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No. 2290
(October 21st 2013 Issue)
Stir up the flames of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles - The clash between the US and China-Russia over supremacy in the Asia-Pacific region - The neo-fascist Abe government rushing to restore 'Japan as a militarist nation' - Shatter the strengthening of the US-Japan new military alliance! Crush the Abe government's offensive to build Japan into a strong military power!
(pic 1) Zengakuren students fighting in the 'No Nukes Day' rally (October 13th, in front of the Diet Building; details are to be carried in the next issue) [2] 'Definitely no to the Osprey drills!' 800 workers, students and residents rise in protest against the US-Japan joint military exercise in Aibano, Shiga Prefecture, September 29th (pic 2) Angry protesters raising voices one after another (pic 3) Militant students staging a demonstration together with workers (towards the SDF Aibano Base) [3] 'Stop the US Marine Corps live-ammunition exercise in East Fuji!' 'No to the Osprey low-altitude flight training all over the country!' (pic 4) 150 workers and residents marching on US Force Camp Fuji (Sept. 28th, Shizuoka Pref.) 'Stop the US-Japan joint military exercise with Ospreys mobilized! Down with the US-Japan Security Treaty!' (pic 5) JRCL propaganda units and revolutionary workers fight for a militant upsurge of a 'peace rally' in Komaki, denouncing JCP leaders' abandonment of struggles against the US-Japan military alliance (Sept. 29th, Komaki, Aichi Pref.) [4] Denounce the leadership's submission to the government's reactionary offensives of constitutional revision, destruction of trade unions and wage cuts! Report on militant workers' struggle in the 86th Regular Convention of the All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union [5] Denounce the unjust judgment on the very persons responsible for the Fukuchiyama line railway accident! Three West Japan Railway Company presidents: declared 'not guilty' [6] Absolutely no to the bad revision of the public nursing care insurance system! 'It's me who nominates the university president'!? Crush Osaka Mayor Hashimoto's outrageous plot to reorganize prefectural and municipal universities! Topics The new leadership elected at the Regular Convention of Rengo [the Japanese Trade Union Confederation]: no leader for fight-back [7] Valuable lessons I gained by organizing a struggle to make the employer pay the arrears of wages [8] Kaleidoscope - A Chinese state-owned munitions company planning to raise money by issuing stocks to build more aircraft carriers - US Air Force hydrogen bombs narrowly escaped explosion in North Carolina 52 years ago: the danger of nuclear war and disaster still continues - 'Thoughtless people had better not touch the Constitution': What is hinted by Director Hayao Miyazaki in his latest animation film - Narita Airport to introduce a mechanized security check system: Never let surveillance systems be tightened on the pretext of new 'antiterrorism measures'! TOP |
No. 2289
(October 14th 2013 Issue)
Oct. 20th ![]() (1) The neo-fascist Abe government rushing towards building Japan into a military power (2) The danger of war aggravated in East Asia and the Middle East amid the clash between the US and China-Russia (3). The critical state of affairs in the opposition movement and the struggle of the revolutionary left (4) Fight resolutely by overcoming the JCP-led peace movement abandoning 'anti-Ampo'! (5) Shatter the Abe government's neo-fascist, reactionary offensives! Stop the US-Japan joint military exercise in Aebano with Ospreys thrown in! Militant students of Kansai and other regions fighting with 800 workers and citizens (Sept. 29th, Shiga Prefecture) (pic right) [5] ![]() Angry workers, students and citizens rise up in action Denouncing massive quantities of radioactively contaminated water leaks from Fukushima No.1 nuclear plant (Sept. 23rd, Osaka) (Pic left) Brutalities in a prison under the control of US Forces A letter from the Left Radical Organization of Afghanistan The Abe government raising the banner of Japan's 'proactive contribution to peace' An outrageous deception to negate the 'pacifist Constitution' [6] Many socially underprivileged driven to deaths because of the reduction in welfare benefits Topics The Education Ministry scheming to virtually break up municipality boards of education to promote 'patriotic education' [7] Crush the plan to set up 'national strategic special zones' for 'free sacking and limitless working hours'! It's my task to grow out of an isolated existence: What I realized after I started working [4] The Abe government rushing for the commercial application of induced Pluripotent Stem cells in disregard of their safety and bioethics [8] Kaleidoscope - How to face China is going to be a big problem for the Australian ultra-conservative new prime minister - The Merkel-led CDU-CSU government: a scheme to form a coalition Cabinet bogged down - The decline of the 'superpower': the US government exposed to the ridicule of Putin - Denounce the Abe government for justifying its restart of nuclear plants on the pretext of cuts in greenhouse gas emissions! TOP |
No. 2288
(October 7th 2013 Issue)
Defeat the Abe government's attempt to build Japan into a military power! -- Preparing relevant laws for carrying out joint Japan-US operations - The danger of a military clash between the US/Japan and China in East Asia - Create a militant uplift in the antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle and the struggle against constitutional revision!
[2] The 135th Zengakuren Central Committee meeting held: September 17th - 18th Zengakuren fortified against the ultra-reactionary offensive of revising the Constitution and promoting Japan into a military power (pic 1) 'Down with the neo-fascist Abe government!' Students clenching fists with strong determination (Sep. 17th, Tokyo) [7] A fault line runs right under the site of the Oi nuclear plant, Fukui Prefecture The Nuclear Regulation Authority forcibly declares it 'not active' The fast breeder reactor Monju fascilities 'cut off' from the outside world due to landslides caused by heavy rain
The 'Never Restart Reactors!' Rally held in Fukui Prefecture: September 15th 800 angry workers, students and residents rise up in protest (pic 2) Kanazawa Univ. students staging a demonstration together with rallied workers [4] The ultra-reactionary Abe government's rush to revise the Constitution and build Japan into a military power - The 'full lifting of the ban' on the exercise of the right to collective self-defense - A plot to establish a Japanese version of the National Security Council - Machinations to enact a protection of state secrets law - Reorganization of the Defense Ministry and the Self-Defense Forces Stop the revision of the 'eavesdropping law'! [5] The 6th regular national convention of the Japan Postal Union: Uproarious criticisms delivered against the leadership's pressure on delegates to accept the 'new personnel and pay system' [3] Central Japan Railway Co.'s very dangerous and reckless maglev 'Linear Chuo Shinkansen' project [6] Metropolitan Tokyo's integrated system of junior high and senior high schools: the plan set up to comply with the request of monopoly capitalists Outplacement companies pressing workers to resign Topics 'Establish a democratic coalition government in cooperation with the conservative stratum'?!: the endless degeneration of the JCP leadership [8] Kaleidoscope - Fascist Abe's designs: 'Remove the ban on the state exercise of the right to collective self-defense!' 'Give our troops capabilities for a preemptive strike against enemy bases!' - An evil campaign for reopening nuclear plants: calling for a reshuffle of the Nuclear Regulation Authority - Make a counterattack against the government plan to set up 'strategic special zones for sacking'! TOP |
No. 2287
(September 30th 2013 Issue)
Smash a massive consumption tax increase! - An Abe government's scheme to establish a 'free-sacking zone' - Let us fight back! Denounce the Rengo leadership depending on a consultative meeting among representatives of 'the government, labour and business'!
[2] 'Rally for Sayonara nuclear plants' in Tokyo on Sep. 14th 'Denounce the outflow of highly contaminated water! Stop re-opening of nuclear plants!' 9000 workers, students and residents raise their angry voices - 'Smash the nuclear development! Overthrow the Abe government!', Students of the Metropolitan Students Network march on, raising their calls out loud (pic1) (Kameido in Tokyo, Sep. 14th) - Workers, students and residents converge at the park with firm resolutions to 'decommission the nuclear plants' (pic2) (Central Park in Kameido) [3] No to a US-Japan joint military exercise with Ospreys mobilized in Aibano! - An exercise for a 'heliborne attack' aimed at the Chinese Army as a hypothetical enemy - Militarily competitive demonstrations between the US/Japan and China - Japanese imperialism schemes to arise as a 'country capable of waging wars' - A deepening corruption of existing opposition movement leaders and a revolutionary struggle of Zengakuren - Promote our struggle by overcoming the JCP-led anti-military exercise campaign with no reference to 'anti-Ampo' [4] The JCP leadership is devoted to elaborating its fallacious alternative proposal, 'peaceful national security' - An illusion about 'establishing a North East Asian version of the code of peaceful conduct' - Tackling for 'risk management' in East Asia - An erroneous design for a 'peaceful security within the framework of Ampo' - A JCP's hopeless and fallacious dream of establishing an 'coalition government of democratic forces' by 'cooperating with conservatives' [5] The chemical monopoly capitalists have set off for reforming their enterprises amid the 'Shale Revolution' [6] The 35th Jichiroren Convention The pro-JCP leadership commands its union workers to promote a electoral vote-collecting campaign under the banner of 'keeping Japanese Constitution' Topics The Convention of JC Metal workers unions: Labour aristocrats advocate a 'pay raise for an escape from deflation and for business recovery' [7] A profanation of the Marx's works Fuwa, an old head of JCP, displays its fake 'theory on crisis movement' [8] No to a 'state secrets protection bill'! - This is a today's version of the 'Military Secrets Law' in the past war-time! - A way the Abe government follows is: 'You just need to tell people what to do. You don't have to tell them why' Kaleidoscope - Workers at the Fukushima No.1 nuclear plant are exposed to a high dose of radiation because of the contaminated water leaking out of the tanks - Syria: A political manoeuvre between Obama and Putin with schemes to cover up their criminalities - Corruption, bribes and a business using 'on-line war-games': A deepened degeneration of China's 'People's Liberation Army' TOP |
No. 2286
(September 23rd 2013 Issue)
We denounce the Japanese government for the massive leakage of contaminated
water - Massive quantities of toxic water flowing out into the Pacific: the Fukushima nuclear disaster getting ever more serious - Resumption of nuclear plant operations and nuclear development schemed with an ambition to build Japan into a potential nuclear country - An all-out offensive for the strengthening of the US-Japan new military alliance, reactionary constitutional revision, and the consumer tax hike - Abenomics: helping monopoly capitalists while sacrificing the masses - Advance a struggle against nuclear development by overcoming the degeneration of the official oppositions!
The Sept. 14th 'Sayonara to the Nuke' rally (Tokyo; details are to be carried in the next issue) (pic 1) Militant students marching (pic 2) 'Oppose the Abe government's nuclear development!' JRCL boldly making an appeal to protesters in the rally Definitely NO to military interventions in Syria behind the smoke screen of the US-Russian deal! [4] Virtual abrogation of 'war-renouncing' Article 9 of the Constitution using a 'Nazi-like method' 1. A rush to lift a ban on Japan's 'exercise of the right of collective self-defense' 2. The ultra-reactionary nature of a 'fundamental law of national security' drafted by the LDP (1) Seeking to enable the state to exercise the 'right of collective self-defense' (2) A plot to create a system of general mobilization 'in time of peace' (3) Ambition to send Japanese troops to UN peacekeeping or other multinational forces [5] Auto monopoly capitalists attempting to survive by victimizing small subcontractors [2] The Abe government's deceptions: 'corporate tax cuts for encouraging wage increase' [6] Oppose the lifting of the ban on the extra-insurance 'private medical treatment' in the name of deregulation! Topics Monopoly capitalists using dirty means of sacking workers for restructuring [3] 90 years since the Great Kanto Earthquake: Never forget the massacre of Koreans by the state power! Fight against neo-fascist offensives to agitate chauvinism and destroy trade unions! Is it another 'Nazi modus operandi'?! 'The situation is under control'! : Abe's transparent lie in the IOC meeting Tanka poems Unforgettable days of the war [7] My study note Kuroda's critique on the 'transformation of Kozo Uno's economics' [8] A few thoughts on public service labour: concerning the 'production of surplus value' TOP |
No. 2285
(September 16th 2013 Issue)
Fight against a US/France air strike on Syria! Denounce the massacres by the Assad government! Oppose the military counter-action of Russia, a supporter of the Assad government! (1) An impending danger of a world-wide-scale warfare breaking out in the Middle East - Political manoeuvres exchanged between the US and China/Russia in the G20 Summit - Obama driven into an international isolation (2) A rivalry between the US/France and Russia/China, showing their unveiled state egoism - US imperialism schemes to attack on Syria, manoeuvring for the recovery of its rule over the Middle East - The Holland government representing French imperialism contrives to implement its state interests - Russia and China in league with each other design to grab the domination over the Middle East from the US (3) Stop the warmongering act of the US and France! Breakthrough an impending danger of a world-wide-scale warfare breaking out in the Middle East! [2] For the 135th meeting of the Zengakuren Central Committee Be ready for antiwar/anti-Ampo struggle as well as struggles to stop the revision of the Constitution and to oppose the nuclear development! [3] 'Tokyo is safe', said Abe - Don't talk nonsense! His deceitful 'measures for contaminated water' are announced only with the aim of bringing the Olympic Games to Tokyo, with no regard to people living in disaster-stricken areas Denounce the cover-up of the latest Osprey crash, bursting into flames! Kaleidoscope - The more the JCP leadership dances in high spirits under the last election's result, the more rotten it becomes, marching rightwards still more - Smash hawkish ideologists who are mobilised to fan a mood for the revision of the Constitution! [4] Denounce labour aristocrats of TOYOTA workers' union pledging their loyalty and selfless devotion to their boss, monopoly capitalists of the company! [5] Expose the criminality of the 'medical business strategy' of the Abe government, coercing the people into hardships! [6] Against the reactionary offensives by the Abe government, win a successful realization of the national education seminar of Zenkyo! Topics A 'tripartite talk': the scheme of the Abe government to capture labour aristocrats in the Rengo leadership with the aim of realising its 'growth strategy' [7] Oppose the enforcement of an experiment of burying nuclear waste in Hokkaido! Fukushima No.1 nuclear plant: The Abe government concealed and left the contaminated water to leak into the ocean The fishermen's fury against the government and the executive of the TEPCO increase ever more 'Denounce the destructive attack on workers' union by Hashimoto, Mayor of Osaka and a representative of Japan Restoration Party!' 3500 members of public workers' union in Osaka rallied on Aug. 26th [8] My study note To learn from the struggle in early days of building the JRCL (RMF) organization TOP |
No. 2284
(September 9th 2013 Issue)
Stop US imperialism from bombing Syria! - Rise in action! No to the bombing of Syria! Denounce the bloody repression and massacres of the Syrian masses by the Assad regime! - Rivalry intensifying between the US (Japan) and Russia-China over the Middle East and East Asia - Arouse a storm of struggle against the US-Japan military alliance, against the revision of the Constitution! [2] Stop the restart of Reactor No. 3 in the Tomari nuclear power plant! Kanazawa Univ. students rise in protest against the US Forces' additional deployment of Ospreys (Aug. 3rd, Kanazawa)
[3] Meetings filled with fighting spirit in the midst of the protest against the US Forces' deployment of Ospreys International Antiwar Assemblies in Okinawa and Hokkaido 'Block the US base gate!' Workers and students' resolve to take action fortified in the Okinawa regional assembly (Aug. 11th, Naha) [pic 1] 'Shatter the imposition of <war and poverty>!' Solidarity with the fight of Okinawa strengthened in the Hokkaido regional assembly (Aug. 4th, Sapporo) [pic 2] [4] The 80th Regular Convention of the General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions The leadership embarks on the burial of the spring labour offensive under the slogan 'Make the transport industry attractive' - Criticisms aroused against the leadership's emphasis on the 'defense of the idea' of the Constitution 'based on constitutionalism' - Final abandonment of struggles for higher wages on the pretext of 'enlivening the railway industry' - 'Let us strengthen the struggle against the restart of nuclear plants!': the rank and file voice against the leadership - Wage a militant struggle in the autumnal/year-end labour offensive! [5] An appeal for the 86th Regular Convention of All-Japan Prefectural & Municipal Workers' Union Stop the reactionary revision of the Constitution plotted by the Abe government! No to a big wage cut! No to the destruction of the trade union! Say NO to the abandonment of struggles by the leadership! The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee Kanagawa education board forcibly prohibits the use of an 'anti-patriotic' Japanese history textbook [6] Topics Deceptive 'improvement in elderly employees' working conditions' Temp workers driven into living in cramped 'law-evading shared houses' Sony's 'organizational reform': all burdens shifted onto workers Don't let 'big data' be used to put people under surveillance! The sale of personal data collected from IC train tickets by East Japan Railway Co. disclosed [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assemblies (4) - Russian Party of Communists, Russia - ANTARSYA (Anticapitalist Left Cooperation for the Overthrow), Greece - David McReynolds, USA - Larisa Babienko, Russia - Russian Communist Workers Party - Tyumen Regional Committee, Russia [7] Kaleidoscope - The Abe government irritated: another statue to Korean 'comfort women' erected in the US - 'Shadow banking' in China: on the verge of collapse - A brilliant feat in Guangdong: a ground swell of protest foils a big nuclear plant project - Abe's replacement of the Director-General of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau: a 'Nazi-like modus operandi' to constitutionalize the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense' TOP |
No. 2283
(September 2nd 2013 Issue)
No to the liberalization of dismissals - The temp worker system to be fixed and expanded with no regulation - The enforcement of Abenomics forces great sacrifices on the toiling masses - Monopoly capitalists pushing through major restructurings and wage cuts - Shatter Abenomics! Smash the offensive for abolishing labour regulations! [4] Egypt Tthe toiling masses fighting on in the face of the brutal repression Unite to topple down the power of the military junta! [5] The Egyptian military coup engineered to restore the Mubarak regime Denounce the bloodthirsty repression of the Muslim Brotherhood and the fighting Egyptian people by the military junta! [[2] Denounce the highly contaminated water leaks from Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant! Impeach the government and Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco) for concealing the massive leak of contaminated groundwater into the Pacific! - Unprecedented marine pollution is spreading - Tepco and the LDP government were desperate to cover up the leaks - Stopgap measures taken only to weather a storm of criticism Another leak: 300 tons found to be leaked out from storage tanks of tainted water Denounce the participation of ASDF F15 jet fighters in the US-led exercise 'Red Flag Alaska' together with a strategic bomber B52! [6] Official minimum wages for this year decided: just a 14 yen increase! Good for nothing, only with regional disparities expanded TPP: No to the deregulation of food labelling systems now obligatory for genetic manipulation!
Topics The Abe government scheming to 'experimentally' introduce a 'white-collar exemption' in the working hour regulation system [7] Determination strengthened to counterattack the reactionary offensive' The Aug. 4th International Antiwar Assemblies in Kansai and Kusgyu All resolved to overthrow the Abe government in the Kansai regional assembly (Aug. 4th, Osaka) (Pic right upper) 'Break through the danger of warfare in East Asia!'The Kyushu regional assembly (Aug. 4th, Fukuoka) (Pic right lower) [3] Chukakuha remnants coming to ruin Desperate internal strife in the name of 'spy purges' [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assemblies (3) - Tavini Huiraatira no te Ao Maohi, French Polynesia - News and Letters Committees, USA - Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), Austria TOP |
No. 2282
(August 26th 2013 Issue)
Shatter the imposition of <war and poverty>!
- Abenomics plunges workers and the toiling masses into destitution - No to the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! - Fight resolutely under the banner of 'Against the US-Japan military alliance' by crushing the JCP bureaucrats' hostilities and distortion of struggles! (pic above) Workers, students and residents of Okinawa unfolding a sit-in protest in the middle of the national highway to block a Futenma Base gate (Aug. 12th)
Denounce the Egyptian junta's massacres of Muslims! We, the JRCL, definitely condemn the mass murder of Egyptian people perpetrated by Egypt's military junta to repress their protest! (...) Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) belong mostly to the poverty- stricken population (around 40 percent of the nation). They are suffering from economic disparity and oppression. Under the leadership of the MB, which puts up the signboard of the 'legitimacy of the democratically elected President', they have risen up to stage 'peaceful' demonstrations. They were attacked by the military using guns, and yet they rose again and are fighting indomitably. Taking this tragedy of Egyptian people with bitterness and indignation, we call on the people of Egypt! Overthrow the military junta, now attempting to restore the dark rule of the days of Mubarak! Self-styled 'leftists', shame on you for supporting the military coup! Immediately join in the fight to overthrow the military junta! We, the JRCL, are determined to fight in Japan, denouncing the bloody repression by the Egyptian military, in solidarity with the fighting Egyptian people. On August 16th, Zengakuren students rose in a protest against the Egyptian Embassy in Tokyo. We call on all the people in the world! Rise up to denounce the Egyptian military junta's mass murder for suppressing the people's protest! (pic left) Zengakuren holding an emergency protest against the bloody massacre of fighting Egyptian people by the Egyptian security forces (Aug. 16th, in front of the Egyptian Embassy, Tokyo)
[4-5] Stop the US Forces' additional deployment of Ospreys! Blockade action against the US Futenma Base fought valiantly Remove all the US military bases! Battles fought day and night by angry workers, students and residents of Okinawa: August 2nd - 12th Fighting students starting an all-night sit-in (Aug. 2nd, 7:20 p.m., Nodake gate, Futenma; pic 1) Blocking the gate pushing aside riot police suppression (Aug. 3rd, 8:30 a.m.;pic 2 ) Protesters raising angry fists against an Osprey appearing above their head (Aug. 3rd, 4:30 p.m.;pic 3 ) JCP-led workers joining in the protest in response to the call from fighting workers and students, rejecting their leaders' pressure (Aug. 4th;pic 4 ) 'We denounce the unjustified arrest!' Angry protesters demonstrating before the police authorities (Aug. 4th, Ginowan; pic 5) 'Block the Nodake gate again!' Zengakuren and Kengakuren Okinawa students pushing back the police force to denounce the coming of another 10 Ospreys (Aug. 5th, 8:45 a.m.;pic 6 ) 'Remove all the US military bases!' An emergency protest rally held to denounce the US helicopter HH60 crash which took place in the northern part of the main Okinawa island on Aug. 5th. (Aug. 6th, Kadena Base;pic 7 ) Sit-in protesters' anger explodes against the police attempting to forcibly remove them from the national highway (Aug. 12th, 10:00 a.m.; pic 8)
[2] 'Stop the additional deployment of the Osprey!' Zengakuren rises in solidarity with the struggle of Okinawa (pic 9) 'We condemn the US helicopter crash!' Zengakuren denouncing the crash at the US Embassy (Aug. 6th, Tokyo) (pic 10) Students holding a protest to join the fight of the Zengakuren delegation to Okinawa (Aug. 12th, in front of the US Embassy, Tokyo) (pic 11) Zengakuren fighting furiously against the resumption of the HH60 helicopter flight (Aug. 16th, ditto) (pic 12) Zengakuren Hokkaido balling up their fists in solidarity with the fight of Okinawa (Aug.3rd, in front of the US Consulate General, Sapporo) [3] The flames of revolutionary antiwar struggle stirred up: The Aug. 4th International Antiwar Assemblies in Tokai and Hokuriku 'Shatter the imposition of <war and poverty>!' The assembly in the Tokai region achieved in solidarity with the fighting people around the world (Aug. 4th, Nagoya; pic 13) 'Smash the Abe government's reactionary offensives!' Resolves fortified to launch an all-out counterattack in the Hokuriku regional assembly (Aug. 4th; pic 14) [6] Stop the participation of F15 jet fighters in the US-led joint exercise 'Red Flag Alaska'! 100 workers, students and antiwar activists protest in front of the gate of the Air Self-Defense Force Komatsu Base (Aug. 5th, Ishikawa Pref.; pic 15) No to the introduction of a 'new personnel and pay system'! Denounce the trade union leadership's agreement with the Japan Post management! The Postal Workers Committee Topics The Abe government scheming for a further deterioration of the temporary labour law [7] Denounce the Japan Postal Union leadership for accepting the 40,000 postal-service personnel reduction plan! [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assemblies (2) - FLTI (Fraccion Leninista Trotskysta Internacional - Collective for the Fourth International), Argentina - Left Radical Organization of Afghanistan (LRA), Afghanistan - Faridabad Majdoor Samachar (Faridabad Workers Newspaper), India - Union Pacifist de France, France - A World to Win, Britain TOP |
No. 2281
(August 12th 2013 Issue)
Develop our revolutionary antiwar struggle internationally! - Growing international solidarity: 15 messages from overseas organizations and individuals - Declarations of resolve to promote antiwar struggles: An education worker and the chairman of Zengakuren - Build up international solidarity against <war and poverty> --------------------------------------------------------- Okinawa Workers, students and people rise in a blockade action against the US Futenma base
- At 7 a.m.: Students of Okinawa Kengakuren and student delegates of Zengakuren from other regions rose in a blockade-action at the gate together with workers and residents joining one after the other. 'Stop the additional deployment of the Osprey!' 'Block all of the gates!' Filled with vehement indignation, they overwhelmed the riot police, started sit-ins arm in arm and completely blocked the Nodake gate. - At 8:20 a.m.: In response to a command from the US Force authority, Japanese police units in Okinawa launched an attack on the students, workers and residents, forcibly pulling them out one by one. Moreover, it fabricated a charge of 'obstructing the police in duties' and inexcusably arrested a protestor who made a strong accusation against the violent police action. Burning with anger against the police's oppression, the students fought fearlessly. More and more workers and residents joined in the action, standing up courageously against the oppression. The blockade-action was thus accomplished. - 'Stop the deployment of Ospreys with concerted efforts of students and workers! Remove all of the US bases in Japan!' These revolutionary calls of the students and their courageous struggle gained a warm response from workers and residents in the protest. A heroic struggle of the students inspirited the following rallies that were organized by the Okinawa Peoples' Conference. In the rallies where more than 300 people assembled, speakers raised the calls one after another, 'Denounce the police's suppression', 'Smash the Ampo! Overthrow the Abe government!' Activists of the Japanese Communist Party also joined in the protest. The JCP leadership makes it a goal to 'develop cooperation with progressive part of conservatives' and, for that reason, prohibit its rank and file members from raising the call against the US-Japan military alliance in the protest. It pressed its activists to keep away from the students-led blockade-action. But they had rejected the bureaucratic command as they were inspirited by the fighting students and workers. They are now leaving the leadership with distrust. - The US Force authority did not manage to deploy 4 of the Ospreys through the day, as they had planed, but 2 of them. With irritation, it dared to make these 2 Ospreys fly at extraordinarily low altitude right over the protestors in blockade-action at the gate. In order to stop the additional deployment of the Osprey, fighting workers and students in Okinawa have already prepared next actions. The US Force authority is scheming to deploy 10 more of them. From Okinawa to all over the country, let us stir up the flame of 'anti-Ampo! Stop the revision of the Constitution!' (Aug. 3rd) (pic 1) Headed by militant students, the blockade-action was carried out, overwhelming the police's oppression (Aug. 3rd, shortly after 8 o'clock in the morning) (pic 2) Workers, students and residents in protest at the Nodake gate raising their fists of indignation against an Osprey flying above them (Aug. 3rd, in the afternoon) Denounce the US helicopter crash! On August 5th, when protest actions against the Osprey deployment continued, a US military helicopter crashed into a hill in the north part of the Okinawa Island, causing a forest fire and threatening local residents. People's anger is growing day by day. Militant students and workers are determined to develop their fight. [2] To stop the additional deployment of the Osprey, workers and students rise in struggles
- In the face of a strong rain, fighting students of the Kansai region marched on (pic 4) Aug. 1st, Naha in Okinawa: - Hundreds of workers, students and residents raise their fists under the banner of 'Stop the additional deployment of the Osprey!' (pic 5) July 29th Tokyo: In front of the US embassy, Zengakuren students raise the slogan with indignation (pic 6) July 29th Nagoya: Fighting students in the Tokai region march on the US consulate in Nagoya (pic 7) Stop the re-opening of the Tomari nuclear plant! (Iwanai in Hokkaido, July 13th) Fighting students raise the banner of 'Stop the nuclear development!' [4] Stop the introduction of a 'new delivery system' with the aim of a drastic restructuring in the postal service! [5] Stop the government and electric power companies restarting nuclear power plants! Deception in the 'new regulatory standards for nuclear plants' decided by the Nuclear Regulation Authority (Part 2) [6] The Hashimono-led Osaka City authority gives up the unification of its water-supply services with Osaka Prefecture Detroit of the US in financial collapse Workers and people are sacrificed to bail out the monopoly capitalists in the automobile industry Topic The Abe government rushes headlong towards the industrialization of regenerative medicine by making a use of iPS cell [7] My study note on the theory of organization [8] Messages from foreign friends to the Antiwar Assembly (1) - Revolutionary Marxists in Britain - SPARK, South Korea - EEK, Greece - Vladmir Pronin, a member of the presidium of the Committee against Fascism in Ukraine, Ukraine TOP |