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No. 2760
(March 20th 2023 Issue)
Go forward with the Ukraine antiwar struggle! - Putin in a predicament is desperate to resort to extensive missile attacks and nuclear intimidation - Xi Jinping's China is lending support to Putin the invader under the pretence of 'mediation' - Fight for a worldwide upsurge of the Ukraine antiwar struggle! [6]
(A) Warm massages - From the chairman of Sotsialnyi Rukh - From the editorial team of the Commons (B) A Sotsialnyi Rukh publication about solidarity actions all over the world: The Left Joined the Actions of Solidarity with Ukraine on February 24-25 (C) 'Speech at the international session of the 11th Congress of CPI (ML) February 17th (quoted from the Sotsialnyi Rukh web site)
[2] Ukraine antiwar struggles: nationwide Kanazawa, Feb. 24th The JRCL appealed to the public, together with Zengakuren students
''Crush Putin's war!' Militant students from Kagoshima University called on citizens at a local station square
'Don't make the Southwest Islands a military fortress!' 1600 Workers, students and citizens rallied Okinawa, February 26th
Stop the 'Iron Fist', US-Japan military exercises! A mass protest rally held in front of the entrance gate of the SDF Hijudai training field Oita, February 16th
[3] Xi Jinping's plot under the mask of 'mediator' A year on from the Russian aggression against Ukraine - Vying with the Modi-led Indian government Jair Bolsonaro, the Brazilian Trump, tried to produce a 'rebellion' - 'Protesters' rushed in and occupied the site with the effective approval of security forces - Biden and Lula: on the same bed but different dreams Denounce the reactionary judicial decision that constitutionalizes the Kanazawa Mayor's prohibition of a pro-Constitutional rally! - The court swallowed the story of the city government - Fight back against the scheme to destroy antiwar, anti-constitutional revision struggles! [4] Postal workers' spring offensive [shunto] Win a big and across-the-board wage raise! Fight for a militant upsurge in the postal shunto! Don't allow the leadership of Japan Postal Group Union [JPGU] to reduce the shunto into a labour-management consultation for 'securing the sustainability of business'! I. The Japan Post management frantic to reduce the total labour costs and the JPGU leadership cooperative with the management II. Denounce the leadership for making an extremely low wage demand! (1) Abandonment of a wage demand for the union members as a whole (2) Deception in the so-called 'wage improvement' for workers of 'a general staff category' (3) Anti-working class nature of 'policy proposals' III. Denounce the distortion of the shunto and fight to win a big, across-the-board wage raise!
Rengo Ishikawa: a prefectural rally for the spring labour offensive March 3rd 'Denounce the central Rengo leadership for making an extremely low wage demand!' The JRCL leaflet encouraged workers My resolve -- renewed after having participated in the JRCL public political meeting Topics UA Zensen [federation of textile, food, commercial and general workers' unions] in the 2023 shunto The leadership requests the government and capitalists to secure funds for a 'social wage hike' TOP |
No. 2759
(March 13th 2023 Issue)
Crush Putin's war! In solidarity with Ukrainian people! - A crisis of a thermo-nuclear war impending amid the clash between the US and China with Russia - Crush Putin's war! - Promote antiwar, anti-military alliance struggles! Strengthen the struggle against the constitutional revision! [2-3]
'Crush Putin's war!' Struggles flaring up nationwide Sapporo February 26th Zengakuren Hokkaido and the Antiwar Youth Committee marched on the Russian consulate 'Let us fight in solidarity with Ukrainian people!' A Zengakuren representative called on the protesters
Nagoya February 26th Zengakuren Tokai and the Antiwar Youth Committee carried out a militant demonstration through the city centre
Osaka February 24th Students from Nara Women's University and Kobe University rose in protest
Fukuoka February 24th Militant workers and students staged a protest action
Naha February 24th 'Crush Putin's war!' Militant students from Ryukyu University and Okinawa International University called on workers, students and citizens at a mass anti-military base rally
Stop the Russian war of aggression! Peace for Ukraine! An appeal towards a global week of action for solidarity with Ukraine
[4-5] Auto workers' 2023 shunto Don't allow the union leadership's distortion of shunto [spring labour offensive] into labour-management consultation for the 'survival of the auto industry'! Let us win a big, across-the-board wage raise! - Price rises and hardships of life, intensification of labour... all imposed on workers - The leadership of the Automobile Workers' Union calls for a 'permanent development of the auto industry' in its action plan for the spring offensive - Union leaders pledge allegiance to monopoly capitalists who are frantic to make up for the delay in the development of electric vehicles - Labour aristocrats negate workers' struggle for higher wages - 'Wage increases for the sake of the development of the industry and corporations'? - Deception in advocating 'appropriate evaluation of value added' - Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! Forge auto workers' trade unions!' [5] Denounce the deceitful offers made by Toyota and Honda managements in response to unions' pay claims! Condemn the labour aristocrats for mobilizing union members to boost the competitiveness of their companies! Topics 'Strengthening of cooperation with Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation]' stipulated in the plan of action The ruling LDP headed by Kishida is openly contriving to win over Rengo Chairwoman Yoshino to its side [6] Create a militant upsurge in the 2023 shunto of Denki Rengo [Japanese Electrical Electronic & Information Union]! I. Electric industry monopoly capitalists intent on the structural reform of business activities - Thoroughgoing suppression of wage hikes - Imposing great sacrifices on workers - Labour aristocrats distorting shunto into 'labour-management consultation for a sustainable growth of companies' II. Don't allow shunto to be distorted into labour-management consultation! ---Let us realize a militant upsurge in the 2023 spring labour offensive! A. Anti-working class nature of the union leaders' demand to 'invest in people' B. Let us fight for a big, across-the-board wage raise! TOP |
No. 2758
(March 6th 2023 Issue)
'Denounce the aggression!'
- White-helmeted militants marched on the Russian Embassy in solidarity with protest actions across the world - 'Arise and fight with us, revolutionary Left!' --The chairman of Zengakuren called on people all over the world prior to the demo -- An ardent solidarity speech delivered by a comrade on behalf of the JRCL - Further the advance of the Ukraine antiwar struggle! [6] Denounce Russia's aggression against Ukraine! Angry voices of 1,000 workers, students and citizens reverberated through the downtown area
'Smash Putin's war!' JRCL vehemently called on protesters [2] Crush the Japanese government's attempt to make the whole of Southwest Islands including Okinawa a military fortress! SDF bases strengthened one after another as frontline bases against China - Building up of a missile network - Reorganization of the Ground Self-Defense Force to match US forces' concept of EABO [Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations] - Setting up of new facilities to 'increase the ability to continue war' - A scheme to use civilian airports and ports as military strongpoints Smash the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance as an offensive and defensive alliance against China! [3] Putin's speech on the '80th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad' Clinging on to the myth of the 'victorious Great Patriotic War' - Propagandizing a 'new Great Patriotic War' - Inspiring the myth of 'undefeated Russia' - The truth of 'victory in the battle against the Nazis' - Desperate attempts by the scion of Stalin Poetry My burning sentiment of solidarity with Ukrainians [4] Foil the government scheme to revise the workers' accident compensation insurance system! - A reactionary judicial decision by the Tokyo High Court - Smash the scheme devastating the lives of injured workers Topics Denounce the labour aristocrats for committing a grave betrayal! Trade unions in the big steel making corporations have abandoned the spring labour offensive 2023 under the pretext that the offensive is biennial [5] The second keynote report to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on February 5th Stop the constitutional revision! No to massive military build-up! Fight for a mass upsurge in antiwar, anti-military alliance struggles! (1) Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance as an offensive and defensive alliance against China! ----Don't allow Japan to be built into a military big power! (2) Let us fight by breaking through the oppression and distortion of struggles by the existing leaderships! (3) Let us powerfully promote the Ukraine antiwar struggle! Smash the repression by the police with hate for antiwar struggles! [6] 12 years after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster The Kishida government schemes to create a base for military technology development in the disaster-stricken area TOP |
No. 2757
(February 27th 2023 Issue)
Denounce Russia's major assaults on Ukraine! --Condemn the massacre! - The Ukrainian forces' and working people's death-defying counter-attacks - Let us create a gigantic upsurge in the Ukraine antiwar struggle! [2] Denounce North Korea's launch of ballistic missiles towards the Japan Sea! The Kim Jong-un regime is hell-bent on building up nuclear missiles - Persistent in 'boosting tactical nuclear arms production' and developing ICBMs - Threatening to launch 'pre-emptive nuclear strikes' - Fully supported by Putin-led Russia 'Stop US Marines' live firing exercise in Yausubetsu!' Workers and farmers from across Hokkaido rallied and demonstrated January 21st, Kushiro, Hokkaido JRCL made a revolutionary call to stop Japan's massive military buildup [3] The Bilateral Intelligence Analysis Cell and drone units organized, with US and Japanese forces incorporated in one The 'eye and ear' of the pre-emptive attack system against China - Designed for 24-hour reconnaissance of Chinese forces Laser beams shot by China The Xi regime intimidated the Philippine government Japan's wartime crimes unsettled The Yoon-led South Korean government is oppressing the legal action of 'drafted Korean workers' for apology and compensation [4] The first keynote report to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on February 5th For a militant upsurge in the spring labour offensive 2023 Win a big and across-the-board wage increase! No to the raising of prices by the government and monopoly capitalists! I. Smash the monopoly capitalist offensive of restraining wages! II. The government-led drastic reorganization of the industrial structure and offensives against workers for major business restructuring! III. Denounce the Rengo leadership hell-bent on oppressing fights for higher wages! IV. For struggles against the introduction of a performance-based wage system! V. Let us fight to win a big and across-the-board wage raise! [5] Topics Newspaper interviews with a Japan Business Federation representative and the Rengo chairwoman The chief culprit and a co-principal shamelessly justify the parts played by them in the wage decrease A letter from a reader I will fight on, arm in arm with comrades On reading the New Year issue of Kaihoh , I felt a resolve and courage welling up inside [6] Workers' fight in the telecommunication industry NTT capitalists intent on driving 'digital transformation' by victimizing workers - What's intended in the name of 'transformation into a new managerial style' - The background of the 'transformation' and its true aim - Never allow the NTT management to launch a major digital rationalization! TOP |
No. 2756
(February 20th 2023 Issue)
Workers’ Solidarity Meeting held Feb 5th
- The first keynote report: -----Let us fight the offensive, not allowing it to be reduced to ‘tripartite consultations between the government, labour and management’! - The second keynote report: -----Stop the constitutional revision! No to the massive military build-up! Fight for a mass upsurge in antiwar, anti-military alliance struggles! - A representative of the JRCL-RMF: -----‘Win a big, across-the-board wage raise!’ Let us raise the slogan high in fighting! - A solidarity speech from Zengakuren Chairman - Fervent resolves expressed by workers from various industries
- Brave, dauntless battles to defend Bakhmut - Crush Putin’s war finally! [2] The Kishida government hell-bent on controlling and reorganizing the Science Council No to military researches based on military-industry-university cooperation [3] ‘Prevent the Kishida-led constitutional revision and massive military expansion!’ Workers and students carried out a militant demonstration January 29th, Sapporo, Hokkaido
- ‘Crush Putin’s war!’ A fervent appeal Okinawa People’s Action February 4th, Henoko ‘Stop the new US base construction! Don’t make the Southeast Islands a military fortress!’ Militant students from Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa International Univ. strove in the van
‘No to the constitutional revision, military expansion and tax raise!’ JRCL called on workers, students and citizens at a station square
[4] Denounce the cabinet decision to prolong the period of operation of nuclear power stations and to build new nuclear reactors! Prevent the resumption of the operation of Shika nuclear plant under the pretext of ‘high energy prices’! [5] For a militant upsurge in the postal labour offensive 2023! Win a big, across-the-board wage raise! Prevent the Kishida-led military expansion and constitutional revision! No to mass tax raises! Postal Workers Committee - Win a big and across-the-board wage raise, not allowing the leadership to abandon the fight to achieve an increase in the basic wage! - Fight back against the scheme to reduce and abolish summer / winter holidays! Oppose revisions in the personnel and salary systems! - Create struggles against sackings, redeployments and intensified labour! - Prevent the Kishida-led neo-fascist government from expanding armaments and revising the Constitution! Topics The Yoshino leadership of Rengo intoxicated by Kishida’s agreement to hold a ‘tripartite consultation’ Denounce the leadership immersed in consultations with the government and monopoly capitalists! [6] France Surging struggles against the pension reform - Macron’s plan to raise the pension age - Strikes carried out by 2.8 million workers TOP |
No. 2755
(February 13th 2023 Issue)
Stop the constitutional revision and military build-up!
- Marching through the government district under the banner ‘No to the US-Japan military alliance’ - Zengakuren Chairman addressed: Break through the crisis of war amid the clash between the US and China with Russia! - Let us fight for a mass upsurge in the struggle against the constitutional revision and the antiwar, anti-military alliance struggle! [2] Okinawa People’s Rally January 28th, Naha ‘We prevent the new US base construction in Henoko!’ Militant students strove under the banner ‘No to the US-Japan military alliance’, together with workers
PFAS [per- and polyfluorinated substances] Denounce the US forces for discharging cancer-causing substances from Yokota Air Base! - Mass effluence was also revealed at US Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, Okinawa, in 2020 [3] Prevent the restart of suspended nuclear power stations! No to the construction of new reactors! The Kishida government hell-bent on achieving energy security for building Japan into a military big power - A drastic change in nuclear power policies - In cooperation with 'like minded states' - The government is taking the lead in restarting suspended nuclear facilities and constructing new reactors [4] Stop the Kishida government’s scheme to extend the period of operation of nuclear reactors! - The jurisdiction over the ‘forty-year rule’ is to be transferred from the- Nuclear Regulation Authority to the Ministry of Economy and Industry - Highly risky operation of ageing reactors The Japanese military took part in multinational exercises in the Philippines No to the buildup of quasi war readiness against China! - Participated in landing exercises to prepare for a ‘Taiwan emergency’ - Joint exercises also conducted to vie with China’s submarine manoeuvres - An attempt to build a multilayered encircling net against China [5] Topics A cry for ‘reconsideration’ of the advisory council-based procedure for determining minimum wages: Keidanren’s 2020 labour management report The monopoly bourgeoisies frantic to suppress the hike of minimum wages Truck drivers compelled to engage in harsh, late-night and long hours working [6] Denounce the bombing of Palestine by the Netanyahu government! A crisis of the outbreak of a fifth Middle East War impending JR Tokai pushes ahead with the construction of the maglev Shinkansen Construction workers driven to hazardous jobs (Part 2) - ‘Remuneration’ for perilous jobs - Extremely difficult excavation of inclined shafts - JR Tokai and construction monopolies making a sacrifice of workers
No. 2754
(February 6th 2023 Issue)
Condemn Putin's missile attacks! - Putin desperately attempting to ‘take control of Donbas’ -- Ukrainian forces and working people boldly counterattacking - Stir up the flames of the Ukraine antiwar struggle! ![]() - A ‘drastic change in Japan’s security policy’ declared - Advance the struggles by denouncing the JCP leadership’s abandonment of opposition to the US-Japan military alliance! (pic) ‘Stop the construction of a pre-emptive attack system!’ Zengakuren advancing on the Diet Building, Tokyo, January 28th [2] ![]() Zengakuren Okinawa demonstrated in the high street of Naha, January 21st (pic) ‘Stop the revision of the Constitution! Stop the expansion of armaments!’ ‘Smash Putin’s war!’ ![]() (pic) Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int’l Univ. students made a protest at the US Consulate General in Urasoe, Okinawa, January 13th ![]() Workers, students and citizens rallied in Sapporo, January 23rd (pic) ‘No to the US-Japan military alliance!’ Hokkaido Univ. students strived in the forefront of the rally [3] Kishida plans to set up an NSS [National Security Secretariat]-led budget allotment system to increase defence spending JR Tokai pushes ahead with the construction of the maglev Shinkansen Construction workers driven to hazardous jobs (Part 1) - Dangerous construction of ‘mountain tunnels’ forcibly pushed forward - Rockfalls, landslides, tunnel collapses… : fatal accidents occurring in succession [4] The Tokyo Olympics Bribery Case Collusive ties between the late Abe-led LDP and a megaagency Dentsu [5] Postal workers’ struggle Collection and delivery workers are impelled to do sales work to ‘expand’ the share of parcel delivery service Denounce the JP Union leadership for assisting the management! Topics Downgrading coronavirus classification from Class 2 to Class 5 The Kishida government’s ‘measures’ for Covid-19 is bound to spread infection and cause healthcare collapse [6] The US Cislunar Science and Technology Strategy Competition between the US and China for the space between the earth and the moon The Yoon-led South Korean government frantic to increase arms exports TOP |
No. 2753
(January 30th 2023 Issue)
Come together for the - None of sackings, forcible transfer to other companies, redeployment or reassignments! - Win a big and across-the-board wage raise! - Smash the gigantic scale of military buildup! Fight against the revision of the Constitution! [2] The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant Oppose the discharge of radioactively contaminated water in the ocean! The US-Japan joint exercise Keen Sword 23 US and Japanese rulers hell-bent on making preparations for war against China US-Japan integrated forces' grand manoeuvre on the supposition of a 'Taiwan emergency' [3] Oppose the US-Japan summit! Nationwide protests Jan. 13th
Okinawa 'Don't make our Southeast Islands a military fortress!' Okinawa People's Action at Henoko Jan. 7th
[4] Denounce the cabinet decision to approve the 'three security documents'! Prevent the Kishida government from building Japan into a military great power! - Plans for the US and Japan to jointly launch a war against China as the 'main enemy' - Construction of a system of preemptive strikes on 'enemy bases' - A scheme to build up today's version of a general mobilization system - A government-led drastic expansion of arms production and exports A New Year Interview with the Chairman and the Chief Secretary of Zengakuren 'Let us fight for a militant upsurge in anti-constitutional revision and antiwar, anti-military alliance struggles and in the Ukraine antiwar struggle!' [5] Teachers suffering from overtime work for 123 hours a month Half of them given no recess Break the imposition of intensified labour and long working hours! Overcome the JTU leadership who depends on the education ministry for 'work reforms'! Let us create a fight back! Topics Don't allow the Kishida government and monopoly capitalists to increase job categories covered by the 'discretionary work system' with no restriction on working hours! [6] The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant The bankruptcy of the government and Tepco's plan of 'decommissioning reactors in forty years' 1. A switchover to a 'strategy for long-term storage' of radioactive fuel debris 2. A crisis in the 'crisis management' of the decommissioning process 3. By covering up the 'tragedy in Fukushima', the government is pushing ahead with nuclear power generation TOP |
No. 2752
(January 23rd 2023 Issue)
Stop the constitutional revision and a major military build-up!
I. The imminent danger of thermonuclear war: the world situation at present A. Over Taiwan, rivalries are intensifying between the US-Japan and China B. Putin has been driven into a corner by the united, all-out counteroffensive of Ukrainian forces and working class people C. An ‘age of armament race’ has started in an unprecedented scale II. The Kishida government desperate to build Japan into a ‘state ready to launch a war’ III. The existing opposition movement deepening its degeneration and Zengakuren fighting to overcome it IV. Win a great upsurge of the revolutionary antiwar struggle! A. Denounce the Shii leadership of the JCP for abandoning ‘opposition to the US-Japan military alliance’ B. Advance struggles against the constitutional revision and a major military build-up and promote the Ukraine antiwar struggle! - Create gigantic waves of anti-constitutional revision struggles and antiwar, anti-military alliance struggles! - Crush Putin’s war! [5] Denounce the Xi Jinping leadership for plunging the toiling masses into Covid-19 hell - Desperate to conceal the explosive spread of infections - People’s revolts against the authoritarian lockdowns - Denounce the Xi leadership for imposing sacrifices on toiling people! ‘Denounce the Xi regime for repressing people!’ Militant workers and students protesting against Chinese Consulates
Stop the building of gigantic hangers for large-sized US military planes at Kadena base! - Kadena is being built up as a front base in the military system for attacking China [6] British workers’ strikes: fights back against the Sunak government imposing poverty - Sunak is sacrificing the toiling masses in the name of ‘financial reconstruction’ - Railway, postal and nursing workers have launched national strikes in demanding wage raise ‘Stop the construction of a high-level radioactive waste disposal site!’ 300 workers, farmers and students rallied and marched through the town Nov. 23rd, Horonobe, Hokkaido - ‘Let us oppose the Kishida government decision to extend the operating period of nuclear plants, ---resume their suspended operations and build new nuclear facilities!’
[8] Stop the Cabinet decision to approve the three security documents! Nationwide protests
‘No to the new US base construction! Don’t make Okinawa a military fortress!’ Protesters rallied on the Henoko beach Dec. 14th
[7] New Year's resolutions (Part 3) The Chugoku Regional Committee The Metal Industrial Workers Committee The Masscommunication Workers Committee The District General Workers Committee TOP |