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No. 2060
(March 16th 2009 Issue)
Join the March 15th struggle! - Monopoly capitalists bent on forcing massive dismissals and wage cuts - Monopoly capitalists fearing simultaneous falls of the US and Japanese economies - Labour aristocrats accepting capitalists' proposal of massive dismissals and rejection of wage raise, and struggles by militant workers against them - Fight to break the industrial patriotic movement! [4-5] Zenroren leaders' fallacious agenda for 'change to a domestic demand-led economy' The JCP-led trade union centre's line for the 2009 spring offensive: its nature against the working class (1) The direction to reduce the offensive to 'struggles within the framework of the current Temporary Staffing Service Law' - Currying favour with monopoly capitalists in the name of 'cooperation with conservative strata' - Wide-spreading sympathies for the revolutionary left among rank-and-file Zenroren activists (2) Alternatives advertised by them as 'proposals for reviving the Japanese economy': their nature against the working class - A superficial 'analysis' of the present crisis of the Japanese economy - Deceptions of their 'measures against the job destruction' - Excuse for their extremely low 'demands for minimum wages' - A 'domestic demand-led economy for improving livelihood': a pie in the sky (3) The culmination in the JCP's conversion to the idea of revised capitalism - Give a finishing blow to the converted Stalinists wishing for everlasting capitalism [6]
Topics Hitachi to increase 'holidays', effective cuts in wages [2] Kyushu: struggles against the port call by the US aircraft carrier Stennis (See pics. right) - Militant workers and students struggled in the port city, Sasebo (Feb. 27th-28th) - Kagoshima University students protested the carrier strike group's aegis cruiser Antietam visiting Taniyama port (Feb. 27th) [3] Power strife intensified among leading politicians over the 'review' of the postal privatization [7] Fight back against the planned transfer of Japan Post workers to a newly inaugurated subsidiary, JPEX A neoliberal economist recommending general impoverishment of workers [8] Kaleidoscope - The obliged 8% growth: China - A military and economic flash point: the Arctic Ocean no longer cold - The latest Chinese mission to Europe - TBI (traumatic brain injury), invisible damages: an ironical result from the 'survivable war' in Iraq TOP |
No. 2059
(March 9th 2009 Issue)
Rise up to overthrow the Aso government! - An impending catastrophe, a simultaneous downfall of the US and Japanese economies - War policies and coercion of impoverishment on workers and toiling masses - Now is the time to fight for the overthrow of the Aso cabinet [4-5] Fight the 2009 spring labour offensive against massive dismissals and wage cuts Win a uniform and big wage raise by overcoming the Rengo leadership-led movement to demand 'higher wages for the expansion of domestic demand' (The keynote report to the Feb. 15th Workers' Meeting) - Victimization of workers by monopoly capitalists amid the unprecedented depression - Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring offensive by denouncing the industrial patriotic movement JCP Chairman Shii's latest direction, 'Use the current Workers' Dispatch Law!'
[6] Komatsu, a major maker of construction machinery, sacked thousands of temporary workers Oita prefectural board of education decided reactionary changes of systems for personnel control and wages Topics Two major trade unions left the 'united offensive' of the Electrical Electronic & Information Union: Denounce labour aristocrats stressing 'the need to solve the company's managerial difficulties' [7] Absences from illness increasing among education workers in Okinawa: due to hard labour imposed on them Oppose the Naha City authority privatizing municipal preschools [2] 'Smash the US-Japan summit meeting!' Zengakuren staged protests in front of the US embassy and the Prime Minister's Office (Feb. 24th, Tokyo) (See pictures) US Secretary of State Clinton's visit to Japan Trends in Israel and Palestine [3] Stop the construction of the Ohma nuclear plant for the most dangerous pluthermal operation with full MOX fuel (plutonium-uranium mixed oxides) Monopoly capitalists venturing to found a 'Japanese water major' [8] Kaleidoscope - A US-Russia clash?: space debris round the globe - China's hunt for African resources - 'Sovereign democracy': the dark side of the Russian autocracy - Surveillance systems in workplaces TOP |
No. 2058
(March 2nd 2009 Issue)
Feb. 15th Workers' Meeting
- Smash massive dismissals and wage cuts - The keynote report - Break through the industrial patriotic movement led by labour aristocrats in Rengo - An appeal from the JRCL - Fight the offensive by opposing divisions between regular and temporary workers - Resolves expressed by militant workers in various industries - Fight for a great upsurge of the spring labour offensive! Down with Aso's dying government! Down with the Aso government on its deathbed! Organize a great upsurge of anti-war, anti-Security Treaty struggle and the 2009 spring labour offensive with the aim of overthrowing the Aso government [4-5] For a great upsurge of the 2009 spring labour offensive Fight a militant offensive in the telecommunication industry by opposing labour aristocrats attempting oppression - The NTT management bent on restructuring the business and reducing the cost - Labour aristocrats abandoning wage demands under the pretext of 'deteriorating managerial environments' - Denounce the leadership distorting the offensive by defining it as 'effort to fulfill the current managerial strategy' - Organize a great offensive to halt massive sackings, to win a big, uniform raise in wages Monopoly capitalists' measures to wriggle out of the crisis Shown in the annual report of the Japan Business Federation: justifying the massive sackings and wage cuts - Japanese monopoly capitalists desperate to survive the global economic turmoil - Ruthless attempts to victimize the working class and toiling masses (Continued from the previous issue) [6] Oppose the coercive respect for the Rising-Sun flag and the Reign-of-the-Emperor anthem in school events! Fight against the neo-fascistic reorganization of education!
- The official guidelines for teaching renewed to promote a 'patriotic education' - The Aso government attempting to produce obedient people for 'a country that can engage in war' - Fight by denouncing the JTU and Zenkyo central leaderships abandoning the struggle Topics 'Deficits of a good kind' mean 'a good chance for rationalization of your business': A recent remark by a Toyota capitalist [7] Auto making monopolies in an unprecedented crisis bent on victimizing workers My participation in the JRCL Public Political Meeting on Dec. 7th [2] Okinawa: urgent protests against MSDF war vessels entering local civilian ports (Feb. 2nd) (Pic. right) Hokkaido: Zengakuren students protesting a aegis-equipped US destroyer calling at Otaru port (Feb. 5th) (Pic. right) The financial minister's holidays in Rome [3] The Obama administration desperate to rebuild the US occupation of Afghanistan [8] Series Stop Japan's development of nuclear plants and weapons! No. 4 The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant terribly damaged by the earthquake TOP |
No. 2057
(February 23rd 2009 Issue)
Down with the Aso government on its deathbed! - Reactions against US imperialism's move to protectionism - The Aso government preparing to deploy MSDF troops off Somalia blindly following the American imperialist Obama administration - Fight to overthrow the Aso government by a surge of the 2009 spring labour offensive and antiwar struggle! [4-5] Monopoly capitalists' measures to wriggle out of the crisis Shown in the annual report of the Japan Business Federation: justifying the massive sackings and wage cuts - Japanese monopoly capitalists desperate to survive the global economic turmoil - Ruthless attempts to victimize the working class and toiling masses [2] Hokkaido: Zengakuren students protesting a GSDF parachuting exercise (Jan. 27th) Okinawa: Growing anger against the construction of a US helipad (Jan. 20th) Kyushu: Kagoshima University students rallying against sackings of temporary workers (Jan. 22nd) [3] Fight back against monopoly capitalists in the electrical industry launching massive sackings and wage cuts! Denounce the Sapporo City authority forcibly reducing the winter allowance! A symposium sponsored by lawyers' associations against the Worker Dispatch Law (Dec. 11th, Osaka) Topics Shameless debates between leaders in metal workers' unions neglecting the hardships of the rank-and-files [6-7] What I learned from Comrade Kuroda: about our slogan for 'a big and uniform wage raise' The general strike by French workers for job security and wage raise [8] Kaleidoscope - An economist announcing his conversion from neo-liberalism: still dependent on foreign capitalisms - The Turkish Prime Minister in Davos - Schemes for a state-centralized control of the medical records - Change vs. Challenge: a monologue from the Iranian President - Davos without US imperialists: a chorus against the US move towards protectionism TOP |
No. 2056
(February 16th 2009 Issue)
Smash massive dismissals and wage cuts! - The Aso government bent on bailing out monopoly capitals - Never allow the official leadership to mislead the labour offensive by demanding job stabilization policies hand in hand with capitalists - Smash massive dismissals and wage cuts! Fight for a surge of the 2009 spring labour offensive! [4-5] Criticizing the annual 'Rengo report' for 2009 'A paradigm shift to an economy led by people's needs': its nature against the working class (1) In step with monopoly capitalists launching massive dismissals and wage cuts (2) The banner of 'paradigm shift' to decorate the idea of 'fair society' - A change from 'the logic of micro' to 'the logic of macro' - Superficiality of what is called 'sense of times' - Begging for a 'change from the stockholder model to a stakeholder approach' - 'Shift to an economic system led by domestic demand': its true nature (3) Denounce labour aristocrats in Rengo helping contemporary imperialism survive the crisis [2] ![]() - US Air Kadena Base (Jan. 17th) (Pic) - Japanese ASDF Naha Base (Jan. 15th) Denounce Israel's aggression on Gaza! 'Angry Students' March' in Okinawa (Jan. 12th) [3] Series Stop Japan's development of nuclear plants and weapons! No. 3 Dangerous operation of nuclear plants using plutonium-mixed fuel Conflicts over measures against pirates off Somalia: the US-Japan vs. China [6] During the busiest time of year for the postal service - Without part-timers: the managerial forcing workers two rounds of delivery on New Year's Day Topics Massive sackings in electric and auto making industries [7] Putin's 'gas threat' based on a deal with France and Germany - A gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine that froze Central and Eastern Europe - A finishing stroke against the pro-American Yushchenko government - Hard-line policies for forming a Gas-version of the OPEC in actuality [8] Kaleidoscope - A well-thought-out stratagem of China: behind its purchase of US government bonds - Putin's adrenaline - The EU Chairman in the dismal - Aso's monologue TOP |
No. 2055
(February 9th 2009 Issue)
Break through the crisis caused by - The China-Russia alignment and the European union taking actions to put an end to the US unipolar dominance over the world - Aso's shaky government obedient to the new US imperialist government - Overthrow the Aso government by an upsurge of antiwar struggle and politico-economic struggle! [4-5] Series Stop Japan's development of nuclear plants and weapons! No. 1 A wild and dangerous development conducted under the slogan of 'nuclear power as a strategic basis for the nation' - 'A decisive measure to stop global warming': Falsehood - The increasing danger of a nuclear catastrophe No. 2 A nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Rokkasho, Aomori: ridden with accidents and doomed to failure - A wild attempt to start operation leaving technical defects undisclosed - An obsession for creating a nuclear fuel cycle [6] The first official decision acknowledging malignant lymphoma as nuclear industrial accident
Topics Migrant workers from Indonesia: a solution (?) to both a want of care workers and job creation [2] Okinawa: 'Denounce Israel's aggression on Gaza!' Workers and students demonstrating through Naha City (Jan. 18th) [3] Keihin Hotel: a surging struggle - A solidarity meeting with Keihin Hotel workers struggling more than 100 days (Jan. 28th) - Zengakuren students fighting in solidarity to stop the execution of the eviction order (Jan. 25th) From campuses - Wako University: militant students criticizing a regional JCP leader at her lecture meeting [7] Fight back against the Aich Prefectural authority planning wage cuts Labour aristocrats strongly opposing a 'ban on worker dispatching business for manufacturing industries' JRCL-proposed slogans for the 2009 spring labour offensive (excerpt) Smash the capitalist offensive of mass sackings! Fight for a militant surge of the 2009 spring labour offensive by breaking through the industrial 'patriotic' movement! (1) Fight to stop the capitalist offensive for massive dismissals and lower wages against workers regardless of 'regulars' or 'temporaries'! (2) Don't bill the working people for bailing out banks and big business! Fight back against the intensified expropriation from the toiling masses! Oppose the 'structural reform' deserting the socially vulnerable people! (3) Denounce Israel's aggression against Gaza! Denounce the holocaust against Palestinians! (4) Fight back against any attempt to destroy trade unions! Fight for a militant revival of the Japanese labour movement! Down with the Aso government with the unified power of workers and people against the dark rule of neo-fascism! Workers of the world, let us fight in unity! [8] Kaleidoscope - Police campaign for 'security and safety': its true nature - 'The Russian cross': the declining birth rate - An examination ordeal in India: suicides from psychological pressure increasing behind the rapid economic growth TOP |
No. 2054
(February 2nd 2009 Issue)
Join the Workers' Meeting for Offensive on
Feb. 15th! - The Aso government bent on bailing out big business under the cover of '(fake) measures for job security' - Don't allow trade union leaders to distort the offensive by defining it as struggle for 'wage hike for boosting the economy' - Win a militant revival of labour movement by breaking through the industrial 'patriotic' movement [4-5] The European Union led by the Franco-German axis struggling to be a 'third pole' Measures for survival in the midst of the 'new confrontation between the US and China-Russia' and the global economic turmoil I. On a dash for the breakthrough of the US unipolar dominance over the world - Sarkozy's proposal for 'peace in the Middle East' II. A growing threat of a total bankruptcy in the European economy III. An attempt to strengthen the EU as an economic bloc against the US and its difficulties IV. A scheme to form a 'third pole' under the banner of 'social market economy' [2] ![]() 'Denounce the Israeli aggression against Gaza!' 'Oppose the mass sackings of workers!' - Warm responses to Zengakuren students (Tokyo, Jan 22nd) (Pic right) Kagoshima University students - Calling on local residents for protest against Israel's assault on Gaza (Jan. 17th) - Protesting the plan for another reactor at the Sendai nuclear power plant (Jan. 8th) [3] Fight to stop the deployment of PAC-3 missiles at three SDF bases in Kyushu! A US military exercise in Hokkaido: firing white phosphorous munitions [6] Militant workers struggling to abolish the Workers Dispatch Law My participation in the 'village for temporary workers' Topics The 'joint statement for job security' by the employers' federation and Rengo [7] US military bases in Japan: Harassments on Japanese workers and coercion of resignation Monopoly capitalists finding a way-out in 'soft power' [8] Kaleidoscope - The charismatic president and his nightmare - Putin's monologue: a political valve - 'Green New Deal' - The latest catchphrase of the JCP: 'can give candid pinions to big business' TOP |
No. 2053
(January 26th 2009 Issue)
Denounce Israel's frantic aggression against
Gaza! Difficulties agonizing Hu Jintao's China in the midst of the global economic turbulence (Continued from the previous issue) I. A persistent challenge to US imperialism's unipolar dominance over the world II. The 'factory of the world' with dark clouds hanging III. A Hu Jintao-led breakthrough of the crisis doomed to fail
[5] The European Union led by the Franco-German axis struggling to be a 'third pole' Measures for survival in the midst of the 'new confrontation between the US and China-Russia' and the global economic turmoil I. On a dash for the breakthrough of the US unipolar dominance over the world - Sarkozy's proposal for 'peace in the Middle East' (Continue to next issue) [2] 'Denounce Israel's aggression on Gaza!' Angry protests - A militant demonstration by Zengakuren (Tokyo, Jan. 11th) - Protests in front of US consulates (Okinawa, Jan. 5th) (Osaka, Jan. 9th) [3] Medvedev's visits to Latin American countries - Multilevel attempts to reinforce an international encirclement against US imperialism From campuses: Annual students festivals - Aichi University - Kagoshima University [6] Japan Council of Metal Workers' Unions (IMF-JC) President Nishihara: busy saving auto making monopoly capitals from their crisis A taxi service capital preying on unemployed workers [7] An ability-based wage system newly introduced by a leading company in the physical distribution service industry 3000 workers at a prefectural Rengo rally for an autumn offensive (Nov. 11th, Kanazawa) [8] Kaleidoscope - Japanese Brazilians suffering many hardships in Japan, the land of their ancestors - Workers' struggle in Barcelona: against dismissals by Nissan Motors - SDF recruiters taking advantage of impoverishment of young people - A self-styled fixer for an LDP-DPJ coalition TOP |
Advance struggles against war and the coercion
of poverty! ![]() (A) The desperate aggression on Gaza by cornered Israel: a holocaust of the Palestinian people (B) Intensification of the rivalrous struggle between the three blocs II. Political disarray under the Aso government showing its incompetence to cope with the crisis (A) The lame-ducked Aso government attempting to stay on and launching reactionary offensives (B) Leaders in official opposition movements bent on campaigns for a DPJ-led government III. Down with Aso's shaky government by an upsurge in antiwar, anti-military alliance struggle and politico-economic struggle! (A) Crimes of the central JCP leadership totally abandoning their lines 'against the military alliance' and 'against monopoly capital' (B) Overthrow the Aso government imposing 'war and poverty' upon people [4-5] Difficulties agonizing Hu Jintao's China in the midst of the global economic turbulence I. A persistent challenge to US imperialism's unipolar dominance over the world II. The 'factory of the world' with dark clouds hanging [6-7] Resolves for the New Year (3) - The Chugoku Regional Committee - The Telecommunication Workers' Committee - The Metal Industrial Workers' Committee - The Masscommunication Industrial Workers' Committee - The Social Welfare Workers' Committee - The East Kanagawa District Antiwar Workers Conference From campuses ![]() Kokugakuin University: the annual cultural festival (Nov., 2008) [8] 'We denounce the holocaust of the Palestinian people!' Urgent protest by Zengakuren in front of the Israeli embassy in Tokyo (Jan. 6th) Interviewing the Zengakuren Chairman and the Chief Secretary at the beginning of the year TOP |
No. 2051
(January 12th 2009 Issue)
Denounce the Fight to win the 2009 spring labour offensive by breaking the 'industrial patriotic' movement! Central Workers' Orgburo I. Unprecedented offensives for mass dismissals and lower wages (A) Monopoly capitalists victimizing workers for their survival of the economic crisis (B) Aso's shaky government revealing its incompetence to deal with the crisis (C) Revolutionary workers struggling in opposition to labour aristocrats helping massive dismissals II. Don't distort the spring offensive into a part of the 'industrial patriotic' movement with the slogan of 'expansion of domestic demand'! (A) The farcical and criminal agenda of the central Rengo leadership demanding 'a wage raise for economic recovery' (B) The fallacious tactics of the central Zenroren leadership crying for 'a change to a domestic demand-led economy': its nature against the working class (C) Fight back against massive sackings and lower wages! Smash the attempts forcing workers to pay for the financial turmoil and the depression! [4] Rise in the Jan. 11th demonstration in solidarity with Muslim people in Gaza! Denounce the Zionist rulers of Israel bent on mad attempts for a holocaust of the Palestinian people! - Brutal attacks for the annihilation of Hamas, for a holocaust of the Palestinian people! - In solidarity with Muslim people struggling for the Palestinian liberation, stir up the flames of antiwar struggle to denounce the Zionist rulers! [5] The foolish dream of 'sound finance': the worst degeneration of the converted Stalinists
I. Pragmatic changes in the theory of 'finance separated from the real economy' II. Fallacies due to its dependence on bourgeois economics (The above in the previous issue) III. The JCP theory of a 'sound finance': with an illusion about capitalism - 'The original form of finance': a super-class and trans-historical fallacy - Lack of a grasp on the level of the theory of real existence form [6] Angers against a flight exercise of US Force FA-18 warplanes (Dec. 12th, Okinawa) (Pic. right top) Students of the Kanazawa University struggled to stop fuel rods carried into the fast breeder reactor Monju (Dec. 16th, Tsuruga) (Pic. right middle) 'Stop the legislation to extend the MSDF anti-terror mission on the Indian Ocean!' Militant students protested in front of the LDP Osaka office (Dec. 12th) (Pic right bottom) [7-8] Resolves for the New Year (2) - The Okinawa Regional Committee - The Tokai Regional Committee - The Hokuriku Regional Committee - The Education Workers' Committee - The Chemical Industrial Workers' Committee - The Heavy Industrial Workers' Committee - The Small Enterprise Workers' Committee - The Tokyo Antiwar Workers Conference TOP |