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No. 2680
(August 9th 2021 Issue)
International Antiwar Assemblies uplifted
- Break through the crisis of war erupting amid the US-China cold war! Bring down the Suga government!: the keynote speech - Messages of solidarity from abroad, read to the assembly, were received with enthusiastic applause - A militant postal worker and the chairman of Zengakuren each expressed their fervent resolves [2] Rivalry between the US and China over Latin America The Xi government's 'vaccine diplomacy': putting pressure on Latin American states to break off relations with Taiwan - A tug-of-war between China and Taiwan with focus on Honduras - The Xi government is pressurizing Honduras into accepting 'One China' - The Biden administration is hell-bent on rolling back the tide Moldova The 'Iron Lady'-led pro-American government rebelling against Putin Demanding the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transdniestria [3] Toyota's project for Woven City: Workers will be turned into 'slaves of artificial intelligence' - A demonstrative experiment for a creation of 'new services' with the use of big data - A dystopia where each and every detail in daily life is placed under close surveillance - The Suga government is intent on giving support to monopoly capitalists The warming of the Arctic Zone accelerating very rapidly Rulers of the US, China and Russia are searching the permafrost for pathogenic bacteria capable of being used for developing new germ weapons [4] The 14th national convention of the JP Union Condemn the adoption of the union's 'Vision for Business Activities'! Denounce the union leadership for driving postal workers to higher productivity! Fight back against the major rationalization! Let us achieve a militant strengthening of our union! [5] A Covid-19 cluster broke out in a hotel used temporarily to put mild cases in quarantine Sapporo, one of the Olympic cities, was plunged into a healthcare collapse The rapid spread of infection was brought about by the Suga government, which is sticking to the hosting of the Olympics Topics Capitalists are scheming to destroy a rule in the labour contract law, which facilitates the conversion of temp workers' fixed-term contracts into regular contracts An advocate for Keidanren came out with an incoherent argument in a government panel Haiku poems I'll fight together with the people of Gaza [6] Messages of solidarity from overseas to the 59th International Antiwar Assembly (1) - Tavini Huiraatira no te Ao Maohi, Maohi Nui (French Polynesia) - Revolutionary Marxists in Britain, Britain - Union Pacifiste de France, France - National Alliance of People's Movements, India TOP |
No. 2679
(August 2nd 2021 Issue)
'No to the holding of the Olympics! Down with the Suga government!'
- Let us create resolute struggles nationwide to topple the Suga government!: a solidarity rally [2] The 91st Zengakuren National Convention held July 19th, Tokyo Let us oppose the US-Japan global alliance against China! Stop the revision of the Constitution! Militant students fortified their battle lines to overthrow the Suga government Condemn the US forces in Okinawa for dropping an iron container from a helicopter! The accident was caused by a US Marine air wing in the middle of a military drill US bases in Okinawa are being reinforced as forward bases to attack China [3] Based on the big success in the Zengakuren convention, let us make further advances in the revolutionary student movement! The Japan Marxist Student League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) - The revolutionary significance of the convention - Let us carve out a new age of the student movement in Japan! - Total disappearance of Chukaku-ha faction's fake 'Zengakuren': Let us advance the revolutionary student movement! - For a great success in the coming international antiwar assembly and this summer's struggles! [4] Definitely no to the resumption of Shimane No. 2 nuclear reactor operation! Don't allow the operation of the newly built No. 3 reactor! - The Nuclear Regulation Authority gave a slapdash permission to the resumption - The prefectural authorities' 'evacuation plan' is totally slipshod - The Suga government and Cepco (Chugoku Electric Power Co.) frantic to start new reactor operation Mihama No. 3 nuclear reactor Denounce the restart of operation by the government and Kepco (Kansai Electric Power Co.)! Pump filters got clogged with rust [5] Amazon workers fighting against management's obstruction to frustrate their efforts to form a union Great hardships faced by the US working class under the leadership of the AFL-CIO - Severe intensification of labour and extremely low wages - Hard struggles in Southern states under reactionary anti-union laws The Xi Jinping leadership has started to make a reactionary revision of labour laws The Shenzhen authorities revised city ordinances to restrain workers' wages Topics Capitalists of Japan's car monopolies back up Renesass Electronics' 'recovery from the immense fire damage' to keep their production going Renesas remains specialized in the production of 'low-end' semiconductors (exclusively for car monopolies) [6] Afghanistan, now a graveyard for the empire in decline US forces are soon to withdraw totally from Afghanistan - The end of the invading army - The plots of China and Russia Rakuten Goup to be put under surveillance The US and Japanese governments in a rush to set up communications networks 'with China excluded' TOP |
No. 2678
(July 26th 2021 Issue)
'Stop the construction of a new US base in Henoko!'
- Antiwar canoe fighters closed in on a bulk carrier ship just about to set sail for Henoko, at Awa Pier in Nago - 'Block the dump trucks from entering the construction site!' - Antiwar fighters staged the sit-in together with workers and residents at the worksite gate in Henoko - Let us fight against the new US base construction under the banner 'No to the US-Japan military alliance!' 'Denounce the enactment of the "land use control law"!' Angry protesters clenched their fists at the forced passage of the bill June 30th, Nago, Okinawa - Antiwar workers fought in the van of the rally held by unions and residents fighting against military bases - Let us fight against fascistic suppression by the central government!
[2] Kokugakuin University Students realized a resolute counterattack against the university authorities' attempt to restrict and undermine students' circle activities July 3rd, Tokyo - Students successively held the general meeting of the association of cultural circles, made a representation to the authorities to give approval to the resumption of their circle activities Aichi University Students adopted a resolution against the revision of the Constitution Hundreds of students gathered for a student meeting despite university authorities' restrictions on the pretext of the state of emergency June 3rd, Aichi Prefecture - Discussions, heated up about Japan's dangerous move to build a pre-emptive strike system, led to the adoption of the special resolution - 'Free university education!' 'No restrictions on students' activities!' The resolution adopted overwhelmingly [3] G-7 Summit: a desperate struggle of declining imperialism confronted by China's offensives I. Biden implored the rulers of Germany and France to 'unite' II. A frantic effort to build a global encircling net against China III. A scheme to give support to developing countries in rivalry with China's formation of the 'one belt, one road' initiative IV. Discord becoming conspicuous between US and German / French rulers [4] NTT management compels workers to be 'digital talent' Don't allow the introduction of a 'job-based personnel system'! [5] Postal workers' struggle Don't allow the management to increase working time in the name of 'counting time for changing clothes as part of working time'! Denounce the JP Union leadership for acting in concert with the management! Topics The deception of the Suga government: propagandizing the recent council decision on this year's minimum wage (a derisory rise of 28 yen per hour) as a 'big hike' - Denounce the JTUC leadership for extolling this decision! [6] My study note To assimilate the 'logic of reflexion' expounded by Kan'ichi Kuroda in his Praxiology What does it mean to 'make a self that sees myself'? TOP |
No. 2677
(July 19th 2021 Issue)
Rally at the International Antiwar Assembly on August 1st! -- It's the Suga government that is to blame for the fifth wave of the spread of Covid-19! -- Don't allow any more imposition of sacrifices on workers and toiling people! - Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance against China! Stop the revision of the Constitution! -- Denounce the leadership of the JCP for being wrapped up in their election campains! All workers and students! Let us fight! [2] Resolute protests made against the 'Orient Shield 21', nationwide US-Japan joint manoeuvres Stop the live firing exercise in Yausubetu! Zengakuren Hokkaido and antiwar youths rose against the war game July 1st, Yausubetsu, Hokkaido
Protest rally and demonstration against the military exercise Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students fought with workers and citizens June 27th, Aibano, Shiga Prefecture
Orient Shield 21 (June 18th to July 11th) The US-Japan joint field training exercise of the largest scale ever carried out in the Japanese Archipelago; it was conducted on the supposition of an 'emergency in Taiwan' [3] A big failure in 'accelerating vaccination': Vaccin supply shortage is causing nationwide suspension of reservations for vaccinations the Suga government justifies itself with outrageous remarks 'Constitutional revision can be postponed thanks to the CDP-offered amendment to the revised referendum law' (!!!): A JCP-kept scholar quibbles Xi-led China's war for semiconductor chips 'with Chinese characteristics' - A desperate measure to break the deadlock in nurturing its domestic industries [4] Oppose patriotic education by the name of the 'Olympic-Paralympic education'! The Suga government is obliged to call off a 'school programme' for mobilizing school children to watch Olympics and Paralympics - The government notification would allow pupils and escorting teachers to be exposed to the danger of Covid-19 infection: - the case of the Tokyo education board - The Suga government is sticking to the 'school programme' to arouse patriotism in the young - Definitely NO to the promotion of the 'Olympic-Paralympic education'! The Suga government rushing to the hosting of the Olympics and the tightening of the suppressive security systems [5] Postal workers' struggle: My resolution to fight back against the planned rationalization, including 35,000 sackings - Mail delivery workers are always being monitored by artificial intelligence systems - Let us fight firmly by overcoming the union leadership's 'business reform movement' Topics Amid the 'pandemic depression': Tax revenues reached an all-time high due to consumption tax hikes No to the strengthening of mass expropriation and the intensification of exploitation! [6] Belarus: the Lukashenko regime tightening its authoritarian rule - A 'state-conducted hijacking' - The regime's two protectors Countries in Central and Eastern Europe: China and the US-Japan are competing to win them over to their respective sides Japanese foreign Minister Motegi's visit to the three Baltic countries: acting as a cat's-paw for the Biden administration TOP |
No. 2676
(July 12th 2021 Issue)
Overseas Appeal for the 59th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan - The Middle East: the danger of a military clash mounting between Israel and Iran - Topple the state rulers who are imposing poverty and tyranny on us amid the pandemic! - Denounce the Japanese government for pushing forward to hold the Olympics! Down with the Suga government rushing to revise the Constitution and strengthen the US-Japan military alliance! - Three decades after the collapse of the USSR - Proletarians all over the world, rise up in fight to overturn the dark century! (See the full text at.) [2-3] Militant workers and students' united actions nationwide, June 20th Okinawa 'Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!' White-helmeted militants marched through the downtown of Naha, Okinawa
(pic right above) Solidarity rally with lively yells arising Hokkaido Demonstrators clenched their fists with anger: at the LDP local office in Sapporo
(pic right above) The rally before the demonstration Tokai The flame of 'Overthrow the Suga government!' blazed up in Nagoya
(pic right above) Solidarity rally. Yells given out before the march [4] The anti-proletarian nature of the JC Metal [Japan Council of Metalworkers' Unions]'s 'Demands on the Government' 'Acceleration needed to the new cold war': Labour aristocrats are supporting the Suga government's 'economic security' policy Overseas students studying in Japan having a hard time - Unfairly dismissed from part-time jobs; evicted from dormitories - Excluded from the government's support measures to students; the number of their applications for refugee status rapidly increasing [5] Toyota: a suicide case caused by 'workplace power harassment' - Strengthening of labour management for the survival of the company - Denounce the labour aristocrats for submissively accepting the strengthening of labour management! Topics Working systems that allow capitalists to impose murderously long working hours on workers -- Labour Ministry's findings revealed extremely harsh realities of the 'highly professional system' and the discretionary working-hour system [6] 'Stop the resumption of Mihama No. 3 nuclear reactor operation!' An emergency national rally and demonstration, June 23rd, Mihama, Fukui Prefecture Kobe Univ., Nara Women's Univ. and Kanazawa Univ. students fought in the forefront
(pic right above) 'No to nuclear development!' Militant students chanting slogans at reactor No. 3 The time has come to rise in revolutionary antiwar struggles! Tension heightened in the Black Sea: British and Russian forces were on the verge of a military clash The US and China are competitively building military strongholds in South Pacific islands TOP |
No. 2675
(July 5th 2021 Issue)
For huge advances in antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle - The danger of war mounting with focus on Taiwan and East Asia, as well as on the Middle East - Denounce the leadership of the JCP for being degraded into patriotism! - Rise in antiwar struggle! Fight against Ampo, against the revision of the Constitution! [2] The Putin government's arms buildup and successive military manoeuvres in and around Iturup Island - Repeated war games staged in the face of US-Japan joint military exercises - Putin is aiming to fortify the Sea of Okhotsk with stepped-up nuclear strike capabilities The site of Fukuoka Airport Years of unchecked discharge of toxic substances by US forces stationed in Japan The US forces headquarters imposes decontamination work on Japan 'Brain-computer interface' (BCI) Absolutely no to the horrific development of 'robotized humans' for warfare! [3] The explosive spread of Covid-19 invited by the Modi-led Indian government Condemn the government for imposing sacrifices on toiling people! - Giving preference to religious events and bourgeois economic activities while abandoning the strengthening of healthcare systems - In a bid to vie with China, India exported its domestically produced vaccine "Tang ping (lying flat)" trend is going about among Chinese youths --- Arise ye prisoners of starvation! [4] Labour aristocrats thoroughly immersed in the labour-management consultation over the company's 'survival strategies' -- The anti-proletarian nature of the Toyota union leadership in the '2021 spring labour offensive' - The management posing as the 'leader' of the automobile industry - Labour aristocrats expressed their intention to 'slave away as a company union' - Toyota's way of making up for its slowness in the 'competition in developing the EV' - Now is the time for auto workers to unite and fight! [5] Monopoly capitalists of Hitachi bent on introducing a system for 'job-based employment' No to the intensification of labour! No wage cuts! No forcible redeployment of workers! No sackings! - The plan to introduce a 'job-based' employment system into the whole company - A drastic change in business structure for the survival of the company - The attempt to sweep away the 'Japanese-style employment practices' - Oppose the introduction of a 'job-based' employment system that plunges workers into a living hell! Topics The Suga government intent on selectively eliminating small businesses and sacrificing workers -- Deceitful presentation of the policy to 'raise' the national minimum wage [6] Rulers of China, the US and the EU - all absorbed in developing 'digital currency' - Xi-led China hell-bent on the practical implementation of a digital renminbi - US and European powers, lagging behind in development races, are taking steps to roll back - China embarked on the creation of a 'network for using a digital renminbi to settle international accounts' Beyond 5G communication technology US imperialism aims to recover its powers in opposition to China by making a stepping stone out of its 'vassal state', Japan TOP |
No. 2674
(June 28th 2021 Issue)
No to Ampo! Stop the revision of the Constitution!
- Let us break through the danger of war amid the "US-China cold war"!: A solidarity rally prior to the demonstration - The bridgehead consolidated for struggles against Ampo [US-Japan military alliance], against the revision of the Constitution - Militants denounced the JCP leadership for abandoning opposition to Ampo and fascism [6] Stop the revision of the Constitution! Down with the Suga government! Workers and Students' United Action in Kansai, June 13th, Osaka
- Demonstrators marched on the Osaka LDP office - 'Smash the military alliance against China! Crush the tightening of suppressive security systems!': - Fighters fortified their determination in the solidarity rally prior to the demonstration Denounce the government and the LDP for leaving the toiling masses in the lurch! Kanazawa Univ. students took to the streets and called on workers June 9th, in the main street of Kanazawa
Stop the amendment of the referendum law! Zengakuren Okinawa rose up in protest in front of the local LDP office in Naha June 10th, Okinawa
[2] Denounce the deployment of a Ground SDF missile unit in Miyako Island, to the southwest of Okinawa! Former mayor of Miyako, the person responsible for promoting the deployment of a missile unit, was arrested on suspicion of accepting bribes - A minion of the Abe / Suga governments, he acted as the go-between in the Defense Ministry's purchase of land (to secure the site for a missile unit base) at an absurdly high price - No to the deployment of a missile unit! No to the bringing of ammunition into the island! [3] The Suga government desperate to host the Olympics in the middle of the pandemic No to the imposition of sacrifices on toiling people! Call off the Tokyo Olympic Games now! 'If they hit you, hit them back' Just prior to the G-7 summit, Xi-led China passed an act to counter sanctions imposed by foreign powers The Biden administration made an about-face and OK'd Russia's Nord Stream 2 [4] The criminal nature of the Suga government's hosting of the Olympics and the 'acceleration of vaccination' for that purpose I. Imposition of extremely intensified labour upon healthcare workers; forcing of confusion and distress upon the elderly II. The Suga government has been neglecting due countermeasures against Covid-19 Dripping with hypocrisy: Japan's offer of vaccine The Suga government passed AstraZeneca vaccine to Taiwan [5] No to the Suga-led neo-fascist government's reform of the social security system! (1) Reorganization, and therefore deterioration, of the system for providing medical services (2) A bad revision of the health insurance system: the amount of the personal payment, especially of elderly people, is to be increased (3) Promotion of 'digitalization' in the fields of healthcare and nursing care services Topics A decision made in the Cabinet to spend a huge sum of tax money on Japan's 'economic security' against China -- the Suga government's 'growth strategy action program' TOP |
No. 2673
(June 21st 2021 Issue)
Down with the Suga government!
- at the Upper House Commission on the Constitution Stop the resumption of Mihama No. 3 nuclear reactor operations! June 6th, Osaka Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students clenched their fists in the van of protesters They also appealed to crush Ampo, thwart constitutional revision and oppose fascism
[2] Stop the development of a fast neutron reactor! The Suga-led LDP government is plotting to retain Japan's potential to possess nuclear weapons - It is sticking to the continued development of a fast reactor which has turned out a failure - The suspended experimental fast reactor Joyo is designed to breed plutonium for military use [3] 'China, a country that aims for socialism' The definition deleted by the JCP leadership - An attempt to cover up their glorification of China's 'socialist market economy' - A hymn of praise to the 'institutional superiority' of Japanese state monopoly capitalism - A bid to conceal their inconvenient past: they passed over the Tiananmen massacre in silence for the 'normalization of relations' with the CPC - Let us fight for the revolutionary disbanding of the rotten party of converted Stalinists! [4] Postal workers' struggle Oppose dismissals and redeployment connected with the introduction of a new delivery system! Denounce the JP Union leadership for their full collaboration with the management! Create struggles against rationalization from within our workplaces! 1. The management is rushing to a mass dismissal of postal workers 2. Let us create struggles against dismissals, compulsory redeployment, intensification of labour and wage cuts from the depths of our workplaces! [5] Topics Labour aristocrats demanding 'the acceleration of decarbonization and the resumption of nuclear reactor operations' - The 'carbon neutral policy' of the JC Metal [Japan Council of Metalworkers' Unions] 'Requirements' in receiving livelihood assistance under a new system 'Self-help first' (PM Suga), which means you have to use up what little savings you have Families with more than one million yen in their bank accounts are ineligible for support 'Technical internship trainees' suffering from abject poverty The Suga government and so-called caretaker associations are deserting Vietnamese workers Tanka poems Indignation, denunciation and solidarity - On Palestine, on Myanmar and on the novel coronavirus [6] Teleworking plunges workers into the depths of alienation 1. Alienation of workers under the system of teleworking - The harsh realities of teleworking - Workers are mentally driven into a corner 2. Monopoly capitalist offensives against workers combined with teleworking - Changing over to a 'job-based' employment system - Drastic cuts in commuting allowances and other allowances 3. The anti-proletarian nature of the 'Guidelines for teleworking' worked out by Denki Rengo [Japanese Electrical, Electronic & Information Unions] TOP |
No. 2672
(June 14th 2021 Issue)
Build up a fire of antiwar struggle! - The government of Japan, a 'vassal state' of the US, is intent on strengthening the US-Japan offensive and defensive alliance against China - Rise in Workers and Students' United Actions on June 13th / 20th! [2] Under the pretext of 'eliminating the danger of US Marine Corps Air Station Futenma', the Suga government justifies the construction of a new US base in Henoko, Okinawa - A justification for constructing a new base as a 'front-line base' against China - Fight resolutely with the aim of removing all the US bases and of repealing the US-Japan Security Treaty! Joint exercises conducted by US, Japanese and French forces Kyushu, on May 11th-17th Heliborne and urban warfare exercises conducted jointly for military operations against China over Taiwan [3] The Biden-hosted summit on climate change: April 22nd-23rd Economic competition intensifying between the US, Japan, China and European powers over 'decarbonization' - European imperialist countries committing their future to 'green recovery' - US imperialism desperately rolling back China and European powers - China's challenge to seize hegemony in technology from the US - New types of environmental destruction being accelerated amid the US-China confrontation - The Suga-led Japanese government and the monopoly bourgeoisie hell-bent on the promotion of nuclear power generation and conversion to a new industrial structure [4] NTT Union spring labour offensive Don't allow the management to shift all burdens on workers for developing NTT into a global ICT corporation! Denounce the union leadership for accepting zero or ultra-low wage hike! The leadership has distorted shunto into a 'joint labour-management consultation for the sustainable development of NTT' [5] Absolutely no to the 35,000 redundancies of postal workers! Oppose dismissals and redeployments for the drastic reorganization of the delivery system! Smash the intensification of labour! Don't allow the union leaders to formulate 'union's visions for business activities'! The Postal Workers Committee of the JRCL - The leadership is giving full cooperation to the management in massive redundancies according to the latter's new 'Mid-term Business Plans' - The anti-proletarian nature of the union leaders' formulation of 'union's visions for business activities' - Denounce the leadership for moving to agree with the management in wage cuts and reforming the personnel and wage systems! - Let us march forward towards the overthrow of the Suga-led Japanese-type neo-fascist government! Topics With the spread of teleworking, capitalists are strengthening their 'digital labour management' Face expressions, motions, all the input data... workers are now monitored constantly [6] Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' programme of producing a Japan-made jetliner MSJ [Mitsubishi Space Jet]' has after all come to a standstill Oppose the Suga government's move to frantically bolster Japan's arms industry and munitions exports! Cepco (Chugoku Electric Power Company Co.)'s Shimane nuclear power station Don't allow the Nuclear Regulation Authority to decide on giving permission to the resumption of No. 2 reactor! The examination report ignores a huge fault line in the east of the power station and the possibility of a volcanic eruption of two mountains TOP |
No. 2671
(June 7th 2021 Issue)
Rise up in Workers and Students' United Actions on June 13th / 20th! - Confrontation intensifying between the US-Japan and China with a focus on Taiwan and the South China Sea, as well as the Korean Peninsula - Fight resolutely for the overthrow of the Suga-led Japanese-type neo-fascist government! Break through the danger of war erupting amid the 'US-China cold war'! [3] No to the US-Japan-France joint heliborne and urban warfare exercise in Kirishima! Students of Kagoshima University staged an undaunted protest against the first ever ground exercise with the participation of the French army May 15th, Ebino, Kyushu
Clinging to the hosting of the Olympics, the Suga government is bawling out its commands to 'accelerate vaccination' Denounce the imposition of excessive duties on healthcare and municipal workers! Oppose its rush towards the revision of the Constitution and the strengthening of the neo-fascist ruling system! [4] 2021 shunto in small and medium-sized enterprises in the metal and machinery industry: Don't allow capitalists to cut wages and dismiss workers! Let us fight it out! - The leadership of JAM [Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] tried to hide the stark reality of wage cuts forced by capitalists - Capitalists, by taking advantage of the 'Covid-19 crisis', pushed through their plans to 'restructure' their businesses - The union leadership, in concert with the management, cries for the 'improvement of profitability' - Let us fight thoroughly by denouncing union leaders' cooperation with capitalists in 'supporting and maintaining enterprises'! [5] Denounce the leadership of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] for feigning innocence for the consequences of their destruction of the spring labour offensive! Topics Japan Post's new Mid-term Management Plan poses 35, 000 personnel cuts Don't allow the JP management to impose any bit of sacrifice on workers! My resolution I renewed my resolve to fight for the development of out revolutionary Marxist organization [6] Kaleidoscope - A second South China Sea?: - the Arctic Ocean where thawing gives impetus to the confrontation between the US and China-Russia - A culmination of the decay of the imperialist economy: a frenzied uproar over Bitcoin TOP |