Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation
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No. 2840
(October 14th 2024 Issue)

Stop the massive military expansion and the constitutional revision
by the Ishiba-led new government!
No to the creation of an Asian version of NATO!
Smash the fortification of Okinawa and other Southwest Islands!

- Rivalry between the US-Japan and China with focus on Taiwan and the South China Sea
- Rulers of the US and Japan are making a headlong rush at the building of a pre-emptive attack system against China
- Criticize JCP leaders' abandonment of opposition to the military alliance, and let us fight!
- Fight resolutely under the slogan: No to the US-Japan global alliance!

Militant workers and Students took to the streets
Zengakuren and Antiwar Youths' United Action in Tokyo, October 6th

'Stop the expansion of armaments! Crush the revision of the Constitution!'
'Smash Putin's war!' 'No to Israel's invasion of Lebanon!
Demonstrators marched on the Diet, PM's office and the US and Russian Embassies
in solidarity with workers and students simultaneously fighting in Okinawa

Condemn the abandonment of the torrential rain and earthquake victims in the Noto Peninsula!

Zengakuren Hokushin'etsu staged a protest against the local branch of the LDP
October 2nd, Kanazawa

Angry students raising a hue and cry against the LDP government

'Denounce Israel's air strikes on Lebanon!'
Angry voices rose to a roar in the main road in Osaka
Workers' and Citizens' Emergency Action, September 28th

'Condemn Netanyahu's another warmongering act!' Students of Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. fighting with workers and citizens

The 94th Zengakuren National Convention held
September 20th
Militant students built a powerful structure for their advancement of struggles
Stop the constitutional revision and the massive military expansion promoted by the new LDP government!
Smash Putin's war and Netanyahu's war!

Denounce the government and the Defense Ministry for abandoning the torrential rain victims in the Noto Peninsula to their fate while forcibly implementing an 'air festival' at the SDF Komatsu air base!


The 74th regular convention of Zen'insoren
[General Federation of Japan Printing and Publishing Workers' Unions]
Shatter redundancy and wage cuts!
Fight for a militant strengthening of Zen'insoren!

- Abandonment of struggles for higher wages
- No to dismissals! No to stuff reassignments!
- The pro-JCP leadership's policy of 'expanding membership' without bending efforts to create working class unity
- A parliamentarianist distortion of the anti-constitutional revision movement

Bus drivers in Okinawa:
suffering from wage cuts and intensified labour


JCP's 'eye-catcher' for the general elections: introducing a bill for the 'increase in free time'

Re-reading 'Overseas Appeal for the 62nd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan' inspired in me deep thoughts

- What does it mean to strengthen the international solidarity of workers?
- The author puts himself in the shoes of Ukrainian workers

No to the resumption of Cepco (Chugoku Electric Power Co.)'s Shimane No. 2 nuclear reactor operation!


No. 2839
(October 7th 2024 Issue)

Pulverize the major reactionary offensives launched by
the Ishiba-led new government!
Overcome the crisis of the class struggle in Japan
plunged into degeneration!

A rush to the creation of an Asian version of NATO, massive military expansion and the revision of the Constitution
- The new Constitutional Democratic Party leader Noda starts to cry out for the 'strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance' and the 'use of atomic energy'
- The JCP is struggling to get out of the total failure in a 'joint struggle between citizens and opposition parties'
- The deepening crisis of the labour movement in Japan and the strenuous efforts of the revolutionary left to overcome it
For an uplift in the antiwar, anti-military alliance, and in the anti-constitutional revision struggles
- Smash Putin's war and Netanyahu's war!
- No to the buildup of an Asian version of NATO! Stop Japan's leap into a military power!

Denounce Israel's aggression against Lebanon!
Condemn the outright massacre of Lebanese!


Torrential rainfall after the catastrophic Noto Peninsula Earthquake

Condemn the LDP government for abandoning the disaster victims to their fate!

Anger exploded against the constitutional revision, the military buildup and tax increases

September 19th, Sapporo
Militant students livened up an 'all-together rally' of workers, students and citizens in Hokkaido
(pic left) Students' big banner reads 'No to the LDP government's neo-fascist offensives!'
(pic right) Demonstrators' placards say 'Smash Russia's aggression in Ukraine!' and 'Stop the genocide in Gaza!'

Legal medical fees for fiscal 2024 revised

Don't allow the sacrifice of medical care for the old!

I. Exclusion of elderly patients from acute-phase medical services
II. Strident advocacy of 'digital transformation in medical treatment'
III. The revision of legal medical fees is to cause further devastation in medical facilities


The government and the Health Ministry scheming to raise the fees for the medical treatment of the elderly

Rapidus: a government-controlled semiconductor manufacturer
The factory building under construction is forcing enormous sacrifices on workers and residents


The rise of the neo-Nazi AfD (Alternative for Germany) in the elections in three eastern German states

- The fanning of 'anti-migrant, anti-refugee' exclusivism
- The AfD has stolen support from many of the former East German people who are struggling against poverty

Construction of a dam on the Sino-Indian border
Xi Jinping-led China is hell-bent on seizing the water of an international river


No. 2838
(September 30th 2024 Issue)

Go all out to stop the constitutional revision,
to crush the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!
Smash Russia's aggression in Ukraine!
Denounce Israel's genocide in Gaza!

Rise in the Workers and Students' United Actions in October!

Central Students' Orgburo

(continued from the last issue)

II. The contemporary world thrown into warfare amid the head-on clash between the US and China-Russia

A. Ukraine at a historic crossroads
B. Israel frantic to commit genocide in Gaza
C. The danger of war mounting in the South China Sea, Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula
D. The LDP government thrusting itself forward into the building of the Asian version of NATO and the constitutional revision
E. The existing opposition movements immersed in parliamentarianism; Zengakuren fighting strenuously

III. Create an explosive upsurge in the revolutionary antiwar movement!

A. Denounce the Shii and Tamura-led JCP leadership that is wrapped up in its general election campaign!
B. Stop the constitutional revision and the massive military buildup! Shatter Putin's war and Netanyahu's war!
- No to the revision of the Constitution! Stop the tremendous military buildup! Smash the US-Japan global alliance!
-- Smash the constitutional revision aimed at reviving 'militarist Japan!
- Stir up a big upsurge of the Ukraine antiwar struggle!
- Condemn and crush murderer Netanyahu's brutalities!
- Create a powerful upsurge in the struggle to stop increases in tuition fees!

Postal workers' struggle

No to the major restructuring and rationalization based on the management's 'JP Vision 2025 plus'!

Let us fight back by overcoming the 'business vision' proposing movement led by the JP Union leadership!

I. Management offensives based on its 'Vision 2025 plus'
II. The anti-working class nature of the union leadership's promotion of the movement: proposition of the union's 'business visions'
III. Denounce the union leadership for fully cooperating with the management! Create a struggle in our workplaces to oppose restructuring and rationalization!

Neo-fascists crying out for the 'deregulation of dismissals'

A 'severance pay' system gives capitalists 'freedom of dismissals'

The Nikkei Shimbun proposes 'deregulation of dismissals' to LDP presidential election candidates

'No to the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! No to the revision of the Constitution!'

Angry voices of workers and citizens reverberated in the heart of Tokyo

September 19th, Hibiya Park, Tokyo

JRCL distributing handbills to rally participants

Oppose the resumption of nuclear reactor operations!
Halt the military buildup and the constitutional revision!

JRCL's appeal permeated through participants from around the country

September 16th, 'Sayonara to Nuke' rally at Yoyogi Park, Tokyo

Approx. 5,000 workers, citizens and students rallied, raising union banners and flags


No. 2837
(September 23rd 2024 Issue)

Go all out to stop the constitutional revision,
to crush the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!
Smash Russia's aggression in Ukraine!
Denounce Israel's genocide in Gaza!

Rise in the Workers and Students' United Actions in October!

Central Students' Orgburo

I. Zengakuren's spring fight: summary
A. Resolute promotion of a revolutionary antiwar struggle
B. An explosive upsurge of antiwar, anti-fascism, anti-tuition increase struggles in campuses
C. The advancement of struggles to pulverize attempts to destroy the revolutionary student movement
(To be continued)

Don't allow the Tokyo University authorities to increase tuition fees!

Create gigantic, nationwide struggles to stop increases in tuition fees at national universities!

No to the US Marine's live firing exercise in Yausubetu!
Angry workers and dairy farmers rose in action
September 1st, Kushiro, Hokkaido

At a dead end: China's One-belt, One-road initiative to build an economic bloc

- The building of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor deadlocked
- The 'Hun Sen Canal'
- New 'corridors' keeping away from Russia

Fraudulent acts continue in Toyota

Don't allow the management to shift its responsibility onto workers!

Criticisms cropped up against the JTUC leadership
The 98th convention of Jichiro
[All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union]

[6] Kaleidoscope

The 'arrest warrant' against Putin ignored by Mongolia

Narendra Modi's visit to Kyiv

Congolese people groaning under warfare and resource plundering


No. 2836
(September 16th 2024 Issue)

Besiege Putin the aggressor!
Create an explosive upsurge in the antiwar struggle
in solidarity with the fighting Ukrainian people!

- Putin wriggling about in a fix for Ukrainian forces' cross-border operations
-- Ukraine going on the offensive, looking 'peace talks' ahead
- Let us fight on the basis of antiwar internationalism!
-- Crush Putin's war!
- Denounce Israel's wholesale massacre in Gaza!

'Stop the GSDF flight training of an Osprey!
Zengakuren Hokkaido and antiwar workers protested at the training field
August 22nd, Sapporo, Hokkaido

'No to the exercise using an Osprey!' Students raising their fists at Okadama Airport

Resolute Dragon 24: a US-Japan joint field training exercise
No to the buildup of a war-waging system against China

The murky parts in China's policy of giving priority to electric vehicles in the name of a 'nation strong in the car industry'

A plan to construct a 'Chinese version of Starlink'


Denounce the legislation to cope with situations of difficulty in food supply!

Frightened of its people's rebellion, the Kim Jong-un regime is frantically oppressing them

- A 'wall' on the 38th parallel
- Imposition of poverty and hunger
- Break through the danger of a new war erupting in the Korean Peninsula

The critical situation in the sugar-refining industry in Okinawa and the agony of workers and peasants

- Workers in the sugar-refining industry are tormented by the fear of income decreases and unemployment
- Sugar cane producers are verging on a crisis
- Condemn the LDP government for sacrificing local agriculture

Eight months after the Noto Peninsula Earthquake
A surge in the number of work-related accidents in restoration work

The Kishida government dictates introduction of so-called job-based personnel systems

[6] Kaleidoscope

A big fuss over the LDP Presidency election

Russia is having its 'wealth' taken away by its 'friendly' nations

'Nuclear power plants for artificial intelligence!'


No. 2835
(September 9th 2024 Issue)

Shatter the reactionary offensives
launched by the LDP government!

Advance antiwar, anti-Ampo, anti-constitutional revision struggles,
denouncing the central JCP leadership and the leadership of the JTUC!

- The Japanese government rushing headlong towards the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance, the tremendous military buildup, and the revision of the Constitution
- Under the banner of 'the recovery of the Japanese economy', the Kishida government is imposing still more sacrifices on workers
- Let us fight resolutely by overcoming the central leadership of the JCP that begs the government for a policy shift to 'peaceful diplomacy'
- Stop the LDP government's neo-fascist reactionary offensives!

The first US-Japan ministerial conference on 'extended deterrence'

No to the building and strengthening of the system for the US and Japan to conduct nuclear pre-emptive strikes!

- The overt deployment of nuclear weapons in the US forces in Japan
- Building of the Asian version of NATO centring on the US-Japan nuclear military alliance

Macron-led France shaken by the rise of far-right fascists

- The appearance of a fascist cabinet was checked by the French working masses
- The Macron-led ruling party is driven into a corner due to the crushing defeat in the election
- Rampancy of the far-right RN
- NFP moving about in confusion and workers' struggles from below

'Anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim' disturbances incited by right-wing extremists


Scrap Tsuruga nuclear reactor No.2!

Don't let the government and Japan Atomic Power Company resume its operation!

Don't allow the start of the operation of an interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel in Mutsu City

Radioactively contaminated water leakage at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
Due to Tepco's sloppy management, cooling of spent nuclear fuel has been halted for long


Definitely no to the massive military buildup!
Stop the revision of the Constitution!

The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee of the JRCL

Fight militantly for the autumnal struggle for higher wages!
No to the introduction and expansion of job-based wages!
Denounce the revision of the Local Autonomy Law!

Crush Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine!
Condemn Netanyahu's genocide of the people in Gaza!


No. 2834
(September 2nd 2024 Issue)

Uplift the struggle to crush Putin's war!
Shatter Russia's aggression in Ukraine!
Denounce Israel's brutal massacres in Gaza!

Ukrainian forces' operation to gain control of Kursk; Putin's ruling system shaken
- The Netanyahu regime frantically going on with the liquidation of the Palestinian nation
- Break through the crisis of warfare in the 21st century world infested with 'today's Hitlers'!

Let us break through the crisis of warfare!

Antiwar Assemblies held nationwide, August 4th

The Kansai regional meeting

'Crush the US-Japan nuclear military alliance!' Participants raised battle cries

The Kansai regional meeting in Osaka

The Hokuriku regional meeting
Determination made to promote antiwar struggles, to fight against nuclear power plants

The Hokuriku regional meeting in Kanazawa

The Hokkaido regional meeting
Workers and students resolved to advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle

The Hokkaido regional meeting in Sapporo

Zengakuren Hokkaido made an ardent appeal for the International Antiwar Assembly in front of Sapporo Station
August 2nd

The 32nd regular convention of Zenroren
[National Confederation of Trade Unions]
In the name of 'upgrading the union to a better version', the JCP-controlled leadership ordered union activists to 'make conversation and learn from workers in the workplace'

The 62nd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan

The Keynote report to the central meeting

Shatter Putin's war and Netanyahu's war!
Create an explosive upsurge in our struggle to prevent the outbreak of nuclear warfare!

(Part 2)

III. The Kishida government plotting to bring Japan into a 'state that would wage war in alliance with the US'
- Strengthening the US-Japan military alliance as the core of the Asian version of NATO

IV. Make big advances in our revolutionary antiwar struggle!
A. Let us fight resolutely by overcoming the JCP-led opposition movements that abandon opposition to the US-Japan military alliance!
B. Besiege Putin the aggressor! Never allow the brutalities of Netanyahu the murderer!
C. No to the strengthening of the US-Japan global alliance against China and Russia! No to the massive military buildup and the constitutional revision!
D. Let our revolutionary antiwar movement extend to all corners of the world!

Condemn the Kishida government for starting a full-scale US base construction work!

A burst of anger engulfed Henoko, August 20th
Protesters blocked the Camp Schwab gate; militant students fought in the van under the banner 'No to the US-Japan global alliance!'
(pics below)

Raged marine protesters rowed out to sea to stop the reclamation work

Antiwar workers closed in on the construction site despite the Coast Guard's repression
(pic below)

A protest action held at the scene of the dump truck accident
August 22nd, Awa Pier, Nago
Protesters stopped dump trucks that resumed carrying out dirt to the construction site; Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students took the lead in the action


No. 2832-2833
(August 26th 2024 Issue)

The International Antiwar Assemblies uplifted
August 4th

'Shatter the brutalities of the century conducted by "today's Hitler"'!
The central meeting in the Metropolitan area

Crush Russia's aggression against Ukraine!
Condemn Israel's massacres of Palestinians in Gaza!

Create an explosive upsurge in the struggle to prevent a nuclear war!

Let us make tremendous advancements in our revolutionary antiwar struggle!
The Keynote report

Antiwar, peace struggles in the world and our task
A special report from the delegation to Europe

Let us organize struggles against the military buildup and the constitutional revision despite the JTUC leadership's suppression of struggles
A representative of the worker comrades

Achieve an explosive advancement in the struggle against tuition fee raising, in the antiwar and anti-fascism struggles!
The chairman of Zengakuren

Let our antiwar voices reverberate around the world!

Antiwar Assemblies in seven cities, August 4th

The Tokai regional meeting
Break through the crisis of a thermonuclear war

The Tokai regional meeting in Nagoya

The Okinawa regional meeting

'Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!' Battle cries resounded

The Okinawa regional meeting in Urasoe

The Kyushu regional meeting

A resolve made to stop the move to turn Kyushu into a military base for sortieing against China

The Kyushu regional meeting in Fukuoka

The 62nd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan

The Keynote report to the central meeting

Shatter Putin's war and Netanyahu's war!
Create an explosive upsurge in our struggle to prevent the outbreak of nuclear warfare!

(Part 1)

I. Denounce the nuclear-armed murderer regimes' outrageous attempts to liquidate nations!
A. Putin, a modern-day Czar, hell-bent on indiscriminately attacking on the whole land of Ukraine
B. Netanyahu has intensified its genocide against the Gazans; has embarked on another warmongering act

II. The danger of the outbreak of a nuclear war amid the 'new East-West Cold War' between the US vs. China and Russia
A. A crisis of the outbreak of a thermonuclear war intensifying in East Asia
B. China and Russia forging an anti-American alliance; the US and Japan strengthening a global alliance against China and Russia
(To be continued)

Denounce the Kishida government for imposing extreme hardships of life on workers and the toiling masses!


'Gig workers' working conditions to be improved': a transparent lie of the Labour Ministry
Impeach the JTUC leadership for extending full cooperation to the Ministry

Behind the scenes of the Olympics in Paris
Macron removed poor people and immigrants


The regime was collapsed by the uprising of students and people

Germany furtively and evasively cut off military aid to Israel


'Condemn the rape of a young girl by an American soldier!'
2,500 expressed fresh anger in Okinawa People's Rally

Militant students putting up slogans, ''No to the US-Japan military alliance!'

August 10th, Okinawa
Militant students joined the rally with the banner
'Stop the US base construction in Henoko!'
'Remove bases! No to the US-Japan military alliance!'
Students raising calls after the rally

'Oppose the US-Japan '2+2' meeting!

Militant workers and students protested strongly at the US Consulate General and the LDP local office in Sapporo

July 28th. Sapporo
At the US Consulate General Students fighting at the LDP local office
under the banner of Zengakuren Hokkaido

A big blast at the construction site for the 2025 Osaka World Expo

The right-wing party Ishin-controlled local government authorities and the Expo authorities still conceal the whole story


No. 2831
(August 12th 2024 Issue)

Stop Israel's provocation of war
throughout the Middle East!

The International Antiwar Assemblies held
in seven cities in high spirits, Aug. 4th
(pic) The central meeting in Tokyo (Details will appear in the next issue)

- Murdering in bombings of the Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and a Hezbollah military commander
- Crush Netanyahu's war and Putin's war!

Denounce the massive air raids on Kiev by the Russian Forces!
Rise up to crush Putin's war!

-- A shortage of weapons and troops, fiscal crisis...: Putin struggling desperately

No to the building of an Asian version of NATO!

No to 'Resolute Dragon 24', a massive US-Japan military exercise!
Militant students, together with workers and local residents, rose to action
July 27th, Okinawa

Zengakuren Hokkaido rose to action

Against a fighter plane exercise involving Japanese, German and Spanish air forces
July 20th, Chitose
(pic left below)

Against a US-Japan joint live firing exercise
July 22nd, Yausubetsu
(pic right below)


The JCP-affiliated leaders of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions]
An attempt to rebuild the organization using 'strikes' as its selling point


The 17th National Convention of the Japan Post Union
Delegates' anger unleashed on the low compromise wage hike figures and redundancies
Criticisms cropped up against the leadership's 'task visions' and the 'vision of the future'


Oppose the plan to consolidate public hospitals in remote Noto area by taking advantage of the earthquake


Overtime work is a job done by workers 'as contractors' !?
The Kishida government is trumpeting the method of 'a fixed-sum contract and overtime without limit'

Condemn the dump truck accident that caused severe casualties
amid a protest action against the US base construction in Henoko!

Denounce part of the rightist media for stirring up an urge for repression against the anti-base movement!

Protesters raised their voices of anger at the site of the accident, July 29th

The Russian army is deceiving youths in Asia and Africa into the front line of battle


Back Issues
2024 No.2801-2810   No.2811-2820   No.2821-2830      
2023 No.2751-2760   No.2761-2770 No.2771-2780  No.2781-2790   No.2791-2800  
2022 No.2701-2710  No.2711-2720  No.2721-2730  No.2731-2740  No.2741-2750 
2021 No.2651-2660   No.2661-2670 No.2671-2680  No.2681-2690  No. 2691-2700 
2020 No.2601-2610  No.2611-2620 No.2621-2630 No.2631-2640  No. 2641-2650 
2019 No.2551-2560   No. 2561-2570  No.2571-2580 No.2581-2590  No.2591-2600 
2018  No.2501-2510 No.2511-2520  No.2521-2530   No.2531-2540 No.2541-2550 
2017 No.2451-2460 No. 2461-2470  No. 2471-2480   No.2481-2490 No.2491-2500 
2016 No.2401-2410  No.2411-2420   No.2421-2430 No.2431-2440  No.2441-2450 
2015 No.2351-2360  No.2361-2370  No.2371-2380  No.2381-2390  No. 2391-2400 
2014 No.2301-2310  No. 2311-2320  No. 2321-2330  No. 2331-2340  No. 2341-2350 
2013 No. 2251-2260  No. 2261-2270  No. 2271-2280  No. 2281-2290 No.2291-2300 
2012 No. 2201-2210  No. 2211-2220  No. 2221-2230  No. 2231-2240  No. 2241-2250 
2011 No. 2151-2160 No. 2161-2170 No. 2171-2180 No. 2181-2190 No. 2191-2200
2010 No. 2101-2110 No. 2111-2120 No. 2121-2130 No. 2131-2140 No. 2141-2150
2009 No. 2051-2060 No. 2061-2070 No. 2071-2080 No. 2081-2090 No. 2091-2100