Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation
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No. 2820
(May 27th 2024 Issue)

Stop the strengthening of the military alliance and
the revision of the Constitution
by the Kishida government!

'Stop the US base construction in Henoko!
Smash Putin's war! Stop genocide in Rafah!'

Zengakuren Okinawa and students from across Japan fought
at the head of the Peace March in Okinawa, May 18th

Pulverize the strengthening of the US-Japan global alliance!
Create an enormous upsurge in the antiwar, anti-fascist struggle!

- Denounce the legislation for setting up the SDF joint command headquarters! Denounce the enactment of an espionage law for economic security!
-- A frantic dash to the establishment of a neo-fascist Constitution
- A head-on confrontation between the US-Japan and China-Russia with focus on East Asia
- Bring down the Kishida government, now promoting massive military buildup, constitutional revision and imposition of poverty on toiling people!
-- Crush Putin's war! Stop Israel's attack on Gaza!

May 3rd Constitution Day rallies in Kanazawa

Kanazawa Univ. students called for 'opposition to Ampo' in two consecutive rallies (pics. below)

National university fees ought to be trebled!?

Don't let the government and the Education Ministry increase tuition fees at a tremendous rate!

No to the revision of the Local Autonomy Law!

The Kishida government is to compel local governments to cooperate in conducting war against China

A Japanese military helicopter crash
Right in the middle of an MSDF training for antisubmarine warfare against China

Premiums for nursing care and those for the health care of the old were raised
No to the intensification of mass expropriation by the Kishida government!

In solidarity with fighting Ukrainian people
Class solidarity crossing the ocean
What I'm thinking after we had an earnest talk with our Ukrainian comrades
- Negation of Stalinism
- 'The concept of "alienation" is important'
- What it means to make Marxism indigenous
- For a 'society free of wars, oppression and exploitation'

'Denounce the agreements on derisory wage increases!'

JRCL appealed to workers in May Day rallies

(pic. left) Rengo Osaka rally, May 1st, Osaka
(pic. right) Osaka Roren rally, May 1st, Osaka

(pics.) Ai-Roren rally in Aichi, May 1st, Nagoya


No. 2819
(May 20th 2024 Issue)

Tokyo metropolitan area students
staged a protest march

Waseda, Tokyo, May 3rd

Oppose Kishida's strengthening of Ampo, revision of the Constitution!
Smash Russia's aggression against Ukraine!
Condemn Israel's massacres of Palestinians in Gaza!
Let us fight in solidarity with all students in the world
protesting against Israel's atrocities!

May 3rd Constitution Day Rally in Tokyo
32,000 raised voices against the revision

JRCL appealed to participants to oppose the constitutional revision
Militant workers strived to uplift the rally, overcoming JCP leaders' abandonment of opposition to Ampo

Stop Israel's attack on Rafah!
Stop genocide!

Don't allow the restart of Tomari nuclear reactor No. 3 in Hokkaido!

Denounce the enactment of the economic security anti-espionage law!

No to the setting up of the Self-Defence Forces' joint command headquarters!

JRCL's revolutionary appeal livened up May Day rallies across Japan

Rengo rally in Hokkaido, May 1st, Sapporo

Rengo rally in Ishikawa, May 1st, Kanazawa

Rengo rally in Fukuoka, April 27th, Fukuoka

A desperate struggle of BOJ Governor Ueda to get out of 'different dimension' monetary easing

1. An empty declaration of a return to an 'ordinary monetary policy'
2. The government and monopoly capitalists have committed the 'revival' of the Japanese economy to getting out of 'different dimension' monetary easing
3. Outright class divisions brought about by 'Abenomics'

'Down with the Kishida-led neo-fascist government!
Militant students fought in the van of 5,000 participants
May 3rd Constitution Day Rally in Osaka

A power breakdown at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
The Tepco management shifted the blame onto a subcontracted worker

An opposition party leader Tamaki cried out for the deletion of Article 9, Clause 2 (Japan's 'non-maintenance' of war potential)

'Stop the arms buildup, strengthening of Ampo, revision of the Constitution!'

Kanazawa Univ. students mounted an antiwar demonstration

Kanazawa, April 30th

Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students rose in successive protest actions
Osaka, May 3rd
'Stop the missile deployment to the Japanese military!' In front of a local LDP office (pic left)
'We loudly denounce America's support for Israel!' At the US Consulate Genera (pic right)l

Militant workers and students brought a breath of militancy into the rally
May 3rd Constitution Day Rally in Sapporo


No. 2817-18
(May 13th 2024 Issue)

Don't make the Southwest Islands a military fortress!
Stop the construction of a new US base in Henoko!
Fight under the banner
'Smash the US-Japan global military alliance'!

'No to constitutional revision, military buildups, missiles in Okinawa!'
'No to Russia's aggression against Ukraine! Stop Israel's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza!'
Tokyo metropolitan area students staged a militant demonstration
Waseda, Tokyo, May 3rd

- Offensives to strengthen the US-Japan military alliance amid the head-on clash between the US and China
-- The danger of war growing with focus on the South China Sea, Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula
- Stir up a storm of antiwar, anti-base and anti-military alliance struggles!
- Smash Putin's war! Condemn Israel's genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza!

Protest action on the sea stopped the reclamation work

Seven years since the start of the embankment work in Henoko
Henoko, Okinawa, April 25th

Stop Israel's attack on Rafah!
Militant students in Kansai fought in the forefront of an antiwar rally
Osaka, April 13th

Students' demonstrations spread across the US
A storm of protest against the massacres of Gazans by Israel

Denounce Russia's aggression and massacres of people in Ukraine!

Bring down the FSB-helmed authoritarian ruling system!

A. Pulverize Putin's war!
B. An authoritarian, military ruling system helmed by the FSB
- An imitation of the Stalinist rule
- The use of the Russian Orthodox Church and the enhancement of Great Russian chauvinism
- Siloviks, the privileged ruling stratum, line their own pockets
- 'To reinstate Russia as a superpower': the strategy of the state presented
C. Let us fight in solidarity with the Ukrainian people!

Russia: cowed into silence under the brutal pressure of the FSB
Crush Putin's atrocities!

The Siberian Battalion rose to action
Anger against Putin is swirling among ethnic minorities in Russia

Book review
Chechen people stood up in protest against the 'Russian rule'


The 95th May Day rallies in Tokyo
'Victory to shunto! Against the military buildup! Against the constitutional revision!'
JRCL's leaflets inspirited workers

Rengo Rally, April 27th
Workers booed and jeered PM Kishida who showed up at the invitation of Rengo Chairwoman Yoshino

Zenroren Rally, May 1st
JRCL's leaflets calling to stop the constitutional revision and rise in the Ukraine antiwar struggle evoked keen sympathy among workers

Zenrokyo-Hibiya May Day, May 1st
Militant workers strived to make the rally uplifting

The spring labour offensive of the electrical industry workers
Denounce the union leaders for accepting the management's low wage increase offer in the name of the 'virtuous circle of the economy'!
Don't allow the labour aristocrats to cooperate with the management in implementing dismissals and redeployment!

The Kishida government is to impose more burdens on the pretext of 'childcare support'
Oppose the government's attempt to intensify mass expropriations!

Rapidus, a national policy corporation
A plot to manufacture dual-use, 'Japan-made semiconductors'

TSMC Kumamoto factory
Problems coming to the surface: drying up of groundwater and the danger of PFAS pollution


No. 2816
(April 29th 2024 Issue)

Foil the creation and buildup of
an Asia-Pacific version of NATO!
Fight for an explosive upsurge in
antiwar, anti-Ampo and anti-constitutional revision struggles!

- Formation of a Pacific Rim multilateral military alliance against 'China as a main enemy'
-- Joint operational headquarters of the US-Japan integrated forces to be set up
-- A scheme to establish joint systems for arms production and development of military technologies

- The danger of a head-on clash between the US and China with Taiwan, the South China Sea and the Korean Peninsula as foci
-- Attended by its 'vassal state', Japan, the US is building military systems against China
-- The Kim Jong-un regime scrapped its strategic objective of 'unification of North and South Korea'

- Crush the US-Japan global alliance! Stop the Kishida government from building Japan into a strong military power!

1,800 protesters denounced the reclamation of the bay in Henoko

April 14th, Sedaka Beach, Nago, Okinawa

'Stop the construction of a new US base in Henoko!
Crush the US-Japan global alliance!'

Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fought in the van

'Oppose the US-Japan summit talks!'

Militant workers and students rose in protest at the US Consulate General in Sapporo

April 10th

Angry students made a protest at the local LDP office in Osaka


April 10th


The Kim regime abandoned the 'unification of North and South Korea'; now hell-bent on nuclear armament

The Xi-led China is manoeuvring to win the Taliban regime over to its side

In the name of the 'policy of the nation', Scholz supports Israel's aggression against Gaza

Don't allow the dissolution of struggles for higher wages into a request for 'shifting wage raise costs onto raises in product prices'!
-- A criticism of the action plan for 2024 Shunto presented by the JAM [Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] leadership

Amazon Japan

'Next-day delivery throughout the country': the management imposes unduly harsh labour on workers

- Accuse the Amazon management of forcing workers into death from overwork!

'If competitiveness is lacking, just drive them into cessation of business'

(Opinions on the Policy of Small Businesses, offered on April 5th by the Japan Association of Corporate Executives)

In solidarity with fighting Ukrainian people
Mounting indignation against the degenerate self-styled Western Left
Fruitful dialogues with Ukrainian leftists


No. 2815
(April 22nd 2024 Issue)

Create an enormous upsurge in the
spring labour offensive and antiwar struggles!

Denounce the JTUC leadership for assisting the Kishida government
in military expansion, constitutional revision and imposition of poverty on workers!

- Shatter the strengthening of the US-Japan global alliance!
- Denounce the agreements on derisory pay offers! Fight out 2024 shunto militantly to the end!
- Step forward towards the overthrow of the Kishida-led Japanese neo-fascist government!

'Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!'
Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fought under the banner 'Smash the US-Japan global alliance!

Okinawa People's Rally in Nago, April 14th

No to the US-Japan summit talks!

'Pulverize the buildup of the US-Japan global alliance!'
Zengakuren raised their voice at the PM's Office Tokyo, April 10th

'Don't make the Southwest Islands a military fortress!'

Zengakuren Okinawa protested at the US consulate general

Urasoe, Okinawa, April 11th

The military use of airports and ports
The Kishida government is hell-bent on establishing a system of national mobilization for war

[3] Kaleidoscope
- Eruption of a brand-new rocket developed by a private company in line with national policy
- A pro-Chinese president reelected in El Salvador
- The US government is putting pressure on Japan to set up an 'active cyber defense' system

Stop the Netanyahu regime's all-out attack on Rafah! Denounce the imposition of starvation on Gazans!

- Condemn the monstrous hunger blockade on Gaza and the bombing of hospitals!
- Stop Netanyahu from expanding the war into Iran!
- The Biden administration is putting forward an 'alternative plan for annihilating Hamas'
- Prevent an all-out attack on Rafah aimed at the genocide of Palestinians!

The water still cut off : the Noto Peninsula Earthquake

Quake damage extraordinary due to the policy of wide-area water supply and outsourcing

2024 shunto of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions]
Under the name of a 'social strike', the JCP-led union leadership is dissolving Shunto into propaganda activities


The military junta driven into a corner
- Ethnic minorities and anti-government forces have risen up in concert against the junta
- China is using the military junta and anti-junta forces at the same time
- Denounce the military junta's bloody repression of people!

Competition between the US and China over mineral resources in Africa


No. 2814
(April 15th 2024 Issue)

Thwart the strengthening of the
US-Japan global alliance!

Shatter the tremendous military buildup!
Prevent the constitutional revision!

Bring down the ultra-reactionary Kishida government!

- US-Japan summit talks: a dash to the building of an Asia-Pacific version of NATO
- Offensives to build Japan into a military power, to strengthen its system of authoritarian rule
- No to a massive tax increase for military buildup! No to cuts in social security!
- Advance antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles! Strengthen the Ukraine antiwar struggle and the struggle against the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza!

Oppose the Japan-UK-Italy joint development and export of the next-generation fighter!
The Kishida government frantic to beef up and develop munitions industries

'Stop the deployment of a GSDF missile unit in Okinawa!'
Workers, students and citizens blocked the government-organized celebration for missile unit deployment

At the GSDF post in Katsuren, Okinawa, March 30th

'No to the US-Japan summit meeting!'
Militant students fought at the front of the protest demonstration

Workers and citizens' rally in Osaka, March 30th

'Don't make the whole of the Southwest Islands and Kyushu a military fortress!
JRCL made a militant appeal to participants in the rally
Workers and citizens' rally in Fukuoka, March 24th

Land regulation law 583 zones in the country are placed under the government monitoring

Smash the Kishida government's mass surveillance and suppression of anti-base struggles!

Stop the construction of new facilities for nuclear weapons storage in the Henoko Ordinance Ammunition Depot!


Postal workers' shunto

Denounce the union leaders for agreeing to the management's derisory pay offer

Let us accuse the leadership of their treacheries to union members!

2024 revision of remuneration for medical treatment

The Kishida government is crying out for 'productivity improvements in health care'
Don't make a sacrifice of health care workers!

The NTT Law to be abolished

The Japanese government is now heading towards the military use of cutting-edge communications technology

In the name of 'different dimension countermeasures against a falling birth rate':
Kishida schemes to reinforce mass expropriation by setting up a new 'child-rearing support' system

Frustrate the resumption of operation of reactor 7 in the Tepco Kashiwazaki-Kariwa neuclear power plant!

Swarming drones

US and Japanese rulers are frantic for the development of AI weaponry

Tanka Poetry
To the Palestinian people!

In solidarity with fighting Ukrainian people
What I felt and thought in a direct dialogue with Ukrainian leftists


No. 2813
(April 8th 2024 Issue

Smash the fortification of the Southwest Islands!
Let us stop the new US base construction in Henoko!
It is time to fight against the US-Japan military alliance!

JRCL Okinawa Prefectural Committee

- Denounce the resumption of the flight of Ospreys!
- The US and the Japanese militaries have effectively prepared their troops for action against China
- Trampling down the rage of workers and students, the government deployed an SDF missile unit in Okinawa
- US and Japanese rulers are strengthening the US-Japan military alliance (Ampo) as an offensive and defensive alliance against China
- Denounce the JCP for abandoning opposition to Ampo!
- 'Remove military bases! Repeal Ampo!' With these aims, let us fight resolutely!

Stop the massive military buildup! Prevent the constitutional revision!

Smash Putin's war!
Stop Israel from attacking Rafah in full force!

Let us fight by overcoming the JCP-led opposition movement that has abandoned opposition to Ampo!

Central Students' Orgburo

1. Today's world thrown into turmoil amid the head-on clash between the US vs. China and Russia
A. Putin ordering 'escalation of war'; Ukrainian people fighting back
B. Israeli rulers hell-bent on attacking Rafah in full force
C. A danger of the outbreak of war growing in the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan and the South China Sea
2. The Kishida government rushing headlong towards tremendous military buildup, new base construction and constitutional revision
3. Degeneration of the official opposition movement and revolutionary struggles of Zengakuren
4. Rise in antiwar, anti-Ampo, anti-constitutional revision struggles! Strengthen the Ukraine antiwar struggle and the struggle against the genocide in Gaza!

A. Thwart the deployment of missiles by the Japanese military! Frustrate the revision of the Constitution!
B. Shatter Putin's war!
C. Never, ever let the Netanyahu regime launch a full-scale offensive against Rafah!

No to the deployment of Tomahawk cruise missiles on MSDF warships!

The deadly shooting incident in Moscow's suburb: a conspiracy

KVPU (Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine) Statement

Russia Launches Massive Attacks to Destroy Homes, Workplaces, Energy, and Economy of Ukraine

For an upsurge of publishing workers' 2024 spring labour offensive!

Win a big, across-the-board wage hike!
Stop the revision of the Constitution! No to the massive military buildup!

Fight the JAM [Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] shunto militantly!
Win a big, across-the-board wage hike!

Teachers are to be kept murderously busy working as long hours as possible without overtime pay
The Central Council for Education is to issue a report, sticking to the purport of the notorious law concerning teachers' working hours and pay


No. 2812
(April 1st 2024 Issue)

Besiege Putin the invader!
Create a big upsurge of the Ukraine antiwar struggle
in solidarity with working people across the globe!

Denounce the massive Russian bombings on Ukrainian cities and towns!
Condemn the intensive air raids on Oddesa!

- Putin's 'victory' in the presidential election by the use of force, threats and fraud
- A headlong rush to recover the territories of the former Soviet Union
- Smash Putin's war! Bring down the FSB-helmed authoritarian ruling system!

Zengakuren Okinawa stood against the SDF deployment of missiles in Okinawa

March 10th, Okinawa
'Crush the US-Japan global military alliance!' Militant students fighting in the van of workers and residents (pic left)
Protesters occupying the road to check SDF vehicles in their course to Camp Katsuren (pic right)

Putin kidnapping and brainwashing Ukrainian children

'No to the extended operation of the decrepit Sendai nuclear reactors!'
Kagoshima Univ. students strived for the uplifting of workers and citizens' parade held in commemoration of the March 11th Fukushima disaster
March 10th, Kagoshima, Kyushu

'Decommission the Shika Nuclear Power Plant immediately!'

'Sayonara to Nuke' rally in Kansai, Osaka, March 10th
Workers, students and citizens gathered in commemoration of the Fukushima nuclear disaster

'Smash Putin's war!' 'No to Israel's genocidal attacks on Rafah!' Students also appealed

'Stop the restart of Tomari nuclear reactor No. 3!'
'Sayonara to Nuke' rally in Sapporo, March 11th
JRCL's appeal evoked rally participants' favourable responses

NTT workers' shunto

Denounce the union leadership for agreeing upon a derisory pay rise!

For a militant upsurge in NTT workers' spring wage offensive!


Don't allow the Kishida government to cut the budget for health and nursing care!

Auto monopoly capitalists coerce subcontractors into reducing their product prices

JRCL distributed leaflets in a local Rengo shunto rally
Sapporo, March 5th

Thwart the enactment of an economic security law designed to set up a 'security clearance' system!

Haiku Poems on Gaza children


No. 2811
(March 25th 2024 Issue)

Denounce the low-pay 'offers and agreements' reached
in unity by management and labour aristocrats!
Stop monopolies from raising prices!
Win a big, across-the-board wage increase!

Don't allow the Rengo leadership to distort shunto into one 'for emerging from deflation'!
- A chorus for price increases with 'the government, labour and management united'
- No to the imposition of low wages on the majority of workers!
Fight out for a militant advancement of the 2024 spring labour offensive!
- Bring to light the criminality lurking in the demand for 'price increases for wage raises'!
- Fight to win a big, across-the-board wage increase!

Don't let the Israel army attack Rafah in full force!
- Crush the genocide in Gaza by the Netanyahu regime!
- Condemn the Biden administration, an accomplice in Israel's barbarity!
- Rise in a struggle against Israel's genocide of the Palestinians, against Russia's aggression in Ukraine!

'Smash Putin's war!'
Demonstrators besieged the Russian Consulate General in Sapporo
All-Hokkaido Zengakuren and Antiwar Youths' United Action
March 3rd, Sapporo

'Don't make the Southwest Islands a fortress against China!
Okinawa People's Action in Henoko, March 2nd
Militant students livened up the rally with an anti-Ampo appeal

'Stop the deployment of an SDF missile unit in Okinawa!'
March 10th, at Nakagusuku Port and in front of Camp Katsuren
Zengakuren Okinawa, together with angry workers and citizens, staged a sit-in to stop the carrying in of SDF vehicles

The Kishida government is dashing for the establishment of a 'Japanese version of the US agency DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)


Denounce the leadership of Shitetsu-soren
[Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions] for demanding the raising of fares aimed to 'secure funds for wage increases'!
Let us create an upsurge in private railway/bus workers' shunto!

Toyota's spring labour offensive
Denounce the agreement based on the acknowledgement of big pay differentials!
Labour-management consultation dealt from start to end with the issue of 'storing up energy for challenges'

Toyota's shunto amid the successive exposures of scandals in its affiliated companies
Criticism of the Toyota Union's course of action in the 2024 spring labour offensive

Distributing JRCL leaflets in local Rengo shunto rallies

Nagoya, March 3rd
Osaka, March 1st
Kanazawa, March 8th

Monopoly capitalists are plotting to completely negate the present Labour Standards Law

The Noto Peninsula Earthquake

The water supply is still cut off due to delays in repair work
Don't allow the government to introduce a scheme to privatize water supply and drainage operations by taking advantage of the chaotic conditions caused by the earthquake

Nurses are leaving their jobs in large numbers: public hospitals in northern Noto
The Kishida government is leaving quake victims and medical workers in the lurch

13 years after March 11 TEPCO Fukushima nuclear plant disaster

Serious accidents occur frequently: tons of highly contaminated water leaked (February), scattered, causing fatal exposure of workers to radioactivity (October)

Stop the Kishida government from continuing to discharge radioactively contaminated water into the ocean!


Back Issues
2024 No.2801-2810          
2023 No.2751-2760   No.2761-2770 No.2771-2780  No.2781-2790   No.2791-2800  
2022 No.2701-2710  No.2711-2720  No.2721-2730  No.2731-2740  No.2741-2750 
2021 No.2651-2660   No.2661-2670 No.2671-2680  No.2681-2690  No. 2691-2700 
2020 No.2601-2610  No.2611-2620 No.2621-2630 No.2631-2640  No. 2641-2650 
2019 No.2551-2560   No. 2561-2570  No.2571-2580 No.2581-2590  No.2591-2600 
2018  No.2501-2510 No.2511-2520  No.2521-2530   No.2531-2540 No.2541-2550 
2017 No.2451-2460 No. 2461-2470  No. 2471-2480   No.2481-2490 No.2491-2500 
2016 No.2401-2410  No.2411-2420   No.2421-2430 No.2431-2440  No.2441-2450 
2015 No.2351-2360  No.2361-2370  No.2371-2380  No.2381-2390  No. 2391-2400 
2014 No.2301-2310  No. 2311-2320  No. 2321-2330  No. 2331-2340  No. 2341-2350 
2013 No. 2251-2260  No. 2261-2270  No. 2271-2280  No. 2281-2290 No.2291-2300 
2012 No. 2201-2210  No. 2211-2220  No. 2221-2230  No. 2231-2240  No. 2241-2250 
2011 No. 2151-2160 No. 2161-2170 No. 2171-2180 No. 2181-2190 No. 2191-2200
2010 No. 2101-2110 No. 2111-2120 No. 2121-2130 No. 2131-2140 No. 2141-2150
2009 No. 2051-2060 No. 2061-2070 No. 2071-2080 No. 2081-2090 No. 2091-2100