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No. 2630
(August 3rd 2020 Issue)
No to Japan's possession of 'pre-emptive strike capability on enemy bases'!
No to Ampo! No to the constitutional revision! Zengakuren Tokai staged a protest action on the LDP local office July 17th, Nagoya 'Down with the Abe government!' Fighting vehemently despite heavy rain (pic1) Militants bitterly denounced the Chinese bureaucracy for the enactment of the Hong Kong National Security Law July 17th, at the Chinese Consulate General in Nagoya 'Repeal the law!' Protest at the Chinese consulate general in Nagoya (pic2) Zengakuren Kyusyu held a protest march against the enforcement of the Hong Kong National Security Law by the Chinese government July 13th, at the Chinese Consulate General in Fukuoka
[2] Fukushima nuclear reactors Stop the government-planed discharge of tritium-contaminated, radioactive water into the ocean! The Abe government persists in the building and operation of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho Village, Aomori Prefecture - A stopgap policy to cover up the frustrated 'nuclear fuel cycle' project - A plot to increase Japan's potential nuclear capability [3] Denounce the US and Japanese governments for concealing the COID-19 infection in US forces in Okinawa! No to the strengthening of combat readiness against China'! - US and Japanese rulers kept concealing the facts of the infection - The Trump administration is hell-bent on beefing up US bases in Okinawa - Let us fight with the aim of removing all US bases and of repealing the US-Japan Security Treaty! In the chains of Ampo (13) 60 years after the revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty [Ampo] US Pacific Air Forces conducted 'assault landing' exercises in the Yokota base in Tokyo [4] Tomoyori, the former editor of a JCP journal, glorifies the 'AI revolution' (Part 2) III. He is infatuated with the bourgeois attempts of 'smart factories' IV. Preaching on the 'improvement of care and education services' by the use of the AI V. Ruins of his idea of revised capitalism [5] Postal workers' fight Expose the deceitful nature of the Japan Post management's 'anti-coronavirus measures'! 1. Preventive measures are relegated to second place 2. Top priority is given to the 'continued development of postal business' 3. The JP Union leadership obediently assists the management's 'preventive measures' Topics Don't allow the suspension of raise in minimum wages! The government and monopoly capitalists are imposing sacrifices on low-paid workers by using COVID-19 as a pretext [6] An EU recovery fund created after much difficulty: pregnant with causes of the dismantling of the EU - Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, confrontation between the South and the North was intensified within the EU - In the face of China's and Russia's moves to ensnare Southern European countries, Merkel's sense of crisis grows - Confrontation between European state rulers, with each showing its own state egoism My study note I'll make Comrade Kuroda's thought my own as a weapon alive and working Learning from Kan'ichi Kuroda's teachings, included in his Master Kakuen's Anthropology TOP |
No. 2629
(July 27th 2020 Issue)
Rally to the International Antiwar Assembly on August 2nd! - The Abe government frantic to possess 'pre-emptive strike capability on enemy bases' - Let us create a huge upsurge of the revolutionary antiwar struggle! [2] In the chains of Ampo (12) 60 years after the revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty [Ampo]] No to the foundation of a new corps for 'electronic warfare' to be deployed in Camp Kengun, Kumamoto Prefecture! [3] Abe's move to the buildup of pre-emptive attack capability on enemy bases Don't allow the government to reinforce its military capabilities for jointly conducting war with the US! - The government withdrew its plan to deploy Aegis Ashore missile defense systems: --a strategic shift to 'Japan's possession of pre-emptive strike capability on enemy bases' - The present missile defense system is incapable of intercepting new missiles developed either by China, Russia or North Korea - The Abe government is increasing armaments by buying massive amounts of US-made weapons 'Pre-emptive attack is unrealistic, impractical'?! The JCP leadership offers alternatives within the framework of 'defensive national defense' and the Security Treaty [4] Tomoyori, the former editor of a JCP journal, glorifies the 'AI revolution' (Part 1) I. Capitalist class determinateness is left out in his 'analysis of the labour process' II. He ignores the plights of workers who are replaced with the AI [5] After the lifting of school closure: a report from an education worker - Under unilateral instructions from the Education Ministry, --teachers in the classroom are forced to engage in extremely intensified labour for many hours Topics The Education Ministry suspended its programme to introduce 'evaluation of students' independent attitude' for a university entrance exam Another collusive relationship between the Ministry and education businesses is disclosed From a militant student who took part in the Workers and Students' United Action in Tokyo (June 14th) It came home to me that now is the time for the working class to win the world [6] Kaleidoscope - The Abe government's criminal 'Go To travel' campaign: --Big travel companies are given priority over preventive measures against the infection - John Bolton's exposure: Trump pressed Abe to pay 4.4 times more for US Forces in Japan - Putin is making use of Sino-Russian bilateral cooperation also to strengthen the Internet surveillance system and forcible suppression of people in his own country - Trump in decline: one rat after another deserting the sinking ship TOP |
No. 2628
(July 20th 2020 Issue)
Shatter the imposition of sacrifices onto toiling people - The government and monopoly capitalists are frantic to promote 'digital industrial transformation' - The Abe government is hell-bent on revising labour laws and tightening security controls - Topple the neo-fascist Abe government leaving poverty-stricken people in the lurch! [2] Workers in Okinawa suffering in the depths of poverty The number of those who apply for the government's 'small-lot emergency loans' is surging
[3] Denounce the enforcement of the Hong Kong National Security Law! Zengakuren Hokkaido and Antiwar Youths set up a firestorm of protest at a Chinese Consulate General in Sapporo July 1st, Hokkaido Militants impeaching the Xi government's repression (pic1) 'We protest against the repression of Hong Kong people!' Braving the police, Zengakuren Kansai staged a protest in front of a Chinese Consulate General in Osaka July 2nd, Osaka Students protesting against Xi's barbarity (pic2) 'No to Japan's possession of pre-emptive strike capability on enemy bases!' JRCL Hokuriku Regional Committee made an ardent appeal in the busy street of Kanazawa, June 6th, Ishikawa Pref. (pic3) [4] Call centres: closed and crowded workplaces risky in mass infection Company managements are neglecting to prevent the occurrence of COVID-19 clusters The Abe government started the operation of the application software to check users' close contacts with the infected No to the tightening of the surveillance system directed against people in the name of 'anti-coronavirus measures'! Topics A Welfare Ministry statistical report: 'The number of pandemic-related dismissals will be millions in the near future' Denounce the Abe government for forsaking impoverished people! [5] No to the Netanyahu-led Israeli government's planned annexation of Jewish settlements to Israel! Backed by Trump's 'Middle East peace plan', Netanyahu is pushing his way headlong towards annexation Demonstrations in protest against 'racial discrimination' flaring up in the United States [6] Kaleidoscope - The Xi Jinping government arrogantly hushing up the origin of the virus - China OK'd a Tedros-led fact-finding commission: Don't allow the Beijing bureaucrats' criminal cover-up with the use of the WHO! - Dentsu, a megaagency: Abe throws the COVID-19-related financial aid project into the laps of this ad agency, which he plans to use to propagandize the constitutional revision TOP |
No. 2627
(July 13th 2020 Issue)
Overseas Appeal for the 58th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan - The nuclear capability build-up race intensifying between the US and China-Russia - Bring down the state rulers who are imposing war and poverty on toiling people amid the pandemic depression! See the full text [2]
- 'No!' to the 21st century Tiananmen repression'! World News Letters from Greece The Greek government of New Democracy oppressing opposition movements by using 'coronavirus protection' as a pretext [3] 'Denounce the Xi regime for enacting the Hong Kong National Security Law!' Zengakuren Okinawa made an ardent appeal on the street June 30th, Naha, Okinawa
'Condemn Abe for leaving poverty-stricken people in the lurch amid the pandemic!' Kagoshima Univ. students called for the downthrow of the Abe government June 23rd, Kagoshima
An attempt to link 'My Number [identification number] cards' to private bank accounts No to the Abe government's plot to strengthen the state surveillance system by taking advantage of the pandemic! [4] The criminal nature of the Bank of Japan's 'bailout measures' for monopoly capitalists amid the pandemic depression - Provision of huge amounts of funds for the relief and support of monopoly capital - The Abe government has been making workers and toiling people pay the price for the fiscal deficit and financial crisis The Abe government attempted to introduce private English proficiency tests for university entrance exams It aimed to provide money-making opportunities for education businesses, including Abe's cronies [5] Renesas Electronics, a national policy semiconductor corporation, is seeking a way to survive Don't allow the management to shift the burden onto workers! Topics The anti-coronavirus measures of the UA Zensen [Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers' Unions] Labour aristocrats are preaching to workers their submission to capitalists' offensives of dismissals and wage cuts [6] In the chains of Ampo (11) 60 years after the revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty [Ampo] Beaches of Okinawa are now testing grounds for the US Marine Corps' new operation program Japan's new Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade and the US Marine Corps conducted their first joint Expeditionary Advanced Base Operation exercises US Aegis destroyers entered the Barents Sea Confrontation between the US and China-Russia is intensifying in the Arctic Ocean Tanka Poems A resolution with rage amid the pandemic TOP |
No. 2626
(July 6th 2020 Issue)
'Bring down the neo-fascist Abe government!'
- All set for action: the solidarity rally prior to the demonstration - 'Break through the crisis of war created by the US-China cold war!': A JRCL delegate's solidarity appeal
[6] 'Eradicate the danger of war caused by the US-China cold war!' Workers and students' united action in the Tokai Region, June 14th, Nagoya
- 'No to the US-China nuclear capability upgrading race!': an appeal by a delegate from the Marxist Student League My resolution I denounce the Xi-led Chinese government's decision in the National People's Congress on the Hong Kong National Security Law! [2] In the chains of Ampo (10) 60 years after the revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty [Ampo] The US military's plan of Multi-Domain Operations (Part 2) Afghanistan after the 'peace agreement' The Tramp administration proceeding to withdraw troops; the Taliban launching new offensives against the Afghan government [3] Shady transactions behind the government project for granting emergency aids to small and medium enterprises: Accuse the Abe government of offering enormous profit to Abe's business cronies! A report from the healthcare service in Osaka Anti-coronavirus measures taken by Governor Yoshimura and Mayor Matsui who are deceiving the population of Osaka - Osaka City Mayor Matsui abruptly decided to convert a city's key hospital to one operated only for coronavirus infection - Right-wing heads of Osaka Prefecture and Osaka City were long bent on reducing medical services Don't allow the privatization of the gas and power generation services of Kanazawa City! [4] No to the imposition of wage cuts and dismissals on small and medium enterprise workers! - Business closures and dismissals rampant amid the pandemic - Higher productivity imposed on workers amid drastic curtailment of production - Denounce the labour aristocrats of JAM [Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] for being immersed in labour-management consultation! Topics The JTUC leadership is turning against workers fight back against sackings Chairman Kozu is preaching that workers should 'talk with managers'! [5] My study note Learning from Kan'ichi Kuroda's 'For developing theories for the Antiwar Struggle' (included in his Development of the Reality-Theory of Organization, vol.3) TOP |
No. 2625
(June 29th 2020 Issue)
'Overthrow the Abe government!'
- Bring down the Abe government imposing sacrifices on toiling people amid the 'pandemic depression'!
[2] In the chains of Ampo (9) 60 years after the revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty [Ampo] The US military's plan of Multi-Domain Operations (Part 1) 'American way of war': new operations against China and Russia as main enemies Absolutely no to the restart of the Tsuruga nuclear reactor No. 2! Stop the resumption of operation of all nuclear reactors! [3] Expose the deception of the '2021 Olympics to celebrate the reconstruction of Fukushima'! Denounce the Abe government for imposing radiation exposure and poverty on people! Healthcare collapse in Italy amid the spread of COVID-19 [4] Why is the number of those who have PCR tests so small in Japan? Impeach Abe for avoiding responsibility for failure to establish an effective PCR testing system! 'The number of PCR tests shall be increased to 20,000 a day': Abe is all talk and no action [5] Osaka: Harsh working conditions of health centre workers - Long hours of overtime and working on holidays - Health centres have been reduced to just one in Osaka - Denounce the Abe-led LDP government and the local authorities controlled by another right-wing party Ishin! Medical and care workers agonizing in Fukuoka - In one nursing home, infected residents are quarantined within the home instead of being sent to hospitals - Medical workers are engaged in inexperienced, demanding work
Topics 'Digital Transformation' plunges workers into desperate poverty A Keidanren report offering an opinion to 'change the economy and society' through 'DX transformation' [6] 'No to the imposition of sacrifices on the masses amid the pandemic!' Militant workers and students held a demonstration in Sapporo June 14th Anger exploded at the restart of the US base construction in Henoko Zengakuren Okinawa fought in the van of protesters, at the Camp Schwab gate
'No to the resumption of reclamation!' 'Down with the Abe government!' (pic left) June 15th Workers, students and citizens blocking construction vehicles from carrying in materials (pic centre) Staging a resolute sit-in under a blazing sun (pic right) TOP |
No. 2624
(June 22nd 2020 Issue)
Break through the crisis of war created by the 'US-China cold war'!
No to the carrying in of construction materials! Protesters fighting to stop the restart of the reclamation work, in front of the Camp Schwab gate, Henoko June 8th, Okinawa Stop the base construction! Zengakuren Okinawa staged a protest at the beach of Henoko under the banner, 'Remove all US bases! Scrap the US-Japan military alliance!' [2] South Africa The Ramaphosa government plunging people into infection and abysmal poverty 'We'll be starved to death before killed by the virus!' African people's anger is flaming up Denounce the Abe government for enacting legislation to promote its 'super city' projects! Stop the tightening of the surveillance and control system directed against people! [3] A drastic intensification of the nuclear capability upgrading race between the US and China-Russia - Putin-led Russia is hell-bent on increasing nuclear capabilities to confront the US - The danger of a military clash between the US and China is increasing over Taiwan - Now is the time to stir up the flame of revolutionary antiwar struggle! The recall of the mayor of Kaohsiung A counterattack by the Tsai-led DPP government against Xi Jinping's move to annex Taiwan Flying 'lethal robots': competition between the US and China-Russia over the development of AI warplanes [4] The number of people applying for welfare benefits is increasing rapidly Severe staff shortages are causing a dreadful intensification of labour of local government workers Let us create a trade union movement from our workplace, from the hospitals in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic! [5] No to the promotion of the integrated elementary and junior high education system, an education system based on a meritocracy! Amid the spread of COVID-19 Cruel layoffs imposed on Toyota's subcontract factory workers Topics PM Abe, together with a leading monopoly capitalist, cries for a thoroughgoing suppression of minimum wages Don't allow the imposition of more burdens upon poverty-stricken people! [6] In the chains of Ampo (8) 60 years after the revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty [Ampo] The launch of Japan's Space Operations Squadron: The Abe government is in league with America's move to 'dominate the universe' The danger of a military clash between the US and China over the South China Sea and Taiwan - China is repeating military exercises in preparation for aggression against Taiwan and the opening of hostilities with the US - The US is desperately building up a military network against China TOP |
No. 2623
(June 15th 2020 Issue)
Rise up for Workers and Students' United Actions on June 14th! - Down with the Abe government which is plunging people into abysmal poverty! - Stop the revision of the Constitution! No to the introduction of an 'emergency' clause! Fight for an explosive upsurge of struggles against war and against the US-Japan military alliance! [2] 'No to the revision of the Constitution attempted by exploiting the coronavirus outbreak!' May 28th, Osaka Zengakuren Kansai staged a protest to the LDP Osaka office
We condemn the government for exposing garbage collecting workers to the danger of infection! - No masks, no disinfectant provided; sanitation workers get exhausted after collecting a whole lot of garbage - The Abe government is shifting the burden onto workers, evading its responsibility for failing to take effective measures against the coronavirus infection - Denounce the JCP-obedient central leadership of Jichiroren [Japan Federation of Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Unions] for dictating that it is time for both unions and local authorities to work together! [3] Struggles between the US and Russia over reductions in oil production amid the sharp drop in demand I. The slump in oil prices caused by the 'pandemic depression' II. 'Joint intervention' for decreased oil production by the 'OPEC Plus' plus the US [4] A drastic restructuring planned by capitalists in the steel industry amid the 'pandemic depression' Don't allow monopoly capitalists to dismiss even more workers! 1. Nippon Steel Corporation's 'restructuring plan' got stuck only in three months 2. Ironworks have been suspended one after another: capitalists are elaborating an unprecedented restructuring plan 3. Let us create a resolute struggle against mass dismissals! [5] The revised 'special measures law' that legalizes teachers' overtime without pay enforced: Denounce the JTU leadership for depending on the Education Ministry to 'review' the law! Let us fight for its abolition! Topics Expanding telework by taking advantage of the spread of COVID-19 Monopoly capitalists are imposing still longer working hours and intensified labour on workers [6] In the chains of Ampo (7) 60 years after the revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty [Ampo] The US's Marine Corps Force Design 2030 The US Marines to be reorganized as frontline deployment forces against China A militant student's resolution My decision to fight in the middle of the 'pandemic depression' For a renaissance of genuine Marxism! TOP |
No. 2622
(June 8th 2020 Issue)
Bring down the Abe government inflicting still more - Abe's 'financial measures' forsake workers and people in poverty -- Abe gives top priority to the support of big business - Smash all the attempts of the neo-fascist Abe government to prolong its life!
[2] Zengakuren's fight, May 28th No to China's 'national security legislation'! Denounce the Xi-led Chinese governments' repression of Hong Kong people! Militant students held an emergency action in front of the Chinese Embassy
A militant student's resolution I'll smash every attempt to make the world working class pay for the crisis! [3] Denounce the Xi government's decision in the National People's Congress on the 'national security legislation'! Don't allow the Chinese government to repress Hong Kong people! - The Beijing bureaucracy has terminated the so-called 'high degree of autonomy' - Stop the Hong Kong Chief Executive's promulgation of the 'State Security Act'! Provided only for one student out of ten! The 'emergency benefit' to students in need, belatedly put forward by the government, is far from the stark reality of students The Abe government's plan to export Shinkansen to India has been frustrated [4] No to wage cuts, dismissals and unilateral rejection of the renewal of employment contracts by automobile monopolies! - Production lines stopped all at once; car factories have been plunged into chaos - The pandemic depression has thrown automobile companies into an unprecedented crisis - We denounce the leadership of the JAW [Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers' Unions] for taking no action! Let us build up counterattacks from below, from our workplaces! The government's 'emergency aid': only once, just 100,000 yen for each Denounce the Abe government for leaving the toiling masses in the lurch! [5] Denounce the leadership of the Japanese Electrical, Electronic & Information Unions for agreeing on terribly low figures of pay increase! Don't allow the distortion of the union movement into a joint labour-management consultation designed to promote 'digital transformation'! 1. The labour aristocrats of the Electrical Unions have been bent on destroying the spring labour offensive 2. Don't let the management carry out mass dismissals on the pretext of the pandemic! Let us fight out to the last! Topics Electrical industry capitalists are hell-bent on expanding digital business by taking advantage of the pandemic crisis Don't allow them to shift the burden onto workers! [6] Denunciations spread across the country
Zengakuren and antiwar youths in Hokkaido staged a protest at the LDP office in Sapporo, May 19th The surveillance system directed against people strengthened The police are organizing residents into a neighbourhood watch and urging them to proffer their 'drive recorder' data TOP |
No. 2621
(June 1st 2020 Issue)
Overthrow the Abe government leaving the toiling masses in the lurch!
600 workers, students and citizens gathered to say 'Bring down the Abe government!' (pic 1) Students fighting in the van of the protesters, in front of the Diet Building Zengakuren Okinawa raised angry fists at the LDP local office May 14th, at the LDP office in Naha, Okinawa (pic 2) [2] On-line application for the 'emergency financial aid of 100,000 yen for each' has thrown city offices into wild confusion - The Abe government is urging people to use unpopular 'My Number [identification number] cards' in applying for aid money - On-line application is imposing terribly harsh labour on local government workers - Don't allow the Abe government to strengthen the state surveillance system! - Expose the anti-people nature of the Abe government's 'emergency financial measures'! The bitter struggle of health centre workers engaged in anti-coronavirus tasks - Health centre workers are forced to conduct far more virus tests than can be handled - Denounce the Abe government for neglecting to reinforce testing facilities! --We do not allow Abe to shift all responsibility onto workers! [3-4] The world economy plunged into a 'pandemic depression' A. The pandemic has hit the world economy B. The characteristics of the 'pandemic depression' - A burst of the 'reservoir' of the relative surplus population C. Imperialist rulers are more and more dependent on 'debt monetization' Topics Another 'healthcare crisis': Almost all hospitals have fallen into the red Even cancer operations are postponed; so are medical examinations [5] NTT West Japan's newly introduced 'area-based employment system' No to the imposition of unilateral transfer, reassignment and intensified labour! [6] My fresh determination to make a leap forward As an anti-Stalinist communist, I'll carry through with our struggle against neo-Stalinist China Tanka Poems A rage of grief amid the pandemic TOP |