Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation |
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No. 1910
(March 20th Issue)
No strengthening of military bases! - US and Japanese governments building an
offensive and defensive alliance against
China |
No. 1909
(March 13th Issue)
Fight for a surging spring labour offensive
2006! - Poodle Koizumi sinking the DPJ, tempted
with a 'fake e-mail' by a CIA-connected 'journalist' |
No. 1908
(March 6th Issue)
Denounce the bombing of the Iraqi Shiite
mausoleum No revision of the Constitution! - The Bush administration competing against China as its 'rival' in the 21st century - The Koizumi government rushing towards the Constitutional revision and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance -Advance aiming to overthrow the Koizumi-led neo-fascist government! [2] Protests against the USS Blue Ridge, the flagship of the US Seventh Fleet, entering civilian ports - Muroran (Feb. 2nd), Nagoya (Jan. 30th) 350 people in protest against the redeployment of US jet fighters to the SDF Komatsu Base - A trade union-based rally near the base (Jan. 29th) [3] Kaleidoscope 2006 - A JCP article 50 years after the Stalin Criticism: 'What were you doing then?' - Japan and Iran: Need for oil has no policy. - 'Cooperation for the single-issue' of winning the referendum over the Constitutional revision: The JCP central abandoning opposition to the referendum bill itself - Who made Iran a present of those before? The US government gave techniques, which would turned against it. [4] An annual report from the employers' federation: declaration of an intensive restructuring coated with the 'respect for humanity' - Proposal for a higher competitiveness of companies - Deceptive arguments about 'reappraisal and rebuilding of the Japanese method of management' [5] Smash another offensive from the Hokkaido prefectural authorities to curtail the total personnel costs! JRCL Hokkaido Regional Committee of Prefectural/Municipal Workers JRCL Hokkaido Regional Committee of Education Workers - Denounce the leadership for the worst betrayal! - Fight in opposition to their attempts to degenerate trade union movement in the name of 'rebuilding'! - Smash the offensive of 7000 cuts in job! Extraordinary Convention of Jichiro [public workers unions] (Jan.26th-27th) - Voices of anger against the leadership accepting a massive reduction in the civil service personnel [6-7] Keynote report to the Feb. 12th rally (from Private sectors) Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring offensive against reactionary pressures under the Koizumi autocracy! (1) A massive restructuring offensive called 'an aggressive strategy for management': concentration and specialization into 'highly value-added products' - The Rengo aristocrats kneeling down before the president of the employers' federation - Sackings and job cuts given the name of 'selection and concentration' - 'Globalization in competition' (2) Deceptiveness in the tactics of the Rengo leadership for 'correcting the differences' and 'fair treatment' - Labour aristocrats pledging their allegiance to the state and companies (3) Fight to win a victory in the spring offensive and a militant revival of trade unions! Topics The new JTU documents for workplaces: an explicit proposal for a controversial 'Basic Law for Peace' [8] Addresses to the Feb. 12th rally Postal workers: Don't let them kill workers any more! Fight back against the postal privatization and massive cuts in jobs! - 'You, quit!' The postal authorities pressing workers to resign - Denounce the JPU leadership fully cooperative with the authorities - Our struggles against the intensification of labour Railway workers: Advance further against revision of the Constitution on the basis of the significance and lessons of our struggles! - We won the withdrawal of the 'July 14th decision' of Rengo! - Lessons from our struggles shaking the central Rengo leadership - Denounce the leadership positively responding to the introduction of a performance-based system of wages! TOP |
No. 1907
(February 27th Issue)
Win the spring labour offensive 2006! 1400 workers at the Feb. 12th Rally of Anger - Keynote report (civil services): against the worst revisions in public service systems, and against the stormy offensive to destroy trade unions - Special report from the JRCL: Fight it out with the aim to overthrow the Koizumi government! - Resolves from industries: postal service, public workers in Hokkaido prefecture, medical service, Okinawa, railway, education, plus greetings from the Zengakuren Chair JRCL slogans for the 2006 spring labour offensive [2]
- A Rengo-sponsored rally shaken by antiwar calls critical of the leadership (Jan. 22nd, Hijudai) (Pic left top) - Protest at a site entrance (Jan. 22nd) - Stop the munitions landing! Local workers, residents and students protest at a port (Jan. 23rd) (Pic left middle) No Japanese troops to Iraq! - A trade union-based rally near the SDF Nerima base, encouraged by militant students (Feb. 12th, Tokyo) (Pic left bottom) US F15 jetfighter accident in Okinawa - Workers and students protest with seething angers (Jan. 17th-18th) [3] Kaleidoscope 2006 - 'Battle-hardened'? Troops no more. - Another double standard: Mohammed cartoons. - A selfish proposal by the 'oil affected' administration: a Global Nuclear Energy Partnership - A 'flu pandemic'? An evil plan by the eagle - 'Cerebral pollution' by the Internet: Detoxification now! [4-5] Keynote report to the Feb. 12th rally (civil services) Smash the Koizumi-led 'structural reform'! Fight back against the historic offensive to destroy trade unions! (1) Koizumi's autocratic rule weakening (2) Workplaces devastated by the 'structural reforms' (3) The worst changes in civil service systems, and stormy offensives against public workers' unions (4) Denounce the worst betrayal by the Rengo aristocrats and the Jichiro leadership! - The Rengo leadership positively responding to the offensive - Crimes by social democratic leaders in the public workers' union advocating 'a qualitative upgrade in the civil service' (5) Win a militant strengthening of trade unions in spite of neo-fascistic oppressions! - Struggles at a nursing workplace: win the withdrawal of the authorities' proposal - Initiative attempts to sweep out 'unpaid overtime works' [6] A storm of sacking against municipal workers - A 'packaged contractorization' decided by a locality The so-called Japan Post System and its reality Series No. 3 - Fictional complaints from a managing member No to planned introduction of a performance -based pay system! - 1200 Fukuoka prefectural workers at a rally, encouraged by the JRCL leaflet (Jan. 16th) Topics Ramified-term contracts, camouflaged interviews, counterfeit employments c: casual workers facing difficulties [7] No to the planned enactment of a Basic Law of Counter-Terror Measures! - Security legislation for a 'country that can wage war' - A drastic intensification of the oppressive security order at the request of the Bush administration Security drills under the pretext of 'counter-terror measures' around the Mihama nuclear plant - Denounce the attempt to build a national mobilization system! [8] Reading books TOP |
No. 1906
(February 20th Issue)
Advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle to break through the crisis of war under a new confrontation between the US and China! -The Bush Empire shaken by the fall of its domination of the world as the 'sole superpower'- Dynamics over Iran's nuclear development - Rush towards a global realignment of imperialist military alliances - China and Russia supporting the formation of an anti-US front in the Middle East with Iran as its core - For a struggle against the building of a renewed US-Japan military alliance! [2] Flames against the Constitutional revision and the US-Japan military alliance - Workers and students march through Naha City (Jan 22nd) - Local students protest against the LDP prefectural office (Jan 23rd, Nagoya) Students' associations in Waseda University: organizations made firm and stronger - Faculty of Social Science: Assembly of the Class Representatives (Feb 2nd) - Assembly of the Federation of the Cultural Circles (Feb 3rd) [3] Attempts to build a national mobilization system through the 'drills for protecting the nation' - Military and security exercises carried out for the first time by mobilizing the prefectural authorities - Forcible mobilization of the local residents under the pretext of 'counter-terrorist measures' Kaleidoscope 2006 - The spectre of Bolivar? The Andean valleys echoing with battle cries - The oil-affected superpower, or an alcoholic president clutching at a straw for ethanol [4] No to the worst revision of the medical system! Koizumi-led 'structural reforms' deserting the unfortunate (1) Intensified expropriation from the masses for reducing the medical budgets - A virtual dismantlement of the health insurance system - A 'senior medical system' planned to start - Introduction of 'mixed treatments' and higher rates for medical service (2) 'Aged people with less money should die earlier': the criminal nature of neoliberalist 'reform' (3) Social, labour policies of neo-fascism - Attempts to stabilize the financial base for becoming a 'state that can wage war' - Neo-statist negation of the idea of 'welfare' - The final destruction of the remains of the 'welfare state' [5] A recommendation for exploiting the NEETs, women and aged people From a researching body of the labour ministry - The government pressed to make policies towards the NEETs - Supporting the monopoly capitalist method for 'just-in-time supply of labour-power' - Incompetence in solving the declined 'workplace power' [6] The so-called Japan Post System and its reality Series No. 2 - The order again, 'Reduce the cost by 10%!' : plunging postal workplaces into a mess 'Localities in red ink' to liquidate - An authoritative policy proposed by the Yankee-infected minister, Heizo Takenaka Topics The market-test bill decided by the government: Fight back against the offensive for sacking public workers! [7] Smash the coercive respect and punishments for the Rising-Sun flag and the Reign-of-the-Emperor anthem! Fight against the revision of the Constitution and the Fundamental Law of Education! JRCL Education Workers Committee - A stormy reactionary offensive for becoming 'a state that can wage war' - The official leaderships of teachers unions surrendering to the offensive - Build struggles from below in spite of oppressions by the leaderships! [8] Reading Kuroda's How to Read and Write Oe Kenzaburo's latest novel: a miserable 'pacifist' who has bombed himself TOP |
No. 1905
(February 13th Issue)
Now is the time - Power strife intensified within the ruling class for a 'post-Koizumi leadership' - The mainstream in the Japanese monopoly capitalists stressing the need to correct US-type 'excessiveness' in the neoliberalist reform - Disagreements over a keynote in security and foreign policies - Strengthen our battlefront to break through the neo-fascist reaction! [2]
- Zengakuren march on the GSDF Nerima base (Jan. 28th) (Pics. right) Antiwar demonstration in Osaka (Jan. 22nd) [3] Stop the building of a new US Marine base at Henoko! Overcome the official opposition movement 'against US base relocations within the prefecture' with no opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! Marxist Student League - Okinawa Prefectural Committee - US and Japanese governments bent on strengthening US military bases in Japan - Don't distort the struggle into one for 'a single-issue over the new relocation plan'! - Fight it under the banner against the US-Japan military alliance! [4] The so-called 'interim SCC report': Declaration of a new US-Japan military alliance (1) Irritations against China expanding its influence in the 'arc of instability' (2) Strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance as an offensive and defensive alliance against China - A war plan based on the 'common strategic objectives' - Drastic strengthening of US military bases in Japan through their reorganization - Fusion of the Japanese military into the US Forces - Preferential use of civilian ports and airports by US forces (3) A crisis of warfare intensifying amid a new confrontation between the US and China [5] A rush building of missile defence systems: US-Japan military fusion and its reality - 'MD systems can be a booster shot for a bilateral joint command' - A high-tech radar of the US Force planned to deploy in Japan [6] The so-called Japan Post System and its reality Series No. 1 - Futile, irregular and unreasonable tasks imposed on workers No to intensification of the repressive security order under the guise of 'crime prevention'! - What's attempted in some city Topics Raise in the consumption tax planned by the government: by over 10% [7] Kaleidoscope 2006 - Investigated 'illegal export' of unmanned helicopters to China: just a toy - A renewed US doctrine for nuclear military power: The worst selfish plan - The spy scandal of the Japanese consulate in Shanghai: The true reason why it was exposed 18 months after - The disappeared dream of a first Korean winner of the Nobel prize [8] Reading Yoshikawa Fumio's book TOP |
No. 1904
(February 6th Issue)
No. 1903
(January 30th Issue)
February 12th Workers Rally of Anger Win the spring labour offensive 2006 in spite of violent pressures!Denounce the Rengo central leadership demanding 'improvement in wages'! - Disagreements intensified within the ruling class, over the neoliberalist reform and foreign policies - Smash the Koizumi-led 'structural reform'! Stop neoliberalist changes in the civil service! - Fight back against the offensive to destroy trade unions! - Oppose mass restructurings! Win an equally big raise in wages! - Fight against revision of the Constitution! Oppose the building of a new US-Japan military alliance! [2] Fight back against the Hokkaido prefectural authorities planning largest and worst cuts in wages and jobs! Carry out the 2-hour strike in spite of a betrayal by the leadership! JRCL Hokkaido Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee - Yearly a million yen wage cut, and 7000 cuts in jobs - A mass restructuring in response to the Koizumi-led 'structural reform' - Overcome the official campaign 'for a true security in the prefectural finance'! [3] Kaleidoscope 2006 - The Nobel Prize for economics more questionable than the Peace Prize - The controversial report on the US-Japan military alliance: 'Realignment' and its strange 'tentative Japanese translation' - Evil ideas behind the government report for nuclear development - French airbus sales: China's appetite not only for oil - A new traffic system: tracing every car indiscriminately [4-5] Win the Spring Offensive 2006! For a Revival of Labour Movement! JRCL Central Workers' Orgburo Build a battlefront for higher wages, against the 'structural reform' and against the Constitutional revision! Fight for de-constructing the Rengo! (Continued from the previous issue) II Build a battlefront for fights against violent oppressions of neo-fascism (A) Break through today's Industrial Patriotic Movement led by the Takagi leadership of Rengo! (B) Overcome reformist and parliamentarianist distortions by the Zenroren leadership! (C) Oppose the structural reform! No revision of the Constitution! Fight back against attempts to destroy trade unions! Build a stronger battlefront! [6] Hokkaido prefectural board of education promoting a reactionary reorganization of curricula - Coercive respect for the Rising-Sun flag and the Reign-of-the-Emperor anthem, and intensification of 'moral' education Topics The Rengo leadership's acceptance of a mass reduction in the civil service: the January 16th talk between labour and the government [7] Japan Air Lines: successive dangerous troubles in operation - Causes: Cost reduction and restructuring regardless of safety Tragedies: 'Elderly caring for elderly' with no state care - Denounce the Koizumi reform deserting the elderly! [8] Toyota: Expanding its tentacles for exploitation over the world (1) Rapid expansion of production abroad for wining the 'global No. 1' - Attempts to expand its share in the North American market, the richest source for the company - Inroads into China and developing countries showing rapid growth (2) 'Global No. 1', true, in expropriation of subcontractors and exploitation of workers - The worst cover-up of defective cars - The Toyota System: bloody and fatal sacrifices imposed upon workers - Deadly intensification of labour by increased production - Denounce trade union officials degraded into another personnel division of the corporation! TOP |
No. 1902
(January 23rd Issue)
Win the Spring Offensive 2006! Fight for de-constructing the Rengo! <I> A crisis of the Japanese labour movement under the neo-fascistic reaction (A) Oppression of wage raise and the intensification of labour under the slogan 'aggressive managerial reforms' - Keidanren, the Japanese federation of employers, braking on the 'trends towards wage raise' - A sense of crisis from 'extinction of workplace abilities' (A) The Koizumi government rushing to finish the 'structural reform' and to destroy trade unions - Offensives for a mass reduction in the civil service and privatisations of public sectors - Offensives to destroy trade unions and revise the labour codes - Worst revisions of the social welfare system and offensives for tax increase (C) Building of a renewed US-Japan military alliance, and Japan's isolation from the rest of Asia (D) The central leadership of Rengo positively responding to an 'aggressive managerial strategy' stressed by Keidanren (The rest part will appear in next issue.) [3] Osaka University of Economics: Break through the four-part attempts to destroy the students' associations! Fight back against the latest arrests of 9 students including leaders of the association'! Marxist Students' League - OUE Branch Marxist Students' League - Kansai Regional Committee - A grave frame-up committed jointly by Osaka Prefectural Police and the school authorities - 'Denounce the school authorities!' Voices of anger shaking the campus - Coercive repressions on students fighting against the Constitutional revision, against the war and the military alliance! - Denounce JCP professors' criminal deeds in collaboration with police - Fight to break through the neo-fascistic offensives for the destruction of students' associations! No to the prolonged deployment of Japanese troops in Iraq! - 3000 workers at a trade-union-based rally in Osaka (Dec. 12th) [4-5] Win a militant revival of the Japanese labour movement by breaking through today's Industrial Patriotic Movement! (1) Offensives for a mass reduction of public workers and the destruction of trade unions - An all-out offensive to finish the 'structural reform' - A direct import of neo-liberalism from US imperialism (2) The Takagi leadership in Rengo assisting to the 'reform in the civil service' - Disagreements within the labour aristocrats in Rengo - Right-wing leaders assisting to the offensive to destroy public workers' unions (3) 'Labour-centred welfare society', Rengo's vision - Acceptance of the idea of 'competition society' - Recommendation of a 'welfare based on self-reliance' and 'consolation matches' (4) Surrender to the offensive to destroy trade unions [5] Fight against the US-Japan joint military exercise for 'a emergency over Taiwan'! Marxist Students' League - Kushu Regional Committee - Drills for aggression into China under the name of 'recovery of remote islets' - The crisis of warfare intensified in East Asia under the new confrontation between the US and China - JCP conniving the military build-up in China [6] 'Stop the resumption of operation of a dangerous nuclear reactor!' - 800 people at a rally to demand scrap of the high-speed breeder (Dec. 10th, Tsuruga) Protests against the Cabinet decision to prolong the deployment of Japanese troops in Iraq - Nagoya (Dec. 8th), Fukuoka (Dec. 10th) [7] Resolves for 2006 -III - Chugoku Regional Committee - Social Service Workers Committee - Media Workers Committee - Miner-Sized Companies Workers Committee - Antiwar Workers Conference in Eastern Kanagawa [8] Denounce the JPU leadership misleading the struggle against the postal privatisation to defeat! Stop the turn to a labour movement serving the Koizumi autocracy! (1) Covering up the defeat (2) A surrender and an attempt to carry favour with Koizumi's 'reign of terror' (3) How we review the historic defeat - Degeneration into a campaign to protect 'privileges of the postal circle' - A backscratching dependence upon postal-related politicians in the LDP - Unprincipled collusion with the company union and managers' associations - Self-destructive attempts against the trade union organization (4) Denounce the national leadership of the JPU forcing the union to support the DPJ! TOP |
No. 1901
(January 16th Issue)
Smash the attempts to build Stop another dispatch of Japanese troops to Iraq from the GSDF Eastern Army! Rise in the Zengakuren struggle on January 22nd! (A) The Koizumi government rushing to strengthen the US-Japan military alliance and to revise the Constitution (B) A crisis of warfare intensified under the new confrontation between the US and China - The Bush administration agonized in quagmires - Clashes in Asia: The US with Japan vs. China, Russia and South Korea - Conflicts between Russian and US imperialism seeking for an eastward expansion of NATO - Miserable situations of the official opposition movements and the struggles of us as the revolutionary leftwing (C) Fight against the Constitutional revision! Advance struggles against the war and the strengthened US-Japan military alliance! - The JCP-led struggle 'to protect Article 9' without opposition to the military alliance - Let us fight with the aim to overthrow the neo-fascist Koizumi-led government! [3] Statement: Fight back against the January 6th police raid on the students' association in Osaka University of Economics! OUE Students' Self-Governing Associations in the First and Second Divisions Zengakuren Kansai Chapter Zengakuren - Denounce Osaka Prefectural Police and the OUE authorities flaming up 'acts of violence'! - Denounce the arrests of 8 students including representatives of the students' association! - Fight back against the OUE authorities selling out students to police! The mayoral election in Nago City, Okinawa: the JCP endorsing the conservative candidate who supports the cancelled plan of a new US Marine base - What they call 'a struggle embracing all islanders' [4-5] Ruinous Russia seeking relief in collusion with China: Putin's strategy for recovery (1) Attempts to rebuild Russia's sphere of influence depending on the rising power of China - Collusion with China under the banner of 'a new world order in the 21st century' - SCO turned into an 'anti-American alliance' - An anti-American front stretching over Asia and the Middle East - The strengthened triangle: Russia, China and India - Supports for the Ahmadinejad government accelerating its nuclear development - Tie-ups with China in Asia - Japan passing - An 'economic war' against Ukraine for saving the attempt to rebuild the CIS (2) Attempts to strengthen the authoritative ruling system based on the FSB - For safeguarding Putin's autocracy - Seeking for its survival as a 'big power' depending on exports of energy and munitions (3) A Dutch roll towards another catastrophe - A new trilateral structure of the world - A Dilemma of the state capitalism under the FSB-based authoritative system [6-7] Resolves for 2006 - II - Kansai Regional Committee - Tokai Regional Committee - Kyushu Regional Committee - Chemical Industrial Workers Committee - Traffic and Transport Workers Committee - Electric Industrial Workers Committee - Metal Industrial Workers Committee - Antiwar Workers Conference in Tokyo (To continue.) [8] Interviewing Zengakuren leaders Book Review: Tetsuya Takahashi The Yasukuni Shrine Issue - A consistent viewpoint of rejecting war: exposing tricks to beautifying 'war heroes' TOP |