Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation
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No. 2853
(February 3rd 2025 Issue)

The militarist empire in its terminal stage going berserk:
the advent of the Trump administration in his second term

Trump, posing as an emperor, has started extirpating 'enemies within'
Implementation of a new world strategy of the declining empire
- Trump is pressing Ukraine to accept a 'cease-fire plan' favourable for Russia
- Strengthening US support to the Zionists hell-bent on building a 'Greater Israel'
- A manoeuvre to set up an 'anti-Chinese military network' in Asia
- Machinations to drive the shaky EU into dissolution
The emergence of a Trump Empire and its meaning


The Ishiba-led Japanese government making a frantic dash to legislate the JSC
[Japan Science Council] into a governmental corporation
Don't allow the government to tighten up fascistic controls on the academic world!

Keen Sword 25: the US-Japan joint field training exercises

Aimed to build a system for carrying out war against China based on the US-Japan joint operation plan

The US-Japan joint air force exercise covered Japan's entire airspace area


The falsity of the demand of 'price pass-through' by the JAM [Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] leadership

Confusion prevails the leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions]

[6] From comrades who attended the Dec. 1st Public Political Meeting of the JRCL

I will stand up and carve out an 'age of revolutionary Marxists'

Let's harden our resolve, giving full thoughts to the people of Ukraine

JRCL's slogans for the 2025 spring labour offensive
I. Win a big, across-the-board wage raise! For victory in the spring labour offensive!
- Smash the offensives of wage reduction and price raises by the government and monopoly capitalists
- Denounce the Rengo leadership for being a party to wage restraint and price raises!
- Condemn the existing leadership for supporting 'price pass-through'!
II. With the unity of workers, foil all the offensives of dismissal and redeployment!
- Denounce the Rengo leadership for cooperating in the offensives of dismissal and redeployment!
III. Oppose the Ishiba government's cutting of social security services and increase in taxes for military build-up! Prevent the revision of the labour standard law!
IV. No to the massive expansion of armaments, the strengthening of the military alliance and the revision of the Constitution!

No to the aggression in Ukraine! Denounce the genocide in Gaza!
Let us militantly strengthen trade unions and de-construct Rengo, today's version of the Industrial Patriotic Association!
Let us fight in solidarity with the world's working class suffering war, poverty and authoritarian rule!


No. 2852
(January 27th 2025 Issue)

Win a big, across-the-board wage raise!
For victory in the spring labour offensive!

Denounce the JTUC leadership for assisting in
wage restraint and price raises!

Central Workers' Orgburo
I. The advent of a Trump Empire: a deepening chaos in the contemporary world
II. Survival strategy of the Japanese government and monopoly capital

A.The toiling masses hit by the skyrocketing prices of living necessities
B.The ruling class victimizing workers to survive
C.The labour movement on the verge of disappearance and assiduous struggles of militant workers
III. Denounce the Rengo [JTUC] leadership for being a party to price raises and wage reduction!
A. Derisory, disparity-based wage demands: Rengo leadership's agenda for the spring offensive
B. Fight for the de-construction of Rengo, today's version of the Industrial Patriotic Association!
IV. Fight for a militant upsurge in the 2025 spring labour offensive!
A. Let us fight to win a big, across-the-board wage raise!
B. Break through the crisis of the labour movement on the verge of disappearance

JRCL's slogans for the 2025 spring labour offensive
I. Win a big, across-the-board wage raise! For victory in the spring labour offensive!
- Smash the offensives of wage reduction and price raises by the government and monopoly capitalists
- Denounce the Rengo leadership for being a party to wage restraint and price raises!
- Condemn the existing leadership for supporting 'price pass-through'!
II. With the unity of workers, foil all the offensives of dismissal and redeployment!
- Denounce the Rengo leadership for cooperating in the offensives of dismissal and redeployment!
III. Oppose the Ishiba government's cutting of social security services and increase in taxes for military build-up! Prevent the revision of the labour standard law!
IV. No to the massive expansion of armaments, the strengthening of the military alliance and the revision of the Constitution!

No to the aggression in Ukraine! Denounce the genocide in Gaza!
Let us militantly strengthen trade unions and de-construct Rengo, today's version of the Industrial Patriotic Association!
Let us fight in solidarity with the world's working class suffering war, poverty and authoritarian rule!


Win the 2025 spring labour offensive!

Rally to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on Feb. 9th!

Executive Committee for the Feb. 9th Meeting
- No to the boosting of prices!
- Break the wage restraint! No to dismissals and redeployment!
- Denounce the Rengo leadership's treacheries: making derisory wage demands and promoting higher prices!
- Crush Putin's war and Netanyahu's war! Fight against the Ishiba government's expanding armaments, strengthening the military alliance and revising the Constitution!

[5] One year after the great earthquake that hit the Noto Peninsula
Denounce the Ishiba government for leaving the victims of the double disasters in the lurch!

- 'Do you mean to say you abandon us!' Anger is mounting
- So-called 'creative reconstruction measures': running counter to the toiling masses
- 'Disaster-related deaths' are 'man-made disasters'! Condemn the government and the prefectural authorities!

Monopoly capitalists are sacrificing disaster victims and local workers
- Directing people to make 'profitable tourism' a model project for reconstruction
- The 'compact city' scheme: abandonment of underpopulated areas

Syrian people brought down murderer Bashar al-Assad's regime

The 'fall of Syria' for Putin-led Russia

A. Sunnite Muslim forces seized the capital 12 days after the start of their advance
B. The fall of Russia's puppet regime: the historic defeat of Putin
C. Zionists scheming to provoke another 'civil war' in Syria and to weaken it
D. Muslim people, unite under the banner 'against Zionism, against US imperialism' beyond sectarian and ethnic antagonisms!

New Year's resolutions (Part 3)
The Chugoku Regional Committee
The Mass Communication Industrial Workers Committee
The Small and Medium Enterprise Workers Committee
The Metal Industrial Workers Committee

No to the ground solidification work in Henoko!

- The government started to throw sand upon the seabed as soft as mayonnaise
- Stop the construction of a new US base, a strongpoint for attacking China

No to the solidification work!
Protest action at sea
Jan. 10th, Oura Bay, Henoko

'Don't construct a military base on Mageshima island!'
Workers and citizens marched in protest Jan. 11th, Kagoshima
'Stop the base construction on Mageshima!' Kagoshima University students in the van of the march (pic left)


No. 2851
(January 20th 2024 Issue)

Create waves of antiwar struggle!
Crush the aggression in Ukraine! Shatter the attacks on Gaza!
Foil the Ishiba government-led massive military build-up and the
strengthening of the Ampo alliance!

Overcoming the JCP's abandonment of opposition to Ampo,
let us fight to advance antiwar struggles!

Central Students' Orgburo
I. Trump's second US presidency intensifies the clash between the US and China with Russia
A. The advent of a 'Trump Empire' in the United States in the agony of historic decline
- Trump declared the launch of trade wars on the rest of the world
- Darkness is rapidly covering the declining empire
B. Russia expanding invasion and the US pressing Ukraine to accept a 'cease-fire ' favourable for Russia
C. Israel frantic to continue massacres in Gaza and a 'war of extermination' against the Iran-centred 'axis of resistance'
D. East Asia, a flashpoint of confrontation between the US and China

- The danger of war intensifying in the Korean Peninsula
E. War, poverty and authoritarian rule rampant all over the present world
II. Ishiba's shaky government hell-bent on expanding arms and strengthening the US-Japan military alliance
- The Japanese government fret about Trump's second presidency
- Power strife intensifying in the government and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party
- Today's version of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association being created with a repressive security system built up
- The established opposition movement on the verge of death and the struggles of Zengakuren
III. Fight for a mass upsurge in the revolutionary antiwar struggle!
A. Crush Russia's aggression in Ukraine!
B. Stop Israel's massacres in Gaza!
C. Create an antiwar struggle to foil the strengthening of the US-Japan global alliance and the massive military build-up!

Denounce the police for framing up a 'fraudulent obtainment of a health insurance card'!

- The police frantic to create a false charge
- A new form of repression by the state power and the aim of the ruling class
- Smash the desperate attempts of the state power driven into a corner!

The JRCL public political meeting on Dec. 1st
What I felt and thought

New Year’s resolutions (Part 2)
The Hokkaido Regional Committee
The Tokai Regional Committee
The Hokuriku Regional Committee
The Education Workers Committee
The Social Welfare Workers Committee
The Telecommunication Industrial Workers Committee
The Chemical Industrial Workers Committee
The Heavy Industrial Workers Committee

'Stop the new base construction!'
Calls rising to a roar

A protest rally at sea
Henoko, Okinawa, Dec. 14

(pic) Canoe fighters closing in on the construction site

Anger flaring up at US soldiers' sexual assaults in Okinawa
Okinawa People's rally with 2500 participants
Dec. 22nd

- Participants denounced Japanese and US governments for concealing the criminal incident
- 'Remove all the bases! Scrap the Security Treaty!' The revolutionary call of the JRCL received warm responses from protesters (pic)

'Stop the construction of a final nuclear disposal site!'
500 workers, farmers and students rallied and marched
Horonobe, Hokkaido, Nov. 23rd

(pic) 'Stop nuclear development!' Militant students encouraged the participants


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2024 No.2801-2810   No.2811-2820   No.2821-2830   No.2831-2840  No.2841-2850  
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2019 No.2551-2560   No. 2561-2570  No.2571-2580 No.2581-2590  No.2591-2600 
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2017 No.2451-2460 No. 2461-2470  No. 2471-2480   No.2481-2490 No.2491-2500 
2016 No.2401-2410  No.2411-2420   No.2421-2430 No.2431-2440  No.2441-2450 
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2013 No. 2251-2260  No. 2261-2270  No. 2271-2280  No. 2281-2290 No.2291-2300 
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