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No. 1780 (August 4th Issue)
![]() angers against the passage through the Diet 22-26 July militant students carrying out a 5-day struggle outside the Diet - No troops to Iraq! - At a trade union-based rally: a pro-constitutional revisionist member of the Democratic Party heckled for militant workers pic. right also from Yahoo Student protests against Blair's visit to Tokyo, 18 July - In front of the UK embassy [2] No troops to Iraq! - On-the-spot struggles against a major SDF drill in Hokkaido, 11-12 July - No SDF vessels sailing for the Middle East, protests at Maizuru and Kure base, 15 July. - Antiwar Walk in Osaka, 6 July. - Protests against the bill to reorganize national universities into independent agencies, 8-9 July in Tokyo. [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - US razzle-dazzle around Odai and Qusai: guerrilla attacks conversely increased - Misleaders: history never tolerates - A psychological formula for 'Walls of Fool' to be applied to Neo-cons, and to the US public - Today's version of the Rustication Movement: but for capitalist reform - Surveillance society: everyone is treated as suspect [4] Chukakuha remnants - To dissolve the 'party' [5] Over the issue of North Korea: Frictions between the US-Japan vs. China-South Korea - Bush reluctantly titling the counterpart 'Mr. Kim Jong Il' - Roh Moo Hyun and Hu Jingtao in 'cooperation', putting forward an 'age of Northeast Asia' - Kim Jong Il groping for a Korean unification in a 'two systems in one state' way - Dilemmas of the militarist empire [6] Labour Front - The leader of a pro-corporate railway workers' union: 'Suicide on not JR but private rails!' - Police-like surveillance tasked upon postal workers - Hiroshima Prefecture to scrap all the non-clerical jobs Topics Denounce the law to enable easy preventive detention! [7] Hokkaido Teachers' Union Regular Convention: militant workers struggling to strengthen the opposition against the planned revision of the Fundamental Law of Education - Criticizing the leaders submissive to the central JTU leadership and seeking for a nationally united struggle - Denouncing the Democratic Party and the JTU leadership helping the enactment of the Emergency Laws - Criticizing the irresponsible guidance by the leaders - Criticisms also erupted over the on-going intensification of labour [8] Reading Kuroda's writings Peace and Revolution of the Contemporary Age- - "Inquiry for a New Human Existence" in Selected Early Writings TOP |
No. 1779 (July 28th Issue)
No Japanese troops to Iraq! ![]() - Road to a 'third Vietnam': military rule on Iraq plunged in failure - 'Falsified causes for the Iraqi war' revealed - The Koizumi government intent on sending SDF troops to Iraq - Rise in struggles to stop the dispatch, denouncing the SDPJ / JCP abandonment Aug. 3rd. 41st International Antiwar Assembly Full text of the overseas appeal for the Assembly [2] No troops to Iraq! ![]() - Fights to stop C130 military transports to Jordan: SDF Komaki base (10 Jul.), Naha base (11 Jul.). (Pic. above) - Protests against the House of Common passage of the Iraqi-related Bill in Sapporo, Kanazawa and Kansai (4 Jul.) - Angers surging against a US military helicopter accident in Okinawa (26 Jun.) (Pic. left) - An antiwar resolution decided by a student assembly of 1000 attendants: Aichi University Students' Self-Governing Association [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - Japanese supporters for Bush's war worried: before the grand failure - US troops ousted from town by Iraqi policemen: No day has passed without c. - A poodle with lion's skin: a Bush supporter in Japan condemning Iraqi people for 'uncooperative, bystander's attitude' - Ministry's hysteric response to juvenile cases: Whom to be 'executed'! - Troops to a 'third Vietnam': despite India's cancellation [4] New postal agency's 'reform in the wage system': Fight back! - Unprecedented 10 thousands yen cut in wages - 'Reform in the wage system' on an 'ability and merit base' - The central Zentei leadership supporting the 'reform' [5] For struggles against the Fundamental Law of Education: on the idea of 'a new public spirit' emphasized by the Central Council of Education - Distinctive features of the report - What's new with the 'new public spirit'? - 'Willingness' to serve the state - JTU leadership's weak-kneed response [6] Labour Front - 'Nationalization' of bankrupted Resona Bank: storms of restructuring - The Rengo leadership ordering to support 'abductees' families' in line with the chauvinistic campaign against North Korea Topics Zentei Chairman expressing his 'request to avoid an actual use of the Emergency Laws': despite no opposition to the Laws [7] Stop introduction of the Toyota system into the postal service! - Officers appointed from Toyota - The 'just-in-time' system - Denounce Zentei leaders supporting the introduction! 'Peace Action in Okinawa' sponsored by the local Rengo - Denunciations erupted against labour aristocrats supporting Emergency Laws [8] Reading Kuroda's writings - Peace and Revolution of the Contemporary Age - K. Kuroda's Life and His Works - Anthropology TOP |
No. 1778 (July 21st Issue)
Aug. 3rd. 41st International Antiwar Assembly ![]() - The Koizumi government intent on enactment of the law to join the military rule on Iraq! - Advance antiwar struggles, transcending the JCP immersed in the UN illusion Full text of the overseas appeal for the Assembly Zengakuren: Jul. 23rd. March on the Diet!Stop the Iraq-related bill! [2] No troops to Iraq! - A militant demonstration on the US embassy, the Diet, the Prime Minister's House (6 Jul., Tokyo) (pic. right) - Okinawa students' march (5 Jul., Naha) - Angry fists to the LDP local office (4 Jul., Kagoshima) - Stop US war vessels entering a civilian port! (12 Jun., Kagoshima) [3] For the Zengakuren 73rd. National Congress (22-24 Jul., Tokyo) - Strengthen antiwar struggles to smash Bush's war! - No SDF troops to Iraq! - Set up a line for struggles! Strengthen the battlefront! Denounce gun shots at the Hiroshima Teachers' Union! - Smash the violent attack to destroy antiwar-fighting trade unions and groups! Denounce the enactment of the law to reorganize national universities! No to the deprivation of the civil service status and rights from the personnel! - 123,000 personnel to be excluded from the civil service - Illness, chronic tiredness, suicides from overwork, etc. - Fight it back overcoming the JTU leadership! [4-5] The declining militarist empire of America: failure in the military occupation of Iraq and the collapse of the US economy 1. The grand failure of the military occupation and rule on Iraq - Bush's 'end of major combat' declaration in bankruptcy - 'Palestinization' of Iraq 2. Plunder of Iraqi oil resources - Monopoly control of oil resources by means of the military rule - Intensifying oppositions with France, Germany and Russia - Attempts to paralyze the OPEC system 3. Impending collapse of the US economy - Tremendous increase in war expenditure and limitless deficit in the federal finance - Massive issues of the government bond to financial crisis and instability of the USD - A drastic decline in the economy - A deformed 'development' of munitions industry [6] Labour Front - Leaders of JCP-led unions venting their repulsions on the party's central leadership: again in their journals. - Daily-based overtime and payless work under the order 'for improved service': the new agency started Topics Tokyo government's new regulation for frequent changes in the school staff: strengthened control on teachers [7] Kaleidoscope 2003 - Visible hand in stock market: repay by US vulture funds? - KEDO in tatters: Koreas under US pressure - HANE to paralyze the GPS system: its threat overemphasized for US nuclear build-up - Japanese 'crystal night': shots on Hiroshima Teachers' Union [8] Series: Against the 'defence of the fatherland' stance: learning from Lenin in 1914 (Conclusion) - To Take over the spirit of Lenin as revolutionary - Class and historical nature of war - Denounce the JCP degradation to the 'defence of the fatherland' position - To apply the Lenin's principle of 'antiwar as anti-imperialism' on the basis of the analysis of the present situation TOP |
No. 1777 (July 14th Issue)
![]() to join the military rule on Iraq! Advance international antiwar struggle in solidarity with the people waging indormitable anti-US struggles! - The Koizumi government: joining in the Hakenkreuz alliance and sending troops to the battle field - Anti-US, anti-occupation struggles burning - Power holders in the US and the UK cornered: the false 'cause for war' revealed - Denounce SDPJ / JCP leadership immersed in an election campaign, abandoning the struggle! [2] No to the law to join the military rule on Iraq! Nation wide - Opposition to the passage in the House of Representatives, 3-4 July, in front of the Diet Building (pic above) - A militant demonstration of workers and students, 15 June, Nagoya - No to the Emergency Laws!: Nagoya (4 June), Hokkaido Univ. students (4-6 June), Kanazawa Univ. Students (5-7 JUne) - Protest against an SDF-police joint security drills, 10 June, Kumamoto [3] Denounce the Tokyo Metropolitan Government enacting a 'city-life security ordinance' No building a pre-emptive suppression system in the name of 'crime prevention'! - Participation in crime prevention activities codified as 'your duty' - Ultranationalist Governor Ishihara's order 'restoration of public safety' - Restoration of the wartime spirit 'self-guard, self-alert' - Today's version of 'community corps' - Restrictions on basic rights: pre-emptive suppression - Obligatory installation of surveillance cameras - No to the Tokyo ordinance! [4] Overseas Appeal for the 41st International Antiwar assembly in Japan Stop Bush's War! - The Iraqi military administration in a crisis - A leap for 'a Hakenkreuz alliance' - A historic turn to a century of darkness - Burn flames of international antiwar struggles! The full text [5] The Roh Moo-hyun government of South Korea shaking under a war-impending situation - Into an impasse - Trials and errors in carrying out the policy for 'peace and prosperity' - A critical situation intensifying between the US-Japan and North Korea (backed by China and Russia) [6] Labour Front - No revision of the Fundamental Law of Education! An enthusiastic demonstration with 4000 JTU and other workers - West Japan Railway Co.: 40 % of the station personnel planned to be casual - Unemployment in the Hokkaido region to 8.1% Topics Rengo leadership ordering CSR (corporate social responsibility) [7] Kaleidoscope 2003 - Hey Bush! Who are 'revisionist historians'? - A pay for falsification: Campbell to end - 62 plus 1 equals 23: manipulated announcement of the number of dead US soldiers - A national brain washing by the media: chauvinistic agitation against North Korea A meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum in Okinawa - Koizumi pressing an 'anti-terrorism co-operation' - Invasion of Japanese monopoly capital taking advantage of environmental protection [8] Read and Study - On the third split of the JRCL: learning from Kuroda's letter - Enthusiasm for organization: learning "RMG-KK Correspondence" - Importance of a subjective judgement: Kuroda's "Break with Parliamentarianism" - Ground for overcoming nihilism: Kuroda's Peace and Revolution TOP |
No. 1776 (July 7th Issue)
Stop passage of the bill - Palestinization, Afghanization: the US military administration in quagmire - The Bush administration intent on strengthening the 'coalition of the willing' - Transcend the official opposition movement dreaming for a 'UN-based reconstruction assistance' - Smash the Bush empire's 'export of death and violence' [2] Remove the bases! Angers surging - Workers and students rallied to protest against a US marine beating and raping a local woman, 17 June Stop the Emergency Law! Nation wide - Fukui (29 May), Tokyo (12 June), Osaka (6 June) No revision of the Fundamental Law of Education! - Militant students against a governmental meeting for 'education reform' in Sapporo (1 June) [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - A JCP MP resigned for his sexual harassment: the Chairman loves the monopoly bourgeoisie - Cooking and sexing up the intelligence: Weapons of Mass Deception - Nation-wide assessment of universities: for GM industries and merchants of death - Legal aliens detained with no warrants: under the Patriot Act [4] Revolt against the sole superpower's empire: formation of the Franco-German-Russian axis - A 'common European defence union' - The Yankee empire to divide Europe and reorganize the NATO allies - Intensifying conflicts between US imperialism and the Franco-German-Russian axis [5] Palestinians fighting against the brutalities of Israeli forces - United fights back against the Israeli operation for 'eradicating radicals' - Republican Hawks crying for dispatch of US troops - In solidarity with Palestinian people fighting to beak through the today's ghetto! Putin: like a pragmatist - Vowing the knees before Bush - Manoeuvres for the national interests [6] Labour Front - Hokkaido prefectural board of education's new offensives: a strict investigation into teachers' working time - A 'cell system' expanding among the electric manufacturing industry Topics JCP praising the latest revision of the labour codes [7] Stop the Naha City authority's offensive for intensified labour! JRCL Okinawa Prefectural Committee of Municipal Workers - A city officer's suicide: the mayor avoiding his responsibility - City workers under the reduced personnel - Fight to stop the expanded operation of the nation-wide ID system! - Criticize the central leadership of Municipal Workers' Union for advocating 'a union for public service'! [8] The beginning of the Iraqi War and my revolutionary turning - The bombing started: I was stamping my feet with mortification - What I've learned through struggles Series: Against the 'defence of the fatherland' stance: learning from Lenin in 1914, No. 5 - For the Third International! TOP |
No. 1775 (June 30th Issue)
March on the Diet! 6 July ![]() - Imperialist America intent on strengthening a coalition of 'victor nations' - US and Japanese imperialism piling hawkish pressure on North Korea - Transcend the official oppositions affected with the 'UN illusion'! Build an antiwar front against the Security alliance! [2-3] Workers and students against the Iraq-related law, nation-wide - Demonstrations in Tokyo (pic. right) and Osaka (15 June) - Okinawa (8 June), Hokkaido (5-12 June), Fukuoka and Kumamoto (23-31 May) - Students' demonstration in Kagoshima (27 May) Poland sending its troops to Iraq - Denounce the Kwasniewski government supporting the US military control! [4] Smash the dangerous bill to participate in the Iraqi military administration! Don't send Japanese troops to Iraq! - The Koizumi government having promised Bush to send ground troops - Full support for the military occupation of Iraq [5] The latest report of the Central Council of Education recommending a religious education Agitation of Japanese nationalism based on the belief in 'the divine - To impose 'belief in a god' - Proposal of a 'national religion' - Restoration of Japanese polytheism [6] Labour Front - Okinawa prefectural office: planning reduction in 'retirement allowance' - Annual report on 'Nation's Life': full of deceptions Topics Koizumi's local finance reform: more burdens on localities and masses [7] Kaleidoscope 2003 - American society under war: Cowboy fascism - TIA: you should change your style of walking - Follow Bush to the bottom of the hell: Foolish fallacies of Japanese right-wingers - Behind the Stars and Stripes: a third of the homeless are ex-soldiers. - An overstressed crisis in electric power: for military security [8] Reading - K. Kuroda's Life and His Works - Peace and Revolution in the Contemporary Age - Anthropology TOP |
No. 1774 (June 23rd Issue)
Smash the Bill to join the US military administration
in Iraq! - American imperialism: mobilizing governments in a 'coalition of the willing' - Japan's participation in a 'Hakenkreuz Alliance' - Stop the dispatch of Japanese troops to Iraq! [2]
No to the Emergency Laws! 5000 workers, students and people rallied in Tokyo in response to the call from transport related trade unions (10 Jun.) (pic. left) - JRCL calling on the participants to fight against the bills to join the US occupation in Iraq - 'Organize struggles to reject war co-operations from workplaces!' Resolutions expressed from trade unions Okinawa: An emergency protest rally against the enactment of the Emergency Laws, 6 Jun. - 600 workers at a trade union-based rally, together with militant students(pic. right) Kanazawa: local university students staging their protest against a regional public hearing for revising the Constitution (12 May) [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - A North Korea-bashing in Japan: expressing loyalty to Bush - Recent words by that brother of a kidnapped Japanese citizen: no 'sunshine' but 'a north wind', or rather, war! - Human damages from depleted uranium munitions in Afghanistan Palestinization of Iraq - 'A battle field as a whole' - People's resistance seething against the US aggressor [4] Bush's war: the meaning of the aggressive war on Iraq and an ambition for world domination - A ceremony of the 'triumph' - A historic turning to the century of darkness - Splits of the UN Security Council - An ambition for world domination - Disturbing other economies - A high-tech, religious war of the 21st century - The Iraqi military administration in a crisis [6] Reject leaders' plan to degrade the trade union to that serving the state and the agency! For the 57th national convention of the Postal Workers' Union JRCL Postal Workers' Committee - Fight back against the major restructuring offensive by the authorities of the postal agency - Denounce the leadership ordering workers 'to serve for stabilizing the agency's managerial basis'! - Smash the Union's degeneration to a 'postal patriotic association' - Organize struggles against the bill for joining the US military control in Iraq! Public employment offices packed with jobless people - Angers growing against for new restrictions for unemployment pay Topics Measures against medical accidents? Mutual watching and punishments imposed upon medical workers [7] Labour Front - Railway companies moving to strengthen the personnel management: on the pretext of 'sleeping accidents' - Lower wages goes natural: a new wage system introduced in Takeda Chemical Industries - The Hokkaido prefectural board of education to introduce a new training system for teachers: for producing teachers obedient to the ministry [8] Series: Against the 'defence of the fatherland' stance: learning from Lenin in 1914, No. 4 - An imperialist war and revolutionary defeatism TOP |
No. 1773 (JUne 16th Issue)
![]() Denounce the enactment of the Emergency Laws! No to the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! - The Koizumi government siding with imperialist America's 'export of democratization' - The Democratic Party supporting for the enactment of the Emergency Laws: a historic crime - The Japanese Communist Party joining in the chauvinistic chorus of Japanese nationalism against North Korea - Stop the dispatch of SDF troops to Iraq! [2] No Emergency Laws! Nationwide - 5-6 June, Tokyo: militant students protesting in front of the Diet building - 17 May, Osaka: 3500 rallied at trade union-based rally - 11 May, Nagoya: militant workers and students struggling at a JCP-led trade unions' rally (Pic. Students protesting in front of the Diet Building) [3] Kaleidoscope 2003 - Koizumi at the Bush ranch - Mahathir Bin Mohanad: the old soldier never dies - The case of the rescue operation of the captured private - Why the white-clad cultists again? [4] The militarist empire of America's scheme for 'the Middle East peace' - The Bush administration showing off the power that expelled the Hussein government - Let us fight in solidarity with Palestinian people struggling in opposition to the betrayal by the Abbas leadership! Deceptions with the US-made 'peace program': a 'road' to the smothering of the Palestinian liberation struggle - 'Disarming Palestinians' defined as the 'start' - Loopholes for Israel - Deceptions with the 'final status' [5] New technologization of the process of production in auto-making monopolies: extreme strengthening of labour imposed on workers - Long-time work, overtime work with no pay, and successive suicides from overwork - Today's forms of technologization of the production process - Break the oppression by labour aristocrats! [6] Labour Front - NTT West Japan: smash the offensive for redeployment and changes in job - 25-year-old nurse's suicide from overwork - A trade union-based rally in Ishikawa Prefecture against the Emergency Laws Topics 3,850,000 jobless: high unemployment rate, super low wages and cuts in pension imposed on people in Japan [7] Overcoming the defeat in the spring offensive 2003, rebuild the labour movement in the news paper producing industry! - The national leadership negative in demands for higher wages - Let us fight by transcending the leadership having lost the prospect! 'Local unions' proposed by the Rengo leadership - For covering up the decrease in the membership [8] Series: Against the 'defence of the fatherland' stance: learning from Lenin in 1914, No. 3 - Pronunciation of the death of the Second International Reading Kuroda's Anthropology Reading K. Kuroda and His Works TOP |
No. 1772 (June 9th Issue)
Stop the enactment of the Emergency Laws! JRCL Central Students' Orgburo 1. The militarist empire of America's scheme for its unipolar domination and the deepening splits- The united US, Britain and Japan v.s. 'resisting' France, Germany and Russia (plus China) - American imperialism intent on the 'export of democratization' to the Arab / Islamic world - The Koizumi government rushing to strengthen the US-Japan military alliance - Degeneration of the leadership of the official peace movement and the struggle by the revolutionary leftwing 2. Fight it by transcending the central JCP leadership still continuing to promote the illusion of the UN! - Advance antiwar struggles in solidarity with Muslim people waging anti-American fights
- 20 May, Osaka: 7000 people rallied in response to a call from transport-related 14 trade unions (pic. above) - 17 May, Okinawa: 5000 workers and students rallied at an annual antiwar rally, with calls resounding for removal of the US military bases and against the Emergency Laws (pics. right) - 23 May, Tokyo: 'Leaders must stop supporting the Democratic Party'!' Angers surging through a trade union-based rally Zengakuren holds a welcoming meeting for freshers in Tokyo, 11 May - Chairman Iida calls for joining in militant struggles against the Emergency Laws [4] Putin's complaints - Pressed to review the 'oil strategy' - Revolts by oil profiteers - Sale of oil companies - Being left by oil, capital, and the Presidency Presidential election in Argentina: Victory of a 'lesser evil' - Defeat of Mennem as neo-liberalist - Victory of 'centre left' Kirchner appearing as 'distant from the US and the IMF' - Betrayal by labour bureaucrats, Stalinist and degenerate Trotskyist parties [5] Smash the major restructuring offensive under the started Postal Agency 1. The Agency's 'middle-term objective and middle-term managerial plan' 2. The mass sacking planned 3. Introduction of a Tokyota system for labour management 4. Fight back by transcending the leadership giving a full support for the major restructuring! [6] Labour Front - Suicide by a principal hunted from a private company: the prefectural board of education consciously attributing the incident to the teachers' union - Two May-Day rallies in Aichi prefecture - A trade union-based meeting for the Constitution Day in Fukuoka: successive interventions critical to an advocator for a UN-based reconstruction of Iraq Topics Manufacturing companies reporting their increase in profit: and the reality? [7] Kaleidoscope 2003 - A deepening crack over the UN: outdated by the outlaw - Unemployment, poverty and misery: true 'weapons of mass destruction' for the Empire - SARS hardly exterminated: the 'mix concept' - After the US force the deluge: Afghanistan - The Tokyo Governor to name a police bureaucrat for the Deputy: a fascist drive [8] Series: Against the 'defence of the fatherland' stance: learning Lenin in 1914, No. 2 - The outbreak of the First World War and the collapse of the Second International Reading Inquiry for a New Human Existence On the relationship between a united front and a united action TOP |
No. 1771 (June 2nd Issue)
![]() - Against the current under the rubber-stamping parliament - Enthusiastic responses to the fighting column of students - Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Down with the Koizumi Government! No to Koizumi's visit to the US! - Zengakuren protests in front of the Prime Minister's House Office and the US embassy
[2] No Emergency Laws! Nationwide - Demonstrations and rallies in Okinawa, Osaka, Sapporo and Obihiro [3] Stop the enactment of the Emergency Law and the Iraqi-related law! - Sending Japanese troops to Iraq: Koizumi pledged Bush - The Bush administration scheming to build a new coalition - Japan's ambition for its military aggrandizement based on the US-Japan military alliance A farce around the so-called white-clad cults - CIA, Japanese police and the media in collaboration for mass manipulation: aiming to build an emergency system [4] Stop the enactment of the law to reorganize national universities into independent agencies! Smash the neo-fascistic reorganization of education! 1. Reorganization of national universities as a link in a state policy to scrap 'public sectors' - Changes in an administrative form of universities - Introduction of neo-liberalist principle of 'competitiveness' - Strengthening of state control over universities - Depriving teachers of their 'civil servant' status - Introduction of private companies' methods of management A neo-fascistic reorganization of the civil service Official opposition movement in a crisis 2. Fight against the reorganization, transcending the JCP-led movement to petition the government for 'university's autonomous reform' 22 May, in front of the Diet Building: Militant students from national universities struggling against the Bill's passage [5] Over the formulation of our tactics for organizing labour movement in the spring offensive 2003 Topics 'For more comprehensive emergency laws': The central Rengo leadership helping the Bill's passage based on the Democratic Party's amendment [6] Stop the revision of labour codes! It's for 'freedom in sacking'! - Complete negation of the current principle, 'protection of workers' - Helping mass sacking in the name of 'diverse ways of working' May Day rallies in Hokkaido - JRCL propaganda calling for opposition against the military occupation of Iraq An 'anti-disaster drill' forcibly carried out for military emergency, with the participation of SDF officers - For an 'event' in a national meeting of the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences, 6 Apr., Fukuoka [7] Kaleidoscope 2003 - A Saudi 'September 11': the 'cover of CIA' burnt in a hellfire - Despite the brad of 'the axis of weasels': a plan for an 'independent EU force' - A new piece of Aesop's Fables: a grasshopper and ants, and a queen ant - Too good to be true: US-made vaccine against SARS [8] Series: Against the 'defence of the fatherland' stance: learning Lenin in 1914 No. 1 - Denounce the aggressive war on Iraq! - Peace movement uplifted in 1912: the Second International's Basel Conference and its significance TOP |