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No. 2330
(August 4th 2014 Issue)
Denounce the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip!
- Stop the Zionist government massacring Palestinians! - The Middle East, Ukraine, East Asia ... dark clouds hanging over the world - Political, military and economic rivalry between the US and China-Russia enters a new phase - Crush the all-out offensive of the Abe government preparing for war against China! [2] Stop the boring survey for new US base construction in Henoko! Stop putting down buoys at sea to suppress protest actions! Angry workers, students and residents rise in action to stop the construction equipment carried in: July 20th-25th, Henoko, Okinawa (pic 1) Protesters fighting to stop the carrying-in of the construction equipment (July 25th, in front of the main gate of Camp Schwab, Okinawa) (pic 2) Zengakuren Okinawa fighting with indignant workers and residents (July 22nd) Zengakuren Hokkaido fights against the SDF landing exercise: July 8th, Hamataiki, Hokkaido (pic 3) 'Stop the GSDF landing exercise!' Militant students raising voices in protest together with 400 workers on the Hamataiki shore (pic 4) Workers and students denouncing the landing of an LCAC on the shore [3] 'Crush the Osprey flight training!' Zengakuren Hokkaido stages a protest action: July 19th, Sapporo, Hokkaido (pic 5) Zengakuren denouncing the Osprey flight, first to Hokkaido, with clenched fists (pic 6) Students demonstrating with workers and citizens in the main street of Sapporo The 84th regular national convention of Zengakuren: July 14th and 16th, Tokyo (pic 7) Zengakuren militants spiritedly holding up their fists to express their resolves (July 16th) [7] 'Denounce the Cabinet decision to constitutionalize the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' Militant Kagoshima Univ. students hold a protest demonstration against the Abe government: July 5th, Kagoshima (pic 8) 'No to the building of Japan into a state capable of waging war!' 'Stop the restart of the Sendai nuclear power plant!' Students fighting in high spirits in the city centre of Kagoshima 'Definitely no to the legalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' Zengakuren Okinawa rises in an emergency action: July 1st, in front of the LDP local office, Okinawa (pic 9) Militant students of Okinawa fighting in solidarity with students fighting in front of the PM's Official Residence in Tokyo Chukakuha remnants used as a tool of the state to disturb the mass protest against the Cabinet decision [4] The JP Union leadership declares full cooperation with the management in the newly launched restructuring offensive Criticisms burst from below in the 7th Japan Postal Union regular convention - 'Unity between labour and management' choreographed by the union leadership with the attendance of the head of Japan Post - Complaints and criticisms crop up on the worsened working conditions after the introduction of the 'new personnel and pay system' - Anger and discredit surging up at the treacherous explanation of the leadership - Denounce the leadership for conniving at the Abe government's reactionary offensive! - Fight for a militant regeneration of the JP Union! [6] Stop the expansion of the 'new regular position' schemed by the Japan Post management! A. 'Best results in the performance assessment' and acceptance of redeployment: absolute conditions for being reassigned as a regular employee B. Ultra-low wages: a 'regular employee' in name only C. Denounce the union leadership for fully cooperating with the JP management! [5] No to the major restructuring offensive launched by the Panasonic management! - Going into the black in three years at the sacrifice of workers: a result of merciless restructuring offensives against workers - Decomposition and reorganization of the head office's structure: the setting up of the 'corporate strategic headquarters' - Entry into new projects - No to the victimization of workers! [8] Kaleidoscope - A 'double agent' incident: the deepening of Merkel's suspicion of the US - Abe lifts part of sanctions against North Korea: the toiling people in North and South Koreas treated as rulers' means for political bargaining - A new international treaty on the reparation for nuclear damage planned to be approved by the Diet: Shatter US and Japanese rulers' evil intention to expand nuclear plant exportation! TOP |
No. 2329
(July 28th 2014 Issue)
Smash the new US base construction in Henoko!
- A scheme to set up new US-Japan defense cooperation guidelines and revise laws related to collective self-defense en bloc -- Political and military rivalry intensifying between the US-Japan and China-Russia - Create a surge of antiwar, anti-Ampo [US-Japan military alliance] struggle by denouncing the JCP leadership's immersion in vote-gathering activities in the Okinawa gubernatorial election campaign
[2] Condemn the Israeli government for launching a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip! Zengakuren rises in an emergency action: July 18th, in front of the Israel Embassy, Tokyo (pic 1) 'Stop the genocide by the Netanyahu government!' Militant students lodging a vehement protest against the Israeli ground assault
[3] Crush the Osprey flight training! Zengakuren takes on-site actions: July 15th, at the Atsugi Base, Kanagawa Pref., and Camp Fuji, Shizuoka Pref. (pic 2) Zengakuren balling up their fists to protest against the flight of an MV-22 Osprey (July 15th, at Camp Fuji in Shizuoka Pref.) (pic 3) Students fighting with angry workers and residents against the Osprey flight, the first to Eastern Japan (near the Atsugi Base) (pic 4) The Tokai region Zengakuren presenting a protest against the Osprey flight (at Camp Fuji) 'Definitely no to the boring survey for the base construction!' 300 angry workers and residents stage land and sea demonstrations: June 28th, Henoko, Okinawa (pic above) 'Stop the survey!' Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fighting in the van of the struggle
'Shatter the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' 'Down with the Abe government!' Workers, students and the masses besiege the Diet Building for three consecutive days: July 13th - 15th (pic 5) 'Down with the Abe government!' 'No to the call of the Osprey at the Atsugi and the Yokota bases!' 'Denounce Israel's ground offensive in the Gaza Strip!' Militant students raising fists in anger in front of the Diet Building: July 13th (pic 6) Workers from Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] and Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] fighting together against the collective self-defense: July 14th (pic 7) Workers and citizens responding ardently to the militant students from all over Japan with their association banners holding up high: July 15th [8] 'Denounce the Cabinet decision!' Kanazawa Univ. students perform a series of protest actions against the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense': July 1st & 3rd, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Pref. (pic 8) Students fighting vigorously with workers and citizens despite the rain (July 3rd) (pic 9) A lunchtime emergency action on the Kanazawa University campus (July 1st) Stop the restart of the Sendai nuclear power plant! Denounce the Nuclear Regulation Authority for putting the 'seal of approval' on the safety of the plant! [4-5] Sacrificing workers and the toiling masses for a 'rich country with a strong army' - The reactionary nature of the revised 'Japan Revitalization Strategy' adopted by the Cabinet - A. Crying out desperate for regaining Japan's 'capacity to earn money' B. Totally destroying labour regulations C. Supporting big business by imposing more burdens on the masses D. Setting up of 'state strategic special zones': a dirty trick of breaking regulations E. A neo-fascist way of 'corporate governance' F. A strategy for building Japan into a 'richer and militarily stronger power' [6] Successive outsourcing of the local government's 'basic jobs' to private companies: the case of Adachi Ward, Tokyo Topics The Abe government's unpardonable measures to 'deregulate social welfare services': compelling social welfare institutions to compete with profit-making companies 'Denounce the Cabinet decision!' 'Down with the Abe government!' Voices of JRCL propaganda units resound through the busy streets of Hakata, Fukuoka Pref. and Kanazawa, Ishikawa Pref. (July 1st) [7] Xi Jinping-led China's challenge to the US and outbursts of domestic conflict (part 2) I. Sinocentric nationalism extended to the outside for 'national interests' II. Peking bureaucrats suffering from conflicts deteriorating at home TOP |
No. 2328
(July 21st 2014 Issue)
Rally to the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly! - Seeking to integrate US and Japanese forces and accelerating the buildup of the Japanese army - Political and military rivalry intensifying between Xi Jinping-led China and the US-Japan - A growing danger of a world war breaking out in the east and the west of Eurasia - Create a gigantic surge of antiwar, anti-Ampo [US-Japan military alliance] struggle by overcoming the JCP-led peace movement that abandons opposition to Ampo!
(pic 1) 'Withdraw the Cabinet decision!' Militant students rise up in protest and besiege the Diet Building (July 13th, in front of the Diet members' office building) Denounce Israel for assaulting Gaza and massacring Palestinian people! [2-3] No to the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Protest actions all over the country July 6th, Osaka: 6,000 workers, students and citizens rise (pic 2) Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students fighting in the forefront of the angry protesters denouncing the Cabinet decision June 17th, Osaka: 'Abe, quit!' Demonstrators' voices resound through the streets (pic 3) Militant students fighting under the banner 'No to the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance!' July 1st, Osaka: 600 angry protesters surround the local LDP office building (pic 4) 'Denounce the cabinet decision!' Kobe and other univ. students at the front of the fight June 30th, Nagoya: Fighting students make a protest to the local LDP office (pic 5) 'Stop the Cabinet decision!' 'Down with the neo-fascist Abe government!' Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. students raising banners and placards June 28th, Sapporo: 5,500 gather for a 'No to War' rally and demonstration (pic 6) Militant students calling on participants to fight against the US-Japan new military alliance and against fascism July 1st, Sappro: Hokkaido Univ. students rise in an emergency action to stop the Cabinet decision (pic 7) Students holding up their fists in front of the local LDP office July 2nd, Naha, Okinawa: 'Never turn Okinawa into a battlefield again!' Angry voices raised in front of the Prefectural Office (pic 8) Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fighting for an upsurge of the struggle to denounce the Cabinet decision
Stop the restart of the Sendai nuclear power plant! Militant students strive in a 'Sayonara to the Nuke' emergency action: July 9th, Tokyo (pic 9) Students demonstrating high-spiritedly with workers and citizens despite the rain [7] Anger flares up at labour aristocrats' suppression of the struggle Fighting workers strive in the '2014 Rengo Peace Action in Okinawa': June 23rd-24th, Okinawa (pic 10) A solidarity rally in front of the Prefectural Office (June 24th) Zengakuren Okinawa denounces Abe's presence at the Okinawa Memorial Day service: June 23rd, Okinawa (pic 11) Students making an ardent call on people to topple the Abe government Militant Kagoshima Univ. students fight to stop the Cabinet decision: June 20th, Kagoshima (pic 12) Students joining 600 workers and citizens in the rally and demonstration (the 'No to War' demonstration in the evening) (pic 13) Appealing to the students of Kagoshima University (the campus rally held in the afternoon) 'Stop the legalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' Fighting workers realize a meeting by pressing from below the reluctant Rengoleadership: June 18th, Sapporo (pic 14) 1,000 protesters rallied to the outdoor meeting and demonstration [4] Xi Jinping-led China's challenge to the US and outbursts of domestic conflict (part 1) I. Sinocentric nationalism extended to the outside for 'national interests' II. Peking bureaucrats suffering from conflicts deteriorating at home [5] Build up a 'struggle to secure driving safety' from within the workplace! A call on the delegates to the 81st regular convention of the Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions The Traffic and Transport Workers Committee [6] No to the wage cuts of teachers and school personnel accompanying local administrative reforms! Shatter the intensification of labour management and destruction of trade unions! Topics Abe's scheme for an ultra-reactionary social security reform [8] Kaleidoscope - Another impermissible decision made in the Cabinet meeting: Smash the new US base construction in Henoko! - The wiretapping law intended to be revised to oppress people in the name of public security: together with the state secrecy law and a planned legislation against 'conspiracy' - Japanese merchants of death first participate in the Eurosatory trade show: Crush Abe's plot to develop Japanese arms industry and expand arms exports! - The government urges the active use of 'personal data': offering capitalists a chance to make more money and state power a way to step up surveillance over workers and the masses TOP |
No. 2327
(July 14th 2014 Issue)
Overthrow the Abe government accelerating war preparations!
- The Abe government pushing forward the revision of related laws for wars of aggression - A full-scale offensive and defensive alliance being built against China - Xi Jinping-led China's countermeasures under the banner of a 'new type of Asian security concept' - Overcome the JCP-led peace movement that abandons opposition to the US-Japan military alliance!
(pic above) 'Down with the Abe government!' Zengakuren striving in the forefront of 60,000 protesters (July 1st, in front of the PM's Official Residence) [4-5] The emblem of the end of the militarist empire - Lame-duck Obama's foreign policy speech on May 28th - I. Reluctance about unilateralism - Obama's denunciation of China and Russia's moves as regional 'aggressions' - A trauma of the 'costs' of the Afghan and Iraqi wars - A scheme to mobilize 'allies and partners' - Economic recovery as a top-priority issue II. Formulation of the 'rebalance to Asia-Pacific' strategy based on the assumption of China and Russia as main enemies - The new US-Japan defense cooperation guidelines: a war manual against China III. A growing danger of a world war breaking out: amid new rivalry between the US-Japan and China-Russia [2] For the 84th regular national convention of Zengakuren [3] Denounce the Cabinet decision! Successive actions to stop the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense' July1st: 60,000 fight hard in front of the PM's Residence (pic 1) Zengakuren raising a roar of protest at the news of the Cabinet decision (pic 2) 'Down with the Abe government!' A chorus of angry protest goes up despite suppression by the police (pic 3) 'Stop the Cabinet decision!' Students fighting in the van of the tens of thousands of protesters June 18th & 20th, Kanazawa: Kanazawa Univ. students fight in high spirits (pic 4) 'Against the US-Japan military alliance! Against fascism!' Indignant voices reverberate through the main street of Kanazawa City (June 20th) (pic 5) 'No to the building of a nation capable of waging war!' Students fighting with 300 workers and citizens (June 18th) June 23rd, Obihiro, Hokkaido: 400 workers, students and citizens stage a protest demonstration (pic 6) Obihiro Zootechny College students fighting in solidarity with rallied workers June 20th, Sapporo: Hokkaido Univ. students make a call in the city street against the Abe government [6] Toyota management intent on merging and closing down domestic factories No to sackings and the intensification of labour! Below the pay of 300 yen per hour, with no legal rights vested: The Abe government setting out an impermissible deregulation in the 'Technical Internship Program' for foreigners Topics Abe schemes a reform in the education system: emphasizing education for a 'select elite' - A proposal by the government's education resuscitation conference - [7] No to the restart of the Sendai nuclear power plant! 5,500 workers, students and citizens in a rally and a demonstration: June 28th, 'Sayonara to the Nuke' rally, Tokyo (pic 7) 'Stop the nuclear development!' Militant students' placards indicate the direction of the struggle (at the rally prior to the demonstration, Meiji Park) (pic 8) 'Overcome the official leaderships' campaign for an alternative energy policy!' Students' voices rise to a roar (in a busy street of Tokyo) More than 1,000 rise to protest against the planned restart of the Sendai nuclear power plant: June 13th, Kagoshima (pic 9) Holding the banner 'Down with the Abe government!', Kagoshima Univ. students marching with workers and residents Students' regular convention: June 5th, Aichi University A resolution against constitutional revision adopted by an overwhelming majority (pic 10) 600 students at the convention [8] La noticia internacional A report from Argentina No to the sacking of meat industry workers due to the closing of the factory! Kaleidoscope - Blood will tell: Environment Minister Ishihara got his verbal abuse from his fascist father; PM Abe's leaning towards aggression against Asia he got from his war criminal grandfather - 'You better get married and produce offspring', a nasty jeering at the Metropolitan Assembly: with no consideration for the masses too poor to have children - 'We owe much to Okinawans who endured sacrifice in war': Abe's shameless words at the 69th Okinawa Memorial Day service TOP |
No. 2326
(July 7th 2014 Issue)
Denounce the Cabinet decision!
No to the setting up of new US-Japan defense cooperation guidelines! Bring down the Abe government preparing to launch a war! (pic above left) 'Down with the Abe government!' Zengakuren pushing back the police and holding the placards up high (June 30th, in front of the PM's Official Residence) (pic above right) 40,000 rise in anger: waves of demonstration surge to the PM's Residence (in the evening of June 30th)
(pic 1) Zengakuren staging an emergency protest at the PM's Residence (June 26th, 4: 50 pm) (pic 2) Militant students from Waseda and other universities fighting with workers and citizens rallied to an action called by the Committee of 1,000 People Against War (the same day, 6: 30 pm) [2-3] Stop the Cabinet decision to constitutionalize the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Workers and students' united actions throughout the country: June 15th Okinawa: 'Stop the new US Marine base construction in Henoko!' (pic 3) White-helmeted militant workers and students stage an angry demonstration in the main street of Naha Osaka: 'Down with the Abe government!' (pic 4) A chorus of protest goes up in front of the LDP local office Sapporo: 'Against the US-Japan military alliance! Against the constitutional revision!' (pic 5) Militant workers and students' demonstration heading towards the US Consulate General in Sapporo 2000 angry protesters hold a 'Stop the War' rally and a demonstration June 20th, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture (pic 6) 'Overthrow the Abe government!' Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. students striving to create a militant uplift in the march Repeal the state secrecy protection law! - Denounce the passage of the revised Diet Law through the Upper House! (June 20th) - Stop the enforcement of the secrecy law scheduled in December! [4-5] Stop the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Smash offensives aimed to destroy public workers' unions! Create an upsurge of fight against the neo-fascist offensive! The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee (1) The Abe government's ultra-reactionary offensives and the revolutionary workers' struggle to crush them A. Abe hell-bent to build a 'military power capable of waging war with the US' B. The government plunges workers into destitution, plans to revise labour laws for capitalists C. Wage cuts and a merit-based pay imposed on public workers D. Union leaderships attempt to dissolve peace movements into a 'campaign for constitutionalism' (2) Smash the Abe government's ultra-reactionary offensive aimed to restore 'militarist Japan' A. Denounce the Jichiro [All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union] leadership for indulging in 'rallying centrists and liberals'! B. Expose the criminal nature of the Jichiroren [Japan Federation of Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Unions] leadership intent on 'cooperation with conservatives'! C. Range huge forces to shatter the Abe government's neo-fascist offensives! [6] Topics The tripartite consultation between government-labour-management to be resumed: cajoling Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] labour aristocrats into accepting labour deregulation General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Union Stop the leadership plotting to make a rule of abandoning strikes in the spring labour offensive! More and more municipal authorities refuse to provide support for grass-roots pro-Constitutional meetings Beware of the Abe government's manoeuvre to destroy mass movements against constitutional revision! [7] Abe's advisory panel report shouting for a war of aggression No to the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! - Dispatching Japanese troops abroad anytime, anywhere: decision taken on the sole initiative of the Prime Minister - Building a full-scale US-Japan offensive and defensive alliance against China - Restoring 'militarist Japan' and justifying armed aggression [8] Overseas Appeal for the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Stand together to stop a world war breaking out! Fight against warmongering between the US-Japan and China-Russia! Build up international solidarity against <war and poverty>! TOP |
No. 2325
(June 30th 2014 Issue)
Stop the constitutionalization of the
Overcome the JCP-led campaign of begging the government to 'apply the brakes' to Japan's use of force overseas! Report Stop the Cabinet decision! Workers and students fighting every day A militant demonstration closes in on the Diet Building, on the PM's Official Residence Workers and students' united action in Tokyo: June 15th - Zengakuren and the Antiwar Youth Committee hold an angry demonstration in the centre of the metropolis - 'Eradicate the impending crisis of war caused by the rivalry between the US-Japan and China-Russia!': a solidarity rally prior to the demonstration (pic above) 'No to the strengthening of the US-Japan new military alliance!' Indignant yells going up in front of the US Embassy (pic 2) 'Down with the Abe government!' Demonstrators making intense protests in front of the PM's Residence 3,000 make an angry protest to the Diet The 'No to war' rally called by the Committee of 1,000 People Against War: June 12th, Hibiya, Tokyo (pic 3) Students striving for a militant upsurge of the rally 'Absolutely no to a state capable of waging war!' Protesters hold up fists at the PM's Residence and the Diet Building The 'Don't ruin the Constitution by an interpretation' rally: June 17th, Hibiya, Tokyo (pic 4) Militant students call on rally participants to overcome the campaign of begging the government to 'put the brakes' on Japan's use of force abroad (pic 5) Students demonstrating under the banner, 'Against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Against fascism!'
Militant students keep fighting under the slogan 'Against the US-Japan military alliance!' Protest action in front of the PM's Official Residence: June 19th-20th Advance resolutely! Stop the Cabinet decision! (pic 6) Militant students fighting in the forefront of 1,000 protesters (June 19th) [3] Workers and students' united action in the Tokai Region June 15th, Nagoya (pic 7) 'Topple the Abe government!' Demonstrators' voices rising to a roar 'Stop the new US marine base construction in Henoko!': Workers, Students and residents rise up on two consecutive days June 13th-14th, Okinawa (pic 8) Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fighting in the van of the protesters (June 13th, Naha) (pic 9) Staging a militant demonstration despite the rain (June 13th, on the main street of Naha) (pic 10) Making an angry protest against the planned base construction (June 14th, at the gate of a US base in Nago) [4] A civil war in Iraq (1) A massive offensive of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) intensifying religious conflicts -- Sunnite tribes supporting the ISIS -- The Shiites rise to defend their holy places (2) A new upheaval in the Middle East -- The Obama administration hesitant about military intervention in Iraq -- A 'proxy war' between Iran and Saudi Arabia -- The US's loss of prestige and Russia's growing involvement in the Middle East -- Muslim toiling masses! Overcome religious antagonism and unite under the banner of 'against US imperialism, against Zionism'! [5] The bankruptcy of the BOJ's 'monetary easing of a different dimension' Bring to light the criminal nature of Abenomics! (1) Exposed Limitations of the measures for a weak yen and strong stock prices exposed (2) The bankruptcy of the policy to 'stimulate' domestic investment - Malfunction in the BOJ's 'monetary supply' to the market - Stagnation in the domestic demands related to capital investment (3) The deepening of the unprecedented crisis in national finance and the criminal measures to get it through - The BOJ 'financing' for the government - Japan's 'sovereign bond crisis' now fermented - Smash Abenomics! [6] Okinawa prefectural board of education intent on implementing abnormal measures to 'improve pupils' academic ability' Topics The government's new growth strategy to be revised: a preparation for an overall deregulation of working hours [7] Shatter Japan Post's newly launched restructuring / rationalization offensive against workers! Denounce the JP Union leadership's full cooperation with the management! Firmly establish a union's policy to fight against the offensive! The Postal Workers Committee Stir up the flames of workers' struggle from the workplaces of Toyota's subcontract factories! [8] Kaleidoscope - Russia and China's ten-year negotiation on gas deal concluded: two rulers choreograph 'strong ties of strategic partnership' - Abe schemes a new 'ODA Charter': Don't allow the Japanese government to provoke a war in Asia again! - Obama's deal with Taliban: a prisoner exchange for guaranteeing US withdrawal from Afghanistan - The Abe government's measures for a military buildup on the Southwest Island Chain between Kyushu and Taiwan TOP |
No. 2324
(June 23rd 2014 Issue)
No to the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'!
- Down with the Abe government! Besiege the PM's Residence and the Diet Building with angry columns of workers and students! - The government / Defense Ministry rushing headlong to start the new US base construction - US and Japanese imperialists hell-bent on strengthening the US-Japan new military alliance as an offensive and defensive alliance against China - The Xi-led Chinese government frantic to win command of the sea and the air and to pursue its marine interests - The JCP leadership immersed in 'cooperation with conservatives' for the Okinawa gubernatorial election under the slogan 'all-Okinawa campaign' - Overcome the JCP-led campaign to beg the government for the reduction of bases without opposing the US-Japan military alliance! - Overthrow the neo-fascist Abe government by rallying the power of workers and the toiling masses! (pic above L) Zengakuren and the antiwar youth committee resolutely waging the June 15th United Action in Tokyo: the demonstration heading towards the PM's Official Residence, the Diet Building and the US Embassy (details to appear in the next issue) (pic above R) High-spirited students striving for a militant upsurge of the rally against the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense': June 12th, Hibiya, Tokyo (details to appear in the next issue)
[2] 'Stop the boring survey for the new Henoko base construction!' Angry workers, students and residents rise in protest: May 30th, Okinawa (pic 3) Militant students raising the banner, 'Crush US-Japan military alliance!' 'Stop the constitutional revision!' 'Stop the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' 1,200 protestors hold an angry demonstration: June 1st, Osaka (pic 4) Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students marching with workers [4] The reactionary nature of the 'university governance reform' Stop the Abe government's neo-fascist reorganization of tertiary education! I. Drastic strengthening of the university president's authority, and weakening of faculty meetings II. An attempt to boost the 'international competitiveness' of Japanese universities - The government tries to reorganize universities by pressing them to 'redefine the university's mission in society' - For 'training human resources capable of contributing to national policy' - A plot to introduce 'corporate governance' into university management [5] Fabrication of a new myth "the safety of a nuclear power plant" for the strengthening of the system for promoting nuclear development - A criticism of the 'final report' by the atomic energy academy - (Part 2) Ch. 1 Responding to the Abe government's scheme to fully restore the 'atomic energy community' - Intent on strengthening the academy's unity in the name of 'nuclear specialists' - Fortifying the system for the restart and exportation of nuclear power plants (Appeared in Kaihoh No. 2323) Ch. 2 Cover-ups and deceptions for justifying nuclear development - Complete denial of the plant's 'vulnerability to earthquakes' - A criminal proposal to discharge tritium-contaminated water into the ocean - Disregard for the danger in handling spent nuclear fuel and debris - 'The number of workers exposed to high-dose radiation is very small': a barefaced lie (Appears in this issue) [3] An injunction granted against the operation of the Oi nuclear power plant A district court decision on May 21st, Fukui Prefecture In solidarity with the worker who dauntlessly takes Tepco [Tokyo Electric Power Company] to court for exposing workers to a heavy dose of radiation [6] 'No to the reactionary changes in the rules for protection of workers!' 2,000 workers assemble in a Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] rally to oppose the revision of labour laws: May 27th, Nagoya 'Choose either wage cuts or factory closures!' US workers sacrificed behind the advertisement of the 'economic recovery' Topics Abe intends to use public pension funds to raise stock prises [7] Labour unions in America now in a predicament 'Right to work' laws for destroying unions [8] Kaleidoscope - 'The hammer does not mean that every problem is a nail' (Obama) A people's hammer on the imperialist! - EU imperialists bent on acting as a mediator between Putin and Poroshenko at the D-day commemoration ceremony - 'The US should use a trampoline to send their astronauts to the ISS' (Rogozin): Putin plays a trump - China's real-estate bubble about to burst: Xi's rectification campaign against 'senior tigers and low-level flies' would damp the traders TOP |
No. 2323
(June 16th 2014 Issue)
For an explosive upsurge of the June 15th United Actions! -- Russia's challenge to the US and the decline of US imperialism -- Military confrontation between the US-Japan and China over the East and South China Seas -- A new phase of the rivalry between the US-Japan and China-Russia - The Abe government desperate to make a Cabinet decision - Advance struggles to overthrow the neo-fascist Abe government!
[2] 'Definitely no to the constitutionalization of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' Workers and citizens stage an emergency protest against the Abe government (May 20th, Sapporo) Militant Hokkaido Univ. students demonstrating with rallied workers (pic right) Stop the preparation for an aggressive war against China! Anger boiling up against an SDF military parade in the city centre (May 24th, Kanazawa) [4] Deceptions contrived to constitutionalize the 'exercise of Japan's right to collective self-defense' A strained interpretation of the Constitution by Shin'ichi Kitaoka chairing Abe's advisory panel 1. An attempt to effectively destroy the 'war-renouncing' Article 9 - An ambition to build Japan into a 'first-class military power' 2. 'National security precedes the Constitution': Kitaoka's state-supremacist manifesto - Fascist elitism crushing 'democracy' - Evil demagogy aimed to mobilize workers and the masses for war [5] Fabrication of a new myth "the safety of a nuclear power plant" for the strengthening of the system for promoting nuclear development -- A criticism of the 'final report' by the atomic energy academy -- (Part 1) Ch.1 Responding to the Abe government's scheme to fully restore the 'atomic energy community' - Intent on strengthening the academy's unity in the name of 'nuclear specialists' - Fortifying the system for the restart and exportation of nuclear power plants [6] Smash Japan Post's new offensive for restructuring and rationalization! Denounce the JP Union leadership for totally supporting the management plan! The Postal Workers Committee - Denounce the union leadership for justifying its agreement on extremely low wage increase figures in the name of the 'investment in human resources'! - Crush the restructuring/rationalization offensive newly launched by the management based on the 'mid-term business plan'! - No to the neo-fascist Abe government's ultra-reactionary offensives! Stop the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Stop Abe's preparation for war against China! [7] No to the privatisation of the water supply service planned by the Hashimoto-led Osaka city government! The Beijing bureaucrats shout a command to expand the scale of agricultural management [8] The cries of student soldiers conscripted and killed in WWII On 'another note left behind' by Hisao Kimura, a student of philosophy who went to the scaffold as a war criminal Tanka poems Ukraine: the earth of tragedy [3] Kaleidoscope - Denounce the organized condemnation against a comic artist who revealed health damage in Fukushima! - The first 'solitary island retaking' exercise conducted by the SDF: Stop the creation of a Japanese version of Marine Corps! - Wants to say 'Bravo, Putin!', but for now, 'Put a seal on anti-US, to oppose China and Rusia!': a rightist scholar's ambivalence - What is not depicted in the movie: the mass killing of Indonesian communists was the result of the Stalinist party's adventurist coup TOP |
No. 2322
(June 9th 2014 Issue)
The June 15th Workers and Students' United Actions!
- A hair-trigger situation arising from the rivalry intensifying between the US-Japan and China-Russia - The Xi Jinping government and the Putin government strengthening ties against US imperialism - The Obama administration desperate to mobilize its allies for building an anti-China encircling net - Overcome the JCP-led campaign to 'oppose Abe's course for a nation that wages war' without opposing fascism and Ampo [US-Japan military alliance]! - Fight to overthrow the Abe government!
[2] Stop the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Workers, students and citizens make a protest to the PM's Official Residence: May 28th, Tokyo (pic above) 'Fight against Ampo, against fascism!' Students raising voices in protest (pic 1) Holding up the placards 'Stop the revision of the Constitution!' Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. students hold a protest march to the local LDP office: May 17th, Nagoya (pic 2) Denouncing Abe for declaring his intention to decide the constitutuionalization A JRCL propaganda unit makes an emergency appeal in the city's high street: May 15th, Fukuoka (pic 3) Denouncing Abe right after his announcement of the 'basic course of the government' [4] The devastating explosion at a factory of Mitsubishi Material Corporation Denounce the management for ignoring safety precautions and enforcing restructuring! 1. 'The accident was beyond expectation': the management attempts to draw a defiant conclusion 2. Maintenance of the heat exchanger neglected for eight years by the management 3. Excessive trust on the computerized control, decreasing basic skills in the workplace [5] Naha Airport used as an airline hub in the name of 'promoting the local industries of Okinawa' Low wages and long working hours forced on workers in the transportation industry - Naha Airport used as a base for expanding international cargo business - Abe's 'Asia Gateway' project: part of his 'growth strategy' - Pilots, mechanics and ground handling workers exploited more than ever before [6] Resounding voices against the revision of labour laws Rengo's 'Stop the disparity' rally held on May 27th, Tokyo (pic 4) Angry voices raised against the labour aristocrats clinging to the government-labour-management consultation The Governor of Hokkaido hell-bent on inviting a casino despite criticism and denunciation Topics No to the legalization of 'limitless working hours' and 'zero overtime pay'! [7] Our Morals: the Education Ministry's new teaching materials distributed Preaching 'selfless devotion to one's country' [8] A dispute over STAP papers Riken [Institute of Physical and Chemical Research] shows its true colours as an instrument of the Abe government [3] Kaleidoscope - The truth about Tomioka: spinning hands' untold tragedies hidden behind the listing of the silk-reeling factory on the World Heritage - The Tax Commission Chairman Takenaka's inexcusable plot: the revenue source for corporate tax cuts shall be covered by sacrificing the toiling masses -It's a warmongering act: the Xi government high-handedly claims sovereignty over almost all the area in the South China Sea - The Xi government's declaration of the 'war on terror': No to the Beijing bureaucrats' oppression of Uighus bordering on ethnic cleansing! TOP |
No. 2321
(June 2nd 2014 Issue)
No to the revision of labour laws!
- The government's measures to support monopoly capitalists for 'boosting Japanese companies' competitiveness' -- An attempt to form an economic bloc in rivalry with China and a rush to build Japan into a strong military power - Shatter the government's offensive that throws workers into rightless conditions and dire poverty!
[2] Stop the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Militant students hold an angry demonstration against the Abe government: May 18th, Shibuya, Tokyo (pic above) Calling on workers, students and citizens to rise in action against the constitutionalization (in front of Shibuya Station, Tokyo) Students of Okinawa fighting against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance: April 27th, Naha, Okinawa (pic 1) 'Stop the new US base construction!' 'Stop the constitutional revision!' Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students staging a militant march in the main street of Naha [3] 'Against the US-Japan military alliance!' 'No to the revision of the Constitution!' Revolutionary workers and students strive for a militant uplift of the Peace March and the People's Rally: May 16th-18th, Okinawa (pic 2) Anger explodes against the ultra-reactionary Abe government (pic 3) Militant students surrounding the US Futenma Base despite the heavy rain (pic 4) 'No to the revision of the Constitution!' Protesters' voices resound the city stadium 'Crush the US-Japan summit meeting!' Zengakuren Okinawa protests to the US Consulate: April 24th, Urazoe, Okinawa (pic 5) Fighting in solidarity with the demonstration in Tokyo [4] Civil war intensified in Ukraine and a new development in the rivalry between the US and China-Russia Create an upsurge of international antiwar struggle to eradicate the danger of a world war! I. Ukraine torn apart by the civil war between East and West - The danger of war threatening the whole of Europe II. China's and Russia's challenges to the US and the rollback policy of the ruined imperialism - Putin and Xi Jinping intent on strengthening alliance-like ties - US, European and Japanese imperialism bent on setting up an encircling net against China and Russia III. Let us fight in solidarity with Ukrainian people! Advance antiwar struggle under the banner of proletarian internationalism! [5] State supremacist Abe's fraud: the cry of 'protecting Japanese lives' A deceitful remark on the 'limited constitutionalization of Japan's use of collective self-defense' (at a news conference on May 15th) - Abe deliberately rejects part of the proposals by his advisory security panel: intended to choreograph 'consistency' in the constitutional interpretation - Fabricating a story of 'rescuing Japanese nationals: trifling the masses - An outrageous way to give full authority to the PM and the NSC - A change in the meaning of 'pacifism': destruction of the idea of the 'war-renouncing' Constitution - Absolutely no to the attempt to build 'a state capable of waging war'! Topics Stop the passage of the ''bill to promote community health and nursing care'' through the Upper House! The Rengo [Japan Trade Union Confederation] leadership's fraudulent demand to introduce 'regulations' in workplaces to secure 'rest intervals': despite admitting extremely long working hours imposed on workers Non-regular caseworkers exploited and then discarded
[7] Let us fight for a big wage increase across the board! Militant struggles in May Day rallies The regional May Day rally of Rengo Hokkaido (May 1st, Sapporo) (pic 6) 'No to the revision of labour laws!' Voices resonate through the venue The regional May Day rally of Rengo Okinawa (May 1st, Naha) (pic 7) Militant workers denounce low compromise figures The regional May Day rally of Rengo Ishikawa (May 1st, Kanazawa) (pic 8) Anger erupts against the betrayal of the labour aristocrats [8] Contribution A visit to Fukushima: three years after the nuclear disaster The Abe government and the local authorities of Fukushima cover up nuclear damage to health A forthcoming book Fifty Years of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL TOP |