No. 2460
(March 20th 2017 Issue)
Six years after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear
plant disaster
Stop and scrap all nuclear power plants and fuel facilities!
Don't allow the Abe government to cut off compensatory payments!
Crush the coercive measures to drive evacuees to return home contaminated
with radiation!
- These measures are intended to give a false appearance of 'Fukushima's
steady recovery';
---- Denounce the government for abandoning disaster victims!
- Disclose the criminal nature of the haphazard process for decommissioning Fukushima nuclear reactors!
- Stop the resumption of other nuclear reactors!
----Don't make workers and toiling people pay the price for dealing with the
aftermath of the disaster!
- Fight strenuously against nuclear development!
Bring to light Abe's secret commitment to the Moritomo primary school scandal! |
Abe is the very person who played a leading role in the scandal
- It's under Abe's instructions
--- that the state-owned land lot was sold to an Abe-linked ultra-rightist
school operator at a big discount
- Abe has been deeply involved with the opening of a new school
---with an aim to make it a model for his ultranationalist 'patriotic education'
'Shatter the legislation of the "conspiracy bill"!'
Zengakuren held a protest action in front of the PM's Official Residence, March 6th
'Smash all attempts to enact the conspiracy bill!
Absolutely no to the constitutional revision!'
'No to the US military live firing drill in Hijudai!'
Kagoshima Univ. students fought together with workers rallied against the
US Marine live ammunition exercise, February 22nd, Oita, Kyushu
Workers and students raised angry fists at the US forces' motorcade
Don't allow the government and electric power companies
---- to continue the operation of decrepit, dangerous nuclear reactors!
- Electric companies are rushing for the continued use of burned-out reactors
for 20 more years
---with the approval of the Nuclear Regulation Authority
- Remember the 3/11 Fukushima disaster that showed the appalling danger!
'labour-management negotiations for the sake of increasing productivity'!
Expose the reactionary nature of the monopoly capitalists' utterance,
-- Criticism of Keidanren's 2017 labour management report (Part 2)
Create a big surge of struggle in electrical industrial workers' spring labour offensive!
Denounce the labour aristocrats for sacrificing workers in the name of 'sustainable development of the electrical industry'!
Don't allow the union leadership to be wrapped up in a campaign to 'demand the government to implement effective traffic policies'!
Strive for a militant upsurge of the private railway workers' 2017 spring labour offensive!
Reports on the advance of struggles: February 12th Workers' Solidarity Meeting
Let us spread our angry protest against the US-Japan military alliance
across the country!:
A public sector worker from Okinawa
'Fight for higher wages! Stamp out long working hours!'
Militant workers strived to lift the spirits of union workers in the demonstration
--- for the 2017 spring labour offensive in the main road of Naha, Okinawa, February 17th
'Tokyoites first!', in fact, 'Greedy hedge funds first!':
Right-wing nationalist Governor of Tokyo Yuriko Koike has started moving
in league with the Financial Services Agency
No. 2459
(March 13th 2017 Issue)
Europe: The rampancy of 'mini Trumps'
Class struggles in Europe are at a crossroads
Let us strengthen our struggle in solidarity with European workers who
are fighting against the rise of 'present-day Hitlers'! !
- European far-right parties are exulting in the birth of the Trump administration
- Marine Le Pen, head of the Front National, is aiming to seize power in France
- Workers and the toiling masses are struggling against poverty under austerity policies
- We call on European workers! Create a revolutionary vanguard party armed
with anti-Stalinism!
Voices against the restart of Genkai nuclear reactors resounded
Thousands of workers, students and citizens surrounded the local government
to oppose the resumption of two nuclear reactor operations, February 18th, Saga Prefecture
Protesters from all over Kyushu expressed their anger against the Abe government that is concealing the ongoing Fukushima disaster

Kagoshima Univ. students fought
in the van of the protest action |
Get together for the 139th Zengakuren Central Committee due on March 14th-15th!
Build a strong bridgehead to shatter the constitutional revision, to advance antiwar struggle!
Block the reclamation work in Henoko! Foil the new US base construction!
Fight dauntlessly for the removal of all US bases, for the repeal of US-Japan Security Treaty!
The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL
- Don't allow the Abe government to forcibly resume construction works!
- The Abe government is intently flattering the Trump administration and bent on strengthening the US-Japan military alliance
- Military confrontation between the US and China is increasingly intensifying in East Asia
- Denounce the JCP bureaucrats for distorting the struggle into a mere
campaign to support the Okinawa governor!
- Achieve a still larger swell of antiwar, anti-Security Treaty struggle!
'labour-management negotiations for the sake of increasing productivity'!
Expose the reactionary nature of the monopoly capitalists' utterance,
-- Criticism of Keidanren [Japan Federation of Economic Organizations]'s 2017 labour management report (Part 1)
Fight for a big surge in JC Metal's 2017 spring labour offensive!
Denounce the labour aristocrats for restraining wage hike demands and yelling
for the 'creation of a strong Japanese economy'!
Bring to light the deception in 'additional payments to improve the treatment of care workers'!
Payments are designed to introduce selective wage hikes and strengthen labour management against nursing care workers
Break down low wages and intensified labour!
The Nikkei Shimbun proposes an increasingly inhumane way of exploiting workers in the name of 'self-reliant workers'
Reports on the advance of struggles: February 12th Workers' Solidarity Meeting
I'm determined to revitalize our trade union organization in opposition
to labour aristocrats' oppression:
an electrical industrial worker
Let us, angry workers, join forces to launch a counterattack in this spring
labour offensive!:
a postal worker
Tramp issued a 'presidential' order to resume the construction of@two pipelines,
---- trampling on the fierce opposition of native tribes and other protesters
'Immigration from Mexico has produced higher unemployment' (Trump)!? :
It's a flood of imported american products that has caused the abject
poverty of so many Mexican peasants!
No. 2458
(March 6th 2017 Issue)
Shatter the enactment of the econspiracy billf!
Absolutely NO to the legislation designed to regulate 'terrorism preparation crimes', today's version of the notorious Maintenance of the Public Order Act!
Crush the all-out offensive of revising the Constitution and
strengthening the US-Japan new military alliance!
-The Abe government is urging the introduction of a draft bill for the
revision of the Constitution
- Rulers of the US, Japan and South Korea are rushing at rebuilding their
triangular military alliance;
- --China is countering this move by conducting military exercises
- Denounce the JCP bureaucrats for attempting to dissolve their former
policy for 'dissolving the SDF'!
----Create a surge of struggle against war, against the constitutional revision!
Stop the reclamation work for the new base!
Protesters rose on land and sea, February 18th, Henoko, Okinawa
Donft let the present-day Goebbels domineer over others!: Stephen Bannon,
Trumpfs chief strategist
eStop throwing tons of large concrete blocks into the sea of Okinawa!f
Protesters stood up against the starting of offshore work for the new US
base, February 18th, Henoko, Okinawa
Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fought in the forefront of the workers and residents
(pic left) Workers, students and citizens continued sit-in protests despite riot policefs
violent attempt to remove them
(pic right) 'No to reclamation!' 'None of US bases!' The canoe flotilla fastened one
protest banner after another to the floating cordon
(pic left) Responding to the fight of the canoe team, protesters on land raised their
fists of denunciation at the maritime work site
(pic right) After demonstration on the sea, canoe fighters joined in a yell of protesters
on the shore
Solidify the unity of the world working class to eradicate war, poverty
and oppression!
-- The speech given by a representative of the JRCL at the February 12th Workers'
Solidarity Meeting
A. Chief features of the upheavals in the contemporary world
B. It is the grave crimes of Stalinism that underlie these upheavals
C. Reforge yourselves as the revolutionary subject to hew out a new age!
Don't allow the Rengo leadership to agree to the maximum '100 hours of overtime per month'!
Denounce the labour aristocrats for fawning upon the government and financiers!
Create a huge uplift of postal workers' 2017 spring labour offensive!
Don't allow the union leadership to distort the spring labour offensive into one for the 'development of the company'!
I. The management is intent on restructuring and sacking workers in view of the second sale of its stocks
II. Expose the deception of the union leadership who justifies its ultra-low wage increase demands!
III. Let us achieve a militant uplift of the 2017 spring labour offensive by further fortifying our trade union organization!
On reading the article by the Central Workers' Orgburo
The European Union is in danger of being torn apart by Trump and Putin
- The Trump administration is taking a clear stand 'against EU'
- The rulers of Germany and France have taken a strong stance 'against Trump'
- A political rift is becoming conspicuous within the EU over sanctions against Russia
- The Putin government is reinforcing its support for 'mini Trumps' in Europe
No. 2457
(February 27th 2017 Issue)
The February 12th Workers' Solidarity Meeting
Militant workers fortified their bridgehead
for the 2017 spring labour offensive
For big, across-the-board wage hikes! Against the constitutional revision!
Shatter neo-fascism rampant all over the world by the unity of the working
'Let us crush war, poverty and neo-fascism!'
Militant workers raised battle cries, full of determination, Ginza, Tokyo
- Crush the imposition of 'war and poverty' on workers! Win a huge upsurge
of the 2017 spring labour offensive!:
the keynote speech by a worker comrade
- Solidify the working class unity! Fight to reforge yourselves as the
revolutionary subject to change the contemporary world!:
the speech by a representative of the JRCL
- We have won a great advance in both mass struggle and organization
- reports by worker comrades fighting in various industrial trade unions
- Fight for a big victory in the 2017 spring labour offensive, denouncing the degeneration of the official union leaders!
Crush the imposition of 'war and poverty' on workers!
Win a huge upsurge of the 2017 spring labour offensive!
-- The keynote speech delivered at the February 12th Workers' Solidarity Meeting
I. The bourgeoisie are clamouring in unison for the 'improvement of productivity' in the name of 'getting over a national crisis'
A. The Abe government is concealing the reality of worsening poverty and
widening disparity
B. Monopoly capitalists are desperate to intensify restructuring and wage
C. Abe's 'work style reform' is simply aimed to encourage capitalist measures
for higher productivity
D. The official union leaderships are abandoning struggles for higher wages
II. The Abe government is rushing to reinstate 'militarist Japan'
A. It is hell-bent on revising the Constitution and strengthening the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system
B. It is dashing for the buildup of the US-Japan global war alliance
C. The official opposition movements are revealing a critical state and
III. Create a huge upsurge of the 2017 spring labour offensive to reject the imposition of 'poverty and war'!
A. Win big, across-the-board wage hikes!
B. Bring to light the deception of Abe's 'work style reform'! Smash the
reactionary revision of the labour laws!
C. Smash neo-fascist Abe's offensive of revising the Constitution! Topple
down the Abe government!
No to the Japan-US summit meeting! Let's rise up against the constitutional revision!
Militant students took the street to protest against the buildup of Japan-US
military alliance ,
February 4th, Sapporo, Hokkaido
Let us fight for drastic improvements in temp workers' wage increases and
working conditions!
The Trump administration is shaken by the disclosure of the 'Putin-gate'
-- Power struggle within the US ruling class is growing in severity
- Trump was obliged to recall National Security Adviser Flynn M.
- The Democrats are stepping up their attack on the Trump administration
- Trump is desperate to attempt a recovery
For a militant upsurge of NTT workers' 2017 spring labour offensive
Denounce the labour aristocrats for fully collaborating the 'business strategy'
of the management! Win big, across-the-board wage increases!
It's so greedy, indeed!: capitalists' so-called 'work style reform'
-- a case of logistics and transportation workers
'Correction of long working hours will lead to the improvement of productivity'; said the bourgeoisie in the business organization report
Denounce the labour aristocrats of Rengo for conforming to this deceptive report!
- Appallingly incompetent speeches by Minister of Defence Inada; in the
--- She could not justify the dispatch of SDF troops to South Sudan, faltering,
quivering voice, at last became stuck
- Real identity of President's Chief of Staff, Stephen Bannon
- Real truth of the sudden recall of Flynn
- Ugly realities of Abe and Trump, and coward news reporters
No. 2456
(February 20th 2017 Issue)
Down with the Abe government, an utmost sycophant fawning on Trump! Shatter
the revision of the Constitution! Crash the strengthening of the US-Japan
military alliance!
- Last week's Japan-US summit meeting: a ceremony where Abe pledged allegiance to the 'America first' Trump administration
- The danger of war is impending in the east and west of the Eurasian continent
-- The Xi-led Chinese government is hell-bent on building up nuclear capabilities to vie with the US
-- Putin is instigating pro-Russian forces in Ukraine to step up the fighting
- Create a surging wave of struggles against the US-Japan military alliance!
'Don't allow the maritime construction work!'
Workers and people rose up in protest against the base construction
Henoko, Okinawa
February 6th
Along with angry workers and residents, students took action at the forefront against the new US base construction both on land and sea
Workers and students' fight stopped construction vehicles (in front of the Camp Schwab gate)

Protesters, young and old, fought in a scrum
against violent repression |
Fighting students protested against the reclamation work on the beach |
February 8th
Driving back Coast Guard attacks, canoe fighters charged into the waters blockaded for reclamation work
January 28th
'Repeal the US-Japan Security Treaty! Remove all the US bases!'
Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students held a protest rally on the beach

They joined workers and residents to fight
together in front of the Camp Schwab gate |
'No to the live firing exercise by the US forces stationing in Okinawa!'
Militant workers brought a breath of lively air into the antiwar rally, January 28th, Hijudai, Kyushu
4,800 angry workers got together to oppose the US military exercise (pic1)
'No to the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!' The call
of the JRCL propaganda unit evoked eager responses in workers (pic2)
'Block the new US base construction in Henoko! Thwart the constitutional revision!'
Kagoshima Univ. students held a high-spirited campus rally, January 25th, Kagoshima, Kyushu
Students fought holding up placards, 'No to fascism! Down with the Abe
government!' (pic3)
Denounce the labour aristocrats for joining management
and urging workers to 'exert more technical skill in workshops' and 'improve
Expose the anti-proletarian nature of the 'Wage and Labour Policies' of the JC Metal leadership
Don't allow the Abe government to destroy teachers' unions!
We call on all the education workers participating in the JTU [Japan Teachers Union] education research conference!
Let us stop the constitutional revision!
No to the introduction of 'moral education' into the curriculum!
Oppose the reactionary revision of the Education Ministry's official guidelines for school teaching!
JRCL Education Workers Committee
'The labour movement should be a "bed" for collaboration between
citizens and opposition parties'?!:
The JCP-leaned leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] poses a more and more parliamentalianinst action plan for the 2017 spring
Total failure of 'monetary easing on a different dimension':
Faced with the bankruptcy, a leading advocate for Abenomics made a shameless
On reading the article by the Central Workers' Orgburo
A delusion of 'human development under capitalism'
-- The aggravated confusion of a JCP-kept economist (Part 2)
'A constitutional revision is needed for free education'??: an utterly demagogic, frivolous sophistry of a neo-fascist
No. 2455
(February 13th 2017 Issue)
Crash the buildup of the new US-Japan military alliance!
Block the new US base construction in Henoko!
Let us fight against the torrent of chauvinism!
- The Abe government pledged loyalty to the Trump administration on 'Mad Dog' Mattis' visit to Japan
-- The confrontation between the US-Japan and China is further intensifying in the Asia Pacific region
-- Trump is in fear of the 'Putin-gate' scandal
- Trump is adding fuel to the exclusion of immigrants; he issued a 'presidential' order to prohibit entry
-- Create struggles against neo-fascism on the basis of the international solidarity of the working class!
-- The danger of war is impending in the Middle East
- Shatter the clash of egoistic state interests with the united power of the working class!
We furiously denounce the Japanese government
for forcibly starting maritime construction work for the new US base in
Workers, students and residents rallied early in the morning to block the
Camp Schwab gate and hamper construction work,
February 5th, Okinawa
'Definitely "NO!" to the reclamation work!'
Toshiba failed in the nuclear power business
No to the restart and export of nuclear power plants by the Abe government!
The government is desperate to expand the use of 'My Number' [identification number] cards
Don't allow the strengthening of the state surveillance and control system!
Denounce the labour aristocrats of Rengo for abandoning the organization
of workers' struggles for higher wages
in the name of 'correcting pay differentials'!
----- A criticism of Rengo's action plan for the 2017 spring labour offensive
I. Condemn the Rengo leadership for preaching workers the need for 'riding out the national crisis' in concert with the government and monopoly capitalists!
II. Expose the criminal nature of their 'demand for higher wages' aimed to 'achieve the autonomous growth of the Japanese economy'!
III. Bring to light the anti-working class nature of their objective of 'raising minimum salary levels'!
Japan Railways Kyushu:
Denounce the management and the Transport Ministry for neglecting 'Safety
despite the occurrence of a fatal railroad crossing accident!
The Abe government is scheming to give the green light to impose 'more
than 100 hours of overtime per month' on workers,
crossing the borderline into death from overwork'
Stop the rampancy of ultranationalist education!
A leader of an ultra-rightist organization is setting up an elementary
school this April
with a view to giving children a patriotic, militarist education
A delusion of 'human development under capitalism'
-- The aggravated confusion of a JCP-kept economist (Part 1)
- The height of absurdity: Trump's idea of 'walls on the border'
- A shady relationship between Putin and Trump
- Japanese academic society is getting more and more involved in military
research; JCP-leaning scientists only raise objections 'against developing offensive weapons, not defensive ones'
- Internet-dependent Society: What happens if it dysfunctions?
No. 2454
(February 6th 2017 Issue)
Stand up against the arms buildup by the Trump administration!
Advance the antiwar struggle resolutely!
Crush the strengthening of the US-Japan global war alliance!
- Trump showed naked 'state egoism' in his inaugural address
-- He emphasized his posture towards 'collaboration' with Russia
- The Xi Jinping government is assuming a confrontational posture towards the incoming US administration
-- Putin is scheming to shake Trump into lifting sanctions on Russia; the EU verges more and more on disintegration
- Neo-fascist Abe is yelling for a 'change' of the Constitution 'suitable for new Japan'
- Let us create an international upsurge of revolutionary antiwar struggles!
'Stop the constitutional revision! No to the strengthening of the US-Japan
war alliance!'
Militant students staged a spirited demonstration right in the heart of
Tokyo, January 22nd

Students fortified their resolve to make a stand
against the warmongering Trump administration
in the solidarity meeting |
(pic) The main street was engulfed in a heated fighting atmosphere of the demonstration,
Shibuya, Tokyo
Fighting students joined workers and citizens and militarily enlivened
their march against the constitutional revision, January 19th, Osaka
They strived powerfully under the slogan,
'No US base construction in Henoko!
No to the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!'
'Remove all the Ospreys!' 'Out, Abe!'
Workers, students and citizens held an angry demonstration, Nagoya, December 19th
Students from Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. fought under the slogan, 'Remove US bases! No to the US-Japan military alliance!'
Japan Postal Union:
Create a militant upsurge in the 2017 spring labour offensive!
Denounce the union leadership for endorsing management's cost-cutting measures!
Win big, across-the-board wage hikes by criticizing labour leaders' support for management's productivity campaigns!
The Abe government is steadily pushing forward preparations for war against China
Denounce the successive, massive military exercises conducted by the Self-Defense Forces jointly with US forces!
Expose the deception of so-called 'layoff allowances' and 'government subsidies (to companies) to help defray layoff-related costs'!
Capitalists have a 'double gain' (since they no longer need to pay for workers they laid off, and in addition,
they receive government subsidies), while workers suffer layoffs and wage cuts
'Tokyoites first!', in fact, 'Capitalists first!':
Yuriko Koike, right-wing nationalist Governor of Tokyo, set out Tokyo's Growth Strategy to reorganize the metropolis as a 'nice
place for moneymaking'
My study note
On the relationship between 'simple labour' and 'simplified labour'
-- Some reflections on my own labour in terms of the theory of technology
From a participant in the JRCL political meeting in last December:
'Comrade Kuroda's pathos and logos keep inspiring me to revolutionizing praxis'
- Trump's press secretary's 'alternative fact' is exactly like the 'doublethink'
in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four
- Millions of people are demonstrating against Trump worldwide, with the exception of the AFL-CIO labour aristocrats
- Abe submerged Japan's responsibility for starting the war in the Pacific Ocean on his visit to Pearl Harbor in December
Slogans of the JRCL for the 2017 spring labour offensive
Fight for the victorious 2017 spring labour offensive!
Thwart the neo-fascist Abe government's attempt to revise the Constitution and impose poverty on workers and the toiling masses!
I. Both of you, regular and non-regular workers! Win big, across-the-board
wage hikes with the united power of the working class!
- Achieve drastic improvements in wages and working conditions of SME workers and temp workers!
- No to the imposition of long working hours, which drives workers into death from overwork!
- No restructuring! No sacking!
- Stop the revision of personnel and wage systems based on the 'evaluation of job performances, roles and contributions to the company'!
- Shatter massive cuts in workforces and wages of public service workers!
- Fight for the upsurge of the spring labour offensive by overcoming the Rengo labour aristocrats' suppression of workers' demands for higher wages on the pretext of 'correcting wage differentials'!
- Don't allow the JCP-controlled leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] immersed in election campaigns in the name of 'social wage struggles',
without fighting in workplaces!
II. Expose deceptions in Abe's so-called 'work style reform'! Block the reactionary revision of labour laws!
- Definitely no to any measure for higher productivity masquerading under the name of 'equal pay for equal work' and 'correction of long working hours'!
- Stop the actual abolition of the eight-hour working day system! Don't allow the liberalization of sackings!
- No to the revision of the social security system that sacrifices underprivileged people!
III. No to the strengthening of the US-Japan global war alliance! Block the new US base construction in Henoko!
- Remove all the Ospreys from the land of Japan!
- Scrap the Aggressive War Law! Don't send Japanese troops to South Sudan!
- Fight indomitably aiming at the repeal of the US-Japan Security Treaty!
- No to the restart of nuclear reactors! No to arms exports!
IV. Stop the revision of the Constitution! Shatter the strengthening of the Japanese type neo-fascist ruling system!
- Crush any attempt to destroy trade unions! Stop the legislation of the 'crime of conspiracy'!
- No to the neo-fascist reorganization of education!
Build a united battle front against fascism and overthrow the neo-fascist Abe government hell-bent on constitutional revision and militarization!
Smash the rise of neo-fascism with the united power of workers of the world! |
No. 2453
(January 30th 2017 Issue)
Fight for the victorious 2017 spring labour offensive!
Rally to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on February 12th!
Win big, across-the-board wage hikes!
Stop the major reactionary revision of labour laws!
- Don't allow monopoly capitalists to split workers and suppress wage rises!
- Expose gross deceptions in PM Abe's so-called 'work style reform'! Block the revision of labour laws!
- Fight for the upsurge of the spring labour offensive, accusing the Rengo labour aristocrats of suppressing workers' demands for higher wages on the pretext of 'putting priority to the correction of wage differentials'!
- Stop the revision of the Constitution! Overthrow the Abe government with the united power of the working class!
We denounce the police raids
on Kaihoh-sha (the head office of the JRCL) and the houses of our worker comrades!
'Definitely NO to the construction of US military base in Henoko!'
Protesters fought against the restart of the construction work by blocking
a base gate all day, January 5th, Henoko, Okinawa
(pic left) 'No to the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!' Zengakuren Okinawa fought in the van of the action, in front of the Camp
Schwab gate
(pic right) Workers, students and residents unyieldingly fought out sit-in protests
Canoe fighters, together with the protesting fleet, squared off against
the Coast Guard
The US military is conducting dangerous flight training exercises on a daily basis in Okinawa
Remove all the US Ospreys from Okinawa, from Japan, immediately!
- The Osprey crash in December was an 'accident just waiting to happen':
---the tilt-rotor plane with its structural defects inevitably got out of
control and crashed
- Dangerous night training for in-flight refuelling is being conducted repeatedly to prepare for long-range attacks
'Denounce the US forces' resumption of Osprey flight training!'
December 22nd, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture
A JRCL propaganda team called for the removal of all Ospreys and US bases from Japan in solidarity with the fight of Okinawa
The civil war in Syria is growing more serious due to the tie-up between Russia and Turkey
With utmost anger, we denounce the Putin government for the massacre of the people of Aleppo!
- Putin is aiming to take the initiative in the peace talks on Syria
- The Erdogan government is frantic to check the increase in power of Kurd forces
- The antagonism between Iran and Saudi Arabia will increase after the inauguration of Trump as president
- Israel is watching eagerly for a chance to attack Iran; the danger of a world war is growing
The scholarship system is plunging students into a crushing burden of debts
Expose the deceitfulness in the 'reform of scholarship systems' by the Abe government!
Denounce the Hokkaido board of education for suppressing teachers' union activities!
No to the punishment of union members for distributing fliers and collecting signatures from people opposing the War Law!
JC Metal labour aristocrats are yelling for 'productivity to achieve a strong metal industry', while demanding only '1 per cent or less' wage hike
From a worker comrade who attended the JRCL political meeting in last December:
'I renewed my resolve to fight in the van of the Japanese working class'
Stop the imposition of unconscionably long working hours on education workers!
An experienced education worker died from overwork: an elementary school in Ishikawa Prefecture
A new teacher committed suicide from the strains of overwork: a junior high school in Fukui Prefecture
- The Trump administration has been launched with the 'Putin-gate' scandal
- Xi Jinping acted like a 'saviour of the global economy' in the Davos Conference while Trump was yelling 'anti-globalization'
- Duterte said to Abe, 'We welcome Japan's financing, but don't want any missiles'
- Actual conditions of Japan's nuclear power plant export to Turkey
No. 2452
(January 23rd 2017 Issue)
Advance antiwar struggles
amid the cataclysmic upheaval in the world today!
Stop the revision of the Constitution of Japan!
Oppose the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance!
Create an explosive upsurge in the anti-war struggle!
Central Students' Orgburo
I. Egoistic state interests are beginning to clash with each other in the world
A. The United States and China are confronting face to face with each other in East Asia
B. The incoming Trump administration is yelling out 'America first'
C. China is taking forceful action to pit itself against the US; Russia is frantic to get sanctions lifted
- The Xi Jinping government is desperately building up its nuclear capabilities
- The Putin government is seeking to collaborate with the US against the Islamic State
D. The danger of a world war is growing in the Middle East where tension could reach flash point at any time
II. The neo-fascist Abe government is hell-bent on revising the Constitution
- The revolutionary left is fighting strenuously to overcome the critical situation of the official opposition movements
III. Stir up the flames of struggles against constitutional revision, against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!
- Denounce the leadership of the JCP for making it a goal in itself to pursue a 'joint struggle between nongovernment parties and citizens'!
@- Let us create a gigantic upsurge of revolutionary antiwar struggle!
Voices resounded against the development of a nuclear fuel cycle
A 'Scrap Monju!' rally was held against the nuclear development, December 3rd, 2016, Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture
'Decommission the Monju fast-breeder reactor! No to the militarization
of Japan!'
Fighting students marched in the forefront of the demonstration

Kanazawa Univ., Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students
fought with workers and citizens from all over Japan near the reactor site |
'Stop the US helipads construction in Takae!'
Workers, students and citizens rallied in Osaka in solidarity with the
fighting people of Okinawa, December 10th, 2016

Zengakuren Kansai staged a demonstration, holding up the banner,
'Stop the US base construction in Takae and Henoko!
Denounce the dispatch of Japanese troops to South Sudan!' |
Remnants of the Stalinist party in Russia are bringing disgrace upon the 1917 October Revolution
World News
India: 'Free the eleven Suzuki-Maruti workers immediately!'
The factory workers have built an independent trade union and are fighting
unyieldingly despite oppression
(from an appeal by the International Workers Committee Against War and
Exploitation, for a Workers' International)
For the victorious 2017 spring labour offensive
Rally to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on February 12th!
The Executive Committee for the Meeting
Win big, across-the-board wage hikes!
Stop the revision of the Constitution!
No to the major reactionary revision of labour laws!
Denounce the labour aristocrats of Rengo for submitting to the Abe government!
Overthrow the Abe government with the united power of workers!
A New Year Interview with the Chairman and the Chief Secretary of Zengakuren
Let us fight resolutely for the upsurge of revolutionary anti-war struggle to eradicate the war clouds!
New Year's resolutions (3)
The Chugoku Regional Committee
The Eastern Kanagawa District Antiwar Workers Committee
The Metal Industrial Workers Committee
The Social Welfare Workers Committee
The Mass Communication Industrial Workers Committee
The Small and Medium Enterprise Workers Committee
No. 2451
(January 16th 2017 Issue)
Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2017 spring labour offensive!
Win big, across-the-board wage hikes!
Stop the revision of the Constitution!
Break through the distortion of workers' struggle
into an-Industrial Patriotic movement by the Rengo leadership!
Central Workers' Orgburo
1. The domestic and foreign situation over the 2017 spring labour offensive
A. Shaken by the upheavals in the world, the Japanese government and the ruling class are showing their fangs and intensifying attacks against people
B. Prime Minister Abe is cajoling the Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] leadership into collaborating with the government, while plotting to destroy militant trade unions
- The monopoly capitalists are insatiably crying for the 'improvement of productivity'
C. Militant workers are making strenuous efforts to overcome the degeneration of official union leaderships
2. Create an overwhelming upsurge of the spring labour offensive to strike back imposition of 'poverty and war' on workers!
A. Fight for big, across-the-board wage increases by exposing Rengo leaders' deception of 'demanding correction of pay differentials'!
- Oppose the reactionary revision of labour laws!
- Denounce Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] leaders for distorting wage struggles into 'social wage struggles', a mere campaign for higher minimum wages in disregard for struggles within workplace!
- Create struggles from within the workplace for higher wages and against restructuring and sacking!
B. Stop the constitutional revision! Definitely no to the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance!
'Condemn the Osprey crash!'4200 angry people demanded removal of US Ospreys, December 22nd, 2016, Nago City, Okinawa
'Remove all the US Ospreys!' Voices resounded through Okinawa
December 17th - 22nd, Takae and Henoko, Okinawa
December 17th: Workers, students and residents blocked a US base gate, Takae (pic left)
December 22nd: 'Remove the US bases!' 'Condemn the resumption of Osprey flights!' 4200
Okinawan people protested against the 'land return' ceremony held by the
Japanese government to make it look as if partial return of the US-occupied
land were a scaling down of US bases, near the ceremonial cite, Nago City (pic right)
'No to the resumption of construction works for the US base in Henoko!'
Protesters fought on land and sea, December 27th
Indignant protesters chanted slogans in front of Camp Schwab |
'Block the base construction in Henoko and Takae! Crush repression by the state power!'
Militant students rose in Naha, December 8th; in Takae, December 10th

Spirited students staged a sit-down demonstration with workers and residents
in front of the N1 Gate, Takae, December 10th |
On the centenary of the Russian Revolution
Go all out to achieve proletarian revolution again to overthrow capitalist Russia!
I. Putin is stepping up political and military attacks
- Russia carried out an annihilation campaign in Aleppo to defend the Assad regime
- Putin is scheming to create a 'collaborative' relationship with the new US Trump administration
II. The Putin government is attempting to get through economic difficulties and tighten its domestic ruling system
- Putin-led Russia is suffering triple distress: low crude-oil prices, a cheap rouble and economic sanctions
- The Russian left-wing is powerless to fight against the deluge of Russian patriotism
III. Revive the brilliant tradition of the Russian Revolution!
- Russian workers! Let us overcome Stalinism by arming ourselves with Marx's Marxism!
New Year's resolutions (2)
The Kansai Regional Committee
The Hokkaido Regional Committee
The Tokai Regional Committee
The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee
The Traffic and Transport Workers Committee
The Telecommunication Industrial Workers Committee
The Tokyo District Antiwar Workers Committee