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No. 2670
(May 31st 2021 Issue)
Denounce the Israeli bombing of Gaza!
'Stop the construction of a new US base in Henoko! Down with the Suga government!' Zengakuren Okinawa staged a demonstration May 15th, Henoko, Okinawa
[2] Don't allow the government scheme to double the medical payment by people aged over 75! A series of Covid-19 outbreaks in a core hospital in Asahikawa, Hokkaido - Even staff members who turned out 'close contacts' were forced to continue working - Condemn the Suga government for still reducing the number of hospitals, for sacrificing healthcare and welfare services! Stop the enactment of the law to 'regulate the use of lands'! The law is aimed to protect military bases and nuclear power stations from protesters [3] Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power station: The government's attempt to resume nuclear reactor operations in June failed - Tepco's repeated cases of negligence in implementing safety measures were disclosed - Solely out of desire to protect its own position, the Nuclear Regulation Authorities handed out the administrative punishment of suspension of operation - Thwart the Suga government's plan to develop nuclear development! [4] Denounce the leadership of the electrical industry unions for agreeing on derisory wage increase! Accuse the labour aristocrats of distorting Shunto into 'labour-management consultations for a sustainable development of companies'! [5] ICT companies seeking a way to seize business opportunities by taking advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic Monopoly capitalists of Honda have embarked on the sales of the world's first 'level three' self-driving cars despite frequent occurrence of fatal accidents caused by foreign companies Topics The Suga government schemes to selectively eliminate small businesses by taking advantage of the 'pandemic depression' - The new 'bounty system for rebuilding business operations' is aimed to weed out 'unproductive' small enterprises [6] Militant students rose in action to stop the amendment of the national referendum law for the revision of the Constitution, May 11th
Military expenditure of the US's servile state Defense Minister Kishi openly speaks about the possibility of a drastic rise in the military budget in the fiscal year 2022 Students of Kagoshima University stood up to protest against the US-Japan-France joint military exercise, despite the drenching rain, May 15th
No. 2669
(May 24th 2021 Issue)
Now is the time to overthrow the worn-out Suga government - Call off the Tokyo Olympic Games now! - Denounce the government's reactionary health care policy! - Denounce the government for abandoning the masses struggling in poverty! - Shatter its attempts to revise the Constitution, to set up a digitalized surveillance system! [2]
- Condemn the Biden-led US administration for supporting the atrocities committed by the Netanyahu government! Let us fight to stop the military assaults launched by the Israeli government! Fight in solidarity with Palestinians struggling for the independence of a Palestinian state! 'Stop the enactment of the Digital Agency-related laws!' Militant students of Zengakuren rose in front of the Diet Building to block the railroading of the reactionary bill May 12th
[3] 'Stop the amendment of the national referendum law for the revision of the Constitution! Militant workers and students of Hokkaido rose in protest action in front of the local LDP office Sapporo, May 6th
Antiwar Youths of Fukuoka expressed their opposition to the US-Japan offensive and defensive alliance against China Fukuoka, April 30th
US Kadena air base in Okinawa is being reinforced as a sortie base for US-Japan joint operations against China Facilities newly constructed for US Marine Corps' F-35B stealth fighters [4] Absolutely no to the restart of the Tomari nuclear reactors in Hokkaido constructed right above active fault lines! No to the construction of a final high-level radioactive waste disposal site!@ Don't allow the start of preliminary surveys of the two candidate areas! Denounce the Suga government for holding on to the 'nuclear fuel cycle' scheme that has gone bankrupt! [5] Topics The Suga government is now commanding the 'acceleration of vaccination' while neglecting to take due countermeasures against the spread of infection Denounce the imposition of extremely intensified, risky labour on local government workers and healthcare workers! A Zenroren rally in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, May 1st Denouncing the JCP's parliamentalianist distortion, the JRCL called on workers to topple the Suga government The May Day rally of Rengo [JTUC] Kagoshima, April 29th 'No to the relocation of US forces' Field Carrier Landing Practice to Mage-shima Island! The call of the JRCL evoked sympathy among rally participants [8] The toiling masses of Chile fighting against the reactionary Piñera government's brutal repression - The government tightened repressive security measures under the pretext of preventing Covid-19 - Mine workers' and dock workers' unions rose in nationwide strikes Let us fight in solidarity with Chilean militants striving to topple the regime in opposition to the Communist Party that is immersed in parliamentarian bargaining with Piñera! Kaleidoscope - The JCP leadership advises the Japanese government to 'cope with China using international laws and the force of the police' - The task of the 'vassal state' Japan's Space Operations Squadron': - to monitor Chinese satellites under the command of the US Space Force TOP |
No. 2667-68
(May 10th-17th 2021 Double Issue)
Against the US-Japan military alliance! Against the revision of the Constitution!
- 'No to the US-Japan offensive and defensive alliance against China!' - White-helmeted students mounted a resolute demonstration - 'Break through the crisis of war erupting amid the US-China cold war!' --Zengakuren chairman addressed the solidarity meeting prior to the demonstration - Let us overthrow the Suga-led neo-fascist government with the united power of workers and students! No to the amendment of the national referendum law for the revision of the Constitution! Zengakuren rose up to stop the passing of the amendment in the Lower House Commission on the Constitution May 6th, in front of the Diet Building
[2] Rivalry between the US and China intensifying in semiconductor production [3] Kaleidoscope - An effective acceptance of China's atrocities against Uighurs: - Erdogan, the 'Sultan of the 21st century', is dependent upon China for economic recovery and vaccination - Trump vowing revenge. Workers of America! Overcome the 'divisions' and unite! - While 'deregulating drones', the Japanese government is hell-bent on instituting a system to keep all drones under surveillance - Smartphone dependence: Social networking service businesses are turning people into 'cyber-slaves' [4] A anti-Marxist prospect for 'future society' posed by the JCP leadership - 'Future society' that fully takes over the 'high level of capitalist development'!? - Glorification of the productive power of capital - The banking system is a 'lever' for 'socialist transformation'!? - The 'overall development' of workers under capitalism!? - What does 'freedom and democracy' mean to workers? - A distorted interpretation of Marx's desriptions on the 'relations of dependency' - Let us strive for the creation of the proletarian class unity! [5] Mihama reactor No. 3 and Takahama reactors Nos. 1 and 2 Stop the restart of the ageing nuclear reactors by the Suga government and Kansai Electric Power Co.! The Suga government speeding up nuclear development in the name of 'de-carbonization' Despite a rapid increase in the number of those suffering poverty, the number of welfare recipients is dropping What is this system of livelihood protection, for which needy people hesitate to apply? Denounce the Suga government for imposing poverty on toiling masses! A report from Osaka Both the central government and the authorities of Osaka Prefecture are abandoning those who are desperately in need of livelihood protection Topics The ruling LDP is encouraging an 'optional four-day workweek system' integrated with wage cuts -Another measure of monopoly capitalists to cut down personnel expenses [7] The Suga government is frantic to spread the use of 'My Number [identification number] cards' as health insurance cards My determination We shall put an end to capitalism in its terminal phase! [8] 'Stop the amendment of the national referendum law for constitutional revision!' Workers, students and citizens staged a Constitution Day rally in front of the Diet Building May 3rd, Tokyo
Voices of 'No to the constitutional revision' resounded the city streets Militant students held a demonstration with workers and citizens May 3rd, Kanazawa
'We'll stop the construction of a new base for US Marines!' A rally against reclamation works held on the beach April 24th, Henoko, Okinawa
No. 2666
(May 3rd 2021 Issue)
No to the strengthening of the offensive and defensive alliance against
China! - The Biden administration bent on building a military system for attacking China in the name of 'defending Taiwan' - The Xi government frantic to form an anti-American entente under the banner 'No interference in internal affairs!' Denounce the Suga government for imposing still more sacrifices on toiling people amid another explosive spread of the COVID-19! Call off the Tokyo Olympic Games right now! - In an attempt to stay in power, Suga clings to the hosting of the Olympics [2] Denounce the bloody repression of people in Myanmar by the military junta! Condemn the Xi-led Chinese government for giving full support to the military coup! - Massacres of people aimed to exterminate 'anti-junta' protests - The coup was carried out with a backing from Chinese rulers [3] For a militant upsurge of the May 15th Peace March and People's Rally in Okinawa Fight under the banner 'Remove all military bases! Repeal Ampo (US-Japan Security Treaty)!' No to the strengthening of the US-Japan offensive and defensive alliance against China! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL - US military bases in Okinawa reinforced as the very front lines against China - Confrontation intensifying between the US-Japan and China over Taiwan and the South China Sea - Let us fight to strengthen the May 15th action as an antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle! Stop the joint heliborne / urban warfare exercise by US, Japanese and French forces! Rise up in protest on May 15th, in Ebino, the city of the drill ground, Miyazaki Prefecture!@ The Kyushu Regional Committee of the JRCL - The first ever ground exercise to be conducted in Japan with the participation of the French army - Joint military exercises carried out or to be carried out successively by the US, Japanese, Australian, British and French forces - Let us fight under the banner 'No to the strengthening of the offensive and defensive alliance against China!' [4] Postal workers' spring labour offensive Denounce the Japan Post Union leadership for accepting 'zero increase in the basic wage' for six consecutive years'! Don't allow the union leaders to rush to the formulation of the union's 'vision for business activities'! I. The management is imposing tremendous sacrifices on postal workers II. The Union leadership justifies its acceptance of 'zero wage increase' by saying 'last year's annual salary level has been secured' III. Fight dauntlessly by overcoming the leadership that gives highest precedence to 'improvement in business'! [5] Health center workers pressed with harsh work for countermeasures against the COVID-19 'I'll make a fight back from within my workplace!' - Besides severe staff shortage, the government and the local authorities impose a massive amount of work for antivirus measures on health workers - Denounce the Suga government for cutting medical and social security service! Topics The steel industry Monopoly capitalists are desperately seeking a way to survive by expanding their overseas production Denounce mass dismissals and other attacks on domestic workers due to restructuring! China suffering from semiconductor shortages Taiwan capitalists extending a helping hand; the Biden administration trying in a hurry to stop it [6] No to the US-Japan summit meeting! Zengakuren taking concerted action across the country, April 16th Sapporo, Hokkaido Zengakuren Hokkaido rose up in straight succession
Urasoe, Okinawa 'Stop the US base construction in Henoko!'
Osaka 'Down with the Suga government!' Militant students rose in high spirits
No. 2665
(April 25th 2021 Issue)
No to the US-Japan summit meeting! 'Break through the crisis of war created by the US-China confrontation!'
[2] A hair-trigger situation in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea - US and Chinese aircraft carriers confronted in the South China Sea - No to the building of a US missile network on Japanese islands, the front line of battle against China! The largest ever exercise to be carried out by the Japanese military in preparation for an 'emergency in Taiwan and Senkaku Islands' No to the US-Japan joint preparations for a war against China! Condemn the Netanyahu government for driving Palestinian people to the verge of extinction by exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic! The Japanese government and monopolies scheming to expand fuel ammonia production with the aim of taking the initiative in the 'decarbonized fuel' market [3] Union leaders' pleading with monopoly capitalists for the 'recovery of the Japanese economy' -- The anti-working class nature of the action plan presented by the leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] -- for the 2021 spring labour offensive I. Connivance in Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] labour aristocrats' destruction of the spring labour offensive - A campaign to 'realize a national minimum wage system' dependent on ruling party politicians II. Entreaties to and backing for monopoly capitalists and the government - A proposal to 'return retained profits of big companies to society' - Fostering the illusion of 'sustainable capitalism' - The perversion and criminal nature of 'cooperation with proprietors of small businesses' - Don't allow the JCP-affiliated Zenroren leadership to treat union members merely as 'votes' in elections! [4] A decision to bring together two administrations: Denounce the enactment of a reactionary ordinance proposed by Osaka city and Osaka prefectural authorities controlled by a regional party Ishin! - The neo-fascist party's last-ditch measure for its survival - Condemn the Ishin-helmed local authorities frantic to rescue monopoly capitalists in the Kansai region, neglecting to take due countermeasures against the COVID-19! Topics The government's 'guidelines for freelances' No to the scheme of increasing the number of 'gig-workers' with no workers' rights! [5] Publishing industry workers' struggle Fight out for a militant upsurge of the 2021 spring labour offensive! - Dismissals and wage cuts: capitalist attacks on the pretext of contraction in the publishing industry - Distortion of struggles by the leadership of Shuppan Roren [Japan Federation of Publishing Workers' Union]: due to the line of defending the publishing industry - Union leaders have abandoned struggles for higher wages and instead put forward a demand to set up rules for teleworking at home amid the infection - Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! - Let us fight with the aim of toppling the Suga government! [6] The present-day world economy deepening its decay amid the 'pandemic depression' (Part 3) 4. Stock market bubbles overheating due to the debt monetization 5. Xi-led China's challenge to the US dollar system 50 years after the collapse of the IMF system: the US dollar standard system nearing the final collapse TOP |
No. 2664
(April 19th 2021 Issue)
No to the strengthening of 1. A crisis of war mounting between the US-Japan and China over Taiwan A. A confrontation intensifying in East Asia between the US-Japan alliance and China tied up with Russia - Biden-led America hell-bent on building up an offensive and defensive alliance against China and setting up an anti-Chinese encircling network - Xi-led China frantic to form an 'anti-American entente' B. Confrontation escalating over Taiwan, the Senkaku Islands, the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean C. The structural change in today's world under the pandemic 2. Reactionary offensives taken by the Suga-led Japanese-type neo-fascist government - Established opposition movements that deepen degeneration and the struggle of Zengakuren 3. Create a huge upsurge of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles! ---Shatter the constitutional revision! Fight against fascism! A. Denounce the leadership of the JCP for abandoning opposition to Ampo [US-Japan military alliance]! B. Create a revolutionary antiwar struggle to break through the crisis of war caused by the 'US-China cold war'! - No to Japan's building of a pre-emptive strike system! --No to the US-Japan offensive and defensive alliance against China! --No to the revision of the Constitution of Japan! - Smash all the reactionary, neo-fascist offensives by the Suga government! - Fight back against the imposition of sacrifices on students and workers by the government and the monopoly bourgeoisie! - Stop Japan's nuclear development! - Down with the Suga-led Japanese-type neo-fascist government! [4] Condemn the government decision to discharge radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean! [5] No to the firing of 10,000 steel workers planned by Nippon Steel Corporation! 1. The restructuring of domestic steel-making business operations 2. Don't allow the monopoly capitalists to shift all burdens onto workers! [6] Denounce the leadership of Shitetsu Soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions] for accepting companies' virtual reduction in wages! - Union leaders abandoned struggles for higher wages in the name of the 'upkeep and survival of companies' - Let us fight back against capitalist offensives and strive for a militant rebuilding of the private railway workers' movement! Topics Monopoly capitalists' demand for the 'opitimization of school children's learning' by means of digital transformation -- An opinion offered by Keidanren on the 'digitalization of education' TOP |
No. 2663
(April 12th 2021 Issue)
Don't allow the resumption of nuclear plant operations!
-- Anger expressed against the Suga government which is leaving disaster victims in the lurch - Students marched in the van of the demonstration in downtown Tokyo - Denounce the JCP leadership's treacherous behavior! Advance struggles against the nuclear development!
[2] The Suga government's dash for the development of the SDF's next-generation fighter F-3 with Mitsubishi acting as a linchpin No to the development of weapons for preemptive strikes on enemy bases! - Development of fighters for US-Japan joint operations: to vie with Chinese and Russian forces - Aimed to maintain Japan's technical ability to manufacture fighters - Expansion of military production: The government is bent on helping monopolies to survive the pandemic depression Alibaba bashing The Xi government embarked on full control of IT business giants Building up of a 'medical system on a war footing' A Regional Coast Guard Administration concluded a 'partnership agreement' with a private sports college [3] Stop the enactment of the 'Digital Agency'-related laws! No to the strengthening of the Japanese-type neo-fascist ruling system! - The centralized control of personal information data by the PM-led National Security Council - Let us fight resolutely by overcoming the established opposition movement that merely demands 'protection of personal information'! Stop the ultra-low-altitude flight trainings of US warplanes over built-up areas of Okinawa! Absolutely no to the strengthening of the war preparations against China! [4] The present-day world economy deepening its decay amid the 'pandemic depression' (Part 2) 3. Struggles between powers in the formation of 'half-opened economic blocs', --- centering around the clash between the US and China - The Xi leadership countering the US-led anti-Chinese containment with its 'dual circulation' policy - China's challenge to the US dominance in oil and supremacy in big data - Germany and the EU committing their future to carbon-free energy and digitalization; Japan desperate to catch them up [5] The spring labour offensive in the JEC [Japanese Federation of Energy and Chemistry Workers' Unions]: Don't allow the union leadership to destroy the offensive! Fight to the last ditch! - Chemical industry capitalists frantic to promote 'green and digital' projects - The JEC leadership engrossed in offering proposals concerning 'industrial policies' - They virtually abandoned wage increase demands in the 2021 shunto action plan - Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! Fight back against dismissals and all attacks due to business restructuring! Topics Dentsu, a megaagency, introduced a system of converting fulltime, middle or advanced age employees into 'sole traders' No to another intensification of exploitation! [6] Fight for a militant upsurge in the electrical industrial workers' spring labour offensive! Denounce the union leaderships of leading companies for accepting low wage hike figures! I. Monopoly capitalists' attempt to restrain wage hikes amid the reorganization of the electrical industry - Distortion of struggles by the labour aristocrats and the strenuous efforts of revolutionary workers II. Don't allow the dissolution of Shunto into 'labour-management consultation designed for the sustainable growth of companies'! III. Let us strive further for victory in the 2021 spring labour offensive! TOP |
No. 2662
(April 5th 2021 Issue)
'Stop the construction of the new US base in Henoko!'
Ten years after the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster: a Sayonara to Nukes rally in Tokyo March 27th, Hibiya Park
--- Down with the Suga government leaving disaster victims in the lurch! --- Scrap all nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel facilities! --- Down with the Suga-led Japanese-type neo-fascist government! 'Denounce the government's abandonment of disaster victims! Don't allow the restart of nuclear reactors!' JRCL militants distributed leaflets to thousands of antinuke rally participants March 14th, Fukuoka
[2] The extension of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and the intensification of nuclear capability upgrading race between the US and China-Russia - Mutual deception between Biden and Putin - The increasing danger of a thermonuclear war The Air Self-Defense Force conducted a mobile exercise for missile interception capability in Aichi Pref. JRCL made an antiwar appeal to participants in an anti-constitutional revision meeting March 20th, Kanazawa [3] A clash between the US and China over supremacy in the 21st century world I. Diplomatic talks in Anchorage: The two powers clashed head-on, each putting forward their own 'values' II. The Biden administration is hell-bent on building an anti-Chinese network III. Xi-led China is desperate to form an 'anti-US entente' [4] The present-day world economy deepening its decay amid the 'pandemic depression' (Part 1) 1. The widening <gap between the rich and the poor> 2. The uneven deepening of the crisis of the real economy - The Chinese economy: The Xi leadership has managed to resume its production at a tremendous sacrifice of workers and peasant workers - The US economy: fraught with utmost decay due to the skyrocketing of stock prices and the swell of debts [5] Topics Stop the Suga government's criminal reform of the health care system! Doubling elderly people's medical expenses, reducing the number of hospital beds ... A letter from a comrade of Revolutionary Marxists in Britain Firing and wage cuts: capitalist attacks amid the spread of COVID-19 Workers and the toiling masses are fighting back - Gas workers and bus drivers have been on strike - The Tory Government is scheming to crack down on the class struggle From a worker comrade who attended the February 14th Workers' Solidarity Meeting Let us strengthen struggles from below with an aim of 'deconstructing' the JTUC! [6] The 13th convention of the Japan Post Union Denounce the union leadership for abandoning struggles for higher wages and rushing towards a 'structural reform of business activities'! - One criticism leveled after another at the leadership's abandonment of struggles for higher wages and acceptance of bonus cuts - The leadership pushed its plan through for a bad reform of the existing personnel and wage system in response to the management - The leadership's proposal of a 'structural reform of business activities': sure to plunge workers into hardships - Questions and criticisms cropped up about agreements in labour-management negotiations - Let us create a struggle to topple the neo-fascist Suga government from within our workplace! - Don't allow the leadership's distortion of struggles for higher wages into labour-management consultation for 'improving business operations'! --Let us achieve an upsurge in Shunto! TOP |
No. 2661
(March 29th 2021 Issue)
Smash the attempt to reduce the 2021 spring labour offensive - Leaders of big trade unions are immersed in 'labour-management consultation for sustainable development of industries and companies' - Labour aristocrats are collaborating with monopoly capitalists in restructuring businesses -- in response to the Japanese government's cry for 'digital and green' - Let us keep fighting for a militant upsurge of the 2021 spring labour offensive! [2] Shatter the US-Japan offensive and defensive alliance against China declared openly in the recent Two plus Two meeting! - A declaration to 'contain China' - A rush to the building of a US-Japan joint pre-emptive strike system - Desperate to prevent China from holding 'technological supremacy' - Let us fight resolutely under the slogan 'Against the US-Japan military alliance'! Diplomatic talks in Alaska laid bare hostility amid the US-China cold war The Communications Ministry's collusive ties with NTT Corporation Condemn the Suga government riddled with bribery scandals! [6]
March 7th, Osaka 'No to the resumption of operation of decrepit nuclear reactors!' Workers, students and citizens gathered for a 'Sayonara to Nukes' rally
March 7th, Kagoshima 'Stop the operation of the Sendai nuclear plant now!' Kagoshima Univ. students strived, together with workers and citizens in the centre of the city
March 13th, Sapporo 'Scrap all nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel facilities!' JRCL ardently called on workers and citizens in a 'Sayonara to Nukes' rally in Hokkaido
[3] Takahama reactors Nos. 1 and 2, Mihama reactor No. 3: all numbering more than forty years Stop the restart of operation of the ageing reactors of Kansai Electric Power Co.! Ten years after the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster Donounce the Suga government's cover-up of damages from radiation exposure! - The central / prefectural governments are planning to call off childhood thyroid cancer screening - Cover-ups are undertaken by the Suga government in cahoots with international organizations [4] Private railway workers' spring labour offensive Let us fight for a militant upsurge of the offensive with the aim of winning a big, across-the-board wage hike! Denounce the leadership of Shitetsu Soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions] for abandoning wage hike demands in the name of the 'upkeep and survival of the traffic industry'! I. Wage cuts, sackings, relocation to other posts and companies, permanent reassignment: --Private railway workers are exposed to merciless attacks amid the pandemic - Managers of leading private railway companies are hell-bent on the 'structural reform in the railway business' II. The Shitetsu Soren leadership cries for a 'thoroughgoing labour-management consultation' III. Win a big, across-the-board wage hike! Fight for the overthrow of the Suga government! [5] A serious road subsidence case in suburban Tokyo Don't allow the Suga government to evade responsibility! - Excavation for 'deep underground' development: entailing a grave danger No to the construction of the maglev Shinkansen planned by employing the same shield method! Topics A far-fetched argument about Japanese workers' 'low average wages' The Nikkei Shimbun, a mouthpiece for monopoly bourgeoisie, cries for the destruction of the 'Japanese-style practice to secure employment' TOP |