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No. 2520
(May 28th 2018 Issue)
Denounce the Trump administration for transferring the US embassy to Jerusalem!
eStop the reclamation work for a new US base construction in Henoko!f eNo more reinforcements to the Japanese troops in the border islands of Okinawa! Peace March and Peoplefs Rally in Okinawa were uplifted, May 11th-13th Okinawa Peoplefs Rally at Ginowan Park on May 13th
- eCrush the US-Japan nuclear military alliance!f Zengakuren made an appeal to all participants rallied from across the country - They strived under the banner, eNo to the USfs attack on North Korea! No to North Koreafs nuclear armament!f [2] Peace March on May 13‚”‚ˆ Zengakuren from across the country fought in the forefront eShatter the nuclear alliance! Down with the government!f Students marched beneath the banner of eAnti-military alliance!f - Students, together with workers, raised a chorus of angry yells at the US Marine Corps Air Station in Futenma
Sit-in Protest in Henoko on May 14‚”‚ˆ 'Stop the embankment work! Remove all the US bases!f
[3] Denounce the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem! Condemn the bloody massacre of Palestinian people by Israel! - The Trump administration, supporting the far-right Zionists, is going to start another warmongering act - Let us fight in solidarity with Palestinian people rising up against US imperialism, against Zionism! The Tokyo Metropolitan Government revised its epublic nuisance ordinancef to make it easier for the police to crack down on trade unions and anti-government movements Wary of Malaysiafs excessive dependency on eChinese moneyf, 92-year-old Mahathir bin Mohamad made a comeback [4] Stop the passage of the ework-style reformf-related bill! Donft countenance the treachery of the JTUC leadership! I. The Abe government is about to railroad the bill through the Lower House II. Workers will surely be thrown into severer poverty, longer working hours and more intensified labour due to the reform III. Donft let the JTUC labour aristocrats support the government revision of labour laws! eWorkers should find fulfilment in work by achieving productivity improvementf An impermissibly anti-proletarian remark of the Chairman of Denki Rengo [Japanese Electrical, Electronic & Information Unions] [6] May Day rallies Osaka eOverthrow the neo-fascist Abe government!f Militant and revolutionary workers strived to inspire the rally Nagoya eUplift the anti-Abe government struggle!f The call of the JRCL evoked a favourable response among workers Hokkaido eNo to the revision of labour laws!f Workers showed anger against war, against poverty and against the high-handed rule of the government [7] Topics The deception of the Japan Teachersf Union leadership: It neglects to oppose the Education Ministryfs plan to impose more intensified labour on education workers, while emphasizing the need to abolish the law that admits teachersf eunpaid labourf A Convenience store worker as emanger in name onlyf was forced to work without sleeping or resting even at the time of a heavy snowfall [8] Donft allow the resumption of the Hamaoka nuclear plant operation, the emost dangerous nuclear power plant in the worldf, built right in the middle of the hypocentral region of a massive earthquake! Stop the Abe governmentfs promotion of nuclear development aimed to restore emilitarist Japanf! TOP |
Fight to stop the reactionary revision of
the Constitution!
- Indignations spreading against the parliamentarianist distortion by the JCP leadership - Militant students exposed the reactionary nature of the bargaining between US imperialism and North Korea / China Okinawa People's Rally May 15th ' ![]() Remove the military bases!' Zengakuren in the van of the protesters. (Details will appear in the next issue.) [3] Mass rallies against constitutional revision on May 3rd: a great upsurge 20 thousand workers, students and people in the Osaka Rally Students from Kobe University and Nara Women's University fought in the van
A mass rally in Sapporo Students from the University of Hokkaido marched under the banner 'No to the US-Japan military alliance!' ![]() Enthusiastic responses to the JRCL call, the Kanazawa rally 'Down with the Abe government!' Kanazawa University students marched, together with workers ![]() [2] Denounce the air strikes on Syria by US, UK and French imperialist powers! Denounce the mass murders by the Assad regime backed by Russia! Okinawa Kengakuren rose up in a protest action in front of the US Consulate, April 14th ![]() The JRCL called on the participants in the Osaka rally to rise up against the Abe government, April 14th ![]() A mass protest rally in Sapporo, Hokkaido, April 19th 'Down with the Abe government!' The JRCL call encouraged the participants ![]() Kanazawa University students called on local workers and people, April 23rd 'No to Abe's constitutional revision!'
[4] The 2018 spring labour offensive in the printing industry Denounce the union leaders who settled the offensive in exchange for a low wage hike! [5] Military drills of the Ground Self-Defence Force and US troops in Japan: drastically escalated [6] May Day rallies The Rengo Fukuoka rally April 28th 'No to the revision of labour laws!' Voices rose against the labour aristocrats ordering 'productivity improvement' The Rengo Okinawa rally April 27th Angers spread wide against the leaders who have abandoned struggles for wage hike The Rengo Ishikawa rally Kanazawa, May 1st Enthusiastic responses to the JRCL call 'Down with the Abe government!' Topics The government is planning drastic cuts in the nursing care service [7] What underlies the falsification by Japanese steel makers in their quality inspection [8] Kaleidoscope - JCP leaders distorting mass protests against the Abe government in a parliamentarianist way - The fake two-hundredth anniversary of Marx's birth in Germany and China - China-led destructive development projects in Africa - The 'Smart cell industry' promoted by the Japanese government: treating humans like laboratory animals TOP |
Stop the revision of the Constitution!
- Thwart the introduction of a draft for constitutional revision into the Diet! - No to a US military attack on North Korea! No to North Koreafs nuclear armament! - Block the revision of labour laws promoted in the name of a ework-style reformf! - Donft allow the cover-up of the Moritomo and Kake school scandals! [2] New developments over the Korean Peninsula and our tasks [3] Revolutionary workers strived in the 89th May Day rallies JTUC [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] central rally April 48th, Tokyo Workers showed anger at union leadersf promotion of the industrial patriotic movement
Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] central rally May 1st, Tokyo Workers raised angry voice against JCP Chairman Shiifs scheme to reduce their fight against the revision of labour laws into parliamentary manoeuvring ![]() Zenrokyo [National Trade Union Council] rally at Hibiya May 1st, Tokyo Militant workers called on participants to create antiwar struggles in the middle of a crisis over the Korean Peninsula
[4-5] The 2018 spring labour offensive: How degenerate union leaders distorted it into one efor productivity improvementf and how revolutionary workers fought to break the distortion A. Labour aristocrats oppressed and distorted the offensive in response to the managementsf demands for eboosting competitivenessf and eraising productivityf B. Revolutionary workers strived in opposition to the leadersf instructions for the eoffensive for productivity improvementf C. Let us fight for a militant development of the labour movement! [6] A construction worker was killed in a demolition work in the US Kadena air base, Okinawa - The tip of an iceberg: work-related accidents are rapidly increasing in Okinawa with US bases strengthened as forward bases to attack China - Many construction workers were also forced to engage in unlawful, dangerous work in Takae, north of Okinawa, where US helipads were forcibly constructed Introduction of a new monitoring system in schools Schemed by the Kanazawa City board of education in close collaboration with the police in the name of the security of children Topics Labour aristocats assisting the government in enacting the ework-style reformf bill The JTUC Chairman Kozu is pressing opposition parties to cooperate with the government in starting Diet deliberations [7] Introductions to Marxism, five volumes On starting the publication of a series of lectures given by Kanfichi Kuroda in 1960s [8] Henoko, Okinawa, April 23rd-28th Unyielding struggles fought for six consecutive days against the new US base construction Action in front of the Camp Schwab gate April 23rd Workers, students and residents blocked vehicles from carrying in construction materials Protesters formed a tight scrum and staged a sit-in, warding off violent repression ![]() eSit-in protest on the seaf staged by a flotilla of about 80 canoes April 24th
(right) On the shore, workers and citizens raised their fists in solidarity with canoe fighters Okinawa Peoplefs Rally in front of the Camp Schwab gate April 28th
(right) Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa International Univ. students fought in the van under the banner, eDown with the Abe government!f TOP |
No. 2516
(April 30th 2018 Issue)
Stop a nuclear Korean war! Stop Japan's participation in the war!
- The danger of war is mounting behind the political manoeuvring between the US and North Korea-China -Abe, left completely in the dark, is desperate to simply strengthen the US-Japan nuclear military alliance, clinging to Trump - Shatter constitutional revision! Don't allow the cover-up of the Moritomo and Kake school scandals! [2] 'Now is the time to bring down the Abe government!' 'Denounce the US, UK and French air attacks on Syria!' 50,000 people gathered in front of the Diet Building, April 14th
[3] Naha, Okinawa, April 13th 'Topple the scandal-ridden Abe government!' Workers, students and citizens held a protest demonstration
Kanazawa, April 14th 'Down with the Abe government! Condemn the US, UK and French bombing in Syria!' The JRCL called on workers and citizens in the busy street of the city
Crush the autocracy of the National Security Council headed by Abe! [4] Stop the new US military base construction in Henoko! Stop the constitutional revision! Fight for a militant uplift of the May 11th-13th Peace March and People's Rally in Okinawa under the slogan, 'Against the US-Japan military alliance'! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL The call awoke animated responses in many people - US and Japanese rulers are pushing ahead with the reclamation work in Henoko - Military exercises for attacking North Korea are being escalated amid the diplomatic bargaining between the rulers of the US and China-North Korea - Driven into a tight corner, the Abe-led Japanese government is clinging on to Trump - Topple the Abe government hell-bent on strengthening the nuclear military alliance with the US and the constitutional revision! [5] The struggle of NTT Union workers Smash the revision of the company's 'welfare system' designed for the 'efficient' health preservation of workers! [6] Electrical industry workers' spring labour offensive Impeach union leaders' agreement on extremely low wage hike figures! Don't allow their distortion of the labour offensive into a joint labour-management 'conference' designed to improve productivity! Never, ever allow the revision of labour laws! The Abe government is scheming to further spread 'independent contractor' systems with a design of removing all the existing regulations to protect workers [7] Topics The JTUC leadership, driven by fears that they might have no party to support, is urging remnants of the former Democratic Party to join in haste to form a new party Stop the restart of the Genkai nuclear reactors No. 3 and No. 4! Condemn the 'steam leakage' accident to reactor No.3, whose operation was resumed only a week ago! My opinion On the innermost heart of Amira Hass, a Jewish news reporter fighting on the side of Palestinians, and her 'communist' parents, survivors of the Holocaust [8] Kaleidoscope - Neo-conservative John Bolton's diabolical plot; to deal with North Korea in the same way as they did to Libya - What the bombing on Syria will eventually bring to Trump is ... - China is manoeuvring around in South Pacific island nations with an eye to building military strongpoints - Remnants of Chukaku-ha faction are dissolving in misery TOP |
No. 2515
(April 23rd 2018 Issue)
No to the massacres of Syrian people by the al-Assad regime!
- Shatter neo-fascist Abe's desperate attempts to prolong the life of his government'! - No to Trump-Abe summit talks! Crush the US-Japan nuclear military alliance! - Create a huge upsurge of the struggle against war, against constitutional revision! [2] Naha: Action in Okinawa, April 2nd 'Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!' Workers, students and residents gathered from all over Okinawa
Sapporo: An emergency action in Sapporo, March 29th 'Topple the Abe government!' Voices reverberated through the centre of the city
Osaka: 'Down with Abe!' Action in Osaka, April 6th 'No to the constitutional revision! No to fascism!' Kobe Univ. students strived to create a militant upsurge of the rally
[3] Collusion of the Saudi Arabian monarchic rulers with the Trump administration: a scheme to set up an anti-Iranian network and grow out of the oil-dependent economy [4] Denounce the NTT union leadership for accepting ultra-low compromise figures of pay increases! Degenerate leaders are disseminating the 'need to invest in human resources' to drive workers into 'productivity improvement' [5] Impeach the agreement on extremely low wage hike figures! Don't allow the leadership to bring the struggle to a close in the private railway / bus workers' spring labour offensive! - Monopoly capitalists ruthlessly suppressed wage increases - Accuse the union leaders for brazenly justifying the compromise figures as 'effective wage hikes'! - Smash the intensification of labour in the name of a 'work style reform'! [6] Deception in the measures to 'improve the conditions of education workers with extremely excessive work' proposed by the Ishikawa Prefectural education board Topics The spring labour offensive of UA Zensen [Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers' Unions]: Labour aristocrats call ultra-low compromise figures agreed upon 'excellent results'; they urge workers to strive for 'productivity improvement' [7] To make Kuroda's revolutionary spirit my own -- My resolve to discipline myself to be a revolutionary Marxist [8] Tepco [Tokyo Electric Power Co.] conceals the danger of radiation damage caused by 'caesium ball', radioactive dust that has been scattered in the air right after the Fukushima nuclear disaster Don't allow the cover-up of the increasing number of childhood thyroid cancer cases in Fukushima! The central and local government are scheming to cut back the health surveys of Fukushima Prefecture residents TOP |
No. 2514
(April 16th 2018 Issue)
Stop the revision of the Constitution! I. The Abe government is desperate to participate in a nuclear Korean war and revise the Constitution II. The confrontation between the US and China-Russia is heating up all over the world A. The danger of war is growing in the Korean Peninsula B. Military and economic competitions between the US vs. China and Russia are intensifying III. The revolutionary left in Japan is fighting to overcome the degeneration of opposition movements IV. Rise in a struggle against the constitutional revision, against a nuclear Korean war! - Stop the constitutional revision! Fight against the US-Japan military alliance, against fascism! - No to the coming US-Japan summit talks! Stop a nuclear Korean war! Shatter the US-Japan nuclear military alliance! [3] The reconstruction of a US powder magazine has also been started in Henoko Stop the deployment of 'nukes usable on the battlefield'! [7] Outcries for the overthrow of the Abe government echoed across the country Osaka, March 24th Workers, students and citizens held a big rally against Abe's move towards war
Nagoya, March 19th Protesters denounced Abe's transparent attempt to hush up the Moritomo school scandal
Fukuoka, March 18th People gathered to protest against the Abe government's falsification of official documents
[4] Fight out for a militant upsurge of chemical industry workers' 2018 spring labour offensive! Don't allow the distortion of struggles by the degenerate leadership of JEC [Japanese Federation of Energy and Chemistry Workers' Unions]! 1. Chemical monopoly capitalists are shifting all burdens to workers to survive 2. Denounce the labour aristocrats for supporting capitalists' offensives! [5] Poverty-stricken workers and people are groaning under local authorities' unduly harsh collection of taxes and premiums Crush the Abe government's reduction of social security expenses! Topics Auto monopoly capitalists are using a loophole in the revised Employment Contract Law to continue exploiting fixed-term workers [6] The leadership of JAM [Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] coerces its union members to cooperate in raising productivity -- A criticism of JAM's action plan for the 2018 spring labour offensive A. Capitalists are victimizing workers to survive the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' B. Expose the criminal nature of the slogan, 'Labour offensive aimed to create funds for wages'! [8] The Abe government is covertly preparing for the revision of the Broadcast Law, aiming to nurture broadcasting stations that will simply support him The JCP bureaucrats are extolling Trump's 'consent' to the proposal of US-North Korean summit talks TOP |
No. 2513
(April 9th 2018 Issue)
Xi Jinping-led China is bent on - Presidential term limits were removed under the constitutional amendment approved in China's 13th National People's Congress -- A departure from the 'Deng Xiaoping Constitution' -- Unashamed glorification of Sinocentric nationalism - Expose the anti-proletarian nature of Xi Jinping who poses as a 'great leader of the Chinese people'! [2] Overthrow the Abe government ----attempting desperately to hush up the Moritomo ultra-right school scandal! - Crush Abe's plot to bring the scandal to a close by merely using a sworn testimony in the Diet as subterfuge! - A trend to hinder PM Abe from being elected for a third term is growing stronger in the LDP - Abe is driven into a tight corner by Trump's 'raw deal'
[3] Anger over the Moritomo school scandal is flaring up across the country Kagoshima People of Kagoshima Prefecture held an emergency rally, March 19th 'Down with the Abe government!' Kagoshima Univ. students marched in the van of protesters (pic1) Workers and students gathered in front of the city hall undaunted by a rain (pic2) Sapporo People's anger flared up at the falsification of official documents, March 19th Expose Abe's involvement!' Protesters' rage exploded at the cover-up of the scandal (pic3) Kanazawa 'Topple the Abe government!' Protest voices resounded through the street, March 19th, 'Denounce the forgery of documents!' Protesters fought resolutely despite a heavy rain (pic4) Osaka The JRCL propaganda unit made an ardent appeal to overturn the Abe government in the high street , March 17th (pic5) [4-5] Postal Union workers' 2018 spring labour offensive We denounce the labour aristocrats for agreeing ---on the management's reply of a zero wage increase ---for three consecutive years! No to the union leaders' acceptance of major revision in the allowance and holiday systems! Don't give approval to the leadership's agreement in the coming National Convention! - The management flatly turned down workers' demands for wage increase; ----the union leadership positively accepted this - The management proposed major revision in the allowance and holiday systems ---in the name of improving the treatment of short-term employees - Condemn the leadership's justification, 'There is a need to stably secure personnel'! --- Win a great increase in staff numbers! - Denounce the treachery of the union leadership who distorted the spring labour offensive! ---Don't allow the abridging of workers' rights and deterioration of working conditions! - Don't allow the Abe government to cover up the Moritomo school scandal! --- No to the revision of labour laws! Down with the Abe government! Topics Denounce the extremely low compromise figures of pay increases in the Postal Union workers' spring labour offensive! [6] Rengo rallis for the 2018 spring labour offensive Naha, Okinawa, March 20th Workers of SME's and local industries strived to create a militant upsurge of struggles Sapporo, March 5th The venue was filled with the anger of workers at the labour law reform Rally participants also expressed their anger at the deregulation of working hours under the name of a 'highly professional system' [7] The Trump administration has launched a trade war with China A. Trump is bulldozing his way to push America's 'state interests' - Xi-led China is devising countermeasures B. Protectionist hard-line policies are causing increasingly bitter discord and contradictions Japan's seed law was abolished Don't allow agribusiness monopolies to hold sway over Japanese agriculture! [8] Denounce Abe's involvement in still another scandal - a 'supercomputer' scandal! Abe granted huge subsidies (10 billion yen) to a supercomputer start-up, one of Abe's 'crony' companies Bring to light what lies at the bottom of this scandal! Disclose the criminal method adopted by the rightist mayor of Moriguchi City! The city's project of 'free education' is funded with workforce reduction and the wage cuts of municipal workers TOP |
No. 2512
(April 2nd 2018 Issue)
Don't allow the Abe government to scotch the Moritomo ultra-right school scandal!
Militant students took firm action in front of the Diet Building, March 16th [8] The nub of the Moritomo school scandal Aiming to build a model school for ultra-nationalist 'patriotic' education, --- the Abe government sold state land at an exorbitantly cut-rate price - Private school operator Moritomo Gakuen worships the pre-war Imperial Rescript on Education ---and supports Shinzo Abe wholeheartedly - The Abe Cabinet, the majority of which are members of an ultra-rightist lobby group, Nippon Kaigi [Japan Conference], ---provided Moritomo with ample facilities
The Education Minister admits: It was two ultra-right MP's, Abe's henchmen, that ordered the Ministry to inquire ---into a lecture given by Maekawa, who had 'defied' the Abe government [2] The 140th Zengakuren Central Committee meeting ended in success, March 12th-13th, Tokyo A strong bridgehead was established for advancing struggles --- against the revision of the Constitution, against a nuclear Korean war A crypto currency bubble: a consequence of the crazy monetary easing policy under Abenomics [3] 'No to the restart of nuclear reactors!' March 11th, seven years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster
Osaka: Stop the restart of the Õi No. 3 and No. 4 nuclear reactors! Militant students, together with workers and citizens, held a demonstration to protest against Kansai Electric Power co. Sapporo: No to the resumption of Tomari nuclear power plant operation! Students marched under the slogan, 'Denounce the Abe government's abandonment of disaster victims!' Kagoshima: Don't allow the resumption of Genkai No. 3 reactor operation! Kagoshima Univ. students strived for a vigorous upsurge of the rally and demo [4] Worldwide competition is intensifying among auto monopolies over 'global standards' for electric vehicles [5] Denounce the leadership of Jichiroren [Japan Federation of Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Unions] -- unable to squarely tackle reactionary government offensives! Let us strengthen the public sector labour movement on the basis of the buildup of trade unions! [6] Rengo rallis for the 2018 spring labour offensive Fukuoka, March 10th Union leaders' cry for 'productivity improvement' provoked rank-and-file members' rage Kanazawa, March 6th Labour aristocrats' chants of 'work-style reform' met with an angry chorus of opposition Topics JTUC Chairman Kozu's reactionary utterance in a press conference: 'This year's spring labour offensive is serving to boost competitiveness and productivity' [7] Don't allow the construction of a final high-level radioactive waste disposal site in Hokkaido! Deception in insisting that an earthquake is predictable: The Central Disaster Prevention Council admitted its long-standing assertion to be a pure fabrication ---designed to promote nuclear development Decommission all the nuclear power plants in Japan, an earthquake-prone archipelago! TOP |
No. 2511
(March 26th 2018 Issue)
Zengakuren students and antiwar workers held a militant demonstration
- Demonstrators launched angry fists in front of the Diet Building, the PM's Official Residence and the US Embassy - Create a gigantic upsurge of struggles against the revision of the Constitution, -------against a nuclear Korean war! Advance the anti-Abe government struggle! [2] Denounce the labour aristocrats for accepting the ultra-low wage hike offer! Fight for victory in the spring labour offensive against the distortion of workers' struggle into an Industrial Patriotic movement promoted by the JTUC leadership! - Monopoly capitalists were frantic to suppress basic pay rises by fudging up various allowances - Toyota's management and labour aristocrats joined hands --- to lead the way to consummate the 'joint consultation system for boosting competitiveness' - Don't allow the enforcement of productivity improvement in the name of 'work-style reform'! - Smash capitalists' suppression of wage rises! Win big, across-the-board wage increases! [3] Don't allow the Moritomo school scandal to be stifled! Down with the Abe government! - Shatter any attempt of PM Abe and Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga to get out of the fix! - Create a gigantic surge of anti-fascist, anti-Abe government struggle! 'Don't let Abe hush up the scandal!' Students rose in protest in front of the Diet Members' Building, March 16th The Education Ministry high-handedly ordered an inquiry to be made about a lecture at a high school given by Maekawa, the former administrative vice-minister of Education Maekawa had testified last year before the Diet about Abe's involvement in another sensational school scandal - Abe's desperate attempt in the middle of the scandal - Undisguised intimidation of the local board of education and the school authorities [4-5] An illusion of a 'worldwide economic boom' created by a financial bubble and military demand -- The utmost decay of the contemporary imperialist world economy 1. A 'worldwide drop in stock prices' started in the US 2. The so-called Goldilocks economy has reached a deadlock - Rulers of the West and Japan are hard-pressed to 'normalize' monetary policies 3. Present-day 'worldwide prosperity' is brought about by the swollen debts of governments 4. The furore over the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' is accelerating the decay of the contemporary imperialist economy [6] Condemn the labour aristocrats of the Toyota union for pledging to capitalists to 'act in unison for boosting competitiveness'! Strive for a militant upsurge of the 2018 spring labour offensive of the Federation of All Toyota Workers' Unions! Denounce the leadership for distorting struggles into a campaign for 'improving each worker's ability'! [7] Rengo rallis for the 2018 spring labour offensive Osaka, March 2nd Participants raised angry voices of denunciation against labour aristocrats' abandonment of wage struggles Nagoya, March 4th Workers expressed open anger at degenerate union leaders' yelling for 'productivity improvement' Topics The trade union membership ratio has dropped to17.1%, the lowest in history Expose the anti-proletarian nature of all of the labour aristocrats who are lending a hand to capitalists in restructuring! [8] The Abe government has no monetary policy other than to continue 'monetary easing' ---- in order to conceal the bankruptcy of Abenomics China's 13th National People's Congress: The constitutional reform that allows Xi Jinping to perpetuate his autocratic regime was approved TOP |