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No. 2080
(August 3rd 2009 Issue)
August 2nd - Intensification in the military confrontation between the US and China-Russia - Create an international antiwar struggle under the banner 'Oppose the newly started nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia!' [4-5] A newly started race between the US and Russia for strengthening their nuclear military capabilities under cover of 'arms reduction' A crisis of another war fomented by the 'new confrontation between the US and China-Russia' (1) A new phase in the mutual deception between the US and Russia (2) Obama's plot to push forward his 'comprehensive nuclear strategy' (3) Russia and China bent on strengthening their nuclear military capabilities against US imperialism
A fictitious talk between DPJ leaders: Hatoyama and Ozawa, at their national headquarters [2] Aichi University: the Students' Assembly (Jun. 11th) 800 students resolved against the campus relocation plan, held a demonstration and submitted a petition with over 1500 signatures against the plan. 'Opposition to the Constitutional revision for making Japan a country that can engage in war alongside with the US' was also decided. (Pic. right middle) [3] Stop the military exercise! (Hokkaido, Jul. 9th) Zengakuren Hokkaido, and militants students from other regions, rose in a fight against an aggressive landing exercise of SDF troops at Hamataiki beach. They joined in a rally sponsored by a trade union-based peace movement organization and fought it out together with workers. (Pic above) A 'Students' March' in Tokyo (Jul. 18th) Militant students in the Tokyo area carried out a demonstration under the slogan 'Stop the rush to war! Fight back against offensives to plunge people into poverty! Down with the Aso government!' (Pic right) Kanazawa University students marched through their local city under the banner 'Down with the Aso government!' (Jul. 12th) (Pic right) [6] Workers in the auto industry faced with massive sackings in the Tokai region. The JCP-led medical workers unions forcing members to collect votes for the party Topics Labour aristocrats in the Japan Post Workers' Union chanting 'Build a labour movement as the ruling party' [7] The JCP central leadership desperate to rebuild their workplace cells in decline with the aim of mobilizing them for election campaigns Oppose the Hokkaido prefectural board of education strengthening the administrative system of public schools (Continued) [8] My notebooks on 'associated labour process': for a 'homework' given by comrade Kuroda TOP |
No. 2079
(July 27th 2009 Issue)
Overthrow the 'dying' Aso government ![]() - Workers and people seething with anger against the Aso government and neoliberal policies for 'structural reform' - The Hatoyama-led Democratic Party of Japan, the 'hawks with dove's wings' showing their talons - Denounce the official leadership distorting struggles as election campaigns for a DPJ government - Fight to break the impasse of the Japanese class struggle! [2] Zengakuren students fought against the legislation for inspecting North Korean ships (July 14th, in front of the Diet building) (Pic right) Kagoshima University students staged a demonstration through their local town against the new legislation for sending Japanese troops abroad (Jun. 19th) (Pic right) [3]
(Pic right) A JCP-led peace rally in Osaka shaken by JRCL leaflets against the leadership's praise for Obama's 'nuclear disarmament' speech (Jun. 23rd) Denounce the enactment of the law for organ transplant! [4-5] The bankruptcy of General Motors Co. and its 'nationalization': the collapse of the US auto industry - 'Nationalization', an attempt to tide over the crisis - The grand failure in the measures to gloss over its declining productivity and competitiveness - Great difficulties in the way of reconstruction [6] Hokkaido: Smash the offensive by the prefectural authority for massive reduction in personnel 'Requests for deregulation' issued by the employers' federation Topics A new principle taken by labour aristocrats in Rengo [7] Oppose the Hokkaido prefectural board of education strengthening the administrative system of public schools Denounce the revision of the immigration control act connected with that of the resident registry law [8] Kaleidoscope - A 'nuclear power renaissance' in the US: just temporary - The Czech Republic: The road to hell - Battles over pipelines: tubes with no oil - Successive confessions of former spies TOP |
No. 2078
(July 20th 2009 Issue)
Fight to extend the revolutionary antiwar
struggle internationally! ![]() - The Uygur revolt shaking Hu's China - A deceptive bargaining between the US and Russia with their nuclear arms race intensified on the other hand (Pic) Zengakuren Kansai protesting the second dispatch of Japanese troops off Somalia (Maizuru port, Jul. 6th) [4-5] For the 79th Zengakuren National Convention Go forward on the basis of the lessons from the development of antiwar and politico-economic struggles! Central Students' Orgburo (1) Antiwar and politico-economic struggles we have developed under the slogan: Overthrow the 'dying' Aso government! - We have been leading the class struggle in Japan under the banner 'Down with the Aso government!' - We have been advancing antiwar struggles by exposing the deceptive nature of the US-Russia talks for 'nuclear arms reduction' - Denounce North Korea's nuclear testing! Oppose the US and Japanese government strengthening a quasi-war footing! (2) Theoretical lessons from our fight to advance antiwar and politico-economic struggles - For deepening our analysis of the world affairs - For strengthening our criticism of the JCP-led peace movement for 'nuclear disarmament' - For advancing antiwar and politico-economic struggles
[2] 'Rengo's actions for peace in Okinawa' (June 23rd-24th) - Conscious workers fighting in opposition to labour aristocrats' oppression [3] Stop the second dispatch of Japanese troops off Somalia! Students of Zengakuren Kansai fought to stop the second dispatch of Japanese troops off Somalia which was allowed by the new legislation under the cover of 'anti-piracy mission' (Jul. 6th). See pictures above (at Maizuru port) and right (Maritime SDF Headquarters at Maizuru). In solidarity with struggles in Maizuru, Zengakuren students waged their protest in front of the Defence Ministry in Tokyo (Jul. 6th). Workers and residents protested an SDF event for consolidation propaganda (Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Jun. 6th) Students of the Nagoya University protested the legislation for sending troops abroad in front of the LDP's Aich prefectural office (Jun. 19th) [6] Smash the neoliberal, statist 'reform in education'! Denounce the JTU leadership reducing the struggle into an election campaign for the Democratic Party of Japan! Topics An advocator of 'renaissance of the Japanese labour movement' based on minor unions finding a kindred spirit in a notorious neo-liberal demagogue [7] The Indian elections: the victory of the Congress party Singh's second term filled with social, economic contradictions The military Bonapartist regime in Myanmer: supported by the Hu-led Chinese government [8] My reflection on the topos of life and death Through discussions with comrades TOP |
No. 2077
(July 13th 2009 Issue)
On the third anniversary of comrade Kan'ichi
Kuroda's death The Polit-Orgburo of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League Revolutionary Marxist Faction (I) The death agony of contemporary capitalism and the intensification of the new confrontation between the US and China-Russia (II) The horizon of struggle the revolutionary left has opened (III) Build a stronger vanguard party by succeeding to comrade Kuroda's great work [4]
An enormous amount of money invested by the government into a private electronic corporation for its bailing out [5] An unheard-of betrayal by labour aristocrats in a metal workers' union Central JCP bureaucrats dreaming of a 'healthy development' of the Japanese economy Topics The growing number of jobless workers: the reality behind the official announcement that the Japanese economy has bottomed out [6] Down with Aso's 'dying' government! Demonstrations nationwide 'Oppose the nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia!' Workers and students in Okinawa marched through the main street of Naha City (June 14th) (Pic top) 'Stop the new legislation for sending troops abroad!' Workers and students marched on the LDP Aichi Prefectural office (Nagoya, June 14th) (Pic middle) 'Oppose the US and Japanese governments strengthening the quasi-war footing!' Workers and students put up their fists of anger in front of the LDP Hokkaido office (Sapporo, June 21st) (Pic bottom) [7] The Ashikaga case: A bus driver cleared of a false charge of murder after 17 years' imprisonment The arbitrarily adopted DNA analysis and the forced 'confession' Never let the state cover up its crime! Kaleidoscope - Honduras: a coup for maintaining a 'banana republic' - French Polynesia: outcries of Maohi workers exposed to radiation - The JCP chairman: excited to be invited to the Independence Day event by the US embassy [8] My reflection on the topos of life and death Through discussions with comrades TOP |
No. 2076
(July 6th 2009 Issue)
Stop legislation for inspecting North Korean
ships! - Intensification of the confrontation between the US and Russia over 'nuclear arms reduction' and the deployment of missile defences - The Chinese and Russian governments intending to end the 'dollar system' - Overthrow Aso's 'dying' Cabinet bent on promoting Japan to a 'country capable of engaging in war' - Denounce the central JCP bureaucrats harbouring illusions about Obama's advocacy of 'a nuclear-free world' [4-5]
Their insatiable offensives against workers and people (I) Manufacturing monopolies intent on sacking workers and cutting wages - The deceptive declaration of the 'bottoming out of the economy' - Crafty and greedy measures for massive dismissals and cuts in wages (II) Escalation in large-scale restructuring - A deepening crisis of Japanese manufacturing monopolies suffering the global depression - Changes in their managerial strategy: towards overseas production of 'low-price products' - Reorganization of the business structure with forcible, massive reduction of personnel (III) Mass restructuring plunging workers into great sufferings [2] Stop the legislation for 'anti-piracy mission'! Zengakuren students staged their protest in front of the Diet Building against the legislation to allow the Self-Defence Forces free use of force in the name of 'anti-piracy mission'. (June 19th) The June 14th demonstration in Osaka Workers and students in the Kansai region marching under the banner: 'Down with the Aso government!' They raised their fists of anger in front of the US consulate against the mobilization of the missile defence system for actual operation. Kanazawa University students marching through their campus against the new legislation for dispatch abroad of Japanese troops (June 11th) [6] Miserable disputes between labour aristocrats at a Rengo meeting on the spring labour offensive At a workplace of a travel agency: a newly-organized company union assisting the managerial in sacking employees Sapporo City's privatization of school lunch service: neglecting food hygiene Topics Denounce the bill for organ transplant! [7] Smash the reactionary offensive to diminish the revolutionary students' movement Build a stronger bridgehead to fight back against neo-fascistic offensives Japan Marxist Students' League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) (1) The revolutionary students' movement advancing boldly - The newly started offensive to suppress students' self-governing associations and struggles by Zengakuren - Fights back advancing at various universities nationwide (2) The government and the education ministry scheming an reactionary reorganization of higher education (3) For the advance of the revolutionary students' movement: lessons of our latest struggles - A surging struggle at Aichi University against the campus relocation: lessons from the struggle - Struggle to drive hostile elements against students' associations away from the associations' movements: draw lessons from the struggle [8] Overseas Appeal for the 47th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Create an international antiwar struggle to shatter the newly started nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia! Expose the deception of the US-Russia disarmament talks! The Executive Committee for the 47th International Antiwar Assembly - All-Japan Federation of Students' Self-Governing Associations [Zengakuren] - Antiwar Youth Committee - Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) [JRCL (RMF)] See the full text [3] Kaleidoscope - A Big Brother in 2009 - China's challenge against the dollar system - Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman: a former noncommissioned officer, like Hitler. - North Korea, a headache to China TOP |
No. 2075
(June 29th 2009 Issue)
June 14th demonstration in Tokyo ![]() - Denounce the central JCP leadership joining a chorus for stronger anti-North Korean sanctions - The revolutionary significance of the June 14th struggle - Advance to overthrow the ultra-reactionary Aso government [4-5] Smash the reactionary offensive to diminish the revolutionary students' movement Build a stronger bridgehead to fight back against neo-fascistic offensives Japan Marxist Students' League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) - The revolutionary students' movement advancing boldly - The government and the education ministry scheming an reactionary reorganization of higher education - For the advance of the revolutionary students' movement: lessons of our latest struggles (Continued to the upcoming issue.) [2] A plan by the Aso government to strengthen intelligence apparatuses [6] Posts Minister Hatoyama dismissed: power strife intensified over the scheduled 'review' of the privatization of the postal service [7] Osaka Governor Hashimoto: a vocal advocate of a 'Kansai State', a larger administrative division centring on the Osaka Prefecture The Osaka Labour Bureau gave permission for dismissals by companies subsidized by the central government for employment adjustment Topics Public service workers faced cuts in summer bonuses [8] Announcement of the publication of Kan'ichi Kuroda's early writings in seven volumes The editorial commission of Kan'ichi Kuroda's works A tribute to Tsutomu Ouchi, economist of the Uno school Let us fight for critical development of his theory of state monopoly capitalism [3] Kaleidoscope - Obama's endless nightmare - Sri Lanka into the SCO - China's 'string of pearl' on the Indian Ocean - Intellectual piracies in China - Anti-pandemic measures more evil than the pandemic TOP |
No. 2074
(June 22nd 2009 Issue)
Down with the Aso government on its deathbed! ![]() - The Aso government bent on strengthening a quasi war footing - A tense confrontation in East Asia between the US-Japan and China-Russia - Fight for a militant advancement of struggle against war and the US-Japan military alliance The June 14th demonstration against war and the military alliance In solidarity with other nationwide rallies (Pic right) [4-5] Hu Jintao's China intent on building up a yuan-based economic sphere - A challenge to the unipolar USD dominance and collusion with the Ombama administration - Policies for increasing domestic demand under the slogan 'Keep the 8% growth' - The Hu Jintao leadership ambitious to dominate the world economy [2] Stop the MOX fuel! Chubu Electric Power Co. started to load uranium-plutonium mixed oxide fuel into its Hamaoka nuclear plant in Shizuoka on May 18th with the support of the central government. Against this outrage, militant students of the region struggled on the spot. Students' meeting in Kansai Militant students of the Kansai region held a public meeting in Nara Women's University on May 24th, reinforcing their determination to overthrow the Aso government. [6] A Do-Shu system advocated by monopoly capitalists - The reactionary recommendation by the employers' federation to introduce larger administrative divisions Topics Labour aristocrats voicing against Aso's plan to cut greenhouse gas emission by 15%: speaking for monopoly capitalists of the heavy industry [7] The number of depressives certificated as industrial accidents: a record high - Workers are exhausted both in mind and body Selection and reorganization of private schools under the pressure from the education ministry [8] Reflecting on defects in my way of viewing things and thinking [3] Kaleidoscope - Obama's Arabian Nightmare - Obama's policy of nuclear weapons: under instructions from oldies - 'Bravo to the GM bankruptcy' TOP |
No. 2073
(June 15th 2009 Issue)
Advance antiwar struggle and politico-economic
struggle! - Unprecedented government expenditures for saving monopoly corporations and financial institutions - Japanese monopolies suffering from the economic depression aggravated by the GM bankruptcy - Organize struggles from below to break through Rengo's industrial 'patriotic' movement [4-5] Iran: 30 years after the Khomeini-led revolution Ambitious to be a 'leading power' of the Islamic world - An anti-American challenge winning a 'victory', backed by Russia and China - In the midst of the global turbulence and economic depression: Iran's attempts to cope with its crisis [‚Q] Exposing a plain-clothes policeman shadowing a militant worker in Osaka Fight back against pressures on militant workers [3] On the Japan-Russia agreement about atomic energy Series Stop Japan's development of nuclear plants and weapons! No. 9 Sendai nuclear plant in Kyushu: Stop the building of gigantic Reactor No. 3 Conflicts between the EU and Russia over natural gas supply [6] Workers of school lunch service enduring low wages National universities reorganized in the name of 'individualization and functional diversification' Topics Workers of French Toyota waging a strike [7] Fight back against attempts by news paper corporations to make workers pay for their managerial crises Monopoly capitalists of Komatsu Ltd. launching a major offensive for restructuring [8] Kaleidoscope - Russia: Smash the EU-initiated southern pipeline! - A financial 'strategic talk' between the US and China - A razzle-dazzle over the H5N1 virus - Outrages in the Russian army TOP |
No. 2072
(June 8th 2009 Issue)
June 14th - United Actions by Workers and
- Setbacks in Obama's diplomacy and an intensified confrontation in Asia between the US and China-Russia - The Aso government bent on building up 'combatant troops' and bailing out monopoly capitalists - Denounce the central JCP leadership joining a chorus for 'tougher sanctions against North Korea' [2] 'Stop the deployment of P-3Cs off Somalia!' - Militant students of Zengakuren protested in front of the Maritime Self-Defense Force base in Atsugi (May 28th) (Pic upper) [3] Under the banner against war and the US-Japan military alliance - 'Stop the drive for war! Fight back against coercion of poverty!' Militant students in the metropolitan area marched in response to a call from leaders of students' associations (May 23rd) (Pic lower) 'Stop the plutonium-mixed fuel!' - Kagoshima University students staged their protest against the central government and Kyushu Electric Power Co. loading the fuel into a nuclear plant in northern Kyushu (May 22nd) Nagoya University students fighting back against tougher regulations of their circles (Apr. 16th) [4-5] Fight against the development of nuclear plants and weapons by Japanese imperialism! I. The Aso government intent on spurring the development of nuclear plants - Bent on starting plutonium-mixed operation and improving the working rate of nuclear plants - Ambitious to break Japan's limitation of domestic resources - Rushing to establish 'a nuclear fuel cycle' with the approval of the Obama-led US government II. Advance struggles against the development of nuclear plants by overcoming the JCP-led movement demanding 'safety measures'! (A) The criminal nature of the JCP alternatives for nuclear power policies - The latest reforms in its nuclear plant policy: degenerated more than ever - Its analysis of nuclear accidents only from the viewpoint of government's policy - Lack of analysis in relation to the state strategy of Japan as an imperialist power - Proposal of alternatives within the framework of security for energy (B) Advance the struggle in connection with antiwar struggle and politico-economic struggle Reckless attempts to boost the generating capacity of overage nuclear plants [6] Hokkaido: denounce the prefectural authority deciding big cuts in summer bonuses for the stuff and teachers! Minor enterprises taking measures for surviving their predicament Cannon Inc.: an increasing number of defective articles Topics Rengo's way of 'unionization' [7] Seasonal workers from Hokkaido undergoing unspeakable sufferings What are happening to public hospitals in Tokyo Teachers driven into mental disorders and deaths from overwork [8] Kaleidoscope - Monologue from BO - A tragedy in Madagascar - A declining demagogue for neoliberal economy condemning a 'socialist drive' TOP |
No. 2071
(June 1st 2009 Issue)
Now is the time to advance the revolutionary
antiwar struggle - Military tensions between the US and China-Russia mounting behind the talks for 'nuclear arms reduction' - Advance struggle against war and the US-Japan military alliance
Fight against the deployment of the Japanese armed forces off Somalia and to Djibouti Fight to stop the enactment of the 'anti-piracy law', a new law for sending troops abroad Oppose the Diet ratification of the US-Japan agreement for the redeployment of US Marines Oppose the deployment of missile defences and their actual operation Fight against the operational strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance Oppose the newly started competition between the US and China-Russia in strengthening their nuclear capabilities Denounce North Korea's underground nuclear test! Fight against the US and Japanese governments strengthening a quasi war footing! [5] The annual Peace Actions in Okinawa: a militant upsurge (May 15th-17th) Militant workers and students struggled under the banner 'against the US-Japan military alliance' (See pics in the right) - 'Fight to stop the construction of a new base for US Marines' - Okinawa Kengakuren students and a Zengakuren contingent staged their protest in front of the US command [4] 6 years after the start of the war of aggression in Iraq An utter defeat for Yankee imperialism and the recent developments in the 'anti-American Iraq' - Obama's acknowledgment of the US's defeat in war - Sarkozy's first visit to Iraq: an imperialist ambition for making inroads into the Middle East - A landslide victory of the Maliki-led coalition in the local elections - Friction between Iraqi parties over the agreement already taken effect for the status of US forces - Stronger links being built up with Iran raising an 'anti-American, anti-Zionist' banner [6] May Day rallies: our struggles for their militant upsurge - The Rengo Hokkaido rally, the Rengo Ishikawa rally, the Zenroren rally in Aichi Prefecture Topics IBM Japan forced 1300 employees to retire [7] 'Don't discard temporary workers!' - 1000 workers at a rally of protest in Tokyo (May 14th) Frequent inspections of schools in Ishikawa Prefecture: aimed at strengthening the administrative control Measures by monopoly capitalists in the electric industry for their survival [8] Kaleidoscope - 'Obamajority'? - A year on from the earthquake in China: reconstruction projects for increasing domestic demands - Proposals for 'nuclear safety' by the servile state: 'Stronger nuclear deterrent of the US', 'More accountability for China's armaments' - The truth coming out 4 years after the so-called 'terrorist attacks' on the London underground system TOP |