Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation |
The International Antiwar Assembly ![]() - The Bush administration preparing its military invasion against Iraq - Upsurge of "anti-US, anti-Zionist" struggles - The Koizumi government rushing to strengthen the neo-fascist ruling system - Advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle! [2] Zengakuren struggle against SDF military drills in Hokkaido together with trade-union workers - Protests waged at the beach just before the LCAC landing (Photo right) - 1000 workers rallied at the site - Supportive responses to a Zengakuren speech criticizing JCP leaders 1000 people rallied against the Emergency Bills - 23 July, before the Diet Building, called by transportation-related trade unions - JRCL propaganda against US imperialist 'wars on terrorism' No resumption of the dangerous plu-thermal project! - Workers and students rallied at a nuke plant, 4 July, Fukui [3] WorldCom and the US stock plunge - America's 'fictitious prosperity' approaching to its end - 'Audit the auditors!'? Bush's shallow way 'to restore investors' confidence' [4-5] Anti-terrorism vs. opposition to unilateralism: what's behind the 'cooperation' among the US, EU, and Russia 1. Praises to 'a partner of Europe and the US' 2. Submission to American imperialism and realistic calculation 3. Another phase in the 'new Cold War' 4. Conflicts developed over oil resources [6] Denounce the forcible passage of the medical reform bills! 1. Increased burdens for medical expense imposed on workers and the aged 2. Breakthrough of the financial crisis by an increased expropriation from the people 3. Neo-fascist reorganization of the medical and welfare system [7] Smash offensives to deprive teachers of rights to 'self-training' during summer holidays! - The education ministry's order for 'appropriate management of work' - Ban on the self-training and order to go to schools - Brainwashing of teachers into supporters of the statistic and talent-based education - Denounce the JTU leadership for accepting the ministry's order! Topics The government's plan to expand 'flex-time work' and 'limited-term work' [8] This is the ID card for the nation-wide resident registry network - Stop the big brother system starting! Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Work TOP |
Oppose imperialist America expanding the
'war on terrorism'! - A tense situation in the Korean Peninsula after the exchange of fires - Intensifying oppositions between the US and China-Russia over 'the war to eradicate terrorism' - Fight out by overcoming the official peace movements degraded to the 'defence of the fatherland' position! [2] US military vehicles killed two junior high school students Surging protests in South Korea - Run over by a 54-ton armoured vehicle rushing from behind - The US military taking an arrogant attitude - Surging protests against the incident and demands for US withdrawal [3] Stop the state networking of resident resisters! - The Koizumi government scheming to start the big brother system - Political control systems tightened for participation in the 'war on terrorism' - The SDPJ and JCP just demanding for 'protection of personal information' - Smash neo-fascist reactions! [4] The Emergency Legislation is 'unnecessary': the criminal view by the SDPJ still dreaming of a 'current of peace' 1. The bankruptcy of the 'party of women and citizens', who are aloof from actual struggles of the working people 2. Submission to the ideology of 'national defence' 3. A fallacious perception of the world affairs affected by its 'peace' policies 4. 'A multinational cooperation system' dependent on reasons of power holders 5. Approaching to civic movements: an unrealistic desire [6] NTT Workers' Union cut the 'reward for leadership' by 15% - Still they get 19 million yens per year! Harsh unpaid overtime work - Workers to be sacked after appealing to labour standards bureaus Topics The education ministry attacked teachers' rights to self-training: aiming to oppress trade union movement 0 Kaleidoscope 2002 - Ishihara's 'new party' rumoured - Charitable George Solos: a hawkish business covered with dove's feathers - Bush's scheme toward Iraq: bitter enemies in the same boat - WWF foresees the future: love for turtles save the earth? - 19 years after the mysterious 'suicide' of a leading LDP politician: the widow revealed the truth. [8] Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Works: together with colleagues murdered in state conspiracies - Anger and hatred at the state power - Confrontation with political manoeuvrists - Recreation of the starting point From a reader of The Communist No. 197 TOP |
For the 40th International Antiwar Assembly
in Japan - World-wide expansion of the 'war on terrorism' - Impulse for a nuclear first strike - The Koizumi government bent on building systems for war participation - Fight to overcome degenerate official peace movements! Central and regional meetings to be held on the same day: 4 August (Sun) - See an Overseas Appeal by the Executive Committee [2] Stop SDF warships leaving for the Indian Sea! - 2 July, Sasebo: Zengakuren Kyushu fought at the port, and at the gate of an SDF base. - 1 July, Kure: Zengakuren Kansai protested at the pier. No to a ceremony for revision of the Constitution! Zengakuren protested against a local public hearing in Sapporo, in and outside of the venue. - 'No revision of Article 9!' A student from the University of Hokkaido addressed. - A massive propaganda against the revision. Kobe University: No to a joint research with SDF for 'emergency' - Professors invited SDF officers to research Japan's responses to take in an 'emergency over the Taiwan Strait' - Students' protests expanded against the school authority [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - Behind the word 'together': Bush and Putin, for oil. - The police 'cyber force': to turn the worst cracker. - The misfortunes that the French party are suffering today might fall upon the Japanese one: Hue and Shii. - Recent definition of 'Model Workers' in China: private entrepreneurs. [4-5] No to the 'big brother' plan! Stop the government from launching a national numbering system! Build a broad battle front against neo-fascist reactions! 1. A national numbering system to be introduced for controlling the whole nation - The government rushing to build a national online system for resident registration - For controlling the people under the neo-fascist state - Thorough surveillance of the people for strengthening the repressive security order system - Centralization of the basic data for mobilization of the nation to wars 2. A sweeping strengthening of the Japanese neo-fascist ruling system 3. Produce a battle front to break the strengthening of the neo-fascist system [6] The 18th Convention of the JCP-led Zenkyo teachers' union: discussions limited to the 'school making' under the slogan of 'a constructive proposal type movement' - Leaders mentioned nothing about the 16 June rally against the Emergency Bills - They order the number to start a 'proposal-type movement' Juchiro [prefectural and municipal workers' union]: Denounce the leadership for covering up the embezzlement scandal! - Criticize the new leadership for leaving the issue vague Topics A spring offensive for capitalists! [7] JCP A pragmatic shift in the tactics against the Emergency Bills: for covering up the criminal acceptance of a 'defensive war' (Continued from the previous issue) C. Today's version of the 'defence of the fatherland position' - 'No to the use of force abroad': because 'respect must be paid for the national sovereignty' - Effective abandonment of the anti-Security Treaty cause [8] From a reader of Early Writing of Kan'ichi Kuroda A letter from Argentine LIT(CI) - Democracia Obrera, COTP (CI) To international healthy forces of Trotskyism TOP |
Oppose imperialist America's limited wars
against terrorism! - US-Russian cooperation in nuclear issues and Russia's full G8 membership - Bush's growing impulse to expand the 'war on terrorism' - Oppose the US strengthening of nuclear armament! Smash the Emergency Bills! August 4 The 40th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan - The central meeting held in Tokyo, opening at 12:00; regional meetings in Sapporo, Kanazawa, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, and Okinawa on the same day. - Overseas Appeal issued by the Executive Committee. [2] For the 72th Zengakuren Regular National Convention - Dark clouds of 'wars on terrorism' covering the world - Establish a revolutionary tactics for struggles! Build a strong organized formation! 8 June, Okinawa: 5500 people gathered against the Emergency Bills - Okinawa Kengakuren inspired the rally. - Based on struggles from trade unions. 22 June, Osaka: workers and students marched on the prefectural LDP office - 'Down with the Koizumi government!' Calls through the downtown of the city. 19 June, Kagoshima: local students took the street against the Emergency Bills - 'No prolongation of the current Diet session!' [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - US troops exempted from ICC prosecution: the extremity of the arrogance. - Look at this barbarity by US forces! The bloody wedding party in Afghanistan! - WorldCom: if rotten apples are to be truly removedc - A special squad of SDF troops: with a special makeup and in camouflaged clothes [4] JCP A pragmatic shift in the tactics against the Emergency Bills: for covering up the criminal acceptance of a 'defensive war' 1. 'The JCP opposes any attempt to construct a state for sending its troops abroad': their surrender to the JRCL's criticism. - After having received our concentrated ideological bombardments. 2. A new tactics: again revealing their criminality - What the JCP calls an 'attempt to construct a state for sending its troops abroad'. - America's 'runaway hegemonism'? [6] Never allow the Tokyo Board of Education to 'rebuild the system of school management'! - 'Reforms yet to be advanced in prefectural-run high schools' - Orders for 'the upgrading of teachers' ability' and 'the improvement in structures for school management' - Inciting competitions between schools - Introduction of a numerical 'plan-do-see' system - Criticize leaders for giving up any opposition movement! Topics Successive reorganizations of trade unions in private sectors: Rengo labour aristocrats scheming to complete the industrial patriotic movement. [7] The ultra-nationalist version of school textbooks on civics: to preach the spirit of self-sacrificing devotion to the state - What is called the 'awareness of being members of the state'. - 'Pathological phenomena in present-day society'? Series History of Aggression The July 7th incident at Lugouqiao: to the full war against China - Violating the whole China under the pretext 'for removing armed forces against Japan' - The Nanking Massacre and the national mobilization system - Never repeat the bloody history! [8] From a reader of 'The Beginning of the End' - On the first sentences. - Despite our struggles in 1999. - On the title. - Let real flowers bloom! From a reader of K. Kuroda's Life and His Works TOP |
For a revolutionary upsurge of the struggle
Fight overcoming parliamentarianist
by the official leadership! |
No to the Emergency Bills! Go Forward!
Militant workers and students in the forefront - Transport-related trade unions called the mass rally. - Young columns of students aroused excite. - In opposition to the JCP central leadership's parliamentarianist distortion, joint actions surged from below. [2] Smash the local public hearing for the Bill! Stop SDF warships leaving for the war! - Zengakuren Kyushu demonstrated against the hearing, 7 June. - Protested together with local trade unions against the departure of vessels, 8 June. No the Emergency Bills! - 6,000 gathered in a trade-union- based rally in Kansai, 8 June. - On the basis of creative activities at workplaces. JRCL propagandized at a JCP-led labour centre's rally against the Bills, 13 June. - A good response. - Repellence and dissatisfaction expanding from below against the leaders. [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - A warmonger afraid of Another closing in on - Power holders and the World Cup. - Count the number of deformed children: crimes by W. Senior. [4] Shatter the major restructuring in the postal service! Fight back against it by denouncing the labour aristocrats immersed in a movement to protect the national service! 1. A major restructuring started - A sweeping job cuts under the pretext 'for getting out of the red'. - Calls for 'Upgraded service': schemes for wage cuts and strengthened labour. 2. 'A framing of the Postal Agency' - A research panel's interim report. - Contents of the report. - Oppositions over the planned 'participation of private companies in the postal service'. - Moves to 'full privatization of the postal service' initiated by Koizumi. 3. Labour aristocrats in the Postal Workers' Union: totally accepting the restructuring. - 'The framing agrees to the union's vision.'??? - Abandonment of wage struggles. - Aristocrats joining in the 'antiterrorism chorus'. - In spite of storms of repression, organize fight-backs from workplaces! [5] Expose the history of aggression The Manchurian Incident: a conspiracy - The use of force was justified In the name of 'removal of the cases of dangers'. [6] Never allow them to build a 'medical system in the event of an emergency'! - Counter-measures for BC weapons, dispatches abroad of medical teams, etc. - 'Medical treatment in battlegrounds' imposed upon medical workers. - 'Orders of engagement': an obligatory 'devotion to the state'. - Fight back by overcoming the distortion of the struggle by the leadership! Topics A JCP trade union leader openly arguing the 'end of the spring offensive'. [7] A letter: Questions about the translation of Stalinist Socialism [8] Call for the 40th International Antiwar Assembly - Executive Committee for the International Antiwar Assembly TOP |
![]() 1200 Workers and Students Demonstrated on the Diet Bldg. and the Prime Minister's House Smash the Bills for a War of Aggression! Stop the War on Terrorism Expanded! A Burning Demonstration in a Scrum - 'Down with the Koizumi Cabinet!', declared the Zengakuren Chairman. - Strengthen the class front line! Go forward! 16 June 60,000 people rallied against the Bill for a war of aggression - Called by transport-related trade-union groups. (Photos in the English Home. Detals to be reported in next issue). [2] ![]() - Municipal workers' unions, teachers' unions, private railway workers' unions, etc rallied; with militant workers in the forefront. - Angry voices exploded against an optimistic speech by the official leadership - JRCL propagandized to smash the Bills. (Photo right). 8 June Stop the third dispatch of SDF troops to the Indian Ocean! - Zengakuren students took an emergency protest against the Defence Agency. - Also denounced the controversial blacklist-making by the Agency. 8 June Denounce the US Subcritical nuclear testing! - Zengakuren protested at the US Embassy in Tokyo. [3] - Iranian ZamZam-Cola a big hit: 'economic terrorism'? - A Bloody Sunday in Moscow: a soccer game. - Koizumi at a soccer stadium: an old method to boost popularity. - Close to Yankey's neck: China to use a Russian intelligence base in Cuba. - True hooligans: special police teams and an SDF plane over a stadium. [4-5] Denounce the Rengo leadership demanding for 'a more workable emergency law'! 1.Joint actions surging from below - Joint actions of trade unions breaking the boundaries of national centres - Official leaders' attempts to oppress the action and militant workers' struggles to break them 2. The Rengo leadership stressing 'the need of the emergency law' 3. An industrial patriotic movement to support 'a state that can wage a war' - A Rengo's 'panel to review the fundamental policy of the nation' led by right-wing labour aristocrats - The Rengo-committed '21st century vision panel' bent on forming public opinion for revision of the constitution - Expose the betrayal by the Rengo leadership! [6] Introduction of the new system of collection and delivery: confusions caused at postal workplaces - Excessive speed-up, increased traffic accidents, recovery of mistaken deliveries by casual employees - Bosses (and trade union leaders) shifting the responsibility onto regular workers Subcontractors and casual workers in postal service: under deteriorated conditions - from 7 am to 11 pm. - Wage cuts. - An accident straight to dismissal - Dangerous and hard Topos Rengo leaders proposal for 'medical reform': 'more effective service' and 'expenses to be shared even by the aged' [7] From a reader of Essential Terms of Revolutionary Marxism - TOPOS A letter from a reader - I engrave those lamentations of Afghans on my mind. [8] From a reader of K. Kuroda's Life and His Works From a reader of The Beginning of the End TOP |
Smash the Bills for a War of Aggression! - The Emergency Bills as those for a war of aggression - Koizumi scheming to join Japan in a US aggression on Iraq - Surging waves against the Bills and struggles by revolutionary workers and students - Fight aiming to overthrow neo-fascist Koizumi government! Find photos in the ENGLISH HOME, June 15th and 16th demonstrations [2] Smash the ceremony for the 30th anniversary of Okinawa's reversion! - 19 May, Zengakuren demonstrated on the venue. - 18 May, Zengakuren inspired the Okinawa People's Rally Solidarity against the Bills - 25 May, Kagoshima Peace Movement Centre held a rally High-spirited, against the Bills and the Constitutional revision - 15 May, Hokkaido Tokachi district rally [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - No control tower: the Koizumi Cabinet straying. - 'Even a leader cannot be allowed to neglect the Party's rule.': A farce in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. - From Aa3 to A2: Objections from Japanese financial officers, in vain. - The Defence Agency's black lists. - Machineguns at soccer stadiums: whom do they aim? [4] Kosolapov's group in the CPRF and their failure - An intra-party faction named 'Leninist-Stalinist Platform': its foundation and dissolution - Backgrounds against the foundation of the Kosolapov's group - The 'faction' which is not a faction - The fate of Kosolapov [5] Denounce the shots on a JR bullet train! Smash state conspiracies to destroy the trade union against war! - Dangerous sabotages against train operations: successively in JR East area - It's the eve of a war of aggression: Smash the state conspiracies engineered to destroy the revolutionary leftwing and the militant labour movement! [6] Stop the Emergency Bills! Defend the Peace Constitution! Rally in Ishikawa - Held by the prefectural Rengo: 2200 workers rallied - Angry voices against Rengo leaders and the SDPJ - Resolutions expressed by dock, medical and transport workers The US-made system for controlling students to be introduced in Japanese high schools - Named 'Zero tolerance' Topics New system of wages and personnel management proposed for the Business Federation [7] For the theory of education labour: on concerned articles in The Communist (Continued from the previous issue) 2. On the 'elucidation of education in the approach of political economy' [8] Series The Reichstag Fire (4) - How did Dimitrov fight? - The notorious theory of 'Social Fascism' From a reader of K. Kuroda's Life and His Works TOP |
15 June Demonstration on the Diet - Stop Japanese imperialism joining in imperialist America's 'war on terrorism'! - Denounce Rengo and JCP leaders for their criminal responses! - Stop the Bills with all our might! Down with the Koizumi Cabinet! Transport-related trade unions call another mass protest for 16 June! [2] Stop the Emergency Bills! Nationwide ![]() - Seamen's, railway workers' and other trade unions pressed the Rengo central leadership for fight from below. - JRCL denounced official leaders for their distorted organization of mass protests as the means of pressure for their parliamentary bargaining 14 transport-related trade unions took a joint action (20 May, Osaka) - 'Build a fighting front!' JRCL propagandized for 5000 workers. - 'We'll never allow the government to mobilize workers for war.' Seamen, railway and airline workers expressed their resolutions. - Militant students received the warmest responses. - Militant workers have struggled to realize the joint action in spite of leaders' oppression. Students from Kansai region held a solidarity rally (27 Apr, Osaka) - Resolutions made to stop the Bills, together with freshers. A protest rally held at Kagoshima University in Kyushu (26 Apr) - Students addressed one after another. [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - For the 'man who goes to bed at 9:30' the Saudi royalty is now an 'enemy'. - If forecast, the use of force will be permitted. - 'An enemy to the enemy is a friend.' Castro received the former US president. - A spy laughing at a spy. [4-5] For the 15 June demonstration - JRCL Student Orgburo Win a great explosion of antiwar struggle against the Security Treaty by breaking through the oppressions from the official SDPJ / JCP leadership! I. Japan and the US rushing to a war of aggression 1. The Koizumi Government desperate to pass the Emergency Bills for a war of aggression - Offensives for passing the Bills within the current Diet session - For Japan's full participation in the 'war on terrorism' 2. The collapsing 'coalition against terrorism' and hawkish measures by American imperialism - The protracted war in Afghanistan - Surging waves of anti-US and anti-Zionism - The Bush administration's hawkish breakthroughs of the political isolation 3. Opposition movements at a turning point II. Smash the Emergency Bills! Stop the US expanding its 'war on terrorism'! 1. Denounce the JCP central leadership degraded to the 'defence of the fatherland' position! - 'Bills for America's war of intervention in Asia': a misapprehension - Alternatives for 'self-defence': criminal 2. Smash the Emergency Bills with all the might of workers and students! [6] Chemical labour front under a new attempt of reorganization: Never allow the leaders to strengthen the industrial patriotic movement! - The Chemical Union to be dissolved Mayday rallies in Fukuoka - JRCL leaflets received supportive responses. Topics The Central Education Council's interim report for 'measures for promoting volunteer activities': to impose today's version of the 'self-devotion for the state' under the cover of 'individual autonomy' [7] For the theory of education labour: on concerned articles in The Communist I. Around the explanation of education based on historical materialism 1. On the presented definition 'education for securing and fostering labour-power commodities' 2. On the 'upgrading of the quality of labour power of the youth' [8] Theory of 'publicity': a new paradigm to overcome nationalism and individualism? (2) B. 'A new publicity' being of a type to complement the state C. 'Philosophy of Öffentlichkeit' and its fundamental deception TOP |
Smash the Emergency Bills for a War of Aggression!
- Anti-US and anti-Zionist waves surging up - The 'International coalition against terrorism' falling apart and hawkish breakthroughs by Bush - Stop imperialist Japan's full participation in a war against Iraq! [2] ![]() - 40,000 people gathered in response to a call by 20 groups of transport-related trade unions. - Struggles being built up from workplaces and campuses. - JRCL denounces the official leaders trapped in a talk around the 'defence of the country. (Photo: JRCL leaflets received supportive responses). - Smash the Bills with the united power of the working class! ![]() Zengakuren welcomed freshers, 12 May, Tokyo - Chairman Iida alerted participants to the Bills for a war of aggression - 'Have an ideological weapon to confront with the world' A Zengakuren OB gave the warmest greetings - Fresh students expressed their resolutions. [3] Kaleidoscope 2002 - 'It did not raise enough alarm with anybody': Being incompetent is better than irresponsible? - As if having eyewitnessed it ... : TV images of the event at the Japanese Consulate in China - 'Enemies are also behind us, even inside': a meaningful review by Koizumi on a film. - Bullets on a JR Shinkansen train: an announcement of revival by the perpetrators of the bloody Asahi Shinbun incident? Just after the 15-year statute of limitations ran out. [4] Theory of 'publicity': a new paradigm to overcome nationalism and individualism? (1) 1. A current of the 'philosophy of Öffentlichkeit' 2. Reactionary nature of the 'post-modern publicity' - Complement to neo-liberalist policies (To continue) [5] 5 years after the Kobe Incident: Advance struggles to expose the CIA conspiracy in the bloody Kobe Incident! - Remarkable advancement in struggles by civic groups - Let us advance the struggle [6] May-day rallies nation-wide - JRCL propagandized A national achievement test conducted by the education ministry - With the aim to strengthen the ability-centred education Topics Rengo announced its view on the Emergency Bills: 'The legislation is needed.' - Labour aristocrats decides the reactionary response in spite of strong opposition from transport-related trade unions. [7] Series The Reichstag Fire (3) - Only 3 weeks after the Fire, the Enabling Act was legislated. Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Works: On 'An Artificial Satellite and the Moscow Declaration' - Throbbing of the age hearing on - Claps to the revolutionary criticisms - Advance with the red flag unfurling [8] A new book just released Crimes of the Security Police Seen in Uchigeba-Pretended Attacks TOP |