Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation |
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No. 1880
(August 8th Issue)
Against the Iraq War! - Over the resumed 6-party talk: confrontation
between the US-Japan alliance and China,
Russia and South / North Koreas |
No. 1879
(August 1st Issue)
Denounce the Rengo central's decision JRCL Central Workers' Orgburo - 'Outlines for the Constitutional Revision'
drafted by the ruling LDP |
No. 1878
(July 25th Issue)
Rally at the 43rd International Antiwar Assembly!
- The Bush-plotted London blasts to wriggle
out of the quagmire |
No. 1877
(July 18th Issue)
Denounce the London explosions - A threat directed against Tony Blair distancing himself from the Bush Empire - The death agony of the Bush Empire See the full text Denounce the Postal Privatization Bill passed through the House of Representatives! - Stop the passage through the House of Councilors! August 7th The 43rd International Antiwar Assembly Central meeting: Tokyo Regional meetings: Hokkaido, Hokuriku, Tokai, Kansai, Kyushu and Okinaw [2] Break through the dark current for the Constitutional revision! Down with the Koizumi-led neo-fascist government flung into a political crisis! - Corrupt officials of trade unions in Rengo joining an assistant campaign for the Constitutional revision - Denounce the JTU leadership involved in the new 'Five Agreements' with the education ministry! - In the coming JTU convention, vote against a supportive agenda for the Constitutional revision! June 19th: Workers and students from the Hokkaido region march through Sapporo June 25th: Okinawa Students March: fists against the US Futenma Air Station [3] General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions: Denounce the leadership surrendering to the assistant forces for the Constitutional revision! JRCL Private Railway Workers Committee - Denounce the leadership surrendering to Rengo President Sasamori! - Expose the anti-working class nature of the leaders' proposal for a 'Basic Law of Peace'! - Fight back against long-time labour and intensified control of personnel driving workers to fatal accidents! - Denounce corrupt leaders cooperative for the intensification of labour! - Don't distort workers' struggle into proposals for 'better traffic policies'! High-speed nuclear breeder Monju: Denounce the reactionary decision by the Supreme Court! - Stop the planned resumption of operation! [4-5] Stop local governments introducing ultra-nationalist textbooks in schools! Praise for aggressive wars and assistance for revision of the Constitution 1. History textbook: in the name of 'survival and self-defence', praising militarist Japan's wars of aggression - An about-face of the rightist compilers from an 'anti-American' position to 'pro-American' obedience - Stretched interpretations of history according to the Emperor-centred conception of history - Justification for the wars of aggression - A view of history from the standpoint of the rulers 2. Civics textbook: the three principles of the Constitution rejected - Leading to a supportive position for revision of Article 9 - Rejection of 'the people's sovereignty and respect for human rights' [6] Denounce the leadership of the NTT Workers' Union helping the introduction of 'lower wage' system! - - Positive acceptance of the intensification in the 'performance pay' system - Demands for 'more thorough control of the personnel' - Absolutization of the 'middle-term strategy for management' of the NTT capital Topics Leaders' agenda for the coming JTU Convention: jointly elaborated with the education ministry! [7] Kaleidoscope 2005 - A triumph in Teheran and an elegy of the US: going back to the origin - A 'friendly purchase'?: A Chinese major buying an American major - Inside the Communist Party of China: a faction behind the anti-Japanese commotions [8] Poems: Yasukuni Shrine TOP |
No. 1876
(July 11th Issue)
Stir up flames of antiwar struggle - South Korean President Roh launching a 'diplomatic war' on Japan - Conflicts intensifying over an 'East Asian Summit' - Putin's Russia ting with China as the leader of developing countries - Smash the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! [2] ![]() Aichi University Students' Self-Governing Association: A resolution against the Constitutional revision voted for at an all-students' convention (June 9th) (Pic right) Russia, China and India opposing the hegemony of the US - The first meeting of foreign ministers declaring a 'strategic partnership' - Building up a 'triangle' [3] JRCL Education Workers Committee appeals to the JTU National Convention! Stop the JTU degraded to an 'Educational Patriotic' movement praising the Constitutional revision and 'patriotic education'! - JTU leaders' 'new five agreements' with the education ministry: a declaration of unity with the ministry! - Stop approval of new agreements! - Stop the JTU turning supportive for the Constitutional revision! - Down with the JTU leadership degraded to a subsidiary to the education ministry [4-5] JRCL Central Workers' Orgburo Denounce the JR West Co. authorities causing the Amagasaki disaster! Rise up in a struggle to overthrow the Ide-led managerial regime by reviving the glorious tradition of struggles against the higher productivity campaign! Disband the patronized union incorporated into the managerial regime! 1. Forcible resumption of the operation: to cause another accident - The resumed operation amidst the voices of denunciation - An overcrowded, high-speed train schedule unchanged - The patronized union repeating its crime - Self-justification to defend the Ide regime 2. The disastrous accident caused necessarily - Crimes of the authorities - Police, fire office, and JR West Co revealing a lack in readiness for 'crisis control' 3. JR West Co.'s managerial and personnel policies giving priority for profit over safety - The company's 'climate' under the Ide regime - Thorough reduction in personnel and intensification of labour based on the 'efficiency first' policy - Younger drivers raised in a shortcut without necessary technical training - Curtailed investments for 'safety facilities' - Competing with private railways: madness for a 'speed first' policy - Punitive control over the personnel and workers' unions with the patronized union as the tool [6] The redundancy pay system for the civil service - Stop its planned change for the worse! Stop the planned outsourcing of the indoor work! - JRCL propaganda to a national convention of the Japan Post Workers Union Topics A recent meeting of Rengo Central Committee: President Sasamori pressing affiliate unions to express a supportive position for the Constitutional revision [7] Kaleidoscope 2005 - A televised interview with the JCP Chairman: supporting Japan's bid for a permanent seat in the UNSC - The Gogh murder case in the Netherlands: who produced a 'clash of civilization'? - Self-confession of the deep throat: prior to another scandal? - 60 years on from the Okinawa battle: residents killed by Japanese troops [8] Overseas Appeal for the 43rd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan TOP |
No. 1875
(July 4th Issue)
Antiwar Demonstration in Tokyo, June 19th - 'Down with the Koizumi government!' - Advance by overcoming the official opposition movement degenerated all the more [2] ![]() - Workers and students march on the prefectural LDP headquarters, to stop the Constitutional revision (Pic. right) Blair's Labour Party on the decline - General elections and Labour's decline - 'Respect' - Social democratic parties in Europe: successive divisions [3] Kaleidoscope 2005 - Postal Reform and South Korea: weighting on Koizumi - Taiwanese fishers protesting the Japanese government: a territorial dispute on East China Sea - China's Web censorship: like the US 'Patriot Act' - 'Pack it in ice and bring here': Head-hunting in Afghanistan [4] Koizumi's 'Trinity Reform' imposing heavy burdens on the toiling masses - Cuts in subsidies, transferred competence for taxation and reformed allocation of tax revenue to localities - Forcible decisions: after repressing 'resistance' from the localities and lobby-backed MPs - Reform in tax and financial system for becoming 'a country that can wage war' [5] Stop authorization of 'camouflaged contract'! Introduction of workers dispatch business anticipating the US-type professional employer organization - 'Camouflaged contracts' and their wicked, tricky ways - Introduction of contract-based dispatch business - A new form of irregular employment freed from restrictions by the Workers Dispatch Law - The US-type PEO likely to be introduced [6] Denounce the leadership of the Japan Post Workers' Union fully supporting the authority's plan - Praising the so-called P2, i.e. 80,000 job cuts - Approving the major cuts in personnel for 'expanded reproduction' - Degenerating into a movement for 'national interests' Topics Canon planning an 'unmanned factory' [7] Reading an article - Sakata Seiichi 'Revolutionary Russia: Glorious and Tragic', included in How Was the Revolution Usurped? (Akane Books) [8] Reading Kuroda's Books - Anthropology TOP |
No. 1874
(June 27th Issue)
Break through the current for the Constitutional
revision! ![]() - Strengthening of the Japanese neo-fascist regime - The democratic Party of Japan and Sasamori's Rengo leadership! - Central JTU leaders turning supportive for the Constitutional revision, following the Jichiro central leadership. - The criminal nature in demanding a 'Basic Law of Peace' - Transcend the collapsed official 'pro-Constitutional' movement! Pic. June 19th, Tokyo: Workers and students march against the Constitutional revision and the US-Japan military alliance, in solidarity with antiwar demostrations in other regions. [2] National elections in Lebanon - Bush's scheme failed to dismantle the Hesbollah 'No to the US military drill for urban battle!' (31 May, Okinawa) (Pic. below right) ![]() [3] Kaleidoscope 2005 - Japan's permanent seat in the UNSC: Rivals bashing, the master throwing cold water - A 'naked aggressive war' and a 'better' one: JCP chairman's view of history - Hot autumn in La Paz: Domino-like collapses of pro-US governments - Which is a 'threat'?: In a defence conference in Singapore [4] 'Common Strategic Objectives': A plan for a US-Japan joint war of aggression - A scheme to establish 'another new defence guideline' - Senses of crisis for the rise of the big dragon, China - The Japanese military combined with the forces of the Bush Emperor [5] Self-confession of the failure in the 'Japan Post System': Interveners from Toyota Co to quit - The Toyota trio disgusting the bosses of post offices [6] Screams heard from workers - A national questionnaire survey on work: the system of 'life-long employment and seniority wage' overwhelmingly supported Unpaid overtime work for 5 hours a day - temporary employment agencies exploiting workers Topics Leaders in the basic industrial unions proposing for capitalists [7] Composing poems for indignations against official leaders - The railway accident produced by JR West managers and leaders in their patronized union - Angers for the JTU leadership oppressing voices from the rank-and-files - The pro-Constitutional and peace symbols of the JTU about to be killed - Educational workers rising nationwide [8] Book Review - Andrey Kurkov: Death and the Penguin TOP |
No. 1873
(June 20th Issue)
Stop Revision of the Constitution! Down with
the Koizumi government! - Dependence on the Bush Empire for breaking through a crisis of the government - Denounce official leaders of trade unions engulfed by the revisionist current - Build a stronger mass wave to stop the Constitutional revision [2] Denounce the intensification of the repressive security order under the pretext of 'guard for Aichi Expo'! - Every one of the visitors to be surveyed and checked - The opening event under a martial order - 'Anti-terrorist measures' modelled after the US The defeat of the Japanese government by France - Over the race for an International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor [3] Kaleidoscope 2005 - Tokyo's Hitler compelled to sack his Himmler. - Armitage on Japan: for renewal of the binding collar on the power-holders - The OAS meeting in Florida: rejecting a US motion - And a counter-punch: An 'international conference against terrorism' in Havana [4-5] Poems The Derailment [6] The 'white-colour exemption' - Unlimited long-time labour onto workers Miserable situations at insurance-related divisions in Japan Post - One in three of the employees leaves the workplace Topics A draft proposal of the government for reforming the wage structure of the civil service [7] Stop the NTT managerial changing its 'personnel and wage system' for worse! - The 'performance-based' payment fully expanded - A major cut in the 'total personnel expenses' for 'building the managerial foundations' - Denounce the leadership of the NTT workers union assisting the major change for worse in the form of wage payment! [8] Reading Books TOP |
No. 1872
(June 13th Issue)
June 19 United Actions of Workers and Students JRCL Central Students' Orgburo
(A) The US occupation forces perpetrating plots and genocide of the Iraqi people (B) Clashes between the US and China over East Asia - Hard-line policies developed by the US and Japan against China and North Korea - Counter actions by China and South Korea against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance - Conflicts for the oil resources between the US and China - Russia (C) The Koizumi government dashing for revising the Constitution and strengthening the military alliance - The official opposition movement engulfed by the tide of the Constitutional revision II. Overcome the JCP-led 'pro-Constitutional' movement with no 'pro-Constitutional' cause! (A) Give more blows to the central JCP leadership patching up its controversial position of 'coexistence of the Constitution with the Self-Defence Forces' - Exclusionist attacks against the revolutionary leftwing - Degeneration in the ideas itself of 'pro-Constitution' and 'against the military alliance' - Analyses affected with the illusion for peace - 'Reform of the military alliance within the framework of the alliance'? (B) Stop revision of the Constitution! Fight in combination with struggles against the Iraq War and the US-Japan military alliance! - Advance for overthrowing the ultra-reactionary Koizumi government! Antiwar demonstrations - Tokyo (June 19th), Sapporo (June 19th), Osaka (June 19th) and Nagoya (June 12th) [3] 2400 Workers, students, citizens against the Constitutional revision (May 27th, Tokyo) - 'Let us fight beyond the different national centres of labour!': called by a representative for the 20 transport-related unions - Give a fatal blow to the JCP central leadership, slaves to bureaucratic self-protection! (See pics in the right) Kanazawa University students - March through the streets against the Constitutional revision (April 29th) The accusers win a lawsuit to stop the Juki net [national online network of resident registries] - A historic victory! - Now is the time to fight for smashing the national surveillance system! [4-5] Constitutional revisions drafted for war of aggression: the reactionary nature of the LDP draft I. A new constitution imposed by Bush - An active response to Bush's war II. A scheme to remake Japan into 'a country that can wage war' A. Exercise of the right of the state to collective defence made constitutional in the name of 'natural rights' - 'Pacifism to be taken over': a trick B. Forced submission to the 'public order' - A neo-fascistic negation of 'basic rights' - A state-supremacism in the name of the 'public' - Forced 'efforts for self-reliance' based on neoliberalism C. A top-down system from Prime Minister planned to strengthen D. Inculcation of Japanese nationalism of today [6] Denounce the JTU leadership deciding to support the Constitutional revision! - Stop adoption of a 'Basic Law for Peace' as a course for the Constitutional revision at the coming convention! Fight back against the Jichiro leadership dashing for the Constitutional revision! - Denounce 13 prefectural centres surrendering to orders from the national leadership! Topics The JTU central leadership: abandoning opposition to ultra-nationalist history textbooks, sensitive to the education ministry [7] Kaleidoscope 2005 - The intellect of Muslims and the stupidity of Yankees: plus, a fictitious secret talk between Rumsfeld and Saddam - Nakasone: recommending Koizumi to be opportunist - War games: Technical innovation (!) of human mind - Crowded facilities for children: consequences of the 'reform' [8] Poems - On a poor critique of the late historian Amino Yoshihioko's work (Continued) TOP |
No. 1871
(June 6th Issue)
Denounce the genocide of Iraqi people ![]() - The Shiite-centred government started according to Grand Ayatollah Sistani's tactics - Confrontation between the US-Japan and China (with South Korea) for the hegemony over East Asia - The Koizumi government rushing to the Constitutional revision and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance - Denounce the central JCP leadership, the fifth column in the bourgeois parties Pic. left: Stop the Constitutional revision! No mobilization for war! A mass antiwar rally based on trade unions in Tokyo (May 27th) [2]
- 24000 workers and students besieging US Force's Futenma Air Station (May 15th) - 'Against the US-Japan military alliance! Stop the Constitutional revision!' The March for Peace carried throughout the Island (May 14th-15th) (Pics above) JRCL propaganda to the Osaka Meeting on the Constitution Day - JCP members surrendering to the criticism [3] Zengakuren files a damage suit against the state for the rightist attack on May 3rd - 'We call the Metropolitan Police Department and Governor Ishihara to account': voiced at a press conference - A student driving the sound car reports with anger Stop the historic betrayal by the central Jichiro leadership for revising Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan! JRCL Prefectural/Municipal Workers' Committee - No to the 'Basic Law for Peace' agenda proposed to justify a dispatch abroad of troops! - Stop the procedural legislation for the Constitutional revision including the National Referendum Law! - Denounce Rengo President Sasamori representing the Japan employers' association! [4-5] Criticism of the JCP Central Committee meeting JCP partocrats desperate to patch up the bankrupted theory of 'coexistence of the Constitution with the Self-Defence Forces' - Knocked down by the ideological bombardments from the JRCL - A patching up through stressing the 'party's dual role' - The current JCP line of 'cooperation with the conservative layers' for currying favour with monopoly capitalists [6-7] The JR Amagasaki accident: The JR West Co. authorities neglecting the principles for safety - Constructing a terribly dangerous curve - Abandoning safety measures for the curve - Setting a congested railroad schedule - Paralyzing drivers' senses of safety - Introducing many shaky light cars Crafty control of workers in private bus companies - 'Daily trainings' like JR West Co. Topics A grave accident at a crossing of Tobu Railway Co.: Don't shift the responsibility onto workers! Denounce the trade union leadership helping the managerial [8] Poems - On a poor critique of the late historian Amino Yoshihioko's work TOP |