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No. 2790
(October 16th 2023 Issue)
Break through the danger of the outbreak of a thermonuclear war!
I. The present world facing the mounting danger of a thermonuclear war - A. Confrontation between the US vs. China and Russia intensifying in East Asia - B. Ukrainian forces' counteroffensives and Putin in a predicament II. The Kishida-led Japanese government bent on building up a pre-emptive attack system against China III. Revolutionary efforts of Zengakuren to overcome the degenerate existing opposition movements IV. Break through the danger of a thermonuclear war breaking out amid the head-on clash between the US vs. China and Russia! - A. Denounce the leadership of the JCP for being immersed in conducting propaganda about their party policies with an eye on the general election! - The criminal nature of the JCP's policy of 'opposing the massive military buildup' without 'opposition to Ampo' - B. Create an explosive upsurge of the antiwar, anti-Ampo, anti-constitutional revision struggle and the Ukraine antiwar struggle! - Stir up a storm of antiwar, anti-Ampo protests! (a) Break through the danger of the outbreak of a Third World War, thermonuclear war, amid the 'new East-West cold war'! (b) Shatter the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance as a global alliance against China! Definitely no to the building of an Asia-Pacific version of NATO! (c) Stop the revision of the Constitution aimed to revive 'militarist Japan'! - Give a crushing blow to Putin's war! - Smash the offensive aimed at destroying the revolutionary student movement! [4] Topics Don't allow the dismissal of over 30, 000 workers planned by Yamato Transport! Angry workers, treated as 'easily disposable workers', organized a union [5] Let us go forward by overcoming the 'labour movement designed to defend the printing industry'! -- Criticism of the Course of Action in 2023 for the Zen'insoren [General Federation of Japan Printing and Publishing Workers' Unions] - The pro-JCP leadership cried out for a 'shift of wage raise costs onto price rises' and 'support for small enterprises' -- The 73rd convention of Zen'insoren - Distortion of struggles for higher wages and for the improvement of working conditions into petitions to the government -- Abandonment of struggles for higher wages in the name of 'social wage struggles' -- The policy of 'expanding union organizations' that neglects the creation of workers' unity - Total abandonment of the Ukraine antiwar struggle and the struggle against the military buildup and against the constitutional revision [6] Messages of solidarity from overseas to the 61st International Antiwar Assembly (6) - The Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International - FLTI (continued from the previous issue) 'The biggest environmental issue in the 20th century' What has brought the impending disappearance of the Aral Sea? - A tragic result of an irrigation project aimed at expanding farmlands in the former Soviet Union - The bankruptcy of Stalin's 'nature reconstruction programme' TOP |
No. 2789
(October 9th 2023 Issue)
September 24th
-- the keynote report -- Tasks of us the revolutionary left -- Let us digest the lessons of the 60 years of struggles to build the JRCL (RMF) - Build a massive struggle against the revision of the Constitution: -- Chairman of Zengakuren - Create nuclei armed with revolutionary Marxism!: -- a nursing care worker - Liven up the Ukraine antiwar struggle on the labour front!: -- a local government worker in Okinawa - Shatter today's version of the Red Purge!: -- Central Students' Orgburo : [3] 'Stop Orient Shield 23!' Zengakuren Hokkaido, together with workers, held a protest action against the US-Japan military exercise for a Taiwan emergency September 18th, Kushiro, Hokkaido
Militant students from Hokkaido University marched against the major military build-up together with workers and citizens A mass antiwar rally, September 19th, Sapporo, Hokkaido
The US initiated 'Pacific Islands Forum' held four months late The Biden administration frantic to win over South Pacific countries Fukushima Radioactively contaminated iron scraps sold at the market Denounce the government for tacitly permitting! [4] JEIU [Japanese Electrical, Electronic and Information Unions] The anti-working class 'industrial policies' of the leadership The meaning of its 'Opinions on Policies and Institutions' - The 'opinions' represent the intentions of monopoly capitalists in the electric industry - Supporting the government in its atomic energy policies - Emphasizing 'human resource development as a national strategy' - A cat's paw for the Kishida-led 'labour market reform' Topics The Yoshino leadership of the JTUC invites the Prime Minister to the coming regular convention Denounce the JTUC labour aristocrats for snuggling up to the government and the ruling party! [5] Don't allow the Toyota management to launch another offensive for restructuring! Toyota decided 'business integration' between its subsidiary, Hino Motors, and Daimler-affiliated Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Co. - An extraordinary business integration plan including 'special compensation' owed by Toyota - A bargaining intended for a 'hydrogen alliance' - Frustration and frets:Toyota's delay in the electric vehicle sales - Don't victimize workers! [6] Messages of solidarity from overseas to the 61st International Antiwar Assembly (5) - The Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International - FLTI An investment project, the Lobito Corridor US and Indian rulers hell-bent on rolling back China over the African continent TOP |
No. 2788
(October 2nd 2023 Issue)
Stop the building of Japan into a big military power! - The Kishida-led ultra-reactionary government is intent on strengthening the US-Japan military alliance, reinforcing armaments and revising the Constitution - Denounce the JCP's abandonment of organizing mass movements! Let us advance revolutionary antiwar struggles! [2] The International Exposition in Osaka, scheduled in 2025, now on the point of collapse - Construction costs have greatly exceeded the initial estimates: Don't make toiling people pick up the bill - Expose the dirty intention of Ishin, another neo-fascist party, and the LDP government! [3] Kaleidoscope From India to Europe The declining US draws up a plan for an 'economic corridor' via the Middle East 'Pride' of Indonesia as a regional leader ASEAN conducted its first joint military exercise in the South China Sea 'No Recruitment of Mercenaries' Cuba has started rejecting its support to Russia 'K-Program' [Key and Advanced Technology R&D through Cross Community Collaboration Program] The Kishida government has started to mobilize universities and research institutions to do military research [4] China and Russia jointly conducted antisubmarine manoeuvres in the Bering Sea Rulers of the two states are colluding to threaten a nuclear attack against the US - The manoeuvre was commanded by the deputy commander of China's Northern Fleet - Offence and defense over Russia's strategic nuclear missile submarines - Break through the danger of a nuclear war mounting in Asia-Pacific Resolute Dragon 23: a joint manoeuvre to be conducted by US Marines and Japan's GSDF No to the military exercise on the Southeast Islands targeted at China! - A gigantic scale military manoeuvre based on the concept of EABO -- War games in the name of the 'defense of remote islands' - No to the creation of a new missile regiment in Oita! Stop the construction of a missile powder magazine! [5] 'Destruction of humans' brought about by digitalization in education 1. School textbooks newly authorized by the Education Ministry are riddled with 'quick response codes' 2. School children show abnormal symptoms in their physical and mental health 3. 'Digital screen syndrome' is widespread Topics 'Increase incomes through "voluntary labour turnover" and side jobs or businesses'!? The Kishida government's reactionary policy for raising the birthrate [8] Stop the construction of a final high-level nuclear disposal site! The case of Tsushima, Nagasaki Prefecture Say 'NO!' to the city council's choice to apply for the 'preliminary survey' presented by the government! - The Kishida government and the Nuclear Waste Management Organization [NUMO] press the local government to 'invite' a disposal facility by dangling immense subsidies -- The government totally ignores the danger of radioactive contamination all over the Japan Sea - Kishida is clinging to the 'development of the nuclear fuel cycle‘ - Crush the promotion and development of nuclear power! Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power station The deceptive nature of the Nuclear Regulation Authority's decision to re-examine the 'competence' of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) to restart nuclear reactors TOP |
No. 2787
(September 25th 2023 Issue)
Clenched fists at the Kishida government Zengakuren showered heaps of denunciations at the ultra-reactionary reshuffled cabinet (pic) - Angry chants raised at the PM's motorcade - Crush the reactionary offensive of the Kishida government!: A declaration of battle of Zengakuren in front of the PM's Office - Win an explosive upsurge in the antiwar, anti-Ampo, anti-constitutional revision struggles! [2] Impeach the false charge of 'fraud' on Aichi and Nagoya University students by the Aichi Prefectural Police! Denounce the police for unjust searches of the students' houses and the Tokai branch office of the JRCL! The Japan Marxist Student League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) The Tokai Regional Committee of the MSL(RMF) - Denounce the 'punishment of expulsion from the university' imposed on three student leaders by the Aichi Univ. authorities colluded with state power! - Pulverize 'today's version of Red purge' with all the might of Zengakuren! 'No to the destruction of students' autonomy!' Aichi Univ. students' demo, June 9th, 2022 [3] Condemn the unlawful arrest of an antiwar activist worker in the Kansai region on Sept. 9th! Smash the notorious Maintenance of the Public Order Act-type crackdown! - An appalling concoction of a criminal case - Shatter neo-fascistic repression! Classification of Covid-19 downgraded to Class 5 Transmission cases coming out one after the other in nursing care facilities Accuse the Kishida government of abandoning infection control measures! - The spread of infection again! The lives of elderly people are being lost --Facility managers laying aside infection control measures -- Handling and guidance by public health centres reduced -- Hospitalization of the elderly rejected - The danger of being infected and the intensification of labour imposed on nursing care and care workers - We will fight resolutely by organizing angry workers! [4] The 70th national convention of the JEIU [Japanese Electrical, Electronic and Information Unions] Denounce the labour aristocrats for supporting the government's military expansion, constitutional revision and promotion of nuclear development! I. Deceptive summarization of the 2023 spring labour offensive (1) Manipulation by describing the ultra-low compromise figures as 'improvements in the wage level' (2) Pushing the demand for 'minimum wages by age groups' into the background (3) Putting emphasis on the 'raise in the initial pay' and the 'support to the buildup of a career' (4) The final collapse of the 'united struggle of electric workers' unions' II. A dush to an 'industrial patriotic' movement in the name of a 'new style of movement and activities'! [5] Wakako Yata, a former JEIU-backed deputy leader of the DPP (Democratic Party for the People), picked out for an aid to PM Kishida Shame on the JEIU labour aristocrats who jumped at the invitation from the Kishida-led LDP government! Topics The regular convention of the UA Zensen [Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Critical opinions cropped up one after another on the labour aristocrats who left the struggles of Sogo-Seibu department store workers to their fate [6] Messages of solidarity from overseas to the 61st International Antiwar Assembly (4) - LALIT, Mauritius - Victor F. Isaichikov, Russia TOP |
No. 2786
(September 18th 2023 Issue)
Denounce the Rengo leadership for readily assisting Japan's tremendous military buildup! The Kishida government is rushing headlong towards a massive military buildup - The Yoshino-Shimizu leadership, having snuggled up to the government and the LDP, is to continue -- Openly supporting the government's strengthening of the military alliance, massive military expansion and revision of the Constitution - The labour aristocrats offer full cooperation to Kishida's 'new capitalism', a stratagem by which to impose even greater sacrifices on workers - Create antiwar, anti-constitutional revision struggles as well as a struggle for higher wages and politico-economic struggles from the labour front!
Denounce the reactionary Supreme Court decision that admits reclamation! Stop the construction of the new US base in Henoko, Okinawa Denounce the reactionary Supreme Court decision! Block the reclamation work in Henoko! Militant workers and students rose on land and sea September 5th, Okinawa
[3] Kaleidoscope - India's first landing on the moon Modi put Biden, Putin and Xi in the shade - Diverting people's dissatisfaction with the government into anti-Japanese exclusionism A malicious attempt of the Beijing bureaucrats to take advantage of the Japanese government's discharge of the radioactively contaminated water into the sea - A battle for supremacy over the Spratly Islands A China Coast Guard vessel attacked a Philippine supply vessel with water cannon - A former FSB colonel taken into custody With his foundation undermined, the petty tsar is gripped by fear [4] Under the banner of 'strategic autonomy', the Macron government seeks a way to survive - Rivalry between the US and France over the setting up of a NATO Tokyo office - Succeeding to Gaullism - Macron's 'Indo-Pacific strategy' AfD, a German far right, cries for the expulsion of Ukrainian refugees - Acquitting Putin the invader [5] Gig workers compelled to work long hours, with low wages and no rights vested - Gig workers' struggles starting to spread - No compensation for traffic accidents / injuries; everything at their own expense - The piece-wage system urges workers to increase the number of their deliveries Topics The leadership election of the the DPFR (Democratic Party for the People) Aiming for a closer tie-up with the LDP, right-wing labour aristocrats of Rengo backed the incumbent, Tamaki [6] Ikuro Anzai, an incorrigible scholar and defender of Putin the invader Militant students' sharp criticisms brought him to bay A lecture meeting held by Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] in Nara - Thunderous cheers rose at the questions addressed by students - The notorious scholar's anti-working class posture brought into the light of day Messages of solidarity from overseas to the 61st International Antiwar Assembly (3) - The International Socialist League - All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions (APFUTU) - The Union Pacifiste de France TOP |
No. 2785
(September 11th 2023 Issue)
Smash the major military expansion by the Kishida government!
- An Asian version of NATO: a multilateral military alliance against China and North Korea being built up - Japan's military expansion centred on the building of a pre-emptive attack system targeted at 'enemy bases' - The government accelerating military researches based on the unity among the military, industrial and academic sectors - Denounce the leadership of Rengo [JTUC] for supporting the revision of the Constitution and the military expansion! - Let us fight by overcoming the JCP abandoning opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! [2] 'No to the Japanese-Australian joint air drill!' Workers and students rallied in protest in front of the SDF Komatsu base Aug. 23rd
'No to the US-Japan-South Korea summit meeting!' Zengakuren Okinawa rose in protest at the US Consulate Aug.17th, Urasoe City
'Don't let them discharge radioactive water into the ocean!' Workers, students and citizens held an emergency rally Aug. 23rd, Naha, Okinawa
In the name of 'Security Clearance' The government is tightening a state surveillance system over researchers and engineers for promoting the massive military build-up [3] The assassination of Yevgeny Prigozhin: what lies at the bottom of it [4] Support Sogo & Seibu workers rising in a strike - Workers are threatened with mass dismissals due to the disposal and liquidation of a department store business by the parent corporation - Let us fight by overcoming Rengo's labour-management consultation line! The Kishida government frantic to propel military research in universities and institutions - Mass dismissals: Hokkaido University rejected renewals of employment contracts of a large number of non-regular researchers - The Kishida government gives priority to joint industry-university 'military research' [5] Stop the revision of the Constitution and the massive military buildup! The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee of the JRCL - Denounce the National Personnel Authority report for recommending government employees' wage cuts! - Don't allow the bad revision of public service workers' personnel management systems! - No to the tightening of the authoritarian ruling system by making use of the 'My Number [identification number] card' system! - Let us strengthen union organizations by fighting to improve our working conditions! - Denounce Putin's war! Create Ukrainian antiwar struggles from within our workplaces! Topics 'The Rengo leadership is often criticized for being too close to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, but I think it's still not close enough.' Chairwoman Yoshino laid bare Rengo's true nature as today's Industrial Patriotic Association [6] Messages of solidarity from overseas to the 61st International Antiwar Assembly (2) - Tavini Huiraatira no te Ao Maohi, Maohi Nui (French Polynesia) - News and Letters Committees, USA - Solidarity, USA TOP |
No. 2784
(September 4th 2023 Issue)
No to the strengthening of the US-Japan-ROK nuclear military alliance! - The danger of the outbreak of a thermonuclear war mounting in East Asia - Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan global alliance! Stop the constitutional revision and the gigantic military buildup! 'No to the US-Japan-ROK summit meeting!' Students of Zengakuren raised fists in anger at the US Embassy August 18th Denouncing the JCP leadership for abandoning struggles
[2] September 1st The centenary of the Great Kanto Earthquake The massacre of Korean residents and the assassination of labour movement leaders: the state crime that must not be obliterated - The then government, the Home Ministry, the police and the military instigated the massacre - Gripped by the fear of a revolution influenced by the Russian Revolution - The present government and ultra-reactionary elements: attempting to wipe out the crime committed by the Tennoist power from history -- Don't allow the strengthening of the nuclear military alliance between the US, Japan and South Korea [3]
'Stop the fortification of the Southwest Islands!' Protesters' antiwar enthusiasm flared up on the front line of the head-on clash between the US and China
The Tokai meeting, Nagoya August 6th Break through the crisis of a thermonuclear war! A bridgehead for a revolutionary antiwar struggle established
[4] Kaleidoscope Italy to break with the One Belt One Road Chino-Euro cargo trains stagnant: most of them are now destined for Russia Putin preparing in Russia to manufacture Iranian assaultive drones The Kishida government pouring huge quantities of tax money into supporting semiconductor material manufacturers [5] The national convention of All NTT Workers Unions The labour aristocrats trying to escape from the condemnation of their withdrawal of the '100 thousand yen' demand - Delegates criticized the central leadership one after another - Denounce the anti-working class nature of the leadership's agenda for the 2023 spring offensive! Topics 'Peace actions' in Hiroshima and Nagasaki sponsored by Rengo [JTUC] The JTUC leadership approved of the strengthening of the US-Japan nuclear military alliance [6] 'A project team for digital citizenship education' Official advisers to the Japan Teachers' Union leadership: advocating an ICT-based reform of education Messages of solidarity from overseas to the 61st International Antiwar Assembly (1) - Editorial board of Spilne/Commons Journal, Ukraine - Boris Kagarlitsky, Russia TOP |
No. 2782-83
(August 28th 2023 Double Issue)
Rally for the JRCL public political meeting on Sep. 24th! - Advance the struggle to break through the danger of a thermonuclear war growing amid the head-on clash between the US and China / Russia! - Prevent the Kishida government from revising the Constitution and expanding armaments - Win an advance in our anti-Stalinist revolutionary movement!
[2] Don't allow the government to discharge radioactively contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the ocean! [3] Saga Prefecture, Kyushu Stop the deployment of Ospreys of the Ground Self-Defense Force! Denounce the start of the construction of an 'SDF Saga camp'! - The Kishida government curbed the fishermen's association by strong pressure and money - A new base is being built for a Japanese marine corps to make attacks Stop the Kishida government dashing headlong to an unprecedented military build-up! The Defense Ministry is scheming to make a record high budgetary request, over seven trillion yen [4-5]
'Crush Putin's war!' Participants raised an outcry
The Kyushu meeting, Fukuoka 'Don't allow the Kyushu region to be used as a base for attacking China!' A resolution fortified to advance antiwar, anti-military alliance struggles
The Hokkaido meeting, Sapporo With a firm resolve to advance the Ukraine antiwar struggle
The Hokuriku meeting, Kanazawa Fists raised against a nuclear-armed military alliance between the US, Japan and South Korea
[6] A 'semiconductor war' between the US and China and a critical situation intensified over Taiwan A. A new development of the US-China clash over advanced semiconductors B. Rivalry between the US and China for seizing the 'silicon island' C. A semiconductor alliance formed to contain China D. A 'hybrid war' and competitions for advanced semiconductors The My Number Card system: with troubles revealed one after another A hasty 'overhaul' ordered by the Kishida government Denounce the government for shifting the responsibility onto municipal workers! -----The government pressing workers to 'check' the whole data on the register -----The leaderships of municipal workers' unions have accepted the My Number Card system Topics Minimum wage targets recommended by prefectural councils Derisory raises, between 39 and 47 yen: complied with demands of monopoly capitalists [8] Kaleidoscope The Russia-Africa Summit Meeting in Moscow 'No need to give in charity, but end the blockade of the grain!' A coup in Niger The collapse of the pro-French government under Russian influence A regular column in the Japanese Communist Party's daily paper Defending the invader like a spokesperson for the Russian government TOP |
No. 2781
(August 14th 2023 Issue)
The International Antiwar Assembly held in high spirits Aug. 6th
- ‘Fight for a great upsurge in the Ukraine antiwar struggle! Fight against the massive military buildup and the constitutional revision!’ The keynote report - Keen sympathy and solidarity expressed to the messages from Ukraine and Russia - Militant resolves expressed by a worker comrade and the Zengakuren Chairman - No to the summit meeting between the US, Japanese and South Korean rulers! Prevent the revision of the Constitution! Fight with the aim of bringing down the Kishida government! [2] No to the US-Japan-ROK summit meeting on Aug. 18th! Oppose the building and reinforcing of an Asian version of NATO! - The US administration, a backer of the Yun government hell-bent on repressing opposition parties and trade unions [3] Osaka Jul. 26th ‘Crush Putin’s war!’ Zengakuren Kansai rose in protest at the Russian consulate - Denouncing Russia’s missile attacks on Odesa - Appealing to people in front of a busiest station in Osaka: warm responses from working people
Kokugakuin University The plenary of the class representatives and the all-students assembly held: A revolutionary executive was established again after lively discussions - The class representatives meeting, Jun. 28th: - unanimausly adopted the agenda for opposition to the massive military build-up and for the Ukraine antiwar struggle - The all-students assembly, Jul. 8th: - Oppose the destructive attacks on the students’ activities in the name of ‘welfare and guidance’! Free tuition! - Concentration of the latest struggles [4] Kaleidoscope Macron’s visits to South Pacific countries Advertising France’s own ‘Indo-Pacific’ strategy, posing as today’s Charles de Gaulle India’s national identification system The government controls the personal data of 1.3 billion people’s fingerprints and irises The Kishida government and capitalists in the electricity industry moving to raise the electricity rates for restarting suspended nuclear power stations and for building new stations [5] The ‘My Number’ card system: with serious troubles revealed successively Don’t allow the Kishida government to oblige the people to acquire the identification cards! ----Denounce the government for shifting the responsibility to municipal workers! ----Forced acquisition of ‘My Number’ cards and its aim ----Shameless ‘adjustments’ added in disregard of the aged and the handicapped Topics The government and the capitalists class scheming to impose a derisory minimum wage The raise in the minimum wage target recommended by the government counsel is only 41 yen [6] No to the Japanese-Italian and the Japanese-Australian air exercises successively conducted with the Komatsu base as a centre! - Aimed is to build a global alliance against China and Russia Talisman Saber 2023 A multi-lateral joint exercise against China conducted according to the EABO concept The Spanish elections VOX the fascist party intent on participating in the government TOP |