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No. 2530
(August 6th 2018 Issue)
Oppose the nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia! - A military confrontation between the US and China intensifying in East Asia - The spread of wars in the Middle East - The Abe government is bent on the construction of a new US base in Okinawa and the buildup of the Japanese military - Advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle based on proletarian internationalism! [2] A mass protest action in front of the Diet Building, July 19th 'Topple down the Abe government!' Angers flared against Abe's reactionary offensives
'No to the US-Japan combat training using F-15 jet fighters!' Workers, students and citizens rose in protest in front of the main gate of the SDF Komatsu base July 17th, Komatsu, Ishikawa Prefecture
[3] The west Japan deluge disaster Damage was increased due to the Abe government's neglect of countermeasures against downpours - The Land Ministry had done nothing to prepare for floods other than to order local authorities to designate 'high alert zones' - The disaster has exposed the failure of the central government's countermeasures - Down with the Abe government bent on Japan's militarization, leaving aside measures against natural disasters! [4-5] The JRCL delegation to the Lutte Ouvriere Festival in France called on participants, 'Let us fight together to change the dark 21st century world covered with wars and poverty!'
Rifts in the EU over the refugee issue, and Merkel's shift to 'deportation' measures Shatter the neo-Nazis rampage! (Part 1) [6] Fight back against the Japan Post management forcing workers to deliver mails for many hours under a blazing sun! Denounce the union leadership for doing nothing!
No to the revision of the Constitution! Protesters rallied in Nagoya, July 19th Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. students raising banners, 'Down with the Abe government!' and 'Repel the US-Japan Security Treaty!' (pic 1) Students took to the streets with workers and citizens (pic 2) Topics Don't allow the mass sacking of handicapped people working in welfare centres! The government is scheming to secure 'cheap labour-power' by pressing welfare centres to abandon welfare service for the handicapped and play the role of job-training centre! [7] My study note On Kan'ichi Kuroda's Dialectics of Society (Part 1) [8] Kaleidoscope - More than five billion dollars! The Japanese government is going to pay for the US-made Aegis Ashore systems three times as much as initially estimated - Xi's way to elevate China to a 'technologically strong nation' TOP |
No. 2529
(July 30th 2018 Issue)
Prevent the start of dumping sand in Henoko!
- The Abe government is pushing forward the reclamation work for the construction of a new US base in Okinawa - Military confrontation between the US and China-Russia is intensifying in East Asia -- The Japanese government is proceeding with the deployment of missile forces in border islands near China - Let us fight resolutely, denouncing the JCP for stirring up the illusion of 'peace'! - Shatter the strengthening of the US-Japan nuclear military alliance! Stop the revision of the Constitution!
[2] Crush the deployment of F35A stealth fighters in the Air SDF Misawa Base in the Tohoku region! [3] A drastic raise in pension eligibility ages in Russia - Floods of plastic waste in Japan The earthquake disaster in northern Osaka last month: The reactionary nature of the Osaka prefectural and city authorities controlled by an ultra-right party, Ishin, was revealed through it [4-5] The trade war between the US and China A. Mutual retaliation against each other's increase in tariffs B. The war started by Trump with the aim of taking the lead in the next-generation technological development Trump is irritated at the rise in crude oil prices and limits to the increased production of shale oil [6] The 11th convention of the Japan Post Union Denounce the leadership for railroading its proposal through the meeting, to accept its compromise in the spring labour offensive! Let us fight for a militant re-creation of the postal labour movement! - JP Union chairman Masuda vowed to serve for the 'development of postal business' - Rank-and-file members' anger burst at the compromise of the union leadership in the spring labour offensive - Angry voices were raised over the full cooperation of the leadership in the restructuring and rationalization of the company - Revolutionary and militant workers strived to expose the betrayal of the leadership and to fight for a militant re-creation of the postal labour movement [7] Topics JCP bureaucrats, who praised the 'work style reform in schools' set out by the Education Ministry's advisory council, are flustered at a strong reaction from below, caused by the criticism of the JRCL Power struggles in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party with the presidential election just around the corner (part 2) [8] Denounce the indiscriminate attack on Daraa, a strongpoint of anti-Assad rebels, by the army of the Assad regime! A. Assad's military offensive backed by Russia and Iran B. Putin's manoeuvre to enhance political prestige in the Middle East C. The Trump administration hell-bent on the 'defence of the Zionist state' The Xi Jinping government's new policy in the Middle East TOP |
No. 2528
(July 23rd 2018 Issue)
Rally to the 56th International Antiwar Assembly! - A drastic change in the political dynamics: confrontation between the US and China-Russia -- The Trump-led United States is more and more isolated from the rest of the world -- Xi-led China has disclosed its ambition towards 'reform in the global ruling order' - The Abe government is bent on strengthening the Japanese military as an army of the US's 'vassal state' - Create an upsurge of antiwar struggle, denouncing the JCP for fanning the illusion of 'peace'!
[3] 'Stop the reclamation of the Henoko seashore!' Workers, students and citizens rose up against the government notification of the reclamation work, Protesters staged a sit-in to block the gate to the construction site July 7th, Okinawa Under the banner 'Smash the US-Japan military alliance!', Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fought to stop the dumping of rubble and earth into the sea (pic right) Full-scale US-Japan joint manoeuvres were conducted in series to strengthen US forces' capabilities for pre-emptive strikes From April to May, centring around SDF bases in Misawa (Aomori Pref.) and Chitose (Hokkaido) [4] One JCP bureaucrat praises the 'work style reform in schools' set out by the Central Council for Education, a subsidiary agency of the Education Ministry No to the reorganization of education based on the Ministry's guidelines for school teaching! - The JCP leadership is hell-bent on vote-gathering activities for the upcoming House of Councillors election - Expose the anti-proletarian nature of the JCP's long-standing view that teaching is a sacred profession! - Denounce the blind obedience of Zenkyo [All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union] leaders to the leadership of the JCP! [5] The Labour Ministry panel's 'draft report' The Abe government is scheming to spread the independent contractor system as a 'work style' Oppose the government's buildup of the 'My Number' [identification number] system! Topics Expose the crime of the JTUC's secretary-general Aihara! He shamelessly eulogized the recently enacted 'work style reform' law, covering up all his anti-proletarian manoeuvres conducted behind the scenes for its passage [6] Trump has brought ZTE, a leading Chinese mobile phone company, to the brink of collapse -- Competition between the US and China over supremacy in advanced technological development Xi-led China is pushing forward domestic production of semiconductors [7] The Xi Jinping government is stepping up its surveillance system directed against its people by making full use of high technology The US Supreme Court: the appointment of a conservative as a new judge His primary mission is to hinder Donald Trump from being impeached [8] PM Abe and Diet members of the LDP were having a drinking binge despite the heavy rain warning Denounce Abe and his ring for leaving the disaster victims in the lurch! They even neglected to set up an emergency disaster headquarters Power struggles in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party with the presidential election just around the corner (part 1) TOP |
No. 2527
(July 16th 2018 Issue)
'Stop the land reclamation!'
Shatter Abe's move to amend the national referendum law aimed straight at the revision of the Constitution! Create an explosive upsurge of struggles against the Abe government! - The Abe-led LDP is anxious to start parliamentary procedure for constitutional revision - The proposed amendment to the referendum law includes a whole lot of measures convenient to the revision - An ultra-nationalist, right-wing group, Nippon Kaigi [Japan Conference], Abe's detached force, is abetting the immediate start of parliamentary proceedings [2] Denounce the railroading of the 'work-style reform' bill through the Diet! Workers held an emergency rally in Sapporo, Hokkaido, June 29th Anger flared up against the JTUC's abandonment of struggles against the 'highly professional system' that nullifies regulations on working hours Militant workers took a leading role in a rally in Okinawa -- 2018 Peace Action in Okinawa, June 23rd - 24th - Workers expressed anger at JTUC chairman Kozu who did not touch on any concrete situation in Henoko - JRCL called on rally participants to fight against the US-Japan military alliance by brushing aside JTUC leaders' suppression [3] Reveal the rapid strengthening of the Japanese military and the integration of US and Japanese forces! - A Japanese version of the US Marine Corps (Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade) was launched - Island bases near the Chinese border are being reinforced as 'front-line bases' against China - The Abe government is introducing cruise missiles to possess capability for pre-emptive strikes targeted at China and Russia - Let us fight under the banner, 'Against the US-Japan nuclear military alliance'! Aichi University students adopted a resolution against the revision of the Constitution A student meeting was held with a large attendance, June 7th [4-5] Create a torrent of antiwar, anti-US-Japan military alliance struggle by breaking through the 'peace' illusion inflamed by the bureaucrats of the JCP! I. The reactionary nature of JCP chairman Shii's propaganda, 'a historic significance of the Trump-Kim summit meeting' II. His appalling misconception: 'The summit meeting marks the beginning of a process towards peace' III. Shatter the distortion of antiwar struggles by the JCP which merely relies on power holders' deceptive diplomacy! - Let us resolutely fight antiwar struggles, overcoming the JCP-led peace movement that abandons opposition against the US-Japan military alliance! [6] Degeneration of the official leaderships of opposition movements that allowed the passage of the 'work-style reform' bill through the Diet The Abe government's Economy and Fiscal Policy 2018: Social security budgets are drastically cut - Medical and nursing care services are lowered; pension benefits are reduced - Elderly people are made to work with lower wages Topics The regular convention of the Japan Post Union Militant workers furiously denounced the union leadership for the acceptance of drastic wage cuts and allowance pay cuts [7] The municipal government workers' union of Fukui in the Hokuriku Region The leadership yielded to the city authorities' big wage cuts on the pretext of 'cooperation in the reconstruction of city finances' The Abe government is upset about Trump's demand to reduce Japan's plutonium [8] Kaleidoscope - The use of many city parks as starting points for demonstration is banned in view of the neo-fascist Abe government's suppression of opposition movements - Ozil and Gundogan bashing in the world Cup: raging exclusionism against refugees and immigrants in Germany - The fetishism of crypto currency - the height of perversion TOP |
No. 2526
(July 9th 2018 Issue)
Denounce the railroading of
[2] Nagoya: 'Stop the revision of the Constitution! Crush the US-Japan nuclear military alliance!' Zengakuren and the Antiwar Youth Committee of the Tokai region held a demonstration in the city of Nagoya, June 17th
Kagoshima: 'Stop the constitutional revision! Stop a US military attack on North Korea!' Kagoshima University students marched through the city of Kagoshima, June 21st (pic below left) Kanazawa: A mass demonstration in Kanazawa against the Abe government, June 19th 'Topple the Abe government!' 'Stop the revision of the Constitution!' Kanazawa University students called out and received ardent responses from workers and citizens (pic below right)
[3] Stop the pouring of gravel into the sea of Henoko! Smash the new US base construction! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL [4] Don't allow the Defense Ministry to promote military research in universities! Denounce the resumption of operation of Genkai No. 4 nuclear reactor! - The operation was resumed by covering up the serious defect of the pump of the primary cooling system - Stop the nuclear development promoted by the Abe government! [5] Commentary 'Made in China 2025': a focus of the US-China trade war Thousands of Children separated from their parents... Denounce the Trump administration for carrying out barbarous punishments on immigrants! [6] Don't allow the revision of the Waterworks Law! No to the privatization and outsourcing of the water supply and drainage operations! Stop the total abolition of work-site operations! - The government intends to impose a heavier burden on workers and local residents - More intensified labour is imposed on local government workers - Denounce trade union leaders for merely crying for a more effective water supply business'!- Topics JCP bureaucrats urge rank-and-file members to 'answer the needs of young people yearning for good jobs' They simply want to secure youth votes for the upcoming elections [7] My study note Learning from Kan'ichi Kuroda's lecture, Introduction to Historical Materialism [8] Overseas Appeal for the 56th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Oppose the nuclear arms race between the US and China-Russia! Workers and people all over the world, unite to advance antiwar struggles across borders! - Prevent the Trump administration from launching a military attack on North Korea! No to Japan's participation in the war! Oppose North Korea's nuclear armament! - Break the crisis of war arising from the confrontation between imperialist America and China-Russia! - Denounce the Israeli government for murdering Palestinian people! - The 21st century world under darkness - Now is the time for the working people to unite and fight! TOP |
No. 2525
(July 2nd 2018 Issue)
Zengakuren and the Antiwar Youth Committee White-helmeted workers and students staged a militant demonstration in the heart of the metropolis
Osaka: Militants took to the streets, marching on the US Consulate General
Naha: 'Stop full-scale land reclamation in Henoko!' Militants fought against the new US base construction, against the US-Japan military alliance
Sapporo: Militants in Hokkaido marched on the Abe-led LDP local office
[4] The Korean War: the historical origins of the fixed North-South division of Korea -- Repeated crimes committed by Stalinists (Part 2) [5] The newly launched Japanese version of the US Marine Corps made a display of its force as an amphibious assault brigade Its first landing exercise was conducted as part of the US-Japan and US-Korea joint exercises to intimidate North Korea and China As soon as Trump decided on the policy of deregulating arms exports, General Atomics embarked on a selling activity of unmanned aerial vehicles targeting the Japanese government [6] Some consideration on my labour at the window of a post office -- On the difference between 'service labour' and 'commercial labour' (Part 2) Topics Don't allow the 'liberalization of sackings'! The government has appointed a new panel designed to introduce a 'severance pay system' into Japan [7] Stop the passage of the 'casino operations bill' promoted by the Abe government! The JCP version of the 'work style reform' plan, concocted to fawn on business managers [8] To cope with the shortage of manual workers doing backbreaking labour, the Abe government is scheming to drastically increase the employment of foreign workers by relaxing various restrictions Many foreign workers will be used at extremely low wages, under severe working conditions In a radiation-contaminated facility in Fukushima, foreign workers were forced to engage in cleaning up They were given no prior instruction on radiation exposure; their special allowances for decontamination work were skimmed TOP |
No. 2524
(June 25th 2018 Issue)
Create an explosive upsurge in the antiwar struggle,
- A new phase in the negotiations between the US and North Korea -- Kim Jong-un is manoeuvring to preserve his regime with the support of China -- The negotiation for 'denuclearization' pregnant with the danger of a war, with the intensification of antagonism - Confrontation between the US and China is escalating; the US-Japan nuclear military alliance is being strengthened -- US and Japanese rulers are scheming to strengthen all military bases in Japan as forward bases for attacking China - Stop the outbreak of a Korean War! Don't allow the fixation of division into North and South! -- Let us fight in solidarity with the people of North and South Korea and of Asia! [3] 'Condemn the US jet fighter crashing!' Workers, students and residents made an emergency protest, June 12th, Kadena, Okinawa
'No to the Air SDF's participation in a US-led large-scale military exercise in Alaska!' Workers and citizens gathered in front of the Komatsu SDF base to protest, June 8th
The Gani-led Afghanistan government on the brink of collapse [4] The Korean War: the historical origins of the fixed North-South division of Korea -- Repeated crimes committed by Stalinists (Part 1) [5] Ten years after the Sichuan earthquake disaster The Xi leadership boasts of the 'rebuilding and rehabilitation' while employing inhumane measures for the relief of earthquake victims [6] Stop the consumption tax hike to 10%! The Abe government is hell-bent on mass expropriation - Don't allow the government to impose still more poverty on workers and toiling people! - It is intending to further deteriorate the social security system - It is making people pay the bill for its failed measures to reconstruct state finances - Smash the reactionary offensive taken by the neo-fascist Abe government! Topics The executive chairman of Hitachi, a leading advocate of promoting Japan's nuclear plant / infrastructure export, has become the head of the Japan Business Federation [7] Some consideration on my labour at the window of a post office -- On the difference between 'service labour' and 'commercial labour' (Part 1) [8] Kaleidoscope - After all, Abe ended up making a fool of himself as a servant of Trump in the G-7 summit - The coalition cabinet in Italy: The 'populist' party revealed its true character ... - Koreeda, the Palme d'Or winner at the Cannes Film Festival, was ignored: Abe gives no tribute to his critic TOP |
No. 2523
(June 18th 2018 Issue)
'Down with the Abe government!'
'Don't allow the railroading of the labour reform bill through parliament!' Militant workers and students strived for the upsurge of a mass rally against the revision of labour laws, Sapporo, May 27th Students carried a big banner with slogans: 'Stop the revision of the Constitution! Stop the passage of the labour reform bill!' The law that allows 'plea bargaining' has come into force Shatter the strengthening of authoritarian repression by the Abe government aiming to apply the 'conspiracy law' with the use of this system! Expose the deception in the government's 'measures against long working hours'! The Labour Ministry is conversely going to emasculate the inspection work of the Labour Standards Inspection Office by outsourcing part of the jobs
Shinzo Abe: Trump's 'automatic teller machine' -- The full story of the US-Japan summit talks on June 7th - Trump is counting on Japan's purse - Abe obediently accepted Japan's purchase of US-made weapons in huge quantities --and agreed to start bilateral trade talks Mahathir bin Mohamad is plotting to redress Malaysia's inordinate dependence on China [4] Stop the passage of the labour reform bill with the power of the working class! Denounce the treachery of the JTUC leadership! - Imposition of ultra-long working hours, destruction of the eight-hour working day system: a historic offensive against workers - The government is responding to the demands of monopoly capitalists bent on 'productivity improvement' - Denounce the JTUC labour aristocrats for accepting the so-called 'highly professional system', a working system with no regulation on working hours! Solidify the struggle against labour reforms! [5] Don't allow the cover-up of the Moritomo and Kake school scandals by the Abe government resting on the NSC autocracy! [6] Condemn the zero wage increase for three consecutive years! Denounce the allowance cuts and deprivation of postal workers' rights to take holidays! JRCL Postal Workers Committee - Accuse the Postal Union leadership of accepting the compromise in the spring labour offensive -- in disregard for the life of postal workers being destroyed! - Don't allow them to justify their treachery in the name of 'achieving equal pay for equal work'! - Denounce the leadership for fully supporting the restructuring and rationalization of the company! [7] The Fukui municipal authorities are proposing big wage cuts to the public sector workers on the pretext of increased expenditure on snow-removal work Topics Don't allow the intensification of the labour of nursing care workers caused by the introduction of robots into workplaces! [8] I will cultivate my own 'view of history' as an anti-Stalinist revolutionary Marxist by learning from Kuroda's philosophy of praxis -- My determination on the centenary of the Russian Revolution TOP |
No. 2522
(June 11th 2018 Issue)
Rise in the Workers and Students' United Actions on June 17th! I. Intensifying confrontation between the US-Japan and China-Russia in today's world A. Deceptive negotiations and conflicts between the Trump administration and the Kim regime B. Escalation of the nuclear arms race between the US vs. China and Russia - China and Russia are assuming increasingly aggressive attitudes in policies and arms races against the US - US and Japanese imperialists are desperate to strengthen their nuclear military alliance C. Secession from the nuclear agreement with Iran and transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem are increasing the danger of a war II. The Abe government is hell-bent on revising the Constitution and strengthening the US-Japan military alliance A. An all-out offensive aimed to restore 'militarist Japan' B. Zengakuren is fighting consistently, overcoming the opposition movements distorted by the official leaderships that glorify citizen-oriented movements III. Create a huge upsurge of struggles against the constitutional revision, against the US-Japan military alliance and against war! A. Absolutely 'No!' to the revision of the Constitution! Rise against the Abe government! B. Promote revolutionary antiwar struggles with the slogan, 'Stop a Korean war! No to the nuclear armaments race between the US vs. China and Russia!' - Fight dauntlessly against the US-Japan nuclear military alliance! - Denounce the massacre of Palestinian people by the Israeli government! [4] Shatter the deployment of CV-22 Ospreys in the US Yokota base in Tokyo! - Trump is scheming to strengthen the Yokota base as a strongpoint for US Special Forces - Assuming mountainous regions in Japan as battlegrounds in the Korean Peninsula, flight-training exercises are being strengthened - Let us fight under the banner 'Against the US-Japan military alliance!' [5] Don't allow Shinzo Abe to put an end to the Moritomo school scandal! Down with the Abe government resting on the NSC autocracy! [6] Successive occurrence of fatal accidents involving foreign 'trainees' employed as fishermen under the Technical Internship Program They are the victims of the Japanese government's policy to cover up for a labour shortage Topics A declaration of increase in consumption tax and cuts in social security payments in the name of 'putting finances on a healthy footing' -- The outline posed by the government for its economic and fiscal policies [7] Don't let the Japanese government obstinately stick to the nuclear development! The Abe government is moving to decide the location of a disposal site for high-level radioactive waste, trampling on a mass protest (Part 2) [8] Kaleidoscope - Hot competition between the US and China for the command of the South China Sea, the western Pacific, and even the Indian Ocean - The Abe-led LDP drew up a 'plan' for a new military strategy of Japan, a plan suitable for a 'client state' of the United States - Misery in a 'brilliant human resources market' in Shen Zhen TOP |
No. 2521
(June 4th 2018 Issue)
Stop the revision of labour laws!
Denounce the Trump administration for transferring the US embassy to Jerusalem! Condemn the Netanyahu government for massacring Palestinian people! Zengakuren carried out protest actions at the US and Israeli Embassies May 18th, Tokyo
Transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem, secession from the nuclear agreement with Iran Trump is starting another warmongering in the Middle East - Israel's bloody massacre of Palestinian people is supported by US imperialism - Anger against US imperialism, against Zionism is spreading - Rulers of Saudi Arabia and Egypt connived at the transfer of the US embassy - Trump, crying out for tougher sanctions, manoeuvres to contain Iran - Promote a revolutionary antiwar struggle in solidarity with Palestinian and other Middle Eastern people fighting against US imperialism, against Zionism! [3] 'Down with the Abe government!' Workers, students and toiling people held a protest rally May 19th, Nagoya
The Abe government is moving to decide the location of a disposal site for high-level radioactive waste, trampling on a mass protest (Part 1) [4] Scrap the cuts in allowance and wages planned by the management in the name of 'achieving equal pay for equal work'! Denounce the union leadership for agreeing on the plan! JRCL Postal Workers Committee - Condemn the leadership's acceptance of a zero wage increase for three consecutive years! - Denounce it for approving Abe's 'work-style reform'! [5] Toyota's spring labour offensive Labour aristocrats, along with the management, changed the labour offensive into 'consultations for boosting competitiveness' [6] Deceptions in Abe's plan for 'free preschool education' Topics The Abe government is scheming to promote a privatization of water services by revising the Private Finance Initiative law [7] My study note Learning from Comrade Tobiume's Teachings of Kan'ichi Kuroda@ [8] Kaleidoscope - A merchant of death: Trump is frantically expanding arms exports - Putin's crafty shot aimed to foil Abe's desire prior to his visit to Russia TOP |