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No. 2320
(May 26th 2014 Issue)
Stop the constitutionalization of - Justifying the preparations for war against China with a smoke screen of 'limited constitutionalization' of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense' - Rivalry intensifying between the US-Japan and China (with Russia) over the South China and East China Seas - Overcome the JCP-led campaign to 'oppose Abe's course for a nation that wages war' without opposition to fascism and the US-Japan military alliance! [2-3] Counterattacks surging against the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'
2,000 rise in protest with militant students in the forefront (May 15th, in front of the PM's Official Residence) Anger explodes against the outrageous procedure: the interpretation of the Constitution arbitrarily changed by the NSC (pic 1) 'Absolutely no to the constitutionalization!' 2,500 protestors forming a human chain around the Diet Building (May 13th) (pic 2) Kanazawa Univ. students calling to rise in action against fascism (Apr. 30th, Kanazawa) (pic 3) 800 workers and students holding an angry demonstration in the city centre (May 10th, Osaka) (pic 4) Workers raising their union flags in the prefectural people's rally (Apr. 24th, Nagoya) (pic 4) Nagoya Univ. students staging a lunch-time demonstration against the US-Japan summit meeting (Apr. 24th, Nagoya) (pic 6) 'Against the US-Japan military alliance!' Kagoshima Univ. students' protest meeting against the US-Japan summit talks (Apr. 24th, Kagoshima) (pic 7) [4] Japan Post's 'mid-term business plan': analysis No to the newly launched restructuring offensive by the postal management! 1. The management schemes to solidify its revenue base through large-scale investment plans 2. An ambition to grow into a first-rate enterprise and an attempt to complement the government's economic/fiscal policy 3. Overcome the surrender of the JP union leadership resting on the policy of 'improving postal services'! [5] Electrical machinery monopolies greedily expanding military production The Abe government's 'three principles regarding defense equipment transfer': lifting the ban on Japan's arms export joint arms development [6] The Abe government schemes to selectively cull small businesses in difficulties A local electric furnace maker driven out of business: another case of small-scale industries victimized by 'Abenomics' Topics 7-Eleven's unfair labour practice coming to light [7] Revolutionary and militant workers bring fighting spirit into May Day rallies
Voices raised against the planned revision of labour laws (pic 8) The May Day rally of Airoren [Aichi Confederation of Trade Unions] (May 1st, Nagoya) Anger boiling up against the Abe government's cruelties (pic 9) The regional May Day rally of Rengo Fukuoka (April 26th, Fukuoka) Protests flaring up against the government's designation of Fukuoka as a 'special state strategic zone concerning employment' (pic 10) [8] Kaleidoscope - 'Return home at your own risk': The government presses the residents to go back to radioactively contaminated zones - An education bill amended for 'university presidents' autocratic governance': the Abe government desperate to destroy university autonomy - 'Japan should introduce a US-style, state-controlled crisis management system': a new book by Yoichi Funabashi, a 'mouthpiece' for US rulers - On the pretext of searching for the missing Malaysian aircraft: China displays naval strength in the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean TOP |
No. 2319
(May 19th 2014 Issue)
No to constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective
self-defense'! - Tension mounting in the South China Sea; rivalry intensifying between the US-Japan and China-Russia -- US imperialism desperate to build and strengthen a military encircling net against China -- China and Russia to strengthen alliance-like ties under the banner of a 'new outlook on Asian security' - Overcome the JCP-led campaign for the 'single issue of protecting constitutionalism' without opposing fascism and the US-Japan military alliance!
[4-5] Submission to the reactionary Abe government in the name of 'realizing a virtuous cycle' for the Japanese economy The deepened crisis of the 2014 spring labour offensive by Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] Central Workers' Orgburo I. The labour offensive distorted into one for assisting Abenomics and our struggle to overcome the distortion A. Rengo labour aristocrats tied down by the 'government-labour-management agreement' B. A fake 'pay raise': companies' deceitful responses C. Revolutionary and militant workers' struggles aiming at 'winning a big wage increase across the board' II. Rengo's further degeneration into an 'Industrial Patriotic Society' that supports the genuine neo-fascist government A. Rengo's policies resembling those of the Abe government B. Full advocacy of the 'investment in human resources' argument C. A fall into nationalism for 'national interests' III. Crush the offensive of deregulating working hours and liberalizing sackings! Now is the time to realize a militant revival of the Japanese labour movement! [2] 'Stop the voting on the national referendum bill for constitutional revision!' Zengakuren rises to protest: May 8th, in front of the Diet Building (pics above,1) Militant students raising angry fists at the Diet, now degenerated into a rubber-stamp for a constitutional revision' Militant students march on the LDP local office in Hokkaido: April 26th, Sapporo (pic 2) Hokkaido Univ. and Obihiro Zootechnics Univ. students demonstrating in solidarity with metropolitan Zengakuren's fight against the US-Japan summit talks Angry protests erupt against the SDF deployment in the Yonaguni Island: April 14th, Naha, Okinawa (pic 3) Workers and students making a protest with residents from the Yonaguni Island at the front (in front of the Okinawa prefectural office) [3] 'Against the US-Japan military alliance! Against the constitutional revision!' Voices resound through the streets of Kobe city: April 26th (pic 4) Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students fighting in front of the LDP local office in Kobe Stop the restart of the Sendai nuclear power plant! Shatter the offensive of the Abe government ambitious for nuclear development! The Marxist Student League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) - the Kyushu Regional Committee - The government and Kyushu Electric Power Co. preparing the restart of the Sendai nuclear plant - The government's attempt to restore Japan as a 'big nuclear power' based on its new Basic Energy Plan - Struggles uplifted in Kyushu against the restart of nuclear plants - Fight against the restart by overcoming the JCP leadership's campaign for an 'alternative energy policy'! [6] Uniqlo's 'limited regular employee' system: a new stratagem for exploiting workers more severely and then discarding them The rise of the fascist Front National and the disarray of the French left Topics Abe openly declares corporate tax cuts in the City of London [7] Revolutionary and militant workers fight for a militant uplift of May Day rallies The central May Day rally of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] (April 26th, Yoyogi Park, Tokyo) Fierce denunciations hailed on Abe attending the workers' rally (pic 5) Angry denunciations delivered at the labour aristocrats who invited Abe (pic 6) The JRCL propaganda unit making a call on participants to fight against the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense' The central May Day rally of Zenroren [National Confederation of TradeUnions] (May 1st, Yoyogi Park, Tokyo) Anger explodes against the JCP leadership's posture of going along with 'conservatives' (pic 7) The JRCL's revolutionary call arouses workers to militant fights The May Day rally of Zenrokyo [National Trade Union Council] (May 1st, Hibiya Park, Tokyo) Voices of protest raised against the constitutional revision and the restart of nuclear power plants (pic 8) A sense of crisis growing about the Abe government's ultra-reactionary offensives [8] Kaleidoscope - 'Limited constitutionalization' of the exercise of the right to collective defense is 'all up to the government': LDP Chief Secretary Ishiba's intention disclosed in the US - Obama schemes to re-establish US bases in the Philippines to contain China: a defense cooperation pact signed in Manila - A heated competition between China and the US-Japan-Australia for the sea lanes in the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific - Behind the Hungarian ruling party's landslide victory: workers and the toiling masses are heavily taxed and exposed to reactionary government offensives TOP |
No. 2317-18
(May 5th-12th 2014 Double Issue)
Obama-Abe summit talks
- 'Cooperation between Japan and the US' reaffirmed for 'containing China' - The Obama administration bent on building up an encircling net against China -- A scheme for a multilateral military alliance: an Asia-Pacific version of NATO -- An attempt to bulldoze the early agreement in TPP negotiations - Reactionary offensives of the Abe government plotting to build Japan into a strong military power - Denounce the JCP leadership for spreading an illusion about Obama! Fight for an upsurge of antiwar, anti-Ampo [the US-Japan military alliance] struggle! (pic above) Zengakuren resolutely rises in protest braving the police on full alert (April 24th, Tokyo)
[9] 'Shatter the Japan-US summit meeting!' Zengakuren fights under the banner 'Against Ampo!': April, 24th (pic 1) Angry students marching on the PM's Official Residence (pic 2) Militant students demonstrating in the heart of the Metropolis holding Zengakuren banners up high (pic 3) Zengakuren Okinawa firmly making a protest in front of the US Consulate (Urazoe, Okinawa) 'Take action to stop the boring survey for a US base construction in Henoko!' Workers, students and residents hold demonstrations at sea: April 19th, Henoko, Okinawa (pic 4) 'Definitely no to the new base construction!' protesters raise their voices at the planned construction site of Henoko (pic 5) Students' canoe units setting out for a marine protest (the planned boring survey area off the coast of Henoko) [2] 'Stop the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' Militant students fight together with workers and citizens in a protest action in front of the Diet Building: April 22nd, Tokyo (pic 6) Students from Waseda, Kokugakuin and other universities calling on participants to fight against the new US-Japan military alliance 'No to the construction of a US base for an X-band radar at Kyogamisaki!' 400 workers, students and residents rally against the planned base construction: April 20th, Kyotango, Kyoto (pic 7) Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students join the demonstration for a militant uplift of the struggle [3] Stop the launching of the boring survey for a new US Marine base construction in Henoko! Fight for a militant upsurge of the 'May 15th Okinawa People's Rally'! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee - US and Japanese rulers hell-bent to strengthen the US bases in Okinawa -- Offensives for building up a military encircling net against China -- Deployment of more SDF troops on Japan's southwest island chain -- China escalates threatening military actions against the US and Japan -- Zengakuren Okinawa fights at the forefront of the indignant people of Okinawa - Win a militant uplift of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle aiming to remove all the US bases and repel the US-Japan Security Treaty! [4-5] The crime by Putin with the ambition to expand Russia's territory I. Military occupation of Crimea: another warmongering - A lightning attack in the name of 'protecting Russian residents' - Discord among US, European and Japanese imperialists over sanctions against Russia - The newly arising threat of wars connected with religious, ethnic differences II. The danger of a civil war: Ukraine on the verge of breaking up into eastern and western parts - Contention over a 'shift to a federal system' - The self-destruction of the degenerate Yanukovych government - What underlies the rise of Ukrainian nationalism III. The ideological meaning of the collapse of the Stalinist Soviet Union - The anti-proletarian nature of Stalin's policy on national questions and the farce of Gorbachev's 'perestroika' - For a genuine overcoming of Stalinism! [6] Topics Zero overtime pay! And besides, destroying the very basis of regulating working hours!: the criminal opinions offered by nongovernmental members in the Competitiveness Council Abe gives directions to introduce a performance-based, not working hour-based system A Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] rally on April 18th, Hibiya, Tokyo 'Stop the revision of the temporary labour assignment law!' Anger growing against the labour aristocrats preparing to accept the outrageous revision behind the scene Behind the fatal express bus accident on the Hokurikudo Highway: The management seizes a large profit by taking advantage of the earthquake disaster [7] The 31st Zenkyo [All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union] convention The JCP-affiliated leadership intent on glossing over the bankruptcy of its long-lasting education policy: encouraging teachers to be absorbed in teaching - Rushing into a call for 'collaboration against the Abe government's "educational recovery programs"' -- A succession of accusations against the leadership expressed from the delegates of disaster-stricken areas and prefectures with nuclear power plants -- Abnormal busyness, overtime work for many hours...: the grave situation in the workplace reported -- The leadership disregards union members voicing a protest against the Abe government's offensive of destroying the JTU-affiliated Hokkaido Teachers' Union - Promote struggles against the neo-fascist reorganization of the educational system! The Zenkyo organization stuck in a serious, disorganized situation: a result of the line of pressing teachers to be immersed in teaching and nothing else [8] For the overcoming of historicism: A lesson I learn from Kuroda's Topos and Praxis, vol. 3 [10] photographs (Dec. 2013 - Apr. 2014) Fights erupting all over the country against the reactionary Abe government TOP |
No. 2316
(April 28th 2014 Issue)
Stir up the flames of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle! - Reactionary offensives of the Abe government desperate for building Japan into a strong military power - A dash for the strengthening of the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system - Advance the struggle by overcoming the JCP leadership's distortion of it into one for the 'single issue of protecting constitutionalism'
[2] 'No to the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' 4,000 workers, students and citizens stage a demonstration: April 6th, Osaka (pic 1) Students holding up the banner 'against the US-Japan military alliance!' Anger explodes against the entry of a Maritime SDF squadron April 3rd, Naha Port, Okinawa (pic 2) Militant students raising their voices in protest together with workers [4-5] Denounce the leadership of Shitetsu-soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions] and corrupt union leaders of the leading private railway companies for accepting extremely low wage increases! 1. No to the major private railway unions' agreement on the low compromise figures! 2. Fight against the degeneration of the private railway trade unions' spring labour offensive! Denounce the leadership of Shitetsu-soren for deciding not to plan a strike! Fight out the distribution and other industrial workers' spring labour offensive in opposition to the labour aristocrats' agreement on extremely low wage hikes! [7] Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive in the publishing industrial labour front! Overcome the union leadership's distortion of the labour offensive into one 'for a rebirth of the industry'! 1. Sackings and wage cuts ruthlessly assail publishing workers 2. The JCP-led trade union leadership obsessed with seeking 'collaboration with conscientious owners of publishing companies' 3. Win a big wage increase across the board! Fight against the 'imposition of oppression, war and poverty'! [6] Topics A Toyota subsidiary in India: hell-bent on destroying trade unions Judgement passed on a sightseeing bus accident of two years ago Denounce the court decision for laying all the blame on the bus driver alone! More and more aged people are obliged to stay long at day-care centres with poor treatment No to the further deterioration of the social security system sacrificing the socially disadvantaged! [3] The Abe government planning to abolish the rice acreage reduction system together with farmers' income compensation system: for deserting petty farmers The Abe government's new 'Basic Energy Plan': for restoring 'Japan as a nuclear power' [8] Kaleidoscope - Neo-fascists even resort to a pure sophistry to try to constitutionalize Japan's 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense' - 'Build Japan into a nuclear military power to defeat China': a rightist advocate Yoshiko Sakurai's assertion represents what Abe is really thinking - Xi Jinping targets Zhou Yongkang, a big 'tiger' in Jiang Zemin's bunch, in a corruption inquiry - The Japanese government launches into a development of new military technology by using civilian technologies TOP |
No. 2315
(April 21st 2014 Issue)
Stop the revision of labour laws! - A plot to lay an economic foundation for building Japan into a strong military power in the name of a 'strong economy' - The Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] leadership pretends to oppose but actually agrees the 'regulatory reform' - Denounce the JCP leadership for spreading an illusion about a 'sound capitalism' - Build a united battle front against fascism by organizing joint actions among trade unions! (pic above) Militant students rising up against the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defence' (April 8th, Tokyo)
[2] 'Stop the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defence'! 5,000 workers, students and citizens voicing their anger April 8th, Hibiya, Tokyo (pic 1) 'Against the revision of the Constitution!' Fighting students resolutely making an appeal raising placards (pic 2) Marching powerfully towards the Diet Building 2,000 Zenkyo [All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union] members rally against Abe's educational reform and constitutional revision March 29th, Hibiya, Tokyo Revolutionary workers fight for its militant upsurge; the JRCL calls on participants to overcome the JCP leaders' distortion of the protest [4-5] Denounce the JCP bureaucrats for seeking 'collaboration with conservatives'! A criticism of the resolution adopted in the 26th JCP Congress (1) A limitless right-wing degeneration embellished with the catchwords 'opposing, proposing and collaborating' - The policy of 'opposing Abe's course for a nation that wages war abroad': without opposition to the US-Japan military alliance - Reforms for a 'sound capitalism': a delusion - A 'united front for changing Japan': with no opposition to fascism (2) A 'roadmap for a democratic coalition government': a fantasy - A 'government in coalition with conservative people': ranked up to the part's strategy - Glorifying 'Japan's economic power and political system' - Defending China's neo-Stalinism The party in crisis: the truth behind its emphasis on the need to 'increase the party's influence' [3] Denounce the Education Ministry's pressure on a local town in Okinawa to adopt a ultra-nationalist 'civics course' textbook - Education Minister Shimomura threatens the town with a possible law suit - Even by amending a textbook law, to try to force the town into adopting a nationalist textbook - Textbook screening standards revised with an intention of establishing a 'government-edited schoolbook system' - Stop the Abe government's neo-fascist reorganization of the educational system! The Education Ministry issues a supplementary reader on radiation: a criminal plot to restore the myth, 'a nuclear power plant is completely safe' [6] Topics The 'three principles regarding the transfer of defence equipment' decided by the Cabinet Denounce the NTT union leadership for forcing the rank-and-file to accept an extremely low compromise figure! - '1600 yen increase in monthly pay': a deceitful response from the management - 'Selective improvement of wages' offered by the management to realize its offensive for general wage restraint - Impeach the union leadership for serving for the 'development' of the capitalist corporation'! [7] Denounce the leading electric companies' trade unions for agreeing with managements on ultra-low compromise figures! No to the distortion of the spring labour offensive by the leadership of JEIU [Japanese Electrical, Electronic and Information Unions] into one for 'overcoming the deflation'! I. Labour aristocrats vow to cooperate with managements in raising productivity in exchange for wage raise - Full cooperation to capitalists in implementing measures for further restructuring - An 'improvement in the treatment' of temp workers: again ended up as mere sloganeering II. Complementing and supporting the policies of Abenomics III. Actively assisting the government and electrical monopolies in military production and arms export increase Achieve a militant revival of the electrical labour movement! [8] Kaleidoscope - Federalization and Finlandization of Ukraine: Putin's calculation on imperialists' likely compromise, as shown in Kissinger's proposal - Nuclear Security Summit: Obama had a reason to stage its 'success', as it was held amid Russia's invasion of Crimea - After the French local elections: Hollande to go rightward further - A press conference over STAP papers: the scientist in question accused of the Riken institute bigwigs who forsook her to protect themselves TOP |
No. 2314
(April 14th 2014 Issue)
Rise up to shatter the Japan-US summit meeting! I. The danger of war growing in the contemporary world A. The annexation of Crimea: tense confrontation between Putin's Russia and US/European imperialist powers B. A clash between the US and China over hegemony in Asia II. The Abe government's all-out offensive aimed to build Japan into a strong military power - A dash for nuclear development - The consumption tax hike: still heavier burdens imposed on the masses III. The ever more degenerate official opposition movement and the struggle of the revolutionary left IV. Overcome the JCP-led campaign begging the government for a 'peaceful diplomacy'! - The JCP policy of 'opposing Abe's course for a nation that wages war': abandonment of anti-Ampo [US-Japan military alliance] and anti-fascism V. No to the revision of the Constitution! Create an explosive upsurge in anti-war, anti-Ampo struggle under the banner 'against fascism'! - Stop the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Stop the revision of the Constitution aimed to revive 'militarist Japan'! - Crush the new US military base construction in Henoko! No to the setting up of new Japan-US defense cooperation guidelines! - Denounce Putin-led Russia's annexation of Crimea! No to US and European imperialist intervention! - No to the Abe government's restart and exportation of nuclear power plants! - Denounce the consumption tax increase! Crush Abenomics! - Build up a powerful united battle front against fascism!
[4] 'Denounce Russia's military occupation and annexation of Crimea!' Zengakuren Hokkaido lodges a protest against the Russian consulate: March 20th, Sapporo, Hokkaido (pic 1) 'We denounce Russia's annexation of Crimea!' Voices of protest resounding through the Russian consulate 'Stop the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' Angry protesters stage a demonstration in a 'No War rally 11 years after the start of the Iraq War': March 20th, Sapporo (pic 2) Militant students marching in solidarity with workers and citizens under the banner 'against fascism!' No to the removal of the Japanese military's war crime records from the exhibition! Osaka prefecture/city authorities plan to renovate the peace museum in accordance with the government's 'recognition of Japanese history' [5] Denounce the Abe government for pressing nuclear refugees to return to their radioactively polluted home!: The Abe government's criminal policy of deserting disaster victims in the name of 'accelerating Fukushima's reconstruction' - 'Evacuation instructions' lifted in the name of 'switching to a pragmatic policy' - 'Less than 1 millisievert a year': the target figure of exposure dose now in name only - 'Self-responsibility for individual exposure doze' shifted onto residents - Compensation payment mercilessly brought to a close - Chernobyl today bespeaks the future of Fukushima The Chinese government attempts to gloss over the failure in solving the long-standing 'three agricultural problems' [6] Rengo Hokkaido's solidarity rally for the spring offensive (March 5th) 'Win a big wage increase!' 1,500 workers demonstrate despite a biting wind Severe burdens imposed on long-distance express bus drivers Topics Authoritatively, even by amending a textbook law: the Education Ministry's high-handed attempt to impose a nationalist textbook on a local town in Okinawa [7] LDP Chief Secretary Ishiba's fanatic ambition for a 'state capable of waging war': a neo-fascist argument for a constitutional revision 1. Shouting for the promotion of a 'popular movement' aiming to revise the Constitution of Japan 2. Constitutional revision with a view to warmongering - 'Pacifism is a sheer fantasy': hurling abuse at the present Constitution - 'The military is allowed by principle to do anything it needs': an appalling plan for Japanese 'national security forces' 3. Justifying the restriction of human rights based on state supremacism [8] Kaleidoscope - India's general election: Modi, a tough Hindu supremacist BJP candidate likely to win, but wage differentials also likely to increase - Putin's ascendancy over Crimea: preparations steadily made since last year with successive military exercises conducted - The arrest of a Toshiba-related engineer tells us: Japanese workers overused at home, headhunted by rival Korean companies, and then overused again - A plan to launch a spy satellite by 2020: part of a 'space version' of the Japan-US defense cooperation to vie with China TOP |
No. 2313
(April 7th 2014 Issue)
Denounce the consumption tax hike! - Bankruptcy of Abenomics and the victimization of workers and the toiling masses - Abandonment of disaster victims and a rush for a major revision of labour laws - Strengthen the fighting force for politico-economic struggles by revealing the degeneration of the official leadership!
[2] 'Stop the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' 5,000 participated in a rally called by the 'committee of 1000 people against war': March 20th, Tokyo (pic 1) High-spirited metropolitan area students fighting for a militant upsurge of the rally under the banner 'No to fascism!' Three years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster Militant workers fight to uplift protest rallies against nuclear development: March 8th - 9th, Kyushu region (pic 2) 'Stop the nuclear development!' Protesters' voices resound through the main street (Mar. 9th, Fukuoka) (pic 3) The venue filled with enthusiasm against the restart of nuclear power plants (Mar. 9th, Kita-kyushu) (pic 4) Workers and local residents holding a demonstration against the Genkai nuclear plant (Mar. 8th, Karatsu) [3] 6,000 fight against the restart of the Sendai nuclear plant: 'Sayonara to the nuke' rally (Mar. 16th, Kagoshima) (pic 5) Militant students marching with workers in the central part of the city (pic 6) Kagoshima Univ. students calling on rally participants to fight out Don't allow the abandonment of nuclear disaster victims! The Government/Tepco's plan to cut off reparations Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] Okinawa's solidarity rally for the spring labour offensive: March 18th Militant workers resolved to fight for the upsurge of the labour offensive in small and medium enterprises [4] The leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] supports PM Abe's deceitful slogan of 'realizing a virtuous cycle' for the Japanese economy A. Praise and endorsement to Abe's request for 'wage hikes' B. A tricky demand for a 'big wage raise' C. A demand for a 'suspension of the consumption tax hike' in the name of 'overcoming the deflation' D. A daydream about 'sound capitalism' [5] JTU's annual education research conference Militant education workers strive against the Abe government's offensive for 'patriotic', meritocracy-based education - Constant overwork and bullying in workplaces in the name of 'performance assessment': impermissible problems discussed despite union leaders' abandonment of protests - Lively arguments organized against Abe's coercion of 'patriotic' education and constitutional revision - 'Don't abandon Fukushima!' Militant workers call on the participants to oppose the restart of nuclear power plants - Oppose the neo-fascist reorganization of education! Rise against the offensive of destroying teachers' unions! [6] Denounce the JP union leadership for accepting an intolerably law wage increase! - Union leaders very much appreciate only '1,000 yen increase' - The compromise figure 'exceeds the operation profit': a deception Topics 'From institutional care to in-home care': the Abe government encourages a shift in medical and nursing care No to the legislation for a 'comprehensive reform' in medical/nursing care services! The Abe government schemes to undermine the nationwide comprehensive health insurance system [7] The strengthening of US military bases in Japan as footholds for attacking China and the characteristics of recent Japan-US joint military exercises New faults revealed: repeated cancellations of MV-22 Osprey's participation in joint military exercises [8] Some notes on the philosophy of Kuroda A contribution by James White, a member of Revolutionary Marxists in Britain Putin's falsification of history Denounce the kindling of chauvinistic nationalism by both Russian rulers and Ukrainian nationalists! TOP |
No. 2312
(March 31st 2014 Issue)
Denounce Putin-led Russia's military occupation and - Discord over sanctions against Russia among US and European imperialists - Eradicate the impending crisis of war connected with ethnic and religious differences! Rise now for the liberation of Ukrainian people! [2] Zengakuren takes an emergency action at the Russian embassy: March 17th (pic above) Zengakuren unfolding angry protests against the Russian occupation of Crimea (Mar. 17th, in front of the Russian embassy, Tokyo) Shatter the massive consumption tax increase and the revision of labour laws with all the strength of workers and the toiling masses! - The Abe government intent on corporate tax cuts and the revision of labour laws - Monopoly capitalists embark on a new form of corporate restructuring - Denounce the leadership of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] for accepting the consumption tax hike! Overcome the JCP's petition campaign to 'stop tax increase'!
Militant students fight against the constitutional revision: March 20th, Tokyo (details to appear in the next issue) (pic 1) Fighting students in the inauguration rally held by the «committee of 1,000 people against war» [3] Struggles fought in high spirits against the restart and export of nuclear plants 5,000 denounce the Abe government: 'No more Fukushima - Sayonara to the Nuke' rally, March 15th, Tokyo (pic 2) Protesters' rage explode at PM Abe's rush to the restart of nuclear plants (pic 3) 'Down with the Abe government!' Militant students calling on the protesters
Nara Women's Univ. and Kobe Univ. students fight in the van of 7,000 workers and citizens: 'Sayonara to the Nuke' rally in Kansai, March 9th, Osaka (pic 4) Students fighting for a militant upsurge of the rally under the banner, 'No to the building of Japan into a big military power!' [8] 'Denounce a succession of US military accidents!' Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fight together with workers and residents of Okinawa: March 7th, Kadena, Okinawa (pic 5) Militant students protesting against US forces' repeated accidents 'Repeal the state secrecy law!' Students strive for a militant upsurge of the rally of workers and citizens: March 6th, Osaka 136th Zengakuren Central Committee meeting held in success: March 17th - 18th, Tokyo Resolves fortified against the Abe government's offensive of constitutional revision and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance (pic 6) [4-5] Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2014 spring labour offensive in the chemical industry! No to the degenerate union leadership's distortion of the spring labour offensive into one for 'overcoming the deflation'! I. Major attacks on workers for corporate restructuring and the crisis of the spring labour offensive in the chemical industry II. Denounce the labour aristocrats totally aloof from lower echelon members' bitter struggles! Definitely no to the liberalization of sackings! 'Guidelines on employment' drafted by the government for 'special state strategic zones' Contract workers exploited, then discarded: the case of deadheading workers in car-rental companies [6] Militant workers fight for upsurge of the 2014 spring labour offensive Rengo Ishikawa's solidarity rally for the spring offensive: March, 10th Rengo Fukuoka's solidarity rally for the spring offensive: March, 8th Topics Over half of company managements offer 'zero wage increase': still, the JCP-affiliated leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] says 'figures show a favourable upswing' [7] Kaleidoscope - 'Russia's operation is for protecting its nationals, and Japan must do the same' (LDP Chief Secretary Ishiba) - Fascist Ishiba publishes a demagogic book on the 'collective self-defense': an ambition seen through to build Japan into a top-class military power - The Nuclear Regulation Authority yields to the Abe government: a step taken to accelerate the restart of Sendai nuclear power plant TOP |
No. 2311
(March 24th 2014 Issue)
An extremely low-wage figure!
- With price hikes, tax increases and an increased burden of social security fees, a nominal 'rise' in wages is less than nothing - A growing wage-gap between workers - Workers in small companies and temp workers are forced into a hardship - Fight against the revision of labour laws and the major restructurings! Break the oppression of the fight by labour aristocrats, loyal servants of the Abe Gov. and monopoly capitalists! Denounce the armed invasion of Ukraine by Putin's Russia! Denounce the occupation of the Crimean Peninsula! No to US and European imperialists' intervention! The Mar. 17th emergency action by Zengakuren students at the Russian embassy (pic right upper) Zengakuren students raise their angry fists in front of the Russian embassy (Mar. 17th, Tokyo) Three years on from the Mar. 11th, 2011 Fighting students rally in the Sayonara Nuke Rally on Mar. 15th (pic right lower) 'Stop the restart of nuclear plants! Overthrow the reactionary Abe government!' chanted the students in the rally (Mar. 15, Hibiya Tokyo) [2]
Tens of thousands masses surround the Parliament Building 'A Major United Action for a Zero Nuclear Plant' on Mar. 9th (pic 1) A placard-made banner 'No to the nuclear development!' raised in the very middle of the venue that was crowded with tens of thousands of workers and residents (Mar. 9th, Hibiya) - Fighting students march on the Parliament building under the slogans 'Down with the Abe government!' 'Stop the revision of the Constitution!' (Mar. 9th, Hibiya) 900 workers, students and people rally in the Sayonara Nuke Rally in Hokkaido (Mar. 8th) (pic 2) 'No to the restart of Tomari nuclear plant!' Fighting students march through the streets of Sapporo (Mar. 8th, Hokkaido) [3] 'Stop a new base construction in Henoko!' Workers and students in Okinawa stage actions in succession Feb. 14th: 2000 surround the prefectural office building (pic 3) Fighting students of Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa International Univ. struggle in the forefront of the workers and residents under the slogan 'Stop the boring research at Henoko!' 'Fight against the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance!' (Feb. 14th, Naha in Okinawa) Feb. 12th: Fighting students denounce the US ambassador's visit to Okinawa (pic 4) Together with workers and residents, fighting students advance on the ambassador's car (Feb. 12th, Naha in Okinawa) A Rally for Spring Labour Offensives organized by Rengo in Aichi on Mar. 2nd Militant workers struggle against the labour aristocrats of JCM, betrayers of workers, and keep on fighting energetically inside trade unions More than ten thousand workers converged on a park in Nagoya City [4] Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive in the electric industry with a strong denunciation of the labour aristocrats' betrayal! Denounce the compromise on an extremely low-wage figure and keep on fighting! - Under the condition of a massive increase in profits, monopoly capitalists boost the fierce restructuring and force the wage-cut - Workers in the electric industry groan under the sackings and intensified labour - The Abe government advocates 'the reconstruction of a strong economy' and encourage companies' restructurings - The labour movement in a deepening crisis and the struggle of revolutionary, militant workers - Denounce the labour aristocrats of the electric industry, who demand an extremely low-wage figure and cooperate with the management in restructurings - A deceitful demand for a 'pay-rise' - The degenerated leadership gives full supports for the business realignment and massive sackings - Their 'industrial policy' for promoting nuclear plant operation and arms exports - Their 'policy for temp workers' is filled with deceptive words - The labour aristocrats' scheme 'to realign' the joint struggle of unions that has been organized across the industry - Stir up flames of militant spring labour offensive! [5] Denounce the metal industrial labour aristocrats for distorting the spring labour offensive into one 'for economic recovery' (Part 2) I. Wage demands decided only for the sake of a 'mind shift' to 'overcome the deflationary Japanese economy' II. The criminal nature of the JCM's union policy for the labour offensive: a complement to Abenomics A. Union leaders' arbitrary analysis of the political and economic trends B. Ultra-low wage-hike demands and the deceitful argument of 'investing in human resources' (Included in the previous issue) C. A nominally raised tricky policy to 'oppose the revision of work-rules' D. A new development of the today's Industrial Patriotic Association under the influence of the Abe government [6-7] Fight against a liquidation of the labour offensive by the JAM leadership into one for 'realization of virtuous cycle' for the Japanese economy! Fight out the JAM's spring labour offensive! [JAM: Japanese Association of Metal. Machinery and Manufacturing Workers] 1. A major attack of restructuring and the struggle of revolutionary, militant workers 2. The anti-proletarian nature of the leadership's policy for the spring labour offensive under the banner of 'economic growth and income raise' - Demands they raised are opportunistic requests dependent on the Abe-directed, deceitful 'wage-rise' mood - The approval of sackings and wage cuts - Treachery towards the struggle against the revision of labour laws 3. Stir up the flame of the 2014 spring labour offensive from the workplaces! Topics Oppose the revision of the temporary worker dispatching law which plunges workers into 'eternally temporary' workers! The Abe government schemes to expand the employment of foreign workers on extremely low wages [8] Kim Jong Un's North Korean government trying desperately to wriggle out of a 'national crisis' TOP |