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No. 2858
(March 10th 2025 Issue)
Workers and students marched on the Russian Embassy arm in arm with people rising up across the world Feb. 23rd, Tokyo Three years since Russia's aggression against Ukraine 'Denounce the pressing of a cease-fire favourable to Russia!' The solidarity rally for demonstration 'Create struggles world-wide to besiege Putin the aggressor' A greeting presented by a JRCL comrade Let us promote the struggle to crush the aggression in the van of the people fighting around the world!
[2] ![]() 'Denounce Putin's aggression!' Workers rallied for a protest action Tokyo, Feb. 24th - 'Denounce the US-Russia "cease-fire talks" which acquits the aggressor!' JRCL leaflets inspired the participants - Anger erupted against the JCP central for completely neglecting to organize the rally [5] 'Crush Putin's war!' Militant demonstrations across the country, Feb. 23rd-24th Sapporo Feb. 23rd Workers and students raising angry fists at the Russian Consulate General
Nagoya Feb. 23rd 'Smash Putin's war' The banner raised high in the van (photo below left) Osaka Feb. 23rd Workers and students raising their fists in the solidarity rally before starting the demo (photo below right)
Fukuoka Feb. 23rd Workers and students from across Kyushu marching through the city (photo blow left) Naha Feb, 23rd 'Smash Putin's war!' Workers and students marching through the capital city of Okinawa (photo below right)
Kanazawa Feb. 24th Zengakuren students carrying the banner 'Smash Putin's war!' (photo below) ![]() [6] People rose in actions across the world Three years since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine 'Denounce Putin the aggressor for devastating Ukraine!' Voices of anger are rising and spreading all over the world. Let us fight for a world-wide upsurge of the struggle to crush Putin's war! ![]() [3] Denounce JCP Chairman Shii for praising the agreement between US and Russian rulers on holding 'cease-fire talks'! - The JCP central leadership, now an 'agent of Putin' Denounce the cabinet decision on the 'Basic Energy Plan'! A 'maximum use' of nuclear plants is emphasized Stop the enactment of the 'Active Cyber Defence Law'! - A cyber version of the pre-emptive attack system - Based on the US-Japan military alliance, a cyber war system is being built up against China and Russia [4] Win a big, across-the-board wage raise! Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2025 spring offensive despite the leadership's destruction of the offensive Postal Workers Committee Topics Workers suffering from soaring prices TOP |
No. 2857
(March 3rd 2025 Issue)
Three years since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine It's time for workers and people to rise up to crush Putin's war ![]() - Denounce the 'cease-fire talks' between the US and Russia which acquits the aggressor Putin and tramples on the Ukrainian peoplee! - 'A people's peace, not an imperial peace' - People all over the world, rise up in the struggle to crush Russia's aggression in Ukraine! 'Crush Putin-led Russia's aggression in Ukraine!' Militant workers and students marching on the Russian embassy, Feb. 23rd (pic right) Simultaneously with other five demonstrations across Japan In solidarity with joint international actions around the world [2-4] Let's fight for a militant upsurge in the 2025 spring labour offensive! Keynote report to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting, Feb. 9th Don't allow the government and monopoly capitalists to boost prices! Win a big, across-the-board wage raise! Oppose the massive military build-up and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Stop the revision of the Constitution! I. The 2025 spring offensive on the verge of a descent into a salvation movement for Japanese capitalism (1) The JTUC leadership voicing for wage restraints and price raises in chorus with the government and monopoly capitalists (2) Price boosting to thrust workers down into an abysmal poverty (3) Imposition of low wages and drastic revisions of labour laws against the working class (4) JTUC leaders demanding only derisory wage hikes and encouraging higher prices: Denounce their historic betrayal! II. Fight for a militant upsurge in the 2025 spring offensive! (A) Fight to win a big, across-the-board wage raise! (B) Let us oppose major revision in the social security system! (C) Create antiwar, anti-Ampo and anti-Constitutional revision struggles! (D) Build up unity and solidarity between trade unions! Topics The spring offensive of UA Zensen [Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Commerce, Food and General Services Workers' Unions] Supporting the 'weeding out' of small and medium sized enterprises [5] Nippon Steel's plan to make US Steel its wholly-owned subsidiary Frustrated by Trump [6] Kaleidoscope The Meeting of States Parties to the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons The Ishiba government refuses to participate even as an observer Ishiba's round of visits to Southeast Asian countries An attempt to bring back regional rulers frightened of Trump Peasant workers in China: lamenting with resentment Life-risking protests in succession against unpaid wages Defeats in an electric vehicle war with China Japanese and German car-making monopolies launching major restructurings TOP |
No. 2856
(February 24th 2025 Issue)
'Win the 2025 Spring Labour Offensive!' Outcries reverberated Win a big, across-the-board wage raise! Workers' Solidarity Meeting, Feb. 9th
Fight for a militant upsurge in the 2025 spring labour offensive! The keynote report - Don't allow the JTUC leadership to betray the offensive! - Launch a counteroffensive of working people! In the face of the advent of the Trump administration Fight for a radical change of the dark world of today! A call from a representative of the JRCL-RMF - Concerning our slogan 'Win a big, across-the-board wage raise' Resolves expressed by Zengakuren and workers from respective industries [3] The 7the 'Basic Energy Plan' drafted A 'maximum use of nuclear power' declared by the government Don't resume the operation of Reactor No. 3 of Tomari nuclear plant! [4] The DeepSeek Shock Shaken the US Bigtech hegemony in the arena of AI - Shock waves from the China-made 'cheap, high-level' AI - US Bitch monopolies shaken - A sense of crisis growing towards China stealing and monopolizing information - Xi-led China using 'open source' method to win a digital hegemony [5] The Ishiba government intent on holding and strengthening NTT as a 'national corporation' Topics 'Shift companies' internal reserves to wage hikes and ''price pass-through'!? The Zenroren leadership following after the labour aristocrats of the JTUC [6] Protest actions against the US-Japan summit talks Successive protests in Sapporo Feb. 7th At the US Consulate General (pic left) and the Prefectural Office of the LDP (pic left) Feb. 7th, Sapporo
Zengakuren Okinawa protesting at the US Consulate General, Feb. 7th ![]() TOP |
No. 2855
(February 17th 2025 Issue)
Antiwar, anti-Ampo shouts reverberated the government district Oppose the US-Japan summit talks! Crush Putin's war and Netanyahu's war! Zengakuren staged a militant demonstration, Feb. 1st ![]() Marched on the Diet Building, Prime Minister's Office and the US Embassy 'Create a storm of antiwar struggle!' The Zengakuren Chairman made a encouraging speech at the rally 'Denounce the brutalities of the Trump administration!' A representative of the JRCL-RMF spoke in solidarity Three years after Russia's invasion of Ukraine Rise up in the Feb. 23rd Workers' and Students' United Actions!
Denounce the Kim Jon-un regime for joining in the war of aggression against Ukraine! Putin using North Korean soldiers as cannon fodder Russia bent on reinforcing strategic nuclear submarines in the Sea of Okhotsk [3] Smash Netanyahu's war! Denounce Trump's 'Gaza ownership' statement! Never impose 'another Nakba'! Oppressed people over the Middle East, build up struggles against Zionism, against US imperialism! The ban on UNRWA activities Netanyahu's and Trump's plot to destroy Palestinians' 'rights to return' Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights Zionists seizing Syrian territories by force Trump's new Cabinet: a pro-Zionist lineup [4] Uber Eats workers in Okinawa: exploited ruthlessly, with no rights Topics ‘Give up treatment!’ Don’t allow the government to revise the High-Cost Medical Expense Benefit system [5] What I felt and thought after participating in the JRCL Public Political Meeting, Dec. 1st I will resolutely confront the deepening darkness of the world With this deep emotion, I will stir myself! The anti-Stalinist revolutionary thought has spread across the ocean [6] 'Stop the reclamation work for a US base!' Okinawa People's Action, Feb. 1st, Henoko
(pic right) Militant students raising angry fists at work vessels Japan Steel Works at Muroran to produce next-generation armed vehicles for the Ground Self-Defense Force No to the expansion of munitions manufacturing and the massive military build-up! TOP |
The Ishiba government of 'vassal state' Japan pledging obedience to the Trump Empire ![]() Crush the massive expansion of armaments and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! - The Trump administration scheming to build an 'anti-hegemonic coalition' against China - Declaration of the reinforcement of the 'vassal state army': Ishiba's policy speech - Shatter the massive military build-up and the strengthening of the neo-fascist ruling system 'Crush Putin's war!' 'Oppose Netanyahu's war!' 'Stop Ishiba's arms expansion!' Zengakuren marching on the Diet building and Prime Minister's Office, Feb.1st (pic) [2] Zengakuren's resolve at the year's start Crush Putin's war! Smash Netanyahu's war! Build up antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles! Zengakuren Chairman Yusuke Ariki - We fight for a gigantic upsurge in the revolutionary antiwar struggle - We advance the Zengakuren movement further - We fight to win a great step forward in the anti-Stalinist revolutionary movement The Philippine government announced a plan to obtain US intermediate-range missiles Anticipation of the 'strategy of denial' against China [4] Don't allow the imposition of long working hours on teachers! Scrap the Special Law that legalizes unpaid overtime work! No to the strengthening of the statist and meritocratic education! Fight back against the intensification of labour through the introduction of ICT! Education Workers' Committee - Scrap the notorious law that legalizes 'endless work without overtime pay'! - Let us oppose the latest measures to intensify meritocratic education! - Never allow the thorough promotion of patriotic, statistic education! - Let us fight against the tightening of personnel management in the name of 'improvement in treatment'! 'Scrap the Special Law!' JRCL distributed leaflets to participants in the Japan Teachers' Union's National Education Research Meeting Jan. 24th [5] Arrogant declaration of wage restraint and the imposition of reskilling Keidanren's 2025 Labour Management Report with monopoly capitalist nature unreserved - Monopoly capitalists chorusing for 'restraining wage hikes and promoting price hikes' - Emphasis on 'maximization of added values' and 'investment in people' [5] Postal workplaces in the year-end and New Year period Denounce the authorities for the unscrupulous imposition of intensified labour on delivery workers! Topics 'Wage restraint since 1990's has been a bitter decision for employers'!? (Keidanren's 2025 Labour Management Report) [6] What I felt and thought after participating in the JRCL Public Political Meeting, Dec. 1st 'Indigenization of Marxism means its world-wide universalization' I will fight to make the world's foremost revolutionary movement of anti-Stalinism world-wide! 'A call from the depths of anguish' On watching a movie sent from Ukraine, I was touched and moved' TOP |
No. 2853
(February 3rd 2025 Issue)
The militarist empire in its terminal stage going berserk: Implementation of a new world strategy of the declining empire - Trump is pressing Ukraine to accept a 'cease-fire plan' favourable for Russia - Strengthening US support to the Zionists hell-bent on building a 'Greater Israel' - A manoeuvre to set up an 'anti-Chinese military network' in Asia - Machinations to drive the shaky EU into dissolution The emergence of a Trump Empire and its meaning [3] The Ishiba-led Japanese government making a frantic dash to legislate the JSC [Japan Science Council] into a governmental corporation Don't allow the government to tighten up fascistic controls on the academic world! [4] Keen Sword 25: the US-Japan joint field training exercises Aimed to build a system for carrying out war against China based on the US-Japan joint operation plan The US-Japan joint air force exercise covered Japan's entire airspace area [5] The falsity of the demand of 'price pass-through' by the JAM [Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] leadership Topics Confusion prevails the leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] [6] From comrades who attended the Dec. 1st Public Political Meeting of the JRCL I will stand up and carve out an 'age of revolutionary Marxists' Let's harden our resolve, giving full thoughts to the people of Ukraine
Win a big, across-the-board wage raise! I. The advent of a Trump Empire: a deepening chaos in the contemporary world II. Survival strategy of the Japanese government and monopoly capital A.The toiling masses hit by the skyrocketing prices of living necessities B.The ruling class victimizing workers to survive C.The labour movement on the verge of disappearance and assiduous struggles of militant workers III. Denounce the Rengo [JTUC] leadership for being a party to price raises and wage reduction! A. Derisory, disparity-based wage demands: Rengo leadership's agenda for the spring offensive B. Fight for the de-construction of Rengo, today's version of the Industrial Patriotic Association! IV. Fight for a militant upsurge in the 2025 spring labour offensive! A. Let us fight to win a big, across-the-board wage raise! B. Break through the crisis of the labour movement on the verge of disappearance
[4] Win the 2025 spring labour offensive! Rally to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on Feb. 9th! Executive Committee for the Feb. 9th Meeting - No to the boosting of prices! - Break the wage restraint! No to dismissals and redeployment! - Denounce the Rengo leadership's treacheries: making derisory wage demands and promoting higher prices! - Crush Putin's war and Netanyahu's war! Fight against the Ishiba government's expanding armaments, strengthening the military alliance and revising the Constitution! [5] One year after the great earthquake that hit the Noto Peninsula Denounce the Ishiba government for leaving the victims of the double disasters in the lurch! - 'Do you mean to say you abandon us!' Anger is mounting - So-called 'creative reconstruction measures': running counter to the toiling masses - 'Disaster-related deaths' are 'man-made disasters'! Condemn the government and the prefectural authorities! Monopoly capitalists are sacrificing disaster victims and local workers - Directing people to make 'profitable tourism' a model project for reconstruction - The 'compact city' scheme: abandonment of underpopulated areas [6] Syrian people brought down murderer Bashar al-Assad's regime The 'fall of Syria' for Putin-led Russia A. Sunnite Muslim forces seized the capital 12 days after the start of their advance B. The fall of Russia's puppet regime: the historic defeat of Putin C. Zionists scheming to provoke another 'civil war' in Syria and to weaken it D. Muslim people, unite under the banner 'against Zionism, against US imperialism' beyond sectarian and ethnic antagonisms! [7] New Year's resolutions (Part 3) The Chugoku Regional Committee The Mass Communication Industrial Workers Committee The Small and Medium Enterprise Workers Committee The Metal Industrial Workers Committee [8] No to the ground solidification work in Henoko! - The government started to throw sand upon the seabed as soft as mayonnaise - Stop the construction of a new US base, a strongpoint for attacking China No to the solidification work! Protest action at sea Jan. 10th, Oura Bay, Henoko ![]() 'Don't construct a military base on Mageshima island!' Workers and citizens marched in protest Jan. 11th, Kagoshima
Create waves of antiwar struggle! I. Trump's second US presidency intensifies the clash between the US and China with Russia A. The advent of a 'Trump Empire' in the United States in the agony of historic decline - Trump declared the launch of trade wars on the rest of the world - Darkness is rapidly covering the declining empire B. Russia expanding invasion and the US pressing Ukraine to accept a 'cease-fire ' favourable for Russia C. Israel frantic to continue massacres in Gaza and a 'war of extermination' against the Iran-centred 'axis of resistance' D. East Asia, a flashpoint of confrontation between the US and China - The danger of war intensifying in the Korean Peninsula E. War, poverty and authoritarian rule rampant all over the present world II. Ishiba's shaky government hell-bent on expanding arms and strengthening the US-Japan military alliance - The Japanese government fret about Trump's second presidency - Power strife intensifying in the government and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party - Today's version of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association being created with a repressive security system built up - The established opposition movement on the verge of death and the struggles of Zengakuren III. Fight for a mass upsurge in the revolutionary antiwar struggle! A. Crush Russia's aggression in Ukraine! B. Stop Israel's massacres in Gaza! C. Create an antiwar struggle to foil the strengthening of the US-Japan global alliance and the massive military build-up! [5] Denounce the police for framing up a 'fraudulent obtainment of a health insurance card'! - The police frantic to create a false charge - A new form of repression by the state power and the aim of the ruling class - Smash the desperate attempts of the state power driven into a corner! The JRCL public political meeting on Dec. 1st What I felt and thought [6-7] New Year’s resolutions (Part 2) The Hokkaido Regional Committee The Tokai Regional Committee The Hokuriku Regional Committee The Education Workers Committee The Social Welfare Workers Committee The Telecommunication Industrial Workers Committee The Chemical Industrial Workers Committee The Heavy Industrial Workers Committee [8] ![]() Calls rising to a roar A protest rally at sea Henoko, Okinawa, Dec. 14 (pic) Canoe fighters closing in on the construction site ![]() Okinawa People's rally with 2500 participants Dec. 22nd - Participants denounced Japanese and US governments for concealing the criminal incident - 'Remove all the bases! Scrap the Security Treaty!' The revolutionary call of the JRCL received warm responses from protesters (pic) 'Stop the construction of a final nuclear disposal site!' 500 workers, farmers and students rallied and marched Horonobe, Hokkaido, Nov. 23rd ![]() (pic) 'Stop nuclear development!' Militant students encouraged the participants TOP |