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No. 2780
(August 7th 2023 Issue)
Zengakuren staged angry protests in succession
Shatter the US-Japan global alliance! No to the building of an Asian version of NATO! at the Prime Minister's Office - Students also expressed opposition to the discharge of the radioactively contaminated water from Fukushima into the ocean Russian people! Rise in a struggle to oppose the war of aggression and bring down the FSB-helmed authoritarian ruling system! at the Russian Embassy Break through the danger of the eruption of a nuclear war amid the head-on clash between the US and China/Russia! [2] North Korea: Ceremony for the 'anniversary of the victory' The Kim Jong-un regime strengthening its military ties with Russia - Giving Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu the red-carpet treatment - Break through the crisis of a thermonuclear war focused on the Korean Peninsula Topics 'Promote the wider public use of My Number [identification number] cards'!? The Rengo leadership visited the Digital Agency to 'give a pep talk' [3] Denounce the restart of Takahama No.1 nuclear reactor! Impeach the Kishida government for boosting the resumption of operation of the decrepit nuclear reactor! - A tricky measure to 'solve' the problem of storing spent nuclear fuel - Making a dash for the reprocessing of MOX [plutonium-mixed fuel] with the aim of developing the nuclear fuel cycle LSGE 2023, a US-led global scale military exercise In preparation for the outbreak of war with China and Russia, the declining militarist empire is fully mobilizing its allies - Seven fleets and six aircraft carrier groups thrown in for three months - Combat exercises according to the concepts of US Navy DMO [Distributed Maritime Operations] and US Marine Corps EABO [Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations] - 'Testing in the field' of the AI-introduced command and control system [4] The 16th national convention of the JP Union Delegates' anger exploded at the leadership's full collaboration with the management in the name of the 'recovery of postal business' - Criticisms popped up against the leadership's selling out of workers' summer and winter holiday entitlements - Denounce the leadership for giving a helping hand to the management in harmfully revising the personnel and wage systems! - By raising the banner 'A plan to create a future', the leadership is collaborating with the management in personnel reduction and labour intensification - Pulverize the Kishida government's offensive to hugely increase armaments and revise the Constitution! [5] Now is the time to abolish the special measures law that legalizes teachers' overtime without pay! Oppose the entirely unscrupulous revision of personnel and wage systems schemed by the government / Education Ministry! JRCL Education Workers Committee Fight back against the imposition of excessively long working hours! - Labour management is being intensified in the name of 'reviewing the special measures law' and 'improving the treatment of teachers' - Patriotic and meritocratic education is increasing long working hours - Let us fight tenaciously by criticizing the official union leadership that stands behind the Education Ministry! Let us oppose the total permeation of patriotic and meritocratic education! No to the revision of the Constitution! No to the massive military buildup! Let us denounce Russia's aggression against Ukraine! [6] Kaleidoscope A visit by the prime minister of the Solomon Islands to Peking A tug-of-war over Pacific island states is intensifying between the US and China Join the Party or 'find jobs in country villages' The Beijing bureaucracy is preaching a 'correct outlook on working' to university graduates having difficulties in finding jobs Playing a rematch? A candidate for the next president is the former president sitting in the dock TOP |
No. 2779
(July 31st 2023 Issue)
--nuclear intimidation and competitive military exercises - The Kishida-led Japanese government acting as a spearhead of building up a global encircling net - Smash the enormous military build-up and the constitutional revision! Crush the neo-fascistic reactionary offensives! [2]
[3] Fukushima nuclear power plant Don't allow the Kishida government to discharge radioactively contaminated water into the ocean! Smash the demagogic propaganda: 'It's necessary for the decommissioning process' - An absolute lie: 'Tanks have to be removed to make space for extracting radioactive debris from reactors' - Ocean dumping is planned on a fake premise that the decommissioning process finishes in forty years Tomari nuclear power plant The government and Hokkaido Electric Power Co. rushing to the restart of reactor No. 3! - 'Consultations' have been pre-arranged to accelerate procedures for its restart - A scheme to use the Tomari plant for a power source of a government-initiated semiconductor factory Reactor No. 2 at Tsuruga nuclear power plant Japan Atomic Power Company falsified the research data on dangerous faults - Official examination for its restart had to halt twice - Inconvenient data were deleted or falsified [4] NTT workers' shunto Denounce the union leadership for agreeing on a derisory, ultra-low rate wage increase! I. Labour aristocrats in the union leadership agreed on an absurdly low rate increase of only around 'one percent' - Thorough differentiation in wages II. The leadership accepted the decrease in real wages and deserted temp workers - Union leaders justify their treachery by glossing it over with deceitful words - 'Two percent increase': an extremely low rate demand put forth by the leadership in line with management's intention - Anti-working class acts of praising and supporting the 'widening of pay differentials' III. Denounce the leadership for giving full support to the company's policies! - Crush the Kishida government's massive military buildup, massive tax increase and revision of the Constitution! [5] The Japan Post set about the business tie-up with the Yamato Transport Fight back against the imposition of extremely intensified labour! - The management frantic to increase the number of postal matters - Harsher delivery labour to be forced upon postal workers - Denounce the Japan Post Union leadership's collaboration with the management! An all-out strike by the SAG-AFTRA in the US Union members rose up for an increase in streaming revenue for writers and performers and for protections against the use of generative AI! Don't allow the monopoly capitalists to sack workers by introducing generative AI! Topics Spreading illusions about Kishida's policy of 'structural wage hikes': The response of the Zenroren leadership to the government's Basic Policies for Macroeconomic Management and Structural Reform of the Economy [6] Kaleidoscope Janet Yellen's talks with Chinese ministers 'Our sanctions shall be focussed on security matters, and as for other issues, ...' Hong Kong today, three years after the enforcement of the National Security Law People are fighting against the oppression by the bureaucrats who yell for the 'unity of the Chinese nation' TOP |
No. 2778
(July 24th 2023 Issue)
Break through the danger of a thermonuclear war erupting amid - Rivalries intensifying in the Asia-Pacific region between the US-Japan and China-Russia -- The Biden-led US government strengthening overt nuclear threats - Create a big surge of the antiwar, anti-Ampo and anti-constitutional revision struggle! - Now is the time to create an explosive upsurge in the Ukraine antiwar struggle! The SCO Summit Conference Putin stood isolated; Xi led the whole conference Militant students marched through the high street of Kanazawa
[3] Kaleidoscope Mahmoud Abbas talks with Xi Jinping Beijing's devouring ambition: Xi offered proposals to 'settle the Palestinian problem' Missiles in the right hand and sweet fruits in the left The Xi regime is using manoeuvres to achieve the annexation of Taiwan 'without fighting any battle' An 'irrigation dispute' in the 21st century A shoot-out erupted between the Iranian forces and the Taliban forces in Afghanistan [4] India's diplomacy of 'strategic autonomy' Narendra Modi intent on winning 'Global South' countries around in rivalry with China (1) Claiming to be the 'flag-bearer of the Global South' (2) Ambitious to become the 'third superpower' -- With the world's fourth military spending (3) Relentless repression of people based on Hindu supremacism [5] The Kishida government project for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Expose its nature against working people! - Hit by an earthquake in the middle of an experimental operation, the facilities went into station blackout - Massive financial supports to be given to monopoly capitalists according to the Basic Guidelines for Green Transformation The Okinawa organization of the JCP demoralized by the organizational confusion in the central leadership - We call on members of the JCP to break with the central leadership! Topics The latest 'recommendation' of the Kishida government to introduce 'job-based wages' Higher wages to 'highly talented human resources', lower wages to general workers [6] Defense Technology Guidelines 2023 The Japanese government frantic to develop military technologies under the banner of a 'fusion between military and civilian sectors' - Under the government order to 'defend the nation with technologies' - Fretful about Japan's delay in responding to the 'changed aspects of combat' - Aimed to promote the militarization of the economy A Xi Jinping way of counterattack Restrictions on the export of gallium and germanium The largest and longest ever military exercise of the Maritime Self-Defense Force The Japanese government hell-bent on winning over Indo-Pacific countries TOP |
No. 2777
(July 17th 2023 Issue)
Break through the danger of a war erupting - Confrontation between the US-Japan and China intensifying in East Asia -- The Kishida government is heading straight for a massive military buildup and the revision of the Constitution - Create a huge upsurge in the Ukraine antiwar struggle and the anti-war, anti-military alliance struggle!
'No to a major military buildup, constitutional revision, and a massive tax hike! Students of Kagoshima University held an antiwar meeting June 27th [3] Kaleidoscope Depending on 'overseas Indians': Narendra Modi schemes to scrape together funds and technologies from all over the world The invitation to the Chinese space station: In the field of space development, too, China is intending to bring the global South over to its side Restructuring on an unprecedented scale in Riken (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research): aimed to reorganize it into a hub of Japan-US joint military research Tanka Poems - Thoughts that welled up in my heart From May to June, 2023 Together with Ukrainian people [4] Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant: Stop the discharge of radioactively contaminated water into the ocean! - Brandishing 'approval' by the IAEA, the Kishida government is intent on shutting out criticisms - Deception in the 'treated water is safe' campaign Don't allow the restart of the inordinately decrepit Takahama nuclear reactors Nos. 1 and 2! Stop the restart of the experimental fast reactor Joyo! Denounce the NRA decision that its safety measures clear the standards! - The Kishida government to set about the restart of the tottering, unsafe reactor - Kishida is clinging to the securing of plutonium production technology for military use [5] French workers' struggle against the pension reform going through an ordeal - Parliamentarianist distortion by the existing leadership -- Mélenchon pressed workers to sing the national anthem instead of L'Internationale - Marine Le Pen-led Rassemble National is manoeuvring to win over workers Topics 123 hours of overtime in a month! Education workers have been compelled to work terribly long hours Let us fight to abolish the special measures law that legalizes teachers' overtime without pay! [6] Promotion of a research project for information control, or crisis management, in an emergency The criminal nature of Kishida's 'Fukushima creative reconstruction' measures - So-called 'significance of risk communication in Fukushima' - 'Avoid evacuation - this is a lesson we draw from Fukushima'!? - Advocacy of another 'radiation is safe' myth plotted together with international organizations Peasant workers protesting against the imposition of production in the middle of the corona virus pandemic Hon Hai Precision Industry, Zhengzhou factory, China - More than 20,000 workers walked out all together - IT capitalists swarm around cheaper labour-power TOP |
No. 2776
(July 10th 2023 Issue)
- The beginning of the end of the FSB-helmed authoritarian ruling system
--Among opposition parties, Ishin and Kokumin-Minshu are acting as assistants in the constitutional revision -- The existing leaderships’ abandonment of struggles against the reactionary offensives and ---the resolute struggles of revolutionary workers and students to overcome their degeneration - Denounce the Rengo leadership for praising the ‘security-related government documents’! - Denouncing the abandonment of struggles by the Zenroren leadership, let us fight resolutely! ‘Denounce the deployment of Ospreys!’ Antiwar Youths protested at the Ground Self-Defence Force camp June 18th, Fukuoka, Kyushu
Militant students calling on the participants to oppose the US-Japan military alliance ‘Stop the increasing military expenditure’ rally in Sapporo Hokkaido, June 20th
[3] The united action of workers and students in Okinawa June 25th ‘Denounce the legislations for military build-up! Stop the missile deployment!’ Marching along the main street of the prefectural capital - ‘Let us fight to smash the constitutional revision and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!’ --------The Zengakuren Okinawa chair appealed at the solidarity rally - ‘Crush Putin’s war!’ -------An Okinawan leader of the Marxist Student League spoke out
The united action of workers and students in the Tokai region June 18th ‘Stop the constitutional revision! Smash the military alliance!’ A militant demo through the central district of Nagoya City - The solidarity rally before the demo: filled with fighting spirits against the US-Japan global alliance - An encouraging appeal from the JRCL
[4] Kaleidoscope 2023 The reason for the U-shaped table Xi looked down upon Blinken though he was eager to meet the US envoy A knife to America’s throat China is building its military footholds in Cuba NATO’s liaison office to open in Tokyo? Kishida intent on building a hub of liaison among the NATO ‘partners’ [5] A mass rally against the constitutional revision in Nagoya June 19 ‘Denounce the enactment of the two laws for military build-up!’ Militant students encouraged workers, students and citizens
A local board of education in Osaka Prefecture Don’t allow the local authorities to check pupils’ memorization of the ‘reign of the emperor’ anthem! - Smash the forced ‘patriotic’ education! Widespread contamination by poisonous substances (PFAS) leaking from US military bases Deceitful countermeasures taken by the Kishida government: giving priority to US bases over the lives of local residents Topics The Kishida government agenda for ‘economic and financial reform’ Orders for thorough reduction in social security costs and the ‘digitization in healthcare services’ [6] Overseas Appeal for the 61st International Antiwar Assembly TOP |
No. 2775
(July 3rd 2023 Issue)
Smash Japan’s military buildup! Stop the constitutional revision!
- ‘Break through the danger of war erupting amid the head-on clash between the US and China-Russia!’: solidarity rally prior to the demonstration - ‘Crush Putin’s war!’: A comrade from the JRCL called on the protesters - Let us advance further with the aim of overthrowimg the Kishida-led Japanese-type neo-fascist government! [8]
Militants marching along the main road of Osaka
Sapporo A punch to the local LDP office, boiling with rage
June 13th, Okinawa
Zengakuren and antiwar youths in Hokkaido protested in front of the local LDP office June 16th, Sapporo
[3] Kaleidoscope - A military alliance built up between Japan, Britain and Australia The Kishida government strengthening the ties with the resource-rich country to ensure military and economic security for Japanese imperialism - Xi Jinping’s ‘war on espionage’ The revised ‘anti-spy’ law is applicable to all corners of life; informing to the security police is compulsory - Behind the scenes of the civil war in Sudan Using Wagner, Putin is making ‘gold’ hand over fist [4] The JCP directions for ‘opposing Kishida’s military build-up’: its anti-working class nature I. Totally abandoning struggles against the legislation of reactionary bills II. Abandonment of ‘opposition to the US-Japan military alliance’ - ‘Opposition to nullifying Article 9’ fading away into the background III. The JCP’s ‘united front tactics’ went into bankruptcy IV. The criminal nature of its ‘Proposals to the Japanese and the Chinese governments’ [5] Oppose the compulsory possession of My Number [identification number] cards imposed by the Kishida government! A ‘digital identification number system’ aimed to strengthen the authoritarian, military system of controlling the people Fight back against the neo-fascistic reactionary offensives! Stop Kishida’s move to build Japan into a strong military power! The British working class going on strike in waves - Workers stood against the Sunak government’s attempt to legislate against strikes: a general strike on February 1st - Education, railway and medical workers carrying on with struggles - British workers! Keep on fighting by overcoming the TUC leadership’s abandonment of struggles! [6] A Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor in imminent danger of collapsing Don’t allow the government and Tepco to plunge toiling people into another nuclear disaster! The Tepco management is pretending the danger is not so serious A plan to resume the operation of Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear reactor No. 7 failed [7] A worker re-employed after his retirement died from overwork Denounce greedy capitalists for imposing low wages and long working hours! Bird Flu Demanding jobs forced upon local public service workers to put down a massive number of diseased hens Topics Under the banner of ‘structural wage hikes’ the Kishida government pressing workers to switch to ‘new jobs in growth industries’ TOP |
No. 2774
(June 26th 2023 Issue)
Crush the ultra-reactionary offensives of the Kishida government to -- A series of offensives to strengthen the neo-fascist ruling system -- A headlong dash for the building of a global military alliance against China and Russia - Create an enormous upsurge in the antiwar, anti-military alliance, anti-constitutional revision struggle! -- Let us make further advancements in the Ukraine antiwar struggle!
[2] Denounce the enactment of the Defense Funds Law! Zengakuren alone stood against the passage of the bill, denouncing the JCP's neglect of organizing mass struggles June 16th, in front of the Diet Building
Stop the passage of the Defense Funds bill in the House of Councillors! Waseda Univ., Kokugakuin Univ. and other students rose in front of the Diet Building June 13th
[3] Smash the passage of legislation for defense funds and the revision of the Immigration Control Law! Militant students of Okinawa fought with workers in the van of a protest rally Naha, June 7th
'Fight against the US-Japan military alliance!' Students called on rally participants 'NO to military buildup! NO to tax increase!' Rally in Kagoshima June 4th
'Stop the revision of the Constitution!' 'Crush Putin's war!' JRCL's call evoked sympathy among workers and citizens in Kanazawa June 10th
Kepco's perfunctory anti-earthquake measures Don't allow the continued operation of the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant! - Kyushu Electric Power Company [Kepco] concocted an arbitrary assessment of seismic vibrations to avoid additional construction work required for the continued reactor operation - Crush Kepco's attempt to operate reactors beyond the limit of forty years! [4] Post office counter service Definitely 'No!' to the drastic personnel cut based on the 'reworked standards for calculating the number of workers required'! I. Japan Post management imposes additional sacrifices on workers (1) Management's concepts of 'necessary labour forces' and 'additional labour forces' (2) Deception in the 'standards for calculating the number of workers required' II. No to the drastic personnel cut! Let us oppose the intensification of labour and the imposition of increase in productivity on workers! [5] Manufacturing of 'Japan-made state-of-the-art semiconductors' The Kishida government pours a tremendous amount of tax money into the construction of a new 'national policy factory' in Hokkaido - The government is aiming for the recovery of Japan's declined semiconductor industry - The local authorities and capitalists are getting all excited at the Hokkaido Valley Project - Kishida's ambition to build Japan into a strong military power and achieve technology-based national development The governor of Ishikawa Prefecture is intent on clamping down on the media The central government and the LDP are increasingly tightening control of the mass media Topics 'Don't hesitate to overhaul the tax system' Rengo chairwoman Yoshino cries for a consumption tax hike Going along with Kishida's policy for counteracting the falling birthrate, including tax hikes [6] Kaleidoscope Biden's last-minute cancellation: The Pacific islands summit came to naught Eastern and Western Turkestans: The Xian summit was stained with the colour of the blood of massacred Uighurs The maintenance and repair of US warships will be undertaken in its vassal state - at the civilian dockyards in Yokohama, Maizuru and Kure TOP |
No. 2773
(June 19th 2023 Issue)
-- Shatter the revision of the Constitution! - The danger of the outbreak of a thermonuclear war amid the head-on clash between the US and China plus Russia - Advance antiwar, anti-military alliance and anti-constitutional revision struggles! Create a militant upsurge in the Ukraine antiwar struggle! [2] Stop the voting on the Military Buildup bills in the Upper House! Militant students fought at the forefront of workers' and citizens' action June 6th, in front of the Diet Building
Stop the steamrollering of the revised Immigration Control and Refugee-Recognition Law through the Diet! Thousands of angry protestors gathered in front of the Diet Building June 7th
'No to the missile deployment on the Southwest Islands!' Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students rose to protest together with workers and citizens June 4th, Okinawa
[3] 'Generative AI' fever Don't impose sacrifices on the working class and toiling people! - A clash of interests between powers over the expansion and restraint of its use - Artificial intelligence 'generates' sentences and images?? - Don't allow mass sackings and the intensification of exploitation and expropriation! The Kishida government and Japanese monopoly capitalists frantic to introduce generative AI - 'Use ChatGPT!' Kishida screams A Chinese version of generative AI The Xi leadership ordering the acceleration of its development under the government's full control [4] Toyota's supply chains to be reorganized along with a 'shift to EV' Don't allow mass sackings of workers! 1. Peculiar supply chains for EV production being built up according to the 'omnidirectional strategy' 2. Reduction of supply chains for engine vehicles: forcing small companies out of business and causing a storm of mass sackings [5] The spring labour offensive in the electric industry Denounce the reduction of sunto into labour-management consultations to promote a job-based employment system I. Denounce the labour aristocrats in the Electric, Electrical and Information Unions for settling the offensive with derisory compromise figures! II. They reduced the offensive into labour-management consultations for 'acquiring and developing human resources' III. Let us fight further for a 'big, across-the-board wage raise'! Topics Measures for 'increasing child-support benefits', which deceive the toiling masses The Kishida government is intent on raising consumption tax rates in the name of 'different-dimension measures to counteract the falling birth rate' [6] Kaleidoscope - The CIS summit in Moscow: Far from unity, the summit turned into a scene of exchanging criticisms and reproaches Putin suspects everything and everybody - A 'peace mission' to Ukraine and Russia?: Posing as an arbitrator, Ramaphosa acts as a cat's-paw for the rulers of China and Russia - Russia is reimporting parts for tanks, missiles, etc. from Myanmar and India - Red-baiting in South Korea: Yoon Suk-yeol is frantically cracking down on trade unions TOP |
No. 2772
(June 12th 2023 Issue)
Rally for the united actions of workers and students, June 18th! - Ukrainian forces and people launching the counteroffensive, driving Putin into mortal agony - The Kishida-led neo-fascist government of Japan dashing to a major military build-up and the revision of the constitution - Let us fight for a mass upsurge in the struggle against the military build-up and the constitutional revision! Advance the Ukraine antiwar struggle! -- Crush Putin's war!
[3] 'Stop the enactment of the law to secure military funds!' Militant students protesting in front of the Diet May 30th
No to the reactionary revision of the Immigration Control and Refugee-Recognition Law for expelling refugees! - Stop the forced passage of the bill by the neo-fascist government! - Expose the crimes of state rulers across the world imposing wars, oppression and poverty! Denounce the enactment of the law to promote nuclear power generation! - Let us fight to smash the nuclear development combined with the military build-up! [4] Denounce the revision of the 'My Number' Law! Smash the tightening of the mass surveillance and control system! Let us denounce the new 'freelance' legislation! - Rejection of the united struggle of 'independently contracted workers' - Don't allow the rampancy of independently contracted labour with no workers' rights and low pay! The struggle of the Amazon Labour Union in USA Workers fighting back against the crafty offensive of the management - Formation of the first labor union in Amazon. com. in the US - Amazon workers, fight by denouncing the degeneration of the AFL-CIO leadership! [5] Reject the union leadership's agreement on the derisory wage increase in the 2023 spring labour offensive! Don't allow the selling out of the summer and winter holiday entitlements! The Postal Workers Committee of the JRCL - Reject the union leadership's agreement with the management in the shunto! - No to the massive personnel reduction and labour intensification due to the 'revision of postal delivery zones' and the 'integration of customer service counters'! - Denounce the union leadership for distorting the union movement into one that touts a 'plan to create a future for the company'! - Crush the Kishida government's gigantic military buildup, massive tax hikes and the revision of the Constitution! Let's say 'No!' to the union leadership that urges union members to increase productivity on the pretext of the 'revival of the postal business'! Topics The internal affairs ministry and the postal management are covertly making toiling people's fixed-amount postal savings go into the national treasury 80 percent of the claims for repayment have been rejected [6] JCP bureaucrats clinging to the illusion of 'ASEAN as a community of peace' - 'East Asia is a community with no fear of war'!? - A perverted praise for the power holders acting for their own national interests - All the members of the JCP, break with the bankrupt bureaucratic leadership of the party! Pent-up indignation of Mykhailo Podolyak, a Ukrainian presidential adviser Never allow a 'fake peace missionary' to manoeuvre! TOP |
No. 2771
(June 5th 2023 Issue)
Rise up against the gigantic military buildup and -- A rush to a military buildup and an increase in military expenditure on an unprecedented scale -- The government and the LDP, accompanied by two 'opposition' parties of Ishin and Kokumin, are accelerating Diet deliberations on the revision of the Constitution - Denounce the degeneration of the JCP leadership that abandons opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! - Create a massive struggle to prevent the military buildup and the revision of the Constitution!
Militant students rose in an emergency action in front of the Diet Building May 23rd, Tokyo [2] Militant students rose in anger against the G7 Hiroshima Summit
[3] Kaleidoscope A fascistic control of the academic circles The Kishida government plans to privatize the Science Council of Japan, critical of government-led military research The Japanese and Indian air forces conducted their first joint exercise The Kishida government has embarked on promoting military cooperation with the Modi government Putin's conscription Sacrificing ethnic minorities, economically disadvantaged people, those in the Ukrainian territories under Russian occupation ... A stinging blow to the Russian Air Force stationed in Belarus Belarusian partisans blew up a Russian AWACS with a drone [4] Kishida's 'new capitalism' integrated with a plot to build Japan into a military power The survival strategy of Japanese imperialism amid a head-on clash between the US and China plus Russia A. 'New capitalism' led by the state - Getting out of 'dependence on the market' - Rivalry against 'authoritarian states' B. Integration of 'national security' and economic / industrial policies - 'Pushing 'security' to the front - Building a system to secure high-tech semiconductors as a national policy - Securing today's version of an 'all-out war footing' The launch of a new rocket H3 ended in failure A severe setback for the Kishida government now making a headlong dash to an arms race in outer space [5] Reorganization of a national university Kumamoto University embarked on a new project in line with the government-led invitation of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company - Setting up a research centre to train semiconductor engineers along with Government, the local authorities and electrical monopolies - Reorganization aimed to resolve the shortage of high-tech engineers caused by the invitation of TSMC - The university authorities positively responding to the Kishida government's strategy for 'reviving Japan's semiconductor industry' The true state of 'smart factories' where AGV's (automated guided vehicles) are introduced Automation has entailed dismissals, redeployment of workers and intensification of labour Topics 'High-level wage increases are achieved in Japan'!? (a fabricated report of the Nikkei Shimbun, monopoly capitalists' PR magazine) Concealing the drop in real wages and the intensification of labour [6] From a May Day Appeal issued by the FLTI-CI For the military defeat of Putin's counterrevolutionary troops in Ukraine! Let's open the path to the Russian working class and youth! For the unity of the European working class! 'No to the missile deployment on the Southwest Islands!' A mass peace rally in Okinawa, May 21st Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fought in the van, raising the banner 'No to Ampo!'