Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation |
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No. 2700
(January 1st 2022 Issue)
I. Strenuous efforts of the revolutionary workers and Zengakuren made amid the spread of Covid-19 infection - Prompt counterattacks against the offensive of the Kishida government: --against armed expansion, against the strengthening of the US-Japan Military alliance and against the revision of the Constitution - Creative efforts in both the labour and the student fronts II. The increasing danger of the outbreak of war between the US and China in league with Russia A. A head-on clash between the US and China in collaboration with Russia over Taiwan and Ukraine B. Xi Jinping-led China is making a frantic dash for a 'great contemporary socialist country' -- Xi's desperate attempts to get through the economic crisis by raising the slogan 'self-support and self-reliant efforts' -- Raising the flag 'Socialism with Chinese characteristics' and 'Chinese democracy' -- Putin's ambition: 'revival of Great Russia' C. Declining US imperialism is desperate to 'rebuild alliances' -- The Biden administration is getting close to a lame-duck D. The 'new East-West cold war' in the 21st century III. Reactionary offensives of the Japanese-type neo-fascist government led by Fumio Kishida A. A dash for constitutional revisions, military expansion and a further strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance B. Launching out into a drastic change in Japan's industrial structure, towards 'digitalization and de-carbonization' C. Abysmal degeneration of the Rengo labour aristocrats and the JCP as converted Stalinists IV. Never ever allow the revision of the Constitution! Oppose the expansion of armaments! ----Create an upsurge of the 2022 Spring Labour Offensive! V. Carve out a 'century of proletarian revolution'! A. Let us face up to Stalinism! -- The decline of US imperialism and China's challenge -- The Stalinist transformation of revolutionary Russia and its final burial B. Let us advance forward under the banner 'anti-imperialism, anti-Stalinism'!
[6-7] A New Year's cartoon
[8-9] Xi-led China coming to a dead end 1. The bankruptcy of China Evergrande Group 2. So-called 'realization of common prosperity':a bureaucratic trick replete with deceptions 3. The basic structure of China's 'socialist market economy' 4. 'Pseudo-capitalism' and its anti-proletarian nature [10-11] New Year's resolutions (Part 1) The Okinawa Prefectural Committee The Kyushu Regional Committee The Hokuriku Regional Committee The Postal Workers Committee The Prefectural / Municipal Workers Committee The Traffic and Transport Workers Committee The Chemical Industrial Workers Committee The Telecommunication Industrial Workers Committee [12]
'Stop the revision of the Constitution! Let us create antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles!' Voices of militant students echoed through the country (top left) 'Prevent the constitutional revision! Down with the Suga government!' Zengakuren and antiwar youths carried out a militant demonstration in the government district, Tokyo, June 13th (second from top, left) Zengakuren making a protest to the Ministry of Defense, Tokyo, September 23rd (third from top, left) 'Down with the Suga government!' Zengakuren students coming from all over the country advanced towards the Diet Building, Tokyo, July 19th (third from top, centre) Militants from across the country marched on the Diet Building, December 4th (fourth from top, left) Workers and students protesting against the deployment of F-35A fighter Jets in the SDF Komatsu air base, Ishikawa Prefecture, July 28th (fourth from top, centre) Workers and students demonstrating in the city centre of Nagoya, October 17th (third from top, right) Workers and students of Hokkaido marching on the LDP local office in Sapporo, October 17th (fourth from top, right) Workers and students' united action in the Kansai region, Osaka, October 17th (second from bottom, right) Workers and students in the Kyushu region marching in the centre of Fukuoka, October 17th Resolved to stop the construction of a new US base in Henoko, Okinawa (top, right) Zengakuren Okinawa fighting in the van of 800 workers and citizens of Okinawa, Henoko, December 4th (second from top, right) Zengakuren Okinawa protesting in front of the Ground SDF base in Naha, September 15th Stop the resumption of operation of aging reactors! (bottom, right) Students fighting in an emergency national rally and demonstration in Mihama, Fukui Prefecture, June 23rd The JRCL political meeting held in high spirits (bottom, left) 1,500 workers and students gathering from all over the country renewed their resolve to advance the anti-Stalinist communist movement, Tokyo, December 5th TOP |
No. 2699
(December 20th 2021 Issue)
The JRCL public political meeting held overwhelmingly
Three decades after the collapse of the USSR - For further advances in the anti-Stalinist revolutionary communist movement! - Break through the imminent danger of war mounting amid the US-China cold war! - Workers of the world! Face up to Stalinism, now! A representative of the worker comrades: Break from below the labour movement that has turned into an Industrial Patriotic movement! The Zengakuren Chairman: We have achieved further advancements in the revolutionary student movement despite the univ. authorities' restraint on the pretext of the spread of infection [2] 'Prevent the government from revising the Constitution! Shatter the US-Japan global alliance! Militant students from across the country carried out a demonstration in the centre of Tokyo December 4th - 'Break through the danger of war amid the US-China cold war!': the solidarity rally prior to the demonstration - Rise to action against the constitutional revision! Create a surge of anti-war, anti-Ampo struggle across the country!
[3] 'Stop the reclamation work in Oura Bay in Henoko!' Zengakuren Okinawa fought strenuously in the forefront of workers and residents in two consecutive rallies Naha, December 3rd Together with workers and citizens participating in Okinawa People's Rally , militant students marched along the main street under the banner 'Antiwar, Anti-Ampo'
Henoko, December 4th Workers, students and citizens of Okinawa rose in action in front of the Camp Schwab gate
The 139th Wakagi [Sapling] Festival in Kokugakuin University Tokyo, November 1st-3rd Sounding an alarm bell to the Kishida government's quick move towards the revision of the Constitution and the expansion of Japan's military capabilities Students realized the festival of their 'autonomy and culture' by nullifying the univ. authorities' imposition of restraints on their circle activities [4] Reduction of workers' struggle for higher wages into 'tripartite consultations between the government, labour and management for surviving the crisis of the nation' -- The criminal nature of Rengo's action plan for the 2022 spring labour offensive A. Supporting the economic policy of the Kishida government B. Playing a complementary role in the capitalist offensive of dismissal by proposing a 'social safety net' C. The meaning of its emphasis on 'investing in people' D. Dependence on and expectations for PM Kishida's request to the monopoly bourgeoisie for wage hikes [5] Postal workers' struggle in the busiest, year-end / new year period Let us advance a struggle to frustrate the management's offensive of imposing extremely intensified labour on workers! - The postal authorities are enforcing merciless measures to sweat workers out and out - Denounce the treachery of the Postal Union leadership! Let us create fightbacks from our workplace! Topics Sick leaves that fall short of 31 days are "not paid" The postal management is scheming to make a bad revision of the sick leave system Don't allow the JP Union leadership to cooperate with the management! [6] A list of main articles published in Kaihoh in 2021 TOP |
No. 2698
(December 13th 2021 Issue)
Oppose the expansion of armaments by the Kishida government! - Denounce the Rengo leadership for demanding 'wage hikes' tantamount to wage cuts! - Let us fight resolutely for victory in the 2022 spring labour offensive!
[2] News from campuses The 75th Aichi University Festival, October 30th-31st A powerful surge of antiwar movements, as well as opposition to the constitutional revision, created - Students achieved their festival by crushing the univ. authorities' attempt to destroy it on the pretext of Covid-19 infection The 60th Kagoshima University Festival, November 12th-15th The festival was realized after two years' interval with the united effort of the students' organizations - Militant students organized a campus action to shatter the univ. authorities' prohibition of the festival [3] The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant The bankruptcy of the government and Tepco's plan of 'decommissioning the reactors in forty years' - The project to 'take out nuclear fuel debris accumulated in No. 2 reactor' has reached an impasse - The utterly slipshod 'method of storing nuclear fuel debris that are to be taken out' - The reactors that caused the worst nuclear disaster in history are now in imminent danger of another catastrophe - Prevent the LDP government from promoting nuclear development in the name of 'decarbonization'! [4] Japan's strategy of reviving its semiconductor industry for 'economic security guarantee' The government-led invitation of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and its meaning (Continued from the last issue) D. Competition intensifying to secure semiconductors E. The Kishida government's strategy for the semiconductor industry - A national project based on 'cooperation between the US and Japan' and promoted by 'the government working together with the private sector' - Securing a 'material base' for strengthening the neo-fascist ruling system and greedily exploiting workers [5] The leadership of Jichiro [All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union] advocates the 'reinstatement of public services' - Coercing local government workers to have a 'sense of public duty' - A class conciliatory ideology under the name of 'solidarity and symbiosis' A Toyota worker's suicide was recognized as a work-related accident: a decision issued by the Nagoya High Court Denounce the Toyota management for strengthening labour management by preaching 'You are members of the Toyota family' to its workers! Topics Rengo Chairwoman Yoshino demands of the new leadership of CDP (Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan) that it should join forces with the DPFP (Democratic Party For the People) The Rengo leadership is thus taking part in the Kishida government's scheme to revise the Constitution [6] The Tsai Ing-wen government is resisting Xi-led China's move towards the 'reunification' of Taiwan - It has set up a 'Taiwanese Representative Office' in Lithuania - Tsai's military countermeasures backed by US imperialism Manoeuvres on a massive scale, involving 100,000 GSDF troops, were conducted on the supposition of a 'Taiwan emergency' Don't allow the buildup of a national mobilization system for war! A terrible disaster in a coal mine in Russia, bringing the death toll to 51 Condemn the Putin government for commanding increases in coal output to be exported to China! TOP |
No. 2697
(December 6th 2021 Issue)
Fight for a mass upsurge of the struggle -- Under the banner of 'Taiwan's reunification with China', Xi Jinping-led China is intensifying its offensive -- The Biden administration is frantic to build up a military encirclement of China - The Kishida-led Japanese government is hurrying with revision of the Constitution and the strengthening of the global alliance with US imperialism - Denounce the JCP leadership for abandoning opposition to Ampo [US-Japan military alliance]! - Let us create anti-constitutional revision, antiwar and anti-Ampo struggles! - Rally in the JRCL public political meeting! [6] 'No parliamentary decision on constitutional revision!' Workers, students and citizens rallied in front of the Diet building, Nov. 19th
'Oppose the SDF mobilization exercises!' An emergency rally in Okinawa, Nov. 19th, Naha City
Denounce the central leadership of the JCP for abandoning the struggle to prevent constitutional revision! JCP Chairman Shii desperate to persuade the rank-and-files that the election results show 'advances in the opposition coalition' [3] Japan's strategy of reviving its semiconductor industry for 'economic security guarantee' The government-led invitation of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and its meaning - TSMC invitation as a state policy - A race for 'securing semiconductors' amid the US-China clash -- A 'Taiwan crisis' and uncertain supply of semiconductors - Desperate attempts to get through the unprecedented shortage of semiconductors (To be continued) [4] Don't permit the government to strengthen its ruling system by means of 'digitalisation of administration'! - The foundation of the Digital Agency under the banner 'Break through bureaucratic sectionalism' - Municipalities are forced to complete the standardization of services and transfer to a nationally unified system - Measures to spread 'My Number' identification cards aim to accumulate personal data for government use - Denouncing the union leaderships for abandoning opposition, let us fight back! [5] The government is imposing on municipalities a swift start of online application systems Topics A Keidanren [Japan Business Federation] 'Proposal' concerning health and nursing care services 'More burdens on beneficiaries! More cuts in services!' TOP |
No. 2696
(November 29th 2021 Issue)
JRCL Public Political Meeting, Dec. 5th -- To be 'a great contemporarized socialist state', China is rushing -- 'Rebuild alliances!' The declining imperialist power of America is frantic to roll back - Crush the constitutional revision and the military build up launched by the Kishida government! - Fight to change the 'dark 21st century' into a century of revolution!
[2] Okinawa Henoko, Nov. 6th 'Oppose the Kishida government promoting the constitutional revision and the military build up!' Militant students from the University of Ryukyus and Okinawa International University carried out a demonstration
Naha City, Nov. 12th Prevent the missile deployment to the Miyakojima Island! Workers and students held an emergency rally
[3] Oppose Yamasakura 81, the largest ever US-Japan command post exercise! - Drills for multi-domain operations on the supposition of a 'Taiwan emergency' Zambia, a resource-rich country in a 'debt trap' - With its national copper mine taken over by the Chinese government Acknowledging the US military presence in Taiwan The Biden administration demonstrated its resolve 'to defend Taiwan' to China [4] Criticizing the guidelines for the Spring Offensive 2022 proposed by the Japan Post Union leadership The leadership dared to propose cuts in wages and worse treatments of employees - Smash the leadership's attempt to fan the fear of 'a business crisis'! Win a militant upsurge of the spring offensive! [5] Hotel workers in Okinawa Harsh labour and dire poverty imposed, with exclusive hotels making inroads - Luxurious hotels for the rich built one after another - Low wages and long working hours Successive increases in the prices of daily necessities Denounce the Kishida government for imposing hardships on the toiling masses! Topics More than twenty thousand suicides a year Losing jobs, suffering poverty amid the pandemic, toiling people have been driven into difficult situations The latest government paper for 'Suicide Prevention' justifies the crimes of Abe and Suga governments [6] COP 26 in Glasgow Powers clashed against each other with their state egoism unreserved - India 'turned the tables', supported by China - Johnson's 'ambitious agenda' divided the G7 nations Chauvinism in France Another far-right element is emerging, with the Presidential election just around the corner - The Macron-led government has encouraged anti-Muslim chauvinism - Poverty and despair is spreading wide over the 'French rust belt' TOP |
No. 2695
(November 22nd 2021 Issue)
Prevent the Kishida government from revising the Constitution!
- High-spirited students raised their fists at the Diet, while denouncing official opposition leaderships' abandonment of struggles - Let us create a tidal surge of mass movement against the revision of the Constitution of Japan! [2] Anti-constitutional revision rallies held nationwide November 3rd Kobe: a 'No to War! Don't kill Article 9!' rally - Students' speeches were greeted with enthusiastic applause from the rally participants
Kanazawa: two consecutive rallies and demos against constitutional revision
Fukuoka: workers and citizens rallied in protest
[3] The Japanese government hell-bent on formulating a cyber security strategy against China and Russia - The Biden-led US administration is pressuring Japan into introducing US-made cyber-security measures Capitalists are hell-bent on the extensive use of 'face authentication systems' 'If it's reprocessed, the period required for radioactive waste disposal would amount to only 300 years' (Kishida) ?! Don't let him shamelessly continue to promote nuclear development! [4] Absolutely no to the digitalization of education that impels both teachers and children to cyber-alienation! The number of the work-related accident cases of 'internship trainees' from abroad is increasing sharply Denounce the LDP government for imposing desperate hardships on foreign workers under the Technical Internship Program! [5] The national education research conference of Zenkyo [All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union] Denounce the pro-JCP union leadership for abandoning 'opposition to long working hours' and opposition to the constitutional revision! Topics The government panel for 'new form of capitalism' has issued an 'urgent proposal' - It proposes to commit a huge amount of state funds to big business - 'Tax breaks for wage hikes', one of Kishida's catchwords, means in fact a preferential treatment for big business [6] On 'the controversy about the popularization of arts' A historic debate over proletarian arts in 1928 (2) TOP |
No. 2694
(November 15th 2021 Issue)
Prevent the Kishida government rushing to revise the Constitution! - Denounce the Rengo leadership for literally supporting the LDP government! - Fight back against the Kishida government's imposition of sacrifices on workers in the name of 'new capitalism'! - Crush the government's rush to the constitutional revision and a massive military build-up!
Workers, students and citizens rallied in protest round the Diet Building November 3rd, Tokyo - 'Let us rise in a struggle against fascism!' JRCL appealed to the participants in the rally [2] 'Stop US-Japan joint military exercises conducted days and nights!' Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fought in the van An International Antiwar Day rally in Okinawa, October 21st
'Don't allow the building of a pre-emptive attack system!' Militant Kagoshima Univ. students realized a campus rally, October 29th
[3] Kaleidoscope - Developing nuclear fusion reactors as countermeasures against global warming is a cover for developing military technology - Now the target is Honduras: The Xi-led China is pressurizing Central American countries to break off relations with Taiwan - The JADC2 (Joint All Domain Command and Control) system has begun operation: -The Pentagon is frantic to develop artificial intelligence for military purposes [4] What caused more than 70 deaths from Covid-19 infection in a mental hospital in Okinawa? The government intentionally reduced and delayed vaccine supplies to Okinawa, where people are opposed to the construction of a new US base in Henoko 'Defense of Japan for Beginners': a white paper on defense for children The government attempts to kindle the sense of national defence in school children [5] The pro-JCP union leadership abandons organizing fightbacks against restructuring and layoffs The Course of Action decided in the annual convention of Zen'insoren [General Federation of Japan Printing and Publishing Workers' Unions] 1. Abandonment of struggles against capitalists' offensive of dismissals and wage cuts 2. Abandonment of struggles for higher wages in the name of 'social wage struggles' 3. A plan to 'expand the union organization' without bending efforts to create working class unity 4. The parliamentalianist distortion of the mass movement against the revision of the Constitution Topics The new JTUC Chairwoman Yoshino vowed that the JTUC would come forward to support the Kishida government's 'economic recovery programmes' The first meeting of the panel to discuss 'a new form of capitalism' set up by Kishida [6] On 'the controversy about the popularization of arts' A historic debate over proletarian arts in 1928 (1) TOP |
No. 2693
(November 8th 2021 Issue)
Fight back against the strengthening - The CDP [Constitutional Democratic Party] and the JCP campaigned on policies that were not much different from those of the ruling LDP - Denounce the Rengo [JTUC] labour aristocrats for having assisted the LDP in maintaining its majority! - Thwart the attempts of the Kishida government to expand armaments and revise the Constitution! [1,3] Militant workers and students rose in united actions nationwide October 17th Okinawa 'Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!' Zengakuren Okinawa and Antiwar Youths made a counterattack upon the government's preparation for war against China - Shatter the strengthening of the US-Japan global alliance!
Osaka Workers and students in the Kansai region held a protest march against the US-Japan military alliance in the city centre - Smash the Kishida government's reactionary offensives!: the solidarity rally
Fukuoka Zengakuren Kyushyu and Antiwar Youths dealt an angry blow to the Kyushu Defense Bureau - Stop the deployment of F-35B stealth fighters! Smash the government scheme to turn the whole Kyushu region into frontline bases against China!
[2] A letter from the FLTI Down with the labour reform by Toyota Argentina with the government and the Union Green List! Out with the pro-Toyota Peronist bureaucracy! [4] Conversion to a labour movement that supports the Japanese-type neo-fascist government A criticism of Rengo's Course of Action for 2022-2023 1. The Yoshino-led new Rengo leadership has snuggled up to the LDP government 2. Giving support to the government's 'digitalization' and 'carbon-neutral' policies 3. Touting 'a new style of movement', the leadership aims to hold on-line meetings alone without organizing workers' mass actions 4. The anti-proletarian nature of the 'workers' representative system' proposed by the leadership! [5] Topics Divorced from the hardships of workers Rengo's 'spring labour offensive for future improvement' On the leadership's Basic Plans for the 2022 Spring Labour Offensive The mudslide in the town of Atami in July is a man-made calamity! The government passed over monopoly capitalists' unbridled land development and illegal dumping of surplus construction soil [6] The Kishida government is imposing still more sacrifices on Fukushima disaster victims Never, ever allow the 'reuse' of radioactively contaminated soil! Stop all the attempts to restart suspended reactors and build new nuclear power plants! Stop the construction and operation of the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho Village! One failure after another in carrying out the government's policy for the 'nuclear fuel cycle' TOP |
No. 2692
(November 1st 2021 Issue)
'Smash the Kishida government's ultra-reactionary offensives!!
Zengakuren and Antiwar Youths marched on the Diet Building, PM's Office and the US Embassy - 'Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan global alliance!': the solidarity rally prior to the demonstration - A big advance in the struggle to break through the crisis of war erupting amid the 'US-China cold war': the revolutionary significance of the action
[6] Sapporo Protesters raised their fists at the LDP local office: Workers and Students' United Action in Hokkaido - 'Break through the crisis of war with a focus on Taiwan!' - 'Shatter the government's reactionary offensives!' Marching on the local LDP office
Nagoya 'Definitely no to the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!': Workers and Students' United Action in the Tokai region - 'Break through the crisis of war growing amid the "US-China cold war"!':
[2] Kokugakuin University Students realized a meeting of representatives of the self-governing association and the general meeting of the students Based on animated discussions, a revolutionary executive board was established again - Let's oppose the constitutional revision!: The student association's course of action decided in the representatives' meeting on Sept. 18th - Oppose the university authorities' acts of undermining students' autonomy by using new 'registration rules'! : A special resolution adopted in the general meeting of the students on Sept. 25th - The strengthening of the students' autonomous organizations achieved: a successful conclusion of the militant students' efforts since spring
[3] Six states held an unprecedented manoeuvre: three US and Britain's aircraft carriers mobilized A highly volatile situation occurred near Taiwan with Chinese battleships closing in on the drill - Chinese forces took menacing military actions in the airspace south-east of Taiwan - The danger of the outbreak of war is being aggravated in East Asia The conversion of Izumo, a Maritime SDF's helicopter carrier, into an aircraft carrier carrying F-35B stealth fighters An operation system for attacking China is being strengthened Japan's invitation of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) The Kishida government has decided on using tax money amounting to 500 billion yen to 'secure semiconductors' [4] A 'joint patrol' to threaten US and Japanese rulers From the Japan Sea to the Pacific, a Sino-Russian joint fleet made a round of the Japanese archipelago - A counterattack upon the formation of AUKUS (between the US, UK and Australia) Putin-led Russia scheming to permanently occupy and rule the northern islands of Japan A proposal to create a 'special economic zone in the Kuril Islands' [5] Denounce the National Personnel Authority for recommending cuts in government employees' bonuses for two consecutive years! Nine months after Brexit Johnson-led Britain suffering under the acute shortage of labour and daily necessaries Topics The Rengo leadership is snuggling up to the Kishida-led LDP government The new chairwoman Yoshino is acting in concert with the LDP, which attacks an opposition-party coalition joined by the Communist Party TOP |
No. 2691
(October 25th 2021 Issue)
Denounce the Rengo labour aristocrats - Hell-bent on launching a 'labour movement' that supports the Japanese-type neo-fascist government - Break through the industrial patriotic movement! - Denounce the Rengo labour aristocrats with their anti-proletarian nature laid bare!
Toyota Labour aristocrats have snuggled up to the government and the LDP - Devotion for the survival of Toyota capital in the age of 'carbon neutral' - The leadership of Toyota unions is pulling the whole of Rengo to the right Topics The NTT management entertained ruling party MPs lavishly to drinks and dinner for the sake of keeping its concessions Don't allow the government to promote 'digital administration'! [3] No to the largest ever manoeuvres of the Ground Self-Defence Force! Protest actions across the country Obihiro, Hokkaido, Oct. 4th-5th 'Stop the heliborne drills!' Union members, students and citizens rose
Kagoshima, Oct. 8th Students of Kagoshima University carried out their protests in front of the local military base
Kanazawa, Oct. 8th Kanazawa University students rose in action in front of the local LDP office
[4] Defender Pacific 21 Based on a new war plan against China, the US Army and Air Force conducted large-scale joint exercises (part 2) The Cuban government desperate to survive the economic crisis - Currency reform for the first time in more than twenty years - Partial introduction of the 'market economy', and hardships imposed on toiling masses [5] Japan Post Bank Fight back against the massive redundancies planned by the management! Denounce the union leadership for fully cooperating in the restructuring! [6] Book Review Michel Desmurget La fabrique du crétin digital - Les dangers des écrans pour nos enfants - Digital instruments to prevent kids from having the ability to think - Instruments can never substitute for teachers - Deliver criticisms against the 'digitalization of education'! TOP |