Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation |
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No. 2100
(January 1st 2100 Issue)
Fight strenuously for building - Friction in the US-Japan bloc and newly developed conflicts between the 'three poles' - The new government of Japan based on the tripartite coalition centred on the DPJ under the Hatoyama-Ozawa leadership: desperate to wriggle out of the crisis - The degenerate leaderships of the official opposition movements: devoted to assistance with a 'friendly-faced' reorganization of the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system - Strengthen and expand the ranks of our revolutionary left wing! [5] Hatoyama's measures for breaking through the crisis under the slogan of an 'ecological course of the nation' [6-7] New Year's cartoon Russia: an illusional 'superpower' The Putin-Medvedev regime struggling to overcome the oil-dependent economy - A stratagem for Russia's reinstatement as a 'superpower' in alliance with Hu Jintao's China - Trials and errors for overcoming its 'natural resource-dependent' economy - Strengthen proletarian forces to overthrow Putin's autocratic ruling system! [10-11] Resolves for the New Year (1) - The Hokkaido Regional Committee - The Tokai Regional Committee - The Kyushu Regional Committee - The Education Workers' Committee - The Information Telecommunication Workers Committee - The Postal Workers' Committee - The Metal Industrial Workers' Committee - The Tokyo Antiwar Workers Conference [12] Photo Special TOP |
No. 2099
(December 21st 2009 Issue)
JRCL Public Political Meeting - JRCL Okinawa Prefectural Committee: We will lead the struggle to stop the new Marine base construction in Henoko - A municipal worker on behalf of comrades in the labour front: Expose the hypocrisy and deception of the Hatoyama government's policy 'to support people's life' - Zengakuren Chairman Shigeki Okuno: We will fight keeping in mind our pledge to comrade Kuroda - Now is the time to demonstrate our real worth as the only revolutionary vanguard party Messages of solidarity - Revolutionary Marxists in Britain - Fraccion Leninista Trotskista Internacional (FLTI) [4-5] Devoted support for 'survival measures' of the Japanese state and monopoly capitalists of the metal industry Denounce the labour aristocrats in metal workers' unions for leading today's 'Industrial Patriotic' movement - Their agenda for the 2010 spring labour offensive: for destroying it in the name of 'breakthrough measures of the crisis of the Japanese economy and the metal industry' - The extremely reactionary nature seen in their acceptance of sackings and wage cuts and their advocacy of 'structural reform' - Today's 'Industrial Patriotic' movement which assists the Hatoyama-led neo-fascist government [2] Okinawa: a demonstration against the new US Marine base construction in Henoko (Dec. 5th) Aichi University: Students' Festival (Nov. 1st-3rd) [3] Don't resume the operation of the fast-breeder reactor Monju! A mass demonstration at the site in Tsuruga City (Dec. 5th) Kaleidoscope - The rising rate of unemployment in the US - Russian auto-making workers in protest: Putin, take responsibility! - The Indian Prime Minister's visit to the US [6] Denounce the bosses of West Japan Railway Co.! 'Improvement in the job problem' Obama's lie From a workplace in a private railway: Let us fight for regularization of temporary workers Topics The Rengo leadership's decision to abandon struggles for higher wages [7] Chukaku-ha remnants: a haphazard repair on their 'class labour movement' [8] Main articles in Kaihoh of this year TOP |
No. 2098
(December 14th 2009 Issue)
The Hatoyama government on the brink of a
crisis - The economic war between the three poles connected with environmental issues - Hatoyama's government shaken by internal and external difficulties - An attempt to solve the budgetary tightness by increasing taxes - Working people suffering the extreme impoverishment - Fight to break the crisis of the class struggle in Japan! [4] A declaration of the Rengo leadership that the labour movement contributes to the 'safety and stability' of the state and society: the false reasoning for its assistance to the DPJ government - The regularization of the 'government-labour talks': cooption of Rengo into the ruling mechanism of the state - 'A sustainable society supported by a thick middle stratum': a fallacious dream - The new definition of trade unions as 'an infrastructure for the society's safety and stability' [5] The leadership of Jichiro [Prefectural/Municipal Workers' Union] taking the road to a municipal version of the Industrial Patriotic Movement [6] What the JCP calls 'struggles against unjust dismissals': in fact, the ones that demand additional money for the settlement 2000 workers at a prefectural Rengo rally for the seasonal struggle (Kanazawa, Nov. 11th) Topics The Japan Teachers' Union: to introduce a 'government-labour' consultation in its basic agenda [8] Deceptive nature of the DPJ policy for education A 'state strategy for better human resources' - The DPJ government showing off its policies 'to raise and educate children' - Education policies for Japanese imperialism to win an international competition for 'better human resources' - Reinforcements to the previous policies for 'abilities and patriotism' [2] Students' festivals spirited - Kokugakuin University (Tokyo) - Kagoshima University (Kyushu) [3] Voices of workers against a US-Japan joint military exercise (Komatsu, Nov. 16th) Angers against the leadership's acceptance of lower wages (Fukuoka, Nov. 18th) At a lecture meeting of a trade union-based peace organization in Osaka (Oct. 29th) My participation in an antiwar demonstration in Kyushu [7] Chukakuha's vain efforts for gilding its 'strategy' TOP |
No. 2097
(December 7th 2009 Issue)
To the Dec. 6th JRCL public political meeting - Japanese imperialism drifting around amid the new confrontation between the US and China-Russia - The leadership of the official labour movement, an assistant to the DPJ government - Win another leap forward of the anti-Stalinist communist movement! [2] Smash the US-Japan summit meeting! ![]() - Kagoshima University students joined a trade union-based rally under the banner against the US-Japan military alliance (Nov. 11th, Kagoshima) Okinawa: International Day of Antiwar Action (Oct. 21st) (Pic right) [3] Stop the resumption of operation of Monju, a fast-breeder reactor! Fight for a militant upsurge of the Dec. 5th rally in Tsuruga! - The Hatoyama government intent on developing the fast-breeder reactor - Dangerous resumption of its operation - Fight by overcoming the JCP-led movement to demand 'safety measures'! [6] Deceptive nature of the DPJ policy for education A 'state strategy for better human resources' - The DPJ government showing off its policies 'to raise and educate children' - Education policies for Japanese imperialism to win an international competition for 'better human resources' - Reinforcements to the previous policies for 'abilities and patriotism' [4-5] Chukakuha's farcical 'draft programme' to deny 'a vanguard party' [7] A judge defined the act by a boss to force a medical worker to retire as 'against the law' but recommend her to retire. (Fukuoka District Court) Children suffering from poverty: deterioration of the social 'assistance for study' Topics Deceptive announcement of the 'improved rate of unemployment' [8] Kaleidoscope - Holidays in Yalta: Gas negotiations between Russia and Ukraine - 'Ants': a Chinese version of the working poor - A chemical plant in Saudi Arabia TOP |
No. 2096
(November 30th 2009 Issue)
Dec. 6th JRCL public political meeting - US imperialism and China: conflicts and deceptive cooperation for the hegemony in East Asia - Japanese imperialism groping for a way of survival amid the new confrontation between the US and China - By denouncing the Rengo leadership who supports the Hatoyama government, fight to break the new offensives to prepare war and impose poverty by ! [4-5] Afghanistan becoming the grave of the Obama administration The fundamental bankruptcy of the US military occupation and a humiliating shift to 'reconciliation' ![]() - The total failure of Obama's 'new strategy for Afghanistan' - Fundamental cause for the bankruptcy in the aggression and occupation of Afghanistan - Yankee imperialism being driven into an 'honourless retreat' [2] Denounce the prefectural exercise for 'the protection of the nation'! On Nov. 8th, the Hatoyama government carried out a 'national protection exercise' jointly with the Ishikawa prefectural authority at the Nanao Port area. Against this exercise, 200 workers, citizens and students rallied from various districts of Ishikawa Prefecture. (Pic right) A campus rally at Kagoshima University On Oct. 23rd, militant students of Kagoshima University held a rally against the planned deployment of PAC-3 missiles in the Kyushu region and against the pluthermal power generation. [3] ![]() 'Smash the US-Japan summit meeting!' On Nov. 12th, militant students marched through Sapporo City against Obama's visit to Tokyo and his meeting with Hatoyama. [6] Fake 'urgent measures for employment' by the Hatoyama government The 'working poor' in the postal service Topics The deceptive 'improvement' of the Worker Dispatch Law by the Hatoyama government: but, even it is faced with opposition from 'neutral' advisories. [7] Denounce the NTT management for sacking temporary workers! [8] Kaleidoscope - Hatoyama: to use a Japan's war vessel as a 'boat of fraternity'? - Hatoyama's 'paradise' in Mekong: hoping for too much - 'Re-REMICs', another financial derivative: Danger not past yet, God forgotten - 'Corollas' with Chinese characteristics: auto boom in China TOP |
No. 2095
(November 23rd 2009 Issue)
Smash the US-Japan summit! - 'Now is the time to raise the flag against the US-Japan military alliance!' Rousing speeches - Let us fight for further progress of the struggle against war and the military alliance! [2] A surging protest against another US Marine
base at Henoko
- Boiling anger against US and Japanese rulers scheming to construct another base - Massive attendance of trade union members affiliated to Rengo Okinawa, encouraged by revolutionary, militant workers - Militant students struggling under the banner 'Remove nuclear bases! Repeal the US-Japan Security Treaty!' [7] ![]() - Alan Garcia working for US, European and Chinese multinationals, for their plunder of natural resources - Unite across borders to fight back! Let us extend our solidarity to Peruvian mine workers in response to the call from the Bolivia Mine Workers Union Federation, together with comrades of the FLTI! [3]
- The Kansai regional demonstration in Okasa - The Hokkaido regional demonstration in Sapporo (See photos in the right) Militant students of Kanazawa University struggling against the plutonium loading to fast-breeder reactor Monju [4-5] Forge the battle line of the working class against 'friendly neo-fascism'! Fight for the deconstruction of Rengo! Central Workers' Orgburo (1) The Hatoyama government: neo-fascism with a friendly face using the catchphrase of 'fraternity' (2) The Japanese labour movement on the verge of extinction (3) Fight now for a militant reconstruction of the Japanese labour movement! - Organize struggles to shatter another offensive to prepare war and to impose poverty - Fight for a mass development of the antiwar, anti-Security Treaty struggle - Build a politico-economic struggle to shatter the offensive to impose 'a new form of poverty' - Advance a struggle against Japanese imperialism's neo-colonialist aggression and nuclear development in the name of 'measures against global warming' - Fight for a uniform and big raise in wages! For a drastic improvement of the working conditions of temporary workers! - Fight for the deconstruction of Rengo [6] Toyota: imposing heavier sacrifices upon workers in the name of 'managerial crisis' Workers' unions of Nagoya City: Seething anger against the unprecedented cuts in wages Topics The Japanese employers' federation: a vicious 'recommendation' for 'institutional reform' [8] Kaleidoscope - Jihad in Texas? - Catching a British fever: with the Ozawa-type virus - Germany: new walls after the collapse of the Wall - Surveillance cameras planned to be introduced in carriages of commuter trains TOP |
No. 2094
(November 16th 2009 Issue)
Oppose the strengthening of the new US-Japan
military alliance! - Rivalry between China, Japan and the US over the formation of an Asian economic sphere - Hatoyama's neo-fascist government revealing its nature against the toiling masses - Advance struggles against war and the military alliance together with politico-economic struggles! L [4-5] Forge the battle line of the working class against 'neo-fascism with a friendly face'! Fight for the deconstruction of Rengo! Central Workers' Orgburo (1) The Hatoyama government: neo-fascism with a friendly face using the catchphrase of 'fraternity' (2) The Japanese labour movement on the verge of extinction
[2] No pluthermal operation! Zengakuren protests against the first plutonium-mixed operation - Zengakuren Kyushu at the front gate of Genkai nuclear plant - In front of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry [3] Antiwar actions (See photos in the right) Oct. 25th, Okinawa: militant workers and students at a rally against the planned construction of a US Marine base at Henoko Oct. 18th, Nagoya: under the banner against the nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia, against the Hatoyama government's offensive to impose 'war and poverty' Oct. 28, Kyushu: a midnight fight against the deployment of PAC-3 missiles to a local ASDF base [7] Assistance to the 'neo-fascism with a friendly face' The central JCP leadership one-sidedly extending its cooperation with the DPJ government (Continued from the previous issue) (1) JCP's responses to the Hatoyama government 'as a constructive opposition': like a one-sided love (2) Limitless illusion about 'dialogues' among the states and Hatoyam's slogan of 'fraternity' - Chairman Shii's opportunist perception: 'the world witnessing a positive change' - Distortion of the 'campaign for nuclear disarmament' into an Obama supporting movement - Pledging to the DPJ to abrogate the 'abrogation of the US-Japan Security Treaty' as the party's cause - Serving to rescue the Japanese imperialist economy from the crisis (3) The fifth column of the neo-fascist coalition [6] Public workers in Hokkaido Oppose the official recommendation of lower wages! Resolutely carry out a strike on November 18th! Fight back against the massive sackings of temporary workers! 2500 workers at a rally in Tokyo (Oct. 29th) Topics The Rengo leadership's decision to demand no wage hike for the 2010 spring offensive [8] Kaleidoscope - The former bureaucrat of the financial ministry appointed as new president of Japan Post by the DPJ government: replacement of the neo-liberal predecessor - Sales of smaller nuclear reactors - The Former JCP Chair: 'Socialism' is 'a better capitalism'? - Police control of internet providers TOP |
No. 2093
(November 9th 2009 Issue)
Smash the US-Japan Summit Meeting! ![]() - The Hatoyama government determined to accept the construction of a new US Marine base at Henoko, Okinawa - The nuclear arms race intensified between the US and China-Russia - Fight by overcoming the official opposition movement to cheer the Hatoyama government! [2] Zengakuren and the Antiwar Youth held a militant demonstration in Tokyo, Oct. 25th Under the guidance of the JRCL, militant students and workers marched on the US embassy, the Prime Minister's Office and the Diet building. 'Fight to stop Obama's visit to Tokyo!' 'Smash the bilateral summit!' 'Oppose the nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia!' 'Fight back against the Hatoyama government's new offensive to impose war and poverty!' They marched in solidarity with workers and students simultaneously demonstrating in Hokkaido, Kansai and Okinawa under the same slogans. (Pic right) ![]() No deployment of PAC-3 missiles! Stop the pluthermal operation at the Genkai nuclear plant! (Pic right lower) [4-5] Assistance to the 'neo-fascism with a friendly face' The JCP central leadership one-sidedly extending its cooperation with the DPJ government (1) JCP's responses to the Hatoyama government 'as a constructive opposition': like a one-sided love (2) Limitless illusion about 'dialogues' among the states and Hatoyam's slogan of 'fraternity' [3] Victorious struggles to smash the offensives designed to destroy the revolutionary student movement [6] Successive deaths from overwork of education workers in Ishikawa Prefecture Fight back against the harsh management by the prefectural board of education! The postponement, or failure, of the managerial unification of home delivery services: causing confusion to postal workplaces Topics Major companies reducing seasonal bonuses by an average of 15.91 % [7] National hospitals: urging workers to join in 'Quality Control' activities A trade union-based rally for the International Day against War in Fukuoka (Oct. 21st) Militant workers struggling to beak the leadership's oppression [8] Kaleidoscope - US newspapers screaming at the Hatoyama government: 'schizophrenia!' - Dirty CIA connections with a Karzai's brother - A latest remark by a notorious ex-minister and neo-liberal economist - A fictitious monologue of Ichiro Ozawa, a DPJ leader TOP |
No. 2092
(November 2nd 2009 Issue)
Nov. 12th Fight to smash the US-Japan summit meeting! - Behind 'nuclear arms reduction' talks: the nuclear arms race intensified between the US and China-Russia - The Hatoyama government bent on building up a coercive ruling system with decision-making authority centralized in the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Secret - Fight by overcoming the official opposition petitioning for 'nuclear arms reduction' and assisting the Hatoyama government! [5] Stop the construction of a new US Marine base at Henoko! For a militant upsurge of the Okinawa People's Rally on November 8th! Fight by overcoming the official movement to support the Hatoyama government! The JRCL Okinawa Prefectural Committee - An about-face: the Hatoyama government moving to 'accept' a new Marine base at Henoko - Strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance: the absolute premise for the foreign policy of the DPJ government - The official leadership of opposition movement becoming a cheering party for the Hatoyama government - Fight for a militant upsurge of antiwar, anti-military base and anti-Security Treaty struggle! [4] A rush to build a 'yuan-based economic sphere' The Hu Jing Tao government's strategy for dominance over the world economy (1) Attempts to promote the yuan to an international currency - Trials started for yuan-based trades - China's plan to use the SDR in the name of 'IMF reform' - Difficulties in the way forward - An attempt to create a key currency based on 'trilateral blend' (2) Formation of an East and Southeast Asian economic sphere as a 'yuan sphere' - Gradual expansion of yuan-based trade settlements - Expansion and reorganization of the regional trade through the FTA - Reorganization into a China-led system of region-wide international division of labour [2] ![]() [3] Fight to stop the pluthermal operation of the Genkai nuclear plant reactor No. 3! Fight against the development of nuclear plants and nuclear weapons under the pretext of 'reduction of CO2 emission'! - The Hatoyama government intent on carrying out the plutonium-uranium mixed oxide fuel project and constructing new nuclear plants - Hatoyama bent on developing a 'nuclear fuel cycle' - Denounce the Rengo leadership stressing the need to construct new nuclear plants! - Fight by overcoming the JCP-led movement to demand 'safety measures' [6] Denounce the personnel commission of Sapporo City recommending a record cut in wages! Hokkaido: No to coercion of 'fluoric mouth cleansing' at schools! Topics Rengo leaders overjoyed by the Hatoyama government giving lip service to labour rights [7] Fight to stop the 'anti-terror' drill in Ishikawa Prefecture on Nov. 8th! At a deliberative council of the Hatoyama government: members for employers shouting against stronger regulation on temporary employment [8] Kaleidoscope - Gates in Tokyo: preparation for Obama's visit - The revealed mission of Japanese troops in Iraq: carriage of US troops - China's unipolar dominance: rare earth Denounce the managerial of West Japan Railway Co. trying to cover up materials related to the Fukuchiyama Line accident! TOP |
No. 2091
(October 26th 2009 Issue)
October 25th
- The Obama administration bringing intense pressure on the Hatoyama government, which seeks to make Japan 'independent from the US' - Chinese and Russian government intent on driving a wedge between the US and Japan and forming an international anti-American encirclement - Japanese imperialism seeking a way to survive amid the intensified confrontation between the US and China - Oppose the nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia! Advance struggles against war and the military alliance! [2] Okinawa 'Fight to stop the construction of a new US Marine base in Henoko!' Workers and students raising their fists of anger (at the Sept. 18 Okinawa People's Rally, Naha City) (See the upper picture in the right) Okinawa Kengakuren students protested the deployment of SDF P3C patrol plane units off Somalia for 'anti-piracy mission' (Oct. 5th, the ASDF Naha Base) (See the lower picture in the right) [3] ![]() No Nukes Festa 2009 with 7000 workers, students and citizens: militant students exposed deceptions of the Hatoyama government (Oct. 30th, Tokyo) (Picture in the right) 'Stop the dangerous operation at the Genkai nuclear plant with plutonium-uranium mixed oxide fuel!' 500 protesters at a trade union-based rally (Oct. 6th, Saga) In the name of 'disaster drill': with combat planes and a landing craft mobilized (Sept. 11th, Okinawa) [4-5] A rush to build a 'yuan-based economic sphere' The strategy of the Hu Jing Tao government for its dominance over the world economy - Attempts to make the yuan an international currency The Japanese bourgeoisie stressing the need 'to lift the three-point ban on exporting weapons' [6] A 'full integration of home delivery services into the JP Express' failed Fight against the offensive to shift burdens onto postal workers! Successive sackings of 'foreign trainees': after harsh exploitation with the extremely low wages Topics The worst rates of unemployment in Japan, the US and the EU [7] The national education research meeting of Zenkyo (JCP-led teachers unions) Immersion in the activities to advertise the JCP's 'solutions to the kids' poverty' and to design a better curriculum The Izumisano City authority planning to reduce 200 workers [8] Kaleidoscope - Myanmar: Dialogue and sanction - Talks over Iran's nuclear development - The DPJ government and Mr. Yen - South African soldiers: against the oppression by Zuma and 'the communist party' TOP |