant workers and students fight in mass rallies on the first anniversary of the disaster 'No to the restart of nuclear power plants!' 6,000 people rallied in the Hibiya Park, Tokyo (March, 24th) (Pic right upper) 10,000 protesters rise in action in Osaka Fighting students in the Kansai region demonstrating in the forefront, in solidarity with militant workers struggling to break Rengo leaders' oppression (March, 11th) (Pic right lower) People's Rally in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture The extra of JRCL weekly attracting participants (March 11th) Rallies in Nagoya City (March 10th, 11th) [4] Smash remnants of the Chukaku faction desperate to prolong their life by means of 'decisive battle against nuclear power'! [5] Revealing the grave realities of radioactive contamination caused by the Fukushima Nuclear Plant No. 1 accident [6] Topics Pension benefits are to be reduced from April, while fees for nursing care insurance and health insurance raised along with residential tax increase Rengo Hokkaido spring labour offensive rally (March 8th, Sapporo) Rengo Okinawa spring labour offensive rally (March 21st, Naha) [7] Rengo Ishikawa spring labour offensive rally (March 21st, Kanazawa) The Obama administration pressing the Japan government to 'open' its domestic car market [8] Kaleidoscope - A pitiful death of a postwar Japanese 'thinker of independence': culminated in a hurrah to nuclear power generation, to war, and ... - Netanyahu: We, the 'chosen people', will choose the timing of launching an air strike - Every dark secret can be covered up: legislation planned for 'preserving state secrets' TOP |
No. 2212
(April 2nd 2012 Issue)
Denounce the metal industrial labour aristocrats' agreement
- Monopoly capitalists crying for 'overcoming the crisis of the nation' and Rengo aristocrats pledging their loyalty to the bourgeoisie - Break through the patriotic spring labour offensive! Fight back against the wage cuts! Stop sackings! [2] A year after the March 11th 'Stop the restart of nuclear plants!' Calls resound throughout the country Hokkaido - 'Stop Tomari nuclear plant!' Fighting students raise their angry fists against the HEPCO (Sapporo) - 2500 Workers and students rally in the 'Hokkaido Rally of the March 11th' (Odori Park, Sapporo) (Pic right) Kyushu JRCL appeals to the workers in a mass rally: 'Down with the Noda government!' - Trade union members gather, crying out 'Decommission Genkai and Sendai nuclear plants' (Fukuoka) (Pic right) Okinawa The '10 million people Action in Okinawa' held on Mar. 10th 'Eradicate the nuclear plants, Remove the US bases!' The slogans resound throughout the main street in Naha City (Pic right) - Fighting students in Okinawa marching through the city The Zengakuren 132nd Central Committee meeting held in Tokyo (Mar. 15th-16th) Stop the restart of the nuclear plants, the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance and a massive tax increase under the pretext of 'overcoming the crisis of the nation'! 300 workers and students marched on the Okinawa Defense Bureau (Feb. 8th) - Students of Ryukyu univ. and Okinawa International univ. rose in a protest, calling out, 'Bureau Chief Manabe, resign right now!' [4] The JCP-led Zenroren leadership distorting the spring labour offensive into a campaign for begging the bourgeoisies to 'stimulate domestic demands' Expose the degeneration of their line based on revised capitalism! (Continued from the previous issue) - The leadership helping the tax increase offensive, by saying 'Observe the ability principle' - Culmination of their line based on revised capitalism [5] Fight for a militant upsurge of the publishing workers' spring offensive! Reveal the leaders' deceitful slogan: 'A spring offensive for rebuilding the publishing industry'! Denounce the distortion of the struggle! Fight it out for its upsurge! - The monopoly capitalists forcing workers to pay for their 'declining business' - The leaders emphasising 'the need for decent work' to conceal their lack of agenda - Stop wage cuts! Stop sacking! Fight it out for a militant upsurge of the publishing workers' spring offensive! [6] The electrical and electronic workers unions: Denounce the labour aristocrats having accepted massive wage cuts and restructurings! The private railway and bus workers' unions: Denounce the settlement with no wage raise in leading companies! Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring offensive by small and medium private railway and bus workers' unions! Denounce the betrayal by the union leaders! Topics More than a half of university graduates are forced to work precariously, or stay with no job Denounce the government and monopoly capitalists blaming 'selfish youngsters' for 'looking for jobs in big business'! [7] The JTU National Meeting for Education Research actively realized: based on struggles from below by militant workers Severe criticism spreading against the leaders for their support to the Noda government Rengo Osaka's spring offensive meeting held on Mar. 2nd Workers gathered, raising their angry voices against aristocrats blathering about 'more investment in human resources' [8] Osaka: Break through extremely reactionary offensives launched by the city authority Denounce the strengthened control over public sector workers and teachers! TOP |
No. 2211
(March 26th 2012 Issue)
A cry of anger 'Stop the restart of nuclear plants' resounded in Fukushima
- Victims of the disaster raised outcries in the rally - Students of 'Metropolitan Students Network' carried out a militant demonstration through Koriyama City, Fukushima - The revolutionary left showed a way forward, by raising the banner 'Overthrow the Noda government!' Denounce the agreement for wage cuts under the cover of 'a periodic pay raise system will be maintained'! Denounce the Rengo labour aristocrats liquidating the spring labour offensive! [2] Fight against the distortion of the spring labour offensive! Break through the 'patriotic spring offensive'! - The JRCL called out to workers rallied in the 'Rengo Aichi Spring Offensive Rally' (Mar. 4th, Nagoya) - Workers eager to read the flyers of the JRCL [4-5] The JCP-led Zenroren leadership distorting the spring labour offensive into a campaign for begging the bourgeoisie to 'stimulate domestic demands' Expose the degeneration of their line based on revised capitalism! - The leaders of Zenroren begging for the 'expansion of domestic demands' amid the offensives of wage cuts, a massive tax increase and cuts in social security service - Their superficial and arbitrary analysis of the Japanese economy - Culmination of the anti-proletarian nature in their accommodation to the 'conservative voters' - Demand for higher wages defined as measures for 'economic recovery' [6] Denounce the disciplinary action taken against a public sector worker! The Osaka City government punishes the worker for giving a financial help to a destitute resident Denounce the extreme overtime work enforced upon postal workers amid the busy end-of-year season! The Japan Post Service Co. in Hokkaido ended the annual introduction of students' winter vacation part-time work: for cost cut Topics Denounce the revised worker dispatching law passed by the Lower House with DP, LDP and the New Komeito in favour! [7] Stop an establishment of another reactor in Shimane nuclear plant! Fight against the restart of Reactors No.1 and No.2! [8] My notebook on Stalinist Socialism: A Japanese Marxist's Perspective written by Kan'ichi Kuroda [3] Kaleidoscope - After the Quran burnings: A flame of 'anti-US sentiment' surges up more than ever in Afghanistan - A new crime of the state: The Noda government leaving the victims in disaster - The revised 'safe' level of radioactive contamination of food to be introduced: to solve nothing - Egypt: amid the anti-US, anti-Zionist sentiments growing more than ever TOP |