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No. 2500
(January 1st 2018 Issue)
Organize a struggle
I. The 21st-century world amid a confrontation between US imperialism and China-Russia A. An impending nuclear Korean war: a hair-trigger situation in East Asia B. The world under 'war, oppression and poverty' - Middle East: struggles are erupting against US imperialism, against Zionism, with war fires expanding - The Trump administration and a death agony of US imperialism - Xi Jinping-led China is making a arrogant move under the slogan a 'powerful socialist country' - Putin is hell-bent on the 'restoration of strong Russia' - Working people are thrown into a '21st-century type' poverty amid the globalization of capital C. The neo-fascist Abe government is moving towards participation in a war and the revision of the Constitution - The bankruptcy of Abenomics is now evident; the government is scheming to make workers and people 'pay the bill' - The JRCL-led revolutionary left have been fighting against the reactionary offensive of the government, denouncing the betrayals of the JTUC labour aristocrats and the JCP bureaucrats II. Let us create an upsurge in the antiwar, anti-US-Japan military alliance struggle! Shatter every offensive of revising the Constitution! A. Rise up against a nuclear Korean war, against Japan's entry into a war! B. Don't allow the revision of Article 9 of the Constitution! Smash a scheme to insert a new clause that authorizes a PM to hold vast emergency powers! C. Shatter the historic revision of labour laws! III. One hundred years after the Russian Revolution: Let us strive for further advances in the anti-Stalinist movement! A. A historic horizon opened up by the Russian Revolution and the criminal nature of Stalinism B. Let us carve out a 'second century of proletarian revolution'! [5] Anger exploded at the falling of a weighty US military helicopter window on an elementary school ground 'Remove all US bases at once! Crush Ampo [US-Japan military alliance]!' Workers, students and citizens rose in an emergency protest on December 13th, Ginowan, Okinawa
'Stop the new embankment work! Stop the marine transport of building stone! Thousands gathered in Henoko to block the new US base construction, December 2nd
[6-7] A New Year's cartoon
[8-9] The Trump-led United States in historic decline I. Warmongering Trump is stirring up conflicts in the Korean peninsula and the Middle East A. Trump is pushing forward preparations for a pre-emptive attack on North Korea B. Trump arrogantly recognized Jerusalem as the 'capital' of Israel II. A major upheaval in the contemporary world caused by the Trump administration - Trump was led by the nose in China: the meaning of his round of visits to Asian countries - The United States is isolating itself from the rest of the world - Trump's National Security Strategy: a desperate attempt for survival - The US is selling tons of arms to its sole 'vassal state', Japan III. 'Tramponomics' is totally bankrupt: The animated appearance of the US economy is only a pretence maintained by an increase in military production - The Trump administration is shaken by the disclosure of the 'Russia-gate' scandal - The 'hollowing out of the manufacturing industry' is becoming more and more serious due to Trump's immigration control [10-11] New Year's resolutions The Okinawa Prefectural Committee The Kansai Regional Committee The Hokuriku Regional Committee The Prefectural / Municipal Workers Committee The Postal Workers Committee The Electric Industrial Workers Committee The Heavy Industrial Workers Committee The District-based General Workers Committee [12] Struggles in 2017@
- Revolutionary, militant workers and students made a fresh resolve, JRCL public political meeting on the centenary of the Russian Revolution, Nov. 12th, Tokyo (centre, under the title) Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!: struggles on land and sea - 'Block the new embankment work!' A resolute protest in front of the Camp Schwab gate, Oct. 7th, Henoko, Okinawa (top, right) - 'Remove all US bases!' A 'sit-in' on the sea by a flotilla of about 70 canoes; Students fought in the van, Oct. 25th, Henoko (second from top, right) Militant students fought together with workers and citizens all over Japan - A protest against the Ground SDF landing exercise, July 9th, Hamataiki, Hokkaido (third from bottom, right) - A protest rally against a Korean war and against the Abe government, Sept. 19th, Nagoya (second from bottom, right) - 'Stop the restart of Genkai nuclear reactors!' Feb. 18th, Saga (bottom, right) - 'Remove the US X-band radar base!' Nov. 5th, Kyotango, Kyoto Prefecture (second from bottom, centre) - 'Stop a nuclear Korean war!' Sept.19th, Kanazawa (bottom, centre) 'Stop a nuclear Korean War! Block the revision of the constitution!' Voices of Zengakuren students and Antiwar Youths echoed through the metropolis - Braving suppression by police power, Zengakuren marched through the streets of Shinjuku, in opposition to the US-Japan summit meeting, Nov. 5th (top, left) - 'Stop the constitutional revision!' Despite a pouring rain, white-helmeted students and workers marched spiritedly on the Diet Building, Oct. 29th (second from top, left) 'Shatter the enactment of the conspiracy bill! Topple down the Abe government!' - 'Block the passage of the conspiracy bill in the Upper House!' Zengakuren fought through the night, in front of the Diet Building, June 14th (second from bottom, left) - 'Repeal the Conspiracy Law!' Students fought with workers and citizens, Sept. 15th, Hibiya, Tokyo (bottom, left) TOP |
No. 2499
(December 17th 2017 Issue)
Stop a nuclear Korean war! - The Trump administration is pushing forward preparations for a nuclear 'pre-emptive' attack on North Korea -- Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital: an act of warmongering to expand war over the Middle East and Asia - Chinese and Russian rulers are opposing US's military measures for their own national interests - The Abe government is moving headlong towards Japan's participation in the war on North Korea and a massive increase in armaments - Rise up against a nuclear Korean war, against Japan's entry into the war and against the revision of the Constitution!
[2] Don't allow the Abe government to cover up the Moritomo and Kake school scandals! [3] 'No to the deployment of F-35 and FA-18 fighter jets at Iwakuni!' Kobe Univ. students fought with workers and citizens against the deployment of fighter aircraft at US Iwakuni Base, Yamaguchi Pref., November 26th
'Don't allow the construction of a final nuclear disposal site in Hokkaido!' Thousands gathered to oppose the planned construction in Horonobe, Hokkaido, November 23rd
No to the introduction of long-range cruise missiles to the Japan Self-Defence Forces! Thwart the Abe government's attempt to acquire 'capabilities to attack enemy bases'! [4-5] Rationalization of distribution in post offices: The management has launched a fierce offensive in the name of 'setting up new regional distribution offices and integrating mail service' No to dismissals! Shatter the imposition of redeployment and intensified labour on desk workers! I. How is the 'integration of mail service' being promoted? II. Reorganization of labour organizations in working places is causing harsher labour III. Fight back against rationalization! Oppose the oppression of workers' struggle by the union leadership that have yielded to the management! Topics Monopoly capitalists are preparing countermeasures against the 2018 spring labour offensive The end they have in view is to 'increase productivity' by means of Abe's 'work style reform' [6] The harsh reality of workplaces in the electrical industry amid the offensive of Abe's 'work style reform' - Workers are forced to do more and more intensified labour and 'upgrade' their skills - Union leaders are fully cooperating with management in the name of 'improving productivity' Workers' anger erupted over Abe's 'work style reform' and against union leaders' acceptance of it A JTUC Ishikawa workers' year-end rally in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Pref., November 8th What lies behind the suicide committed by a junior high student in Fukui Prefecture The prefectural education board had been frantic to emphasize the 'importance of increasing the academic ability' of students [7] News from campus The 57th Kagoshima University Festival was held successively, November 9th-13th An ideological foothold was established for staving off a nuclear war The 71st Aichi University Festival, November 4th-5th Militant students carried out creative projects to forge theoretical weapons against fascism The 135th Wakagi [Sapling] Festival in Kokugakuin University, November 3rd-5th Students realized a 'festival of university autonomy and culture', sounding an alarm bell to the move towards Japan's participation in a war and the revision of the Constitution [8] A list of main articles published in Kaihoh in 2017 TOP |
No. 2498
(December 11th 2017 Issue)
Denounce the firing of another intercontinental ballistic missile by North Korea! -- It is scheming to fundamentally break up the eight-hour working day system -- It aims to 'liberalize' dismissals and promote the 'independent contractor' system Definitely no to the 'improvement of productivity' and mass dismissals based on the introduction of artificial intelligence technology and ICT! Denounce JTUC leaders' repeated treacheries! Let us fight firmly against the revision of labour laws! [2] Stop the Trump administration from attacking North Korea! The warmongering administration is bent on developing and actually using 'usable nukes' [3] Condemn the drunken driving and killing of an Okinawan worker by a US Marine! Workers and students rose in an emergency protest action in front of the US headquarters at Ishinda, Okinawa, November 22nd
Voices against the revision of the Constitution, against Japan's participation in a war resounded through city streets, Kanazawa, November 11th
Against the development of the nuclear fuel cycle! No to the restart of nuclear reactors! Kanazawa Univ. students fought in the forefront 'Scrap the fast-breeder reactor Monju!' National Rally in Fukui, November 5th
[4-5] The 100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution
The JRCL appeals to the working people all over the world - Based on proletarian internationalism, let us fight to stave off a nuclear war! - Awake to the anti-Marxist nature of Stalinism! - Rally under the banner of anti-imperialism, anti-Stalinism! Click to see the full text [5] No to the imposition of extremely intensified labour on postal workers due to a dramatic increase in the number of 'Yu-packs' [postal packages]! Don't allow automobile monopolies to exploit irregular employees by forcing short-term contracts, low wages and long working hours on them! They are taking mean advantage of a legal loophole to secure 'cheap, disposable labour-power' Topics The Tokyo Metropolitan government has set out putting pressure on its affiliated, metropolitan-financed outsourcing companies to exploit workers 'more effectively' [7] The Abe government revised a law for a new employment system Don't allow municipal governments to promote the replacement of regular workers by irregular staff! [8] The 'independence' of Catalonia: Ethnic and regional divisions are deepening - What lies behind the revolt against the central government of Spain? -- The rise of ethno-nationalism - Social and economic contradictions are intensifying under Germany-led EU regulations - Working class struggles are in confusion under the influence of an ideology called 'de-ideologization' The civil war in Spain remains imprinted in the memory of Catalan people TOP |
No. 2497
(December 4th 2017 Issue)
Create a tremendous surge of struggle against the revision of the Constitution!
- Abe is strengthening the NSC autocracy; taking advantage of an overwhelming majority in Diet, he has started moving towards the effectuation of the constitutional revision -- Abe is hell-bent on building up the US-Japan military alliance; he is stepping forward towards Japan's participation in a Korean war - The confrontation between the US and North Korea is continuing; the threat of a nuclear Korean war is intensifying - Let us fight dauntlessly denouncing Japanese Communist Party leaders' plunge into a position of 'defending the homeland'! [2] 'No to the US-Japan summit meeting!' Workers and students' united action fought in Kyushu, November 5th
[3] 'Stop a nuclear Korean war! Stop the constitutional revision!' Zengakuren Kansai fought together with tens of thousands of protesters Action against constitutional revision in Osaka, November 3rd
'Oppose Trump-Abe summit talks! Crush the US-Japan military alliance!' Kanazawa Univ. students fought in the van of the citizens' rally 'No to the constitutional revision!' Rally in Kanazawa, November 3rd
Thousands of workers and citizens rose against the revision of Article 9 Citizens' rally against constitutional revision in Fukuoka, November 3rd
[4-5] The 100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution
On the centenary of the Russian Revolution We shall carve out the second century of revolution [6] Disclose the foulness in the business recovery of electrical monopolies from financial difficulties at the cost of great many workers fired and laid off! Sharp: The management is enforcing one downsizing after another with the union leaders' total acceptance of the management plan Sony: Many elderly employees are being sent to so-called 'rooms for restructuring', -----------where they are deprived of their jobs and are forced to 'resign of their own accord' Topics The JCP-affiliated leadership simply yells for a 'deepening of coalition among citizens and "constitutional" opposition parties' -- The 'action plan' for the 2018 spring 'national joint' offensive of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] [7] Militant education workers made efforts to realize fruitful discussions in the national education research conference of Zenkyo [All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union] They strived hard to call forth opinions about the need to resolutely oppose the reactionary revision of the Education Ministry's Guidelines for School Teaching [8] Kaleidoscope - Trump exactly wants 'business', to which Abe has got no choice but to say, 'OK, Donald. We'll buy more US-made weapons' - 'To form a coalition with the SPD, or to hold another election...': Merkel is in a fix TOP |
No. 2496
(November 27th 2017 Issue)
The 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution
Let us make a big advance in the anti-Stalinist movement!: the keynote speech -- Eradicate the danger of a nuclear war and brutal oppression! -- Let us make Comrade Kuroda's revolutionary spirit our own! -- Take a giant step forward under the banner of 'anti-imperialism, anti-Stalinism'! Photos of the October Revolution in the hall uplifted revolutionary enthusiasm Powerful resolves were expressed from both the labour and student fronts - We are advancing the struggle against the new US base construction in Henoko: a worker comrade from the labour front in Okinawa - Let us strengthen the anti-Stalinist movement with Kuroda's theory of organizing praxis engraved in our minds!: an education worker from Hokkaido - We've fought out the struggle against Trump's visit to Japan: the Chairman of Zengakuren [2] 'Remove the US X-band radar base!' Protesters staged a resolute demonstration November 5th, Kyotango, Kyoto Prefecture
[3] Workers and students' united actions: fought nationwide against a nuclear Korean war October 29th Naha, Okinawa 'Stop the US base construction in Henoko! No to the constitutional revision!' White-helmeted militants staged a big demonstration in the main street of the city
Osaka, Kansai District 'No to Trump's visit to Japan! No to the US-Japan summit meeting!' Workers and students clenched their fists at the US Consulate General
[4-5] The 100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution
[6] No to the reactionary revision of the personnel and wage systems in subsidiary companies posed by the NTT East Japan management! Denounce the degenerate NTT Union leadership for submissively accepting the management plan! [7] Topics JTUC leaders justify their ultra-low wage demands for the 2018 spring labour offensive They say their task is to 'help workers feel safe and make them think their wages will continue to rise' (!!) From a worker comrade who rose in the October 29th Workers and students' united action 'I've resolved to advance for a change of this critical world and of myself together with comrades' [8] Oppose the US and Russian military intervention in Syria! Shatter the barbarism and brutality of the Al-Assad regime! The civil war in Syria plunged into a new phase A. The Islamic State now scattering after the fall of its footholds B. The extension of a Kurdish military force supported by US forces C. The growing danger of a 'direct clash' between the US and Russia TOP |
No. 2495
November 20th 2017 Issue)
No to Trump's visit to Japan!
- Fight resolutely under the slogan, 'No to the nuclear capability race between the US/Japan/South Korea and North Korea-China/Russia!' - Condemn the JCP leadership's abandonment of opposition against the US-Japan military alliance! [2] 'Stop the revision of Article 9 of the Constitution! Down with the Abe government!' Tens of thousands of workers, students and citizens rose in a 'Besiege the Diet' action November 3rd
A hard blow to the move towards constitutional revision accelerated by the Abe-led Liberal Democratic Party! [3] Workers and students' united actions: fought nationwide against a nuclear Korean war October 29th Sapporo, Hokkaido: Workers and students marched on the US Consulate General
Nagoya, Tokai District: White-helmeted militants charged at the LDP local office
'No to the US-Japan summit meeting!' Zengakuren Hokkaido made an ardent appeal in front of Sapporo Station, November 15th [4-5] Postal labour front No to the sale of New Year cards newly imposed on workers! Crush the utmost intensification of labour in the busiest, year-end and new year period! 1. Reveal the deceptiveness of the management's new plan for selling New Year post cards 2. Merciless schemes for cost reduction 3. Denounce the JP Union leadership's cooperation in the management's plan! Fight firmly against the offensive! The government is monitoring all your personal information; enterprises make full use of it The LDP's near-fraudulent plan for 'free education': Students will have to pay back in full after graduation the 'subsidies' they receive from the government [6] Absolutely no to the drastic cut in local government workers' wages! Smash the strengthening of labour management! Don't allow the 'work style reform' promoted by the Governor Koike-led Metropolitan authorities! The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee of the JRCL Topics PM Abe's deceitful 'request for a 3 percent wage increase' to monopoly capitalists Let us win a big, across-the-board wage hike in the 2018 spring labour offensive! [7] Stop the resumption of the Genkai No. 3 and No. 4 nuclear reactor operations! Rise in a rally due on December 2nd in Karatsu, near Genkai Power Station, against the restart of reactors! [8] Don't allow the start of a new embankment work in Henoko! Militant students fought in the van of the struggles against the US base construction in Okinawa November 4th
October 25th
November 5th Zengakuren Okinawa staged a protest against Trump's visit to Japan and the summit talks, in front of the US Kadena military base
No. 2494
(November 13th 2017 Issue)
Block the constitutional revision!
- White-helmeted students and workers marched on the Diet Building, the US Embassy, and on the PM's Official Residence - A counteroffensive was declared against the Abe government: the solidarity rally - A delegate from the JRCL made a passionate solidarity appeal - Stop a nuclear Korean war! Never ever allow the revision of the Constitution! ---Create a huge uplift in the anti-Abe government struggle! [2] Shatter every move to revise the Constitution! - Don't allow the destruction of Article 9 of the Constitution! Don't give a prime minister an authority to declare a state of emergency! - Stop Japan's entry into a war on North Korea! - Don't allow the JCP's descent into a position to 'defend the homeland'! - Build up an extensive battle front with the aim of overthrowing the neo-fascist Abe government!
(pic right) Hundreds of protesters gathered against the new measures taken by the government for the US base construction in Henoko, Okinawa, November 4th [3] The referendum over the independence of Kurds: frustrated The Middle East is undergoing a major upheaval after the extinction of the Islamic State 'Stop the revision of Article 9!' Students of Kagoshima University held a campus meeting against the constitutional revision, October 27th Students fought with a fresh resolve to stop a nuclear Korean war [4-5] The Abe government headlong into war in cahoots with Trump-led US imperialism -- An analysis of the 'Defense of Japan 2017' 1. 'Expansion of Japan's role in the US-Japan alliance' is declared 2. The 'threats' of North Korea and China are emphasized 3. The defense paper cries out for the need to strengthen the US-Japan nuclear military alliance and bolster the Japanese military [6] Topics A Finance Ministry council proposed drastic cuts in payments for medical treatment and care services Beat back management's forceful demand on middle-aged/elderly workers to resign!: A case of an IT company Crooked business of 'helping workers get loans against their salaries' is rampant Loan sharks are acting in league with employers who are forcing low-wage workers to lead a 'hand-to-mouth life' [7] The reactionary nature of the Abe government's measures to reduce extremely long working hours of education workers Let us achieve radical improvement in the working conditions of teachers and other staff working in schools! [8] Kaleidoscope - One hundred years after the Balfour Declaration: Theresa May's arrogance and Mahmoud Abbas' submission - The assassination of an uncompromising journalist in Malta - Don't allow the Abe government to sacrifice the elderly, socially disadvantaged people! TOP |
No. 2493
(November 6th 2017 Issue)
No to Trump's visit to Japan! - Chinese and Russian rulers are strengthening measures to counter the USfs aggressive policies - The Abe-led LDP is preparing a parliamentary proposal for the constitutional revision -- Because of the official opposition leadershipsf treacheries and degeneration, constitutional revisionists commanded an absolute majority in the House - Condemn the Japanese Communist Party for starting to say Self-Defence Forces are constitutional! Fight indomitably to stop a nuclear Korean war, to oppose the constitutional revision! -- Fortify the battlefront of the working class and march on with the aim of overthrowing the Abe government!
[2] The Trump administration is conducting preliminary exercises for a war against North Korea [3] War preparation against North Korea pushed forward (Part 2) Missile-attack evacuation drills are conducted across the country The Abe government is bent on strengthening todayfs version of a wartime national mobilization system [4] No to the intensification of labour and tightening of labour management by the Japan Post management! Workers are compelled to work in extreme tension amid a campaign to eeradicate job accidentsf for higher productivity Denounce the degenerate union leadership for helping the campaign! [5] The anti-working class method of eunionizationf by UA Zensen [Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workersf Unions] Labour aristocrats are forming trade unions in cooperation with management for the edevelopment of companiesf Topics The JTUC leadership agrees to low wages and long working hours Expose deceptions in JTUCfs ebasic planf for the 2018 spring labour offensive! [6] The neo-fascist nature of the new official guidelines for school teaching Implantation in children of an eawareness of being the members of the Japanese nationf: the case of social studies [7] eQuestionnaires about teachersf conducted on high-school students in Osaka Prefecture: The local government uses the replies for its arbitrary ejob evaluationf to divide and control education workers [8] Japanfs military budget for the next year will amount to a record high of eight trillion yen The Abe government, Trumpfs yes-man, is buying huge amounts of US-made weapons, irrespective of prices or delivery dates Chinafs first space station has got out of control Another fact is disclosed: US forces stationed in Okinawa got ready to fire off nuclear-tipped Mace B missiles to attack China at the time of the Cuban crisis in 1962 TOP |
No. 2492
(October 30th 2017 Issue)
No to Trump's visit to Japan! - The treachery of the JTUC [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] leadership and the submission of the Japanese Communist Party to Abe's anti-North Korean agitation - Don't allow the Abe government to participate in Trump's war and to revise the Constitution! [2] Putin-led Russia is giving stronger protection to the 'Kim Dynasty' [3] Stop the construction of a new embankment! Workers, students and residents rose to block new steps taken for the construction of a US military base in Henoko, Okinawa, October 7th
'Against the restart of nuclear reactors! Against the revision of the Constitution!' Voices of protest resounded through the city Thousands of people gathered in a 'Sayonara to Nukes!' Rally in Hokkaido, October 9th
Condemn the JCP leaders for starting to say, 'Self-Defence Forces are legal' ! [4-5] War preparation against North Korea pushed forward (Part 2) Reinforcement of the US Iwakuni base in Yamaguchi Prefecture as a forward base to be used for attacking North Korea and China Stop the deployment and reinforcement of SDF troops in the Sakishima Islands in Okinawa Prefecture! [6] The 65th regular convention of Denki Rengo [Japanese Electrical, Electronic & Information Unions] Denounce the labour aristocrats for assisting the labour reform promoted by monopoly capitalists! Another falling accident resulting in a worker's death at a New Nagoya-Kobe Expressway construction site NEXCO [West Nippon Expressway Company] is victimizing workers for rushing to the opening of a new expressway Topics The JCP-affiliated leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions], immersed in a campaign to 'achieve the demands of citizens', is undermining trade union unity by urging its members into vote-gathering activities [7] Japan Railway Kyushu Big failures in railway operations occurred in succession due to 'corner cutting' on preventive maintenance checks Denounce the management's cuts in personnel! Don't allow the lifting of a ban on unlicensed taxi operation in the name of 'ride sharing'! [8] The promotion of oil shale mining is causing frequent earthquakes in Oklahoma, USA Environmental destruction is being accelerated under the Trump administration Opioid addiction is spreading over the United States TOP |
No. 2491
(October 23rd 2017 Issue)
100 years after the Russian Revolution With responsibility and enthusiasm, the JRCL is striving in the van of the international antiwar struggle -- No to the strengthening of the NSC-helmed Japanese neo-fascist ruling system! - Revive the revolutionary spirit of the Russian Revolution and take another step forward! -- The Great October Revolution: its world-historical significance is immortal -- Rally around the banner of 'anti-imperialism, anti-Stalinism'!
'Denounce the US military aircraft crash!' Zengakuren Okinawa staged an emergency protest action against the air accident where a US Marine helicopter crashed and burst into flames on a privately owned meadowland October 12th, near Henoko, Okinawa
(pic left) Okinawa Int'l Univ. and Ryukyu Univ. students hailed angry chants in front of the police cordon just before the crash site [3] The driver's sudden death from a heart attack was caused by continued many hours of overtime and holiday duties -- The truth behind the recent 'nearly terrible' expressway bus accident 'Stop a nuclear Korean war! Down with the Abe government!' Militant students of Kobe and Nara Women's Universities made an ardent call on workers and citizens in a busy street of Kobe, September 23rd From a worker comrade who attended the 55th International Antiwar Assembly in Tokyo 'I've decided to do my best, starting with the reforging of myself, to make a leap forward' [4-5] War preparation against North Korea pushed forward (Part 1) Exercise Northern Viper: US and Japanese forces held an aggressive joint field training exercise in Hokkaido by mobilizing MV22 Ospreys, August 10th-29th US and Japanese military bases in Kyushu are being strengthened as the front line of the planned attack on North Korea - This is a rehearsal of the US-Japan integrated forcesfor for attacking North Korea - Japanese air force fighters frequently escort US Air Force B1 Bombers flying to the Korean Peninsula - US and Japanese naval forces are getting prepared to intercept North Korean missiles - [6] The new JTUC leadership has opted to support a newly formed political party led by Yuriko Koike who endorses the constitutional revision and the War Law -- A report on the 15th regular convention of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation Fight resolutely with the aim of 'deconstructing' the JTUC! Topics Expose the deception of the Abe government!: 'Improvements in the treatment of immigrant workers employed under the Technical Internship Program' have turned out a downright lie [7] Crush low wages and long working hours! -- A report on the 84th regular convention of Shitetsu Soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions] Let us fight firmly, overcoming the union leadership's campaign to 'demand the implementation of effective traffic policies' for the 'revitalization of the industry'! [8] Kaleidoscope - Internal conflicts in the White House, which is standing on the edge of a precipice - 'Nuclear sharing'?: Some politicians have openly started advocating Japan's need to be armed with nuclear weapons - Russia held the biggest ever military exercise with Belarus: It's another of Putin's ambitions that lies behind it - Padded GDP figures: Abenomics, a web of lies, is totally bankrupt TOP |