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Overseas Appeal for the 60th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan |
No to aggression in Ukraine! |
Russian people, down with Putin!
Solidarity with Ukrainian people!
The JRCL statement (Feb. 27) in English, see the full text and the leaflet
in Russian, see the full text and the leaflet
No. 2730
(August 7th 2022 Issue)
Stir up the flame of Ukraine antiwar struggle worldwide! - Rivalry between the US-EU and Russia-China becoming fierce - Let us create an explosive upsurge of antiwar struggles to break through the danger of the outbreak of a thermonuclear war!
[2] 'Don't allow the Kishida government to revise the Constitution!' Militant workers and students strived in the forefront of the rally 'No to War' Rally in Sapporo, July 19th Against the move to revise the Constitution and expand armaments Protest action by the JRCL at the LDP local office Fukuoka, July 19th Kokugakuin University The Meeting of the Representatives and the General Meeting of students' self-governing association realized A resolution adopted to call for opposition to the revision of the Constitution and for Ukraine antiwar struggle: the Meeting of the Representatives on June 29th Demands adopted for an augmentation of students' rights to autonomous / circle activities and reduction in school fees: the General Meeting on July 9th With an overwhelming majority, a revolutionary executive board was reestablished [3] Aichi University No to the deprivation of the students' rights to the self-management of the student hall! No to the bad revision of the membership fee collecting system for the students' association! Aichi Univ. students' battle for two months against the university authorities' attempt to destroy students' autonomy The Japan Marxist Student League (RMF) Aichi University Branch A) June 9th --A student convention realized to pulverize the proposal advanced by the President on May 26th A mass protest march carried out on the campus against the university authorities B) June 23rd 'Stop the destruction of the annual Aichi University festival!' Uplifted students besieged the univ. authorities who tried to 'explain' the proposal C) --Militant students thwarted the univ. authorities' manoeuvre to divide students --Students simultaneously promoted the struggle against the destruction of the university festival and a campaign for the election of the student association board [4] A 'semiconductor war' heated up amid the head-on clash between the US and China-Russia A. A serious shock caused by Russia's aggression in Ukraine and fierce competition over Taiwan's semiconductor industry B. The Biden administration rushing to the forming of 'Chip4', an alliance for a semiconductor supply chain - Seeking to create an 'economic security partnership against China' of the US, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan C. The declining imperialism's strategy for 'reviving its domestic semiconductor production' D. The Kishida government's strategy for the 'restoration of the semiconductor industry' as part of economic security [5] Steel monopoly capitalists pinning their hopes of survival on 'decarbonization' (Part 2) III. Technological difficulties in the 'hydrogen reduction iron-making process' IV. Biden is proposing a framework for the purchase of 'decarbonised products' against China Topics Don't allow the restriction of a raise in minimum wages by monopoly capitalists! Deliberation is halted as the advisory council failed to present a 'standard' [6] Myanmar The military junta is snuggling up to Putin the aggressor Denounce the authoritarian rule supported by China and Russia! - People fighting back indomitably against the bloody repression by the national army - The junta openly supports Putin's aggression in Ukraine - China is bringing the junta round to its side to make a challenge to US imperialism The Kishida government's budgeting policy Sacrificing those suffering from poverty; no ceiling on military expansion and support for monopoly capitalists TOP |
No. 2729
(August 1st 2022 Issue)
Let us build up a surging struggle from the labour front to - Denounce the Yoshino leadership of the JTUC for assisting in the LDP victory in the Upper House election! -- Condemn the right-wing labour aristocrats for manoeuvring to back up the constitutional revision! - Impeach the JCP leadership for joining the chorus of the ideology of national defence! - Stir up the flames of antiwar, anti-constitutional revision struggles from within our workplaces! [2] Topics The need for 'a drastic buildup of defense capability' and 'the replacement/setting up of nuclear reactors' advocated loudly: Keidanren's statement on action plans adopted in its summer forum [3] 'De-Ukrainization of Ukraine' A rabble-rouser who acts as Putin's mouthpiece cries out for the 'liquidation of the Ukrainian nation' The Red Forest in Chernobyl Putin put Russian troops to digging trenches in the area heavily contaminated with radioactivity Conversion of Metro stations into nuclear shelters The Kishida government is taking advantage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine to accelerate preparations for war [4-5] Shatter a ring of counter-revolutionary elements! (Part 1) [6] Steel monopoly capitalists pinning their hopes of survival on 'decarbonization' (Part 1) I. Supply of 'low CO2 steel' to be started II. Competition intensifying over the development of 'decarbonizing technology in steel production' TOP |
Create a gigantic surge in the struggle to - - Oppose the 'state funeral' for Shinzo Abe! - An increasing danger of global warfare amid the confrontation between the US and Russia-China - Overcome the official opposition leaderships who were swallowed up by the current of the constitutional revision! - Crush the reactionary offensives of the Kishida government! -- Stir up the flames of Ukraine antiwar struggle! -- No to the price raising of living necessaries! Stop the government sacrificing social security! [2] We oppose the 'state funeral' of Shinzo Abe the neo-fascist [3]
Recruiting poverty-stricken ethnic minorities at 'high salaries' and sending them to the battlefront in Ukraine The age limit of 'contracted' volunteer soldiers was removed; even prisoners are being mobilized 'If you survive six months, you'll be set free': recruitment in prisons An 'economic mobilization law' passed whereby to continue his war of aggression Conducting a war of mass slaughter by using huge amounts of obsolete stocks of weapons in the period of the former Soviet Union [4] The 15th national convention of the Japan Post Union Denounce the union leadership for promoting a union movement that serves the company by advocating the 'creation of the future'! - Many delegates raised their voices to protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine and --to oppose the constitutional revision and the planned increase in Japan's defense budget - The union leadership justifies its agreement on derisory wage increases in this year's spring labour offensive and --its cooperation with the management in an attempt to revise the system of allowances and holidays - Delegates denounced the leadership for admitting the Japan Post's 30,000 redundancies - Don't allow the union leadership to make a run towards a union movement that serves 'business recovery'! [5] Topics The Kishida government is plotting reduction in nursing care services and increase in the burden of users The Fiscal System Council proposes further cuts in social security expenditures Without a 'My Number [identification number] card', you can get no medical treatment!? The Kishida government is stepping up the mass surveillance system Protest against Rajapakse flaring up in Sri lanka Enraged at unprecedented high prices of commodities, people expelled the president [6] Erdogan, a present-day sultan, supports Putin's war of aggression - Making a deal with Biden, he consented to the two Nordic countries' accession to NATO -- With the lira declining sharply, Turkey is verging on an economic crisis - Erdogan is possessed by a desire to restore the Ottoman Empire Denounce Putin for plunging the people of developing countries into hellish starvation! - Russia is enforcing a blockade on the Black Sea to obstruct the export of Ukraine-grown wheat - Food crises are becoming an increasingly acute problem in Africa and the Middle East - A brazen-faced plan to set up a 'corridor' in the Black Sea TOP |
No. 2727
(July 18th 2022 Issue)
Prevent the impending attack of constitutional revision! - Shatter Russia’s invasion of Ukraine! - No to the boosting of prices! Don’t allow the government to sacrifice social security! - Pulverize the dash to the revision of the Constitution of Japan into a neo-fascist constitution! [2] The Kim-led North Korean regime: hell-bent on developing ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons - The missile development is fully supported by China and Russia - Kim’s declaration of the pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons [3] The US and Japan clash head-on with China over Pacific island countries The setting up of ‘Partners in the Blue Pacific’ Biden is frantic to prevent China’s securing of its military footholds in the region ‘Pacific island countries and China share the same destiny’!? The Xi Jinping-led China is plotting to expand its sphere of influence to the ‘Third island chain’ Calling Palau and Fiji ‘fellow island countries’, the Kishida government is trying to win them over A fierce battle for supremacy between the US-Japan and China over undersea cables - A behind-the-scenes struggle aimed to steal digital data [4] From the site of working A dispatched day labourer is a ‘disposable screw’ - A temp staff agency: such easygoing ‘good offices’ in fixing day labour - Work provided cold, and two tasks to be carried out simultaneously at that - What an unreasonable set of ‘working rules’! - Temp workers give a sigh of relief when the production line stops Topics No to the introduction of a severance pay system! A report designed to set up the system was submitted by a Labour Ministry panel [5] Ukrainian people fighting back: -with the ‘history of Ukraine’ internalized in their minds Resentment against Stalin deeply seated in the minds of the people Movie review: Mr Jones (Цiна правди) - Memories of the horror of Holodomor revived - The protagonist resists Stalin’s news blackout - What should be done to make anti-Stalinism take root in Ukraine? Difficulties for new graduates in finding jobs becoming acute in China Neo-Stalinist bureaucrats are urging youths to ‘submit tamely to low wages’ [6] My study note Learning from Kan’ichi Kuroda’s quest for ‘organization and Subjectivity’ - So deeply impressed by the existential struggle of Kuroda - The image of a communist human being, as developed in his Logic of the Proletarian Human Being - The establishment of Subjectivity as members of the vanguard organization: Theory of the Vanguard Organization - Formation of Subjectivity as the subject of creation of the vanguard organization - Our organization as nunc aeternum (the eternal now) TOP |
No. 2726
(July 11th 2022 Issue)
Rally for the International Antiwar Assemblies Stir up the flame of revolutionary antiwar struggle to break through the crisis of a world war! - Drastic strengthening of NATO as an offensive and defensive alliance against Russia - Clash in East Asia between US, Japanese and European powers vs. China with Russia Advance Ukraine antiwar struggles! Fight for a great upsurge of struggles against Constitutional revision and the US-Japan military alliance! [2] 'Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!' ![]() Workers, students and residents stood up: a sit-in at the Camp Schwab gate June 16th, Okinawa Chairman of the Ryukyu Univ. student council made an ardent call to fight against the military alliance [3] Workers and Students' United Actions across the country June 19th Ukraine antiwar struggle flared up Hokkaido
'No to Russia's aggression in Ukraine!' 'No to the US-Japan global alliance against China and Russia!' 'Stop the revision of the Constitution!' (pic) - White-helmeted fighters marching on the local LDP office - Let us create a gigantic upsurge of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle!: solidarity rally - 'Crush Putin's war!': a solidarity speech by a JRCL representative Tokai Region
'Smash Russia's aggression in Ukraine!' 'No to the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!' 'Stop the revision of the Constitution!' (pic left) Break through the imminent crisis of a war breaking out amid the clash between the US and China-Russia!: solidarity rally 'Smash the authorities' fascistic attempt to destroy our students' self-governing association!': A resolve to fight expressed by an Aichi Univ. student (pic right) ![]() June 19th, Fukuoka (pic) 'No to the US-Japan global alliance! Showering slogans upon the US consulate [4] The Biden administration's new defense strategy with 'integrated deterrence' as a key concept - Coping with China, the 'important strategic competitor' - The structure of 'integrated deterrence' - Mobilizing all the 'strength' of the allied and partner countries - Nuclear strategy where a pre-emptive use of 'usable nuclear' is designated Break through the growing crisis of a thermonuclear war! [5] Hard-pressed postal workers with long hours of severe collection and delivery labour - Overtime work imposed on workers - The management frantic to reduce labour costs - Let us overturn the humiliating sutuation of the postal labour movement! Glossary 'innovation' Topics Don't allow monopoly capitalists to restrain minimum wages! The leaderships of Rengo and Zenroren are leaning on the Kishida government [6] Partisan struggles of Ukrainian working people started - Melitopol and Kherson: main battlegrounds - Disobedience, and 'hospitality' with poisoned pies - Ukrainian partisans: the tradition alive The Battle of the Rails in Belarus - Belarussian workers stopped supply trains of the Russian invading army! - Railway partisans fought to tear Russia's supply line to pieces Tanka Poems For Ukraine: a cry from the heart at my sickbed TOP |
No. 2725
(July 4th 2022 Issue)
Thwart all attempts - Attended by three parties as cats'-paws, the Kishida government is rushing headlong to the revision of the Constitution and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance - Denounce the imposition of tremendous sacrifices on workers and toiling people suffering from soaring prices! - Fight resolutely, aiming to topple the Japanese-type neo-fascist government of Kishida! Denounce the participation of the Japanese prime minister Kishida in the NATO summit! [3] Workers and Students' United Actions across the country on June 19th Okinawa
- A militant march through the high street of Naha under the banner 'Shatter Russia's aggression in Ukraine! Crush the US-Japan global military alliance!' (pic left above) - 'Let us fight in solidarity with Ukrainian people!': A rally prior to the demo (pic right above) Kansai
- White-helmeted workers and students marching along the main road (pic left above) - 'Create an explosive upsurge of anti-constitutional revision, anti-military alliance struggles': Solidarity rally prior to the march (pic right above) [2] Denounce the JCP bureaucrats adverse to the Ukraine antiwar struggle and the anti-constitutional revision struggle! - Not a drop of sympathy with Ukrainian people, not an ounce of anger with Putin - Converted Stalinists are disgracing the Russian Revolution and Lenin - Criticize the JCP leadership for destroying anti-constitutional revision struggles from within! [4] India's diplomacy for 'strategic autonomy' lays bare its state egoism 1. Active involvement of the Modi-led Indian government in the formation of US-led IPEF [Indo-Pacific Economic Framework] 2. Defending Putin the aggressor 3. The Modi government burning with ambition to 'rise to be a world power' [5] An abnormal shortage of drugs The biggest culprits are the government's medical cost containment policy and drug manufacturers' insatiable profit seeking - It came to light that illegal manufacturing of generic drugs had been rampant - The hotbed: forcible implementation of the government policy to reduce medical costs - Coerced into manufacturing drugs illegally, workers are driven to bay both mentally and physically Topics The government's so-called 'work style reform': bus company managements continues to impose super-long working hours on bus driving workers Denounce the leadership of the Private Railway / Bus Workers' Unions for fully co-operating with the management! [6] Overseas Appeal for the 60th International Antiwar Assembly Click to see the full text TOP |
No. 2724
(June 27th 2022 Issue)
An anti-war demonstration in the centre of the capital
- Smash 'Putin's war'!: A solidarity rally held prior to the demonstration - 'Now is the time to advance the struggle of anti-Stalinism!': A solidarity speech on behalf of the JRCL -- The JCP leadership's abandonment of the Ukraine antiwar struggle bitterly denounced [2] The ruling Liberal Democratic Party bent on a neo-fascistic offensive of reorganizing broadcasting The latest Summit of the Americas Latin American states refused to sign the joint statement in opposition to Biden's immigration policy [3] 'Stop the new US military base construction!' Thousands gathered for Okinawa People's Action at the Camp Schwab gate June 4th, Henoko, Okinawa Students of Ryukyu University and Okinawa Int'l University fought in the van
Condemn the JCP for voting in favour of the 'resolution of thanks to the SDF troops' in the Naha city council! - A criminal act of treachery towards antiwar, anti-constitutional revision struggles - The policy 'to use SDF troops to defend the nation' is now 'upgraded' to a basic policy of the party [4-5] US and Japanese rulers frantic to build an 'Asia-Pacific version of NATO' The meaning of the US-Japan summit and the QUAD summit conference I. 'Enhancement of the deterrence and response capabilities of the Japan-US alliance': -- a strengthening of the offensive and defensive alliance against China declared II. Building up a system of cooperation in 'economic security' with China excluded III. The declining empire's survival measure based on the strategy of 'integrated deterrence' IV. The Kishida government: started a full-scale dash to become a strong military power [5] Additional duties in public health centres Without solving the staff shortage, local governments are forcing public service workers to double as medical officers in charge of infection control measures Fight back against the imposition of extremely intensified labour on workers! Topics Postal workers are striving to build up Ukraine antiwar struggles in their trade union in opposition to their union leaders reluctant to organize struggles against Russia's aggression [6] 'Neo-Eurasianism' an ideology that justifies Putin's ambition to restore the territory of Great Russia Faced with Russia's aggression in Ukraine: my anger boils with rage -- What I am thinking of every day -- Tanka Poems -- Putin must never be forgiven TOP |
No. 2723
(June 20th 2022 Issue)
Rise in Workers and Students' United Actions on June 19th! - The danger of war mounting in East Asia: - the Kishida government is rushing to the revision of the Constitution and the strengthening of Ampo [US-Japan military alliance] - Smash 'Putin's war'! For an explosive upsurge in the anti-constitutional revision, anti-Ampo struggle! -- Let us fight in solidarity with Ukrainian workers and toiling masses! -- Prevent the revision of the Constitution of Japan at all costs! Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! [2] Resistance in Kherson [3] Don't allow the Kishida government and Cepco [Chugoku Electric Power Co.] to resume the operation of the Shimane nuclear power plant! - Shimane prefectural governor gave his 'approval' to the restart of No. 2 reactor - The government is using the 'limitations of energy supplies' and 'soaring energy prices' as pretexts for the resumption Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power station The government and NRA [Nuclear Regulation Authorities] are hurrying to lift a ban on reactor operation The NRA intends to overlook the responsibility of Tepco management 'Family finances tolerate price rises'?! BOJ governor Kuroda justifies his monetary policy of 'different dimension easing', the very cause of today's price rises [4] The Russian Orthodox Church, supporter of 'Putin's war' 1. Sanctifying Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine 2. Chauvinistic agitation of 'anti-Western, anti-democratic' values 3. Mobilization for war from below 4. Reinforcement of Great Russian chauvinism with 'God' [5] Oppose the postal management's plan to implement the redundancy of 35,000 workers! Denounce the JP Union leadership for accepting the redundancy plan on the pretext of revitalizing business activities! The Postal Workers Committee of the JRCL - Let us rise in Ukraine antiwar struggle! - Reject the union leadership's agreement with the management in the 2022 spring labour offensive! - Don't allow a massive personnel reduction based on a 'new standard for calculating the number of personnel'! - Denounce the union leadership for advocating the 'revitalization of business activities' and the 'revitalization of trade union movement'! Topics The declaration of an unprecedented expansion in military expenditure (exceeding 2 percent of GDP) and a massive reduction in social security expenses Basic Policies for the Management of the Japanese Economy decided by the Cabinet [8] A rethink on the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster amid 'Putin's war' - The death of one Stalinist who directed the handling of the accident - Now is the time to disclose the true nature of bankrupt Stalinism TOP |
No. 2722
(June 13th 2022 Issue)
Don't allow an all-out attack on Severodonetsk by the Russian army! - Sanctifying the war of aggression with the halo of Stalin - US and European state rulers acting with undisguised state egoism - Rise in Ukraine antiwar, ant-Ampo, anti-constitutional revision struggle! [2] Ukrainian railway workers taking on the maintenance of the 'main arteries' of the nation - Repair work done swiftly - The operation commanders' room on a train keeps running all day - Operation of trains at the risk of their lives Putin's 'Holodomor' Ukrainian farmers fighting at the risk of their lives [3]
Okinawa May 23rd 'Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!' Zengakuren Okinawa fought back against the rulers' plot to make Okinawa a military fortress
Hokkaido May 23rd Angry voices echoed around the US Consulate General in Sapporo Zengakuren Hokkaido and Antiwar Youths staged a protest action
Kagoshima May 19th 'Let us fight in solidarity with Ukrainian people!' A lot of sympathy evoked by the appealing voice of Kagoshima Univ. students Workers and citizens' rally to protest against Russia's aggression
[4] 'War on neo-Nazis': Putin's demagogy A Stalin-style attack to exterminate nationalists A. Propaganda for eliminating the Ukrainian nation - A brutal retaliation against Mariupol B. Hatred towards 'Banderites' - 'Banderaism': nationalistic rebellion against the oppressive rule of Stalinism C. Putin the successor of Stalin's policy to 'eliminate the nation' [5] Shifting all burdens onto workers of subcontract factories: the criminal nature of Toyota's labour-management consultations - Deception in so-called 'consultation for the sake of all workers' - Advance struggles for higher wages in subcontract factories! - Denounce the labour aristocrats of Toyota for deepening degeneration! Topics A frantic attempt of the Kishida government to accelerate digitalization in the field of medical and nursing care: a report from a government panel on deregulation [6] Total lack of realism about the 'battlefield': a comment by a notable scholar of Russian literature on Russia's aggression in Ukraine Tanka poems -- The rage against Putin's war -- (Part 2) TOP |
No. 2721
(June 6th 2022 Issue)
No to the US-Japan global alliance!
- The strengthening of the US-Japan cooperation in 'economic security' - QUAD: frantic attempts to involve India in setting up an anti-Chinese network - Denounce Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine! Create an upsurge in the anti-constitutional revision, anti-Ampo struggle! -- Smash 'Putin's War'! [2] Offense and defense between the US and China over South Pacific nations US and Japanese rulers frantic to win over Palau Attempts being made to prop up pro-Taiwan countries that are now scarce The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant Denounce the Nuclear Regulation Authorities' decision to recognize the discharge of radioactively contaminated water into the ocean! [3] 'Shatter the US-Japan summit! Crush the QUAD summit conference!' Zengakuren clenched their fists in anger at the PM's Office, May 23rd (See the pics above) Zengakuren Kansai rose in succession Under the banner 'Smash the global alliance between the US and Japan!', May 22nd, Osaka Militant chants shook the LDP local office and the US Consulate General
Militant workers and students strived in a Constitution Day rally May 3rd, Sapporo ![]() Let us make a protest against Russia's aggression in Ukraine!' (pic) Hokkaido Univ. students marching together with workers and citizens [4] Degenerate Trotskyists and their failure to confront 'Putin's war' - Shameful defence of Putin appearing in succession - Voices against Putin's war starting to appear - Failure to grapple with Stalinism [5] Postal workers' struggle 'You mean to make us die of overwork?' Harsh labour imposed on delivery workers as a result of the abolition of a 'Saturday delivery service' - With minimal assignment of personnel, workers are compelled to deliver two days' mail twice in a week Topics 'For pre-emptive strike capabilities!' 'For the replacement of nuclear reactors with next-generation reactors!' With the Upper House election drawing near, DPFR [Democratic Party for the People] politicians are approaching the LDP Right-wing labour aristocrats are forcing union members to give support to DPFR [6] Another 'miscalculation' The Russian invading army is in a tight corner due to a semiconductor shortage More and more location information gleaned from mobile phones is used to strengthen mass surveillance Tanka poems -- A paean to the fighting spirit of Ukrainian people TOP |