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No. 1980
(August 6th Issue)
Down with the Abe government! - The rapid growth of the DPJ led by Ichiro Ozawa hiding his hawkish claws - Shinzo Abe absurdly staying on at the power for constitutional revision - Overthrow the Abe government! Break through an illusion about the Ozawa-led DPJ! [4-5] Series Central European countries drifting in disunion No.1 Hungary: a 'semi colonial country' of the West [2] ![]() Scrap all nuclear plants on dangerous active faults immediately! (Pic: Zengakuren protest against TEPCO and the industrial ministry, July 28th) [6] A forced drive with worn tires: killing a taxi driving worker and passengers JAM: fights back despite pressures from a pro-corporate leadership Topics The latest earthquake: revealing the JIT system to be vulnerable [7] Nursing care workers and old people suffering from the revised care system Successive deaths of starvation: coldness of the Koizumi-Abe conducted 'livelihood protection' [8] South American countries leaving IMF and US dollar 'World Bank should learn from China' (Jeffrey Sachs) A suicide zone of Indian peasants [3] Kaleidoscope 2007 - Radio Moscow on the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuke - A possible domino-effective closures of Taiwanese embassy in South America - Poisoned products: a negative legacy? - US nuclear warheads and their renewal - The JAPAN-VISIT system: controlled by the US intelligence TOP |
No. 1979
(July 30th Issue)
August 5th International Antiwar Assembly ![]() - A 'cold-war-like hot war' between the US and China/Russia over the deployment of missile defense systems - Smash the all-out offensives to revise the Constitution and to strengthen the military alliance by the Abe-led government Overseas appeal for the assembly [4-5] Smash the neo-fascistic revision of the civil service system! Stop privatizations of public services as their dismantlements! Fight against mass sackings of public workers and destruction of their trade unions! - The Abe government planning to revise the pension system through the dismantlement of the Social Insurance Agency - A 'trinity' offensive in the name of 'reform in the civil service' - Intensification of the neo-fascist ruling system in the name of 'buildinga 21st-century type of administrative/financial systems' - Fight to smash the all-out offensive to revise the civil service system and to destroy public workers' unions! [2] Zengakuren protest against a major SDF exercise (July 9th, Hama-Taiki beach, Hokkaido) (Pic.) Waseda University: Fights back against the authority banning handbills Zengakuren Kansai: a street appeal against constitutional revision (July 1st) [3] Denounce the grave nuclear accident at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa power plant cased by the slipshod earthquake-proof design! Fight against the makeshift measures of the government and electricity capital to continue the development of nuclear plants and nuclear armaments! Japan employers' federation: reactionary nature of its 'annual requests for deregulation' [6] Fight back against Hokkaido prefectural authority planning to reorganize public high schools Miseries of contract workers exploited for cleaning hotel rooms Topics Nippon Steel Corp. 'strengthening ties' with Mittal [7] The JCP central leadership helping the government bashing the Social Insurance Agency workers Municipal hospitals faced with offensives for privatization and closure [8] Kaleidoscope 2007 - China free: but 'Poison is a result of globalization'??? - Winter Olympic games: the Czar's ambition - Scandals around the nation-wide ability test for schools - Commandante: retrospection, criticism, excuse and monologue TOP |
No. 1978
(July 23rd Issue)
August 5th International Antiwar Assembly - Bush's acknowledgement of the failure in the reinforcement policy - Iran building an anti-American joint front backed by China/Russia - Advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle on the basis of proletarian internationalism! [4-5] Build the revolutionary bridgehead for struggles against the war and the US-Japan military alliance! For the 77th regular convention of Zengakuren JRCL Central Students' Orgburo [2] Protests against Abe's attendance at the prefectural memorial ceremony for war victims - Okinawa Kengakuren students struggling in solidarity with militant workers (June 22nd-23rd) Antiwar action at Kagoshima University (June 22nd) [6] The central Zenkyo leadership dreaming of 'cooperation with municipal board of education' - Its review on the struggle against the national achievement test Boards of education introducing 'plans to support school improvement' under the orders of the education ministry Topics 'Regularization' of part-time workers: just 2% of the total [7] Japan Postal Workers' Union: the 63rd national convention - Denounce labour aristocrats pledging a full support for 'developing privatized companies'! [8] Reading Kuroda's Notebooks on Postwar Theories on Subjectivity - Learning from his critique of Umemoto's philosophy of subjectivity [3] Kaleidoscope 2007 - 70 years after the invasion - The meat imitations: and worse examples - Police SAT: exhibited for the first time Miserable debates over a new edition of the German Ideology TOP |
No. 1977
(July 16th Issue)
Workers and students in Hokkaido demonstrate against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance (June , Sapporo) (Pic.) 'Stop the US-Japan joint military drill!' - Workers and students struggling on the spot, ASDF Tsuiki Base in Kyushu (June 18th) (Pic.) All-Students' Congress in Aichi University (June 7th) - A resolution 'against constitutional revision' decided. (Pic.) [4] Labour aristocrats supporting from below Toyota capital's measures to control labour [5] The 10th convention of the NTT Workers Union A 70-km flume planned by a prefectural government for a Sharp capital [6] Exposed frauds by nursing care capital Comsn Inc and their root cause 520 yen an hour: miseries of hotel workers in Okinawa Topics Unification of postal workers' unions and its nature against the working class [8] The trade minister of Japan visiting Kazakhstan Chavez travelling around against US imperialism The Hue leadership of China taking advantage of 'turtles' coming back from the west [7] Kaleidoscope 2007 - The A-bomb remark from the defense minister: a suicide bombing against Abe - 'Long lives disadvantageous to the state' - Cluster bombs: again as a vassal state - Angers from people in Okinawa: deletions from history textbooks of the forced collective suicides - 'Yellow diamonds': foe bioethanol TOP |
No. 1976
(July 9th Issue)
Overthrow the Abe government! - Reactionary measures taken by the Abe government in a casual manner - An offensive for massive dismissals of public workers: revision of the National Civil Service Law - All-out offensives for constitutional revision: with the aim to transform Japan into 'a country that can engage in war' - Overcome the official leadership immersed in campaigns for the House of Councillors elections! [4-5] Nicolas Sarkozy staking the future on strengthening the EU - Appearing as a spearheading critic of the Bush administration - Busy maintaining and intensifying the Franco-German axis - A neo-fascist seeking to demolish the French social customs [2] June 17th united actions of workers and students - Osaka: angry fists on the prefectural LDP office - Nagoya: a militant demo against the planned deployment of PAC3 missiles [3] Fight to stop the joint SDF drill on the spot, Hamataiki beach, Hokkaido, on July 9th! [6] Jichiro [prefectural/municipal workers' union]: the 134th meeting of the Central Committee Denounce the central leadership yielding to the bashings on public workers! Win a militant revival of the Jichiro movement! Fight against the massive cuts in job and the intensification of labour for building the four privatized postal companies! [7] Nursing workers to be discarded at the end of a fixed-term, 5 years (planned in a public hospital in Niigata) Hokkaido prefectural board of education forcing longer labour time on teachers Fight back against the abolition of break time! Topics Reactionary 'demands' by the Rengo leadership [8] I will overcome my fault of resultant interpretation! TOP |
No. 1975
(July 2nd Issue)
June 17th Action in Tokyo against the Constitutional
revision - Resolved to smash the all-out offensive for the Constitutional revision - Building up a struggle against the Constitutional revision and the US-Japan military alliance by breaking through the crisis of the opposition movement - Let us fight to overthrow the Abe government despite a storm of neo-fascist offensives Denounce the arrests in the June 17th demo! Two students arrested under the fake pretext of 'interference with government officials in the exercise of their duties' - Unjust searches on Kaihohsha, etc. - Denounce the repression conducted for building 'a country that can engage in war'! [4-5] Revive the labour movement as one against the war and impoverishment! Overcome the defeat in the 2007 spring offensive! Break through the today's Industrial Patriotic movement! Central Workers' Orgburo (1) Support for the state offensives for 'a country that can engage in war' - Assistance for the revision of the Constitution and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance - Positive responses from below to the 'Labour Big-Bang' - Cooperation with the government in its offensive to destroy public workers unions (2) Complement to policies aggravating gaps, the 'absolute impoverishment' - IMF-JC leaders and their fake 'improvement of wages' - The labour aristocrats deserting the working poor - The deceptive nature of the Rengo's demands for 'correcting gaps' (Published previously ) (3) The root cause for the ruin of the Japanese labour movement - The Rengo leadership supporting the war and the oppressive rule - The JCP-led Zenroren verging on the crisis as losing the 'significance of its existence' (4) Fight for a militant revival of the labour movement despite the grave neo-fascist reaction! - Struggles by the revolutionary workers breaking through today's Industrial Patriotic movement - Fight for de-construction of Rengo! (First published) [2] Denounce the House of Councillors voting the education-related four bills! Education workers fighting in front of the Diet Building, June 19th-20th - Militant, conscientious members of teachers' unions raising their fists of anger - Denouncing the central JTU leadership helping the Abe-led 'education reform' - Overcoming the central Zenkyo leadership immersed in election campaigns Zengakuren fighting in solidarity with workers (June 20th) [6] Denounce the state defraudation of pension premiums over tens of trillions of yens! The Koizumi-Abe 'pension reform' and its reactionary nature against the working people - The realities: a tremendous defraudation of premiums by the LDP governments - All responsibilities to the Koizumi-Abe government - An exposure of the neo-fascist nature of the 'pension reform' [7] The Ozawa-led Democratic Party calling for a 'counter offensive' in the coming elections - The Ozawa manifesto stressing 'the priority onto the people's living' - His deceptive alternative in the 'pension reform' - His foreign policy showing the flag of 'independence from the US' - Denounce the Rengo leadership forcing the membership 'to support the DPJ'! [8] Denounce the unjust judge by the Tokyo District Court on the disciplinary dismissal for the national flag and anthem! Toyota subsidiaries cruelly using Vietnamese 'trainees' with the lowest wages Topics The punished nursing care company: another crime [3] Kaleidoscope 2007 - Bush breaking his won sanction on North Korea: the bank of the banks is not a bank - A Prague spring: from beets to rape blossoms - The minister's suicide relieving the prime minister - Escaping from a Titanic: another allegory TOP |
No. 1974
(June 25th Issue)
Denounce the state defraudation of pension
premiums! - All-out offensives for the state leap to a 'country that can engage in war' - A cold war-like hot war intensified between the US and China-Russia - Overcome the official leaderships immersed in vote-collecting campaigns for the House of Councillors elections! [4-5] Revive the labour movement as one against the war and impoverishment! Overcome the defeat in the 2007 spring offensive! Break through the today's Industrial Patriotic movement! Central Workers' Orgburo (1) Support for the state offensives for 'a country that can engage in war' - Assistance for the revision of the Constitution and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance - Positive responses from below to the 'Labour Big-Bang' - Cooperation with the government in its offensive to destroy public workers unions (2) Complement to policies aggravating gaps, the 'absolute impoverishment' - IMF-JC leaders and their fake 'improvement of wages' - The labour aristocrats deserting the working poor - The deceptive nature of the Rengo's demands for 'correcting gaps' (3) The root cause for the ruin of the Japanese labour movement - The Rengo leadership supporting the war and the oppressive rule - The JCP-led Zenroren verging on the crisis as losing the 'significance of its existence' (4) Fight for a militant revival of the labour movement despite the grave neo-fascist reaction! - Struggles by the revolutionary workers breaking through today's Industrial Patriotic movement - Fight for de-construction of Rengo! [2] Denounce the government deleting from history textbooks the military's role in the mass civilian suicides! - 3500 workers, students and citizens with seething angers (June 9th, Okinawa) Students from Aichi and Nagoya universities protesting a MSDF warship entering a local civilian port (May 25, Nagoya) A Kansai student meeting against the Constitutional revision (May 20th) [6] 'Complete abolition of workers protection legislations' stressed by a government panel A speech by the JCP Chairman: busy glossing over the failure in the line of 'cooperation with conservatives' [8] Overseas Appeal for the 45th International Antiwar Assembly See the full text [3] Kaleidoscope 2007 - Stirs created by the fantastic alternative: an MD base in Azerbaijan - As a man sows, so shall he reap: an egoistic US claim in Okinawa - A thorny path to retreat - A country of emigrants - A ridiculous catch copy TOP |
No. 1973
(June 18th Issue)
Fight for a militant upsurge of - Confrontation between the US and China-Russia over the deployment of MD systems - The Abe-led ultra-reactionary Japanese government rushing for the all-out offensive in the Constitutional revision! - Fight under the banner 'Stop the neo-fascist reaction!' [4-5] The Chinese economy in a conjuncture under the globalized economy [Continued from the previous issue] (1) A tug-of-war over the rate of people's yuan between the US and China (2) Socio-economic contradictions intensified under the rapid economic growth - A shock from the China-started world simultaneous crashes at stock markets - Reorganization of its industrial structure dependent on foreign demand (3) An economic struggle under the new US-China confrontation [2] 'Stop the revision of the four education-related laws!' Zengakuren rises in front of the Diet building. (June 6th) Fists of anger against a US-Japan joint military exercise (May 20, SDF Komatsu base, Hokuriku) Students from Nagoya and Aichi universities protest an aegis-equipped USS calling at a local civilian port (May 19th, Nagoya) JRCL propaganda against the Constitutional referendum bill (May 14th, Sapporo) [6] Oppose the enactment of a 'municipal finance normalization law'! Absurd excursions in the 'national test of the academic ability' Topics the worst recommendation of governmental advisors: 'Raise in the minimum wage can cause unemployment' [7] Osaka court justifying a false 'subcontract' by Matsushita PDP Co. Temporary workers and frequent industrial accidents: Ishikawa Prefcture [8] Insincerity in the 'Inconvenient Truth' Castro criticizing Bush for 'crazy ethanol production' [3] Kaleidoscope 2007 - Ura to the 'asymmetrical response' - Today's 'land reform' in Japan - Hail Putin! - Merkel's fence TOP |
No. 1972
(June 11th Issue)
Join June 17th united actions of workers
and students! - The Bush Empire forced to engage in operations at tree 'fronts' - China and Russia challenging the 'sole superpower's' domination of the world - The Abe government rushing for a Bush-imposed revised Constitution - Denounce the official leadership built a 'hexagonal pyramid' of the ruling order! Fight against the Constitutional revision, against the war and the military alliance! [4-5] The Chinese economy in a conjuncture under the globalized economy (1) A tug-of-war over the rate of people's yuan between the US and China (2) Socio-economic contradictions intensified under the rapid economic growth - A shock from the China-started world simultaneous crashes at stock markets - Reorganization of its industrial structure dependent on foreign demand (3) An economic struggle under the new US-China confrontation [2] A fight back against the mobilization of a maritime SDF warship - Struggles against a new US Marine base at Henoko, Okinawa (May 18th-20th) Militant students of Kagoshima University - Struggling at a prefectural Peace Movement Centre rally (May 8th) - Addressing against the military alliance at a local Constitution Day meeting (May 3rd) - 'Antiwar Walk' through the downtown (April 27th) Campus report - Kagoshima University: protests against regulations on placards (April 24th) [6] Oppose the official introduction of nationalist education! No revision of the Constitution! Stop revision of the education-related four laws! - Stop the introduction of a regular renewal system of teachers' licence - No to an intensified state control on education! - Oppose attempts to strengthen a capacity-biased education! - Denounce the enforcement of the national ability test! JRCL protests against the House of Representatives deciding revisions to the three education-related laws (May 18th, Fukuoka) Militant workers struggle to stop a public hearing in Fukuoka (May 9th) Topics The ruling LDP bashing the JTU [7] Denounce the government launching a new offensive on public workers for lower wages! Chukakuha remnants liquidating in Kyushu [8] The Correa-led 'anti-US' government in Ecuador raising a banner 'against neo-liberalism' [3] Kaleidoscope 2007 - Putin the Terrible and his ambition - A maritime SDF warship against the Okinawa protest - Mission impossible: a top sale mission from Japan to the Middle East TOP |
No. 1971
(June 4th Issue)
Fight for an upsurge in antiwar struggle, struggle against the military alliance! Rise in the June 17th united actions of workers and students aiming at overthrowing the Abe government! No strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! No constitutionalization of 'the exercise of the right to collective defence' - The Japanese neo-con government rushing to an all-out offensive for the constitutional revision! - A crisis of warfare intensified under the new confrontation between the US-Japan and China-Russia - Build up the struggle to stop the Constitutional revision by denouncing the official leadership engulfed by the revisionist tide! [4-5] 'Socialist' Cuba deepening its degeneration and confusion - 'The shining star' of Latin America (?) - Castro's 'way of survival' - Struggles against 'capitalist corruption' - Nothing reviewed about the bankrupted Stalinism - Return to Martism [2] 'Stop the enactment of the bill to support the US Force transformation!' - Zengakuren carries out its struggle in front of the Diet building 'Stop the House of Councillors voting the Constitutional referendum bill!' - A militant demonstration in Nagoya (May 13th) (2 pics. upper) - Zengakuren protest against the prefectural LDP office (May 15th) (Pic. lower) [3] Workers and students surround US Kadena base in Okinawa - The annual peace march (May 11th-12th) - Surrounding action on the base (May 13th) Okinawa Peace Movement Centre rally (May 15th) - Workers and students call against the Constitutional revision [6] 'Supply chain management'-based reforms by monopolies in the book distributing industry Topics 'Draft business plans' announced for would-be postal companies: Fight against increased burdens on workers! [7] Learn from comrade Yoshikawa's struggles A false accusation by Toyama prefectural police revealed: an innocent man jailed for three years Rengo Hokkaido rally for May Day and a militant inspiration [8] Kaleidoscope 2007 - Like 'saving private Ryan' but fated to dishonourable retreat: US forces in Iraq - MOP (Massive Ordnance Penetrator): or the extremity in the US 'mass' military technology - Buy BSE-infected US beef! TOP |