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No. 2480
(August 7th 2017 Issue)
Rally to the 55th International Antiwar Assembly! Let us thwart a military attack on North Korea by the US, Japanese and South Korean rulers! Oppose the nuclear capability race between the US and Chinese / Russia! Rally all forces of the working class and create a big surge of anti-Abe government struggle!
'Stop the reclamation work in Henoko!' Students fought in the van of protesters forming a human chain to block all four gates July 22nd, Okinawa Militant students fought under the banner 'Repeal the US-Japan security treaty!'
[3] Let us stop the new US base construction in Henoko by mobilizing the full power of workers and people! Now is the time to topple the staggering Abe government! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL - Don't allow the government to continue the embankment work! - US bases in Okinawa are being strengthened as pivotal forward bases for attacking China and North Korea -- Supressing Okinawan people's protest, US forces are conducting military training time and again - Let us create a big surge of antiwar struggle under the banner 'Against the US-Japan security treaty!' by overcoming official opposition leaders' campaign merelly to support the Okinawa governor! [4] A report on the 10th National Convention of the Japan Postal Union Denounce the leadership that urges union members to work hard for the improvement of productivity! Let us fight for a militant strengthening of the postal labour movement! [5] Workers' protest pulverized JTUC leaders' acceptance of a government plan to introduce a 'zero overtime pay system' Don't allow the Abe government to revise the Labour Standards Law! -Strong objections arose nationwide against the 'tripartite agreement between the government, labour and management' - Condemn the treachery of degenerate leaders of the JTUC! Let us push forward for the overthrow of the Abe government! Topics A young worker committed suicide after being forced to work more than 200 hours overtime a month on the construction of a new National Athletic Stadium The Abe government okayed construction companies:s imposition of ultra-long working hours to get buildings ready for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics [6] What will be brought about by the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'? (Part 7) The inhumanity of the 'future society and economy' portrayed by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party Denounce JCP leaders for accepting the rightist mayor's order not to criticize the government when ralling at a public space in Kanazawa [8] Step up the anti-Abe government struggle! ---Abe dug his own grave by inventing a blatant lie ---Don't allow Abe to dodge the 'SDF-reports cover-up' issue by just making the Defense Minister resign! [7] Kaleidoscope - The study of biological and chemical weapons:the scandalous Kake Gakuen's veterinary department plan includes another dangerous programme: - JCP learders are calling the Self-Defence Forces, not violent apparatuses, but 'organizaions of force', following the government's wording - Artificial intelligence is being used in personnel management: a challenge to humanity TOP |
No. 2479
(July 31st 2017 Issue)
Step up the fighting against the Abe government! - Denounce the treachery of the JTUC leadership'! --Crush those attempts to conclude a 'tripartite agreement between the government, labour and management' --- for the removal of state regulations on working hours! - Advance the anti-Abe government struggle further by rallying the power of the working class!
Topple the Abe Cabinet with the united power of workers, students and toiling people! Anger flared up in front of the Diet Building July 19th
[3] Zengakuren Hokkaido staged a protest against the Ground Self-Defense Force landing exercises, together with workers from all over the prefecture July 9th, Hamataiki, Hokkaido
Extreme rightists in Japan are hysterically spreading around provocative remarks on a Korean war [4-5] For a critical analysis of the BOJ's monetary policy dubbed 'different dimension easing' A. On the standpoint and method for analyzing currency and a managed currency system - Is it true that the present dollar and yen are 'not connected with "gold", even indirectly'? - Hilferding lacks an understanding of Marx's theory of the value form, and therefore of money -- Hilferding set out to plunge into a theory of organized capitalism - The meaning of an inflationary policy in state monopoly capitalism to the working class B. On the use of the term 'the real economy' [6] Under Abe's new social security programme, some municipal authorities demand the return of welfare benefits from economically disadvantaged families on grounds that their children used to get payment in the form of student loans Shatter a still more reactionary plan to revise the social security system! Topics Don't allow the Abe government to enact a law for privatizing water supply business! [7] Foil an attempt of Ishin, another right-wing party, to assist Abe's move to revise the Constitution! Expose the reactionary nature of draft constitutional amendments released by Ishin! [8] The general election in Britain: the meaning of the 'big advance' of the Labour Party The inferno of a public high-rise apartment building in London: Direct a working-class anger against the 'social murder' by the May government! TOP |
No. 2478
(July 24th 2017 Issue)
Create a big surge of anti-Abe government struggle!
- The Abe government, servilely following the Trump administration, is shouting for aggressive measures against North Korea - Let us advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle based on proletarian internationalism!
[2] Militant students staged a resolute fightback against the enforcement of the Conspiracy Law, in solidarity with workers and citizens on the day when it was put in force (July 11th )(pics above and right) The Abe government is rushing to the acquisition of 'capabilities to attack enemy bases' It is moving to equip F-35 stealth fighters with JSMs (long-range air-to-ground missiles) [3] Condemn the JTUC leadership for changing its tack and accepting the revision of the Labour Standards law! Shatter the introduction of a reactionary system that removes regulations on working hours under the name of a 'highly professional system'! Expose the deceitfulness of a JCP bureaucrat's cry to 'build a party within the working class'! What the JCP really covets is 'the working class' as their constituency [4-5] The 10th National Convention of the Japan Postal Union Don't allow the degenerate leaders to command workers to 'raise productivity' aimed for the 'development of the company'! Bring to light the anti-proletarian nature of the 'Creation of a new movement', JP Union's new course designed for productivity improvement! [6] Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation At least seven fires occurred within the first half of this year at the ironworks in Oita Don't let the management expose workers to danger! Topics A government panel offered an absurd opinion that labour standards inspection work should be outsourced Don't allow the emasculation of administrative work for protecting workers! Members of the government advisory panel on National Strategic Special Zones, Abe's cronies, are hunting for concessions on the pretext of 'destroying bedrock regulations' [7] What will be brought about by the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'? (Part 6) Electrical machinery monopolies are frantically vying with each other in developing monitoring technology and systems My study note Learning anew from the young Kuroda's inquiry into Gesetzlichkeit (objective law governing objects to be cognized) and Gesetz (cognized law) (Part 2) [8] Kaleidoscope - The Abe government is scheming to join hands with India to set up an encircling net against China, both economically and militarily - Researchers are absorbed in 'genome editing' all over the world, leaving aside efforts to establish even 'bourgeois bioethics' TOP |
No. 2477
(July 17th 2017 Issue)
Push forward the struggle to overthrow the Abe government! - Abe is plotting to calm down people's anger by means of a cabinet reshuffle - Topple the Abe government, the National Security Council-helmed autocratic system, with the power of workers and toiling people! Denounce North Korea's test-firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile! Stave off military attacks on North Korea by the US, South Korea and Japan! - Eradicate the growing danger of a nuclear Korean war! - The US and China-Russia are clashing with each other over 'sanctions' on North Korea - Down with the Abe government bent on war! [2] No to the buildup of the US military bases in Japan! Thousands of workers participated in a Peace March in Okinawa June 23rd-24th
'Denounce the enactment of the conspiracy legislation! Stop the constitutional revision!' Militant students held a campus protest meeting, June 21st [3] 'Stop a nuclear Korean War'!: United actions of workers and students: June 18th Naha 'Stop the construction of a new US base in Henoko! Down with the Abe government!' Voices of Zengakuren Okinawa and antiwar youths reverberated through the main street of Naha
Nagoya 'Denounce the legislation against "conspiracy crimes"!' 'Overthrow the Abe government!' White-helmeted workers and youths staged a militant demo in the heart of the city
[4] Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is bogged down with its MRJ regional jet programme MHI's ambition to make inroads into the world's jetliner market has failed [5] The Chinese government's deceitful 'new action plan to tackle soil pollution' Huge quantities of river and ground contamination have been left as they are A power struggle is intensifying in the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping desires to restore the post of and take office as chairman of the CPC [6] What will be brought about by the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'? (Part 5) 'Freed from working hours and the working place'?: Expose the deception of labour aristocrats' so-called new working styles! Topics Despite the LDP's crushing defeat in the metropolitan assembly election, the JTUC's labour aristocrat Ohmi continues to bow to the Abe government [7] The Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Support Act, rammed through the Diet in May, ----would definitely destroy Japanese agriculture 'Down with the Abe government bent on war and constitutional revision!' A workers' rally and a demonstration was held against the conspiracy bill in Sapporo, June 12th The JRCL made an ardent appeal to workers participating in the rally World News The general elections in Britain: Theresa May in a predicament - A letter from British comrade [8] My study note Learning anew from the young Kuroda's inquiry into Gesetzlichkeit (objective law governing objects to be cognized) and Gesetz (cognized law) (Part 1) TOP |
No. 2476
(July 10th 2017 Issue)
Stop the revision of the constitution!
- Don't allow the Japanese government to strengthen a system for conducting a war jointly with the US! - Build a powerful united battle front against fascism! [2] 'Denounce the legislation against "conspiracy crimes"!' Angry protesters rose in action across the country Militant students from Kagoshima University fought in the Kagoshima Central Station square for three consecutive days June 14th: 'Stop the railroading of the conspiracy bill!' Together with indignant workers and citizens, Kagoshima Univ. students staged a sit-in (pic 1) June 15th: 'Denounce and down with the Abe government!' A student's ardent speech uplifted workers and citizens' rally (pic 2) June 16th: Militant students distributed flyers in the main streets, calling on workers and citizens to 'Overthrow the Abe government!' Kanazawa Univ. students carried out an emergency public relations activity June 16th, in the main street of Kanazawa Youths intently reading leaflets handed by the students (pic 3)
The JRCL took an urgent action in the high street (pic4) June 15th, Fukuoka [3] 'Stop the constitutional revision! Overthrow the Abe government!' United actions of workers and students, June 18th Osaka Zengakuren and antiwar youths' demonstration marched on the LDP local office
Sapporo Workers and students from all over Hokkaido staged a militant demonstration
[4] Amid a major reorganization of the auto industry: Production sites of the parts manufacturing industry are thrown into confusion, while workers are exhausted and groaning - A storm of corporate realignment and restructuring is raging on a global scale - Parts manufacturers are in confusion in responding to the request of their parent company, Toyota - Workers are forced to be at enmity with each other [5] An ex-JCP leader's new book approves of Japan's pre-emptive attack on enemy bases Bring to light the criminal nature of the man who shouts that the JCP should make it its basic policy to actively use the Self-Defense Forces! [6] The reality of 'study in Japan programs' Many Asian youths staying in Japan are forced to work in sweatshop-type workplaces Topics The leadership of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation have jumped at Abe's new plan to revise the Constitution They declared the three top-ranking officials will 'take care of this matter', to seal up opposition from below [7] 'Starve out the North Korean people': Governor of Ishikawa Prefecture uttered an inhuman remark under pressure from the ruling party Kaleidoscope - Met with LDP's crushing defeat in the recent metropolitan assembly election, ---Shinzo Abe is impelled all the more to revise Article 9 - The war addict Trump's budget for the 2018 fiscal year puts great emphasis on the expansion of military capabilities: ---Down with the war craze with the power of the American people! [8] Overseas Appeal for the 55th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan - Down with Trump and Kim laying their finger on the button to launch nuclear missiles! - Denounce the genocidal war on Muslim people in the name of 'war on terror'! - Oppose the nuclear capability race between the US and China / Russia! - Let us promote antiwar struggles and fight to overthrow the governments engaging in wars! Overcome the 'defence of the homeland' tendency! Click to see the full text TOP |
No. 2475
(July 3rd 2017 Issue)
Repeal the conspiracy law!
- Full of rage, workers and students marched on the Diet Building, on the PM's Official Residence - 'Don't allow the parliamentarianist distortion of struggles by the JCP leadership!': --Zengakuren chairman's speech in the solidarity meeting prior to the demonstration - 'Denounce the labour aristocrats of Rengo [JTUC] for supporting the constitutional revision!': --a speech by a worker from the Antiwar Youth Committee - 'Crush the outrage by the autocracy of the National Security Council!': --a solidarity address by a delegate of the JRCL - Build up the united battle front against fascism! Overthrow the Abe government! [2] Denounce the forced passage of the conspiracy bill! The revolutionary left rose in protest actions across the country, June 15th Sapporo: 'We condemn the ramming of the bill!' Zengakuren Hokkaido marched on the LDP local office
Naha: Workers, students and citizens held a protest demo in the main street; Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fought in the van
Kanazawa: 'Denounce the forced passage! Down with the Abe government!' The JRCL made an ardent call on workers, students and citizens in the central city street
[3] 'Stop the steamrollering of the conspiracy bill through the Upper House!' Thousands rose in protest, June 10th, Nagoya 'Stop a nuclear Korean war!' Militant students' banner attracted participants' attention in the rally 'Remove the US X-band radar base!' Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students fought resolutely, together with workers and citizens, June 4th, Kyotango, Kyoto 'Stop a nuclear Korean war!' They fought in solidarity with the fighting people of Okinawa and South Korea Aichi University students successfully achieved a students' convention A resolution against the constitutional revision was overwhelmingly adopted, June 8th [4] Steel industry capitalists are rushing to introduce 'high information technology' at the cost of workers 1. The three major Japanese steel companies are suffering decrease in income for three consecutive years 2. Monopoly capitalists are introducing 'IoT and artificial intelligence technologies' for the survival of their companies 3. Expose the criminal nature of labour aristocrats who are helping the degradation of workers into 'human robots'! [5] Shinzo Abe's leading role in providing an exorbitant advantage to Kake Gakuen is clearly corroborated Don't allow the cover-up of the scandal by the Abe government! [6] Denounce the resumption of Takahama No.3 nuclear reactor operation! - Expose the deception of the 'electricity rate cut' campaign! - Don't allow the dangerous reactor operation with the use of plutonium-mixed fuel! 'No to the legislation against "conspiracy crimes"! No to the revision of the Constitution!' Hundreds of workers assembled to fight against the Abe government's offensive June 10th, Kanazawa Topix Labour aristocrats are scheming to appoint Naoto Ohmi, a man tied to Shinzo Abe, to the incoming chairman of the JTUC, manoeuvring for the revision of Article 9 of the Constitution [7] Expose the fallacy and degeneration of the JCP leadership ---who are calling for a 'new form of citizens' revolution'! A desecration of the Russian proletarian revolution: ---An utterly vulgar view was put forward by a Gorbachev-affected historian [8] Kaleidoscope - The Japanese government is hysterically making a retort to UN reports ---which criticized PM Abe's 'pressure on the Japanese media' and 'violation of human rights' - Mahmoud Abbas's unpardonable betrayal of his fellow Palestinians - GM, GE, Exxon... all have a good reason to attack Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris accord - Who instigated the king of Saudi Arabia to punish Iran and Qatar? TOP |
No. 2474
(June 26th 2017 Issue)
Denounce the forced passage of the conspiracy bill!
- Never allow the outrage committed by the autocracy of the National Security Council! - The legislation against 'conspiracy crimes', today's version of the prewar Maintenance of the Public Order Act, is designed to conduct a war of aggression - Shinzo Abe, the only follower of Trump, is finding himself without any friends in the world - Overthrow the Japanese neo-fascist government!
[2-3] 'Stop the passage of the conspiracy bill through the Upper House!' Fierce anger besieged the Diet Building Militant workers and students fought day in, day out 'Block the railroading of the bill!' Indignant calls of students resounded in the vicinity of the Diet Building
--------Militant students of Zengakuren gave spirited yells, together with workers and citizens rallying around to crush the bill (pic centre) Zengakuren students fought stubbornly through the night in front of the Diet Building , at 22:00, June 14th (pic right) A storm of denunciation erupted at the moment of the passage of the bill in the Upper House, June 15th
'Down with the Abe government!' The JRCL made an ardent call on workers and citizens, June 13th, Hibiya Park 'Don't allow the passage of the bill!' Protesters packed into the venue, each holding up placards (pic right) 'Stop the construction of the new US base in Henoko! Block the legislation against the "conspiracy crimes"!' Thousands rallied in front of a US military base gate June 10th, Okinawa
[4-5] Condemn the JCP bureaucrats having lapsed into a position of 'defending the homeland'! Expose the criminal nature of the policy line adopted in the 27th Party Congress! I. The JCP leadership is utterly incapable of fighting against Abe's offensive of constitutional revision and the danger of a nuclear Korean war II. This party is scheming to make it its basic policy to 'utilize the Japanese army as a defence force exclusively for defence' - It has plunged into nationalism supportive of a self-defensive war III. The JCP bureaucrats make it a goal in itself to play a part in a coalition government with the Democratic Party JCP bureaucrats are grieving over their party's 'retreating tendency lasting for more than 30 years' Let us revolutionarily disband the JCP on the verge of disruption! [6] A planned introduction of 'technologized' medical treatment relying on artificial intelligence and robots The Abe government schemes to put people's health information under state control; care workers will be forced to undergo further intensified labour The suicide of an expressway company worker who was forced to work more than 150 hours of overtime a month: Denounce the labour aristocrats for admitting more than 100 hours of overtime per month! Topix Despite the total bankruptcy of 'Abenomics' - The Abe government is rushing to the revision of the Constitution, fabricating a mood of 'economic recovery' [7] The Yamato Transport management is sacrificing its collection and delivery workers for the survival of the company What will be brought about by the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'? (Part 4) Yamato Transport forces workers to do dangerous driving as an 'experiment' for a new home-delivery system using unmanned vehicles [8] The exposure of 'Russia-gate' scandal: The Trump administration is on the brink of collapse - Former FBI director James Comey's testimony: uncovering the Russia-Trump collusion scandal - Strife within the US ruling class over its policy towards Russia - Down with the warmongering Trump administration with the internationally united power of workers and peoples! TOP |
No. 2473
(June 19th 2017 Issue)
Stop the passage of the conspiracy bill!
- Smash today's version of the wartime Maintenance of the Pubic Order Act! - Fight with all our strength to shatter Abe's plot to revise Article 9 of the Constitution! - Stop a nuclear Korean war! Don't allow Japan's participation in the war! [2-3] A storm of protest surged up all over the country against the conspiracy bill Osaka 'Stop the passage of the bill through the Lower House!' Demonstrators' voices reverberated through the city street: May 21st
Okinawa 'No to the conspiracy bill!' Students and workers staged a spirited demonstration in the main street of Naha: May 23rd
Nagoya Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. students fought resolutely in the van of angry workers and citizens under the slogan, 'Stop a nuclear Korean war!' :May 19th
Kyushu 'Don't allow the railroading of the bill through the Lower House!' The JRCL made an ardent call on workers and citizens: Fukuoka May 21st (pic left) 'Down with the Abe government!' Kagoshima Univ. students strived in a people's rally: Kagoshima, May 20 th (pic right)
[4] Denounce the JCP bureaucrats incapable of making a counterattack against Abe's offensive of revising Article 9 of the Constitution! - The leadership of the JCP is reducing the struggle against constitutional revision to an election campaign - They are yielding to the ideological offensive by Shinzo Abe who is making full use of 'a tense situation over North Korea' as a pretext - Block the revision of the Constitution with the might and main of the Japanese working class! [5] Stop the legislation 'against conspiracy crimes' by the Abe government! [6] The Economy Ministry is loudly trumpeting the merits of 'being an independent contractor', which is sure to plunge workers into a living hell -- The Ministry's panel presented a report calling for 'flexible work styles' Topics The Abe government revealed a 'list of black companies [sweatshop-type corporations]' in name only, deceitfully showing it as a part of measures to eliminate long work hours [7] Denounce the criminal words uttered by the chairman of the JEIC [Japanese Electrical, Electronic and Information Unions]! He is patting himself on the back for issuing a 'joint labour-management declaration for "work style" reforms' What will be brought about by the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'? (Part 3) The introduction of self-checkout machines to convenience stores will surely force extremely intensified labour on workers [8] Denounce the unprecedented plutonium accident in JAEA [Japan Atomic Energy Agency]! Radioactive dust burst from plastic bags and five workers were heavily exposed to radiation Kaleidoscope - Abe announced a new plan to revise the Constitution on the Constitution Memorial Day - The Abe government forced the establishment of a special purpose marine transport company to requisition ships for military use - The JCP is putting up one ex-SDF official after another as its election candidates, advertising it really intends to 'defend Japan' - It's the same exploitation everywhere: Home delivery workers in China are also forced to work in extremely harsh working conditions TOP |
No. 2472
(June 12th 2017 Issue)
Workers and Students' United Actions on June 18th!
- Definitely no to the revision of the 'war-renouncing' Article 9! - Stop a nuclear Korean war! Don't allow Japan's participation in the war! - Denounce the parliamentarianist degeneration of the JCP and create a ground swell of struggles against the revision of the Constitution! - Topple down the neo-fascist Abe government with the united power of militant workers and students! [3] Outcries against the conspiracy bill resounded through the country A 'Withdraw the conspiracy bill!' rally, May 31st, Tokyo 4,700 angry workers, students and citizens rallied against the bill
'We condemn the steamrollering of the bill through the Lower House!' Zengakuren Hokkaido immediately rose in protest, in front of the LDP local office building May 23rd, Sapporo
Voices against the constitutional revision reverberated through the city street May 21st, Kanazawa 'No to fascism!' Kanazawa Univ. students fought with workers and citizens
[8] 'Stop the embankment work at once! No to the new US base construction in Henoko!' 'Remove US bases!' 'Repeal the US-Japan security treaty!' Militant students fought in the forefront May 27th, Okinawa
'Block the enactment of the conspiracy bill!' Militant students and workers from all over Hokkaido staged a demonstration May 20th, Sapporo
[4] For the Japan Postal Union convention Reject the agenda posed by the leadership under the slogan 'Create a new movement' , ---which commands workers to 'Work harder' and 'Raise productivity'! Denounce the leadership's 'on-the-spot' decision to accept management's 'zero wage hike' offer! Denounce the leaders' distortion of the spring labour offensive into a joint labour-management consultation about company management! The Postal Workers Committee of the JRCL - Expose the anti-working class nature of the proposal from the leadership and vote it down! - Impeach the leadership for their full cooperation in management's restructuring and rationalization plan! Let us set up a militant course of action! - Stop the passage of the conspiracy bill! Overthrow the Abe government bent on war and the revision of the Article 9 of the Constitution! Topics Denounce the labour aristocrats of Rengo for having decided on resuming 'discussions' on the Constitution for its revision! [5] Condemn the introduction of 'moral education' textbooks authorized by the government! (1) Rigid 'censorship' of school textbooks: The Education Ministry coercively demanded textbook publishers to adopt the criteria of the official, nationalistic teaching guidelines (2) Almost 'government-edited' textbooks: The authorized textbooks all turned out to be the imitations of the supplementary reader issued by the Education Ministry (3) Thwart the strengthening of 'patriotic education' promoted by the neo-fascist Abe government! The Imperial Rescript on Education was heavily imprinted on my father's minds ... Don't allow the revival of prewar Japanese militarist education! [6] A bitter rivalry between shady politicians over the planned relocation of the municipal fish market Tokyo Governor Koike is devising a crafty scheme, including union-bashing, in the name of a 'radical reform of the metropolis' What will be brought about by the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'? (Part 2) Contests are intensifying among monopoly capitalists and governments over the international standardization of the Internet of things [7] 'Abe-Kake Gakuen' scandal: Bring to light the key role played by Shinzo Abe! Down with the Abe government! Abe made full use of the 'National Strategic Special Zones' system to provide a huge advantage for the school director, his 'close friend' Kaleidoscope - Trump's first G-7 Summit: ---Bulldozed 'America first!', booed and jeered, took off his headphones, and got frowned on by everybody except the prime minister of Japan - The moaning of a North Korean peasant: ---'How we wish we had rice-planting machines and some fertilizers instead of nuclear missiles...' TOP |
No. 2471
(June 5th 2017 Issue)
Stop a nuclear Korean war! Down with the Abe government! - Denounce the missile firings by the Kim Jong-un regime! - Topple down the Abe government that has set out a war of aggression! - Rise up in unity, braving a storm of 'anti-North Korean' nationalism! (pic above) 'We denounce the railroading of the conspiracy bill!' Zengakuren protested in a rage, in front of the Diet Building, May 19th [2] 'Block the vote on the conspiracy bill in the Lower House Committee!'
Thousands of people besieged the Diet Building, May 19th Militant students strived arm in arm with workers (pic above left) 'Down with the Abe government!' 'Block the vote!' Zengakuren stood at the forefront of the fight (pic above right) Workers and people joined in the chorus of fighting students
[3] 'Stop a nuclear Korean war!' The JRCL called on the participants in Constitution Day rallies, May 3rd Osaka 18,000 demonstrated against the revision of the Constitution - The JRCL ardently called on demonstrators to 'Overthrow the "nuclear"warmongers!' (pic1) 'Topple down the warmongers, Trump, Kim Jong-un and Abe!' Militant students' call evoked an enthusiastic response among workers and citizens (pic2) The venue was filled with workers, students and citizens Sapporo: Voices against constitutional revision and conspiracy bill rose to a roar - '"NO!" to war!' Participants expressed their strong sympathy with the JRCL's call - Many workers assembled regardless of trade union national centres (pic3) [4-5] The 2017 spring labour offensive was distorted as a whole into 'joint labour-management consultations to increase productivity' I. The betrayal of the labour offensive by the degenerate leadership of Rengo [Japan Trade Union Confederation] and our struggles against it A. Revolutionary and Militant workers strived to win 'big, across-the-board wage hikes' B. Labour aristocrats distorted the spring labour offensive into 'spring labour-management talks for productivity improvement' in the name of 'raising minimum wage levels' II. Expose the anti-proletarian nature of the labour aristocrats' policy emphasizing a 'fair distribution of the added value created by a whole supply chain'! [6] What will be brought about by the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'? (Part 1) The Abe government is loudly trumpeting 'Society 5.0', where the Internet of things, artificial intelligence, robotics, etc. play a big part 'Stop a nuclear Korean war! Overthrow the Abe government!' The JRCL ardently called on workers to fight Rengo Hokkaido May Day rally, May 1st, Sapporo (pic4) The huge banner of the JRCL was fluttering in the venue crammed with thousands of trade union members One year after the Kumamoto earthquake disaster Don't allow the Abe government to desert disaster victims! [7] Yamato Transport The management announced it will pay workers 'overtime pay in arrears', but... In the guise of improving working conditions, it seeks to make more profit by imposing extremely intensified labour on workers Topics The Labour Ministry has started moving towards the introduction of a system to 'dismiss employees with monetary compensation' aimed to help capitalists sack workers freely and destroy trade unions [8] Solidarity messages from abroad in response to the call of the JRCL to stop a nuclear Korean war (Continuation) - Vladimir Pronin, Ukraine - The Fourth International, France The intensifying power struggle within the US ruling class The expose of the 'Russia-gate' scandal aimed to unseat Trump is accelerating TOP |